Occupational diseases of drivers. Automobile diseases - professional diseases of drivers

knowledge about what occupational diseases Drivers make money on the road, which will not encourage either loved ones or the drivers themselves. But is it worth burying your head in the sand or should you have a clear understanding of prevention in order to promote relatively normal functioning your body, which does not get sick...


A constant sitting position does not allow blood to fully pass through the pelvic organs; stagnation forms in them, which leads to inflammation prostate gland;


Having earned this diagnosis, it is difficult to sit still. The first manifestations are heaviness and discomfort during bowel movements, tingling of the rectum. Some may consider this a trifle, a short-term ailment, but the disease does not stop there. When defecating, blood appears, the patient cannot sit for a long time, coughing and sneezing cause terrible pain in the rectum. Extreme manifestations of the disease are prolapse of hemorrhoids;


It is provoked by stooping and incorrect position driving. Reason dystrophic process is poor blood circulation. The most severe consequence will be the formation of malignant growths on the spine, which clamp nerve roots spinal cord. From this, the symptoms can be very different, for example, pain in the heart, in the stomach, a lump in the throat, heaviness in the esophagus or unpleasant tingling in the area of ​​​​appendicitis;

Cordially -vascular diseases

It's obvious that sedentary image The driver's life is promoted by poor circulation not only in the pelvic organs, but throughout the body. In addition, professional drivers often experience stress, which, combined with low physical activity, provokes heart attacks and strokes. The fact is that the elasticity of blood vessels and the heart muscle is low during physical inactivity. Poor elasticity provokes stagnation of blood in the vessels, especially in the veins of the legs, which is fraught with varicose veins.

Low blood circulation in the brain leads to insufficient oxygen supply to tissues, which manifests itself in lethargy and decreased attention. Can the driver allow this to happen? Think about it because of your lethargic state there will be an accident!


Do professional drivers know that sitting increases scrotal temperature by up to 36.6 degrees?

For a person this is normal temperature, for sperm maturation – abnormal. Additionally, heated driver seats and tight underwear increase the chance of low sperm viability;

Gastrointestinal disorders

Rare and unhealthy snacks at gas stations in the form of hamburgers, soda or sweet tea are a direct path to the development of gastritis and heartburn.

This list is enough to think about quality and timely prevention. Outpatient and inpatient treatment is not permissible for people on the road, because they have responsibilities, deadlines and a completely inflexible schedule.


Prevention is daily activities aimed at preventing the occurrence of occupational diseases of drivers. You can’t eat right today, move a lot tomorrow, or listen to classical music for peace of mind the day after tomorrow. You need to create a regime that describes physical exercise and food. This approach will ensure the preservation of health in difficult road conditions.

The right set of foods to eat on a long journey

Morning hours

Every morning begins with gymnastics. You need to stretch and prepare your body for long road, uncomfortable sitting position. It is important that gymnastics has simple strength exercises, which strengthen the muscle corset, which is very important in the prevention of osteochondrosis. In addition, good muscle tone maintains vascular elasticity and smooth blood circulation.

Gymnastics should begin with head tilts and end with circular movements of the feet. The emphasis is on bending and turning the body, squats, push-ups, which perfectly strengthen the back and abs. The exercises should end with stretching in the form of a maximum forward bend.

Extremely important for drivers full breakfast, since it’s not always possible to have a snack on the road. Your morning meal should contain 30% of calories from daily consumption. Moreover, they eat breakfast with those dishes that provide long-term satiety and do not bring discomfort in the form of bloating and increased gas formation. Fatty foods takes away energy, so it is immediately excluded. The best option will eat a plate of low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of dry Siberian fiber and dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes), a portion of oatmeal or buckwheat porridge with boiled chicken breast.

Snack and workout

After breakfast and exercise, you can drive for about four hours and stop for a second snack. Apples, bran and tea are a great solution. Getting some exercise is just as important as eating.

The inability to leave the cabin does not mean that you cannot do sedentary gymnastics.

Warming up will be a great help in traffic jams, helping to relax the body and provide emotional relief.

To disperse stagnant blood:
  • Place your hands on your shoulders and make circular movements back and forth.
  • Tilt the head to the sides, forward and backward.
  • The bent arms are lowered to the waist, the shoulders are lowered and pulled down with a sharp movement. Do up to eight repetitions.
To relieve nervous tension:
  • Place your hands behind your head and pull it back. As you inhale, bend your back forward, while exhaling, straighten your back and smoothly lower your head to your chest.
  • The following exercise allows you to switch your attention. Hands are placed palms up on the steering wheel. Thumb the left hand touches all the other fingers in turn, starting with the index. The right hand does the same thing only with the little finger.
To work the neck and shoulders:
  • The head is tilted to the chest and turns are made to each shoulder.
  • Standard tilts and turns of the head.
For eyes:
  • First they look at the fingertips of an outstretched hand for 5-6 seconds, then into the distance. Repeat up to eight times.
  • Blink quickly for 30 seconds after resting for 10 seconds. Repeat three times.
  • Close your eyes tightly for 5-10 seconds, then open them wide. Repeat up to ten times.
  • Eye movement in a circle and diagonally.
For legs:
  • IN sitting position it is very important to prevent stagnation venous blood, so you need to start warming up your legs from your feet, making circular movements, then pull your foot towards you and straighten it, and at the end simply lift your feet on your toes. It is necessary to do exercises with a large number repetitions up to 50 times each.
  • To unload the back, bend and turn as large an amplitude as the car cabin allows.
  • Gymnastics behind the wheel will not waste more than half an hour of your time.


This main reception food for professional driver, which accounts for 50% of calories from daily ration. It is preferable to eat meat, steamed omelettes with herbs. Avoid fatty pies, cakes or excessive amounts of sweets.


In the evening, it is better to plan your meals two hours before bedtime. The basic diet should consist of fermented milk products such as yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese. In summer, when the weather is hot, it is better not to eat too much for dinner, as digestion of food becomes more difficult.

Before going to bed, massage your lower back and neck with simple rubbing and stroking movements, which will become the best prevention osteochondrosis.

People have suffered from diseases at all times. These diseases are so common that almost every person suffers from them at some time. Even in such a prosperous country as Sweden, illness accounts for 10 - 15% of cases of disability. Out of 1000 patients who first consult a doctor in connection with the disease, 400 are sent to the hospital, 30 of them remain there for examination and treatment, and 5 are operated on.

Familiarization with the state of affairs shows that such diseases are approximately evenly distributed in all age groups, and the increase in their number due to the aging of the body is very insignificant. In other words, illness is almost as common in the young as in the elderly. Men suffer from them almost twice as often as women. This can be explained by anatomical and physiological characteristics and the fact that many men are engaged in heavy physical labor.

There are other diseases spinal column: , discosis, , , , , lumboischialgia, etc. The onset of the disease is acute or gradual, from minor pain to a severe condition due to unbearable pain. Course - with frequent or rare exacerbations, without periods of improvement, with a gradual or rapid increase in the severity of the disease. The nature of the disease depends on the degree, nature, and level of damage to the intervertebral discs.

At x-ray examination: changes in the shape of bodies, changes in the height of intervertebral discs, the presence of bone growths on the vertebrae - “claws”, “spikes”. This was the reason for the widespread opinion of osteochondrosis as a “deposition of salts in.”

Due to the change metabolic processes vascular, muscular, motor and other disorders occur.

Long-term driving not only causes neck and back pain, but can cause chronic diseases. Experts from the British Royal Automobile Society (RAC) have found that many drivers constantly sit in incorrect posture, which leads to overstrain of the back muscles. The most dangerous “banana pose” is when the driver sits leaning towards the steering wheel and straightening his legs towards the pedals.

This creates maximum pressure on, which intensifies due to shaking while driving. The risk of serious injury during accidents also increases. Doctors recommend using hard seats that are well adjusted to the driver's figure. You should not move too far from the pedals. It is important to correctly adjust the position of the headrest.

It's better to use seats upholstered in fabric rather than leather or vinyl. RAC Foundation director Edmund King said illnesses were widespread among taxi drivers, door-to-door salesmen and others who spent a lot of time behind the wheel, which was largely due to the fact that drivers did not pay enough attention to their prevention.

According to the rules - Russian bath after exercises, and not by itself, but with mandatory cooling of the body before entering the steam room and mandatory immersion (with the head) after leaving the steam room. There are also many myths regarding cold baths, one of which is that it supposedly arises from cold water prostatitis. But prostatitis is by no means hypothermia of the prostate gland, but congestion in the muscles of the perineum, which (prostatitis) is also an “occupational” disease of truck drivers. To prevent prostatitis and its prevention, I would recommend deep squats before or immediately after a long ride, while keeping your arms extended upward in front. To achieve desired effect For one exercise you need to squat at least 100 times.

Stand up after squatting, again exhaling "XXAA". Squats improve venous drainage blood from lower limbs and thereby maintain normal blood circulation in the muscles of the perineum, which is the main prevention of prostatitis. In conclusion, I would like to recommend that truck drivers regularly go to the gym to maintain good muscle tone, which is necessary to prevent diseases that occur during long periods of immobile postures. The group of these diseases includes headaches, increased fatigue, irritability, illness large joints, hypertension, hemorrhoids and a number of others. Remember: diseases musculoskeletal system body, or rather, musculoskeletal system, are treated only with exercises. But the right movement heals, the wrong one cripples.

The movement itself, such as playing football, volleyball, tennis, is not a prevention of the diseases we are considering. Correct movement, or exercise, is not entertainment, but a necessary routine, just like maintenance for a car. We have to do it - that’s all! Preferably regularly. And through “I can’t” and “I don’t want.” My average patient is lazy, cowardly and weak. This is the crux of the whole problem. I wish you not to make yourself sick!
When preparing the material, material from the magazine "Avtotrak" was used

Spinal diseases have always bothered people. And now there is hardly a person who has never experienced back pain in his life. 10-15% of cases of disability occur due to diseases of the spine. For every thousand initial visits to a doctor due to spinal disease, there are four hundred cases of hospitalization, of which 30 cases require further examination and treatment, and five require surgery.

Medical statistics confirm that people of any age are almost equally susceptible to diseases of this kind, and the increase in their number due to the aging of the body is insignificant. But there are differences by gender: men are twice as likely to be affected by these diseases than women. Firstly, for reasons determined by anatomy and physiology. Secondly, because men are more likely to do physically demanding work.

The concept of “osteochondrosis” today is defined as degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, primarily intervertebral discs - with a decrease in their height, deformation and dissection. This inevitably affects the functioning of other body systems. But the spine suffers the most. Osteochondrosis is not the only disease of the spinal column. Radiculitis, sciatica, spondyloarthrosis, discosis, lumbago, lumboischialgia, herniated disc, etc. are also common.

Spinal diseases begin with acute attack or gradually, may be accompanied mild pain or severe condition. Exacerbations can also occur with different frequencies, but inevitably with increasing severity of the disease. The nature of the disease depends on the extent and how affected intervertebral discs.

On an X-ray examination, osteochondrosis reveals itself by the presence of changes in the shape of the vertebral bodies, the height of the vertebral discs, the presence of “claws” and “spikes” - i.e. bone growths on the vertebrae. Actually, this is where the widespread opinion of osteochondrosis as “salt deposition” originates.

Disruption of metabolic processes in the spine leads to muscular, vascular, motor and other disorders.

Osteochondrosis “at the wheel”

The consequences of prolonged driving can be not only painful sensations in the back and neck, but also chronic diseases of the spine. According to the results of a study conducted by the RAC - the British Royal Automobile Society - it became known that most drivers sit in the wrong position for a long time, the result is overstrain of the back muscles. The “banana pose” has a particularly negative impact on health - when the driver has straightened legs extended towards the pedals, and the body is tilted towards the steering wheel.

The pressure on the intervertebral discs is maximum, and shaking during driving increases it even more. The likelihood of serious injury during accidents also increases. According to doctors, it is better to use hard seats in trucks that are well adjusted to the driver’s figure. As for the material used to make the seat upholstery, it is better if it is fabric rather than leather or vinyl. The driver should not move too far away from the pedals. And the headrest should be carefully adjusted.

Freight transport drivers who spend long periods of time behind the wheel do not pay due attention to the prevention of spinal diseases, and this is due to main reason problems.

Meanwhile, osteochondrosis can be classified as an occupational disease of drivers. And choice plays a huge role in maintaining driver health. truck- taking into account not only its driving performance, but also the ergonomics of the cabin.

Driver's seat

Adjustable lumbar support is desirable, and should be installed as low as possible; changing the height and inclination is also relevant. The backrest should also be adjustable, supporting the spine in a physiological position, taking into account its bends.

The seat must be equipped with a headrest, which will protect cervical regions spine during jerks or sudden braking of the truck.

Installation of seats in the Transport Center

How to sit correctly

The body position should be straight, the back of the seat acts as a support for the spine. Then the pressure on intervertebral discs will be uniform. If the design of the chair does not provide for this, get yourself a small flat pillow that you will place under your lower back. Make it a rule to stop every 2-3 hours and get out of the cab - move a little, inspect the car. There are several exercises you can do in the parking lot.

A few words about special orthopedic pillows for the back: such a pillow reduces the adverse effects of vibration on the spine, which is forced to maintain a fixed posture for a long time. The right comfort pillow conforms to the shape of your lower back, providing good support for your spine. It helps preserve correct posture, reducing pressure on lumbar region spine and prevents diseases caused by a “sedentary” position.

What exercises to do

  • During a stop along the way, you should get out of the car, grab a support with your hands, which will be some strong part of the body, and perform the “jackknife” exercise - try to stretch the spine, straightening your legs and arms and bending your torso as much as possible to lower your pelvis as close to the ground as possible. Accompany the exercise with a long exhalation “HAA”.
  • Having straightened up, perform the following exercise: place your feet wider than your shoulders, and, turning your torso towards either leg (so that the front leg is pointing toe forward and the back leg is perpendicular to the front), try to slowly bend forward. Then the legs should be changed. The hands slide along the leg and touch the ground near the front leg. The exercise is performed while exhaling. The front leg does not bend. There may be pain in the lower back and along the back of the leg, but this is normal. This will not cause deterioration if you do the exercise correctly and slowly. The exercise is decompression.

The preventive value of such exercises is great. They prevent the appearance acute pain in the back, and if they already exist, they help get rid of them. There is a pattern: the more neglected the back, the more more pain. But this is only at first.

The ability to go through pain, overcome it helps a person and get rid of serious illnesses, and strengthen the spirit and body, and save yourself from the need to swallow painkillers in the future.

It is important to understand that back pain may return after long trips, but that is why you should not forget to do preventive exercises, which help reduce the severity and duration of pain.

  • If on the eve of a long trip the driver can devote some time to exercising on the horizontal bar, it would be great. It is best to lift your legs - straight or bent at the knees - until your toes touch the bar. Raising the legs must be done while exhaling; the first few movements may be accompanied by pain, sometimes severe - you need to be prepared for this.
  • To relieve pain good remedy may be a visit to the bathhouse or sauna.
  • To get the desired effect, you need to visit the bathhouse after doing the exercises. Before visiting the steam room, the body must be cooled, and afterward, also plunge into the head. There is a prejudice that taking cold baths is fraught with prostatitis. However, the fault here is not of hypothermia, but of the same motionless sitting, due to which congestion in the muscles of the perineum.
  • To prevent this occupational disease, before a long trip you should do deep squats with your arms extended up and forward. The desired effect is achieved by performing at least one hundred squats at a time. The exercise should also be performed after the trip.
  • You need to get up after squats while exhaling: “HAA.” The scheme of action of the exercise is as follows: venous outflow of blood occurs from the lower extremities, normal blood circulation is maintained in the muscles of the perineum.
  • It is advisable for a truck driver to become a regular visitor gym: good muscle tone is an indispensable condition for resisting diseases caused by prolonged stay in immobile positions. And this is not only osteochondrosis, but also increased fatigue, irritability, headaches, hypertension, hemorrhoids, joint diseases. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system can only be counteracted by exercise. But - exclusively correct exercises.
  • Just motor activity(playing volleyball or football, for example) will not be a prevention of the above diseases. Exercises aimed at prevention are not entertainment. They are necessary. Doing them is just as important as it is to technically prepare your truck for a long journey. Not doing this is dangerous. The same goes for your body.

Health and happy journey!
Your Transport Center

Each profession is complex in its own way and has a certain impact on people’s bodies. Working as a driver is no exception, and professional drivers With experience, a detailed examination often reveals a whole bunch of diseases. They are mainly provoked by a constant sitting position and minimal mobility during working hours. Let's look at occupational diseases of drivers, what leads to them and how to prevent their development?

How to prevent digestive disorders in drivers

Doctors know a variety of occupational diseases of drivers, but it all usually starts with violations gastrointestinal tract. The first problem is the growth of fat deposits on the abdomen, chest and thighs. Many truck drivers, forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle, have extra pounds due to the fact that the food consumed is not digested properly, turning into fat. The reason is simple: the driver, due to minimal mobility and lack of physical activity consumes almost no energy.

Prevention occupational diseases- the task is not easy, but in this case everything is quite doable. The driver only needs to give up fast food, sweet soda, all kinds of snacks and other useless food. At unbalanced diet it will be impossible to fix anything. The diet should consist mainly of foods with low content fast carbohydrates and fats, that is, the menu should preferably be composed of:

  • low-fat meat;
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • fish;
  • vegetables and fruits.

It is recommended to prepare food yourself and take it on the road in containers, or buy diet food in snack bars. During breaks between flights, it is recommended to go to the gym, go jogging, and do cardio.

In addition to obesity due to insufficient physical activity Another disorder associated with intestinal motility may also develop. Food consumed on the go is not fully absorbed, remaining in the body longer than necessary. This leads to accumulation toxic substances, disruption of enzyme production and irritation of mucous membranes. All this leads to intestinal inflammation, gastritis, ulcers and even the appearance of low-quality polyps. To avoid all this, drivers need to eat not on the go, but in a cafe at a table, and after eating it is worth taking a 10-15 minute walk - this is good for digestion. Often drivers develop and diabetes mellitus due to poor nutrition.

Why do drivers have problems with blood circulation?

Cardiovascular diseases are also quite common. Even medical statistics confirm that men who are forced to sit behind the wheel often and for long periods of time are more at risk of developing hypertension and sometimes even heart attacks. U this phenomenon there is an elementary explanation. High emotional load, which arises due to the fact that the driver is forced to constantly monitor the road, does not allow him to relax.

Adds fuel to the fire and minimal activity with a weak metabolism, causing muscle atrophy, including the heart. In a sitting position, the cardiovascular system simply does not have to function fully, so its condition is gradually depressed.

Prostatitis in drivers

A driver who is constantly in a car seat may experience problems with the reproductive system. The main reason is the lack of loads. For men 20-50 years old frequent illness is prostatitis, and many patients of urologists are drivers. The first symptoms of the disease appear general weakness and rapid fatigue. The earlier treatment is started, the lower the likelihood serious complications in the form of infertility and impotence.

Prostatitis develops due to blood stagnation in the pelvic area, which is aggravated by constant shaking and physical stress when driving over uneven surfaces. Heated seats also have an extremely negative effect, because overheating the groin area is dangerous for the male genital organs.

A professional driver who spends a lot of time behind the wheel periodically gets out of the car. When this happens during the cold season, the body experiences sudden temperature changes, which also negatively affect prostate gland and provoke inflammation.

Infertility - even more dangerous disease professional driver, which can result from untreated prostatitis. The risk is especially high if the driver constantly drives with the seat heating on. Frequent auto-illnesses among taxi drivers and truck drivers are also associated with other sexual disorders, including:

If treatment of the pelvic organs is not started in a timely manner, the disorder will progress and lead to serious deviations.

Muscular and skeletal systems

People who constantly drive cars have probably noticed how discomfort occurs in the spine after long trips. Pinched muscles are one of the most common problems professional drivers, and many ignore the discomfort that arises.

Gradually, pain, burning sensation and numbness arise in the pinched area. If nothing is done, musculoskeletal system may become deformed. In advanced cases it appears internal bleeding, refuse digestive organs and material metabolism is disrupted. In general, the health consequences are the most unpleasant.

If you don’t get up every two or three hours and do some warm-up and simple exercises, a professional driver will definitely get overwhelmed.

Other health problems

Exhaust fumes cause many health problems. Men who work as taxi drivers or truck drivers have to constantly be in an atmosphere with exhaust fumes. Over time, this becomes a problem leading to health problems. Respiratory system is affected as toxins penetrate the bronchi and lungs. Smoking aggravates the situation, and common auto-diseases include mucosal dystrophy, emphysema and even oncology.

We have already found out above that blood stagnation in the pelvic area in drivers is the cause of many health problems. Without proper prevention the driver is unlikely to be able to avoid such chronic illness like hemorrhoids. The risk of its development is especially high if in a car uncomfortable seat, but this is not the main reason. Incorrect operation intestines due to an unhealthy diet often leads to constipation, which contributes to the appearance of hemorrhoids.

So we figured out what diseases drivers most often suffer from. Only prevention of the listed chronic diseases and timely consultation with a doctor when the first symptoms of any disorder are detected will help you maintain your health.



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