Traveling with a service dog on public transport. Basic rules for transporting dogs in the subway and bus

From time to time, dog owners are faced with the fact that they and their pets are not allowed on ground transport. In this article we will look at all the rights and responsibilities of passengers with animals.

Is a dog allowed on the bus?

By law, you can board a bus with a dog if you are traveling around the city or traveling within the country. However, you won’t be able to ride on international flights - since 2014, it has been prohibited to take any animals outside of Russia. Also, by law, animals and birds that can cause harm to health are not allowed on public transport.

What the law says

There is no separate document dedicated to the transportation of animals in Russia. The conditions for transporting dogs on the bus are part of the law “On the Transportation of Passengers and Baggage”. It establishes the same rules for all types of ground transport. The document came into force in 2009. You can get acquainted with it at the stands of the main and suburban bus stations, as well as on their official websites.

The main provisions of the law boil down to the fact that the owner must ensure peace for other passengers.

To do this, animals of medium and large breeds are muzzled and kept on a short leash. Decorative pets are transported in a container. A pet of any size should not be able to move around the cabin independently.

To safely ride the bus with your dog and protect yourself from people demanding to let you off, print out the rules and take them with you. Even private carriers are required to follow this law, as they are prohibited from dictating their terms.

Moving rules

For city buses, the same rules apply as for intercity buses. Tourist flights are also subject to the law “On the Transportation of Passengers and Baggage.” Also in Russia there is no separate document regulating the carriage of dogs in a minibus. This type of transport refers to low-capacity buses, which means the same rules apply to it.

For small breeds

To transport a decorative dog, take a cage or carrier with a solid bottom. The container with the animal is held on the lap. On an intercity flight, you can place the carrier in the carry-on baggage area. In this case, you do not need to pay for the dog on the bus. The rule applies to animals whose weight does not exceed 10 kg and height – 45 cm. The owner’s responsibilities include ensuring sanitary and hygienic standards in the cabin.

The pet carrier must not be left in the aisle or placed on the next seat. If you don't want to hold the crate, you will have to pay for an additional dog ticket.

For medium and large

Hunting, service and other large dogs must be accompanied by their owner in the rear deck of the bus. They put a muzzle, collar, and leash on the pet and buy a baggage ticket.

There is no need to pay for the travel of a guide dog, regardless of its size. But, as for the muzzle and collar, the requirements are the same as for other large pets. The guide dog is always at the feet of the accompanying person.

For medium-sized animals, the owner is required to buy a child's ticket for the next seat. The dog must be restrained or restrained to prevent him from leaving his seat.


Since 2017, it has been allowed to transport a dog on a bus in Russia for personal purposes without paperwork. If your pet goes to an exhibition or changes owners, then take with you a veterinary passport, which will contain correctly filled out information about all vaccinations given. In addition, a health certificate is issued at the municipal veterinary clinic. It should also contain information about vaccinations, primarily against rabies. It is important that no more than a year and less than two months have passed since the vaccination.

Reasons for refusing to travel

If you have taken care of the necessary accessories for traveling with your pet and even bought a ticket for it, then in a certain situation you may still be asked to leave. The fact is that you cannot transport a dog on a bus that gets dirty on passengers or the interior.

If the weather is bad outside and your pet is wet and dirty, the carrier has the right to refuse to transport you.

For traveling in slush, purchase waterproof overalls. It will help your pet stay clean before boarding the bus. To prevent your dog from getting the seat dirty with dirty paws, take a waterproof bedding with you.

Getting used to motor transport

They begin to accustom the dog to the noise of vehicles at four months. To do this, periodically walk your puppy along busy roads. When the baby stops being shy from the noise of the highway, you can go on your first trip. Don't forget a muzzle, leash and collar - the rules apply to puppies too.

Keep the test drive short. One or two stops are enough. Keep your dog on a short leash slightly behind you - this will protect him from being hit during sudden braking.

Make sure that the dog does not disturb the peace of passengers. A frightened animal may begin to bark or howl. Your task is to calm the poor fellow with a kind word and a treat. For impressionable pets, it is recommended to purchase diapers before the first trip.

Every two to three days, take your dog on small trips, gradually increasing their distance. Don’t forget to treat your pet with a treat after every successful trip. Let this become your good tradition, but only in those cases when the dog behaved well on the bus.

Packing for the trip

Before traveling by bus, visit your veterinarian with your dog. The stress of long-term travel can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases. The doctor will conduct an examination, assess the animal’s health and give recommendations. Two to three days before your trip, give your dog a deworming preventative and wash him with flea shampoo.


The first thing you should pack for your dog on a long journey is a veterinary kit. Hemostatic and antiseptic agents are placed in it. Sedatives and painkillers are a must. Also, you should not travel without anti-shock medications and dressings.

It is important to provide your pet with a supply of dry food and water. For comfort, take a bottle with a dispenser.

Wet and dry wipes will come in handy along the way. The dog will be grateful if you don't forget about its favorite toy. As an alternative, you can download an application to your tablet, with which the dog will monitor the virtual prey.

Veterinary diapers will help solve the problem with the toilet on the road. If you purchased a ticket for your dog to sit next to you, place a homemade bedding on it. This way your pet will be calmer on the road.

We will not analyze the reasons why people take their four-legged pets on a trip. Let’s just say that there are enough of them for the rules for transporting animals in transport, including on a bus, to be approved at the state level.

But if everything is more or less clear with city and suburban routes, then with intercity routes there are more questions than answers. As life shows, a passenger with an animal may not be allowed on a long-distance bus (LDB). Is the carrier right? Not always. And in order to prove this to him, we suggest not to press for pity, but to operate with legal norms.

Is it possible to transport animals in principle?

If we are talking about traveling around the country - yes.

The carriage of any pets on international bus routes has been prohibited since 2014. Therefore, if friends say that they smuggled it, ask how long ago it was.

Now for the animals. Birds, hamsters, cats, and small dogs will not create problems if they are transported in cages, carriers, or any other containers with a hard bottom (clause 2.2 of the Rules for the use of intercity buses).

Large dogs (clause 2.3 of the Rules qualifies them as service or hunting dogs) can also be transported, but subject to a number of conditions. The animal must be:

  • muzzled;
  • on a short leash;
  • clean;
  • vaccinated against rabies (certificate available).

In addition, dogs can only be transported in the back area, next to the owner, so the owner must have a ticket for the appropriate seat.

The human factor cannot be ruled out. Private carriers may try to dictate their own rules, but the law is the same for everyone. In this case, the outcome of the dispute will depend on how legally savvy you are and how ready you are to defend the rights of your four-legged friend.

There will be no problems during boarding if, when purchasing, you warn the carrier about transporting the animal, find out all the nuances of how to do it correctly. If denied, you will have time to appeal the decision or choose another method of travel.

To pay or not to pay?

Now let’s figure out in what cases and how much to pay for transporting an animal.

  • If the carrier or cage is small (120 cm in the sum of three dimensions - length, width, height), it is equal to hand luggage and you do not need to pay for it. The only caveat is that you will have to hold it on your knees.
  • A large dog that will ride in the back area will require a baggage ticket.
  • You may also be offered to buy an additional ticket for 50% of the fare. It gives the right to place a cage with an animal in a nearby place or tie a pet to it on a leash.

Whiskers, paws and tail are my documents! But seriously?

The main document authorizing the carriage of a four-legged passenger is a veterinary certificate (certificate) with information about rabies vaccination. Moreover, the vaccination should be no more than a year and no less than 30 days. The certificate itself is valid for 5 days.

We provide an approximate algorithm of actions for preparing this document.

  1. If the vaccination has not been done or has been done a long time ago, a month in advance (add a few days to be on the safe side), vaccinate the animal.
  2. Don't forget to make a note about this in your veterinary passport. If you don’t have a passport, ask the veterinary clinic doctor to issue one.
  3. 30 days after vaccination, but not earlier than 5 days before the trip, go to the state veterinary hospital for a certificate along with the animal. He will be examined, his vaccination record will be checked and the required document will be issued.

Please note that the certificate must be original, with a “wet” stamp (not a copy).

In what cases can they refuse to transport an animal?

If the ticket is purchased and the veterinary documents are in order, what could be the reason for refusing to board the bus?

  1. Your pet is dirty, wet and can stain passengers and seats. The solution is to quickly put it in order.
  2. A dog on a leash behaves aggressively, resists, and is afraid to enter the salon. Most likely, she has never traveled in public transport, and starting from a long distance right away is reckless on your part.
  3. There is no muzzle and/or leash for a large animal, a carrier for a small pet. You can't just carry it by hand.

Hooray! Let's go!

So, all the ordeals with landing are over. Can the problem of transporting animals be considered resolved? Not really. On the bus, the owner is obliged to ensure that his ward behaves decently:

  • complied with sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • did not walk around the salon;
  • did not cause disturbance by barking (meowing, crowing);
  • did not frighten passengers with inappropriate behavior.

In addition, the owner has no right to leave the animal unattended. Otherwise they can drop you off on the road.

And some advice instead of a conclusion.

If you want to prevent the trip from turning into torture for you and your pet, prepare him for the road. Do not feed for at least 6 hours before travel. In parking lots, take (take) out onto the street. Ask your veterinarian to prescribe medications for motion sickness and sedatives. Bring diapers and wet wipes.

If there is a need to transport a pet on public transport, the rules for transporting dogs indicate that animals can be transported in a special container, only on a leash and muzzle, and only on the back platform. Travel for large breed dogs is paid according to the established tariff. Rules for transporting dogs on trains and trains are carried out in accordance with all regulated rules for transporting animals. Before you plan your pet's travel on trains, planes, especially when traveling abroad, be sure to find out what documents and certificates you need to collect. Information can be obtained from a kennel club or veterinary clinic.

It is worth noting that rules for transporting dogs and other animals may vary depending on the country you plan to visit. Therefore, when booking an air ticket, be sure to find out this point so that before departure you do not have additional problems and avoid misunderstandings. Transportation conditions can be obtained from the company that handles moving documents.

The veterinary passport must contain all vaccination marks and the form “No. 1-vet.” (veterinary certificate), which must be received no earlier than three days before the trip. A stamp is placed at the airport before departure. On trains, dogs can be transported in any carriage, however, to transport large breeds, you need to buy all compartments or SVs. Dogs are transported muzzled and on a leash. Payment for travel for a dog is carried out as per one piece or per 20 kg of luggage weight. Small dogs are transported in containers, special bags or carriers for transporting animals. If you are planning a short train trip, no more than two dogs, accompanied by a passenger, are allowed in the non-working vestibule of the first car behind the locomotive. Only guide dogs have the right to free travel on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Your dog must be transported on public transport on a leash and muzzled in the back area. To transport small dogs, you need to purchase a box carrier or hold the dog in your arms during the trip. Owners of large breed dogs will be required to pay the full fare and purchase a ticket from the driver. For group trips on the bus, each dog owner is entitled to two seats. For dogs of large breeds, it is necessary to have space, and the animal must be limited in space, always under the control of an accompanying person, and be on a leash. In addition, you should not leave your pet uncontrolled at bus stops.

The conditions for transporting animals in passenger ground transport are regulated by the rules for using transport. Based on them, the passenger has the right to carry small animals and birds in a cage free of charge. A mandatory condition for large dogs is a muzzle and a leash.
When traveling on a group bus, each dog owner is entitled to two seats. For a large dog, space is necessary, but it must be limited in space (tied). It is not recommended to leave the animal unattended at stops.

Documents for transporting animals

The rules for transporting animals on a bus require:

  • Veterinary passport, which contains all information about vaccinations;
  • Certificate about the condition of the pet. It is given out at the veterinary hospital. Such a certificate must include a note stating that the animal does not have rabies. Deadlines are very important; attention is always paid to them. The last rabies vaccination should have been done no more than a year ago.

Service and hunting dogs can be transported in the rear seats of the bus. In this case, you must have a certificate from a veterinarian stating that the animal is vaccinated against rabies. This is required by the rules for transporting animals on buses. Travel for a large dog must be paid.
For transportation small animals It is best to use a special container, which, thanks to the mesh walls, provides air exchange and comfortable conditions.

Preparing for the trip

An animal must be accustomed to any type of transport gradually, from as early an age as possible. A dog should not be forced to ride on public transport. This will stress the animal.
Your dog must board the bus from the rear platform. It is better to exit through the nearest free doors.
If you are not transporting your pet in a container, place it near your feet so that your pet does not disturb other passengers. When transporting your pet in a carrier, place it on your lap.
The animal must be obedient and calm. Any situation should be under control. You should not board a transport crowded with passengers; it is better to wait for another bus. To avoid injury to the animal, it is necessary to monitor its safety during the trip.

At what age should a dog be trained to ride the bus?

A dog can be trained to travel on the bus from four months of age. This must be done patiently and gradually. At first, just go to the bus stop and walk around it. The puppy must see the transport, get used to the noise and large crowds of people. Then you can go one stop, then two. Every day increase the length of the joint trip. Accustom your pet to not very comfortable conditions. Try to develop calmness, restraint and patience in dogs.
After two weeks of such mandatory training, regularly repeating them using game elements, your pet will get used to the transport. His fear will disappear, which will help him avoid stress. Whenever possible, encourage your pet, instilling confidence in him and teaching him to perform the correct actions.
Train your animal to be slightly ahead of you when boarding a vehicle, and to be close or slightly behind when getting off. This will protect the animal from the possibility of injury.

What else is important to remember?

The owner needs to be especially careful when using electric vehicles. It is very rare, but there are still cases when electricity breaks through the door, especially in rainy weather.
When planning a move by land transport, do not feed the dog first and give it a good walk. It is not advisable to transport an animal that is not accustomed to this on a bus; it is better to leave it at home; if this is not possible, the best way out would be.
It is worth noting that buses and minibuses that follow the commercial route are one of the types of public transport. Therefore, the driver cannot refuse a passenger who complies with all the rules for transporting an animal (the presence of a muzzle, a leash and a veterinary certificate). It is illegal. However, there is a nuance - according to the existing rules for the transportation of baggage, it is not allowed to transport things that stain passengers. This prohibition can rightfully be applied to a dog if it gets dirty in the rain.

In May, citizens traditionally open the season of vacations and trips to their dachas. Muscovites often leave their apartments with their pets. How to properly transport pets on trains, trains and planes - read the material.

Transportation by train

Many people prefer to get to their dachas by commuter trains. Animals must be transported there in special bags, cages or boxes (depending on the type of pet), which are left in the carry-on luggage areas. Containers for transportation should not be more than 180 centimeters in length, height and width.

However, miniature animals can be transported on trains without boxes or muzzles; a leash and constant supervision are sufficient. Dogs of large breeds can thus only ride in the vestibule, where the owner must be with them. Only two large dogs are allowed in one carriage.

It is important to remember that it is prohibited to transport animals on the train that may threaten the life and health of passengers.

In ground transport, animals are allowed to be carried free of charge if their cage, in the sum of three dimensions, does not exceed the size of hand luggage - 120 centimeters.

Ticket for a parrot

If you are traveling out of town with a pet, you need to remember that he will also need a travel card. This does not depend on the type and size of the animal; even a parrot needs its own ticket, the price of which is equal to 25 percent of the cost of a full passenger ticket. Exceptions are made only for guide dogs. They travel for free, at the feet of their owner.

A reserved seat or a coupe?

Since 2015, pets have been allowed to be transported in second-class and seated carriages of long-distance trains within the country. Previously, only passengers in individual compartments could do this. It is prohibited to take pets into SV and luxury carriages.

It is allowed to transport dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, birds, turtles and fish in special containers. You cannot take large predators, reptiles or dangerous insects with you. Restrictions do not apply to guide dogs.

If you are traveling abroad by train, you must have your pet’s veterinary passport with vaccination stamps.

Tolls depend on the length of the route. The minimum tariff is 258.5 rubles. For transporting animals over a distance of up to 1,000 kilometers, you will have to pay 477 rubles, and up to 5,000 kilometers - 1,359.5 rubles. You can bring your pet in the compartment for free.

Yes to ferrets, no to pugs

There are more nuances when transporting animals by plane, and usually it all depends on the chosen airline. The vast majority of carriers only allow dogs, cats and birds on board. Aeroflot, however, allows you to travel with ferrets, but will not allow you to travel with a pug, Pekingese and other brachycephalic breeds of dogs (they are believed to be especially sensitive to temperature changes and stress).

You can transport pets on an airplane either in the cabin or in the luggage compartment. According to the rules, the weight of the container together with the animal should not exceed eight kilograms, while the sum of its three dimensions cannot exceed 115 centimeters (so it can be placed under the seat without any problems). The bottom of the carrier must be rigid and waterproof. Large pets usually travel in the luggage compartment.

Only guide dogs are carried free on airplanes. They always remain with the owner (provided that the animal is muzzled and tied at the passenger’s feet). Travel for other pets is paid as non-standard baggage. Specific prices depend on the route and airline policies.

To travel abroad with your pet, you need to prepare certain documents. You can find out about them at the embassy or consulate of the country you are traveling to.

By the way, since January 9, 2017, the transportation of dogs and cats across Russia by air and rail is allowed without accompanying veterinary documents. True, this only applies to traveling around the country for personal purposes. If an animal is transported due to a change of owner or for participation in an exhibition, a veterinary certificate must be issued.

Rules for transporting animals may vary from company to company. Please check directly with the carrier for current information.

Beware of ticks

There is one more detail that is worth remembering when going on vacation with your pet. In addition to the mandatory annual vaccination, you need to take care of protection against ticks. These insects are especially active from April to the end of July. Some of them are carriers of tick-borne borreliosis and piroplasmosis, which can lead to the death of the animal.

There are several ways to protect your four-legged friend from ticks. For example, give a special tablet or apply drops to the withers.



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