Rules for storing medicinal plants. Infusions, decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs, methods of preparation, ratios and shelf life in the field

Harvesting season medicinal herbs in full swing. In this article I will talk about what you can do with them: how to make herbal jam, why drink herbal milk and how to quickly and easily prepare healing herbal cream.

1. Herbal teas.
This is the easiest way to enjoy the taste and aroma of herbs. To make a delicious herbal tea, take 2 tablespoons of a mixture of dried herbs (or fresh herbs and fresh berries), place in a porcelain teapot, pour boiling water, cover with a lid and wrap with a towel so that the essential oils do not evaporate through the spout of the teapot. Let the tea brew for 20-30 minutes. Drink without diluting with water.
This method is suitable for leaves, petals and flowers. If you are preparing tea with dried berries or pieces of roots, you need to prepare it as herbal decoction.

2. Herbal decoctions.
To prepare a weak herbal decoction, take 1 tablespoon of dried herbs, berries or roots, pour 2 glasses cold water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and leave over low heat for 7-10 minutes (the water will partially evaporate). Strain the finished broth (there is no need to infuse it anymore). To prepare a stronger decoction, leave it on low heat until half the water has evaporated. Decoctions are prepared mainly for medicinal purposes. Since they are quite strong and contain large number biologically active substances, it is not recommended to drink them constantly, like tea.
There is another, easier way to prepare a herbal decoction. To do this, put the herbs in a thermos, pour boiling water over it and leave for 3-4 hours. Then strain and drink.

3. Herbal ointments and cream.
Herbs give well beneficial properties oils, so I prepare herbal ointments and creams based on butter. Herbal ointments are mainly used to care for damaged skin (for example, after sunburn) or to soften and nourish tired skin. You can also prepare ointments that have antiseptic properties. The properties of the ointment depend on what herbs you take. For example, an ointment based on dried rose and rose petals will be useful for tired, sun-dried skin. An ointment based on sage, calendula or plantain will cleanse problematic skin. An ointment with mint and propolis will nourish the skin with vitamins and fight rosacea.

Here is the simplest recipe that you can use as a base, changing the oils and adding new healthy ingredients.
You will need:
100 grams of butter
3 tablespoons dried herbs
geranium essential oil
Grind the herbs in a coffee grinder as finely as possible. Place the butter in a small saucepan and place over low heat. When it almost boils, remove from heat and let it cool completely. Then put the herbs in it, heat it again, but do not bring it to a boil. Remove from heat, strain through several layers of cheesecloth, pour into a clean jar with a lid and then add a few drops of geranium essential oil. Store the ointment in the refrigerator, remove with a glass spatula and warm in your hands before use.

4. Herbal oils.
Herbal oils are used for facial, body or scalp massage, nail care, instead of daily face cream.
There is a cold and “warm” method of preparing oils.
To prepare butter using the cold method,
take 7 tablespoons of any dried medicinal herbs (for example, chamomile, calendula, mint, clover), pour them into a glass vegetable oil food grade(unrefined sunflower oil grape seeds, almond oil, jojoba oil), stir with a wooden spoon to remove air bubbles, close tightly with a lid and place in a dark place for 40 days. Then strain the oil.
The hot method cooks the oil faster. Infuse the herbs with oil in the same way as with the cold method. Close the jars with butter with lids and place in the multicooker bowl, fill with water and set to “yogurt” mode (at low temperature, for 8-10 hours).

5. Herbal powders for cleansing the skin.
Ground herbs are the most gentle and at the same time effective way remove dead skin cells and cleanse it. I haven’t used soap or foam to cleanse my skin for a long time, but only use herbal powders. To prepare this powder, grind dried herbs in a coffee grinder. For 3-4 tablespoons of herbs, add 1 tablespoon of ground oatmeal or powdered milk. Store in a dry jar with a lid. Before use, take a little powder and dilute with water to a paste consistency. Gently rub into skin, rinse with water.

6. Herbal milk.
In Ayurveda, milk is considered useful product, if you drink it correctly. In the evening, you can prepare your own milk using herbs in order to sleep peacefully and soundly. Boil 1 tablespoon of dried mint leaves in milk, strain, add honey and drink 1 hour before bedtime. Like butter, milk and honey are “conductors” useful components herbs and help them to be absorbed in the body.

7. Herbal jams.
In general, herbal jams are prepared from a mixture of finely ground dried herbs with honey (or melted butter). But I prepare jams a little differently - I add ground dried fruits and lemon juice to them. This jam is much nicer and tastier. I take 500 grams of various dried fruits (dates, raisins, dried apricots, figs), grind them in a meat grinder, add the juice of half a lemon, 1 tablespoon of honey, 7 tablespoons of dried and chopped herbs. I store this mixture in the refrigerator. It is better to consume it before breakfast, 2-3 teaspoons.

Rules for storing herbal preparations:
1. Use all decoctions and infusions of herbs prepared in water immediately or store in the refrigerator for no more than 10 hours. Before use, do not reheat them, but dilute them with a small amount of boiling water.
2. Preparations based on butter or ghee can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator. But in the cold they harden, so before use, take the amount of ointment or cream you need with a glass spatula or a special spatula and warm it in your hands.
3. Liquid oils store in the refrigerator for herbs. If they are prepared using dried herbs, they can be stored for 3-4 months. Oils prepared with fresh herbs, store no more than 4 weeks.
4. The dishes in which you prepare the preparations must be very clean, and the jars in which you will store them must first be treated with alcohol or sterilized.

How to enhance the effect medicinal herbs, read.

The broth can act as an independent dish or serve as the basis for soup, sauce, etc. Housewives prefer to cook this semi-finished product ahead of time in order to please their household with a delicious lunch in the coming days. What if your plans for the coming day change and you want to cook something else? We invite you to find out how long the finished broth can be stored in the refrigerator without losing its taste and useful qualities Oh. And useful tips for freezing broth will save a lot of time on preparing other dishes.

What determines the shelf life of broth?

Storing broth in mandatory involves the use of a refrigerator where temperature regime 2-6 °C. Any brew at room conditions will spoil in a matter of hours. What affects the shelf life of a dish? Let's consider several factors:

  • Components of the dish. Caring housewives can use not only different types of meat, but also fish, mushrooms, and vegetables for the broth base. Each of these products has a certain shelf life, so the “base” takes over.
  • Freshness of products. We usually purchase products in a store or market, where they have been stored for some time before being sold. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the potential broth base, and buy only fresh products.
  • Compliance with cooking rules. Everyone knows that the cooking time for different types of meat differs significantly. Insufficient duration of heat treatment may cause food poisoning. Violent boiling will also not benefit the broth - it will become cloudy.
  • Cleanliness in the kitchen area. Bacteria live literally everywhere. Once in the nutrient broth, they begin to actively multiply. You should protect the brew as much as possible from the penetration of microflora - thoroughly wash your hands and food, pour boiling water over the dishes.
  • Use of salt. Housewives prefer not to salt the broth. During the cooking process, the liquid evaporates and the salt concentration increases. But it can prolong the life of the broth, since it is a preservative. We recommend salting the broth at the end of cooking.

Spices and roots do not in any way affect the safety of the finished broth; they only help to reveal and complement the taste of the dish

Tip of the day

Change the table sponge often. The porous surface traps food particles and becomes nutrient medium For active growth bacteria. During the washing process, microorganisms enter the surface of the dishes, which can affect the shelf life of the products that will be stored in them. The same rule applies to kitchen towels.

Shelf life of the main varieties of broth

How long broth can be stored in the refrigerator depends significantly on its base. Each family has its own preferences, so we will consider the features of storing the most popular components for its preparation.


Decoction based various types meat (pork, beef, lamb) turns out nutritious and rich. With the help of such a base, the taste of any soup, gravy, or sauce will be revealed to the maximum. It is better to choose pieces of meat on the bone for cooking. The liquid after cooking the meat for other dishes can also serve as a soup base.

Some people prefer a lower concentration of broth to reduce the load on digestive tract or due to diet. In this case, a second broth is prepared, i.e. after boiling the meat, after 15 minutes the liquid is drained (along with most of the extractive substances) and filled with a new portion of cold water.

Did you know that...

In the first broth, the meat will be dietary, and in the second, it will be juicy and tasty, so it can become the basis for goulash or another dish.

Regardless of the recipe, meat broths are stored for 48 hours, although some talk about the freshness of the decoction for a longer period. Optimal temperature storage is 2-6 °C.

Every 24 hours you need to remove the container from the refrigerator and check for spoilage. Is it worth mentioning the loss of beneficial qualities with each repeated boiling? It is better to try to cook it within the first 2 days after preparing it.


For cooking chicken broth, experienced housewives prefer to buy. Surprisingly, the stringy meat of the laying hen will make the broth rich, beautiful yellowish color. Necks, wings, back parts, legs are suitable for cooking - parts containing a lot of collagen. A broiler will also work, but you shouldn’t expect such a wonderful taste from it.

After finishing cooking chicken broth The chik should be moved to the refrigerator as quickly as possible. How long does chicken broth last? Its shelf life is no more than two days.

Note to the hostess

If the broth is prepared as an independent dish, it is often seasoned with herbs, pouring them directly into the pan. This should not be done, because thermally unprocessed products will shorten the shelf life of the broth. It is advisable to add greens when serving.


Dietary cuisine is unthinkable without turkey meat. It is used to start complementary feeding for babies and is recommended for allergies to chicken protein. The cooking principle is similar to cooking chicken. Select parts of the bird that are rich in collagen, then the broth will be tasty.

Turkey broth can be stored for the same amount of time as chicken broth - two days.


Vegetable infusions are incredibly healthy and varied in composition. They can serve as the basis for stews or risotto, but are most often used for preparing children's and dietary puree soups. Excellent filling for vegetable broth will serve:

  • , parsnip, ;
  • onion – or;
  • daikon radish;
  • fennel.

Tip of the day

It is better to simmer the Brussels sprout separately, otherwise the taste of the broth will turn out to be very specific.

Before storing the vegetable broth in the refrigerator, remove the vegetables and strain the liquid. It is better to use this base within 24 hours or immediately put it in the freezer. It will be good for 2-3 days, but will significantly lose its taste.


To prepare meat broths, take parts containing a lot of bones. This rule is also true for fish. The heads, ridges and tail parts of noble “red” fish are suitable. These parts of the carcass will make the dish rich and add a bright taste.

Chefs claim that the most delicious broth will be made from sturgeon, ruff, pike perch, hake, perch, halibut

Did you know that...

You should not take the heads of carp, bream, crucian carp - the broth will turn out to be bitter. For the same reason, it is necessary to remove the gills and eyes. In addition to bitterness, cloudiness will appear and the shelf life will be shortened.

The finished broth is carefully filtered through a fine strainer. The taste will deteriorate after a few hours, but the suitability for consumption will remain for two days. Repeated boiling of fish base is contraindicated.


During cooking, such an aroma emanates from the mushroom broth that everyone in the household looks out into the kitchen to find out when the soup will be ready. And they do it right, since mushrooms are perishable foods. Because of this, it is not recommended to store the broth in the refrigerator for more than a day.

Is it possible to freeze mushroom broth? Of course, because it is useful for seasoning sauces, side dishes, and soup.

Did you know that...

You cannot cook mushrooms in containers made of cast iron, zinc, aluminum and tin. Substances released by mushrooms during cooking can form toxic compounds with metals.

Rules for storing broth - optimal conditions, containers

The broth will be preserved in the refrigerator only if certain rules are followed:

  • During cooking, remove curdled protein and fat. This is done not only for reasons of aesthetics - protein is a breeding ground for the development of microorganisms, and fats oxidize, giving the dish an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • Be sure to separate the liquid portion by straining. Broths take a long time to cook, so small bones are easily separated from the meat.
  • Try to reduce the time the finished dish spends outside the refrigerator. For quick cooling, place the pan in a bowl with ice water. You cannot put hot broth in the refrigerator.
  • Maintain the recommended storage temperature of 2-6 °C, avoid sudden fluctuations in the temperature inside the refrigerator.
  • For storage, use utensils that will not affect the suitability of the dish. Say no to aluminum containers and saucepans with cracked enamel. It is best to take food containers with a tight lid and glass pans.
  • Before pouring the strained liquid, pour boiling water over the container, or better yet, sterilize it.
  • It is unacceptable to leave a ladle or spoon inside the container. When pouring out the broth to prepare the sauce, take a clean, dry ladle.
  • The tightness of the lid will prevent bacteria from entering the broth, which will significantly extend its life. Tightly sealed containers will protect the broth from foreign odors.

Vegetable broths are filtered to avoid darkening and spoilage of vegetables.

Note to the hostess

Fresh broth can be prepared for future use if your refrigerator can accommodate several cans. Pasteurization will extend the shelf life by 2-3 months. Pour the strained liquid into sterile jars and seal with boiled lids. The additional heat treatment time for a two-liter jar will be 3 hours.

To save time, experienced housewives prepare broth for future use. Best helper in this case - the freezer. Ready basis for various dishes It is enough to defrost and heat treat.

How to freeze broth in the freezer? Useful tips will help you create a convenient semi-finished product:

  • To freeze the broth, use food containers or silicone molds. Last option convenient for preparing various sauces.
  • After cooling, pour the soup base into the prepared container and put it in the freezer.
  • When the liquid has set, remove it from the molds and place it in a ziplock bag. The container must be airtight to avoid absorption of foreign odors.
  • Label the broth containers and store them. The optimal temperature is minus 18 °C and below. With this background, the semi-finished product can be stored until the first defrosting. This cannot be done again.

Bouillon cubes

Another interesting way to prolong the freshness of the broth, while saving space in the freezer, is to prepare a frozen concentrate:

  1. Reduce the broth so that a liter of liquid yields 150 ml.
  2. After boiling, pour the liquid into a silicone ice tray and chill in the refrigerator for 6 hours.
  3. Clean the resulting jelly from fat, freeze and package.

The base for dressing the side dish, gravy, sauce is ready.

An analogue of bouillon cubes is obtained from strained meat or chicken broth.

How can you tell if the broth is spoiled?

Even if the storage conditions are observed, the broth may deteriorate. Determining signs of spoilage is especially important if the shelf life is coming to an end:

  • If you find a puddle under a plastic container or jar, inspect the container. The bacteria feed, producing gas. If the lid is swollen and liquid “leaks”, it’s time to dispose of the dish.
  • External changes are expressed by cloudiness of the liquid, the appearance of individual bubbles or an entire head of foam. Mold may grow on the surface.
  • Your sense of smell will tell you whether to use a soup base. Even a subtle unpleasant odor indicates spoilage of the product. And if it intensifies during boiling, it means that the broth has become unusable.

Did you know that...

Broth is an excellent environment for the development of microflora. Our sense of smell cannot always sense development coli, which is why the shelf life is strictly limited. Be very careful.

Broth is indispensable in the kitchen as an independent dish or a basis for cooking. Each type of broth base has certain storage nuances. To avoid becoming a victim of food poisoning, do not neglect the tips described in the article and, at the slightest suspicion of spoilage, discard the product immediately.

Store correctly and be healthy!

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Infusions and decoctions from medicinal herbs It is advisable to cook daily, as they spoil quickly. In exceptional cases, they can be stored for no more than three days and always in a dark, cool place. Tinctures from medicinal plants in alcohol or vodka are suitable for long-term storage.

Infusions, decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs, methods of preparation and ratios.

Preparation of infusions from medicinal herbs.

Infusions are a liquid mixture obtained by infusing crushed raw materials. To prepare infusions, the soft parts of medicinal plants are mainly used - flowers, leaves, stems. Infusions are prepared cold or hot.

Cold method of preparing infusions.

2. Fill with cold or hot boiled water in the required ratio, most often 1:10 for internal use and 1:5 for external use.
3. Close the lid and leave for 4 hours to several days. After straining, the mixture is ready for use.

Hot method of preparing infusions.

1. Required quantity Grind the raw materials and place in a container.
2. Pour boiling water in the required ratio, most often 1:10 for internal use and 1:5 for external use.
3. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes, making sure that the mixture does not boil.
4. Leave for 2-4 hours, strain and add boiled water to the required volume, after which the mixture is ready for use.

Preparation of decoctions from medicinal plants.

Decoctions are liquid mixtures that have much in common with infusions, but are usually prepared from the denser, harder parts of plants—roots or bark.

1. Grind the required amount of raw material and place it in a container.
2. Fill cold water in the required ratio, most often 1:10 for internal use and 1:5 for external use.
3. Boil for 20-30 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly.
4. Let cool and strain, while decoctions containing tannins, such as oak bark, should be filtered immediately after boiling, without waiting for them to cool.
5. Add boiled water to the required volume, after which the mixture is ready for use.

Tinctures are a liquid mixture suitable for long-term storage. Usually prepared on the basis of 40 or 70 degree alcohol or vodka. The resulting tincture should be transparent and usually has the taste and smell of the original raw material. Store alcohol tinctures in a dark, opaque container from several months to several years.

1. Grind the required amount of raw material and place it in a container.
2. Pour in alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1:5 or 1:10.
3. Close the container tightly and leave in a dark place for 7-14 days.
4. Strain and use drops as directed.

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How long can the prepared decoction be stored?

How long can the prepared decoction be stored?

The beneficial properties of the decoction do not last long - microbes begin to multiply in it, “thanks to” which various enzymatic processes are launched in the decoction. Therefore, the permissible shelf life of the decoction is short: a day at room temperature, two days in the refrigerator.

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Each type of herb should be stored separately. This rule especially relevant if we're talking about o s strong odor, which include a large percentage essential oils and others volatile substances. These include, for example, mint, oregano, thyme, valerian. Such herbs and flowers (as well as roots and fruits) are best stored in glass jars. If you place them in cardboard boxes or linen bags that are placed next to other herbs, the strong smell will be transmitted to all plants.

Herbs should be stored in cardboard boxes, wooden boxes, baskets, linen bags or paper bags. That is, in a container that allows air to pass through. Store plants that have a strong odor in glass or jars with a tight-fitting lid and always in a dark place, or wrap the jar in dark paper. Open the lid periodically for ventilation. If conditions permit (no direct sunlight, dry air, good ventilation), you can store herbs in bundles suspended on a rope or nail. Cellophane bags, coffee and tea bags, plastic containers are not suitable for storing medicinal herbs, because... they are too dense, you can simply “suffocate” in them.

Herbs should be stored in a clean, well-ventilated place. Direct sun rays and high humidity are detrimental to them. Check your supplies as often as possible - sort through, inspect, smell. If herbs, the roots or fruits are covered with mold, throw them away without regret, they will no longer be useful. Some roots (dandelion, rhubarb) and bark are quickly attacked by insects, so canvas bags that should be hung in a draft are best suited for storing them. Ideal option– storing roots on the balcony or in the basement, in a box with dry and clean river sand.

Label the plants. Write on the box or bag with a felt-tip pen herbs(flowers, fruits, roots), year and month of collection. Herbs do not lose their healing properties for two years, fruits for three years, roots and bark for up to five years. However, there are exceptions. Thus, hawthorn fruits are characterized by longer storage - up to 8 years, bird cherry - up to 6 years, horsetail - 4 years, bearberry leaves - 5 years, and licorice roots - up to 10 years.

Video on the topic

One pinch of spices can radically change the taste of a dish, giving it versatility, depth, color, and an alluring aroma. It’s not for nothing that many seasonings were originally the preserve of kings, the gold of gourmets; in the pursuit of spices, new countries were discovered, intrigued, concluded by military and love unions. Now that spices and aromatic herbs are available to almost everyone, you just need to learn how to use them to work real miracles in the kitchen.

How to store spices and herbs

Dried herbs and spices should be stored in a dark, cool place. This doesn't mean they need a shelf in the refrigerator, but putting beautiful glass containers of seasonings on a shelf next to the stove is a big mistake. When exposed to heat and light, spices and herbs quickly lose their taste and aroma, so it is better to store them in a cabinet, away from temperature changes, and, of course, in containers with tightly sealed lids.

Label containers of dried herbs and spices, indicating not only what kind of spice you placed in them, but also the date of purchase. It is advisable to use spices within a year after purchase. If you can't detect the aroma even when you rub dried herbs between your fingers or heat dry spices in a dry frying pan, it's a pity, but their time is up.

Surprisingly, freshly frozen greens last longer than. You can freeze chopped greens by placing them in ice cube containers. These portioned cubes are very convenient to defrost later.

Fresh herbs that you intend to use within a few days can be stored the same way flowers are stored - by placing them in a glass of water and putting them in the refrigerator, in the area for vegetables and fruits.

How to use spices and herbs

The biggest mistake housewives make when experimenting with spices and herbs is the desire to combine “all the best at once.” It is better to use one seasoning with a pronounced taste and aroma and two or three additional ones that are not so “aggressive”. If you want to experiment, first try dishes with familiar tastes, seasoning them with just one new spice.

If you are preparing a dish according to a recipe that specifies the exact amount of spices and double the amount of ingredients, then, oddly enough, you do not need to increase the dose herbs or double the spices. It is enough to add another half of the original weight/volume/quantity.

Fresh leaves of herbs should be cut very finely before adding them to a dish, so they will give out the maximum taste and aroma. Dry herbs and first grind with a pestle in a mortar.

When replacing dry herbs and spices with fresh ones and vice versa, it is worth remembering simple rules:

  • when replacing grounded spices with simply dried or fresh ones, proceed from the calculation: 1/4 teaspoon of powder = 3/4 teaspoon of dried spice = 2 teaspoons of fresh;

  • dry spices are placed in the dish at the beginning of cooking, and fresh ones - shortly before readiness;

  • When adding herbs and spices to cold dishes, give them a few hours before serving to allow the aromas and flavors to become a unified symphony rather than disparate notes.

Video on the topic

To make high-quality hay from the mown grass, preserving vitamins as much as possible, useful substances and nutritional value, it is very important to properly dry the prepared grass and promptly subject it to certain stages of processing.

In order to properly dry the mown grass, it is necessary to consistently carry out a number of operations with it: regular, frequent tedding, timely raking into windrows, digging and stacking.

It is best to harvest grass in sunny, hot weather - drying will take place in natural conditions, under the influence of sun and wind, which will ensure high quality hay. The main amount of moisture in grass is in the stem, and water evaporation occurs mainly through the leaves. Therefore, in order to prevent premature drying and breaking of leaves when the stem is wet, the grass needs to be dried a little in the sun. To do this, the entire mown grass stand is scattered thin layer in a well-ventilated area and kept for some time until the moisture level in the plants decreases. This measure will allow you to avoid breaking off leaves, flowers and tops of stems when turning - after all, these are the parts of the plant that have the most valuable feeding properties.

During the wilting period, the mown grass must be turned quite often with the obligatory turning of the layers. The first tedding is carried out immediately after mowing the grass, all subsequent ones - as it dries upper layers. The drying period in the open air is usually about two days, until the grass loses moisture by half or a little more, after which the hay is collected in small windrows and dried without turning.

To determine how ready the grass is for windrowing, you need to take a small bunch of plants and twist it in your hands. If the hay crunches, rustles, and no moisture comes out of the stems, this means that the humidity level does not exceed 15-17% and the grass can be collected into windrows for final drying. If the stems remain flexible, do not break, and secrete juice, then the moisture content of the hay exceeds 23% and it needs additional air drying.

If the weather is rainy and does not allow drying the hay in bulk, the grass is laid out in 3-4 layers on long poles connected in the form of a hut and installed on the leeward side of agricultural buildings or fences. The grass laid in this way can dry for a week or a little more, after which it is collected into windrows with dry layers inside and wet layers around the periphery.

To check how much the hay has dried in the windrows and determine the degree of its readiness for stacking, you need to lower your hand inside the grass windrow - if the hay is still wet, your hand will feel damp warmth. Such grass is dried for another two days, after which the hay, finally ready for storage, is collected in stacks and put away in a special room or under a canopy. If for some reason it becomes necessary to put slightly damp hay into a stack, then in order to avoid the appearance of mold, the layers of grass are evenly sprinkled with certified salt.

It is important to remember that dried grass cannot be stored in stacks tightly covered with plastic film - moisture condenses on it and the hay begins to mold. The film should cover the stack in such a way that there is a gap between it and the film for free air circulation.

Most aromatic herbs, especially basil, will last no more than one week. How to extend their use so that we can delight our loved ones with culinary delights even in winter. There are proven methods for preserving aromatic herbs.


Trim the roots of the aromatic herbs, wrap them in a damp paper towel, and place them in the refrigerator at plastic bag without tying it. To store them for two to three weeks, place the stems standing in a glass cup, filling it 2-3 cm clean water. Cover the top with plastic wrap and secure it to the glass with a rubber band. It is important to change the water frequently.


Freezing - ideal method to preserve the scents of herbs that do not retain well when dried (basil, dill, onions) or for herbs with thick or tough foliage (mint, parsley, celery). Frozen leaves or stems placed in an airtight bag can be stored in the freezer for 2 to 4 months. To store them for 6-8 months, finely chop the aromatic herbs and place them in ice cube containers, cover them with water (or oil in the case of basil) and freeze. Then transfer the frozen cubes into a sealable bag (1 cube is equivalent to 30 ml = two tablespoons of chopped herbs)

Aromatic seasonings such as bay leaf, marjoram, lemon balm, mint, oregano, rosemary, thyme, can be dried and stored for up to 9 months. To preserve their quality as much as possible, it is necessary to dry thin herbs immediately after collection in a dark, well-ventilated place. It is correct to dry them tied in bouquets, with the bouquet head down. Once the leaves are dry, place them in an airtight jar. Drying will take about a week in a warm place at a temperature of 20-30 degrees. Widely used now special devices for drying: chambers and electric dryers.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs