After childbirth, hemorrhoids came out.

Is it possible to cope with this problem, or better yet, prevent it?

The word "hemorrhoids" translated from Latin means "bleeding" - this is the most common symptom of the disease. Also, manifestations of the disease are anal itching, a feeling of discomfort in the anus and mucus discharge from it.

According to official data, about 40% of pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids. And during the first pregnancy over the age of 30, this disease occurs in 50?% of women. There are no exact statistics on the incidence of hemorrhoids, since many people are still embarrassed to talk about this problem.

Women who have given birth experience symptoms of hemorrhoids 5 times more often than women who have not given birth. One of the main reasons is rapid labor and improper straining during pushing.

Many women mistakenly believe that the development of hemorrhoids during pregnancy and after childbirth is inevitable. Therefore, they simply try not to pay attention to this and resort to folk remedies, instead of receiving qualified, effective and timely treatment from a specialist proctologist.

In addition, in the postpartum period, most young mothers breastfeed their babies and therefore are afraid to use medications.

Causes of hemorrhoids

Normally, in the anal canal in certain places, even during the period of embryonic development, special vascular formations are formed - cavernous bodies, in which there are direct connections of the arteries and veins of the rectum.
When exposed to certain factors and/or an existing predisposition to the disease, these bodies increase in size and form internal hemorrhoids.

In modern medicine, it is customary to distinguish two main factors for the development of hemorrhoids:

  • hemodynamic, associated with the movement of blood through the vessels - increased flow of arterial blood to the hemorrhoids and/or difficulty in the outflow of venous blood from these nodes;
  • muscular dystrophic - weakening of the ligaments and muscles that hold the nodes inside the anal canal. This can be either a congenital weakness of the connective tissue - a tendency to form keloidal rough scars, easily bending, loose joints, etc., or an age-related decrease in its elasticity, which most often occurs after 50 years.

Types of hemorrhoids

There are two main types of hemorrhoids – acute and chronic. But at their core, they are different phases of the same process.

Acute hemorrhoids

The disease is characterized by the following main symptoms: severe pain, enlarged hemorrhoids and inflammatory changes in the perianal area, i.e. around the anus. In all stages of acute hemorrhoids, not always, but there may be bleeding on top of the stool.

There are 3 degrees of acute hemorrhoids depending on the severity of inflammation in the anal area:

1st degree– thrombosis of external and/or internal hemorrhoids without signs of inflammation. When palpating the anus, a woman can identify enlarged, compacted hemorrhoids that are slightly painful when pressed. In the depths of the node, you can feel a small dense formation - a thrombus. Pain occurs during bowel movements and persists for some time afterward. Sometimes there may be slight redness of the skin near the anus. Body temperature does not increase.

2nd degree– thrombosis of nodes is accompanied by their inflammation. Severe pain appears in the area of ​​the hemorrhoids, which intensifies when walking, defecating and sitting. Possible increase in body temperature up to 380C. Hemorrhoidal nodes that have prolapsed, when palpated independently, are significantly enlarged, sharply painful, have a dense elastic consistency, and do not move back into the rectum on their own. They obscure the entrance to the rectum and severely deform the anal fissure, which often causes not only pain, but also difficulty during bowel movements. There is often mucus discharge from the anus, which causes itching and burning.

3rd degree– inflammation spreads to the skin and subcutaneous fat layer of the perianal area. Pain in the anus is constant and spreads to the perineum, buttocks and lower abdomen. When defecating, the pain intensifies significantly. There is a feeling of pressure and distension in the rectal area. Even walking and sitting are not possible; the most painless position is lying on your stomach. All the skin around the anus, perineum, buttocks is sharply painful, thickened, reddened. Body temperature reaches 390C.

ATTENTION! Under no circumstances should you try to reset prolapsed hemorrhoids by hand: this can cause injury to the mucous membrane of the nodes and significant bleeding, sometimes life-threatening.

Chronic hemorrhoids

Before starting a conversation about the symptoms of chronic hemorrhoids, I would like to mention its asymptomatic stage, when there are no characteristic signs of this disease, and nothing bothers the pregnant woman. But with a special proctological examination, the presence of hemorrhoids is revealed. Thanks to such an examination during pregnancy, the doctor has the opportunity to prevent exacerbation of hemorrhoids in the postpartum period.

There are 4 stages of chronic hemorrhoids:

Stage 1– there are enlarged internal hemorrhoids that protrude into the lumen of the rectum, but do not fall out of the anal canal when straining or after defecation. The main symptoms of the disease are discomfort during and after defecation, a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, and the discharge of a small amount of bright scarlet blood on top of the stool after defecation. These signs are not permanent and may appear only periodically.

Stage 2– hemorrhoids fall out after defecation, but are automatically reset back into the lumen of the rectum. The main symptoms appear immediately after defecation and last for some time after it. These include anal itching and burning, a feeling of a foreign body in the rectum, the release of bright scarlet blood in the form of a few drops on top of the stool, and over time - even a thin stream: this happens after stool, when lifting weights and increasing blood pressure.

Stage 3– hemorrhoids fall out of the rectum after defecation and cannot be reset on their own; there is a need for their manual reduction. Main symptoms: prolapsed nodes can be felt independently in the form of 1-3 “bumps”, they cause the sensation of a foreign body; In addition to the increasing itching and burning sensation, pain occurs, which appears after defecation and persists for some time.

Stage 4 characterized by constant prolapse of hemorrhoids and the impossibility of their reduction into the anal canal. At this stage, complications of the disease appear: thrombosis of nodes, severe bleeding, incontinence of gases and sometimes feces, and the release of large amounts of mucus from the rectum.

Risk factors

The following factors contribute to the development of hemorrhoids after childbirth:

  • two-stage defecation - situations when the passage of feces occurs in two stages with an interval of 5 to 30 minutes;
  • chronic constipation;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Exacerbation of an existing problem can be caused by:

  • violation of the diet - excessive intake of spicy, salty foods, various marinades, spices, alcohol;
  • taking a number of medications, including oral contraceptives;
  • Difficulty in defecation after prolonged constipation. In most cases, constipation increases after childbirth. It is during this period that the exacerbation of hemorrhoids occurs. This situation lasts about a month, and then gradually goes away (if the woman did not have a predisposition to constipation before pregnancy);
  • prolonged diarrhea - diarrhea;
  • lifting heavy objects, including for older children;
  • violent and prolonged labor.

In approximately 50% of women who suffered from hemorrhoids during pregnancy, the disease worsens after childbirth.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • when the fetal head moves into the pelvic area, compression occurs on the vessels located there, including the veins of the rectum; disruption of venous outflow, in turn, causes stagnation of blood in the hemorrhoids, their enlargement and thickening;
  • when the fetal head has erupted, internal hemorrhoids fall out, sometimes with rupture of their wall and bleeding;
  • within about half an hour after birth, a gradual contraction of the anal sphincter and spontaneous reduction of hemorrhoids occurs; if the sphincter contraction occurred faster than the nodes had time to retract, then their infringement is possible.

Treatment of chronic hemorrhoids

Conservative treatment, which does not involve surgical intervention, includes the following measures.


  • After each bowel movement, you must wash yourself, and use alcohol-free baby wipes instead of toilet paper;
  • It is recommended to wear underwear made of 100% cotton: natural fabrics allow moisture to pass through well, the skin “breathes”, which creates unfavorable conditions for the development of infection. Thong-type panties should not be worn.


  • exclusion of foods that cause an exacerbation of the disease: overly spicy, salty foods, marinades, smoked meats, mustard, vinegar, spices, as well as strong coffee, alcohol;
  • consumption of foods that help normalize stool.
  • drink plenty of fluids (more than 1.5–2? l per day): still mineral water, juices;
  • taking prune decoction: 5-10 dried prunes should be poured with 1 glass of boiling water overnight, drink this infusion on an empty stomach in the morning;
  • consumption of plant fiber: bran, wholemeal bread, oatmeal, muesli, fresh vegetables, fruits, boiled beets;
  • Take 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil: sunflower, olive, vaseline - or the drug TYKVEOL based on pumpkin seed oil.


The most commonly used drugs are DUPHALAC, MUCOFALC, FORLAX, the use of which is possible during breastfeeding. These medications increase the volume of feces and soften them, without affecting peristalsis - intestinal contractions.

Preparations based on senna leaves are contraindicated during lactation, but even if a woman is not breastfeeding, frequent use of this laxative can harm her intestines. Senna preparations have an effect by enhancing peristalsis. If you regularly force the intestines to work with external stimuli, then soon it will not want to contract on its own. In other words, long-term use of senna-based laxatives worsens the problem of constipation rather than treating it. Be sure to consult your doctor about the possibility of using this or that drug during lactation so as not to harm your baby.

Phlebotropic drugs

These drugs increase the tone of the veins, improve the function of the vascular wall, and improve lymphatic drainage. All this eliminates inflammation and significantly reduces the risk of hemorrhoid progression.

The drug DETRALEX, often prescribed by doctors, is very effective, but its use is contraindicated during breastfeeding. During lactation, various homeopathic drops are used: VENZA, ESKULUS COMPOSITUM, VENORUTON (RUTOZID), GINKOR FORT.

Vitamin therapy

It is recommended to take multivitamin complexes, preferably special ones for young mothers during pregnancy and lactation. If hemorrhoids are prone to bleeding, vitamins C and P are prescribed separately, for example ASKORUTIN, to strengthen the vascular wall.

Local treatment of hemorrhoids:

Use sessile warmers baths with potassium permanganate. The water should be light pink in color, temperature 35–400C. You need to sit in such a bath for 15–20 minutes, 2 times a day. It is also possible to use baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, string, calendula, eucalyptus. After the bath, the perineum is dried with clean gauze or a waffle towel, but not with toilet paper or cotton wool!

Effective microenemas with oil– Vaseline, sunflower, olive, TYKVEOL oil. For them, special rubber bulbs with a volume of 50 ml are used. Before bowel movement, using a bulb, the tip of which is generously lubricated with Vaseline, carefully inject 20-40 ml of warm oil at a temperature of 35-370C into the rectum. The oil prevents mechanical injury to the wall of hemorrhoids and facilitates defecation. In addition, regular use of oil microenemas helps strengthen the vascular wall of the nodes due to the content of tocopherols (vitamin E) and carotenoids (vitamin A) in the oil.

Also recommended microenemas with decoctions of medicinal herbs– chamomile, calendula, string. For them, a baby syringe is used, with which the solution is administered while lying on the left side. After the enema, it is recommended to lie down for 15–20 minutes. You can carry out this procedure at night.

If the main complaint in chronic hemorrhoids is bleeding, then they help very well rectal suppositories NATALSEED, which are made from brown seaweed. In addition to hemostatic, they also have an anti-inflammatory effect. The use of NATALSIDA is possible during lactation.

When the pain syndrome predominates, various suppositories and ointments: ANESTEZOL, PROCTOGLIVENOL, PROCTOSAN, PROCTOSEDYL, ULTRAPROCT, POSTERIZAN and POSTERIZAN FORTE, AUROBIN, ANUSOL, NEO-ANUSOL, RELIEF, RELIEF ADVANCE. Almost all the main drugs in this group are contraindicated during breastfeeding. During lactation, it is safe to use medications such as ANUZOL suppositories, POSTERIZAN ointment and suppositories, and EMLA cream.

Homeopathic medicines– GEMOPROST suppositories, cream and HAMAHALIS suppositories – have a good effect on chronic hemorrhoids and are approved for use in nursing mothers.

Effective mud applications, for which special tubes with Tambukan mud for rectal use are used. Therapeutic mud has an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect, increases local immunity, improves the structure and function of the vascular wall. Mud applications can be used during breastfeeding.

The following methods are used as surgical treatment:

Standard radical hemorrhoidectomy. The operation involves ligating the hemorrhoidal vessels under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. Then, using a surgical scalpel, the hemorrhoids are removed, and the resulting wounds are sutured. It is also possible to use the method of radio wave surgery or a laser scalpel: with this method, wound healing is accelerated due to a more gentle effect on tissue. The main disadvantage of the operation is the long recovery period, which a young mother who is breastfeeding cannot afford.

Minimally invasive (“semi-surgical”) treatment methods:

Sclerotherapy indicated for chronic hemorrhoids stage 1 with recurring bleeding. A sclerosing drug is injected under the hemorrhoidal node with a special long needle, after which the node becomes empty and wrinkles, as the blood flow to it stops. A maximum of two nodes can be sclerosed at the same time, so a repeat treatment session may be necessary. This manipulation is performed on an outpatient basis, often without the use of anesthesia.

Ligation with latex rings It is performed at stage 1, less often at stage 2, of chronic hemorrhoids, when there are only internal nodes. Using a special tool - a ligator, the hemorrhoidal node is tightened and a pre-stretched latex ring is thrown onto its stem, which is compressed at the node to its original size. As a result, the leg of the node becomes constricted, it ceases to be supplied with blood and gradually dies - it disappears along with the ring after 3-5 days. This manipulation is performed on an outpatient basis, without the use of anesthesia. Only one hemorrhoid is ligated at a time, so multiple procedures may be required.

Infrared photocoagulation hemorrhoids is performed in the 1st and 2nd stages of chronic hemorrhoids. An infrared photocoagulator is inserted into the rectum, brought close to the hemorrhoidal node and exposed to thermal energy, which contributes to the gradual death of the node. This manipulation is performed on an outpatient basis, without the use of anesthesia. Most often, several photocoagulation sessions are required.

Transanal disarterization internal hemorrhoids (hemorrhoidal artery ligation, or HAL) is performed for stages 1 and 2 of the disease, and in combination with anal lifting - HAL + RAR - is effective for stages 3 and 4. At the moment, disarterization is one of the most modern methods of treating hemorrhoids at almost all stages - without wounds or incisions, without pain. Rehabilitation after the procedure occurs quickly: the patient is discharged the next morning. Therefore, this manipulation is most suitable for the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids in the postpartum period.

HAL is performed under ultrasound guidance. To carry out this procedure, a specially designed device is used with an ultrasound sensor to determine the location of the hemorrhoidal arteries and a special “window” for suturing the arteries. The device is inserted into the rectum, under the control of an ultrasound sensor, an artery is found and immediately sutured. All large hemorrhoidal arteries are ligated in one session; repeated procedures are not required.

For hemorrhoids of stages 3 and 4, after standard suturing of the hemorrhoidal arteries (HAL), a lifting is performed - suturing of the rectal mucosa, which is also called RAR - rectoanal repair.

As a result, hemorrhoids return to their normal physiological position and stop falling out. In the vast majority of cases, the external effect of the HAL-RAR operation (tightening of prolapsed hemorrhoids) should be visible by the end of the operation. Final scarring of the rectal mucosa occurs after approximately 6 weeks; It is precisely during this time that the sutures used to tighten the mucous membrane are reabsorbed.

It is better to perform the disarterization operation using epidural anesthesia; In this case, the anesthetic drug is injected into the epidural space, which surrounds the spinal cord, the nerve roots emerge into this space, and they are “frozen” by the injected drug - as a result, pain sensitivity below the belt disappears. But it is possible to perform the procedure under local anesthesia; in this case, discomfort may occur due to the lack of complete relaxation of the anal sphincter.

Discharge from the hospital occurs either during the day or the next morning after surgery.

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids

Conservative treatment:

  • Bed rest for 2–3 days.
  • On the first day, cold lotions are applied to the area of ​​the inflamed hemorrhoids, for example, an ice pack is applied for 10–15 minutes at intervals of 2–3 hours.
  • Starting from the second day of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to take warm sitz baths (as with chronic hemorrhoids).

Otherwise, the treatment is almost the same as for chronic hemorrhoids - only the doses and frequency of use of the drugs differ.

In case of acute bleeding that does not stop within 1 hour, emergency medical attention is necessary. In the period before the consultation, you can use suppositories with ADRENALINE.

Surgical treatment

Radical operations aimed at removing hemorrhoids in one way or another are not performed for acute hemorrhoids. In case of thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node, according to the doctor's decision, it is possible to perform such manipulation as removing the blood clot from the node using a surgical scalpel.


It is necessary to think about the prevention of the appearance and exacerbation of hemorrhoids in the postpartum period even before pregnancy and during it. The following measures will help prevent the disease:

  • examination by a proctologist, even if nothing worries you, but there are predisposing factors;
  • hygiene of the anal area - washing after each bowel movement;
  • diet: it is necessary to exclude foods that can cause aggravation;
  • fight against constipation;
  • if asymptomatic hemorrhoids are detected, take phlebotropic drugs in prophylactic doses as prescribed by a doctor;
  • regular performance of a complex of therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics to improve blood circulation in the pelvic vessels.

Timely prevention of hemorrhoids and competently prescribed treatment will help a woman feel the happiness of motherhood more fully.

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According to statistics, characteristic, very unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids appear in every second woman after childbirth and in every fourth during pregnancy. Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth is prescribed taking into account whether the woman is breastfeeding. It is known that many drugs are unsafe during lactation, as they pass into breast milk and through it enter the baby’s body. This can cause significant harm to the baby's health. Most often, treatment for hemorrhoids after childbirth is carried out using conservative or non-drug methods.

Surgical intervention is used exclusively in extreme cases, in the presence of severe forms of the disease that cannot be adequately treated by other means.

Non-drug methods for treating postpartum hemorrhoids

How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth? This is the first question that a woman asks herself when she feels itching, pain, or an increase in the size of hemorrhoids. Taking any medications is a serious concern for young mothers, since most of them are breastfeeding. Treatment of the disease must begin immediately, as it causes a lot of inconvenience, deprives the woman of the opportunity to fully engage with the baby and aggravates the state of postpartum depression. In the initial stages of hemorrhoids, in some cases, you can only get by by changing your lifestyle, diet, maintaining good hygiene and performing certain physical exercises.

Proper nutrition for hemorrhoids after childbirth

The purpose of the diet for hemorrhoids is to normalize the functioning of the digestive organs, improve intestinal motility, change the hard consistency of stool, treat and prevent constipation. The diet recommended for treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids fully corresponds to what a woman should adhere to when breastfeeding her baby. The principles of nutrition for the expansion and inflammation of hemorrhoids are as follows:

  • the diet should contain plant foods rich in fiber in large quantities - vegetables and fruits, preferably raw, dried fruits, cereals (oatmeal, barley), buckwheat, bran;
  • Every day it is necessary to consume fermented milk products that have been stored no more than 24 hours from the date of manufacture;
  • It is recommended to exclude as much as possible the consumption of rich bakery products, sweet carbonated drinks, sweets, herbs, smoked meats, spices, fatty meat and fish, as well as broths and first courses based on them;
  • It is undesirable to eat foods that promote increased gas formation in the intestines (white cabbage, radish, legumes, etc.);
  • For cooking, it is best to use stewing, boiling, baking and steam methods.

Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber improve intestinal motility for hemorrhoids

Important: Sufficient fluid intake, amounting to at least 1.5–2 liters per day, contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in case of hemorrhoids and increased lactation. The following drinks are recommended: compotes, still mineral waters, herbal and green teas.

Personal hygiene rules for hemorrhoids

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is an integral part of the treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth. A good effect for inflammation of hemorrhoids is to wash with cool water after each bowel movement. They reduce pain, inflammation and help improve the condition of hemorrhoidal veins when performed regularly. To clean the anal area after bowel movements, it is advisable to use hypoallergenic wet wipes or soft toilet paper. Also, during exacerbations, it is recommended to take slightly warm sitz baths daily with the addition of decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, sage, calendula, and string. Hot baths and saunas are strictly contraindicated for this disease, as they can worsen the inflammatory process.

Women who experience hemorrhoids during the postpartum period should avoid wearing tight underwear, as they worsen blood circulation in the pelvis.

Physical activity for hemorrhoids after childbirth

Increasing general physical activity, as well as performing a set of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, leads to improved blood circulation and vascular condition. You can start any kind of gymnastics immediately after giving birth only after consulting a doctor. If a woman has had problems such as difficult childbirth, perineal rupture or cesarean section, then the list of exercises will be extremely limited.

In the absence of contraindications, at first you can perform this exercise, which consists of squeezing and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. At first, the load should be minimal and then gradually increase. To perform a more complex set of exercises for the pelvic and abdominal muscles, a young mother needs to allocate at least 10 minutes a day.

If hemorrhoids worsen after childbirth, a woman should not remain in a sitting or horizontal position for a long time, as this greatly increases the pressure on the hemorrhoidal veins. It is recommended to breastfeed your baby while lying down, as this process can be quite long.

Advice: If the first symptoms occur, which are a feeling of discomfort during bowel movements, a woman should consult a proctologist. The sooner treatment for the disease begins, the less likely it will be to require the use of serious medications or surgical interventions that are incompatible with lactation.

Conservative and surgical methods of treating hemorrhoids after childbirth

To treat hemorrhoids that occur after childbirth, conservative and rarely surgical treatment can be used. Conservative therapy consists of the use of special medications for hemorrhoids after childbirth, aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease and preventing subsequent exacerbations. Surgical treatment consists of removing hemorrhoids, which can be performed using a minimally invasive or surgical method. The choice of one or another method of treating hemorrhoids is made by a specialist after conducting a full examination and establishing the severity of the disease.

Conservative treatment

The selection of medications for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women who are breastfeeding must be approached with special responsibility. The prescribed drugs should not pose a threat to the child. If it is necessary to use drugs that pass into breast milk and are dangerous to the baby’s health, then lactation will need to be stopped for the duration of treatment.

Currently, there is a list of topical medications approved for use after consultation with a doctor during breastfeeding. These include ointments after childbirth, which have the following effects:

  • eliminate pain, itching, burning;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • regenerate damaged tissues;
  • stop bleeding;
  • help increase venous tone.

Preparations from the Relief series based on shark liver are approved for the treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth

Among the gels and ointments used during lactation for hemorrhoids after childbirth, one can note Relief, Procto-glivenol, Troxevasin Hepatothrombin gel, heparin and ichthyol ointments, Vishnevsky ointment. They are typically used to treat external hemorrhoids. For internal forms of the disease, drugs are prescribed in the form of suppositories: Relief, Posterisan, Procto-Glivenol, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil or calendula, Neo-Anuzol, Hepatothrombin, Natalsid.

Medications may also be prescribed to treat constipation if this problem cannot be resolved with diet. Among them, the most widely used drug is Duphalac, which improves intestinal motility and helps change the structure of stool.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids in women after childbirth is avoided or, if possible, postponed until after lactation is complete, achieving remission of the disease using other methods. But in some cases you cannot do without it, especially when it comes to the last stages of hemorrhoids, accompanied by severe bleeding.

The most gentle are the so-called minimally invasive methods for removing hemorrhoids. Compared to hemorrhoidectomy (radical surgery), they are characterized by a shorter recovery period, speed of operation, the possibility of treatment on an outpatient basis and other advantages. These methods include:

  • injection sclerotherapy;
  • infrared photocoagulation;
  • laser removal of hemorrhoids;
  • ligation with latex rings.

Advice: During surgery, antibiotics are prescribed, which are incompatible with breastfeeding. To maintain lactation, a woman should express herself a certain number of times a day while taking antibacterial drugs, simulating feeding.

Statistics show that many new mothers face such a problem as hemorrhoids after childbirth. How to treat such a pathology? After all, as you know, not all medications can be used by women during lactation.

Many mothers are interested in additional information about this disease. Why did hemorrhoids appear after childbirth? What medications are allowed for nursing mothers to use? Is it possible to use folk remedies? The answers to these questions are important to many women.

What is the disease?

Before considering questions about why hemorrhoids develop after childbirth, how to treat the disease and what symptoms it is accompanied by, it is worth understanding the general information.

Hemorrhoids are a pathology that is associated with inflammation, thrombosis and further expansion of the veins that form nodes (hemorrhoids) around the rectum. Essentially, these are varicose veins in the anus. This is a very common and extremely sensitive problem.

The disease develops gradually. In the initial stages, patients note only heaviness, itching and discomfort. Symptoms of the disease include periodic pain and constipation. As the vessels dilate, minor bleeding appears, and in advanced cases, hemorrhoids prolapse.

According to statistics, hemorrhoids often develop in women after childbirth. This significantly worsens the quality of life of the new mother. This problem cannot be ignored - you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Main causes of pathology

There is an opinion that hemorrhoids appear as a result of labor. But in fact, pathology develops even before or during pregnancy. Childbirth only makes the situation worse. The list of reasons is quite impressive.

  • During pregnancy, progesterone levels rise sharply. This hormone leads to a weakening of the tone of the vascular walls, including the veins in the anal area.
  • As the baby grows, the uterus increases in size and puts pressure on the pelvic vessels. Blood circulation becomes difficult, which leads to dilation of the veins. If you had first-degree hemorrhoids before pregnancy, then it is likely that the situation will become significantly more complicated before giving birth.
  • Reasons include frequent constipation. It is worth noting that this problem is only partly related to poor nutrition. The same progesterone inhibits intestinal motility, which leads to the formation of very dense feces.
  • Do not forget that during childbirth, intra-abdominal pressure increases sharply. This leads to dilation of the veins and further formation of hemorrhoids.
  • Hemorrhoids are often diagnosed in women after cesarean section. The fact is that physical activity after surgery is contraindicated, and the scars formed after the procedure prevent normal bowel movements.

Are there risk factors?

Today, important questions are about why hemorrhoids develop and what symptoms are accompanied by hemorrhoids after childbirth, how to treat such diseases and whether there are effective means of prevention. We have already figured out the reasons for the appearance of pathology. But it is worth noting that doctors identify some risk factors, the influence of which increases the likelihood of developing hemorrhoids.

  • Sedentary work, lack of physical activity, physical inactivity.
  • Poor diet, chronic constipation.
  • Risk factors include the age of the expectant mother. It has been proven that the likelihood of developing hemorrhoids is much higher if a woman is over 30 years old.
  • The number of births also matters. The birth of each subsequent child increases the chances of hemorrhoids enlarging and falling out.
  • Unfavorable factors also include the presence of complications during pregnancy and multiple pregnancies.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: symptoms, features of the clinical picture

Many new mothers face a similar problem. Signs of hemorrhoids after childbirth are very typical. The features of the clinical picture directly depend on the stage of development of the pathology.

  • In the initial stages, the only symptoms are itching and sometimes severe burning in the anus, which intensifies during bowel movements. Some patients complain of very noticeable pain that occurs during the passage of dense stool through the rectum.
  • Some women complain of an irritating foreign body sensation in the intestines.
  • Hemorrhoids are often accompanied by swelling of the perineum, which leads to urinary retention and spasm of the bladder walls.
  • The walls of dilated veins are often injured during defecation, which leads to slight bleeding. The presence of scarlet blood on toilet paper is a serious reason to consult a specialist.
  • In the last stages of development of the pathology, hemorrhoids fall out, which leads to their pinching, the appearance of severe pain and periodic bleeding. The patient finds it difficult to move and almost impossible to sit.

The disease has an extremely negative impact on the quality of life of the new mother.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth: what to do?

If you notice alarming symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Of course, therapy during lactation is fraught with difficulties, because potent drugs are contraindicated for nursing mothers.

But you shouldn’t wait until you stop breastfeeding either. The disease will constantly progress, which can lead to the development of dangerous complications, including inflammatory processes in the tissues of the rectum, tissue infection, anemia and some other disorders.

Candles for the treatment of disease

In modern proctological practice, patients are often prescribed special suppositories for hemorrhoids. After childbirth, of course, not just any medications can be used.

  • The most popular are candles with sea buckthorn oil. They quickly relieve inflammation, accelerate the healing processes of wounds and ulcers, and relieve burning sensation in the anus. It is worth noting that these are the safest suppositories for hemorrhoids after childbirth, since they do not contain potentially dangerous substances.
  • Rectal suppositories "Posterizan" contain inactivated strains of Escherichia coli. Once in the body, these beneficial bacteria activate local immunity. In addition, the drug strengthens blood vessels, and its active components do not penetrate into the blood.
  • Calendula suppositories are another medicine with a natural and safe composition. The extract of this plant has pronounced regenerative properties. The drug is widely used to treat anal fissures and other injuries.

Of course, in no case should you self-medicate, especially when it comes to patients who are breastfeeding. Only a doctor can tell you what helps with hemorrhoids after childbirth, what medications can be used and how often.

What ointments can be used after childbirth?

Many mothers face such a problem as hemorrhoids after childbirth. Treatment is notoriously difficult. The ointment that will be used to eliminate the symptoms of the disease must have the following properties:

  • quickly relieve pain;
  • inhibit the development of the inflammatory process;
  • eliminate itching and irritation;
  • strengthen the tone of the venous walls;
  • prevent bleeding from hemorrhoids;
  • the active components of the ointment should not penetrate into internal fluids, including breast milk and blood.

Fortunately, the modern pharmaceutical market offers a fairly wide range of such drugs - finding a remedy for hemorrhoids after childbirth (if we are talking about the lactation period) is not difficult.

  • "Troxevasin" is available in the form of ointment and cream. It is intended for external treatment. The product strengthens the walls of small blood vessels, eliminates itching and inflammation, and relieves swelling.
  • "Hepatrombin G" is a frequently used ointment for hemorrhoids after childbirth. It contains heparin (ensures the resorption of existing blood clots and prevents the formation of new blood clots), as well as allantoin (has anti-inflammatory properties). The drug accelerates regeneration processes.
  • Also, the treatment regimen sometimes includes such products as “Relief Ultra” and “Relief Advance”, which are available in the form of gels, ointments and creams. They contain shark liver oil, which perfectly copes with inflammation and activates regenerative processes, as well as benzocaine, which almost instantly relieves pain.

Folk remedies

What should a woman who is diagnosed with hemorrhoids after childbirth do? should only be carried out under medical supervision. Traditional medicine certainly offers a lot of recipes.

  • For example, many healers recommend daily sitz baths. Decoctions of chamomile, string, and sage flowers should be added to the water, as these plants have anti-inflammatory properties, help relieve pain and speed up the healing process.
  • You can also prepare a medicine for internal use. To do this, you need to pour 150 g of fresh aloe leaves with 300 ml of natural honey (it can first be slightly heated in a water bath, but to a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees). Let the medicine sit for several days. You need to take a small spoon three times a day, preferably before meals. This remedy relieves constipation and hence prevents further enlargement of hemorrhagic nodes. But do not forget that honey can cause allergies in a child - carefully monitor the baby’s condition.
  • If there is an external node, it is recommended to lubricate it several times a day with cocoa butter or candied honey - these remedies will help relieve discomfort and inflammation.

Of course, such home activities cannot replace full-fledged drug therapy. Under no circumstances should you refuse the help of a doctor. Any traditional medicine recipes can be included in the treatment regimen only with the permission of the treating doctor.

Surgical intervention

Unfortunately, in some cases, hemorrhoids cannot be treated with medications. If we are talking about the third or fourth stage of the disease, the doctor may decide to surgically remove the hemorrhoids. Today there are many safe and simple procedures.

  • Ligation. The doctor places a special latex ring on the base of the hemorrhoid. Such a device completely cuts off the blood supply to the tissues of the node, which leads to their death and independent rejection.
  • Cryodestruction. This procedure involves using liquid nitrogen to freeze the dilated blood vessel and affected mucous membranes. The technique is used to remove both external and internal nodes.
  • Sclerotherapy. A special sclerosant substance is injected into the affected area of ​​the vein, which causes “sticking” of the vessel walls and, accordingly, cessation of blood circulation in the affected area.
  • Infrared coagulation. The affected areas of the lining of the rectum are cauterized using infrared rays.

Such procedures are safe, do not take much time, and do not require hospitalization.

Nutrition for hemorrhoids

We have already dealt with questions about why hemorrhoids occur after childbirth, how to treat such an ailment, and what complications it can lead to. But it is worth remembering that nutrition is an integral part of therapy. A properly formulated diet will help improve intestinal function and strengthen the body.

During pregnancy, as well as after childbirth, many women experience constipation. And with such violations, proper drinking regimen is extremely important. A person should consume at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. New mothers are recommended to drink tea (can be with milk), mineral water (still), compotes, juices.

It is important to include foods containing fiber in your diet, as this complex carbohydrate is a mechanical stimulator of intestinal motility and, therefore, prevents the development of constipation. Regular consumption of fruit and vegetable salads will have a positive effect on the state of the digestive system. It is worth including in the menu low-fat meats (boiled or baked), fermented milk products (also help cope with constipation), and soups with low-fat broths.

Of course, one should not lose sight of the fact that some fruits (citrus fruits, strawberries) can cause allergies in a child and should be avoided. It is also not recommended to eat cabbage, radishes, legumes, corn, radishes, as these foods are slowly digested and contribute to excessive gas formation.

Mothers faced with a similar problem are advised to reconsider their lifestyle. For example, experts recommend moving more often and taking long walks in the fresh air. It will be useful to regularly perform a set of Kegel exercises - they eliminate congestion in the pelvis, strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation.

It is extremely important to maintain good personal hygiene. You need to wash yourself after each bowel movement, using warm water (you can use decoctions of medicinal plants). It is better to use soft toilet paper. Women with a similar diagnosis are contraindicated in hot baths and saunas.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth are a consequence of physiological disorders. These are varicose veins in the rectum, resulting in hemorrhoids.

When this disease appears, women experience pain, irritation, and others. If you do not start timely treatment, you may experience severe itching or.

During childbirth, severe stress occurs in the pelvis. He becomes weakened and more susceptible to a variety of disorders. There is a decrease in the tone of the anal muscle tissue and a malfunction of intestinal motility.

Clinical picture of the disease

There are two types of the disease - internal and external hemorrhoids. In the first case, the nodes and seals are located inside the rectum, so women do not immediately pay attention to the problem that has arisen.

There are several of the most common:

  • sensation of itching and burning during bowel movements;
  • when bending over and in a sitting position, discomfort appears in the anal area;
  • irregular sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bowel movement does not bring relief;
  • blood clots in stool and traces on underwear;
  • mucus discharge from the anus;
  • frequent constipation, nodes appear on the inner walls of the rectum, which can increase in size at any time, which provokes constipation;
  • occur with progressive internal hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of a woman having a rash after childbirth:

  • a feeling of severe heaviness in the anal area;
  • regular discomfort, itching and burning in the anus;
  • the girl feels a foreign body in the rectum;
  • excessive pain during bowel movements;
  • bloody clots appear.

The external form of hemorrhoids is accompanied by prolapse of the nodes, making it difficult and painful to move. If you do not consult a doctor in time, the cones begin to bleed.

Features of the treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids

After bearing and giving birth to a child, the girl’s body must restore its own defenses. Hemorrhoids cause its regular and excessive weakening.

You need to pay attention to this problem in time and take care of proper treatment.

Why do difficulties arise? This disease harms the well-being of a young mother and her baby. Representatives of the fair sex feel physical pain and experience stress.

This interferes with the body’s recovery, long-term postpartum depression sets in, and it also becomes more difficult to care for the newborn.

Regular bleeding affects the quality of breast milk and negatively affects protective functions. With severe manifestations of anemia, a nursing mother loses milk.

After the birth of a child, girls may not take all medications. First of all, preference is given to those medications that do not have a negative effect on the baby.

The active components should not be absorbed into the blood or breast milk. A large number of medications contain hormonal substances that are contraindicated during breastfeeding.

How to cure third stage hemorrhoids

Patients experience constant and regular loss of lumps that do not retract inward on their own.

When walking you feel acute pain, burning and discomfort. To avoid complications, it is necessary to seek qualified help in time.

For treatment, the proctologist prescribes cryotherapy. The units are frozen with a special refrigerant. Next, the cones are destroyed and pulled out from the anus. In rare cases, it is used to cut out nodes under anesthesia.

After assessing the patient's condition, the doctor prescribes suture ligation. Ointments, gels and other medications for this form of hemorrhoids are ineffective.

Ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings

What happens if there is no treatment at all?

The fourth stage is the most severe form of the disease, in which the lumps reach enormous sizes and regularly fall out of the rectum.

Due to dysfunction of the sphincter, uncontrolled bowel movements occur. Anemia occurs due to bleeding. Patients feel severe attacks of pain.

To cope with this stage of hemorrhoids, the proctologist prescribes exclusively complex treatment:

  • , nodes and hemorrhoids are treated using an infrared ray.
  • radio wave surgery.
  • removal of nodes with laser.

How to cure hemorrhoids after childbirth - the top 10 best and safest methods can be found out by watching the video:

Nutrition for a new mother

Along with the treatment of hemorrhoids, you need to pay attention to a special diet.

If you do not change your usual eating habits, it will be more difficult to cope with the disease. You should include in your daily diet products that help improve the digestive system and intestinal motility.

The special diet includes rice and buckwheat groats, fermented milk products, natural vegetable oil, bran, and fiber.

The peculiarity of the diet for hemorrhoids after childbirth is to maintain the intestines and organically combine with feeding. The quality of milk and the health of the baby depend on the products.

You need to pay attention to the consumption of dried apricots, prunes, fresh fruits and vegetables. To prevent constipation, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Salty, hot and spicy foods, carbonated drinks, spices, and legumes are excluded from the diet.

Folk recipes

To get rid of hemorrhoids with the help of traditional medicine, the following recipes are suitable for a young mother immediately after childbirth:

  1. 50 grams of birch leaves are steamed in a liter of hot water. The infusion is kept for thirty minutes and used for a warm sedentary bath.
  2. For painful constipation, experts recommend that young mothers drink fresh onion juice. Drink it five times a day, one teaspoon before meals.
  3. Douching with a rubber bulb with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The mixture is introduced into the anus and kept for one minute. The course of treatment cannot exceed more than one week.

What to do if hemorrhoids come out during childbirth?

If hemorrhoids appeared just before childbirth, then you don’t need to worry too much about it.

It is best to immediately notify your gynecologist or the doctor who will deliver the baby. Girls can give birth with this disease in the absence of contraindications.

After childbirth, the mother's condition may worsen slightly. There will be pain and discomfort in the anal area.

To reduce the discomfort and negative manifestations of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to start treatment on time.

If the doctor noted the fourth stage of hemorrhoids in a woman in labor, then delivery in this case is possible only by cesarean section. This is facilitated by heavy bleeding or.

Opinion of women in labor

To better understand how to get rid of hemorrhoids after childbirth, you should study the reviews of girls and women who have already gone through this.

During pregnancy there were problems with the intestines, after which hemorrhoids began. At the consultation, the proctologist recommended suppositories. Within a few days I felt much better. At the same time, I followed a special diet to get rid of constipation.

Valentina, 41

I have long heard about the healing properties of horse chestnut bark and decided to try them on myself. I took about 50 grams of dry bark and poured boiling water over it.

After the decoction has infused and released its beneficial substances, it can be used. I took warm sitz baths for 15 minutes. It relieves pain and discomfort well. Moreover, it is completely harmless to the baby and does not affect breast milk.

Selena, 27

Preventive measures

To avoid the development of hemorrhoids, you need to properly organize your own daily routine.

After childbirth, it is necessary to allow the body to fully strengthen and recover. Then you can start doing light sports and physical exercise. Blood should not stagnate in the pelvic organs.

At the first signs of hemorrhoids, you should adhere to the following preventive measures:

At the first signs of the development and appearance of hemorrhoids, you should definitely seek help from a doctor.

Pregnant girls and nursing mothers should be careful about their own health. There is no need to self-medicate to prevent hemorrhoids from becoming chronic.

After a complete examination, the proctologist will recommend an effective treatment method and a special diet.

Only with a serious approach to treatment, as well as following all the doctor’s recommendations, can this disease be cured once and for all.

In the last months of pregnancy, the stress on a woman’s body is mainly associated with compression of the internal organs by the growing uterus. Most complications, such as swelling, constipation, heartburn, go away after the birth of the child. But some problems remain and appear even more pronounced. There are often cases when women begin to notice pain during bowel movements, bloody streaks in the stool, and discomfort in the anus. These are all symptoms of hemorrhoids.

The disease is dangerous due to its complications - inflammation of the rectum and the development of a malignant tumor. Therefore, it is important to promptly and competently treat hemorrhoids after childbirth. The modern therapeutic approach involves the use of medications, folk remedies, as well as following a special diet, performing therapeutic exercises and correcting hygiene procedures.

Postpartum hemorrhoids, despite their name, begin during pregnancy. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the uterus and fetus constantly increase in size and put pressure on the rectum. The longer the pregnancy, the worse the blood supply to this area becomes. Nodules and fissures form during childbirth due to a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure. The severity of the disease is determined by the individual characteristics of the woman, the weight of the child, and the course of labor.

Another common cause of hemorrhoids after childbirth is those that appeared during pregnancy. Their appearance is caused by several reasons. There is a change in hormonal levels. The body begins to intensively produce progesterone, a hormone that reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of internal organs. Its main task during this period is to prevent uterine hypertonicity and miscarriage. Reduced intestinal motility leads to a slowdown in the digestion process and the development of constipation. The blood in the vessels of the rectum stagnates, and hemorrhoids form.

Additional factors that provoke hemorrhoids are excess weight and lack of physical activity. If there are complications during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe medications that also increase the risk of developing the disease.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth cause great discomfort to a woman and can lead to more serious illnesses, so treatment must be carried out immediately after symptoms are detected. To quickly eliminate the problem, you need an integrated approach that combines diet, exercise, medications and folk remedies.


Since treating hemorrhoids after childbirth during lactation with most medications is prohibited, it is important to focus on proper nutrition. In addition, it will be beneficial for the baby’s health. By correcting your diet, you can eliminate chronic constipation, which is one of the factors in the development of hemorrhoids.

A nursing woman's daily menu should contain foods high in fiber. Its fibers enhance intestinal motility and restore normal stool. Sources: oatmeal, buckwheat and pearl barley, wheat bran, vegetable oil, dried apricots, prunes, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables.

It is important to maintain a drinking regime. The water intake is calculated based on body weight: for each kilogram there should be 30 ml of liquid per day. The best option is to drink purified still water; you should avoid sweet drinks.

All sweets, smoked foods, spices, rice and semolina porridges, flour products, and carbonated drinks are prohibited. It is worth minimizing the consumption of canned foods and semi-finished products. Among vegetables, it is not recommended to eat radishes, turnips and sorrel.


There are special therapeutic exercises against hemorrhoids. Physical exercise improves the functioning of the large intestine, increases the tone of the muscle fibers of the anal zone and abdominal wall, and reduces congestion in the pelvic vessels.

You need to exercise a couple of times a day, and if most of the time is spent in a sitting position - 3-4 times. The duration of the complex is about 5 minutes.

Here are simple but effective exercises:

  1. Walk around the room, raising your legs bent at the knees high;
  2. While standing, swing with a straight leg in the direction forward, backward and to the sides (repeat with the other leg);
  3. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, bend to the sides, forward and backward;
  4. Perform plie squats: with legs wide apart and on toes;
  5. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, strain your buttocks, pulling in your anus (hold the tension for 7-10 seconds).

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