Why does a person hiccup immediately after eating? Why do hiccups appear after eating and how can you cure the uncomfortable condition? Factors of occurrence in children

Almost every person has experienced a bout of hiccups at least once in their life. Most often this happens after eating. Rarely occurring short-term symptoms don't cause much concern. However, regular manifestations of hiccups must be combated, as they may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body.

What is hiccups

This pathology does not pose a threat to human life, it only causes discomfort. The process of hiccups in adults after eating occurs as a consequence of compression of the diaphragm, provoking gusty breaths and rapid closure of the vocal cords. All this is accompanied by a short specific sound.

In order to prevent attacks of hiccups after eating, it is necessary to establish the factors that provoke compression of the diaphragm.

Causes of hiccups after eating in adults

Experts conditionally divide the causes of hiccups into physical (caused by external factors and lifestyle) and medical.

TO physical factors include:

  1. Bad chewing food and its rapid swallowing. Large food fragments cause irritation vagus nerve, which leads to spasms of the diaphragm.
  2. Excessive regular overeating. Due to the large amount of food in the stomach, the diaphragm cannot move down when inhaling.
  3. Acute food, very hot or cold food, spices or specific smell of food.
  4. Consuming large quantities alcohol provokes disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
  5. Swallowing air during communication or laughter while eating.
  6. Reading newspapers, working on the computer, watching TV while eating.
  7. Muscular spasm with a sharp change in ambient temperature.
  8. Unnatural position body that makes it difficult for food to pass through the esophagus.
  9. Dry food, poor chewing and rapid swallowing, carbonated drinks.
  10. Depressed or excited state during eating.

The most common medical reasons are:

  • disease pneumonia, myocardial infarction, meningitis or diabetes mellitus;
  • disturbed breath, pathology of the chest muscles, asthma;
  • consequences TBI;
  • increased pressure;
  • malfunction of the unit head the brain responsible for respiratory function;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • cancerous tumors of the brain or spinal cord, pancreas, liver and stomach;
  • experiences or excitement before any important event;
  • period rehabilitation after the postponed surgical operations on organs digestive system or spine;
  • renal failure;
  • inflammatory processes or pathological deviations of the gastric mucosa;
  • at nervous tic occurs when the muscles of the diaphragm or chest are excited;
  • stagnation food between the esophagus and stomach.

The most common cause of hiccups after eating in adults is overuse food and, as a result, stretched stomach walls.


Frequent occurrence of hiccups after eating indicates a health problem and requires medical examination and treatment. Diagnostic procedures include:

  1. Finding out complaints patient, duration, intensity and frequency of hiccups, time of its first appearance.
  2. Studying history diseases. Determining the presence of diabetes mellitus, problems with the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems.
  3. Depending on the symptoms present, the patient may be referred for examination to gastroenterologist, surgeon, neurologist or psychiatrist.

Based on the examination data, appropriate treatment procedures are prescribed.


You can stop attacks of hiccups after eating with the help of some actions based on stimulating the pharyngeal receptors and reducing the activity of the vagus nerve:

  • several should be done in a row swallowing movements;
  • swallow a piece ice or a slice of bread;
  • delay for a while breath;
  • close eyes and massage them;
  • do physical exercises (squats, abdominal crunches or push-ups);
  • drink water take small sips at a moderate pace, while tilting your torso forward;
  • eat sour product (a few drops of vinegar diluted in water, grapefruit or lemon juice);
  • press to the far part of the tongue, causing gag reflex.

If these methods do not help, the doctor prescribes drug treatment, including antiemetics, receptor blockers, and medications to normalize acidity in the stomach.

Detection of an excess of carbon dioxide in the patient’s blood requires a prescription medical supplies which weaken the esophageal valve muscles. If there are any pathological abnormalities, the course of treatment is aimed at stopping the disease, hiccup-inducing after eating.

In case of low efficiency medicinal drugs, the attending physician may resort to a blockade or section of the diaphragm nerves.

Prognosis and prevention

In adults, hiccups after eating can be both physiological and psychological in nature. Therefore, using a series preventive measures will make it possible to minimize the risk of jerky contractions of the diaphragm:

  1. Stick to the culture nutrition– do not overeat, portion sizes should be small and meals should be frequent. There is no need to talk, read or watch TV at the table. Chewing food should be thorough. Food should not be dry and spicy.
  2. It is not recommended to eat while nervousness or depression.
  3. In case of a planned event, you can get rid of anxiety with the help of sedatives medications, tea with mint or valerian.
  4. Avoid hypothermia.
  5. Go outdoors often air.
  6. Provide yourself with complete rest.

Thus, the prognosis depends entirely on the source of the hiccups, but in most cases it is positive. If the cause is disease, then everything depends on the effectiveness of treatment and full recovery body work.

Hiccups are quite unpleasant physiological conditions. Quite often so unpleasant phenomenon bothers patients after eating. But this problem can be dealt with, the main thing is to know how to do it.

Causes of hiccups after eating

In fact, hiccupping is a diaphragmatic contraction that occurs due to irritation of the endings nerve fibers or esophageal walls. From a physiological point of view, hiccups occur due to a reflex diaphragmatic contraction, provoking a sharp breath and rapid closure of the ligamentous apparatus.

As a rule, all reasons for the development of hiccups after eating are due to excessive nervous irritation of the fibers penetrating the diaphragmatic structures.

The most common triggers for hiccups after eating are:

  • Pathologies of the cerebral cortex, covering areas that control the respiratory centers;
  • Excessive food consumption;
  • In small children, hiccups occur due to hypothermia;
  • Snacks on the go and dry;
  • Manifestation of heart attack;
  • Nervous system pathologies;
  • Impaired renal activity leading to intoxication with protein-exchange metabolites;
  • Increased ICP;
  • Spinal neoplasms;
  • Nervous tic and its consequences;
  • Periodic household factors of temporary significance;
  • Neurotic reasons such as strong psycho-emotional agitation;
  • Diabetes;
  • Eating food in incorrect position body, in which the movement of the food bolus becomes difficult;
  • Pathologies of nerve endings extending from neurons;
  • Specific reaction to certain foods;
  • Excessively hot or cold food;
  • Individual organic characteristics;
  • Digestive formations of various origins and character;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Intervertebral;
  • Postoperative complication after intervention on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Intravenous anesthesia with Brietal;
  • Depressed or overly excited state when eating;
  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Muscle contractions of the esophageal walls;
  • Improper consumption of food such as reading or active conversation at the same time;

Hiccups do not threaten the patient’s body in any way, but it sometimes indicates the presence of serious pathological conditions. If attacks recur after eating with enviable regularity, then you need to consult a gastroenterologist.

More often causative factor The occurrence of hiccups is caused by irritation of the nerves, or rather, their endings. But sometimes drinking soda is enough to cause discomfort. If the hiccups disappear on their own after a few minutes, then there is nothing dangerous about it. It’s another matter when an unpleasant phenomenon bothers you for half an hour or more. Then the intervention of specialists is necessary.

In a child

Hiccups especially often occur after eating in children, which is perceived by parents as a sign of hypothermia. But the real reason A completely different factor may also cause such an unpleasant condition. Doctors explain this state crumbs with spasms of the supraglottic area, which interferes with the full supply of oxygen.

If the room is relatively cool and the baby begins to hiccup, you should not immediately wrap it up. Simply unformed thermoregulatory functions help the baby’s body adapt to environment. Soon such hiccups will disappear on their own.

After eating, baby hiccups occur for the following reasons:

  1. Underdevelopment of the digestive tract;
  2. Excessive activity of the baby during food consumption, which disrupts the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. Dry food;
  4. Insufficient chewing of food;
  5. Active conversations while eating;
  6. Drinking fizzy, carbonated drinks.

If you have frequent hiccups after eating, you should exclude the above factors; if hiccups still occur, you need to undergo an examination to identify the pathological factor.


Usually diagnostic studies hiccups after eating include such procedures;

  • Inspection. The doctor collects medical history data, palpates the abdominal area;
  • Identification of existing pathologies. Sometimes hiccups occur after eating against the background of a certain illness, for example, diabetes, etc.;
  • General laboratory tests;
  • If necessary, the patient is referred to specialized doctors.

At frequent appearance hiccups after eating, it is important to conduct a full examination; only under such conditions can one count on identifying exact reason pathology.


To eliminate the unpleasant condition, experts recommend relaxing the diaphragmatic muscles, calming down and restoring breathing.

  • To do this, it is recommended to simply raise your arms or bring them back. If hiccups appear, immediately after eating you need to eat something sour like lemon.
  • It will also help restore normal condition drinking water, which is recommended to be drunk in an inclined position, with your hand with the glass extended forward.
  • You can press on the root of the tongue, which will provoke vomiting. Such a reflex will stop hiccups;
  • You can hold your breath for half a minute;
  • Perform about a dozen swallowing movements;
  • Exhale air into the bag, and then inhale it sharply, which is carbon dioxide inhalation;
  • Tickling the nose, which provokes sneezing, helps with hiccups.

If household methods do not help, then you will have to contact a specialist. Usually, if hiccups are pathological in origin, doctors prescribe medications like Atropine or Haloperidol, and, and.

If drug therapy turns out to be powerless, a novocaine or epidural blockade is performed.


To prevent the occurrence of hiccups, you need to promptly identify its triggering factors, for which you should undergo an examination for the presence of meningitis or encephalitis, or, or.

You should avoid drinking alcohol or soda, changes in pressure and temperature, and monitor your psycho-emotional state.

Hiccups always begin suddenly and cause quite unpleasant sensations. Being breathing reflex, it is, however, directly related to eating habits. Understanding the causes and mechanisms of hiccups before or after eating will help you avoid this annoying symptom or as soon as possible stop its manifestation.

The diaphragm is a muscular septum that separates the chest cavity (mediastinum) from the peritoneum. Along with the heart muscle, the diaphragm is a vital part muscular system person. It is the “foundation” for the chest organs, fixing the position of the heart sac, lungs, and together with the intercostal muscles regulates the volume of inhaled air and breathing frequency. The diaphragm is the main singing instrument.

Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system - damage to the nerves penetrating the thickness of the diaphragm, or their centers in the cervical spinal cord - lead to disturbances in its function. Sometimes the diaphragm takes an extreme upper position that does not correspond to the norm, leading to a decrease in the internal volume of the chest and spasm - the so-called high position of the diaphragm.

How we breathe

Coordinated functioning of the respiratory organs ensures respiratory center CNS by unconditioned reflexes(regardless of the will of the person). It regulates the frequency of contractions of the diaphragm, respiratory muscles, muscle tone of the vessels of the respiratory organs. In other words, the respiratory center acts as a commander.

External respiration is the exchange of gases between outside air and blood, simply put, the process of enriching the blood with oxygen. Changes in the composition of blood or air entering the lungs are signals for correcting the operation of the diaphragm according to the direct connection principle. An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood reflexively turns on the mechanism of enhanced ventilation of the lungs (turns on the diaphragm “at full power”).

Malfunctions in the functioning of the respiratory center naturally lead to dysfunction of the diaphragm: the frequency, depth of breathing, the degree of saturation of the blood with oxygen and metabolic products change.

How we hiccup

Hiccups are simultaneous spasms of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, causing a sharp reflex filling of the lungs with air (imitation of inhalation). Simultaneously respiratory tract covered by the epiglottis (a special valve made of cartilage tissue), which leads to a sharp closure of the glottis and the appearance of a strangled “chuckling” sound.

Additional information! A closed epiglottis prevents food from entering the airways when swallowing.

Prolonged hiccups constitute a disorder external respiration, a sequence of periodic short-term spasms (twitchings) not directly related to the respiratory act. Such seizures are called clonic. The diaphragm “freezes” in this mode of operation, and the filling of the lungs with air occurs abruptly.

Important! Hiccups, regardless of food intake, can become an involuntary physiological reaction of the body to a lack of oxygen in a smoky room.

As a rule, you have to get rid of hiccups after eating using simple techniques, but sometimes it stops as suddenly as it appeared.

What causes hiccups

The causes of spastic contractions of the diaphragm (hiccups) are:

  • neurological (arising in the central nervous system) pathologies;
  • violations of the body's thermoregulation (hypothermia, fever);
  • metabolic disorders ( acute poisoning, extreme exhaustion);
  • increased intra-abdominal pressure;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Separately, it is worth mentioning those associated with metabolic disorders serious illnesses that cause toxic hiccups:

  • postoperative complications (consequences of anesthesia);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • intoxication in the complex course of infectious diseases;
  • serious disturbances of the urinary system;
  • severe liver failure.

Neurological causes of prolonged hiccups

Prolonged hiccups not associated with food intake (for several days) can be a symptom of serious neurological disorders. The respiratory center is connected to the diaphragm through the vagus (phrenic) nerve, which is part of the central nervous system. Lesions of the phrenic nerve, disorders of the functions of the respiratory center are classified as severe pathologies, causing involuntary contractions of the diaphragm.

The most common causes of pathologies of the central nervous system and damage to the respiratory center are disturbances in the blood supply to the cervical spine and (or) brain:

  • sclerosis or blockage of blood vessels;
  • hemorrhages (hemorrhagic stroke);
  • compression of blood vessels by a tumor;
  • excessive bleeding not related to the condition of the blood vessels, but leading to a decrease in the speed of blood flow (in case of serious injuries).

Many days of debilitating hiccups can be a symptom of encephalitis, meningitis, or concussion. Due to the proximity to the diaphragm, heart diseases and pathologies of nearby large vessels influence its function. Hiccups can be caused by a stroke, myocardial infarction, or aneurysm. thoracic aorta.

Causes of increased intra-abdominal pressure

Interference with the lowering of the diaphragm and the prerequisites for the occurrence of hiccups are created by:

  • prolonged strong laughter;
  • overfilling of the stomach with food and (or) gases, a complicated option - obstruction of the stomach or intestines;
  • pregnancy in the last trimester;
  • accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity(ascites);
  • tumors in the abdominal cavity, pelvic region.

The connection between hiccups and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Thanks to wave-like rhythmic contractions of the esophageal muscles, food moves smoothly into the stomach. The vagus nerve passes in close proximity to hiatus diaphragm, so disturbances in motility of the esophagus and stomach can cause irritation of nerve endings and hiccups after eating.

Prolonged hiccups occur when nerve fibers are irritated from the inflamed peritoneum, liver and can be a symptom of gastric ulcer and duodenum, cholecystitis, acute gastritis, pancreatitis.

Often, hiccups after eating appear due to irritation of the respiratory tract with the acidic contents of the stomach, with inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract: tonsillitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, severe cough.

Drug treatment for hiccups

Scheme drug treatment prolonged hiccups depends on the reason that caused it. Neurological causes, not related to surgical intervention, suggest the prescription of antipsychotics, treatment of the underlying disease.

Attention! When trying to get rid of prolonged hiccups, do not self-medicate; you should remember that the heart is also a muscular organ.

In some cases, medications are used to relieve muscle spasms of various etiologies- muscle relaxants.

Alarm calls

When hiccups become prolonged during or after meals, you need to find time to visit a doctor and determine the cause of the reflex. Hiccups as a symptom may go away, but the disease that caused it will become more severe. dangerous forms, life threatening. Special attention require following signs accompanying hiccups:

  1. profuse drooling along with many days of hiccups is a manifestation of serious damage to the spinal cord or brain;
  2. headaches combined with hiccups, increasing weakness, soreness cervical spine spine are symptoms of osteochondrosis;
  3. combination of hiccups with cough accompanied by dull ache in the side, back suggests pneumonia (pneumonia, pleurisy).

How to get rid of hiccups after eating

Measures to combat an attack are aimed at relaxing the diaphragmatic muscle or fixing the diaphragm and epiglottis in a certain position, choose any:

  • slow forward bends;
  • holding your breath;
  • drinking in small sips;
  • deep breath and a series of small exhalations.

Connecting the muscles of the shoulder girdle helps restore breathing and “reboot” the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. When the muscles of the shoulder girdle are tensed (fixed in a certain position), a reflex relaxation of the diaphragm occurs, interrupting a series of pathological spasms. You can use the muscles of the shoulder girdle by leaning on your arms, placing them behind your back, or raising your arms.

The so-called “ballerina method” is based on this principle: with your hands behind your back, you should bend over and slowly drink water from a glass with outside help.


Overeating, eating dry food, eating in an uncomfortable position, lying down, in a hurry, in combination with lively conversations and laughter lead to swallowing air, disrupting the periodicity of contractions of the esophagus, activation of the vagus nerve, and spasms of the diaphragm. When the cause of the hiccups is eliminated (by belching or displacing air with water), the reflex stops.

An attack can provoke abrupt change temperatures when eating: a glass of hot drink after cold food or vice versa. You should not abuse carbonated drinks.

Let's see what are the causes of hiccups, what remedies can help solve this problem and what treatments should be used for chronic hiccups.

We will find out how many types of hiccups exist, and what physiological mechanisms lie at the root of this bothersome disorder.

When does hiccups occur - physiological mechanism

Everyone has had to deal with hiccups in life, but only a few know the reasons for this phenomenon? This problem can affect anyone: a newborn, a child, an adult and an elderly person, and it is associated with involuntary contraction of the diaphragm muscles, which determines the closure of the valve in the larynx area. Usually the disorder does not last long, with a variable number of hiccups per minute - from a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 60.

As previously mentioned, hiccups are caused by muscle contractions. WITH medical point From a perspective, we can distinguish two different components that cause hiccups:

  • Muscular component: From this point of view, hiccups are an involuntary contraction diaphragm muscles, separating chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, and intercostal muscles. The typical sound of hiccups is caused by an interruption in the flow of air in the lungs.
  • Neurological component: Associated with activation of the vagus nerve and the phrenic nerve (the nerve that innervates the diaphragm), and the hiccup center, which is located in the cervical spine and receives commands from the hypothalamus and other areas of the brain.

Hiccups are not always the same: different types

Although hiccups are very common and common enough that they are not a cause for concern, there are several types of hiccups, some of which require medical attention.

We can highlight three types of hiccups:

  • Isolated: this is the most general type hiccups that everyone experiences at least once during own life. It appears suddenly and lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. Tends to heal spontaneously.
  • Acute: A type of hiccup that can last up to 48 hours and is characterized by rapid and repeated contractions. Does not require medical treatment, disappear spontaneously, but should always be kept under control, as after 48 hours a doctor’s help may be required.
  • Chronic: These are hiccups that last for more than 48 hours and are characterized by frequent and rapid spasms. This type of hiccups can persist for several days or even several weeks, alternating with periods without hiccups. Of course it's very rare occurrence: Occurs in one in 100,000 people.

The latter type requires the intervention of a doctor, since among the consequences can be sleep disturbances, as it occurs even at night and makes eating and talking difficult.

Causes of hiccups

The causes of this disease are still largely unknown. However, it can be assumed that certain situations determine the occurrence of isolated or acute hiccups. Chronic hiccups may be caused by a neurological or similar condition.

We have previously described isolated and acute hiccups as a transient process. Often the reasons that give rise to this phenomenon are unknown, but, nevertheless, some common reasons can be identified:

  • Eating errors: When you eat quickly or eat too much, it causes the stomach to stretch due to swallowing air and this can lead to stimulation of the phrenic nerve and rapid cuts diaphragm.
  • Anxiety and stress: Hiccups can be psychosomatic, that is, caused by anxiety or prolonged stress. When you're nervous, you tend to swallow large number air, thus stretching the stomach and stimulating the phrenic nerve.
  • Smoking and alcohol: can lead to hiccups because they have a general irritant effect, including the diaphragm and phrenic nerve. In addition, alcohol causes dilation of the stomach.
  • Temperature changes: sharp jumps temperature or swallowing food that is too hot or too cold can trigger hiccups.
  • Medicines: In some patients, such as older adults who take large amounts of medications to keep age-related conditions under control, the medications may cause hiccups. Among the main culprits are benzodiazepines, used in the treatment of anxiety, corticosteroids, such as cortisone, used to treat various diseases inflammatory process, antibiotics and drugs used for chemotherapy.
  • Surgical interventions: hiccups often appear after surgery, which is determined by several factors, such as manipulation internal organs, accidental stimulation of the phrenic nerve or diaphragm, medications used to general anesthesia, distension of the neck during intubation and distension of the abdomen during endoscopy.

All of the above reasons cause involuntary contraction of the diaphragm through stimulation of the phrenic nerve, but the mechanisms by which this occurs remain unknown.

Other common causes of hiccups may be related to a specific condition the person is in, such as pregnancy, or due to age, such as hiccups in children.

  • Children and newborns: in children and newborns the most common reason hiccups - speed of food consumption. For example, a newborn may swallow too quickly during breastfeeding, swallowing air; it is not uncommon for hiccups to appear after feeding. Children and babies, like adults, can also have hiccups due to changes in temperature or eating food that is too hot or too cold.
  • Women during pregnancy: during pregnancy, in addition to the well-known “fetal hiccups”, which are the cause of joy and suffering for women, expectant mother may also have hiccups, probably caused by an increase in the volume of the uterus, which stimulates the phrenic nerve.

Causes of chronic hiccups

As for chronic hiccups, then main reason are disorders of the nervous system, that is, irritation of certain nerves.

This may include:

  • Peripheral nerve pathways : innervating the diaphragm, in particular the vagus and phrenic nerves. Damage or irritation from these pathways can lead to chronic hiccups. Such irritation or damage may be the result of certain diseases localized at the level of the larynx, such as acute laryngitis, pharyngitis (general sore throat), presence foreign objects at the level inner ear, as well as inflammation and infections localized in the lungs and pleural cavity.
  • Central nerve pathways: that is, the nerves localized at the level of the cervical spinal cord. Irritation or injury in these centers can cause chronic hiccups. Injury to these centers is often observed in such neurological disorders ah, how multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease, inflammation meninges in the head and bone marrow, tumors at the level of the brain, traumatic brain injury.

Secondary causes of chronic hiccups relate to diseases that determine the appearance of this symptom. Some diseases have hiccups as a side effect of stimulation of peripheral and central nerves, the mechanisms of connection of other diseases with hiccups are not entirely clear.

Among pathological diseases that can identify hiccups, we have:

  • Inflammation: in the mediastinum, for example at the level of the pericardium, pleura or lungs, the phrenic nerve can be stimulated.
  • Reflux: Gastroesophageal reflux is one of the most common causes of hiccups. In this case, hiccups often occur if you lie down (sleep) immediately after eating.
  • Ulcer and gastritis: gastric ulcer very often develops in the presence of the Helicobacter bacteria pylori): symptoms and treatment of a bacterial stomach infection "> Helicobacter pylori, this is accompanied by characteristic symptoms: burning in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, as well as prolonged hiccups.

Other disorders that may present with hiccups include metabolic disorders such as diabetes mellitus. electrolyte imbalance, hypocalcemia and hyponatremia, renal failure and Addison's disease.

“Seven sips of water” and other remedies for hiccups

Let us now move on to a description of some remedies for hiccups. In case transient processes In addition to changing your lifestyle through eating more slowly and less heavily, you can resort to “grandmother’s” remedies.

From natural remedies The most commonly used treatments for hiccups are:

Lemon juice: due to the fact that it is very sour, due to the presence citric acid, lemon juice, when ingested (pure and undiluted), causes an immediate cessation of breathing, which can stop the involuntary contraction of the diaphragm. A couple of teaspoons of lemon juice can instantly get rid of hiccups.

Vinegar: also contains an acidic component – acetic acid. Taking a teaspoon of diluted vinegar may be helpful because the reflex narrowing of the esophagus blocks the involuntary contraction of the diaphragm. However, be careful, acidity, which works well against acid, can cause ulceration of the stomach lining.

Water: one of popular means against hiccups - drink water in small sips. Some people claim that you should drink 7 sips of water with your nose pinched. Drinking water activates certain centers in the brain that can block hiccups.

Sugar: One teaspoon of sugar can stop hiccups due to its structure. Sugar granules, acting on the walls of the esophagus, stimulate the diaphragm and stop involuntary contractions.

Fright: with a sudden fright, a sudden contraction of the diaphragm is observed, this can “knock down” the hiccups.

Sneezing: When sneezing, the intercostal muscles and diaphragm are activated. Accordingly, if you induce sneezing during hiccups, you can stop the hiccups.

Holding your breath: Stopping breathing for more than ten seconds helps get rid of hiccups because it blocks the movement of the diaphragm.

Medical therapy for hiccups

When the hiccups become chronic disease Your doctor may prescribe medication to try to soothe the irritation. Antidopaminergic agents, calcium agonists, GABA and others are used in the treatment of chronic hiccups.

Of the antidopaminergic drugs acting at the level of dopamine receptors, the most used are:

  • Metoclopramide, which is an antiemetic, but which finds use in the treatment of chronic hiccups. Can be used during pregnancy.
  • Aminazine: belongs to antipsychotics, but is very effective in treating hiccups (about 80%). It is not recommended to take this drug for long period time, as this may lead to involuntary movements. Should not be used during pregnancy due to potential teratogenic effect.

The most commonly used calcium agonists are:

  • Nifedipine: therapeutic effectiveness is variable and closely related to the patient's condition. This drug should not be administered during pregnancy because it is not considered safe. The most common side effects are weakness, constipation and rapid heartbeat.
  • Nimodipine: Can be taken either intravenously or orally. Although this drug has been little studied, it shows good efficiency in the treatment of chronic hiccups.

GABA agonists are used:

  • Valproic acid: has good efficiency. Should not be used during pregnancy, as it has a teratogenic effect, and among side effects has thrombocytopenia and leukopenia.
  • Baclofen: relaxes muscles. On at the moment the drug is considered the most effective for the treatment of chronic hiccups. Among the side effects we may have hypotension and a feeling of drowsiness. Should not be used during pregnancy as it can cross the placenta but the effect on the fetus is unknown.
  • Gabapentin: Has good effectiveness in treating hiccups. The drug should not be administered during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

In case drug therapy not enough to alleviate hiccups, you can use some invasive methods treatment, such as:

  • Probing the stomach through the nose: A tube is inserted through the nasal cavity and goes directly into the stomach. This therapy is useful in cases of chronic hiccups that occur due to the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus.
  • Anesthesia of the phrenic nerve: A very invasive therapy, it is carried out by injecting an anesthetic at the level of the phrenic nerve, which then loses the ability to transmit nerve impulses.
  • Vagus nerve stimulation: A device is implanted in the chest that acts on the vagus nerve and stops hiccups.

Let's consider the topic when all of us, adults, at the most bad time We sometimes get caught up in obsessive, constant hiccups. It’s good if we are alone at home, but if, for example, in public place, at work, at a meeting with your boss or your colleagues. And how to deal with it then? In such situations, the hiccups simply urgently need to be stopped quickly, stopped, removed! Let's assume that hiccups in adults occur after, during, and after meals. I still want to know exactly what causes it, what causes it and why it happens.

Hiccups are a convulsive sudden contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm, accompanied by a sharp narrowing of the glottis. It can be caused by: hypothermia or overeating, but there are cases when hiccups can be long and long in nature - even several days, and vomiting can also be observed, which indicates serious illness. Frequent hiccups happens in dreams too. On the previous page you can find out methods and folk remedies for an adult.

Causes and mechanism of hiccups in adults

Causes of occasional hiccups

  1. Stomach fullness. When you overeat, the stomach increases in volume. It puts pressure on the diaphragm located above it, and accordingly, on the vagus nerve. Its overflow may be preceded by sphincter spasms. These are circular muscles located at the entrance and exit of the stomach. When they are compressed, food cannot pass further into the intestines, and air cannot be released in the form of belching. Then we feel the heaviness that precedes the hiccups.
  2. Hot and cold food, dry food, spicy food. Such food passing through the esophagus irritates its lining. Irritation is transmitted to the vagus nerve, through it to the brain. Therefore, a sharp contraction by the diaphragm becomes a response to the stimulus.
  3. Alcohol. Especially strong alcoholic drinks when taken orally, they burn the mucous membrane of the pharynx and esophagus, then cause alcohol intoxication(poisoning) and disrupt the functioning of the nerves: vagus and phrenic. Therefore, hiccups often accompany feasts.
  4. Drug intoxication. Here, hiccups in adults act as side effect medicines. The activity of the central nervous system is disrupted. The appearance of hiccups often accompanies the use of myelorelaxants, anesthetics and sulfa drugs.
  5. Stress, fright, hysteria load the central nervous system. The transmission of signals from brain centers to executive body. The center responsible for the contraction of the diaphragmatic muscle transmits uncontrolled excitatory signals to it.
  6. Hypothermia. When it's cold, we shiver. This convulsive muscle contraction is designed to help retain heat, and we feel the trembling of the diaphragm in the form of hiccups.
  7. Laughter. When we laugh, a deep inhalation is followed by a series of jerky, sharp exhalations. The functioning of the respiratory center is disrupted, and the hiccup center gains control of the diaphragmatic muscle.

Prolonged hiccups

Persistent, long-lasting, incessant hiccups in adults Caused by certain diseases:

  1. Nervous system lesions are accompanied by swelling of the nervous tissue, some nerve cells die, and signal transmission pathways from the brain to the diaphragm are disrupted. This causes its convulsive contraction. Diseases of other organs do not cause irritation central department, A peripheral nerves: vagus and diaphragmatic. When the source of inflammation is located next to them, a malfunction occurs nervous regulation work of the diaphragmatic muscle. Here is a list of diseases that may be accompanied by hiccups: inflammation of the brain, concussions and bruises, multiple sclerosis, stroke, tumors, intervertebral hernia, with pinched nerve trunks.
  2. Digestive diseases: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, heartburn and dilatation of the esophagus, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis.
  3. Diseases cardiovascular system : angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, aortic aneurysm.
  4. Diseases respiratory system : acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, tumor diseases.
  5. Note: hiccups caused by diseases last more than two days and require medical attention. Remember that these diseases, at the same time, never manifest themselves as just hiccups. Diseases simultaneously cause a complex of symptoms and signs, so there is no need to get upset prematurely. Consult a general practitioner or neurologist for advice.

Treatment of hiccups, how to stop them

Occasional hiccups no need to treat. It goes away on its own after a few minutes, when you switch your attention to something else. But when hiccups are very annoying, you have to try methods that open reflex arc, to eliminate nerve impulse. We will answer the questions: how to get rid of hiccups, what needs to be done, how to fight and treat them. There are many techniques to relieve hiccups, choose the best and most effective one for yourself.

What not to do

Do not use “exotic” extreme methods to combat hiccups, which will stop the hiccups but be harmful to your health.

  1. Rectal massage. One American, Francis Fesmire, along with Israeli scientists were awarded for this method Nobel Prize in 2006. Proving that digital rectal massage cures hiccups. The method, due to its specificity, is not widely used.
  2. Fright. Causing fear in a person can result in the development of neurological disorders. Especially when you have a heart condition.
  3. Spread mustard on the root of your tongue. This can cause a spasm of the larynx. When mustard gets into the esophagus, it burns it and can worsen hiccups.

What should I do to get rid of hiccups?

Drink water

There are some methods, recipes and folk remedies - options for drinking water that help cope with hiccups. Cool water acts on the receptors in the throat, and distracts the vagus nerve from transmitting command impulses to the diaphragm. As water descends through the esophagus, it relaxes it and pushes out stuck food that irritates the diaphragm. Concentration on counting sips, switches nervous excitement. So, traditional methods distract from hiccups:

  • Hold your breath and take 12 sips;
  • Drink water from the opposite edge of the glass;
  • Hold the pencil between your teeth; it should be positioned horizontally between your teeth. Try taking a few sips.
  • Drop half a wooden toothpick into the glass. Drink water, being careful not to get a toothpick in your mouth.
  • Drink water while leaning forward. You can drink from the tap or from a glass on the table. Your hands should be clasped behind your back. Raise them as high as possible.

Holding your breath

When you hold your breath, the blood becomes enriched with carbon dioxide. And carbon dioxide signals the respiratory center in the brain to take control of the diaphragm, which forces the muscle to work to ventilate the lungs and nothing more. The technique helps get rid of hiccups nervous soil and due to muscle spasm.

  • Breathe slowly and deeply into the paper bag. Do not use polyethylene to avoid suffocation.
  • Take a deep breath, then a few more, until you feel your lungs are full. Then tilt your head down and hold your breath for half a minute. Next, exhale smoothly and effortlessly. The method causes oxygen deficiency and relaxes the diaphragm muscles.
  • Valsalva maneuver. Take a deep breath, hold your breath as you inhale and tense all your muscles, strain. Hold this for 15 seconds.

Salt and sugar

Irritation of the taste buds of the tongue helps to improve the functioning of the vagus nerve when hiccups appear from nerve irritation during swallowing or cold. You can suck a teaspoon of sugar or a pinch of salt. Or lemon, honey, ascorbic acid tablet.


To eliminate neurogenic hiccups (associated with swallowing air), exercises to control the abdominal muscles and diaphragm in combination with uniform breathing are useful.

  • Stretch, standing on your toes, raising your arms up as you inhale. As you exhale, bend forward.
  • Sit on a chair, press against its back, take a deep breath. Then lean forward, wrapping your arms around yourself as if you were in an emergency landing. Hold for 10-30 seconds, then exhale smoothly.
  • Do a handstand or lie on your back with your head hanging off the bed so that it is below your diaphragm.

Gag reflex

Tickle the root of your tongue with your fingers, but not to the point of vomiting. This stimulates the gag reflex controlled by the vagus nerve. Vomiting is stronger than hiccups, the body successfully switches. This strong method at the most for various reasons hiccups.

Inducing a burp

When hiccups are caused by swallowing air or drinking soda, you need to empty the stomach of the air bubble. Therefore, swallow air several times, lean forward a little, tighten your abdominal muscles.

Water with mint drops

Peppermint tincture is good for relaxing the esophageal sphincter. This makes it possible to release excess air from it. This method is suitable for hiccups after overeating, laughing or drinking carbonated drinks.

Impact on reflex zones

Apply pressure with your fingers on the biological active points and areas where the nervous system receptors are located. The respiratory center will become excited and control of the diaphragm will be brought under control.

This reflexology will help very well with hiccups in adults of a neurogenic nature. Methods:

  • Sit down, close your eyes, lightly press your eyeballs;
  • Massage actively back side arms from hand to elbow;
  • Massage upper sky with your finger or the tip of your tongue.
  • Pull your earlobes down or apply something cold to them.

Medication treatment of hiccups in adults

Treatment with drugs is advisable when long-term persistent hiccups when: hiccups are regular; her attack lasts more than 48 hours; during hiccups there is a feeling of heartburn and pain in the chest; hiccups have been associated with various diseases.

Treatment procedures

  1. Inhalations with carbon dioxide(5-7% carbon dioxide and 93-95% oxygen). Carbon dioxide irritates the respiratory center. The procedure activates its work and makes a person breathe deeply and fully. Here the lungs, diaphragm, and intercostal muscles work smoothly and without unnecessary contractions.
  2. Intranasal catheter insertion to a depth of 10-12 cm. A catheter is a thin flexible tube. It is administered through the nose into the respiratory tract. She's annoying nerve endings vagus nerve. The procedure itself is not particularly pleasant. Doctors’ manipulations make you quickly forget about hiccups and switch to your own sensations.
  3. Novocaine blockade of the vagus nerve. 40-50 ml of 0.25% novocaine solution is injected with a needle at the posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Thus, the work of the vagus and phrenic nerves is blocked. This method is used in extreme cases when hiccups are associated with inflammatory processes in the chest.

Drug treatment with drugs

At increased excitability of the nervous system and stress , apply: neuroleptics (Chlorpromazine, Aminazine), which: calm the nervous system, reduce the speed of signal transmission from brain centers to organs and muscles. Makes the vagus nerve less sensitive to irritation. They inhibit the activity of reflexes, which include hiccups. They are prescribed during an attack of hiccups; it is administered intravenously at 25-50 mg 4 times a day. To prevent recurrence, take orally in the same dosage. The drug is administered intramuscularly at 25-50 mg 3-4 times a day.

At irritation of the vagus nerve in respiratory diseases , apply: muscle relaxants (Baclofen – Lioresal), which, acting on the centers in spinal cord, prevents involuntary muscle contractions. Helps to relax skeletal muscles, which includes the diaphragm. Reduces the excitability of the diaphragm. They are prescribed orally at 5-20 mg 2-4 times a day. It is advisable to consume after meals with 100 ml of liquid.

For hiccups associated with overeating and dysfunction digestive organs , apply:

  1. antiemetics (Cerucal – Metamol), which reduce sensitivity nerve cells to irritants. They block the passage of nerve impulses to the brain centers and to the diaphragm. Accelerate gastric emptying and prevent the reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus. They have an antiemetic effect. They are prescribed 1 tablet (10 mg) 3-4 times a day. Take 30 minutes before meals with sufficient quantity water.
  2. motor stimulants gastrointestinal tract (Cisapride, Peristil), accelerating the movement of food through the intestines, helping food to empty the stomach faster, and relieving the feeling of fullness. Prevents heartburn and reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus. Cisapride take 5–10 mg 3–4 times a day 15 minutes before meals and before bedtime. A Peristyl 5–20 mg 2–4 times a day. Efficiency increases if taken with grapefruit juice.
  3. blockers histamine receptors (Omeprazole), reducing production hydrochloric acid, reduces inflammatory phenomena for gastritis and refluxesophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus). It is prescribed 0.02 g once in the morning (before breakfast). The duration of treatment depends on your health condition.


What if hiccups bother you a lot, do not self-medicate. After all, everything medicines prescribed after examination by a specialist to avoid side effects.

Video on the topic

The article was prepared based on materials from a practicing doctor of the second category, A. D. Isaeva.



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