For what reason does an allergy occur? Allergy

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article we will look at a disease such as - allergy, as well as her causes, symptoms, types, prevention and treatment of allergies using traditional and folk remedies.

Allergy– increased sensitivity of the body to a substance, often harmless to most people, that causes a violent reaction in the body (allergic reaction).

The main signs of allergies in humans are: rash, itching, sneezing, tears, nausea, etc.

The duration of an allergy in most cases ranges from a few minutes to several days, depending on the degree of exposure of the allergen to the body.

An allergen is a substance that provokes the development of an allergic reaction in a person. The most common allergens are animal dander, microbes, plant pollen, poplar fluff, dust, food, chemicals and medicines.

It is also worth noting that since Each person has his own individual body and level of health, the same allergen can cause severe allergy damage in one person, while another will not have the slightest symptom of this disease. The same applies to the symptoms, duration of the allergic reaction, and other characteristics of the allergy. Based on this, we can conclude that allergies are individual illness. The allergic reaction depends on genetic characteristics immunity.

As of 2016, doctors note that allergies occur in more than 85% of the world's population! And the number continues to grow. As for the theory of such a spread of allergies, the following factors can be noted: weakening of the immune system, non-compliance with personal hygiene standards, increased food consumption chemical industry- powders, cosmetics, medicines, some food products (convenience foods, soda, GMOs, etc.).

Allergy. ICD

ICD-10: T78.4
ICD-9: 995.3

Allergy symptoms

Allergy symptoms are very diverse, depending on the individual body, degree of health, contact with the allergen, and the location of the development of the allergic reaction. Let's look at the main types of allergies.

Respiratory allergies

Respiratory allergies ( respiratory allergy). It develops as a result of the entry into the body through the respiratory system of allergens (aeroallergens) such as dust, pollen, gases, waste products of dust mites.

The main symptoms of respiratory allergies are:

- itching in the nose;
- sneezing;
- mucous discharge from the nose, nasal congestion, ;
- sometimes possible: wheezing when breathing, suffocation.

Typical diseases of respiratory tract allergies are: allergic rhinitis, .

Allergy to the eyes

The development of allergies in the eyes is most often provoked by the same aeroallergens - dust, pollen, gases, waste products of dust mites, as well as animal hair (especially cats), and various infections.

Main symptoms eye allergies are:

increased tear production;
- redness of the eyes;
strong burning sensation in the eyes;
- swelling around the eyes.

Typical diseases of eye allergies are: allergic conjunctivitis.

The development of skin allergies is most often provoked by: food, household chemicals, cosmetics, medications, aeroallergens, sun, cold, synthetic clothing, contact with animals.

- dry skin;
- peeling;
- itching;
- redness of the skin;
- rashes;
- blisters;
- swelling.

Typical skin allergy diseases are:(, etc.).

Development food allergies most often provoke various products food, and not necessarily harmful. Today, many people are allergic to milk, eggs, seafood, nuts (especially peanuts), and citrus fruits. In addition, food allergies can be caused by - chemicals(sulfites), medications, infections.

The main symptoms of skin allergies are:

Symptoms of anaphylactic shock are:

- rash all over the body;
- severe shortness of breath;
- convulsions;
excessive sweating;
involuntary urination, defecation;
- vomit;
- swelling of the larynx, suffocation;
— ;
- loss of consciousness.

It is very important to call at the first attacks ambulance, and at this time provide first aid yourself.

Allergy complications

A complication of allergies can be the development of such diseases and pathological conditions, How:

- bronchial asthma;
chronic rhinitis;
- psoriasis, eczema;
hemolytic anemia;
- serum sickness;
- suffocation, loss of consciousness, anaphylactic shock;
- lethal outcome.

How to distinguish allergies from other diseases?

Allergy symptoms are often confused with other diseases, for example, with, so it is very important to make some distinctions (between allergies and colds):

In addition to GMO products and food additives, harm the body following products food: semi-finished products, fast foods, soda, most modern sweets, as well as food with minimal or complete absence And .

Among the normal foods, but to which people often have an allergic reaction, the following can be noted: chocolate, nuts (especially peanuts), soy, wheat, milk, fruits (citrus fruits, apples, pears, cherries, peaches, etc.), seafood (clams, crabs, shrimp, etc.).

Dust, dust mites. Scientists have found that house dust contains plant pollen, skin flakes, dust mites, cosmic dust, fabric fibers, etc. But as studies show, an allergic reaction in house dust is caused precisely by the waste products of dust mites, which feed mainly on organic products - human skin flakes, etc. Book or street dust can cause no less harm to the body.

Plant pollen. There is such a thing as seasonal allergies, and hay fever, characteristic feature which are manifested during the beginning of flowering of plants - spring, summer. The smallest particles of flowering are an aeroallergen, which travel through the air even into living spaces.

Medicines. Most often, the cause of an allergic reaction is antibiotics, for example penicillin.

Insects, snakes, spiders, etc. Many insects, snakes, spiders and other representatives of the animal world are carriers of poison, which, when bitten and entering the body, can cause a severe allergic reaction, ranging from anaphylactic shock to death.

Violation of body functions due to negative influence on it. Sometimes an allergic reaction occurs from within the body, which is facilitated by altered proteins, as a result of negative exposure to radiation, thermal, bacterial, viral, chemical and other factors - sun, cold. Such factors can also be various diseases, for example: ,.

Chemicals for home care. All household chemicals contain active substances that can not only clean out the most rusty stains, but also seriously harm your health. That is why it is very important to carefully read the operating instructions before using them.

Other causes of allergies include:

- psychological or emotional;

To detect the allergen that is the source of the allergy, it is best to consult your doctor, because Only an accurate diagnosis can increase the positive prognosis for allergy treatment, as well as prevent the future use of a particular product that can cause a considerable number of problems associated with an allergic reaction.

Of course, in some situations, you can yourself discover a product or a negative factor that causes an allergy in a person, for example, if after eating sweets or being in the cold for a long time, symptoms characteristic of allergies appear, then you can reduce these factors to a minimum. But here there is a caveat, because if your body reacts sharply to eating sweets, then an allergic reaction may indicate the presence diabetes mellitus. Therefore, the right solution is to consult a doctor.

To diagnose allergies use:

Skin tests. It is not introduced into the body large number various allergens, and the body's reaction to them is analyzed.

Blood test for IgE. The total amount of IgE antibodies in the blood is determined, as well as their relationship to certain allergens.

Skin or patch tests (Patch-testing). A special mixture of paraffin or petroleum jelly and a mixture of various allergens is applied to the skin, which must be carried on you for 2 days, after which studies are carried out to identify the allergen that caused the allergic reaction. If there is no reaction, the test is repeated.

Provocative tests. Into the human body, under the strict supervision of doctors in medical institution, suspected allergens are introduced, due to which a person exhibits an allergic reaction.

Allergies in some situations develop so quickly that timely medical care can save a person literally from fatal outcome. Therefore, let's look at what you can do if you see a person who is having an allergic reaction.

First aid for mild allergies


- redness, rash, blisters, itching and/or swelling of the skin in the area that had contact with the causative agent of the reaction;
- redness of the eyes, increased tearing;
- abundant watery discharge from the nose, runny nose;
- sneezing (in series).

First aid:

1. Thoroughly rinse the area of ​​contact with the pathogen with warm water;
2. If the cause of the allergy is an insect bite, such as a wasp or a bee, remove the sting from the skin;
3. Limit, as far as possible, possible contact with the causative agent of the allergic reaction;
4. Apply a cold compress to the area with the allergic reaction;
5. Drink an antihistamine (anti-allergic) drug: “Clemastine”, “”, “”, “Chlorpyramine”.

If the measures taken do not help, and the allergic reaction goes beyond mild degree lesions, immediately call an ambulance, and at this time take action emergency care for severe allergies. If you do not remember the steps, before the ambulance arrives, ask the medical facility staff what to do in this situation by phone.

First aid for severe allergies


- difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, spasms in the throat;
- swelling of the tongue;
- speech disorders (hoarseness, slurred speech);
- increased heart rate;
— , ;
- swelling of the face and body;
— ;
- state of anxiety, panic;
— , loss of consciousness.

First aid:

1. Call emergency medical help immediately;
2. Free the person from tight clothing.
3. Ensure free air flow.
4. Give an antihistamine: “Tavegil”, “Suprastin”, “”. If the reaction develops rapidly, it is better to administer the drug by injection, for example: Diphenhydramine (for anaphylactic shock).
5. Make sure that when a person vomits, he turns on his side, which is necessary to prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract.
6. Watch your tongue so that the person does not swallow it.
7. If breathing or heartbeat stops, begin resuscitation: and. Take measures until the ambulance arrives.

There is virtually no treatment for allergies as such, because in most cases, an allergic reaction is a reflection of the attitude of a particular person’s body to a specific substance (allergen). In this regard, the treatment of allergies should be understood as:

- identification of the causative agent of the allergic reaction;
— isolation of the body’s contact with the identified allergen;
- taking medications that relieve allergy symptoms, as well as its transition to a severe form.

Allergy medications

Important! Before use medicines, be sure to consult your doctor!

Antihistamines. Antihistamines, or antiallergic drugs, are prescribed first in case of an allergic reaction. During negative impact on the body pathological factors, such as allergens (cold, sun, chemicals, etc.), the body activates histamine, which actually causes allergic reactions– allergy symptoms. Antihistamines bind and deactivate this substance, thereby relieving allergy symptoms.

The most popular antihistamines: "", "", "", "Tavegil", "Zirtek", "Diphenhydramine".

Decongestants. Prescribed mainly for respiratory allergies, accompanied by difficulty breathing through the nose (nasal congestion), colds,. Decongestants normalize blood flow in internal walls nasal cavity (reduce swelling), which is disrupted due to the protective reaction of the nose to allergens entering it.

The most popular decongestants: Xylometazoline, Oxymetazoline, Pseudoephedrine.

Contraindications to taking decongestants: nursing mothers, children under 12 years of age, and those with hypertension.

Side effects: weakness, dryness in oral cavity, hallucinations, anaphylactic shock.

You should not take the medications for more than 5-7 days, otherwise there is a risk of developing a reverse reaction.

Steroid sprays. Like decongestants, they are designed to reduce inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity. The difference is primarily the minimization of adverse reactions. They are hormonal drugs.

The most popular steroid sprays: Beclomethasone (Beclazon, Bekonas), Mometasone (Asmanex, Momat, Nasonex), Flukatisone (Avamys, Nazarel, Flixonase)

Leukotriene inhibitors. Leukotrienes are substances that cause inflammation and swelling of the respiratory tract in the body, as well as bronchospasms, which are characteristic symptoms for bronchial asthma.

The most popular leukotriene inhibitors: Montelukast, Singulair.

Side effects: headache, ear pain, .


In severe forms of respiratory allergies, as well as in other types of allergies that are difficult to treat, a treatment method such as hyposensitization is prescribed, one of the methods of which is ASIT.

Treatment of allergies with folk remedies

Bay leaf. Make a decoction from bay leaf, which is used to treat areas where an allergic reaction occurs. This tool Great for getting rid of itching and redness. If there are a large number of itchy places on the body, you can take a bath with bay decoction.

Can also be used to treat skin allergies bay oil or tincture of bay leaf.

Eggshell. An excellent remedy for skin allergies is eggshells. It can also be taken by children. For cooking remedy you need to take white shells from several eggs, wash them thoroughly, peel, dry and grind them to a powder, for example, using a coffee grinder. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the shell powder, which helps better digestibility body.

Adults should take the product 1 teaspoon with water once a day or ½ teaspoon 2 times a day. For children 6-12 months old, a pinch on the tip of a knife; for children 1-2 years old, twice as much. From 2 to 7 years, half a teaspoon, and from 14 years - 1 teaspoon egg remedy. The course of treatment is 1-6 months.

Allergy talker. To prepare the product, mix distilled water with ethyl alcohol. Here we add white clay, anesthesin cube and zinc oxide (if not, then good baby powder). For additional effect, you can also add a little diphenhydramine here. Shake the mixture thoroughly and treat any skin allergies with it.

Black cumin oil. This oil is an excellent remedy against various forms allergies, especially seasonal ones. It activates the body's protective functions. Black cumin oil is used as inhalation.

Allergy is familiar to almost every person, but what it really is, what symptoms will indicate the progression of the body’s inadequate response to a specific irritant, how to provide first aid and how treatment should be carried out is known only to a few.

Meanwhile, allergies are considered one of the most common diseases in the world - 85% of the entire population of our planet have suffered an allergic reaction to one degree or another.

General information about allergies

Allergy – this is the body’s increased sensitivity to any irritant. Such provoking substances can be those that are inside the human body, and those with which there is contact. The body of people prone to allergies perceives absolutely safe/familiar substances as dangerous, foreign and begins to produce antibodies against them. Moreover, an “individual” allergen is produced for each irritating substance - that is, an allergy to tulip pollen, animal hair and/or milk can manifest itself in different ways.

There is still no treatment for allergies as such. Modern medicine constantly carries out various studies and is looking for ways to solve this problem, but there are no tangible results yet. What you can do at the moment:

  • by identifying the allergen;
  • take which can relieve the symptoms of the disease in question;
  • limit contact with the identified allergen as much as possible.

Causes of allergies

It is impossible to single out any one reason for the development of allergies - there are many predisposing factors that can provoke the condition in question. TO these include:

  • street, book and/or home;
  • fungal and mold spores;
  • pollen of any plants;
  • (the most common allergens include milk, eggs, fish and seafood, some fruits and nuts);
  • insect bites;
  • cleaning and detergents;
  • any chemicals - paints, gasoline, varnishes, solvents, etc.;
  • animal hair;
  • some medications;
  • latex.

Very often, allergies are a hereditary disease - at least, medicine knows of cases where the presence of allergies in parents necessarily affects the health of their children.

Types of allergies and symptoms

The presence of any specific symptoms depends on what particular form of the disease in question is present in a person.

Respiratory allergies

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It develops against the background of allergens entering the body through the respiratory tract. Symptoms of this type of allergic reaction will be the following:

Please note:and (rhinitis) are considered the main symptoms of respiratory allergies.


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Accompanied brightly pronounced manifestations on the skin - rashes, irritations. Symptoms include:

  • redness of the skin - it can be localized and appear only in immediate areas, and can also be frontal;
  • the skin becomes dry, flaky and itchy;
  • rashes appear and quickly spread, simulating;
  • Blistering and intense swelling may be present.

Allergic conjunctivitis

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In this case, the body’s inadequate response to any irritant will be manifested by a deterioration in eye health. Symptoms of this type of allergy will be:

  • increased lacrimation;
  • swelling around the eyes.


This is an allergic reaction of the body, which is manifested by a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, enteropathy develops due to food and medications. Symptoms of this type of allergy will be:

  • (diarrhea);
  • pain in the intestinal area of ​​varying intensity (intestinal).

Please note:It is precisely with enteropathy that it can develop - the lips and tongue swell, the person begins to choke.

Anaphylactic shock

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This is the most dangerous manifestation of allergies, which always develops rapidly. In just a few seconds the patient develops:

  • intense;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • involuntary urination and defecation;
  • pronounced rash all over the body;

Please note:If a person has the above symptoms, then you need to immediately call an ambulance, or independently deliver the patient to a medical facility. , as a rule, ends in death in the absence of qualified medical care.

It is worth noting that allergy symptoms are very often confused with symptoms colds– , . But it is quite easy to distinguish allergies from allergies - firstly, with allergies, the body temperature remains within normal limits, and secondly, a runny nose with allergies is never characterized by thick, greenish-yellow mucous discharge.

How a specific allergen is detected

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If allergic symptoms appear, but the specific irritant is not known, then you will need to seek help from specialists. In addition to making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will refer the patient to specific examinations that will help identify the true allergen. As part of such surveys, the following are carried out:

  1. Skin tests. The advantage of this examination method is the simplicity of the procedure, speed of obtaining results and low cost. Some facts about the skin test:

If the reaction is positive, redness, itching and swelling appear at the site of application of the allergen.

Please note:2 days before the scheduled date skin tests the patient is prohibited from taking any antihistamine medications, as this may lead to false results.

  1. . Blood is drawn from a vein, which is then sent to the laboratory for testing. The results will be ready in 10-14 days.

Doctors note that this type of examination cannot give a complete answer to the question about the reasons for the development of allergies.

  1. Skin tests. This examination carried out for dermatoses - conditions in which allergies manifest themselves on the skin. This method can determine the body's reaction to:
  • formaldehyde;
  • chromium;
  • benzocaine;
  • neomycin;
  • lanolin;
  • corticosteroids;
  • epoxy resins;
  • rosin.
  1. Provocative tests. This examination is considered the only one that gives a 100% correct answer to the question of what irritant triggered the development of allergies. Provocative tests are carried out only in a specialized department under the supervision of a group of doctors. A possible allergen is introduced into the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, under the tongue, into the nasal cavity.

First aid for allergies

If signs of an allergy appear, you need to provide the patient with first aid. The best option You should immediately consult a doctor, but if this is not possible, then you should perform the following manipulations:

If the patient’s condition has not improved within 20-30 minutes, and even more so if it has worsened, then an ambulance should be called immediately.

In some cases, they may develop severe symptoms allergic reaction:

  • suffocation;
  • and uncontrollable vomiting;
  • increased heart rate and breathing rate;
  • swelling of the whole body, including the pharynx;
  • general weakness;
  • growing feeling of anxiety;

And the above symptoms indicate that the patient is at risk of death - urgent measures must be taken to stabilize his condition. To events intensive care include:

  • if the patient is conscious, then he is given any antihistamines to drink, it is better to use them for this purpose;
  • the patient must be put to bed, his clothes taken off, his head turned to the side;
  • if breathing and heartbeat stop, artificial respiration should be urgently performed, but only if you have certain knowledge.

Allergy treatment

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An allergic reaction has a complex development mechanism, so treatment will be selected by doctors on a strictly individual basis and only after examining the patient. The most commonly prescribed medications are antihistamines, immunotherapy, and steroid sprays for allergic rhinitis (runny nose) or decongestants may be used.

In addition, the patient must take care of his own health - avoid contact with the allergen, regularly carry out maintenance therapy, promptly treat inflammatory/infectious/viral diseases so that it works fully. Do not forget that there is an allergy to medications, and in this case you will need to know specific remedies in order to exclude them when treating any diseases.

Allergy – complex disease, which requires control from both the patient and medical professionals. Only accurate knowledge of the specific allergen that provokes the development of the disease in question and timely treatment can normalize health and improve the patient’s life.

A Allergy is a state of increased sensitivity of the body in relation to a certain substance.or substances (allergens) that develops with repeated exposure to these substances. The physiological mechanism of allergies is the formation of antibodies in the body, which leads to a decrease or increase in its sensitivity. The allergy is manifested by severe irritation of the mucous membranes, skin rashes, general malaise. Allergy underlies the development of such serious illness like bronchial asthma. There are many views on the causes of allergies and ways to get rid of them, which we invite you to get acquainted with.

Immunity error

The immune system solves important problems of protecting the body from the influence of external environment and from the appearance in the body of foreign substances and cells (including cancerous ones). The mechanism of immune defense is very complex. It involves the production of antibodies, which are the “defenders” of the body. The job of antibodies is to neutralize substances that invade the body (called “antigens”). In theory, any immune response should be successful. But sometimes immune system as if he “exceeds his powers” ​​and “loses control. At the same time, she begins to react to completely harmless substances as potentially dangerous. This loss of control leads to the launch of destructive hyperreactions (allergic diseases).

Allergic diseases are hyperreactions (too strong reactions) of the body in response to the influence of environmental factors that are perceived by it as potentially dangerous (even if in fact they are not).

The situation is even worse in situations where the immune system turns against its own body. In this case, the body's own cells or proteins are destroyed. In this case, diseases called autoimmune diseases develop. These include type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and many other serious diseases.

Psychological moment

Psychologists say that there are no diseases that would not be associated with one or another internal problem person. If we talk about allergies, we can see that the immune system is closely related to the nervous and endocrine systems. They act together to translate thoughts into physiological responses.

Likewise, allergic reactions are associated with psychological state. Psychologists say that allergies are like unreasonable fear. Normally, the immune system should only attack enemies of the body - for example, viruses and bacteria. But when the functioning of the immune system is disrupted, it begins to react just as sharply to substances that are completely harmless to the body - plant pollen, animal hair, food, house dust. It turns out that the immune system of an allergic person is afraid of something that should not be afraid at all.

The immune system can start to malfunction after any stress. And this is not an unfounded statement. American psychologists have proven that if expectant mother during pregnancy is in a state of anxiety and emotional overstrain, with an 80% probability we can say that the born child will be allergic. In adulthood, allergies often manifest themselves as a reaction to stress. That is, psycho-emotional mechanisms often trigger histamine reactions, leading to errors in the functioning of the immune system.

Having made a mistake once, the immune system will continue to activate its defense mechanism. That is, every time a person encounters an allergen, a person’s eyes begin to itch and water, a runny nose and a sore throat appear.

Ecology is us

Technology is being improved, living conditions are improving, but the number of people suffering from “diseases of civilization” is not decreasing. These diseases include allergies and such extreme manifestations as bronchial asthma.

Some doctors associate widespread of this disease with environmental deterioration and increasing dust levels, both on the streets of large cities and in residential premises.

Despite the fact that cleaning equipment is being improved, studies show that a powerful vacuum cleaner, while sucking dust from corners and carpets, cannot provide one hundred percent retention. 1-5% of fine dust is returned to the air. It is this dust that is most dangerous to human health, since it contains feces and particles from the bodies of spider mites living in our premises. This dust settles extremely slowly and remains in the air of the apartment at a level of approximately 50-90 cm from the floor, exactly in the area where we sleep and where small children are and play. So beating carpets on the street is more healthy looking cleaning compared to using vacuum cleaners.

It has already been calculated that the average city resident inhales 1-2 tablespoons of dust per day, which remains in the lungs forever. And along with it, they remain in the body harmful substances, settled in dust.

And I'm always missing something

Another look at the appearance of a large number of allergic reactions - insufficient intake of beneficial substances into the body. nutrients. Our body is a huge biochemical laboratory that requires a variety of nutrients every minute. A deficiency of at least one of them can lead to the development of allergic reactions. This especially applies to vitamins and microelements.

Vitamin A (beta-carotene)- an extremely important vitamin for the immune system, ensuring the formation immune cells lining of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract, serving as a natural barrier to infection. Strengthening the immune system, it significantly increases resistance to infectious diseases, including sore throat, colds, flu and bronchitis. According to research, the use of vitamin A helps even with severe allergic reactions. And studies have shown that none of the plant or animal products can independently compensate for the deficiency of vitamin A, so its additional intake is not only desirable, but extremely necessary.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)— studies show that a significant part of the population’s supply of this vitamin does not correspond to the norm. But it activates enzymes that help increase the body’s immune defense and participates in the production of antibodies. Vitamin B6 hypovitaminosis is characterized by dry seborrheic dermatitis on the skin of the face and exudative diathesis.

Vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate, pantothenic acid) - increases the body's resistance to inflammatory diseases. It has an anti-inflammatory effect in autoimmune processes. It is used for skin allergies, often in creams or ointments for sensitive skin.

Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) - the most famous and studied environmental protector. The activity of this vitamin is manifested throughout the body. It is an antioxidant that enhances the effect of other antioxidants, in particular vitamin E. Promotes destruction or neutralization free radicals. Studies have proven that people who take this vitamin live longer than those who are deficient in this vitamin.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)- has remarkable antioxidant properties, provides protection against free radicals, helps the body absorb vitamin A, and improves protein metabolism. A deficiency of this vitamin can trigger the onset autoimmune diseases(a kind of “allergy” against the proteins of one’s own body). The use of vitamin E preparations is recommended for violations immune function, for food allergies. In children with bronchial asthma, during an attack the content of vitamins E, A and C in the blood decreases, and the use of vitamin E leads to normalization of immunity parameters.

Nicotinic acid(vitamin PP)— with a deficiency of this vitamin, the body’s resistance to infections decreases, and eczema develops. In addition, nicotinamide has been proven to slow down the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus at the stage of an autoimmune reaction.

As you can see, allergies can occur for a variety of reasons.

Of course, allergies are treated by a doctor, but understanding the causes of this disease can also help in its treatment.

- This is an enhanced and altered reaction of the immune system to certain substances. These substances that provoke allergies are called allergens or antigens.
Allergens- this is a large group active ingredients, household, animal, vegetable, industrial origin. When this substance penetrates the tissues, the immune system responds to them with methods that promote the evacuation of the allergen. From the point of view of the manifestations of these methods, the body’s reaction to contact with an allergen is an allergy.

What are the causes of allergies?

Protects the body from getting harmful microorganisms and reagents using the immune system. This system is akin to a computer antivirus - it works constantly, every structural element of the body is checked for content foreign bodies. This is why diseases do not develop in the body so often, despite the fact that they enter it every day. huge quantities viruses and microbes. Every structural element of every living body has some kind of marker. Immune protection is built from a certain type of cells that have their own database, which contains the characteristics of the marker. As soon as a microorganism with other identifying marks is caught, the process of evacuation of this element begins to develop in the body. Once “having met” a foreign agent, immune cells forever “enter” information about it into their database and it will not enter the body again. When attempting to penetrate, the process of removing the stranger from the body again develops. Such reactions, if they are too strong, do not so much benefit the body as harm it, destructuring its own cells. This is the mechanism by which allergies occur.

All types of allergies are divided into two types: immediate reactions And delayed reactions. The development of these types of allergies occurs according to different principles.

Immediate allergic reactions occur under the influence of humoral immunity ( antibodies found in the blood that destroy allergens). Such reactions include allergic processes that develop after a short time ( a few hours maximum) from contact with an allergen. The most common reaction of this type is hay fever– allergy to pollen, anaphylactic shock or bronchial asthma.

Delayed allergic reactions occur under the influence cellular immunity– “killer” cells that destroy not only fairly large allergens, but also their conglomerates. From the moment of contact with the allergen until the first signs of an allergic reaction appear ( a few days). During such a reaction, both allergens and some tissues of one’s own body are destroyed, as quite powerful inflammation develops. One of the varieties of this type of allergy is contact dermatitis, a reaction to the mantoux test or rejection of a transplanted organ.

Why do some people develop allergies and others not?

The occurrence of an allergic reaction depends primarily on individual characteristics body. A tendency to allergic reactions may arise due to certain heredity, but not only. If you carefully study the history of family illnesses, then an allergic person will probably have an allergic grandfather or great-grandmother. But one should not assume that allergies are genetically transmitted. The baby is genetically predisposed to this disease, but its appearance will be triggered by some external causes.
The genetic tendency to produce a certain type of immunoglobulins - reagents that give the first impetus to an allergic reaction, is called atopy. Babies born to parents with allergies may not suffer from allergies to the same triggers.

Types of allergies

This disease occurs in the most various types. Ailments of an allergic nature include allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, urticaria, allergic dermatitis, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, hay fever.
So, manifestations of the disease are usually caused by almost any active substance that has penetrated into the tissues of a person with individual reaction for this substance. Most often, pollen, house dust, cat or dog hair, micro mites, feathers, and household chemicals play this role.

Allergy to cat and dog fur
Any pet produces a lot of substances that can trigger allergies. Moreover, the most common allergens are the hair of dogs and cats. In addition, the disease can be caused by the feathers of parrots, canaries and even chickens, dandruff, pet excrement, saliva, and dead skin flakes.

Allergy to pollen , which is also called hay fever (hay runny nose or hay fever) - This individual intolerance pollen of some plant species. The disease occurs with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs and eyes. This type of disease reveals itself only during the flowering season of the allergen plant. At this time, the patient develops rhinitis, breathing becomes difficult, tears flow from the eyes, a feeling foreign body in the eyes, burning and desire to rub them. The overwhelming amount of pollen is released by plants from four to eight o'clock in the morning; therefore, the most striking manifestations of the disease are observed in the first half of the day.

Nutritional allergies - This is an individual intolerance to any food product. This disease is more common in young patients. The allergen here is certain types of proteins or other components of food. The development of allergies is provoked by spicy foods, an undiversified menu, fast food, and dysbacteriosis. Important has the introduction of complementary foods, as well as the duration of breastfeeding.

The most active allergens are eggs, citrus fruits, chocolate, milk, nuts, fish and honey. But people suffering from this form of the disease can develop allergic manifestations to any food. Foods that provoke allergies in some people do not cause any adverse events for others it’s a matter individual tolerance and immune responses to allergens. Signs of nutritional allergies are usually expressed in diseases digestive organs: inflammatory processes in the mouth, inflammation of the mucous membrane digestive tract, but sometimes phenomena such as rashes on the body, itching, increased body temperature, and swelling develop.

Allergy to house dust - a very common form of the disease. This form is usually caused by dust mites that inhabit upholstered furniture, carpets, pillows and soft toys. In addition, house dust contains a lot of spores of fungi, microorganisms, particles of dead insects, and human epithelium. Any of these components can provoke allergic forms conjunctivitis, runny nose and even bronchial asthma. This variety the disease can develop at any time of the year, but stronger exacerbation occur in the autumn-winter period, when the rooms are ventilated less frequently and the humidity in them is increased.

Allergy to insect bites (wasps, bees, mosquitoes) is not so common, but is very dangerous for humans. At the moment of stinging, the poison or saliva of insects, which are allergens, enters the wound. The tissue around the bite swells and turns red, and a blister forms. In severe cases, phenomena such as diarrhea, skin rashes, vomiting or Quincke's edema develop. The most dangerous phenomenon from insect bites is anaphylactic shock.
During anaphylactic shock, a person falls into unconsciousness, breathes heavily and convulsively, and his blood pressure drops. If you do not call an ambulance, the patient may die.

Rarer forms of the disease are allergies to heat, cold, stress and physical work, but these manifestations are not a real allergic reaction, but are pseudo-allergies . Similar conditions Outwardly they resemble a common allergy, but the processes taking place in the body are completely different. This is an autonomic response blood vessels to unfavorable conditions.

Diagnosis of allergies

Diagnosis is carried out by detecting antibodies in the blood, specific skin tests and other methods.

Allergy therapy

Allergy therapy is not an easy task. First of all, you should eliminate the allergen from the patient’s environment and, if possible, avoid contact with it in the future.
One of the main methods of allergy treatment is hyposensitizationa whole series measures that should reduce the strength of the immune response when exposed to an allergen, that is, it is, as it were, a “peacemaker” between the body and the allergen. Hyposensitization is carried out by introducing small amounts of allergen into the tissue. Gradually, the immune system produces all its substances used to respond to the introduction of a given substance and gradually the response becomes weaker. This procedure is very long - three to five years, maybe less. A nonspecific form of hyposensitization occurs various methods: some administered substances reduce the activity of the immune system, others direct its action in a different direction, and others suppress the action of biologically active substances secreted by the body and causing allergies.

Install the real reason allergies and choosing the right treatment method for this disease is only possible

People often suffer from intolerance certain products. This may be an allergy, the symptoms, causes and treatment of which are closely interrelated. The body's reaction is different, but always unusual for the normal state. Therefore, any manifestations of the disease cannot be ignored.

Among the many pathologies that affect the internal organs of a person, there is a specific reaction of the body to external stimuli. They can be: plant pollen, poplar fluff, dust, all kinds of food, household chemicals.

An allergic reaction is provoked by diseases such as arthritis, hypothyroidism, and rheumatism. Similar pathologies provoke the production of substances that irritate the immune system. A negative reaction of the body occurs in the form of skin rashes, swelling of the nasal or throat mucosa. This condition provokes a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and coughing. That is, an allergy is a negative reaction of the immune system to the ingress of allergens, substances that cause increased sensitivity. In other words, the body’s defenses exceed the necessary defense measures, and ordinary substances are seen as a threat to health.

Pay attention! Negative manifestations of the disease are individual for all people. Some people can't stand cats or dust. For some, allergies make themselves felt seasonally. Others suffer negative reactions to various medications.

There are a large number of factors that can trigger the development of a specific reaction in the body. Allergies occur due to poor nutrition, lack of active image life, long-term violation of hygiene rules. Great value has mental state person. Stress and nervous breakdowns may trigger the development of allergies.

Frequent causes of the body’s negative reaction to external stimuli:

  1. Dust (in the house, transport, on the street).
  2. Flower pollen, poplar fluff (seasonal allergies).
  3. Medicines (drug allergies).
  4. Household chemicals (cleaning products), chlorine in the pool.
  5. Animal fur (cat allergy).
  6. Foodstuffs. A negative reaction most often occurs to eggs, honey, flour and sweets.

It is worth noting that allergies can arise from nervous soil. There may be psychological reasons for this - emotional stress or stress. Here we're talking about about psychosomatics, that is, allergies arise as a result of prolonged emotional disturbance. A person experiences difficult moments in life within himself, without opening up to others. Over time, accumulated emotions that are not released out provoke stress, to which the body reacts defensively. This can manifest itself as sneezing and runny nose, a rash on the body in the form of hives, abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Important! Many allergic manifestations on psychosomatic grounds are confused with colds and illnesses internal organs without paying attention to the emotional state.

Manifestations of allergies, their types

The body's response to external stimuli manifests itself individually in each person. The main thing is to know the general deviations in the condition, so that if symptoms appear, seek help in time.

Depending on the type of allergy, its symptoms vary. A negative reaction of the body can be local in nature, that is, it can occur on a specific part of the body or organ without affecting neighboring areas.

With such an allergy, the following symptoms may occur:

  • tearing eyes;
  • the appearance of a rash on a certain area of ​​the skin (face, arms, chest, abdomen);
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa, which provokes nasal congestion and discharge of a watery consistency;
  • wheezing in the lung area;
  • feeling of itching or burning in the sinuses.

At local allergies, first of all, the appearance of signs occurs at the site of exposure to the stimulus. If allergens penetrate the nose or throat, bronchi, or lungs, coughing, sneezing, and runny nose may occur. The presence of pathogens in the respiratory tract can cause shortness of breath, swelling, and spasm in the bronchi. This is a respiratory allergy. Its symptoms can be caused by plant pollen, microbes and dust that a person inhaled along with the air.

Important! Respiratory allergies most often lead to asthma and chronic runny nose.

A local reaction to an irritant can manifest itself in the form of dermatosis. These are skin rashes various localizations. They can be provoked by chemicals in household chemicals, food, medications.

This type of allergy, such as dermatosis, can manifest itself in the form of itching and redness on the hands, rashes and peeling on the face, and swelling on the neck. The appearance of negative reactions of the defense system can occur in combination or one by one with increasing force. Each person's symptoms vary in severity.

An allergy to cold can manifest itself as significant rashes on the skin. This reaction is local, as it mainly affects exposed areas of the body. When the temperature drops, the sensitivity of the receptors increases, which leads to a violent reaction of the immune system. As a result, peeling, swelling of the skin, and redness occur.

In addition to reacting to the cold, many people are allergic to the sun. Symptoms may appear immediately or 2–3 hours after exposure to heat. Redness and rashes occur on the arms, neck, face and legs. The skin suffers from peeling, the formation of watery blisters, and damage to areas of the skin in the form of eczema and psoriasis. The keratinized areas may crack and bleed.

Know! A negative reaction to the sun occurs in infants, children and the elderly. This is due to weak or weakened immunity.

Another type of local allergy is conjunctivitis. This manifestation provokes changes before our eyes. When exposed to allergens, allergic conjunctivitis occurs, which has specific symptoms(swelling of the eyelids, burning, stinging, intense tearing).

Types of allergies such as enteropathy and anaphylactic shock are common. In the first case, a negative reaction of the body occurs due to the entry of irritating substances into the gastrointestinal tract. This could be food or medicine.

In this case, the symptoms of an allergy are as follows:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • development of diarrhea or problems with bowel movements (constipation);
  • bloating, flatulence.

It is worth noting that angioedema can be a striking manifestation of enteropathy. This condition occurs when the tongue or lips become very swollen. Such an allergy is very dangerous, as it can lead to the death of the patient by causing swelling of the throat and cutting off the supply of oxygen to the body.

As for anaphylactic shock, this is the most dangerous type of allergy. It can occur in response to any irritant if a person has a very sensitive immune system. The following symptoms help to recognize this reaction of the body:

  • red spots and small rashes on almost the entire surface of the skin;
  • difficulty breathing and sudden shortness of breath;
  • feeling of suffocation and loss of consciousness;
  • the appearance of muscle spasms, cramps throughout the body;
  • the appearance of nausea, vomiting;
  • severe disturbances in stool (diarrhea).

If negative signs appear, you should immediately call an ambulance. Anaphylactic shock is dangerous looking allergies, which can be fatal.

Know! Depending on the sensitivity of the defenses and the individual characteristics of a person, any of the listed types of allergies may arise as a response to a particular product.

The signs in a child and an adult are similar. They are the same as for food allergies. Sneezing and runny nose, rash all over the body, red spots, stomach upset, headaches, and discomfort in the throat (Quincke's edema) may occur. There is a dry cough due to allergies. In severe cases, anaphylactic shock may occur.

The most common causative agents of allergies in adults and children

A negative response can be caused by food (food allergies), household chemicals, or a reaction to chlorine in the pool ( contact allergy), insect bites, as well as irritants that enter the respiratory tract with air ( respiratory pathogens). The sensitive immune system of infants may react negatively to diapers ( small pimples, diaper rash, redness).

If we consider food, the allergens here are cow's milk (sometimes goat's milk), honey, and eggs. There may be an allergy to sweets. Among the fruits are citrus fruits, in particular tangerines. There is a negative reaction to persimmon. Similar products foods can cause symptoms such as: hives, bloating and flatulence in the intestines, vomiting (milk allergy). Also, a negative reaction to citrus fruits can manifest itself in the form of swelling of the ears, neck, eyelids, lips and tongue. Vivid signs are tearing and pain in the eyes, problems with hearing and vision.

A negative reaction to tangerines occurs if you overeat such a product. It is not recommended to consume more than 5 pieces per day.

A reaction to honey can manifest itself in the form of red spots, which sometimes merge, causing angioedema. At this time, peeling of the skin, itching, swelling of the tongue and lips may occur. The cause of an allergy to honey may be a large amount of pollen in the product or chemicals from additives that individual beekeepers feed the bees.

Allergies to milk and honey cause specific symptoms in children. This is a rash all over the body, especially in infants, red spots, peeling skin. Milk intolerance in adults and children may be due to a lack of a special enzyme in the body to process it. In infants, this condition is expressed in the form of foamy diarrhea with curd or blood streaks. Milk allergy can cause bowel problems in older children, as well as in adults.

Children and adults may experience negative reactions to eggs. In this case, all foods that contain the allergen are excluded from the diet. It is worth noting that intolerance to eggs (duck, chicken, goose) differs in adults and children. A similar allergy in infants or a child a little over a year old can disappear over time if you limit the consumption of such a product. In an adult, egg allergy is not completely cured, which means that it is necessary to always follow a special diet without such an irritant.

Pay attention! The protein in eggs is more allergenic. It contains many substances that tend to cause a negative reaction in the body.

Another type of food allergy is a negative reaction in children to gluten, a protein from cereals (rye, wheat, oats, barley). Its inability to digest may appear with the first complementary foods. This allergy provokes small rash, diarrhea, sleep disturbance, problems with appetite and general moodiness, irritability of the child. If you follow the diet, a negative reaction to gluten will go away over time.

Important! If a reaction to cereal protein results in slower development of the child, weight loss and stunted growth, this is gluten intolerance. In this case, the disease is incurable and requires a lifelong diet.

Alcohol is a dangerous irritant that can cause allergies in adults. Such an allergy can be acquired or transmitted at the genetic level. The causes of alcohol intolerance are overuse such a product that contains a large number of additives, flavors and dyes. Wine, cognac, and liqueur can cause a negative reaction in the body.

Alcohol allergy symptoms:

  • the appearance of red spots on the face, neck, hands;
  • small rash accompanied by burning or itching;
  • rapid onset of intoxication;
  • upset stomach, nausea, vomiting;
  • increased blood pressure and headaches.

Pay attention! Alcohol intolerance is a dangerous pathology that can provoke anaphylactic shock.

To eliminate allergic manifestations we need to find the source of their occurrence. Diagnostics includes a set of measures that help identify the irritants of the body’s negative reaction.

Allergen detection methods:

  1. A general blood test is a method that can be used to detect the presence of foreign organisms. This condition is indicated by an increase certain bodies blood (eosinophils).
  2. Study of immunoglobulins in the blood. The study allows you to determine the presence of antibodies of the body's defense system, as well as the presence of antigens of the allergy pathogen. Using this method, you can determine food and household allergens, antigens of fungi and mold, animals, and worms.
  3. Skin test examination. This approach is used if the allergen is already known and it is only necessary to confirm it clinically.

Important! For more accurate diagnosis a comprehensive examination, anamnesis and a thorough study of the medical history are necessary. Based on one of the methods, it is impossible to immediately determine the causative agent of the disease.

Which doctor should I contact?

Collateral successful treatment allergies is an appeal to to the right specialist. If you know which doctor is treating you, you can hope to diagnose correct diagnosis. Negative manifestations of the body are determined by an allergist (allergist-immunologist). Such a doctor decides what to do and how to treat the negative manifestations of the body. Treatment is prescribed after complex diagnostics, and may include several types of medications.

Specifics of traditional allergy treatment

The effectiveness of therapy for the body’s negative reaction to a particular stimulus lies in identifying the cause of the disease. It is worth noting that any allergen causes an increase in histamine. This substance in the human body provokes a rash, itching, and disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, stomach, and respiratory tract. Consequently, antihistamines (Tavegil, Diphenhydramine, Diazolin, Pipolfen) are used in the treatment of allergies with medications. Such drugs belong to first generation therapies. They are prescribed to be taken on a daily basis to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Antihistamines are prescribed by the doctor. He determines the timing of treatment and dose.

To the second generation of drugs antihistamine action belong to Claritin, Zyrtec, Astemizole. Their difference from the previous medicine is that they do not cause drowsiness and lethargy in the nervous system.

Attention! Long-term use agents that suppress histamine production are not recommended. This can provoke addiction, and the occurrence of allergies is even more intense.

To relieve swelling and spasm in the respiratory organs, they are used vasodilators. Their main action is as follows:

  • cough decreases;
  • breathing becomes easier;
  • shortness of breath disappears, wheezing in the bronchi and lungs is eliminated.

Most often in complex therapy medications such as: Salmeterol, Theophylline, Albuterol are used. These drugs help relax the soft tissues of the bronchi, in short terms make breathing easier.

Vasodilator medications also include anticholinergics. They are aids in complex therapy of allergies, but can be used as independent medications.

IN drug treatment When the body reacts negatively to irritants, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. They are used for asthma, eczema, watery eyes, and rhinitis. Most popular means are steroid medications(tablets, drops, ointments). Corticosteroids (injections, inhalations, drops) help well. Similar drugs well suited in those moments when you need to provide first aid for exacerbation of allergies (asthma).

Children at allergic conjunctivitis the famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky recommends lecrolin, cromoglin, high-chrome. These drugs can be used long time, they don't harm.

Traditional treatment may use antibiotics. Cetrin helps with allergic rhinitis. It is worth noting that before deciding how to treat an allergy, the doctor must find out whether the patient has an intolerance medicines. Therefore, self-medication with antibiotics is not recommended.

Homeopathy treatment

If you take the treatment of allergies seriously, it is recommended to use not only medications, but also alternative medicine. The most common is homeopathy. This method is the treatment of allergies by taking medications in very small doses, which in large proportions are allergens to the immune system.

Homeopathy includes the following medications:

  • Allium sulfur is used for inflammatory processes on the eyes, lips, nasal mucosa.
  • Sabadilla is used in case of throat problems (sore throat, sore throat), runny nose.
  • Pulsatilla is a drug that helps reduce mucous discharge, which can cause discomfort to the patient for a long time.

Pay attention! Homeopathy completely eradicates allergic reactions. This method helps to alleviate the patient’s condition and eliminate the symptoms of pathology.

How to cure allergies at home?

Allergies can be treated at home. There are many recipes that help cure the disease using folk remedies.

Fight allergies with eggshells and lemon juice

Need to take raw egg(chicken), wash it well, break it and pour out all the contents. After this, you need to remove the transparent film and dry the shell. Grind to a powder. Before use, the finished medicine is quenched with lemon juice.

It is worth noting that the amount of shell powder depends on age. This remedy is most often used to treat allergies in children. Therefore, children up to one year old are given a pinch of medicine, up to three years old - 1/4 tsp, up to 7 years old - 0.5 tsp. etc. Lemon juice It takes a few drops for the shell to dissolve well. In this case, the liquid should be squeezed out of the fresh citrus.

Get treatment eggshell, diluted with lemon juice, is recommended for at least 2–3 months.

Pay attention! Allergies should be treated according to the doctor's prescription, and only after a thorough examination. Otherwise, serious complications can occur.

Treatment of allergies during pregnancy

As for the treatment of allergies during pregnancy, it should be strictly under the supervision of a specialist. During this period, many medications are contraindicated, and folk remedies Without consultation with a specialist, they can also cause harm. It is worth noting that allergies are very rare in pregnant women, and if they do occur, it is more common. mild form than other people. This is explained by the fact that during pregnancy, the body produces more of the hormone cortisol, which suppresses histamine.

Consequences of the disease and prevention of allergies

Many people do not take the body’s negative reactions to external stimuli seriously. Most believe that allergies are not a serious disease. If left untreated negative reactions, and do not look for their cause, you can face serious consequences:

  • asthmatic manifestations;
  • convulsions, difficulty breathing;
  • skin swelling, blisters, eczema;
  • increase in pressure.

The most severe consequence of allergies is anaphylactic shock. This condition can be fatal.



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