Oat decoction - medicinal properties and contraindications. Oats and its use in folk medicine

This was in the 90s of the last century. After working in the capital, I returned home to my family. Then something incomprehensible happened - I began to feel that my strength was leaving me. Every day the condition worsened: it seemed that it was not an illness that had happened, but the life that was gradually leaving me. My friends Lyudmila and Galina literally led me, exhausted, by the arms, to receive unction. I tell my father:

- Father, I drank chicken broth during Lent, I didn’t even have the strength to walk around the house.

-Have you seen the horse? - the father asks in response. I was stumped by this question. “What does the horse have to do with it,” I think. And he seems to answer my thoughts:

- The horse is stronger than you, even though he has never eaten chicken soup in his life. Steam some oats and drink for three weeks. You will see that with God's help everything will get better.

And so it happened. With God's blessing and father's advice.

From a letter from reader Veronika Ivanovna Zasadskaya

Today I want to talk about a medicine that is not very expensive in terms of money, but effective - oats It is not only the crisis that forces people to look for alternative ways of treatment. The desire to get closer to nature and reduce the amount of “chemicals” entering the body are powerful motivators for finding really good natural remedies.

Oats- cultivated cereal. It is the chemical composition that explains the unique restorative effect of oats.

Oats contain a lot of protein, as well as fats and carbohydrates, valuable methionine, polyphenols, and choline. A large number of microelements - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, cobalt, manganese, B vitamins (B1, B2), vitamin A, vitamin E, PP.

Eating oatmeal for breakfast is quite common in many countries. Perhaps the morning meal of oatmeal is associated mainly with Britain. Seeing how rich oats are in essential nutrients, I want to adopt this wonderful tradition.

Medicinal properties of oats

In folk medicine, oatmeal in the form of a decoction has long been used to treat the depletion of the body and any serious illnesses.
Oats have exceptional properties to cleanse the body of toxins, so it helps well in the complex fight against eczema, psoriasis, and diathesis (if there is no allergy to gluten, which sometimes happens in infants). Helps cope with obesity by adjusting metabolism.

Oat decoctions gently coat the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve inflammation, while saturating the body with vitamins and minerals. The latter help to activate vitality, get rid of fatigue, weakness, and exhaustion.

The complex of vitamins and microelements contained in oats allows the oat decoction to cope with neuroses, insomnia, and resist stress. Just think, oats are successfully used even for cerebral palsy, because it contains choline, improves muscle function, and relieves the child’s painful conditions.

Oat straw is included in numerous preparations for the treatment of diabetes. Oats help with dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, with anemia (anemia), with mental and physical fatigue.

Oats protect the liver, restore its cells, promote the formation of healthy high-density cholesterol (a building material for the body) and reduce the content of low-density bad cholesterol, which forms atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels - i.e. oats even treat atherosclerosis.

Oats have a very positive effect on the urinary system: tincture of green oat grass dissolves and removes sand and small stones from the kidneys.

Oats treat bronchopulmonary diseases: they have an expectorant, mild antitussive and tonic effect. Unripe oats increase potency and increase the content of testosterone in the body - the male sex hormone. Oat products have invaluable properties in dietary nutrition.

Oat decoction

Since ancient times, a decoction or “napar” of oats has been used in folk medicine for depletion of the body.

So, let's look at the list of diseases that are treated with oats:

  • bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung cancer
  • skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis)
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver (due to methionine content), cholecystitis, enterocolitis
  • urolithiasis, nephritis, cystitis
  • obesity and overweight
  • toxic reactions, including after chemotherapy
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers, anacid gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis
  • cardiovascular diseases (coronary heart disease) and atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocarditis
  • diabetes mellitus (use oat straw)
  • Parkinson's disease, insomnia, stress, nervous exhaustion
  • Cerebral palsy in children (to improve muscle function)
  • diseases of the spine and joints (arthritis, “crunching” in the legs)
  • tumors, fibrocystic mastopathy, blood diseases, exhaustion
  • in combination with alcohol and nicotine addiction
  • oats in the form of unripe grains increase testosterone levels, which is important for men, including those involved in weightlifting and strength training
  • flu, colds
  • alcohol tincture from green tops of oats (milk ripeness phase) treats insomnia, neuroses
  • oat products are used in dietary nutrition: oat flakes are digested better than oatmeal

Contraindication for preparations made from oats there is an individual intolerance. People with high acidity of gastric juice should be treated with kvass and oat decoctions with caution.

To prevent the reflux of bile into the stomach, oat decoctions should be used with caution in case of cholecystectomy syndrome with the gallbladder removed.

How to prepare oat decoction

A regular oat decoction is prepared as follows:

Wash 2 handfuls of unpeeled oats, add 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Let it brew and strain.

The course of treatment with prepared oatmeal broth is at least 21 days. When using, note that oats are slightly weakening.

Healthy oat recipes

Recipe for the treatment of the pancreas, anacid gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis:

1 cup of unpeeled oats needs to be rinsed. After this, add 1 liter of water at room temperature. Let it steep overnight (12 hours). Bring the resulting mixture to a boil on the stove, cook under the lid on a small fire for half an hour. Wrap in a sweatshirt and leave for another 12 hours. After straining, take half a glass. This should be done 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

Recipe for treating arthritis with oat straw:

Recipe for treating diathesis in children:

Grind 2 tablespoons of unrefined oat grains and pour into a thermos. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into it. Leave oats for at least 3 hours. We give children 1/2 glass at least 4 times a day.

Recipe for the treatment of urinary tract:

Grind the green oat grass in a meat grinder and fill a liter jar halfway with this “porridge”. Next, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 3 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally every day. Strain the tincture. For those who do not drive, it can be taken 30 drops, mixed with water 3 times a day.

I learned the following recipe from my grandmother. As she talked about him - from all diseases. It may not work for everyone, but it will help with many ailments - absolutely. It's about steamed oats in milk. Particularly useful for pancreatitis and diabetes.

You need to take 2 handfuls of unhulled oat grains and pour 1 liter of boiling water over them. Cook the oats until the water volume has evaporated to 0.5 liters. Add 0.5 liters of milk to the pan. Then cook for another 10-15 minutes from the moment of boiling. We filter the resulting valuable steam and drink about 1/2 cup a day.

This remedy lifts even bedridden patients from their sickbeds, gives strength, and relieves inflammation in the digestive organs. It is used for bronchopulmonary diseases even in children.

Oats are very often used in herbal medicine recipes. In these preparations it acts as a hepatoprotective, cleansing, and vitamin remedy.

Be healthy!

Herbalist V.V. Sorokina

History of the origin of culture. How oats are used. What does grain consist of? How it works. What is wild oat (10+)

Agricultural technology of oats - Types. Characteristics

History of the origin of culture

The first acquaintance with such a grain crop as oats, occurred approximately 2500 BC. Until now, archaeologists and scientists cannot come to a consensus on the question of the first place where oats grew. However, there is still a high probability that the birthplace of the grain crop called oats is Eastern Europe. The Bronze Age is precisely associated with the use of animals by humans, in particular horses, as an excellent draft force. And the horses were fed mainly oats. Oats were most often sown in Eastern and Northern Europe; the Mediterranean countries at that time did not cultivate this grain crop at all. Today, as before, oats are in most cases grown as a fodder or industrial crop. And only 5% of the total harvest is used for human consumption.

Composition of oat grain

Cereal grain is practically not used to produce flour for traditional bread due to its low gluten content. But other confectionery products containing oats turn out very tasty, for example, oatmeal cookies.

A forage plant is considered according to a number of indicators such as:

  • protein content - 12-18%
  • starch - 41%
  • fat - 4-5%
  • ash - 4%

The grain is rich in vitamins B2 and BB. Oats are also not deprived of a sufficient amount of microelements: cobalt, zinc, manganese. In agricultural terms, 100 kg of oat straw has 31 feed units, while scales have about 46 feed units. Although oats are classified as roughage, their nutritional value remains high.

Types of oats and their characteristics

Oats are available in three types:

  • oats
  • Byzantine oats
  • sandy oats

The share of the world grain harvest in the total turnover consists of 90% of seeded oats, and only 10% falls on the share of the Byzantine type of oats. Each of these types of oats has its own separate growing area. Thus, Byzantine oats are most cultivated in the lands of the Mediterranean; seed oats are more typical for the warm south of Europe or China. Sandy oats are grown on the sandy soils of northwestern Europe, hence the name of this species. By the way, it is the sandy type of oats that is considered the most ancient.

Of all the known varieties of oats, the most popular today is white grain. Black grain is considered less valuable, and feed grain (red and gray) is considered least valuable.

The most commonly cultivated oat varieties are:

  • Merlin;
  • Hunter;
  • Dance;
  • Mascot

Sowing oats is divided into several wild varieties, which are called wild oats. The most common types of wild oats are:

  • common wild oat
  • southern wild oat
  • bearded wild oat

Characteristics of cereal crop - oats

It is this variety that differs from other similar varieties of oats in the appearance of the grains, which are quite pubescent and spinous. The spines are rough, and at the bottom they are completely twisted into a spiral shape. The main difference between cultivated varieties and wild ones is the presence of the so-called horseshoe in the latter. Thanks to the horseshoe, the ripened grain is easily separated from the branches of the panicle. The color of common oats is a panicle, and the spikelets may have one or more flowers. The caryopsis has slight pubescence. There is the following classification of oats:

  • annual species: cultivated and wild plants;
  • perennials, for example tall ryegrass.

Anatomical particulars of the main types of oats

Seed oats, or common oats, have a small tongue in the leaf blade. The tongue has slightly jagged ends but no ears. The spikelets of the plant are loose and often awnless. The threshing process separates the ear into individual grains. The naked forms have light scales, which are easily removed during processing, which cannot be said about the filmy forms of oats.

Byzantine oats are classified into heart and winter forms. The spikelets of the plant are large, there are 3-4 flowers, the awns are located on the scales of the two lower flowers. When threshing, the ear is broken into two parts: part remains at the bottom grain, and the rest at the top. This variety tolerates drought and frost well, the ripening phase is short. The largest crops of Byzantine oats are concentrated in Transcaucasia and central Asia. Only winter forms of Byzantine oats are cultivated on an industrial scale.

Sandy oats differ from other species by the spinous flowers of the spike, as well as by the presence of awn-like processes at the top of the outer floral scales. The variety does not have a horseshoe, unlike wild oats. The favorite place of growth is sandstone. This species grows in many countries, but the largest plantations are in southwestern Europe.

Requirements for growing conditions

Oats are a frost-resistant plant, so the seed germinates at a temperature of 2-3°C, and the seedlings normally tolerate light frosts. High temperatures, on the contrary, negatively affect the growing season of the plant. The soil for oats should be well moistened, and the plant can easily tolerate excess moisture. While dry periods can cause great harm to the crop. Oats are a long-day plant, so in the northern regions the growing season is slightly shortened.

As for soil quality, oats, as a cereal crop, are not very demanding. However, the best option is considered to be sandy loamy podzolic soils of non-chernozem areas, as well as fertile soils of Polesie. Salty soils are considered unsuitable for oats.

As for fertilizers, oats most of all need nitrogen fertilizers, which can enormously increase yield volumes. Oats also grow well on cultivated peat bogs.

Which precursors are more suitable for oats?

Oats are a spring wedge cereal crop. The place for sowing oats is determined not only by the predecessor, but also by the dryness of the season. The optimal predecessor is representatives of legumes. Good harvests are obtained after corn and winter wheat. If the season was wet, then the best predecessor is sugar beets. For Polesie, potatoes and fiber flax are considered the best predecessors. If the season was already dry, then it is not recommended to plant oats after sugar beets, since beets drain the soil very much and suffer from a disease common to oats (beet nematode).

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Oats, a photo of which is presented in this article, is an agricultural plant that is periodically called medicinal. The cereal received this name due to its unique healing properties, which have found their use in folk medicine. It is the healers who have no doubt about the enormous benefits of eating oats. Most often, infusions and decoctions are made on its basis, the contraindications and medicinal properties of which are described in the article below.

Oats have also found their use in cooking. In kitchens all over the world, its flour is used to prepare various dietary dishes. Oats, described in the article below, are also used in the form of decoctions. They are used for weight loss. Excess weight is lost due to the presence of a huge number of different active substances that help improve metabolism in the human body. But this is not all the positive properties for which this drink is famous. We will talk in more detail about the benefits of oats in this article.

Collection and composition

For medicinal purposes, stems and fruits are used as ingredients. In this case, grains are used mainly in an unrefined form. The stems of this plant are usually used in any form: green or in the form of straw. The beneficial properties of the plant are determined by the presence of a number of useful substances in it. Among them are the following components:

  • Enzymes.
  • Squirrels.
  • Fats.
  • Essential oils.
  • Starch.
  • Fiber.
  • Vitamins.
  • Amino acids.
  • Microelements.
  • Choline.

It is worth noting that oats grow only vertically. Its spikelets are present at the end of the hollow stem. In this case, the spikelets create a panicle while being on the peduncles. The oat grains themselves are surrounded by small scales.

Healing properties

For medicinal purposes, oats are used to relieve inflammatory processes in the esophagus. The properties of its medicinal decoctions have also been used in the prevention of fatigue, enuresis, edema and insomnia. In folk medicine, there are also recipes for decoctions that smokers are recommended to take in order to cope with their bad habit. This unique decoction contains oat grains.

In addition, cereal is very useful for the human liver, since with its help we can cleanse it of harmful substances that have accumulated there over many years. But the treatment process is quite complex and requires consultation with a doctor. Oats have a variety of medicinal properties. Having set the goal of starting treatment with it, you need to consider a number of ways to prepare infusions and decoctions.

Decoction for smokers

As many former smokers say, oats are very effective in combating this addiction. The purpose of taking the decoction is to completely rid a person of addiction. To make it, you need to first soak 100 grams of peeled grains in a soda solution, then boil them for 1 hour. This decoction should be taken half a glass several times a day, in advance of eating.


To prepare one of the huge number of varieties of infusions from the described plant, we will need:

  • oats (100 grams);
  • 1 medium sized onion;
  • 1 liter of water.

All this should be boiled for 8 minutes. Then the resulting infusion can be taken 1 spoon up to 5 times a day. If we prepare this decoction based on natural goat milk, we will get an effective cough remedy that can be drunk even by children.


Oats are mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1:10. For a week, the liquid is infused closed in a dark place. When seven days have passed, the potion will be completely ready for use as a medicinal and sedative. You can also steam oats in a thermos. Then we will get a drink that is used to prevent and treat coughs that occur with asthma.

Milk oat broth

The recipe for its preparation is simple. Fill a glass of oats with a liter of purified water and cook over low heat until the consistency of jelly. Then pour a liter of milk into the mixture, and then boil until the same state. Next, set aside the product in a cool room. After this, dissolve 3 tablespoons of honey in the broth. The product should be drunk warm: a glass before meals.

Decoction - elixir of life

Take 3 cups of unrefined grains, rinse them thoroughly in running cold water, and then fill them with 3 liters of water. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat, then cook for 20 minutes. Then remove from the stove, put it in a thermos or carefully wrap the broth. We insist for a day.

After this, the drink must be strained through a thick napkin or gauze. Next, add 100 grams of natural honey to the broth, cover with a lid, and boil for a couple of minutes. Set aside and then cool in room. Once the broth has cooled completely, it should be poured into glass bottles and refrigerated. Before drinking, add lemon juice (to taste, freshly squeezed) to a glass of broth.

It is important to drink the elixir of life in small sips, calmly, 100 ml per day on an empty stomach. At the end of the decoction portion, it will need to be made two more times. In other words, the course of treatment with this remedy is carried out three times a year. The decoction perfectly improves vitality and also cleanses the body of toxins in a natural way.

Decoction for inflammatory processes

You need to take 2 cups of seeded unpeeled oats, pour 3 liters of water over it, then cook over low heat for 3 hours, stirring slowly. Then we filter. The decoction should be stored in the refrigerator, and before use, the portion should be heated to a lukewarm state. Drink ½ glass one hour before meals. This decoction is ideal for cleansing the body of toxins, as well as for the functioning of the kidneys, stomach, pancreas, and liver.

Honey decoction

Take a glass of oat grain and fill it with 5 glasses of water. Boil the grains over low heat until half of the original volume remains. Then add 4 teaspoons of honey. Bring to a boil again. Take the decoction warm, 1 glass before each meal. Since this remedy is very high in calories, it is used to strengthen strength in case of general weakness of the body. In addition, it is effective for diseases of the thyroid gland and kidneys.


Oat grass should be used carefully, especially at low pressure. It is worth noting that an overdose of this medicinal plant can cause headaches. Sometimes intolerance may manifest itself in the form of all kinds of allergic reactions.

Oats are one of the popular cereals that have long been used in folk medicine. It has universal qualities: it can have a healing effect on many diseases. Its composition, including sugars, mineral salts, fats, starch, proteins, is selected in such a way that it has no equal in the number of medicinal and beneficial qualities.

Contents of the article:

Useful properties

Oats are a nutritious product that strengthens teeth, bones, and the nervous system (especially useful when quitting antidepressants and tranquilizers). Alkaloids contained in the husks of grains and plant stems have a stimulating effect, especially noticeable in relation to connective tissue and skin.

When consumed regularly, oats normalize the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, maintain skin elasticity, accelerate hair and nail growth, and have a rejuvenating effect.

The healing properties of oats lower blood sugar levels, remove excess fluid and toxic substances from the body.

It is useful to consume oats for people who have been taking medications for a long time.

Oats have an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect, and have a general strengthening effect on the body due to the content of organic substances and enzymes.

Sprouted oats are especially useful. The valuable substances it contains have a healing effect on the body and are a source of microelements. Sprouted oats contain essential amino acids, which are especially useful for pregnant women and people suffering from pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Oats have a restorative effect on the gastric mucosa and are used in the treatment of:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • pathologies of the biliary tract;
  • obesity;
  • pancreas;
  • urolithiasis.

Oatmeal kvass used to enjoy constant success: it quenches thirst well and adds strength. Now they have forgotten about it, although people who are attentive to their health continue to use it.

Kvass contains a huge amount of vitamins, microelements, active enzymes (especially useful for constipation, dysfunction of the digestive system, dysbacteriosis).

Oatmeal jelly has a beneficial effect on the body, especially useful for the pancreas and gall bladder. It is useful to drink a decoction of oats with the addition of a small amount of honey.

Oats cooked with milk help with bronchitis, cough, and bronchial asthma. Oats (green) along with spikelets are used daily for inhalation for. A decoction of oats with calendula helps get rid of addiction (alcohol and nicotine), provided that the person himself wants it.

Are there any harms and contraindications?

People who have individual intolerance, as well as those suffering from gallbladder pathologies, cholecystitis and serious kidney pathologies are advised to consult a doctor before using oats.

It has been noted that oats impair the absorption of calcium in the intestines, so it is not recommended for people with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

How is it used in folk medicine?

Before use, make sure that the grains do not contain chemicals. To do this, oats are filled with water; any grains that float to the surface must be discarded. If they have not sprouted within 24 hours, it is not recommended to eat them.

Oil is obtained from oat seeds using low-temperature extraction. It contains vitamins E, A, biologically active substances, fatty acids. It is taken for ulcers and erosions.

Treatment of liver diseases

Oats are successfully used at home to treat hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. It normalizes metabolic processes in the body and promotes the elimination of toxins.

How to cook oats for liver diseases: pour unpeeled oats (300 g) with water (3 l), heat in a saucepan without a lid, boil for 20 minutes. Cool the resulting decoction, drink ½ liter daily with a spoonful of honey x 2 times. Course 2 months, break 1 month, repeat again.


For pancreatitis, oats block aggressive enzymes produced by the pancreas. The inflammatory processes occurring in it are relieved with the help of amino acids contained in the cereal. You can read the article about traditional treatment of pancreatitis.

Depending on the stage of pancreatitis, oat decoctions are prepared according to different recipes:

  • in the initial stage: pour ground oats (1 tsp) with a glass of boiled water, heat for 30 minutes. over low heat. Drink warm on an empty stomach;
  • active stage: pour ground oats (1 tablespoon) with boiled water (1 glass), boil for 2 minutes, leave for an hour. Drink warm before meals;
  • when improvement occurs: pour pre-washed oats (3 cups) with water (3 l), boil for 3 hours. Strain and store in the refrigerator. Drink, preheated, 100 g before meals.

Oats for stomach diseases

When treating gastritis and peptic ulcers, traditional medicine advises using a decoction of this cereal: pour washed oats (1 glass) at room temperature with water (1 l), leave for 12 hours. After this, heat to a boil and simmer, covered, for 30 minutes. Wrap in a blanket, stand for 12 hours, strain. Drink ½ glass x 3 times daily before meals.

It’s easier to prepare the decoction in a thermos: washed and dried oats should be ground in a coffee grinder and stored in a jar with a lid. Pour the resulting oatmeal (2 tbsp) into a thermos, pour boiling water over it, and leave for 5 hours. Drink ½ glass x 3 times daily.

Oats are used externally in cosmetology: is included in products intended for body and scalp care. It strengthens hair and increases skin elasticity. In folk medicine it is used in the treatment of dermatitis, urticaria, scabies, psoriasis: ½ cup of oatmeal is boiled in 1 liter of water until half of the liquid has evaporated. Strain and apply a moistened cloth to the affected areas.

In the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to use oat decoction, eat oatmeal and dishes made from oatmeal. It is not recommended to combine taking oat decoction with drinking any alcoholic beverages (including low-alcohol ones). This can cause a deterioration in well-being and the appearance of...

Avena sativa

Family - Cereals - Poaceae (Gramineae).

Parts used are peeled fruits, fresh flowering plant (in homeopathy), green oats and oat straw (for baths).

Pharmacy name - oat fruit - Avenae fructus, oat grass - Avenae herba, green oats - Avenae herba recens, oat straw - Avenae stramentum.

Botanical description

Oats are an annual herbaceous cultivated plant 50–170 cm high, always with bare nodes. The root is fibrous, the stem is a straw 3 - 6 mm in diameter, with 2 - 4 nodes.

The leaves are alternate, green or glaucous, linear, vaginal, rough, 20 - 45 cm long and 8 - 30 mm wide.

The flowers are small, collected in 2-3 spikelets, forming a spreading, less often one-sided panicle up to 25 cm long. Spikelets are medium in size, two to three colors. Only the lower flowers have an awn, rarely all are awnless. The spikelet scales are up to 25 mm long, slightly longer than the flower. All flowers in the spikelet are without articulations, the axis of the spikelet is bare. The lower floral scales are lanceolate, about 20 mm long, two-toothed at the apex, mostly glabrous, with few hairs at the base or completely glabrous. Oat grains (more precisely, caryopses) are surrounded by scales with which they do not grow together. This, by the way, distinguishes oats from wheat, barley and rye. Blooms in June - August.

In Germany it is cultivated everywhere, its cultivation is possible even at an altitude of 1600m above sea level.

Active ingredients

Amino acids, B vitamins, minerals - phosphorus, iron, cobalt, manganese, zinc, aluminum, potassium and others, vitamins K and E, as well as provitamin A, microelements boron and iodine, organic acids - oxalic, molonic, erucic.

Use in homeopathy

In homeopathy, an alcohol tincture of green tops collected in the milky ripeness phase is used for insomnia and neurasthenia.

Healing effect and application

Oats have a calming, tonic, dietary and enveloping, strengthening, hypnotic and carminative effect.

Oats are used in the treatment of gout, liver and pancreas, edema, to stimulate appetite, in feverish conditions, as a tonic for exhaustion and increasing overall tone body, it promotes the absorption of fat in the intestines. Oats are very important for the metabolism of nervous tissue and blood, hair and nails, cartilage and bones. The silicon contained in oats prevents hair loss.

Oatmeal is given for diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys and bladder, for diseases of the liver, spleen and lungs, for nervous disorders and insomnia.

Mucous decoctions of oats or oatmeal are also used for anemia caused by insufficient absorption of iron and for stomach diseases.


Bath. Boil 0.5 kg of finely chopped oat straw in 2 liters of water for about 20 minutes, strain and add to the bath.

Decoction. 2 cups of oat grains with husks, rinse, pour 5-6 cups of boiling water or boiling milk, simmer over low heat for 2 minutes, let steep for 30 minutes. Strain and take a glass 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals for 2 months. Then take a break for a month. It is necessary to conduct several such courses (bedwetting, mental fatigue, insomnia, edema of renal origin, gastrointestinal diseases).

- Soak 100g of peeled oat seeds in water with soda for about 4 hours, then boil over low heat for about an hour, take the decoction 3 times a day half an hour before meals. ( ).

— Grind the raw oats and brew them. Drink instead of tea, at intervals of 2-3 hours after meals (drink before 9 pm). (Hypertension).

— Take 100g of oats and one peeled medium-sized onion, boil them together in 1 liter of water, take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. You can also add 2 tablespoons of honey. (Dry cough).

— Pour 0.5 liters of oat grains into 2 liters of cow's milk and boil in a water bath for about 3 hours until the milk turns yellow. Strain the broth through 2-layer gauze and drink 0.5 cups 5-6 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. (Dry cough).

— Grind the oat grains, pour boiling water over them and leave in a warm place, drink 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day. (Asthmatic).

- Oat decoction with honey. Take 1 cup of oat grains, pour in 1 liter of boiled water and simmer until 1/4 of the liquid evaporates. Then strain and take half a glass, dissolving honey to taste, 3-4 times a day before meals as a general tonic, as well as for inflammatory diseases of the stomach, intestines, and joint pain accompanying metabolic arthritis.


Individual intolerance. For gallstones, take after consultation with your doctor.



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