Exacerbation of atrophic gastritis symptoms. Atrophic gastritis symptoms and treatment in women

Published: June 25, 2015 at 02:37 pm

Mixed atrophic gastritis is a gastrointestinal disease when the mucous membrane is damaged. In this case, symptoms of several types appear most often at once. of this disease.

Most often, the disease develops against the background of a specific pathological process. The cause of the disease is the microorganism Helicobater pylori. The bacterium can enter the human body through several in various ways. Sometimes the microorganism can be transmitted through close contact with an infected person.

Quite often you can find mixed superficial and atrophic gastritis. The disease can develop when the body is overworked, lack of timely nutrition, or consumption of fast food. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the disease can transform into cancer.

Treatment of mixed atrophic and superficial gastritis should cover each form of the disease. Only a gastroenterologist can choose the optimal course of treatment. A person suffering from an illness will be able to return to everyday life, only after completing the appropriate course of treatment.

Symptoms of mixed gastritis

First of all, an inflammatory process develops, covering only the superficial part of the stomach. In this case, the damaged glands do not die, but continue to function.

Through certain moment Over time, the disease turns into another form of the disease, in which the damaged glands atrophy. At the same time, development clinical picture may depend on many factors. A common symptom of mixed atrophic gastritis is a deterioration in the general condition of the patient.

As for acidity, it can remain unchanged for a long time, and sometimes increase or decrease. The main signs of the superficial form resemble the manifestation of chronic atrophic gastritis.

The patient may complain of the following symptoms:

  • Stomach fullness.
  • Discomfort in epigastric region.
  • Change in appetite.
  • State of nausea and vomiting.
  • Bloating.
  • Periodic belching with an unpleasant odor.
  • Pain that occurs in the epigastric region, which periodically moves to the back.

If you do not apply for it in a timely manner professional help, mixed superficial atrophic gastritis can further worsen the patient’s general condition.

It is considered a harmless disease, but its harmlessness quickly disappears when the disease becomes chronic. And if it is not treated, pathological condition It can even turn into stomach cancer.


The causes of the disease include:

  • Passion for hot, spicy, fatty and fried foods.
  • Exposure to certain medications – especially medications containing aspirin and antibiotics.
  • Thermal and chemical burns of the gastric mucosa. This type of gastritis can occur in people who like to eat very hot food, just removed from the stove, and it burns the mucous membrane, which simply cannot be sustained and gastritis develops.
  • Constant stressful conditions.
  • Various diseases. These are diseases of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, various endocrine diseases And chronic processes in the nasopharynx and respiratory organs.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Occupational hazard. This is metal dust, vapors of alkalis and acids, and the like.

Signs of illness

The concept of superficial atrophic gastritis hides inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which leads to atrophic changes in the organ and ultimately the stomach cannot cope with its main function- the process of digestion. The disease is defined by the following symptoms:

  • Belching, nausea and heartburn. These symptoms practically do not leave the patient.
  • During exacerbation, vomiting is possible.
  • Frequent diarrhea and gastrointestinal motility disorders.
  • Various abdominal pains. Their localization may vary.
  • Losing weight.
  • Present autonomic disorders, sweating, pallor, dizziness with headaches and trembling of the limbs.


First of all, treating superficial symptoms begins with a proper diet.

Meals should be gentle, fractional and not irritate the gastric mucosa. Everything fried, spicy and fatty is excluded, the use of cereals and soups that envelop the mucous membrane is prescribed. Even thoughts about smoking and alcohol are unacceptable!

The doctor may prescribe medications to reduce acidity if this occurs. pain syndrome– anticholinergics are prescribed (atropine, platyphylline and others).

To combat heartburn, prokinetics (motilium, cisapride) are used, but if gastritis is caused by an H. pylori infection, treatment is aimed at eliminating it.

Atrophic gastritis refers to the atrophy of cells of the secretory glands and their degeneration. As a result, instead gastric juice they synthesize mucus. This explains main feature diseases - inflammation with low acidity.

Main danger of this disease hiding in increased risk cancerous degeneration. Normal cell regeneration is regulated by hormones, enzymes, immune reactions and many other regulatory factors. If the formation of mature cells and their normal functioning is disrupted, as occurs with atrophic gastritis, the likelihood of further morphological change and malignancy increases significantly.

The first stage of the disease is an inflammatory (non-atrophic) process with increased acidity(minor) - due to increased proliferation of acid-fast bacteria in the stomach Helicobacter pylori. Further, under the influence of autoimmune processes, the formation of mature cells of the secretory glands is disrupted, which ultimately lose their specialization, and the process of hydrochloric acid synthesis gradually decreases. Although the mucus produced protects the walls of the stomach, it does not play any role in the digestion process.

Causes of atrophic gastritis

Until now, scientists have not been able to establish the exact cause of the activation of atrophic processes in the stomach. The factors that provoke the pathological process have been reliably established:

Types of atrophic gastritis

There are several types of atrophic gastritis according to the degree of its progression.

  • Hyperplastic gastritis is characterized by thickening of the stomach walls caused by an attack by Helicobacter. At the same time, the functional capacity of glandular cells decreases.
  • Moderately severe (focal) gastritis - areas of atrophy appear, secretory glands are gradually replaced by simple epithelium.
  • Antral atrophic gastritis - more pronounced, deep inflammatory and scar changes in the antrum of the stomach.
  • Multifocal (diffuse) gastritis is the most severe form of atrophic lesion involving not only the antrum, but also the body and fundus of the stomach. Most often, cancer occurs against the background of this type of disease.

Extremely rarely diagnosed mixed type gastritis, characterized by fatty degeneration or formation cystic formations in the stomach.

Symptoms of atrophic gastritis

It is quite difficult to detect atrophic degeneration of the gastric mucosa at the initial stage of disease development due to the lack of clear symptoms. The severity of symptoms increases as the process spreads to all parts of the stomach.

B12 deficiency anemia

Often, anemia is the only sign of the onset of atrophy of the gastric mucosa. This is due to the death of parietal cells that synthesize enzymes for normal digestion(pepsinogen, gastromucoprotein, hydrochloric acid). Due to a decrease in gastromucoprotein production, the absorption of vitamin B12 decreases. Anemia is accompanied general weakness, dizziness, headache and increased fatigue.

A concomitant deficiency of vitamin C is expressed in a decrease immune defense and bleeding gums, and vitamin A deficiency provokes blurred vision and negatively affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Dizziness, weakness and increased sweating often occur after eating a meal rich in carbohydrates.

Heaviness in the epigastrium

The patient feels heaviness in the stomach area almost constantly, and the discomfort becomes more and more pronounced as the disease progresses.

Belching, nausea

Belching of air, dry mouth and bitter taste - common signs atrophy of the secretory glands. As the process progresses and acid synthesis decreases, belching causes a rotten taste due to indigestion of food in the stomach. Belching and nausea occur after every meal.

Atrophic tongue

With long-term atrophy, a specific sign is observed - a “polished” tongue. An exacerbation of symptoms is accompanied by a thick white film covering the tongue.

Decreased appetite, weight loss

Decreased appetite is due to low level pH, patients note rapid satiety and weight loss.

Impaired peristalsis

Failure of the digestion process in the stomach leads to flatulence. The patient complains of rumbling in the stomach and frequent diarrhea/constipation. During an exacerbation, an exacerbation of temperature is often observed, stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea occur. Fainting and confusion are common. Chronization of the process is fraught with the spread of atrophy to the duodenum, disruption of the esophagus (reflux), liver, pancreas, nervous system and endocrine glands.

Diagnosis of atrophic gastritis

Gastrointestinal examination plays important role in identifying atrophic changes in the stomach.
Gastroenterological examination includes:

  • Ultrasound, X-ray, CT/MRI - they don’t give complete information about the pathological process.
  • Endoscopic examination of the stomach (FGS, FGDS) is the most informative study, which also makes it possible to perform a tissue biopsy to exclude oncology and identify cell degeneration/atrophy. The study reveals thinning of the stomach walls (at the initial stage the wall thickness is normal), smoothness of the mucosa and wide gastric pits.
  • Microflora research, testing for Helicobacter.
  • Measuring the pH of the stomach - shows either a neutral reaction or achylia.
  • Gastropanel (antibodies to Helicobacter, pepsinogen and gastrin) - definition functional activity stomach according to blood parameters.

Treatment of atrophic gastritis of the stomach

Therapeutic tactics for atrophy of the gastric mucosa are selected individually and are determined by microstructural changes in the mucosa, the extent of the process and the severity clinical manifestations. The question arises: is it possible to cure atrophic type gastritis? Qualified gastroenterologists agree: already formed atrophy of the secretory glands of the stomach cannot be cured. However, quite effective treatment regimens have been developed that can prevent further atrophy and stop the pathological process. Generalized treatment regimen:

  • inactivation of Helicobacter - antibiotics (penicillins, tetracyclines), Metronidazole, inhibitors proton pump(Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, Lansoprazole);
  • enzymatic agents that increase stomach acidity;
  • vitamins (parenteral intramuscular use is advisable);
  • herbal anti-inflammatory agents (often based on plantain juice);
  • preparations of aluminum and bismuth (Vikair/Vikalin, Kaolin) - on initial stage gastritis with diagnosed hypersecretion have a protective function;
  • gastric motility regulators (Domperidone);
  • treatment menu - determined by the doctor in several modifications (basic - diet No. 2, for pain - diet No. 1a, without exacerbation - diet No. 1, for severe enteral symptoms - diet No. 4).

Timely diagnosis, full treatment in the form repeat courses and a strict diet are integral components successful treatment atrophic gastritis, preventing the development of oncology. How to treat atrophic pathology of the stomach, the dosage and duration of taking medications is determined by a qualified gastroenterologist.

  • Vitamins necessary for gastritis

    Inflammation of the stomach is not a direct consequence of hypovitaminosis, but it must be admitted that a lack of vitamins is very often a prerequisite for malfunctions digestive system.

    Review your diet to see if it really contains healthy dishes. Information about therapeutic diet and the article published below.

    What vitamins are needed for chronic gastritis: main groups

    In chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, gastroduodenitis - there is often a deficiency of pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Lack of pyridoxine leads to metabolic disorders, nausea, vomiting and nervous disorders, and also increases the vulnerability of the gastric mucosa.

    B6 enters the body with peas, beans, and grain bread.

    The body no less needs vitamin B12, especially during autoimmune inflammation. If it is deficient, the patient may develop anemia. Read about ways to prevent anemia here.

    PP (aka niacin) helps normalize the secretion of gastric juice and avoid diarrhea. It is found in cereals, meat, and fish.

    Folic acid, which resists inflammatory processes, is absorbed from spinach, liver, and cabbage. Note that with atrophy of the membrane and reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid, it is poorly absorbed; HCI is required for its assimilation.

    Vitamin A prevents infectious diseases that threaten the affected organ.

    Source A is bread, cereal products, oil (both vegetable and butter).

    Consider acidity

    In the case of hypoacid gastritis, vitamins C and PP Vitamin C are especially useful for patients ( ascorbic acid) supports the immune system, allows faster healing of damaged areas of the mucous membrane, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. They are rich in citrus fruits, berries, rose hips, rowan, cabbage).

    Cook it right

    Don't forget that healthy products food often requires preliminary sanitary treatment. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with soap and rinse with boiled water.

    Everything we eat with the peel is useful to keep in weak solution soda for five minutes, and only then pour boiling water over it properly. A simple procedure will destroy pesticides.

    When cooking, some of the vitamins are lost, so try to eat fruits and vegetables uncooked if possible. For example, prefer salad to fried cabbage, fresh apples to apple jam

    Try to diversify your menu within acceptable limits and volumes.

    Multivitamin complexes

    It is quite problematic to ensure that the body receives all the vitamins in the required quantity through food alone, so you should periodically consume vitamins purchased at the pharmacy.

    “Revit”, “Complivit”, “Centrum”, “Alphavit”, “Aevit” contain entire vitamin complexes.

    Make the right choice by consulting your doctor. Get blood tests that will show whether you need to take additional vitamins.

    If you are determined to prescribe some kind of complex for yourself without the participation of a specialist, at least carefully study the instructions included with the box (it usually describes in detail all the components and expected effects).

    Do not neglect the rules for taking the drug under any circumstances.

    Is there an instruction to “take your multivitamins with meals”? Follow it. Both time of day and frequency matter.

    Do not chew even vitamins that taste good, but wash them down - the coating on them is not made to make them look like candy, but for optimal sequential absorption.

    Use water to wash down, not coffee, milk or juice.

    Take vitamins in regular courses, and repeat the course at least once every three to four months.

    how to treat gastritis

    Atrophic erosive gastritis

    Today gastritis is a common disease. How many people on the planet experience discomfort in the stomach area, without giving them any importance! Atrophic gastritis has become a frequently diagnosed form. Let's look at the characteristics of the disease.

    With atrophic gastritis, changes and death (atrophy) of stomach cells occur; the cells become unable to produce enzymes and help absorb nutrients. At the beginning of the disease, the wounds (erosions) on the mucous membrane are small and located on the outer membrane. Gradually, the affected area becomes larger. The process precedes the bursts internal hemorrhage, ulcer formation.

    Depending on the affected part of the stomach, the degree and cause of atrophy, gastritis is classified into types.

    • Subatrophic, or superficial - the first stage of the disease, when the lesions are located on top layer mucous membrane. At the initial stage, the damaged layer is able to recover on its own if it is removed irritant. The cause is poor nutrition, stress.
    • Autoimmune atrophic gastritis occurs due to a malfunction immune system or anemia.
    • Erosive focal atrophic gastritis – serious illness. Late detection and treatment can provoke the development of an ulcer or develop into hyperplastic gastritis, which is already considered a precancerous condition.
    • Hyperplastic gastritis affects the entire stomach, and the development of the disease leads to stomach cancer.

    It is possible to mix several forms of the disease, when symptoms of several types are felt, for example, mixed superficial atrophic gastritis.

    Features of erosive atrophic gastritis

    Atrophic erosive gastritis is a type of disease in which lesions form on the mucous membrane that can cause bleeding. It progresses slowly, at the first stage it is almost asymptomatic, which is why it remains unattended. If nausea, heaviness, periodic pain in the stomach, bloating and flatulence, do not self-medicate. A doctor is called upon to treat diseases of the digestive system. It is better to seek advice immediately. The disease most often affects men over 40 years of age. In women and children, this type of gastritis is diagnosed less frequently and more often occurs as a result of autoimmune processes.

    There are 2 forms of erosive gastritis. If the disease is acute, development occurs quickly, especially against the background of physical or nervous overstrain. At chronic gastritis distinguish simultaneously a number of lesions of the mucous membrane different sizes And varying degrees healing.

    Causes of the disease

    Let's consider the main reasons for the development of atrophic gastritis:

    • Often the cause of the disease is a person’s inattention to the first symptoms of the disease or self-medication, leading to going to the hospital at a missed time.
    • The presence of bad habits: smoking and addiction to alcohol - aggravates the situation. When smoking, tar and nicotine with smoke enter the gastric mucosa, and the lining becomes inflamed. A smoker experiences a lack of vitamin C and certain B vitamins, which are essential for the regeneration of cells in the mucous layer. Smoking is especially dangerous empty stomach. Even at the initial stage of the disease, a bad habit provokes an exacerbation, causing gastritis without signs of mucosal atrophy to develop into serious forms of the disease, for example, hyperplastic gastritis.
    • Long-term use of selected types of medications: paracetamol, aspirin, diclofenac. Indiscriminate use, especially on an empty stomach, can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane and the development of erosion.
    • Many types of gastritis, including atrophic gastritis, are caused by the presence of Helicobacter bacteria pylori The mentioned microorganisms living in lower parts stomach, in combination with other reasons: constant stress, poor diet, hereditary predisposition, bad habits - become the cause of the development of illness.


    Symptoms and treatment depend on the form of the disease. In acute erosive gastritis an attack occurs unexpectedly, the state of health quickly deteriorates, and the condition does not go unnoticed.

    The chronic form may not manifest itself for a long time and is felt only as a slight malaise and discomfort. People live with this condition for years until they notice changes in the color of their stool, indicating the presence of blood.

    Symptoms of the acute form of the disease

    • Abdominal pain: constant or in the form of separate attacks, most often develops within an hour or an hour and a half after eating.
    • Nausea and heartburn that appear after eating.
    • Vomiting, periodically with traces of mucus and blood.
    • Loose stools including blood clots.

    Symptoms of chronic gastritis

    • Feeling of discomfort in the stomach area.
    • Constant nausea and heartburn.
    • Unstable stool: constipation alternates loose stools and vice versa.
    • Belching.
    • Flatulence.
    • Coated tongue.
    • Loss of appetite.
    • Appearance of jam.
    • In advanced stages - traces of blood in the stool or vomit.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    If the first signs of the disease are detected, immediately go to the hospital. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the more successful the treatment.


    To determine the disease, it is carried out endoscopic examination: through the mouth and esophagus, the doctor inserts a special tube (endoscope) into the patient’s stomach, at the end of which there is a light bulb and a camera. The device allows you to study the condition of the mucous membrane and make scrapings to perform a biopsy.

    To detect ulcers and erosions, an x-ray is prescribed. Before the procedure, the patient drinks a barium solution that stains gastrointestinal tract and allows for a closer look at the changes. The research is supplemented by the results of blood and stool tests. If red blood cells are detected in the stool, the sign indicates bleeding, confirmed by the development of anemia.


    Folk remedies in the treatment of gastritis

    Treatment folk remedies will help you cope with the disease faster in combination with drug therapy and under the supervision of the attending physician. Before using any decoctions or infusions, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

    A well-known remedy that has enveloping properties and promotes wound healing is sea ​​buckthorn oil. The product is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and drunk half a glass half an hour before meals.

    Good anti-inflammatory and restorative properties has an infusion of herbs: plantain is mixed in equal parts, horsetail, sage, yarrow, peppermint, St. John's wort and flax seeds. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for about three hours. You can drink ready-made tea 10 minutes before meals up to 5 times a day.


    Any type of gastritis cannot be cured without following a diet. Diet becomes an essential part of treatment and recovery after illness. The doctor draws up a detailed nutrition plan for the patient, but they highlight general recommendations. First of all, with atrophic gastritis you should avoid the following foods:

    • fried and fatty foods;
    • pickled, smoked, salted foods;
    • fresh baked goods;
    • legumes, all varieties of cabbage, onions, grapes and other vegetables or fruits that enhance fermentation;
    • citrus;
    • tomatoes;
    • strong black tea, coffee;
    • carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

    Dietary restrictions are introduced during the period of exacerbation and treatment. The duration of the restrictions depends on the patient’s well-being. During illness and after it, meals remain fractional; you should not take too cold or hot food. During an exacerbation, it is better to eat pureed or chopped food, reducing the load on the digestive system.

    You will definitely need to include in the menu:

    • various cereals with whole or half-and-half milk;
    • lean fish or meat – steamed or boiled;
    • fruits: peaches, bananas, pears, selected varieties of apples;
    • vegetables: zucchini, pumpkin, carrots;
    • cereals: rice (preferably brown, unpolished), buckwheat, millet;
    • eggs, not fried, but in the form of a steam omelet;
    • any dairy products;
    • herbal and green teas.


    To prevent the development of erosive atrophic gastritis, take preventive measures. It is especially important for people who have suffered any type of gastritis.

    It is necessary to monitor the condition of the gastrointestinal tract; if you feel unwell, do not treat yourself, but consult a doctor. You will need to monitor your diet, meals should be regular, the process of eating should be leisurely, you should exclude on-the-run snacks and semi-finished foods.

    The diet is prescribed to be balanced. Vegetables, fruits, and cereals are present. It is good to take a course of multivitamins; taking B vitamins, which are involved in the regeneration of stomach cells, is especially important. It is better to consult a gastroenterologist or immunologist: doctors will choose suitable means and describe the course and duration of treatment.

    An important role in the prevention of gastritis is played by maintaining healthy image life, giving up bad habits - minimizing the consumption of coffee, alcohol, complete abstinence from smoking; physical activity by age and health status, normal sleep and walks on fresh air. Even if you have a disease, it is possible to live a full life if you remember about prevention and listen carefully to the body.

  • Atrophic gastritis- This chronic disease stomach, which refers to precancerous conditions, since according to statistics the probability of cancer with this disease is close to 15%.

    In addition to the threat of a malignant tumor, this pathology brings the patient a lot of inconvenience associated with impaired digestion and absorption of vitamins and other important chemicals. In view of this, gastric atrophy must be treated by combining drug therapy and a special therapeutic diet.

    What is it?

    Atrophic gastritis is chronic pathology, characterized by thinning of the gastric mucosa and severe secretory insufficiency. There are many reasons that can lead to atrophy of the mucous membranes, but most often this occurs due to infection with Helicobacter pylori.


    There is no consensus among experts about the reasons that provoke the development of this disease. Among the factors contributing to the occurrence of atrophy of the gastric mucosa are the following:

    • consumption of rough foods and insufficient chewing of food;
    • carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol;
    • smoking;
    • constant overeating;
    • eating large quantity hot, spicy and other products with an aggressive taste;
    • excessively hot or cold food;
    • long-term use of medications;
    • reflux (reflux of intestinal contents into the stomach).

    All of these factors affect the mucous membrane irritant effect, eventually leading to the occurrence of atrophic processes in it.

    Symptoms of atrophic gastritis

    The main manifestations of atrophic gastritis are caused by functional impairment stomach, developing against the background of changes in the mucous membrane. Among these symptoms are:

    • pain syndrome - dull aching pain, worse after eating, due to overstretching of the stomach walls;
    • dyspeptic syndrome (indigestion syndrome) – decreased or complete absence loss of appetite, belching of air or rotten food, nausea, feeling of heaviness and fullness in the epigastric region, putrid smell from the mouth, bad taste in the mouth;
    • anemic syndrome – characteristic changes in a general blood test in combination with rapid fatigue, deterioration in tolerance to usual physical activity, drowsiness, apathy;
    • excess syndrome bacterial growth– rumbling in the stomach, increased gas formation, unstable stool;
    • dystrophic syndrome is the result of impaired absorption of vitamins and digestion of nutrients.

    At first, all these signs are subtle, but as the pathological process progresses, it develops quite quickly. complete exhaustion body.

    Chronic atrophic gastritis

    This is a sluggish illness, during which thinning of the gastric mucosa occurs, a decrease in the amount of gastric juice production due to a decrease in the number of glands.

    In approximately half of the cases, such a disease is necessarily accompanied by a change in the structure of the membrane, i.e., its metaplasia. This is caused by a decrease in the number of normal cells and glands and the formation of hybrids that have a combination of characteristics that should not normally exist.

    Gastric cells are often replaced by intestinal cells. In addition, the disease is distinguished by the fact that as it progresses it involves inflammatory process anatomically located nearby internal organs Gastrointestinal tract, as well as disruption of the functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems.

    Often chronic form manifested by such symptoms as:

    • pain in the stomach - usually dull in nature and occurs on an empty stomach or some time after eating food;
    • discomfort – determined by pressure, bloating, a feeling of heaviness and rapid saturation;
    • severe heartburn;
    • belching with a sour, unpleasant odor;
    • flatulence;
    • increased sweating;
    • discomfort in oral cavity associated with the appearance of a whitish coating on the tongue and a metallic taste;
    • significant reduction in body weight, which is caused by aversion to food;
    • pale skin;
    • increased fragility of nail plates and hair loss;
    • the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the gums;
    • weakness and lethargy of the body.

    In addition, there are specific signs for some types of atrophic gastritis.


    Correct diagnosis of atrophic gastritis consists of methods such as x-ray, FEGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy), histological examination, general analysis blood, ultrasound, assessment of stomach functionality.

    1. Ultrasound can detect smoothing of folds along with a decrease in the size of the organ.
    2. FEGDS shows thinning of the mucosa, a change in its color to gray or pale pink, smoothness of folds, and an increase in the vascular pattern. It is possible to identify areas of metaplasia into the intestinal epithelium.
    3. Assessing the functional activity of the stomach involves measuring the pH of gastric juice in order to assess the acidity of atrophic gastritis in this patient and determine the activity of pepsin.

    Interesting: initial information about this disease appeared in 1728, but the real beginning in the study of atrophic gastritis is the activity of a doctor from France named Brousse. During autopsies, he found in almost every case changes in the gastric mucosa and identified them as inflammation. At that time, his thoughts were incorrect, since they represented only changes on the part of a non-viable organ.

    Subsequently, Kussmaul's version arose, explaining atrophic gastritis of the stomach from the point of view of violation nervous regulation organ, but it turned out to be erroneous. In the period from 1900 to 1908, Faber proposed a method of fixing a stomach preparation with formalin, which saved scientists from the problem of post-mortem defects and clearly showed the presence of changes like gastritis.

    How to treat atrophic gastritis

    The traditional treatment regimen for atrophic gastritis in adults includes the eradication of Helicobacter pylori, if acid-fast bacteria have a significant effect on the pathogenesis. Helicobacter pylori eradication methods are constantly being improved.

    Eradication objectives:

    • suppressing the development of bacteria and preventing the formation of their resistance to antibiotics;
    • reduction of treatment duration;
    • the use of proton pump inhibitors to improve well-being;
    • reducing the number of medications, which significantly reduces the number of side effects from treatment;

    Three- and four-component eradication schemes are usually used:

    1. The drugs Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Esomeprazole, Rabeprazole, Pantoprazole, Ranitidine, bismuth citrate and others are used as proton pump inhibitors.
    2. Antibiotics (tetracycline, penicillin series), and also antibacterial drug Metronidazole (Trichopol). The dosage and frequency are indicated by the doctor.

    We have not yet fully learned how to influence the development of autoimmune processes in atrophic gastritis. The use of hormonal drugs and other immunocorrectors is not justified in most cases.

    Pathogenetic therapy of atrophic gastritis involves complex use medicines various groups, among them:

    • in cases of vitamin B12 deficiency, appropriate vitamin preparations in the form of parenteral injections.
    • means that facilitate gastric digestion - preparations of hydrochloric acid and gastric juice enzymes.
    • agents that reduce inflammation - plantain juice or granulated pharmacological drug from plantain (Plantaglucid).
    • agents that influence the production of hydrochloric acid in the form of mineral waters (Essentuki 4.17 and others). Although they are not medicines, but in some cases show high therapeutic activity.
    • To protect the mucous membrane, preparations of bismuth or aluminum are used (Bismuth nitrate basic, Vikalin, Vikair or Rother, Kaolin).
    • means regulating the motor function of the stomach. Among the drugs of this pharmacological group, Domperidone and Cisapride are most often used.
    • V recent years began to be used more often in treatment gastrointestinal inflammation Riboxin. This drug has properties useful in the treatment of atrophic gastritis.

    In addition to etiotropic treatment, treatment is carried out in several other areas:

    • diet therapy in compliance with the principles of mechanical, thermal and chemical sparing;
    • replacement therapy with hydrochloric acid preparations, enzyme preparations;
    • stimulation of hydrochloric acid secretion (mineral waters, medicinal fees, lemon and succinic acids etc.);
    • protection of the gastric mucosa with gastroprotectors;
    • the use of regenerants and reparants to restore the mucous membrane;
    • the use of enveloping and astringent drugs;
    • increased gastric motility (prokinetics);
    • physiotherapeutic treatment.

    All of the above drugs are prescribed during active phase inflammation of the stomach with symptoms of atrophy. During remission main principle treatment – ​​replenishment of substances missing for proper digestion.

    Alternative treatment of atrophic gastritis

    You can increase the secretion of gastric juice in atrophic gastritis with low acidity using traditional methods of treatment:

    1. Drink half a glass of beet juice before meals.
    2. Potato juice – grate the potatoes on a fine grater, strain through cheesecloth. Drink the resulting juice 1/3 glass 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 10 days, after which you need to take a break for 10 days.
    3. St. John's wort will help increase the acidity level - pour 2 tablespoons of crushed flowers into a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink the resulting infusion three times a day, 20 minutes before meals.
    4. Brine sauerkraut– enhances the production of gastric juice. Strain the cabbage infusion and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.
    5. Rose hip decoction without sugar - drink freshly brewed tea before meals.
    6. White cabbage juice - the cabbage is grated or chopped using a meat grinder, the juice is filtered through cheesecloth. The resulting juice should be stored in the refrigerator and drunk 30 minutes before meals, 1/3 cup. It must first be warmed to body temperature.

    Following a diet during the treatment of gastritis is very important! During the subsidence period acute form Due to the inflammatory process, the patient must also adhere to dietary restrictions.

    Diet and proper nutrition

    Diet for atrophic gastritis is one of the the most important moments affecting the effectiveness of treatment of this disease. As with other types of gastritis, normalization of nutrition, adherence to the regime and elimination of certain products to improve and facilitate the functioning of the stomach.

    Prohibited products include:

    • smoked, salted and pickled products;
    • fatty and fried foods;
    • alcohol;
    • tea, coffee, carbonated drinks;
    • sweets
    • spicy seasonings.

    In case of exacerbation of the disease, diet No. 1a is prescribed. In this case, food is allowed only in liquid form, as well as in the form of puree or mashed. It must be steamed or boiled. The menu consists of nine main dishes, these are mainly puree soups, and the consumption of dairy products is also acceptable.

    Such a diet for atrophic gastritis at the acute stage is short-lived until eliminated acute symptoms. Then meals follow diet menu No. 1. Limits include hot and very chilled foods, as well as foods rich in fiber.

    When stable remission is achieved, the patient is transferred to basic diet No. 2. The diet becomes more varied, but gentle methods should be followed heat treatment and steam, boil, bake, while light frying of food is allowed. The consumption of vegetables and fruits, meat, fish, and dairy products is allowed. You should not eat chilled food with a rough texture.


    With timely complex treatment the prognosis is favorable. In 2002, Japanese scientists proved the possibility of reversing the development of precancerous changes in the gastric mucosa after eradication (destruction) of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Using chromoscopy, it was established that within five years after successful anti-Helicobacter therapy, the size of the foci of intestinal metaplasia decreased by almost 2 times compared to the initial ones.

    Complete restoration of the structure of the mucous membrane in severe atrophy requires a long time, and in some cases is most likely impossible. If pretumor processes are not subjected to reverse development, but, on the contrary, progress, apply radical methods treatment up to resection of the gastric mucosa.



    2024 “kingad.ru” - ultrasound examination of human organs