The latest contraceptives. What types of birth control pills are there - brands and descriptions

Nowadays, there is a huge selection of contraceptive methods to prevent unplanned pregnancy. Despite this, the percentage of abortions in Russia is only growing. The negative attitude of women towards hormonal contraceptives is based on existing myths about the dangers of their use. However, the new generation of contraceptives differ from the previous ones in the minimum content of hormones, as well as the minimum number of side effects. However, hormonal contraceptives can also be used by young nulliparous women who have multiple sexual partners.

Birth control pills have the highest effectiveness in preventing pregnancy among available contraceptives (98% of cases). This is due to the content of artificially synthesized sex hormones in hormonal contraceptives. It should be noted that after stopping taking hormonal pills, all the changes that have occurred in the female body are restored quite quickly, resulting in the desired pregnancy. It is also worth saying that taking hormonal contraceptives significantly improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as the general well-being of a woman.

Birth control may be prescribed by a doctor to treat hormonal problems. Do not forget that only a gynecologist can prescribe you certain contraceptives. It is not recommended to do this on your own, since when selecting a remedy, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the body of a particular patient. In addition, before prescribing one or another hormonal contraceptive, the doctor must direct the patient to undergo hormone tests. Only after receiving the test results can he choose one or another drug for you.

Mechanism of action.
Hormonal contraceptives are divided into two groups: combined oral contraceptives (COCs) and minipills (non-combined oral contraceptives). The first group includes artificially synthesized hormones (ethinyl estradiol and progestins). Drugs in this group suppress ovulation, change the structure of the internal mucous membrane of the endometrium (uterine cavity), excluding implantation of the embryo even in the case of fertilization of the egg. In addition, COCs contribute to the thickening of mucus in the cervical canal, as a result of which the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity is significantly more difficult. Thus, combined oral contraceptives provide a multi-level level of protection against the occurrence of unplanned pregnancy. Therefore, the pill is by far the most reliable and preferred method of contraception.

The mini-pill contains only progestogens. Tablets of this group are recommended for women during breastfeeding, since they do not affect the woman’s body in any way. The mechanism of action of such drugs is simple: they contribute to the thickening of cervical mucus and change the structure of the internal mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, which prevents implantation of the embryo.

The benefits of new generation birth control pills:

  • They have a highly effective contraceptive effect.
    Normalizes the menstrual cycle in women with irregular cycles.
  • Helps reduce blood loss, and also eliminates symptoms of PMS and pain during menstruation.
  • Prevents the development of diseases such as iron deficiency anemia.
  • Reduces the likelihood of developing ovarian and endometrial cancer.
  • Significantly reduces the risk of developing inflammatory genital diseases.
  • Some drugs have a pronounced therapeutic effect (in the case of fibroids, the condition significantly improves or, in some cases, a complete cure occurs).
  • Some drugs have antiandrogenic effects.
  • Reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis several times.
  • They have a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails, as well as a therapeutic effect for skin diseases due to hormonal imbalances.
  • They are an excellent preventative against uterine fibroids and endometriosis.
  • Prevention of ectopic pregnancy.
New birth control pills.
Among the combined oral tablets, taking into account the hormone content in them, there are: micro-dose, low-dose, medium-dose, as well as tablets with a high content of hormones.

Microdosed hormonal contraceptive pills are well tolerated and are recommended for young and nulliparous women who have regular sexual activity (once a week or more). Ideal for women who have never used hormonal contraceptives. Due to the minimal amount of hormones in the drugs of this group, the likelihood of side effects is minimized. The most popular microdosed drugs are: Mercilon, Lindinet, Miniziston, Novinet, Yarina, Jess with an antiandrogenic effect, Tri-Mercy, Logest.

Low-dose hormonal drugs in the form of tablets are prescribed to young women who have no history of childbirth and have regular sex life, in the absence of a positive result from the use of micro-dosed drugs. In addition, drugs in this group are suitable for women of late reproductive age. Have some side effects. The most popular drugs in the group are: Lindinet-30, Silest, Miniziston 30, Marvelon (can cause menstrual irregularities), Microgynon, Femoden, Regulon, Rigevidon, Janine (with antiandrogenic effect), Belara (with antiandrogenic effect).

Medium-dose hormonal tablets are ideal for use by women who have given birth and women in the late reproductive period who have regular sex life. The drugs have a high degree of protection and help normalize the menstrual cycle: Chloe (has an antiandrogenic effect), Diane-35 with an antiandrogenic effect, Demoulen, Triquilar, Triziston, Tri-regol, Milvane.

High-dose hormonal tablets are prescribed only by a doctor as therapeutic drugs. This type of contraception is recommended for women with children, as well as women of late reproductive age who have regular sex life if there is no effect from the use of low- and medium-dose drugs. The most common representatives of this group of contraceptives are: triquilar triziston, non-ovlon, Ovidon.

The mini-pill contains only progestogens. This contraceptive option is suitable for women who have given birth and women of late reproductive age who have regular sexual activity if there are contraindications to the use of COCs. These drugs have fewer side effects, but are inferior in effectiveness to COCs. These are drugs such as: Lactinet, Norkolut, Exluton, Micronor, Charozetta, Microlut.

Disadvantages of application.
In women using COCs as a means of preventing unplanned pregnancy, blood pressure may periodically increase (in three to five percent of cases), and in some cases, existing hypertension may worsen.

COCs do not contribute to the development of gallstone disease. However, if a woman has gallstones, there may be an increased incidence of biliary colic.

When taking hormonal contraceptive pills, you should know that in the first months of use, menstrual irregularities may occur. Usually there is spotting or menstruation does not occur at all. These phenomena are absolutely normal; after some time (usually two to three months) after starting to take the pills, the process returns to normal. If this does not happen, and this occurs in rare cases, the woman should consult a gynecologist to select another most suitable drug.

Taking COCs, contrary to popular belief, does not affect weight gain. If excess weight gain occurs, it is not caused by hormonal drugs, but by poor diet and low level of physical activity. Properly selected new generation contraceptives with a low content of hormones do not affect body weight in any way.

Some contraceptives may cause discomfort in the mammary glands due to their use. This may result in a feeling of tension or pain. The manifestation of symptoms is similar to the condition of pregnancy in the early stages. There is no need to worry about this either. Everything will go away on its own after several doses of the drug.

In rare cases, taking COCs can cause severe headaches. If headaches become frequent, in combination with hearing and vision impairment, it is recommended to stop taking the drug and consult a gynecologist.

Often, women over forty when taking these oral contraceptives experience bouts of nausea, which in rare cases turn into vomiting. Experts attribute this to age-related hormonal changes in the female body. Usually, taking pills immediately before bed helps to significantly reduce the symptoms of these attacks.

In some cases, women experience emotional mood swings after taking the drug. Despite the fact that doctors deny the connection of this phenomenon with taking COCs, it is still worth consulting a doctor.

Taking hormonal pills has a positive effect on a woman’s libido, significantly enhancing it. But in some cases the effect may be the opposite. You should not be afraid of this, since this phenomenon is temporary.

While taking oral hormonal contraceptives, age spots may occur, especially on exposed areas of the body that are most often exposed to the sun. In this case, it is recommended to stop taking this drug. Usually this phenomenon is temporary.

Properly selected contraceptives individually for each woman reduce the risk of side effects to a minimum.

Contraindications for the use of COCs:

  • presence of coronary heart disease now or in the past;
  • women who smoke (15 or more cigarettes per day) over 35 years of age;
  • women with estrogen-dependent tumors;
  • blood pressure readings above 160/100 mm Hg;
  • damage to the valvular apparatus of the heart;
  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • the presence of vascular changes and thrombotic complications;
  • tumors and liver dysfunction.
For this group of women, mini-pills can be prescribed as a replacement.

Means for preventing pregnancy can rightfully be considered one of the oldest. After all, they were used in ancient times. For example, women of the indigenous population of America used douching for this purpose with a remedy made from lemon and a decoction of red tree bark. In Ancient Egypt, tampons soaked in honey and acacia decoction were used. Even condoms are not a modern method of protection against unexpected pregnancy.

Of course, the effectiveness of all these tools was extremely low, and there was no need to talk about ease of use at all. Everything changed around the second half of the 20th century, when doctors first started talking about combined oral contraceptives (COCs). The first drug created for the purpose of protection was Enovid, which appeared on the pharmacy market in 1960. It was with him that the development of hormonal contraception began.

What is hormonal contraception?

The mechanism of action of birth control pills is based on the ability of substances that are synthetic analogues of sex hormones produced by the female body to influence hormonal levels. At the same time, the brain receives a signal that there are enough hormones in the blood and the command to the ovaries to produce their own does not go through.

Hormones entering the body, depending on the type, trigger several mechanisms at once. All of them lead to the fact that pregnancy, even if ovulation has occurred and the egg has been fertilized, does not occur.

Estrogens contribute to:

  • The next egg does not mature in the ovaries and ovulation does not occur.
  • In the uterus, a disruption of secretory processes occurs, which causes the development of swelling of the mucous membrane - the endometrium, which, in turn, makes implantation of a fertilized egg impossible.
  • A process called luteolysis is launched - that is, the reverse development of the corpus luteum, which is normally formed after ovulation and serves to synthesize the hormone progesterone, which prepares the body for a possible pregnancy.
  • They stimulate the thickening of cervical mucus, which clogs the cervix and makes it impenetrable to sperm.
  • They inhibit the activity of enzymes that help sperm penetrate the egg.
  • They reduce the contractile activity of the fallopian tubes and the uterus itself and prevent the movement of the egg through them.
  • They thin the endometrium, making it unsuitable for egg implantation.
  • Block the release of hormones that are responsible for ovulation in the middle of the cycle.

Regardless of the type of components and composition, all hormonal contraceptives have almost the same mechanism of action.

Features of application

Any hormonal pills should be taken strictly according to the schedule, preferably at the same time of day. You cannot skip the next appointment. Depending on the composition and type of drug, if missed, the contraceptive effect will last on average only up to 12 hours. After this time, the effectiveness of the drug decreases.

The start of most COCs coincides with the first day of the cycle. At the same time, you can independently choose the most convenient time for you. Most women prefer to take birth control pills in the evening, before bed. In this case, negative effects such as nausea, headache or changes in mood are not so pronounced.

All hormonal birth control pills are prescription drugs and are used only as prescribed by a doctor. Before you start taking the drug, carefully read the instructions and rules of administration.


Of course, the main advantage of COC contraception using both monophasic and multiphasic drugs is the simplicity of the method itself. Agree, taking a pill is much easier than, for example, using a vaginal ring. And with such means as injection contraception or intrauterine devices, which cannot be used without a doctor, there is no comparison at all.

However, this is far from the only advantage; the undoubted advantages of hormonal contraception are:

  • High efficiency, even for three-phase drugs the reliability indicator does not exceed 0.6%. In other words, out of one thousand women using this method of protection for one year, pregnancy occurred in only one case.
  • Safety. Despite the fact that all birth control pills interfere with hormonal levels, their effects are much less harmful than the consequences of abortion.
  • Normalization of the menstrual cycle, which becomes regular while taking the pills, and the menstruation itself is not so painful, long and heavy.
  • By improving the barrier properties of cervical mucus, the incidence of inflammatory diseases or exacerbation of chronic pathologies is almost halved.
  • The use of hormonal contraceptives for a year reduces the risk of endometrial cancer by 50%, ovarian cancer by 30%, and the risk of developing mastopathy becomes less by 70%.


Despite many positive aspects, hormonal birth control pills also have disadvantages. The main one, of course, is side effects, which sometimes make taking the drug simply impossible. In addition, birth control pills:

  • They do not protect against sexually transmitted infections, including such dangerous ones as HIV or cytomegalovirus.
  • They affect the blood coagulation system and can increase the risk of blood clots and thromboembolism.
  • They can aggravate the course of chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder or provoke the occurrence of cardiovascular pathologies, disorders in the circulatory system, as well as severe headaches and migraines.

Types of COCs

The entire variety of birth control pills can be divided into two main groups. The first includes drugs containing only gestagens, another name for them is mini-pills. The second group is combined contraceptives, which contain several hormones.

Usually these are synthetic analogues of estrogens and progesterone. It is this group that is most popular and is most often prescribed by doctors. Combination drugs are also divided into three types.


They are the first generation of drugs intended for hormonal contraception. They contain two hormones: estrogen and progesterone, which are contained in the same amount in each tablet. The most famous of this group are Janine, Yarina or Diane-35.

Despite the fact that this generation of drugs is not new and has existed for quite a long time, in terms of their effectiveness they are practically in no way inferior to multiphase drugs.

The advantage of monophasic contraceptives is their ease of administration and the ability to double the dose if you forget to take another pill. But with multiphase agents this is not always possible, and their use requires greater caution and attention.

In addition, monophasic drugs can help treat endometriosis, normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce its duration and pain. Also, with monophasic drugs, cases of intermenstrual bleeding are less common than with other groups.

Monophasic contraceptives are by far the most studied and most frequently prescribed group of drugs by doctors.


The second generation of hormonal contraceptives differs in that each tablet contains a constant dose of estrogen, and the concentration of the second component, gestagen, varies depending on the day of the cycle. Among the drugs in this group, Anteovin is used today, for example.

Biphasic contraceptives are prescribed mainly only to women with abnormal sensitivity to gestagens. Another indication for such drugs is hyperandrogenism. This is a pathology in which a woman’s body begins to produce a large amount of male sex hormones.


This group of drugs differs in that the tablets intended for different days of the cycle contain their own specific dose of hormones. Such a change in the concentration of estrogens and gestagens is as close as possible to the hormonal fluctuations that occur in a woman’s body. Thanks to this, three-phase contraceptives are considered the most physiological.

Typically, this group of drugs is prescribed to women over 35 years of age or under 18, as well as those who smoke or are obese. Such drugs include, for example, Tri-regol, Triziston or Tri-Mercy.

The main positive quality of this group of drugs is the reduction in the risk of side effects from progestins. The main disadvantage is the higher frequency of bleeding between menstruation compared to monophasic drugs. A more complex dosage regimen and not always possible to double the dose if you miss another pill.

Studies have shown that triphasic contraceptive drugs are inferior to monophasic ones in terms of reliability of protection against unplanned pregnancy.

The Pearl index for monophasic drugs is 0.15–0.18, while for three-phase drugs, depending on the composition, the values ​​can range from 0.19 to 0.68.

Selection criteria

If a woman has no previous experience of taking hormonal contraceptives, then the doctor usually gives preference to monophasic drugs containing minimal doses of hormones. But only after receiving the results of all the necessary tests. Such as: cytology smear, hormone test, general and biochemical blood test, ultrasound of the pelvic organs. In some cases, an additional consultation with a mammologist may be necessary. In addition, the doctor must take into account the characteristics of the menstrual cycle and the woman’s phenotype.

It is simply impossible to choose the right drug without consulting specialists and a series of tests. You should not buy hormonal contraceptives yourself, as this can harm your health.

Today, combined oral contraceptives are considered one of the most reliable methods of protection against pregnancy. However, they require a woman to pay close attention to her condition and strictly follow the dosage regimen.

Prescribed only after consultation with a gynecologist, mammologist, biochemical blood test, and smear for oncocytology. Otherwise, a woman risks encountering side effects of oral contraceptives, including hypertension, depression, obesity, thrombosis and thrush. However, there are general recommendations that you should follow when choosing birth control pills.

Types of birth control pills

Depending on the composition, birth control pills can be divided into combined estrogen-progestogen and progestogen contraceptives.

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) contain two types of hormones: estrogens and progestins. They inhibit the development of follicles and prevent the egg from leaving the ovary into the fallopian tube. COCs also make sperm less mobile and prevent them from reaching the cervix.

Depending on the hormone content, COCs can be multiphasic, biphasic or triphasic. Monophasic tablets contain the same amount of estrogens and progestins, biphasic tablets contain two combinations of them, and triphasic tablets contain three.

Three-phase COCs are considered the most physiological, since during the menstrual cycle the content of hormones in the female body changes in three phases: follicular/menstrual, ovulatory and luteal/secretory. However, this does not mean that three-phase COCs are best suited for you: birth control pills are selected individually, taking into account age, weight, height, history of childbirth and abortion, cycle regularity and amount of discharge, the presence of chronic diseases and other important factors. For example, young nulliparous girls are often prescribed monophasic COCs, and after 27 - two- or three-phase.

COCs also differ in the amount of estrogen they contain:

  • Microdosed birth control pills contain a minimal dose of estrogen, suitable for young nulliparous girls and women after 35 years of age until menopause.
  • Low-dose birth control pills often prescribed to healthy women of reproductive age who have regular sex life.
  • High dose birth control pills used to treat hormonal imbalances. They should not be taken without a prescription from a gynecologist or endocrinologist.

Progestogen contraceptives (mini-pills)- tablets that contain only microdoses of gestagens. They are usually prescribed to women during breastfeeding or if there are contraindications to the use of COCs (diabetes mellitus, age over 35 years, smoking, diseases of the cardiovascular system).

Unlike COCs, mini-pills do not affect ovulation, but they increase the viscosity of cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from reaching the egg. Even if the sperm somehow fertilizes the egg, the embryo will not be able to attach to the endometrium.

Recommended contraceptive pills based on a woman's phenotype

Phenotype is a set of external and internal biological properties and characteristics of an organism. The gynecologist always takes it into account when selecting birth control pills. Scientists developed criteria for assessing the female phenotype depending on the predominance of certain hormones back in the 70s.

In total, there are three female phenotypes: estrogen, balanced and progesterone.

Phenotype I: Estrogen

The predominance of estrogen makes a woman very feminine. Her height, as a rule, is low or average, her hair is soft and lush, her skin is dry, her voice is high-pitched, her mammary glands are developed, medium or large in size. Before menstruation, such women become nervous and suffer from mastodynia (breast engorgement). The menstrual cycle lasts 28 days or more, the duration of menstruation is 5-7 days. Menstruation is usually painful and heavy.

In the absence of contraindications, women of this phenotype are recommended COC with enhanced progestogen component: Novinet, Mercilon, Logest, Lindinet-2, Miniziston, Microgynon, Rigevidon, Lindinet, Femoden, Marvelon, Regulon, Silest, etc.

Phenotype II: Balanced

In such women, the levels of female and male sex hormones are balanced. They are feminine, have average height, normal skin and hair, developed medium-sized breasts, and rarely experience symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The duration of the cycle, as a rule, does not exceed 28 days, menstruation lasts about 5 days, and the discharge is moderate.

Healthy young women of a balanced type usually tolerate micro- and low-dose COCs: Yarina, Yarina Plus, Midiana, Tri-Mercy, Femoden, Silest, Janine, Siluet, Miniziston, Triziston, Triquilar, Tri-regol, etc.

Phentype III: Progesterone (gestagenic)

Such women often have a boyish figure and tall stature, oily hair and skin prone to seborrhea and acne, a deep voice and small breasts. Before menstruation, they usually become lethargic, depressed, and complain about muscle pain. The cycle lasts less than 28 days, menstruation is scanty and painless.

Suitable for women of gestagenic type drugs with an enhanced estrogen component: Jazz, Yarina, Belara, Janine, Diane-35, Chloe, Klaira, Midiana, etc.

If the patient has signs of hyperandrogenism, she may be prescribed high dose birth control pills to suppress male hormones: Diane-35, Chloe, Bisekurin, Ovidon, Non-Ovlon, etc.

Birth control pills after childbirth

We have already mentioned that COCs are contraindicated for women during breastfeeding: they reduce milk production and can completely stop lactation. In this case, the best choice would be progestin tablets- Laktinet, Charozetta, Exluton, Microlut, Ovret, Primolut-Nor, Micronor, etc. They can be used 1-6 months after birth, switching to COCs only if the woman is ready to stop breastfeeding.

How to know if birth control pills are not right for you

Properly selected birth control pills usually do not cause side effects (or their severity is minimal and can be easily adjusted after consultation with a doctor). However, there are signs that indicate the need to change the drug. Among them.

Birth control pills after 35 years of age will become an excellent contraceptive option that can be controlled by the woman herself. If you choose the right pills and follow the rules, you can even improve women's health and overall well-being.

But only the attending physician can prescribe pills. By choosing on your own or on the recommendations of a pharmacist, you risk becoming a victim of side effects. It is always worth remembering that birth control pills are based on hormones, and such therapy has a complex effect on the body.

By age thirty-five, most women have already given birth. In modern conditions, it is at this age that women have recently acquired offspring. And here the problem of contraception is acute - after all, now they rarely give birth to a second child until the first one goes to school.

After 35, many women still plan to become a mother, or want to give birth to a second child. Therefore, they treat their own reproduction very carefully. I don’t want to put my women’s health at risk.

Another point is the importance of a healthy sex life at this age. According to modern research, it is at 30-35, and especially after childbirth, that a woman’s sexual desire blossoms. And you don’t want to disrupt sexual intercourse either by preparation or by barriers between the partners’ bodies.

Due to the increasing incidence of cancer, it is worth thinking about their prevention. Some birth control pills, which we will talk about today, help strengthen the female body in the face of such diseases.

The main rule when choosing female contraceptive pills is to listen to the recommendations of the treating gynecologist. He knows your condition and will be able to determine what dangers there are in the case of certain contraceptives. With the help of his advice and knowledge, you can not only competently approach the issue of contraception after 35 years, but also strengthen your women's health.

The most important indicator when choosing contraceptives is hormonal levels.

So, if the body produces enough of its own estrogen, combined oral contraceptives (COCs) will be harmful. In such cases, mini-pills are recommended - tablets with a reduced content of hormones, devoid of estrogen. And vice versa, if there are not enough female sex hormones, male sex hormones are produced - COCs will be an ideal option. By choosing birth control pills according to this scheme, you can even bring tangible benefits to your health.

It is worth considering the general condition of the body. Thus, problems with the digestive system or a tendency to increased blood clotting will be a clear contraindication to taking birth control pills.

Benefits of tablets

Birth control pills are more than just a form of contraception. This is a complex effect on the body, which can result in both good and bad. Only a doctor can choose the right drug and generally determine the possibility of such contraception. To do this, he must familiarize himself with the results of studies - blood tests, gynecological examination.

In this case, the tablets will be chosen correctly, and with their help:

  • Monthly cycles will return to normal;
  • The risk of malignant diseases will decrease;
  • Your daily mood will improve;
  • Increased desire in the sexual sphere;
  • Female organs will receive protection from inflammation;
  • They will serve as good prevention and treatment for fibroids.

In addition, birth control after 35 years will also become a good cosmetic product. If the type of hormones and their dosage are selected correctly, testosterone production will be reduced. This means that the skin on your face and scalp will become less oily. The hair will be less greasy, and the skin will get rid of unpleasant acne rashes.

Combined oral contraceptives

Most often, when talking about birth control pills, doctors and women who use them mean COCs. These drugs are based on two substances - estrogen and artificial gestagens. Together they provide a comprehensive effect that provides maximum reliability. COCs are divided into several subtypes depending on the order in which the hormones act:

  • Single-phase (Yarina, Logest) - substances are mixed in all tablets of the cycle;
  • Biphasic (Anteovin) - throughout the entire course, the estrogen content does not change, unlike gestagenic substances;
  • Three-phase (Triquilaz, Tri-Mercy) - the ratio of estrogen and gestagen in tablets changes three times per month course.

Operating principle

Combined contraceptive pills work according to the following scheme:

  • They do not allow ovulation to occur normally. The body mistakenly reads hormonal indicators, and the female cell does not leave the ovarian follicle;
  • There is too much mucus inside the uterus and its cervix. Sperm cannot break through this barrier, and their journey to the egg ends in the vaginal environment;
  • The level of endometrial density increases. The chance of fertilization of the egg is already minimal, but if this happens, the zygote will not be able to gain a foothold in the uterus and will die.

Each of these factors is already a powerful barrier to pregnancy. Together, these three points reduce the possibility of pregnancy to almost zero.


Combined contraceptive pills should not be used if a woman is over 35 years of age:

  • Already bearing fruit;
  • Experiencing cardiac pathologies;
  • Has a platelet count in the blood that is higher than normal;
  • Is a smoker;
  • Has kidney failure;
  • Prone to cancer;
  • Has malignant neoplasms;
  • Is in the period of lactation and feeding.

If, despite such contraindications, a woman still decides to take COCs, there is a high probability that as a result:

  • Your head will hurt;
  • Excretion of blood outside of menstruation;
  • Appetite will disappear;
  • Menstruation will disappear;
  • You will feel dizzy;
  • Unwanted hairiness will increase;
  • Sexual desire will decrease;
  • Intestinal bloating will begin.

But these are just minor side effects. More serious negative consequences may include:

  • Thrombosis and bleeding disorders;
  • Diseases of the liver and digestive system;
  • The appearance of excess kilograms;
  • Skin rashes and acne;
  • Difficulty speaking;
  • Unexpected hypertensive attacks;
  • Phlegm in the throat;
  • Chest pain;
  • Severe persistent migraines;
  • Swelling of the lower extremities.


These birth control pills contain only artificial progestogen and no estrogen. They are also called single-component birth control pills. Here we can mention Microlute, Charozetta.

Most often, mini-pills are prescribed after the age of 35, especially if a woman has already given birth. In such cases, the woman’s own estrogen is usually sufficient. Excess estrogen can cause harm in two ways.

Firstly, by increasing the risk of cancer and inflammation - because the uterine tissue will become denser. Secondly, and these effects are very common - in response to excess estrogen, the body will start producing testosterone. And then the negative consequences will be excess hair, oily skin and hair, and a purulent rash. That is why the effect of gestagen is sufficient. It operates in generally the same way as in COCs. Ovulation does not occur, and the passage of sperm through the genital tract is extremely difficult. A fertilized egg (which is extremely unlikely) will not be able to implant in the uterus.

Menstruation does not occur when taking the mini-pill of birth control pills. Instead, bloody discharge occurs, which can be attributed to false menstruation. Contraindications and side effects are the same as for combined contraceptives.

Microdosed and low dosed

Microdosed birth control pills contain the least amount of hormones. Suitable if the hormonal background of a woman at 35 years old is completely normal and has not undergone changes compared to her younger age. This includes Zoely, Jess, Lindinet.

Low-dose birth control pills, like mini-pills, are suitable if you have enough estrogen. The advantage over the mini-pill is that it has a weaker effect on the menstrual cycle. After taking microdose tablets and mini-pills, if severe discomfort is caused by “false menstruation”, low-dose ones are prescribed. These include Silest, Microgynon, Demoulin.

How are contraceptives selected?

The question of which pills to take as a contraceptive cannot be figured out on the Internet or from the advice of girlfriends. You should always remember that any hormonal therapy has a powerful and complex effect on the body. Changes in the functioning of the endocrine system will affect the functioning of all organs and structures of the female body.

Therefore, only a gynecologist can specifically resolve the issue. To do this, he will need to collect data through the following studies:

  • Dermatological tests;
  • Checks for bacteria and infections;
  • Body weight surveys;
  • Blood pressure measurements;
  • Palpation of the chest;
  • Tests for liver function;
  • Gynecological examination and smears.

Before using birth control pills, it is wise to visit an eye doctor. After all, long-term use of such drugs often leads to dysfunction of the eyeballs, especially glaucoma.

Another necessary examination to avoid the development of side effects is a blood test for coagulation and ultrasound examination of the veins. Thrombosis is one of the very common and most dangerous side effects.

Planned children born into a family based on a thoughtful and balanced decision are the key to harmony in the home, so this issue should be approached seriously. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, as well as to treat a number of gynecological problems, there are many medications. Before deciding which birth control pills are best to choose, you should understand the huge range of oral contraceptives that today's pharmaceutical market offers. All products created to prevent conception are divided into two groups:

  1. COOK. Combined oral contraceptives with different compositions.
  2. Mini-drinks. The most gentle for the body with one analogue of the hormone progesterone.

    Depending on what hormones are used in the drug, COCs are divided into:

    • monophasic;
    • two-phase;
    • three-phase.
    Also, based on the number of active components in the composition, the following classification is accepted:
    • microdosed;
    • low-dose;
    • high-dose
    It should be remembered that at different ages, certain medications may or may not be suitable for a woman. Therefore, to find out which are the best birth control pills after 30, 40 or 45 years, in your case, you must definitely visit a gynecologist, he will be able to give the most accurate recommendation.

    Let's take a closer look at the most popular anti-conception medications today.

    Regulon birth control pills

    Monophasic, combined contraceptive containing estrogen and gestagen.
    1. Action. The drug is effective due to its effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system. With its help, the susceptibility of the endometrium to the blastocyst is reduced and the mucous viscosity in the cervix increases, which makes it more difficult for sperm to move.
    2. Application. Prescribed 1 piece per day from the first day of the full menstrual cycle. You need to drink it for 21 days, preferably at the same time. After this, the course is interrupted for a week and a new package is started. If more than five days have passed since the onset of menstrual bleeding, you should postpone the start of use to the next cycle.
    3. Contraindications. Prohibited for patients with severe arterial hypertension, thromboembolism, ischemia, atherosclerosis, serious liver problems, heart defects, diabetic angiopathy, otosclerosis, genital herpes, hypersensitivity to components, lupus erythematosus, estrogen-dependent tumors, genital bleeding.
    4. Side effects. Stroke, thrombosis, hypertension, heart attack, cholestatic jaundice, Sydenham chorea, and cholelithiasis were observed extremely rarely.
    The price of Regulon in Russia is about 460 rubles, and in Ukraine 130–160 UAH.

    Jess - anti-conception pills

    Low-dose contraceptive with antiandrogenic, antimineralocorticoid effect, good cycle control. Contains drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. Prescribed for acne vulgaris and for the treatment of complex premenstrual syndrome.
    1. Action. It prevents you from getting pregnant by suppressing ovulation, changing the properties of cervical secretion, which is why it becomes almost impenetrable to sperm.
    2. Application. Drink one tablet a day for 28 days without breaks, drinking plenty of water. As soon as the blister is finished, move on to the next one.
    3. Contraindications. It should not be used by patients with diabetes mellitus, tumors in the liver, mammary glands, kidney or adrenal insufficiency. Prohibited for thrombosis, after heart attacks, ischemic attacks, vaginal bleeding, angina pectoris, pancreatitis, neurological migraine.
    4. Side effects. Mood swings, anxiety, nervousness, headache, candidiasis, breast inflammation, irregular menstruation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, fluid retention, weight gain or loss.
    The price of Jess in Russia is 1100–1200 rubles, and in Ukraine 200–250 hryvnia. We have already done a more detailed one earlier.

    Contraceptive Tri-Regol

    A three-phase product containing estrogen and gestagen. Used for contraception, treatment of bleeding disorders, premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea.
    • Action. The release of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone is prevented, which inhibits ovulation, and the viscosity in the cervix changes and sperm cannot get further into the cavity.
    • Application. One piece is consumed daily for three weeks, then take a break for 7 days. First, drink six pink ones, then five white and ten dark yellow tablets.
    • Contraindications. Not prescribed for hypersensitivity to components, Gilbert, Rotor, Dubin-Johnson syndromes, severe liver and kidney diseases, cholecystitis, colitis, problems with the heart and blood vessels, thromboembolism, diabetes, tumors, sickle cell anemia, migraine, otosclerosis, herpes, severe skin itching, lipid metabolism disorders.
    • Side effects. Possible nausea and vomiting, tension in the mammary glands, weight changes, discomfort when wearing lenses, headache, intermenstrual bleeding, depression.
    The price of Tri-Regola in Russia is 300 rubles, and in Ukraine 220–300 UAH.

    Birth control pills Novinet

    Single-phase medicine, with ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. A reliable method of contraception that reduces the amount of bleeding and the duration of menstruation, relieves pain, minimizes the possibility of infections in the pelvis, anemia, ectopic pregnancy, and the development of diseases in the uterus and ovaries.
    • Action. Inhibits the maturation of the egg due to the influence of luteal and follicular synthetic hormones.
    • Application. For a three-week period, take 1 tablet, then stop for 7 days and start a new package. If it is necessary to delay menstruation, there is no break.
    • Contraindications. Do not use if you have malignant tumors in the uterus and mammary glands, thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, stroke, heart attack, hypertension, severe diabetes mellitus, lipid metabolism disorders, liver and kidney diseases, jaundice, hearing impairment during a previous pregnancy, autoimmune diseases, skin rashes.
    • Side effects. Vomiting, nausea, allergic rash, intermenstrual bleeding, pain in the head and mammary glands, weight changes, cervical and glandular cancer, liver problems, thromboembolism, jaundice, sudden abdominal pain.
    The price of Novinet in Russia is 500 rubles, and in Ukraine 135–170 hryvnia.

    Contraceptive Yarina

    Monophasic drug, with a combination of two main active components of estrogen ethinyl estradiol and the gestagen drospirenone. It is very useful for patients suffering from hormone-dependent fluid retention, seborrhea, and acne.
    • Action. The medicine changes the viscosity of cervical mucus, inhibits ovulation, and prevents the development of the egg. Also, with its help, the concentration of HDL increases and the lipid profile improves; the drug has antiandrogenic activity.
    • Application. Every day for 21 days at a certain time they drink one tablet, then stop for seven days and then continue according to the same scheme.
    • Contraindications. You cannot be treated with this medication if the patient has thrombosis, ischemic attacks, severe renal and hepatic pathologies, angina pectoris, tumors, diseases of the mammary glands, genital organs, bleeding, diabetes mellitus, heart attack or stroke.
    • Side effects. Pain in the mammary glands, discharge, intolerance to contact lenses, nausea, pain in the head and abdomen, skin rashes, chloasma, migraine, fluid retention, changes in secretion in the vagina.
    The price of Yarina in Russia is 1100 rubles, and in Ukraine 200–250 UAH.

    There are many proven remedies that reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy, but at the same time they can cause a number of unpleasant side effects. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies annually try to release new medications, the use of which will not pose a health risk. Today there are already a number of non-hormonal products on sale or with extremely low percentages of them. The TOP 5 best birth control pills we reviewed consist of drugs that will not only prevent conception, but will also affect the woman’s health as carefully as possible.

    If you decide to use oral contraception, you should definitely consult with a specialist; he will help you choose the right medicine based on the condition, age and individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

    How to choose birth control pills, see the following video:



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