The best positions during contractions. Preparing for childbirth is the key to its success

No one knows better how difficult the process of giving birth is than those women who have already gone through it. And of course we can say that if a woman experiences discomfort during childbirth, then her strength is exhausted much faster than usual. And this is simply contraindicated, because the more collected and stronger the woman in labor is, the faster the birth will be and will bring less unpleasant moments.

Of course, in most cases, the woman independently takes the position in which she is most comfortable. This is her natural self-defense triggering. But in order to be fully prepared for labor activity It’s better to study all the positions during childbirth in advance and not start experimenting during childbirth.

Positions to ease labor pains during childbirth

In most cases, when no complications arise during childbirth, doctors allow the woman to independently choose a position that is comfortable for her. You can walk during contractions, or do exercises on a ball, high handrails, or stairs. If the waters have not broken and the maternity hospital has everything necessary conditions you can take a warm bath. But everyone’s birth experience is unique, and perhaps it will be a little easier for a woman if she stands under the shower or leans on a wall, chair, or table. Also, for back pain, some women take the “cat” pose. During it, the stomach completely sags and thus the load on the back is reduced.

Positions for childbirth without gaps

A few decades ago, you didn’t have to choose a position for childbirth. Absolutely everyone gave birth lying on their back and this was not even discussed. But today, most maternity hospitals can offer you an alternative to childbirth on your back. In addition, doctors have proven that this position in some cases can cause injury to both mother and child. This is largely caused by the pressure on the back during childbirth. pudendal vein and blood flows through the placenta very poorly. Plus, in this position, uterine contractions are somewhat reduced, the cervix opens even more slowly, and the woman experiences more severe pain than in other positions.

Now in the maternity hospital you can choose any other more suitable posture:

And these are not all possible positions for childbirth, because women can come up with more and more new positions in order to avoid pain. And whatever the position, it is important to remember one thing: you need to completely relax and this will reduce the pain.

Modern obstetrician-gynecologists are unanimous that during childbirth a woman should be active and not lie motionless in bed. At the same time, during contractions you can walk around the ward and corridor, and also take various poses which help make contractions less painful.

How to behave during childbirth: the main advantages of free behavior

  • If you walk and take different positions during contractions, the uterus receives more blood, due to which her muscles contract normally, and the cervix opens less painfully, more smoothly and quickly.
  • More oxygen enters the uterine cells, this reduces the risk of baby hypoxia.
  • By taking a vertical body position, a woman helps the baby move faster through the birth canal. This shortens the process of giving birth to a baby.

Childbirth positions taught at pregnancy school

During the first stage of labor, when contractions occur and the cervix dilates, expectant mother There is a large selection of positions that will help her endure this period of labor more easily. You can take vertical, horizontal poses, and also use a fitball.

Vertical positions during childbirth

1. At the beginning of the first stage of labor, when contractions are not so strong and frequent, the expectant mother can behave very actively during childbirth: standing or walking around the room. For the movements to be effective, you need not to freeze, but to rock or rotate your pelvis, “drawing” a circle or figure eight. You can also step from one leg to the other, squat and even dance.

2. At the beginning of labor, you can sit on a chair “astride”, so that you look at its back, using it as a support, and lean to the side during contractions.

3. How to behave during contractions? As contractions become more intense, birthing positions in which your torso is tilted forward will help ease the pain. You can use a window sill, headboard, bedside table, or the edge of the bed as support, after kneeling down. You can also lie down with your chest, arms and head supported.

4. If the expectant mother gives birth together with her partner, then during the contraction you can turn to face him, wrap your arms around his neck and hang on him.

5. When the dilation of the cervix is ​​almost complete, the “squatting position with knees wide apart” will help relieve pain. You can squat with your legs spread wide apart, using a chair, headboard or edge of the bed as support.

6. If you are giving birth with a partner, you can squat with your back to him, using his knees as support.

7. You can kneel down, spread your legs wide and tilt your torso forward, leaning on a bed or chair.

Horizontal positions during childbirth

Giving birth lying down is good in cases where a woman wants to push. Since the fetal head is low and the cervix is ​​not yet fully dilated, this cannot be done yet.

8. You can take a pose on all fours, leaning on a pillow, or stand on your elbows so that your head is located below your pelvis. In this position, the urge to push becomes less strong.

Childbirth on a fitball

9. During contractions, you can sit on a fitball with your knees spread wide apart. It is recommended to sway. Perform rotational movements with the pelvis, roll on the ball, and make springing movements.

10. Between contractions, to rest and relax, you can kneel, resting your chest and head on the fitball.

How to behave during childbirth: postures during pushing

11. At the beginning of the second stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​fully dilated and there is a desire to push, it is recommended to take a vertical position. You can simply stand, squat, sit on a fitball, a bedpan, or a special chair with a hole in the center. These positions help the fetal head move down the birth canal faster.

12. After the head has completely dropped, you need to lie on your back or recline on the birthing chair. During the push, you need to press your chin to your chest, and keep your legs spread wide apart with your hands under your knees. You can also place a semi-deflated fitball under your back while pushing.

Childbirth on the side

  • breech presentation of the fetus (to prevent prolapse of umbilical cord loops, arms and legs of the fetus after rupture amniotic fluid):
  • premature birth:
  • quick and rapid birth:
  • polyhydramnios:
  • use of epidural anesthesia during childbirth.

For quite a long time, there was an opinion among obstetricians and gynecologists that during childbirth a woman should be in a supine position. However, this position is far from the most successful for a woman in labor.

Typically, while studying possible poses During childbirth, it turned out that among various peoples, no one has the usual position on the back for us. This position, although very convenient for obstetricians and doctors, is completely unsuitable for the woman in labor and the baby.

Disadvantages of the position “on the back” for a woman in labor

Pose in horizontal position inhibits the process of normal delivery, which interferes with effective contractions of the uterine muscles, full dilation of the cervix, correct rotation of the baby’s head and its insertion, and can increase pain in a woman during childbirth. In addition, in the position of the woman in labor on her back, the uterus compresses large blood vessels, which leads to compression of the inferior vena cava and disruption of vital functions. important organs, including in the placenta, blood supply, the development of dizziness and a feeling of “lightheadedness”.

Indications for childbirth in the “supine” position

the need for epidural anesthesia - even despite the absence of pain during epidural anesthesia, the woman does not lose the ability to move, and she is recommended to lie down due to possible muscle weakness and sharp fall blood pressure;

breech presentation of the baby in a woman - if the woman is in an upright position, a slight opening of the cervix and the unpreparedness of the birth canal for birth can lead to prolapse of the umbilical cord; most often, the occurrence of such a situation can lead to emergency delivery;

availability premature birth and intrauterine growth restriction of the fetus - in this case, the optimal position of the woman is on her side;

rapid or rapid delivery - the vertical position can accelerate - “force” the process of childbirth and thereby have an impact negative impact both for the child and for the mother.

As a rule, it is impossible to give one universal advice for choosing a position for contractions, since each woman, equally as each birth, is unique.

Most often, most women prefer one of the vertical positions: sitting or standing, perhaps even walking.

Vertical position

Selecting a vertical position creates big row benefits.

First: in a standing position, unlike a supine position, compression of large vessels does not occur, normal blood supply to the organs and placenta is maintained. By intuitively choosing the most comfortable position, the mother in labor thereby helps her baby. For example, with the help of some asymmetry of postures, achieved by slightly lifting the pelvis or moving one leg forward, the child’s head is correctly inserted, rotated normally and correct flow childbirth Also, in a vertical position, due to the force of gravity, the child can move freely along the birth canal and some expansion of the birth canal is observed.

Most long period childbirth is the first period, characterized by regular, gradually becoming more frequent, as well as intensifying contractions, leading to dilatation uterine cervix. Carrying out active movements during childbirth at this time, the mother in labor can help the baby during this period by creating conditions for contractions to be as effective as possible. During the period between contractions, using the chosen position, the woman in labor can rest and relax.

Most women experience the onset of labor more easily by walking, since walking, combined with raising the legs high, improves blood supply, thereby increasing the delivery of oxygen to the baby and the uterus.

Standing pose

Throughout the contraction itself to reduce painful sensations you can take a pose in a standing position, leaning on the wall and table, the back of a bed or chair, since in this case all the weight is transferred to your hands. If your husband is present during the birth, you can hang by grabbing him by the neck, or leaning on his back or shoulders. Postures with the stomach tilting forward and “sagging”, on all fours, in the “cat pose”, hanging on the husband’s neck, a pose with bending forward, can help reduce the intensity of painful sensations in the back. In addition, during the contraction it is advisable to “sway” the pelvis and hips. Performing such movements can relax the muscles of the perineum to a more pronounced extent, as well as open the cervix to its fullest extent.

Sitting pose

When choosing a sitting position, you need to take into account the fact that the surface of the seat is softer, preferably elastic. For this purpose, it is better to use either large inflatable balls or children's swimming rings during childbirth. Using these devices, you can relax the muscles of the perineum to the maximum extent and open the cervix more widely. During contractions in a sitting position, you can also lean on a pillow, arms and headboard. The legs should not be closed during contractions, since in this position the dilation of the cervix is ​​incomplete. For greater efficiency, you can spread your knees as wide as possible to the sides.

Squatting pose

A squatting pose with the knees wide apart is also effective. By performing this position, you can promote the correct process of insertion of the head and easier passage of the baby through the birth canal. This is also facilitated by a certain angle taken when performing a pelvic tilt, achieved by squatting. It is most effective to use this position in cases where the cervix is ​​completely open and the baby’s head does not descend to the pelvic floor. The disadvantage of this position - the squatting position - is the woman’s instability in it. In this situation, the help of the husband, as well as another loved one- invaluable, you can also hold on to the back of the bed or chair when performing the squatting pose.

Lotus position

One of the most common yoga poses is the lotus pose, the adoption of which by a woman during childbirth is very effective. To stay in the lotus position for a long time, preliminary training is necessary during pregnancy. Only when given condition During childbirth, adopting the lotus position will not cause discomfort and tension, but will help relax the muscles of the perineum, as well as the correct “wedging” of the baby’s head into the birth canal. In addition, sitting in the “Turkish” position will help relieve back muscles and relieve pain in lumbar region and excessive stress. It is advisable to take these positions at the very beginning of labor, during short intervals between contractions, when they are not very painful and the cervix is ​​at the very beginning of opening. In the case of active labor and a large opening of the outlet - pharynx - cervix, it is advisable not to sit on a hard surface, as this creates an obstacle to the movement of the fetus along the birth canal.

Side lying position

The side lying position is the most gentle position for the fetus. Most often it is recommended to take it at the end of the first stage of labor when full opening cervix. At the same time, it is impossible to force the course of labor, especially in situations where the fetus is premature or small, and there is also intrauterine retention.

In the water

You can immerse yourself in a bath of water if the water has not yet broken out. Contractions are also easier to endure while standing in the shower.

Some African tribes, which retained maximum closeness to the laws of nature, preserved the tradition of giving birth to a woman in a squatting or kneeling position. For example, these traditions exist in Brazil or other countries Latin America. In the Netherlands or France and other European countries, water births or births in an upright position are “becoming fashionable” again.

Baby pose

If the baby’s head drops completely and there is pressure on the tissues pelvic floor If the cervix is ​​not yet fully dilated, then adopting the “baby pose,” which is an imitation of the position of the child in the womb, helps. You need to kneel down, while spreading them wide. For support, you need to put a large pillow under your chest, and you need to put your hands under your head; when taking this position, the pelvis should be higher than the pregnant woman’s head. This position helps to relieve pressure on the baby’s head and reduce intensity. discomfort.

Asymmetrical pose

Sometimes, intuitively, a woman may choose to adopt an asymmetrical pose - a runner's pose. This position is characterized by the fact that you need to place a pillow under one of the legs bent at the knee or squeeze it between the legs. Adopting this position is the most gentle for the child, and also helps the head to wedge correctly into birth canal.

In a number of maternity hospitals, a woman can now perform active movements during the first stage of labor. But when contractions become more frequent, at the end of the period of cervical dilatation, as well as at the beginning of pushing (the beginning of the second stage of labor), the woman in labor should lie on her back. A special device is first connected that allows you to monitor the heart rate - the heart rate - of the fetus, or the doctor listens to the fetal heartbeat in the intervals between contractions using an obstetric stethoscope (tube).

At the birth of the head, the midwife carries out special techniques that are aimed at preventing the occurrence of perineal ruptures, which are only possible in the woman’s position on her back. Also lying on her back, a woman in labor can bend her head and press her chin to her chest, while pulling the special handrails towards herself, resting her feet on special supports. Few maternity hospitals are equipped with special chairs for vertical childbirth. The fetal heartbeat is recorded by special telemetry devices, which relieve the woman in labor from having to remain on the bed. However, the use of these devices has not yet become widespread in our maternity hospitals.

As a rule, perform in uncomfortable position something is extremely difficult: tense and tired muscles can make themselves felt quite quickly. Since childbirth is a rather long and labor-intensive process, it is necessary to choose the position that is most suitable for you and your baby in advance, with prior consultation with a doctor.

The history of obstetrics is, to a greater extent, the history of the gradual deprivation of the mother in labor of the main role in the drama of childbirth. It all began in 17th century France, when a male doctor first entered the delivery room and took over the role traditionally filled by midwives. Women in labor began to be placed on their backs to make it easier for doctors to apply obstetric forceps. But, according to established tradition, a woman lies on her back only during pushing. What position can be considered optimal for contractions? There are several opinions on this matter.

Each woman’s body works according to its own laws, which means that birth is completely different for everyone. A woman giving birth should trust her feelings, move exactly the way she wants, take any position that is comfortable for her. In many maternity hospitals, a woman in labor, unless there are contraindications, is allowed to sit, walk or lie in any position. This type of labor management has a number of advantages:

  • A woman can actively participate in the birth process and feel it better.
  • The ability to change body position stimulates blood circulation in the uterus, as a result of which the baby receives more oxygen.
  • The cervix opens better, and the woman in labor experiences less discomfort during labor.
  • The birth canal stretches more easily and better adapts to the size of the baby's head, so the likelihood of soft tissue ruptures is reduced.

Vertical position. Many women find it instinctively and stay there for a long time. This is no coincidence: “vertical” poses relieve pain, especially in the back. In addition, in an upright position, in addition to the force exerted by the contracting uterus, the baby is affected by gravity, and he moves faster through the birth canal.

In order for you to be able to use all available opportunities during childbirth, we will present various options vertical poses:

  • At the beginning of the first stage of labor, you can sit back with support on your hands or a pillow; You can also “saddle” a chair, resting your hands on its back, or sit on a special ball on which you can spring or bounce.
  • Many women in labor find it comfortable to stand leaning on the edge of the bed.
  • If the birth is partnered, you can actively use the help of the future father: the mother can hang on her partner’s neck, as it were, and if the woman in labor is sitting, it is convenient for her to use the father’s back or chest as a support.
  • Another option for a vertical pose is the squatting position. In this position, the pelvic bones diverge somewhat to the sides, which helps the baby move along the birth canal. This position is most relevant when the cervix has already fully opened, but the fetal head has not yet descended to the pelvic floor.
  • There are women who walk around the delivery room during contractions.

Lying on your back position. This traditional position is the most unfortunate physiologically for both mother and child. When a woman lies on her back, the uterus with the fetus presses on the large blood vessels, which, in turn, worsens the outflow venous blood from the lower part of the body, including the pelvic organs. This reduces the amount of oxygenated blood entering the placenta and impedes blood circulation between mother and baby. The supine position is recommended at certain stages of epidural anesthesia, when it is necessary for the anesthetic to spread symmetrically over the membrane of the spinal cord.

Side lying position. The “plus” of this position is that it does not squeeze large vessels. This position, unlike the position on the back, is the most gentle for the fetus. It is often used at the end of the first stage of labor, when the cervix has opened almost completely; but it is impossible to force the course of labor, for example, when the fetus is small, premature, or there is intrauterine growth retardation.

By the way, doctors have long noticed that all the positions that a woman takes during childbirth are, as a rule, asymmetrical. For example, a standing woman in labor leans primarily on one side. This is due to the physiology of childbirth: passing through the pelvis, the baby’s head must turn, and the expectant mother instinctively “helps” the baby to do this.

Childbirth in water. During the first stage of labor, a woman is immersed in water, often up to her neck. Sometimes someone carefully supports her head if she lowers the back of her head and ears into the water, leaving only her face on the surface. In water, contractions are easier and the woman feels more comfortable. First of all, she doesn't have to struggle with weight own body during contractions. Secondly, the warmth of the water reduces the production of adrenaline and relaxes the muscles.

Learn to relax!

Most often, on the eve of the next contraction, a woman experiences fear of pain. Fear is natural defensive reaction. But even a slight anxiety in a woman can cause tension, which will lead to contraction of the orbicularis muscles and thus interfere with the work of the uterine muscles to expel the fetus. If a woman is in tension, then the outlet of the uterus is also in tension. And this in most cases means long and painful childbirth: the mother herself seems to be hindering her child being born. On the contrary, if a woman is in a calm, relaxed state, the cervix opens easily: at the moment when the longitudinal muscles begin their work to expel the fetus, the muscles that kept the uterus locked during pregnancy relax and stretch easily. In this case, the pain is less intense and the baby is born much easier.

As a rule, relaxation techniques are taught in childbirth preparation courses. If you have not had a chance to visit them, then you can use a simple method. Tighten certain muscle groups, such as your buttocks, then relax them. In this way, you will begin to distinguish between the sensations of tense and relaxed muscles. If you did not have the opportunity to learn how to relax your muscles during pregnancy, you can try to do this during childbirth. Try not to tense or tighten as the contraction approaches and during the contraction itself. Try to relax as much as possible; think about the fact that by straining, you are preventing the cervix from opening and the baby moving through the birth canal. As soon as you succeed once, you will feel that a contraction in a relaxed state is much easier to bear than in a tense one.

So, we are convinced that the choice of position during contractions is a very individual matter. Therefore, if the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies and the woman is healthy, doctors, as a rule, give her complete freedom of action. They follow the woman in labor, supporting her with timely spoken words, controlling the process and coming to the rescue only at the right moment. After all, when a person has a choice, he gains confidence in his abilities and everything works out.

A woman giving birth should trust her feelings, move exactly the way she wants, take any position that is comfortable for her.

  • Premature birth, intrauterine growth restriction (in this case, the optimal position of the woman is on her side).
  • Childbirth in breech(if the woman is in an upright position, then with a slight opening of the cervix, when the birth canal is not yet ready for the birth of the baby, the umbilical cord may fall out; this situation requires emergency delivery).
  • Epidural anesthesia. Despite the fact that with epidural anesthesia, a woman stops feeling pain, but does not lose the ability to move, the patient is still recommended to lie down, as muscle weakness, and sometimes decreases blood pressure. All this can lead to falling when trying to stand up. However, there are also types of epidural anesthesia that do not exclude the possibility of contractions in any position.
  • Swift or quick birth. An upright position can force the labor process, which will have a negative impact on mother and baby.

Active labor is more natural than lying on the couch, and the use of special positions during contractions can reduce painful sensations, bring closer or delay the birth of the baby, and also prevent perineal ruptures. Collected for you best poses facilitating childbirth.

Reduces tension and pain in the lumbar region.

This exercise is used at the beginning of labor, when the baby's head is high above the pelvis. Sit on the exercise ball with your legs spread, your feet should completely touch the floor. The body is slightly tilted forward, the palms of the hands are on the knees. Creating circular movements of the pelvis increases the likelihood of the head descending correctly into the birth canal. This exercise is also performed without a ball - sitting on your knees with your hands on your hips. The direction of rotation of the hips does not matter; the pace that does not disturb calm breathing is important.

2. Sitting on your knees

Position for inducing labor.

It is useful when contractions of the uterus are already quite noticeable; the position accelerates the descent of the baby’s head into the mother’s pelvis. Sit on your heels, spread your knees wide. Place your hands on the floor with your body tilted forward. You can rock back and forth, this movement reduces the perception of pain, especially with with the right rhythm breathing.

3. Supported birth position

Strengthens uterine contractions.

Accelerates the opening of the cervix, and physical contact with a partner gives a feeling of security. The woman faces the assistant and clasps his neck. At the same time, the body leans slightly back with a slight deflection in the lower back. Legs straight or slightly bent, arms relaxed. If there is no partner nearby, the woman leans against the wall. During the position, you can perform movements reminiscent of belly dancing, while an assistant massages to the expectant mother lower back to reduce pain.

4. Near a support

The effect of the posture for childbirth is to relieve lower back pain and stimulate labor.

The position is performed near the bed as shown in the figure. Useful for severe pain in the lower back, pressure on the fundus of the uterus increases the contractile force pushing the baby down.

5. Lying on your side

Action – improves blood circulation, reduces the intensity of contractions.

The position improves blood flow from mother to baby faster than the right side position. Unlike vertical, it reduces the intensity of contractions, therefore it is recommended for rest between contractions before starting.

6. Horizontal position

Reduces the risk of perineal ruptures, reduces the pain of contractions.

Some positions during labor and childbirth reduce the risk of ruptures; this position is most effective and recommended as the meeting with the baby approaches. The force of contractions and the risk of rupture are reduced, and the opening of the cervix increases. Practices while pushing correct breathing similar to blowing out a candle.

7. Squatting position

Promotes smooth lowering of the head, speeds up the birth of the baby.

The most physiological and effective posture to lower the baby's head into the mother's pelvis. Squat down with your elbows on the edge of the bed or your partner. The buttocks in this position should not touch the floor.

8. Squatting with support

The action is similar to the previous one (7)

The position replaces the previous one if it is more convenient. Take the position as shown in the figure.

9. On your knees with support

Reduces the risk of perineal ruptures during childbirth.

The position is recommended at the moment of birth of the child, before the head comes out. It reduces the pressure of the head on the perineum, thereby preventing ruptures. The woman kneels wide apart and leans against the wall or holds on to her partner’s shoulders. You can take this position by sitting on the floor near the window with your hands on the windowsill. The buttocks do not touch the floor.

10. Reclining with support

The action is a replacement for standard childbirth in a horizontal position. Accelerates birth due to the force of gravity.

The position helps the birth of the baby, while the birth canal gradually expands. A woman lies down on a hospital bed with the backrest raised. Knees wide apart, hands holding the handrails. It is important that the support for the feet is below the level of the body, as shown in the figure.

Have an easy birth! 🙂



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