Sauerkraut - beneficial properties and contraindications. Video: An ancient method of salting without sugar

Is sauerkraut healthy? We are so sure of a positive answer that the question seems rhetorical. But what exactly do we know about this? It’s probably that sauerkraut contains... a lot of vitamins. Which ones exactly? What makes the presence of this product on our table so desirable, if not irreplaceable? Let's go in order.

Sauerkraut is a traditional Slavic product, although it is also found in different versions in other national cuisines. In addition to pickling, cabbage has always been preserved by pickling. Salted cabbage requires the addition of a large amount of salt, while sauerkraut requires no more than 20-25 g per 1 kg of cabbage.

Sauerkraut is fermented (i.e. kept after salting) for 1-2 days. During this time, lactic acid fermentation occurs in it: under the influence of a complex of bacteria, organic acids (lactic, malic, acetic) are formed from carbohydrates and fiber. Acids provide a preservative effect, as well as special taste and beneficial properties of sauerkraut.

For pickling, late varieties of white and red cabbage are used, since these are the varieties that contain enough carbohydrates necessary for fermentation. The season is also important: the onset of cold weather contributes to better preservation of cabbage.

The benefits of sauerkraut will become clear and obvious if we analyze its composition.

Composition of sauerkraut

The “calling card” of sauerkraut is vitamin U (21 mg per 100 g of product), as well as tartronic and folic acid (22 mcg - this is a very high concentration)

Vitamin C - 45-60 mg per 100 g of product - presented in 2 forms: as ascorbic acid(free form of vitamin C) and ascorbinogen(related form). In winter and early spring nutrition, sauerkraut has always been the main source of vitamin C in the Russian diet.

Like most leafy vegetables, cabbage is rich in... vitamin K, choline, inositol. Among organic acids, healthy sauerkraut contains the most malic acid.

Nutritional value of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut contains 1.1-2.3% proteins, 0.1% fats, 7% carbohydrates: mainly glucose and fructose and fiber, pectin substances.

Per 100 g of product: calorie content 19 kcal, proteins 1.8 g, carbohydrates 4.5 g, fats< 0, 1 г, холестерин 0 г.

Other nutrients in sauerkraut:

Vitamin P - 300 mg
Carotene - 0.06%
Vitamin B6 - 0.1-0.14 mg
RR -0.34-0.74 mg
B1 - 0.03 mg
B2 - 0.04-0.07 mg)
Potassium - 185 mg
Calcium - 48 mg
Iron - 0.6 mg
Zinc -0.4 mg

The medicinal and nutritional properties of white cabbage are well preserved in sauerkraut, making it a valuable source of biologically active substances.

Health benefits of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a unique product of its kind, as it combines the properties of a prebiotic and a probiotic. Let us remind you that prebiotics promote the formation of your own microflora in the intestines, and probiotics are a complex of “ready-made” microorganisms necessary for the intestines.

1 Improved digestion. The organic acids that make up sauerkraut stimulate digestive processes with low acidity of gastric juice, increase the secretory and motor activity of the stomach and intestines, are useful for chronic constipation, and promote the development of normal microflora in dysbacteriosis.

Lactic and acetic acid, which are abundant in sauerkraut, suppress putrefactive bacteria and sanitize the intestines.

In addition, sauerkraut strengthens teeth and gums. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, is a good preventative against scurvy and the best remedy for dyspepsia.

2 Strengthening the immune system. Having a large amount of pro- and prebiotics and vital vitamins, sauerkraut is useful for people who are weakened and often sick during seasonal epidemics of acute respiratory infections. It is clear that it is also useful for the prevention of colds and viruses.

3 Reducing the risk of developing certain types of cancer and coronary heart disease. To be fair, it should be noted that these data have not been confirmed by multilateral scientific research. But they have not been refuted either. According to them, flavonoids can lower cholesterol levels (which reduces the risk of coronary artery disease), and isothiocyanates can prevent cancer of the colon, breast, liver and lungs.

4 Sauerkraut is useful for metabolic syndrome, obesity, and diabetes. And it is very effective as part of weight loss diets, given that the calorie content of cabbage is 25 kcal per 100 g of product.

In cosmetology

Did you know that a cosmetic mask made from sauerkraut, especially its juice, will give freshness to the skin, help fight acne and fade pigment spots? Here are a couple of useful effective tips from a cosmetologist:

Whitening mask against freckles and age spots. Sauerkraut brine is recommended to lubricate freckles and age spots. If they are intense, you can apply daily gauze applications soaked in juice for 10-15 minutes. Do this course every day for 2-3 weeks, and the spots will lighten significantly. However, do not forget to lubricate your face with cream immediately after the procedure, since sauerkraut juice dries out your face.

Vitamin toning mask for tired and aging skin. Mix sauerkraut juice and fresh yeast in equal quantities. The consistency should be like sour cream. Place in a water bath in hot water (no need to put it on fire!). As soon as the mixture begins to ferment, add 20 oil drops of vitamin A, the same amount of vitamin E and camphor oil. This mask is applied to the skin of the face and neck for 20 minutes. Rinse off first with sour cabbage juice and then with warm water.

Useful properties of sauerkraut plus

The beauty of the situation is that the medicinal and beneficial properties of sauerkraut are complemented by the properties of fruits and vegetables, which are well preserved and enhanced in it. Thus, carrots enrich sauerkraut with carotene, apples with vitamin P and carotene, and lingonberries and cranberries with a large amount of benzoic acid, which has antimicrobial properties.

If you add bay leaf, pepper, cumin and anise during the preparation of sauerkraut, you will strengthen it with many valuable phytoncides and essential oils that have a detrimental effect on microbes and stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes.

Pickling sauerkraut is especially useful, and not only the day after the holiday.

Sauerkraut brine

In cases of sluggish digestion and low acidity of gastric juice, sauerkraut should be consumed by thoroughly chopping and chewing well, and even then it can cause bloating. In these cases, it is recommended to replace it with brine.

The medicinal and dietary value of brine is due to the fact that when cabbage is pickled, some of the vitamins (C, B2, PP) and other valuable nutrients are transferred into the brine. At the same time, the brine lacks coarse fiber, which sometimes causes pain and bloating in the stomach and intestines.

Brine is a unique healing and restorative agent that acts on the human body identically to sauerkraut, but milder. It enhances the secretion of bile, stimulates the pancreas, and is recommended as a vitamin drink.

Brine, especially in spring, is one of the best sources of vitamin C.

Cabbage brine in folk medicine

Cabbage brine is quite popular in folk medicine. Here are a few recipes that have stood the test of time:

For diabetes Cabbage juice is mixed with lemon juice.

For colds and high fever Cabbage juice helps replenish fluid loss in the body. Drink it diluted with warm water (1:1) until complete healing.

For stomach and duodenal ulcers. Cabbage brine has a popular reputation as a powerful anti-ulcer agent. It is believed that it helps with “silent” ulcers - that is, without exacerbations. There is evidence of complete cure for patients who took 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 3 weeks. “Silent” is the key word here, because if you have an exacerbation or an advanced disease, cabbage pickle will only harm.

In Mother Rus', cabbage brine is considered one of the most effective ways to quickly and reliably “come to your senses.”

For toxicosis in pregnant women. Many women claim that pickle juice helped them cope with nausea.

Contraindications for sauerkraut and brine

Due to the high content of organic acids, sauerkraut is contraindicated for patients with high acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines (!), diseases of the liver and pancreas (non-acidic cabbage is acceptable in small quantities).

Due to the presence of salt, this product should be used with caution by people suffering from hypertension and kidney disease. In these cases, it is recommended to first wash the cabbage from the brine with cold water or cook it without salt (see below).

How to treat diets based on sauerkraut?

You shouldn't lose weight on sauerkraut. This is what nutritionists say, having analyzed mono-diets based on this product. Of course, it is a big temptation to declare cabbage a panacea for extra pounds, because it has a negative calorie content (that is, it requires more energy for its absorption than it supplies). But there are more disadvantages. Firstly, mono-diets are common to all: after them, a person will definitely get better, and many days of exhaustion of the flesh turns out to be useless. Secondly, “special”: a diet on sauerkraut can lead to health problems for those suffering from kidney diseases, diseases of the stomach, pancreas and some other problems.

It's safe and effective to include this wonderful fermented product in your low-calorie diet along with other carbohydrates, healthy proteins and good fats - this will provide you with a balanced diet and receive the unique benefits of cabbage itself.

Some more interesting information about sauerkraut

Strictly speaking, sauerkraut cannot be called the national dish of any country, because it is on the table of so many peoples. In one variety or another you will find it in Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, France - the list goes on. It is popular for its mouth-watering benefits, especially in winter in cold countries.

There are many recipes!

« Classic" barrel method looks like this.

The cabbage heads are shredded, then the shredder is mashed and salted. All this is placed in barrels under pressure so that the cabbage releases its juice and the lactic acid bacteria work. This stage - fermentation - usually lasts from 2 to 7 days. Then the cabbage is taken out into the cold and kept there (cold is the best friend of truly juicy, crisp sauerkraut).

How not to overcook cabbage- the main secret of cooking, when overexposed it turns out sour. However, if you didn’t soak it enough, then put on the table some bitter or less crispy fiber. Also healthy, but is it tasty?

There is an opinion that you can’t ferment cabbage without salt(salt, like lactic acid bacteria, ensures fermentation). However, this is not entirely true; you can do it without salt, which is important for hypertension and other reasons to be on a salt-free diet. To do this, instead of adding salt, cover the cabbage with a small layer of water, and the lactic acid bacteria will do their job. However, keep in mind that you need to cook in small quantities without salt - such cabbage does not last long, and quickly becomes moldy in warm conditions.

It is important to choose the right cabbage for pickling. It should be sweet, juicy and snow-white (the whiter it is, the tastier the sauerkraut is).

It is often added to cabbage when fermented. vegetables - such as carrots, beets, red peppers, fruits (apple) and sour berries (cranberries).

How to evaluate the quality of sauerkraut?

Improperly prepared cabbage has a “cooked” appearance, it is “dirty” in color, and you don’t want to try it. By the way, this is the main criterion in assessing the quality of sauerkraut: do you want to try it or not? Properly cooked cabbage is white (plus the color of the “additive”, carrots, for example), harsh and crunchy. It has a harmonious sweet and sour taste and a slightly harsh, but very tasty brine. And it is this kind of cabbage that is especially useful.

What is made from sauerkraut?

Sauerkraut seasoned with unrefined sunflower oil is an appetizer (or salad) that many homes in Russia cannot do without - even today, when there is such a variety of ready-made pickles and spices, olives and capers (almost in rhyme!) around.

Traditionally, we make sour cabbage soup from sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is added as a filling to pies; it is included in vinaigrettes and solyankas (thick and liquid). Try, for example, a dish of Ukrainian-Polish cuisine, and compare it with traditional Russian cabbage soup.

Today, Korean-style cabbage is popular - kimchi (prepared not from white cabbage, but from Chinese cabbage). You can buy it in any Korean salad department, or you can prepare it at home. But that will be a completely different culinary story.

Since ancient times, sauerkraut has been one of the favorite foods in Slavic cuisine among our ancestors, and now among us - their descendants. Each family can boast of its own “author’s” recipe for pickling with the addition of apples and other additional ingredients. Moreover, there are about a hundred variations of its preparation. But not everyone knows about the benefits and harms of this pickle. Therefore, we will consider these points in detail, as well as the structure and calorie content of the people’s favorite product.

Cabbage pickle: a historical excursion

Cabbage pickles are an appetizing and healthy pickle, prepared for future use by almost every grandmother. Do you know this fact that speaks to the help of this product: during sourdough, cabbage acquires so many beneficial and important properties that are not typical for cabbage in its raw form. This occurs due to the preservation of submicroelements and minerals, and (as paradoxical as it sounds!) the addition of new, useful properties.

This amazing property was noted by representatives of Asia. Initially, they mastered this harvesting method. From the available evidence, modern humanity has learned that cabbage pickles were one of the main products that the builders of the Great Chinese Building ate. Therefore, this pickle cannot be called a truly Slavic dish.

In the absence of refrigerators among our ancestors, it was necessary to store food for quite a long time. And not just store them, but preserve as many different useful substances as possible in order to saturate the body with such useful microelements during harsh winter days. Our ancestors fermented cabbage in large oak barrels, sometimes the number of these containers reached tens of units. Our ancestors even came up with a separate holiday - Sergius the Cabbage Festival. It was believed that this dish should be prepared only on the eighth day of October.

Sauerkraut came to the table not only for the Slavs. It has become widespread in European lands:

  • from the Germans;
  • Poles;
  • Lithuanians;
  • Romanians and others.

Nutritional value and structure

Until now, this vegetable has no substitutes in the preparation of many dishes, but how can sauerkraut help with certain diseases?

Pickled brine is a good way to relieve hangover syndrome, and it also relieves pregnant women from toxicosis. It is useful to eat sauerkraut in the fight against impotence and obesity. Cabbage brine is good for colds and cosmetic procedures.

Salted cabbage is a storehouse of benefits, especially ascorbic acid. Its role is undeniable in the daily functioning of the body. This vitamin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a positive effect on the hematopoietic system, is involved in the absorption of iron by the body, and increases immunity against viral infections. The body's need for vitamin C is constant. And sauerkraut completely satisfies this need, since one hundred grams of such cabbage replaces 70 mg of ascorbic acid.

Sauerkraut contains the entire complex of microelements and minerals, organic acids, fiber and pectins.

Sauerkraut, in addition to ascorbic acid, contains the following vitamins: E, B1, A, PP, B2, H, U, K. as well as microelements:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • chromium.

And now a few words about the benefits of sauerkraut on body systems.

  1. Digestion. Sauerkraut is used in the fight against ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. However, nutritionists do not recommend eating it on a “naked” stomach; it is better suited as a side dish or an integral component in the preparation of another dish. Lactic acid bacteria are involved in maintaining proper intestinal microflora. And thanks to the large amount of ascorbic acid, appetite increases and serves as a mild laxative. It has been scientifically proven that pickled brine reduces the likelihood of cancer.
  2. Cardiac system. Sauerkraut lowers cholesterol levels, helps resolve various plaques, normalizes blood circulation, reduces the possibility of strokes and heart attacks, and also prevents various heart diseases.
  3. Nervous system. The microelements contained in this product are a natural source of components that eliminate insomnia and irritability; correct the psychological state.
  4. Immunity. Sauerkraut contains more ascorbic acid than any other citrus fruit. The brine of this vegetable is an excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent in the fight against colds.
  5. Cosmetology. Today, cabbage starter is widely used as anti-aging masks that can be made at home. They give the skin freshness, rejuvenation, remove toxins and cleanse pores.

Along with the positive effects on the body, this product also has negative consequences. The main disadvantage is sometimes the excess salt content.

This can cause acute heartburn, swelling, and sometimes flatulence.

The use of cabbage starter is prohibited in the following cases:

  • high blood pressure;
  • aggravated ulcer (12 duodenal or stomach);
  • violation of biliary function;
  • renal colic;
  • high acidity;
  • acute heartburn.

Pros and cons of cabbage brine

Cabbage brine helps protect the body from dehydration; it is recommended to use it to eliminate “hangover syndrome.”

Due to the increased content of vitamins, it is used to restore strength, giving the body vigor and energy.

It was recently noted that sauerkraut is recommended for men after 45 years of age to restore male strength and maintain the general condition of his body in a vigorous state.

Pickled brine is an excellent fighter against cancer cells. Regular consumption of sauerkraut reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.

Pickled brine also has a positive effect on women's health. With its regular consumption, the general condition of the skin is normalized, the integrity of the nails is restored, and the hairline is strengthened.


  • exacerbations of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • cardiac hypertension;
  • formation of stones in the kidneys and urine.


  1. Cabbage brine, like sauerkraut, is an irreplaceable treasure trove of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  2. This is a proven remedy in the fight against many diseases.
  3. Sauerkraut is a dietary product that removes toxins and waste from the body.
  4. Sauerkraut is a new step in modern cosmetology towards searching for the source of immortality and longevity of the body.
  5. Eating cabbage brine can give you a better head start than consuming citrus fruits.
  6. Along with the positive effects on the body, there are also contraindications for use, which should not be neglected.
  7. Sauerkraut contains more benefits than its fresh counterpart.

So, whether to eat sauerkraut or not is up to each of you to decide individually. This depends both on your general health and on your personal gastronomic preferences.

Video: beneficial properties of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a favorite snack for many people. From time immemorial to the present, zealous housewives, starting in late autumn, continue to prepare it, having in their arsenal a huge number of recipes, secrets and tricks. Let's figure out what exactly the benefits and harms of sauerkraut are.

The ripening of cabbage itself occurs due to the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria, a similar process is called lactofermentation. The remarkable beneficial properties of sauerkraut are its positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and assistance in general cleansing of the body.

It is considered a paradox that sauerkraut is much healthier for humans than fresh cabbage. The fermentation process enriches fresh cabbage with new useful substances and vitamins that are absolutely necessary for normal life. After all, 100 grams of sauerkraut eaten daily contain the necessary amount of vitamin C, which significantly increases human immunity. Absolutely all the beneficial qualities of sauerkraut are preserved for ten months from the date of preparation of this incredibly tasty and healthy product.


The main beneficial substance is vitamin C (ascorbic acid). This vitamin is a natural antioxidant. After proper fermentation, vitamin C is retained in cabbage for a long time. Since no heat treatment is required when sauerkraut is sauerkraut, vitamin C is completely preserved.
In addition, this food product, beloved by many, contains especially valuable B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B9), vitamin K, vitamin U (methylmethianine), and a large amount of minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium , iron, zinc, silicon, selenium, iodine. During the fermentation process, cabbage is enriched with lactic and acetic organic acids.


1. Anti-cancer drug. Research has shown that this simple, familiar food prevents cancer cells from dividing. The substances contained in sauerkraut have a particularly intense effect on malignant tumors of the intestines, mammary glands, and lungs.

3. Disease of the heart and blood vessels. Cabbage juice normalizes cholesterol levels, helps with vascular atherosclerosis, and as a result improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

4. Strengthens the nervous system. B vitamins support the functioning of the nervous system, increase resistance to stress, and the aforementioned vitamin U helps fight depression.

5. Strengthens the immune system and has general strengthening properties. The beneficial properties of sauerkraut include the fact that it is an excellent preventative against seasonal diseases such as flu, colds, etc., due to the antioxidants present in it and its rich vitamin and mineral composition.

6. Weight loss product. This is a natural and very effective remedy for those who want to lose extra pounds. This happens due to the low calorie content of cabbage and its ability to quickly create a feeling of fullness. And the presence of tartronic acid prevents the formation of fatty deposits. Moreover, the positive effect appears quite quickly. Many were able to verify its effectiveness.

7. Regulates metabolism. Thanks to the content of iodine and nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) in cabbage, metabolism is normalized. Which also helps reduce excess weight.

8. Reduces blood sugar levels , thanks to its fiber content. Cabbage is low in carbohydrates (sucrose and fructose), so it is very useful for people suffering from diabetes.

9. Helps with allergies and bronchial asthma. Studies have confirmed that sauerkraut contains substances that suppress the development of an allergic reaction, that is, they have an antihistamine effect (for example, vitamin U). It is known that an allergic reaction often triggers an asthma attack.

10. Fights pathogenic bacteria. Sauerkraut prepared according to all the rules has a bactericidal, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effect.

11. Sauerkraut in cosmetology. Many women use it for cosmetic purposes. Masks based on it get rid of acne, remove pigment spots, and make the skin velvety, soft and fresh. Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) contained in cabbage strengthens nails and hair.

12. Sexual health. Acts as a powerful aphrodisiac and helps men maintain sexual strength and potency for many years.

13. Rejuvenates the body. Eating this product helps cleanse the body, enrich cells with nutrients that promote their regeneration, all this gives a rejuvenating effect.

14. Improves appetite. Eating sauerkraut as a snack before lunch significantly increases the secretion of the gastric glands. This is necessary for people who are weakened by a long-term illness and/or who want to gain weight.

15. Remedy for vitamin deficiency. If there is a lack of vitamins, it is strongly recommended to include sauerkraut in the daily menu, this will support the body and give strength.

16. Anti-nausea remedy. Sauerkraut juice is recommended for toxicosis in pregnant women; according to reviews, this remedy is a great remedy for nausea.

17. Helps with hangovers . It is known that cabbage brine helps after heavy drinking. It is clear that it is better to observe the measure. But if you failed to follow this rule, then sauerkraut brine will come to the rescue.

The benefits of sauerkraut are undeniable. Since childhood, our parents told each of us how important it is to eat sauerkraut.

Surely your mothers kept stocking up on deposits of this product in their cellars on the eve of each winter.

And this definitely made sense, since in fact, sauerkraut has a number of positive qualities and properties for the body.

But at the same time, there are some contraindications to its use, which we will also definitely remember.

But first of all, let’s note that you can get positive benefits from regularly eating sauerkraut.

1) First of all, it is worth noting that when cabbage is fermented during fermentation, lactic acid bacteria multiply. Everyone knows that they normalize the functioning of the stomach and promote better absorption of the food you eat.

2) Pickled cabbage is more beneficial than fresh cabbage, which has been proven by numerous scientific studies. First of all, this happens because the process itself gives the product an additional list of positive characteristics.

3) When consuming sauerkraut, a systematic cleansing the body of harmful accumulations. Thus, you can easily notice an improvement if you go on a cabbage diet.

4) Pickled cabbage is endowed with ascorbic acid, i.e. an abundance of vitamin C, which benefits the entire body.

5) Among other things, cabbage contains all the B vitamins, which are so rich in beneficial effects on humans.

6) Exclusive vitamins include K and U, or as the latter of them is also called “methylmethianine,” which affect the absorption of foods.

7) Sauerkraut contains many microelements and macroparticles rich in beneficial properties. Components such as phosphorus, potassium and manganese are sure to be useful to each of us.

8) Lactic and acetic acids are introduced into the structure of cabbage already during the fermentation process.

9) It has been proven that the components of sauerkraut prevent cancer cell division, which helps to get rid of troubles with tumors and various oncological processes.

10) If you have a holistic and healthy digestive system that has not previously been affected by various diseases, you can eat sauerkraut as a preventive measure for ulcers and other unpleasant phenomena with the tract.

11) Vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine, perfectly breaks down protein compounds in the body. So eating cabbage and meat at the same time is not only possible, but also necessary. This way you will not recover from an excess of protein structures.

12) Motility of the intestinal tract will improve if you regularly drink sauerkraut juice. Considering that the product itself contains it in abundance, one can note the undoubtedly important nature of using sauerkraut as food on an ongoing basis.

14) Cabbage also helps you lose weight because normalizes cholesterol. If you have been tormented by certain problems with the blood and the presence of these unpleasant plaques there, then you just need to lean on sauerkraut more often.

15) Cabbage also leads to a normal state of your nervous system. It prevents stress, depression and even seasonal mood changes that are not uncommon in the fall.

16) Apart from this, seasonal diseases will not be a problem for you due to the antioxidants present in cabbage in fair quantities.

17) The body's immunity will become much better after you establish the habit of eating cabbage.

18) Among other things, cabbage quickly saturates the body and prevents you from overeating.

19) Tartronic acid, which prevents the formation of fatty deposits, is also present in cabbage if it has been fermented beforehand.

20) Cabbage is also quite successful in regulating metabolism.

21) If you have allergies or asthma, sauerkraut will gradually bring your body back to normal and the manifestations of these unpleasant factors will cause you less inconvenience.

22) Inflammatory processes in the body every now and then become the cause of serious problems. So, it is the cabbage you have prepared for the winter that successfully prevents them.

23) Nicotinic acid PP is found in abundance in pickled cabbage. So, it leads to stronger hair and nails.

24) For men, sauerkraut is also useful because it is a natural aphrodisiac.

25) Using cabbage from a barrel, the skin is rejuvenated and cell regeneration is stimulated.

26) Masks made from sauerkraut pulp help women fight acne on their face.

27) If you have a poor appetite and some digestive problems, it is quite possible that sauerkraut will help. It is she who stimulates the secretion of secretion, which actively takes part in the digestion of food.

28) Cabbage will save you from a lack of vitamins - this goes without saying. But besides this, it will also help cope with nausea, which is a common occurrence with toxicosis in pregnant women.

Although at the late stage of pregnancy it is no longer recommended to use cabbage in large quantities.

29) Well, there is an important property of sauerkraut, which it would be a shame not to remember. It perfectly fights hangover syndrome and, like any brine, quickly eliminates the feeling of “after yesterday.”

Harm of sauerkraut

But as usual, even such a useful product is not without its negative aspects. These are mainly contraindications caused by past illnesses or temporary ailments of the body.

In particular, people who have suffered from gastritis, ulcers, or other problems with the digestive tract should not eat sauerkraut.

If you have problems with high blood pressure, sauerkraut is also not the best assistant.

You should not prepare cabbage starter in tinned or galvanized barrels. This will make it possible for heavy metals to penetrate into the product, and it is definitely not advisable to use them.

If you suffer from kidney failure, you should also limit your consumption of sauerkraut to a minimum.

Well, how can we not remember that excessive eating of cabbage leads to gas formation in the intestines. This is at least unpleasant if you are visiting.

Be that as it may, the benefits of sauerkraut are much greater than the harm.

Today we will talk about the benefits of sauerkraut. But first, let's mention how widespread this product is in Russia. Previously, perhaps, not a single feast would be complete without Her fermenting in large quantities. Rich cabbage soup was prepared from it. And the brine from sauerkraut was used as a hangover remedy. And this is not without reason.

Now let's move directly to the topic of our conversation and talk about the benefits of sauerkraut. Let's start with the fact that this product has a very beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. Sauerkraut contains a large amount of vitamins, including vitamin C. It strengthens the human immune system, as a result of which the aging process slows down.

Sauerkraut contains vitamins U, K, B6, B2 and B1. Thanks to them, the stomach is also cured, and dysbiosis disappears.

What else is sauerkraut good for? One of its components is iodine, which is so necessary for a person to function normally. In addition, sauerkraut actively lowers blood sugar levels.

For preventive purposes, it will be enough to eat a small portion of this product as a side dish or salad. The main thing is to do this every day for two to three weeks.

Of course, not only sauerkraut has beneficial properties, but also the juice obtained as a result of its preparation. Nutritionists advise drinking it when there is a general deterioration in health.

Everything listed above speaks about Perhaps, already at this stage no one has any doubts as to whether sauerkraut is healthy at all.

However, this is not all. This product is an excellent tool in the fight against cholesterol. And if you regularly eat sauerkraut, the risk of cancer is reduced.

Its brine is very useful for cardiovascular diseases and pathologies that occur in the intestines. The fiber contained in the product enhances the body's production of gastric juice.

Continuing our conversation, we will talk about other benefits of sauerkraut. It contains quite a lot of lactic acid, thanks to which the beneficial bacteria that inhabit it survive in the intestines. They play the main role in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. In this regard, regular consumption of sauerkraut can reduce the risk of E. coli infection.

Based on all of the above, there is no longer any doubt that sauerkraut has beneficial properties. And not everything has been told here. In folk medicine, it is widely used to treat diseases such as bronchial asthma and ARVI. It is used for epilepsy. And all this is sauerkraut. Why it is useful is already clear to everyone.

And, of course, we should not forget about the pleasant taste of this widespread dish. Despite all the variety that can be found on the shelves of our supermarkets today, sauerkraut still enjoys considerable success. And how many recipes for preparing this dish have been known since ancient times! Let's still not give up such a healthy product and try to eat it as often as possible. This will not only bring joy to our stomach, but will relieve the body of a number of pathologies.



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