Skin suture for caesarean section. Suture care after caesarean section

During childbirth by cesarean section, a transverse or, if necessary, longitudinal incision is made on the tissues of the abdominal wall and uterus. After tissue scarring, a scar forms at the site of the incision, which in some cases takes on a rather unaesthetic appearance.

In addition, scars with improper postoperative care can be a source of various complications for a long time, including infections of the reproductive system.

Various synthetic or natural materials are used for suturing. Some types of materials are self-absorbable, others must be removed 5-6 days after surgery. The amount of suture material, its quality, surgical technique, prevention of complications - all these factors affect the speed and quality of healing and determine how neat the suture will look in the end.

Cosmetic suture for caesarean section

Typically, during planned surgical delivery, a transverse incision (Pfannenstiel laparotomy) is made along the suprapubic fold. Such a cesarean suture subsequently becomes almost invisible, since it is located inside a natural fold of skin and does not affect the abdominal cavity. It is in this case that a cosmetic suture is usually applied during a caesarean section.

If there are complications during childbirth, the doctor may decide to perform a corporal cesarean section, in which the incision is made vertically. In the case of a longitudinal incision, the cesarean suture usually looks sloppy and becomes even more noticeable over time. After such an operation, increased strength is required when connecting tissues, so cosmetic sutures are replaced with interrupted ones.

Internal suture for caesarean section

During a caesarean section, internal sutures are placed on the wall of the uterus. In this case, the suture requires strength and better conditions for subsequent healing, as a result of which there are many different methods for application and mainly self-absorbable materials are used.

Caring for sutures after caesarean section

As a rule, the sensations in the suture area are quite painful, so the woman in labor is prescribed painkillers in the first few days. Antibiotics are also used to prevent infectious complications, which not only can lead to the need for repeated surgery, but also cause serious inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs, including removal of the uterus or infertility. After a caesarean section, the suture is treated daily with antiseptics. After healing, your doctor may prescribe a silicone-based gel to smooth out scar tissue and prevent pigmentation.

Possible complications in the postoperative period

Before the sutures are removed, hematomas and bleeding may form. Early complications can be noticed even in the maternity hospital. In this case, the medical staff will make sure that suppuration does not occur. In case of suppuration, antibacterial therapy is carried out, dressings are made and, if necessary, antibiotics are prescribed. After removing the ligatures, the suture may come apart. If the suture comes apart 7-10 days after cesarean section, you should immediately seek medical help.

Some time after healing, rejection of the suture material may occur, causing the appearance of ligature fistulas. Self-healing in this case is unlikely. This process can be easily stopped by a qualified doctor by removing the remaining ligature.

Scar correction methods

Usually, during any type of surgical operation, the doctor tries to make the external suture as invisible as possible, but, depending on the characteristics of the body, the same suture made by one surgeon will look different on different people several months after the operation. You can easily verify this by looking at photos and videos on the Internet. The cesarean scar in the photo can be either pale, neat and unnoticeable, or dark, dense and conspicuous. In the second case, silicone gels will not save the situation.

If you have such an aesthetic problem as a sloppy cesarean suture, laser skin resurfacing is a fairly effective solution. Of course, such a correction should be carried out after a preliminary consultation with a surgeon, who, based on the condition of the sutures, will tell you when the procedure will be most successful.

The biggest fear of an expectant mother who is scheduled for a caesarean section is an unsightly stitch that spoils the woman’s flat stomach. And after the operation, many ladies are horrified by the burgundy scar on their stomach, thinking that the scar will remain that way. But if you reassure future mothers, the scar after a cesarean section will become less noticeable every day, and over time it will turn into a thin pink stripe. And, if you are worried about an unsightly appearance on the beach, then behind high-waisted panties you won’t be able to see a trace at all.

However, on different skin types, the operation leaves different scars; for many, of course, a thin, invisible line is left, but, unfortunately, for some women, cesarean “gives” a thickened scar. Everyone is individual, and all stages and healing times are different for everyone.

Types of scars and stages of their healing

There are two types of sutures after a cesarean section, which one the mother will have depends on the complexity of the birth, the position of the fetus, etc.:

  • Transverse. Typically, such an incision is made during a planned operation, it passes above the pubis. The healing period of such a seam lasts no more than three weeks, then a barely noticeable mark remains, which can be easily covered even with bikini panties.
  • Longitudinal. More often it is done during an emergency section, when the life of the mother and baby is more important than the aesthetic appearance. The abdomen is cut from the navel to the pubis; unfortunately, such a scar is more noticeable and has the ability to increase over time.

Experts believe that a cesarean section scar heals in three stages:

  1. The initial stage lasts about a week, after which the primary scar is formed. The seam is bright red or burgundy, with clearly defined edges, the threads are visible. Perhaps the movements cause severe pain, the post-operative scar is still raw.
  2. At the second stage, the scar begins to thicken and changes its color to a less bright one. It still hurts, but the sensation is not as painful as the first week. This stage lasts up to a month after the operation; by the end of the stage, pain during movement usually stops.
  3. The last stage lasts about a year and depends on the characteristics of each woman’s skin regeneration. After a cesarean section, the scar changes its color to pink or pale pink, it becomes almost invisible (again, it all depends on the individual). Healing of the suture occurs due to the active production of collagen.

If there is heavy bleeding in the expectant mother or acute fetal hypoxia, the doctor may decide to perform a corpus caesarean section. This means that the incision on the abdomen will be made vertically, from the navel to the pubic area. The walls of the uterus will be opened with a longitudinal incision. True, this type of cesarean section is performed extremely rarely, since such a suture after the operation is not particularly beautiful - it is extremely noticeable, and over time it tends to become thicker and even increase in size.

In most cases, a caesarean section is performed during surgery. Pfannenstiel laparotomy. This is an incision of the skin, as well as subcutaneous fat tissue in the transverse direction, passing along the suprapubic fold. In this case, the abdominal cavity is not opened, and due to the transverse incision, as well as the fact that it is located inside a natural fold of skin, the cesarean section scar becomes almost invisible in the future.

In most cases, a cosmetic suture after such an operation is applied precisely during the Pfannenstiel incision. During a corporal incision, the strength of the tissue connection should be as high as possible, which requires the application of interrupted sutures, and a cosmetic suture after this type of cesarean section is absolutely not suitable.

Internal suture on the uterus

The internal suture that is placed on the wall of the uterus can have many options; for example, you can use the hardware technique of applying ligatures. The main thing here is to achieve better conditions for the healing of the uterus and reduce blood loss, since subsequent pregnancies directly depend on the strength of the sutures. As such, there is no care for sutures, but a woman needs to know that during the postpartum period, lochia will be released from the uterus for several weeks - secretions that can make it difficult to create sterile conditions in the suture area. It is also not possible to apply a sterile bandage; the tactics for managing a woman in labor during the postpartum period have become different. Until recently, a woman who had an internal stitch was allowed to get up after a few days and was brought to feed the baby only on the third day, but now everything is different.

Today, managing a woman with stitches during the postpartum period is practically no different from an ordinary woman in labor. The presence of mother and baby together immediately after a cesarean section presupposes the active behavior of the woman. If stitches are applied, then at least You need to be in a lying position for 2-3 days. You should also take precautions to prevent the sutures (especially deep ones) from coming apart, as well as their suppuration. It is also not recommended to sit as usual, preferably in a reclining position or leaning on one of the buttocks. Such precautions must be observed for a month or a little more. You can begin sexual activity no earlier than after 2 months. This allows the torn walls to heal well and restore their elasticity. If sexual activity begins before this time, infection of tissues that have not completely healed may occur, with all the ensuing consequences.

The stitch hurts after a caesarean section - should I panic?

At the earliest possible time after the operation, caesarean section, pain appears as a result of the presence of a wound on the uterus and anterior abdominal wall. This is similar to a regular cut, so there is nothing surprising here. What to do in this case? Use painkillers. While in the maternity hospital, the doctor must definitely prescribe them for you. On the first day after surgery, these can be narcotic analgesics - tramadol, mofin or omnopon. In the future, analgin in combination with ketanov, demidrol and other drugs from the group of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs will cope well with the pain syndrome. This is a common occurrence in the period after surgery, so you should not be afraid of such pain.

How long does it take for a stitch to heal after surgery?

A longitudinal incision during a caesarean section is convenient because it is easier to reach the baby. It is used if there is a threat to the life of the child or mother: maternal bleeding, fetal hypoxia or maternal eclampsia. The seam after such a longitudinal incision heals within two months, at the same time, it can be felt and also disturbed from time to time throughout the year, and in some cases, longer. In the future, such stitches tend to become unsightly and thick from a cosmetic point of view.

Cross section performed in the lower abdomen, is done in most cases, mainly after planned caesarean section. Often, atraumatic suture material is used to suture the skin, and the thread passes intradermally, in other words, needle marks will not be visible - it will look like a thin, neat line (if you do not have an increased tendency to develop keloid scars). The suture after such a transverse incision heals a little faster. As a rule, no more than six weeks. But it also tends to resurface throughout the year following a Caesarean section birth. If after a caesarean section the suture becomes inflamed, do not delay it, consult a doctor immediately.

Suture oozing after cesarean

In some cases, the healing of the suture after a cesarean section is delayed, it may be inflamed and fluid may ooze from it. What to do in such a situation? In some cases, a woman is prescribed use of special ointments, which are aimed at rapid skin regeneration. The suture after a caesarean section can be treated vitamin E, it significantly speeds up the healing process and nourishes the skin well. In modern medicine there are many drugs that help speed up the process of resorption of postoperative sutures and protect against the possibility of fluid leaking from them.

If the seam is not properly cared for, some complications may occur. In most cases, they are associated with infection. In some cases, the temperature may rise during this and the suture after a cesarean section begins to ooze. This is an important symptom that you should definitely report to your doctor. In such cases, the woman is prescribed local treatment with antibacterial ointments, which should be used to treat the suture several times a day. After about 2-3 days, the seam should stop oozing.

In some cases, suture dehiscence may occur; this usually occurs in the first days after the sutures are removed. If the suture hurts for a long time and fluid is released from it, then you should definitely consult with the attending physician who performed the operation, or with your gynecologist. To avoid such complications, it is recommended to exclude all possible physical activity.

Suture dehiscence after cesarean section

In some cases, complications may occur after a caesarean section, for example, postoperative suture dehiscence. Especially if after the operation the suture is in an inflamed state. Ligatures are usually removed 7-10 days after surgery. It is during this period, especially during the first two days, that possible stress on the scar should be avoided in every possible way. Obstetricians recommend not lifting weights of more than three to four kilograms for two months after the operation. Of course, the young mother will have to pick up the baby, but if possible, try to do this as little as possible.

If the suture breaks after surgery, even in a small area, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, and not try to cope with the problem on your own. It is likely that the postoperative suture does not heal for a long time, and then diverges as a result of a sluggish infection in this area. In this case, you cannot do without serious treatment.

How to treat a suture after a cesarean section?

As a rule, the wound is not re-sutured; it closes and heals on its own, by so-called secondary intention. At this time, the seam requires proper care. Throughout the entire period of wound healing it is necessary rinse with hydrogen peroxide, treat with an antiseptic, for example, a solution of brilliant green, iodinol, fucorcin, Kostellani liquid, forisept color, iodoperone, alcohol, etc. After which an antiseptic bandage is applied.

Usually, either a demixide bandage diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:3 or with 1% dioxidine, or an alcohol bandage is applied. The ointment also has an excellent healing effect. Levomekol, ointment with panthenol and sea buckthorn ointment. During the healing stage, milk thistle oil can be used to lubricate the sutures, which not only has an excellent wound-healing effect, but also promotes the resorption of rough scar tissue.

If after a caesarean section the suture festers, then to clean it more quickly, a drainage and skin sutures are removed in this area. In this case, the wound also heals by secondary intention. It should be remembered that the best way to heal postoperative sutures and dry them is with air, and antiseptic agents fight infection and accelerate healing. During wound healing by secondary intention, a rough, thick scar often appears. Therefore, two, maximum three months after the wound is closed, you can use ointments such as Contractubex or Mederma to resolve the resulting scars.

Caesarean section is a delivery operation necessary in some situations. Unfortunately, this intervention leaves a scar on the woman’s body, which requires proper care.

Standard vaginal is a traditional birth practiced by obstetricians and doctors. But nevertheless, more and more often women are given birth by Caesarean section.

Of course, it is significantly different from normal childbirth, but over time it has been able to transform into a high-quality procedure that is not inferior to the natural method.

Surgical intervention "Caesarean section"

Many believe that the operation owes its name to the doctor who invented it. However, this is far from true: translated from ancient Latin, the word “caesarea” means “royal”. In the distant past, not every family could afford this delivery.

The Caesarean section operation is a necessary measure that the doctor prescribes in advance, or at the moment when the woman cannot give birth.

birth of a child by caesarean section

From history: Operation Caesarean section has existed as long as humanity. Its only difference was that in ancient times its purpose was to extract a fetus from the womb of a dead mother, and only in the 16th century it began to be practiced on a living woman.

A caesarean section, whether planned or emergency, involves making an incision in the uterus and removing the baby from it. Depending on the complexity and number of births. The woman is prescribed complete or local anesthesia.

The incision of the uterus varies depending on how the baby is positioned in the mother's womb. There are three main types of cuts:

  • classic incision (vertical incision in the navel area)
  • classic low incision (vertical incision below the navel)
  • classic transverse incision (horizontal incision in the lower abdomen)

types of surgical incisions

If the operation went without complications and the mother feels well, then on the second day the woman in labor is allowed to put the baby to the breast for the first time.

Depending on how much pain the woman experiences, she will be allowed to get up on the second day. However, it is worth remembering that for the first few days you should follow a special “liquid” diet so that the intestines work without complications.

The sutures that are placed on the incision are removed after seven to ten days if healing is good.

How long does it take for a stitch to heal after a cesarean section?

  • The scar after surgery is a permanent component. There is no way to avoid it and, unfortunately, there is nothing to remove it. Even lasers are powerless, because the cut is deep enough and damages the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity
  • During the second birth, the incision is made only along the old scar, which means new scars can be avoided
  • During the first few days after surgery, women should expect severe pain at the incision site.
  • Doctors will help you regularly and administer painkillers
  • A special bandage will be very helpful, especially for overweight women whose fat folds are large. The bandage helps the scar to be immobilized

abdominal bandage after caesarean section

In any case, after the operation you will need to move, which means you will experience discomfort. Pain occurs because, in addition to the skin, fiber, muscle and fat tissue have been damaged. But the more time passes, the less pain you will feel.

In most cases, strong and disturbing sensations go away by the tenth to fourteenth day after surgery. During this time, you can relieve pain with medication.

healed scar after cesarean section

After two weeks you will still feel discomfort. The scar often itches and itches, but under no circumstances should it be disturbed. It is not uncommon for a scar to give you a pulling and aching sensation, which can become stronger even in response to changing weather.

If you feel periodic loss of sensitivity, tingling and numbness in the lower abdomen, do not be alarmed. Over time, all unpleasant sensations disappear.

Can a suture come apart after a caesarean section?

Transverse seams, in contrast to vertical ones, are considered more preferable. This is because their location brings minimal negative consequences. It is also worth paying attention to what threads are used to sew up the incision:

  • catgut(capable of dissolving) are used when the operation was completed without any particular complications
  • silk the threads have to be removed later

Of course, the strength of the seams depends on the quality of the threads, but other factors that can affect its integrity are not uncommon.

scar after cesarean
  • For example, the actions of medical staff during surgery play a very important role in the quality of the suture and the speed of its healing. Therefore, if you know in advance that you cannot avoid surgery, choose qualified doctors and a maternity hospital that has a good reputation
  • Often the reason that the seam has come apart is the incorrect actions of the mother herself. For example, not following a rest regime or doing too much physical activity. After the operation, you should forget for a long time what sports and weight lifting are.
  • Another possibility of suture leakage occurs during a subsequent pregnancy. The load on the uterus may be too great and poor quality suturing the previous time may have a negative impact on you in the future

second pregnancy - the cause of suture dehiscence

Complete healing of the suture can only be diagnosed by a professional doctor using ultrasound and observation of the woman.

How to treat a suture after a caesarean section?

In most cases, after a cesarean section, the doctor prescribes a complex of painkillers and antibacterial agents to avoid possible infection in the wound and the development of an inflammatory process.

If the pain does not go away after two to three weeks, and the external condition of the scar is unsatisfactory: it turns red, itches, itches, hurts and makes it difficult to move - this is a reason to contact the doctor who operated on you for advice.

A professional doctor will examine you and prescribe the correct treatment, as well as tell you how to care for and treat the wound.

scar care after cesarean section
  • Typically, after surgery, a woman stays in the maternity hospital for about five to seven days. All this time, nurses are caring for her in the manipulation room, regularly changing bandages and lubricating the scar.

How to care for it yourself at home?

  • While at home for the first week, women are strongly advised not to take baths or even showers, so as not to wet the seam. Maintain hygiene using antibacterial gel and only locally
  • And only after a week, with normal healing, try to carefully wash the seam with the same intimate gel without a washcloth and with very careful, gentle movements

After washing the seam, do not rub it with a towel and carefully remove moisture with a sterile napkin or paper towel. This will help prevent suppuration.

scar hygiene care

The attending physician, depending on your individual characteristics, may prescribe special absorbable ointments that speed up the healing process.

You can purchase liquid capsules at the pharmacy yourself. vitamin E and carefully treat the scar area with them. Vitamin E perfectly nourishes the skin and promotes its healing.

If you do not care for the scar correctly, you can introduce an infection into it, and when you notice itching, suppuration and redness, consult a doctor immediately.

The seam requires active care for the first two months; after this time, it significantly decreases in size, brightens and becomes less noticeable.

What to do if the suture becomes inflamed after a cesarean section?

The healing of the suture does not always go smoothly. Cases of inflammation and suppuration are not uncommon. In most cases, this occurs due to infection in the wound or body. The inflammatory process at the incision site can be very dangerous for a woman.

If the slightest symptoms are detected:

  • redness
  • suppuration

Every woman needs to urgently consult a doctor for help. The doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics, which helps to quickly eliminate the infection and most often the problem disappears in two to three days.

postoperative scar care

There is no need to worry that breastfeeding will be disrupted due to the antibiotic. There are many drugs that are acceptable during lactation.

Why does the suture itch after a caesarean section?

Caesarean section is a surgical intervention. As after any operation, a scar remains - the site of the incision. Wound healing is characterized by itching. This happens because all tissues are intensively restored and healed.

scar after cesarean section

The size of the scar has a huge impact on the speed of healing, so if the incision site was very large, the scar will heal slowly and itch more.

Fiber and muscle tissue were subject to excision and it is their restoration that is characterized by itching. If you have gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, your stomach and scar area may also itch periodically.

The skin is stretched and very slowly pulls back. It is not uncommon for women to notice that the behavior of the scar depends on climatic conditions: when the weather changes, the scar begins to itch. All this happens due to a change in atmospheric pressure that the human body feels.

Where does the lump on the stitch after a cesarean section come from?

The course of the operation is different for each organism. Some women boast of quick healing and a complete absence of consequences, others have difficulties. Of these problems, one can distinguish one, characterized by the appearance of hematomas and bumps on the scar.

complications of scar healing

The doctors who performed the operation are to blame for the appearance of lumps and hematomas on the scar. This may be due to poor healing of the blood vessels or careless handling of the incision itself after surgery.

After a while (several months) you may notice a kind of bump. This is a ligature fistula - a place where the body rejects the suture material. It is not uncommon for such a lump to fester. In such cases, local treatment is useless and only a doctor can remove this lump.

Suture removal after cesarean section. How is the stitch removed?

If the seam was made with catgut threads, removal is not necessary. These threads have the property of self-absorbing. In other cases, the suture is removed approximately a week after the operation. It doesn't hurt to take them off, but it's not pleasant.

suture removal after cesarean

No anesthesia is required to perform this. Only in rare cases may pain medications be required. All sterility conditions and recommendations for scar care should be observed:

  • wear comfortable, non-tight clothing at the scar site
  • wear sterile dressings
  • lubricate the scar area with healing ointments
  • avoid over-watering
  • Do not give yourself strenuous exercise and do not lift weights

How to remove a suture after a caesarean section?

  • Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely remove the scar after a cesarean section. Proper care of the scar, compliance with all standards of sterility and lubricating it with special ointments will contribute to its proper healing.
  • It often happens that a small incision and the body’s ability to heal quickly, as well as a cosmetic, neat incision by a professional, can make the scar less noticeable to the eye. Often the scar itself is hidden by the inguinal fold
  • Other women are turning to a plastic surgeon and laser therapy to help make the scar less noticeable.
  • Another option is to tattoo a scar, but it is not so popular among all women

Video: “Caesarean section, postoperative suture hygiene”

Recovery after childbirth is difficult even for those mothers whose children were born naturally, and what can we say about women who have undergone a “cesarean section”? In addition to all other problems, they have postoperative complications and, sadly, a stitch after a cesarean section, which not only spoils a beautiful tummy, but will also become a real torment (until it heals).

"Caesarean section", features and types of sutures

When we talk about a caesarean section, we mean an operation to deliver a baby not through the birth canal, but by removing it from the mother’s belly through an incision in the abdominal wall. Today, two types of incision are practiced, and they depend on the characteristics of labor:

  • if no complications are observed, planned preparation for the operation has been carried out, then doctors perform a transverse incision (the technique is called Pfannenstiel laparotomy). It runs along the suprapubic fold, the dissection affects only the skin tissue and subcutaneous fat, but does not involve opening the abdominal cavity in the process. Such a scar heals easier and faster and becomes less noticeable over time;
  • in the case when complications are detected (the woman has started to bleed profusely, fetal hypoxia is detected, and so on), doctors urgently perform an operation with a corporal section (a longitudinal incision in the abdomen, starting from the navel and descending to the pubic area). In this case, the wall of the uterus is also opened with a longitudinal incision. Such a scar takes a long time to heal, and then remains too noticeable.

After the baby is removed, the woman in labor is given several stitches:

  • internal;
  • external.

Internal ones are applied to the wall of the uterus in order to improve the healing process of the organ and reduce blood loss. Today there are many techniques (including hardware ligation) and they are selected individually.

External sutures can be cosmetic or interrupted. If a Pfannenstiel laparotomy is performed, a cosmetic one is applied. It is thinner, neater, more aesthetic, heals over time and is almost invisible. Nodal is used in the case of a corporal section, since with this direction of the incision it is necessary to ensure a stronger and stronger connection of tissues.



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