How to find out when a child was conceived. How to determine the day of conception of a child

The conception calculator is a simple program that will be useful to all women without exception: very young girls with an unestablished menstrual cycle, those who are planning or, on the contrary, want to avoid pregnancy, as well as expectant mothers. Let's take a closer look at situations in which a conception calculator would come in handy.

Monitoring the menstrual cycle. Gynecologists never tire of repeating that every woman should keep a calendar and accurately mark the dates of menstruation in it. Firstly, this is necessary in order to notice any deviations in reproductive health in time (shortening or, conversely, lengthening the cycle does not mean anything good). Secondly, understand in time that pregnancy may have occurred. This is important for those who long to become parents and for their “opposites.”

The Baby Conception Calculator helps you calculate your ovulation by entering the correct average length of your cycle and the first day of your last menstrual period. In addition to ovulation, the program tells you which days are also potentially favorable for conception. It is then that you need to “try especially hard.” For those who do not yet want to have children, it is better to avoid sexual intercourse on days marked in orange and green. Although, it is not at all a fact that this will help avoid pregnancy. The calendar method of birth control has long been called ineffective. So, it is better to use the online conception calculator for less responsible, so to speak, purposes and in conjunction with other means.

You can more reliably determine ovulation using two methods at once: for example, the calendar method and measuring basal temperature. And even simpler and more reliable are ovulation tests. On the days that our child conception calculator has highlighted in green and orange, tests should be done. But first, read the instructions carefully. It is similar to conventional pregnancy tests, but there are still some differences. As, for example, ovulation tests at the most likely time for conception are best done 2 times a day - morning and evening, so as not to miss the right moment.

The day of conception calculator will also serve well for expectant mothers who want to know the most accurate date of birth. Pregnancy lasts about 280 days. So, you can safely add 280 to the day highlighted in orange and you will get the approximate due date. Why approximate? The fact is that the duration of bearing a child depends on many factors. For example, a woman may give birth prematurely due to the characteristics of the cervix, or the amniotic fluid may break prematurely. Also, doctors can, for medical reasons, induce labor a little earlier. There are different situations.

Knowing the day of conception, you can set yourself the exact date of pregnancy. It will be approximately 2 weeks shorter than what the doctors estimate. The fact is that gynecologists calculate the obstetric gestational age, and for this you do not need an online conception calculator. You just need to know the first day of the last menstruation, it becomes the first day of the obstetric period of pregnancy. But sometimes you need to know the gestational age quite accurately, for example, when the doctor begins to suspect a post-term pregnancy, or if in the early stages the uterus is too large in size or, on the contrary, small. In general, in order to identify a possible pathology, you need to know the approximate day of conception. But who is watching this? Now all that remains is to calculate the conception calculator.

Even for those who don’t bother much with questions about how to get pregnant quickly, but are already planning parenthood in the very near future, our calendar will also come in handy. The fact is that the baby’s body, or rather all its organs, are formed in the very first days and weeks after the implantation of the egg into the wall of the uterus. And it is during this period, while there is no placenta, that the baby is most susceptible to any negative influences. Smoking, drinking alcohol, certain medications, etc. can lead to miscarriage or serious pathologies of fetal development. And the fertilization days calculator will clearly show you approximately from what time you need to “come to your senses” (if you haven’t done this before) and will remind you about the delay in menstruation.

A conception calendar is a convenient thing that allows a woman to monitor her menstrual cycle, namely, to determine dangerous and safe days in terms of a possible pregnancy. The child's conception calendar is a form in which you need to enter the first day of the last menstruation, and the program, using different colors, shows which days are the most “fruitful”. Try it, calculating the conception calendar is really very simple!

To better understand how the program works, we will present the main factors that were taken into account when creating it.

1. For the vast majority of women, ovulation (the only day in the month when the egg is ready for fertilization) occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. Look at the conception calendar - the day of ovulation (exactly the middle of the menstrual cycle), as well as a few days before and after it are highlighted in orange and green.

2. Fertilization of the egg cannot occur during menstruation, or at the very end of the cycle. These “safe” days are represented in pink (see the baby conception calendar).

You can also check the accuracy of the data obtained by monitoring your condition during the ovulation period.

1. The amount of vaginal discharge will noticeably increase.

2. Libido (sex drive) will increase.

3. You may notice a jump in basal temperature (measured in the rectum), but only if you plotted it in advance.

4. An ovulation test (can be purchased at almost any pharmacy) shows a positive result.

5. Short-term, aching pain in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries may appear.

6. Using an ultrasound examination, the doctor identifies signs that an egg has been released from the ovary.

You can calculate your conception calendar right now! Enter the exact data about the beginning of critical days (the exact date) and in a couple of seconds you will receive the necessary information. Please note that the data obtained cannot be trusted 100%; nevertheless, our body is a big mystery, and any “little things”, such as stress or a change of place of residence, can affect the processes in it.

Note also that ovulation does not occur every cycle. Every woman of reproductive age has at least 2 cycles per year that are “sterile.”

Menstrual cycle

There is a common misconception that a woman's menstrual cycle should last exactly 28 days, and ovulation should occur exactly “on the 14th day of the cycle” or “in the middle of the menstrual cycle.” This is not true.

In reality, the menstrual cycle is divided into two phases - follicular (before ovulation) and luteal (after ovulation).

Follicular phase

The follicular phase (preceding ovulation) begins on the first day of the last menstruation and lasts until one dominant follicle (or several) matures in the ovaries. It ends with ovulation.

Luteal phase

The luteal phase (corpus luteum phase) begins from the moment of ovulation and lasts about 12-16 days.

In place of the ovulated follicle, a corpus luteum forms within a few days after ovulation. Its main function is the synthesis of progesterone and estrogens to maintain future pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then after 10-12 days the corpus luteum undergoes reverse development, which leads to a drop in hormone levels, after which the next menstruation begins. If pregnancy has occurred, the corpus luteum continues to function and support the pregnancy.

In the absence of pregnancy, progesterone levels reach their maximum value about a week after ovulation - at this time it is recommended to take a blood test for progesterone to assess the function of the corpus luteum.

Duration of the menstrual cycle

The follicular phase can vary in duration (both among different women, and within one woman throughout her life). Typically, the length of this particular phase of the cycle determines the length of the entire menstrual cycle and affects the delay of menstruation - for example, if the maturation of the follicle occurs faster or slower than usual, or does not occur at all. The luteal phase usually has a constant duration (12 to 16 days).

Gender of the child

The sex of the unborn child does not depend on the location of the stars in the sky, the menu of the future parents, or the position at conception. The sex of the child depends on which type of sperm fertilizes the egg - those carrying a male Y chromosome or a female X chromosome. Spermatozoa of the “male” sex, as a rule, move more easily and more quickly than “female” ones, but are more sensitive to external conditions and adverse influences. Female sperm, on the contrary, are less mobile, but more resilient. Thus, if sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation or later, the likelihood of having a boy increases, and if sexual intercourse occurs long before ovulation, then the likelihood of having a girl increases and the likelihood of conception decreases. However, experts believe that the reliability of this method does not exceed 60%.

Use our EDA (estimated due date) calculator to calculate the estimated date of birth of your baby. The calculation can be made by the date of conception, or by the date of the last menstruation. Select the appropriate option and enter the original date. As a result of the calculation, you will receive the cherished date, as well as an accurate pregnancy calendar with comprehensive information about fetal development and medical indications for each week. The calculation results can be saved by email or printed.

Calculator for expected date of birth
with pregnancy calendar

Calculation option:

If you know the exact date of conception of the child, use the first option. Or choose the second option, the expected date of birth will be calculated automatically, based on the date of the start of the last menstruation.

Start date of last menstruation:

Cycle duration:

On average 28 days. If you don't know the exact length of your cycle, leave the default value.

28 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 days

Date of conception:

Women strive to get as much information as possible about their new condition after learning about pregnancy. It is also important to find out how to calculate the due date and gender of the child, whether it is worth using an online calculator for this, what features and algorithms it includes. All this and much more is discussed in our article.

Calculating the due date - principles and algorithms

You can use several options to calculate the exact date of birth: an online calculator, your own calculations, the result of a doctor’s examination. But no matter which option is chosen, their principles and algorithms are very similar.

Determination of term by date of conception

The easiest way is to create a pregnancy calendar by week and calculate the date of birth if the girl knows the date of fertilization. Usually this is where difficulties arise, because a couple who has decided to have a baby tries not to miss any of the favorable days. Therefore, if it is not possible to calculate the due date based on the date of conception, you can try to determine it yourself. It's not that difficult to do.

To do this, it is worth remembering how the process of childbirth occurs in a girl’s body:

  1. Bubbles form in the ovary immediately after menstruation. One is ahead of the others in growth and speed of development. It is in it that the female cell appears. The remaining follicles gradually disappear.
  2. The cell reaches its peak development and is ready to function, breaks through the follicle and is released. Its path lies in the direction of the uterus. Here, in the reproductive tract, fertilization by sperm should occur under favorable conditions. You will need to know this point in order to calculate the date of birth based on the date of conception.
  3. The fertilized cell continues its journey and ends with implantation in the uterus. This happens only 7 days after meeting the male cell.
  4. Subject to normal consolidation, the fetus begins its growth and development. This process is facilitated by progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum. The latter acts as a temporary gland, which grows on the wound from the rupture of the vesicle. It always appears, but if fertilization does not occur, it is structurally destroyed by the day of the next menstruation, leaving a small scar on the ovary.
  5. Changes occur in the structure of the mammary glands under the influence of progesterone. Signs of a new situation begin to appear, which is why the woman begins to look for ways to calculate the date of birth, create a calendar using a calculator, what tests need to be taken and when to visit her doctor for the first time.

Ovulation and date of conception

So, in order to create a pregnancy calendar and calculate the date of birth, you need to calculate the day of fertilization of your cell. How can this be done, given the presence of daily sexual intercourse, for example? First, it is worth remembering that conception occurs only at the moment when the cell has already freed itself from the follicle membrane and has entered the sexual tract. Those. It is very easy to calculate the due date based on the date of ovulation. As you know, this process is very short and is usually equal to a day, which is why the error in calculations is practically eliminated.

How to calculate due date using last menstruation

If the girl does not know the exact day of ovulation, it can be calculated based on her cycle readings. You need to look at the calendar and calculate the due date based on your last menstrual period.

Data for accurate calculation

You must first evaluate the following parameters:

  • Cycle duration. Calculate the number of days between the indicated dates of menstruation for the last several periods. The standard is 28 days, but values ​​in the range of 21-33 days also occur.
  • Systematicity. Compare the obtained numbers with each other. Normally, they should be equal, with a maximum deviation of 1 day. In such a situation, there will be no problems with how to accurately calculate the due date. There are also failures when in one month a shift suddenly occurs by 1-2 weeks. This is caused by stress, illness, the use of hormone-containing drugs, climate change, etc. There is no need to worry, this is normal. If the cyclicity is broken and each month the dates differ by 5 or more days from each other, the rhythm is considered irregular. This is not scary, it’s just that calculating the gestational age and due date will be much more difficult. If such failures have not occurred before, it is better to consult a gynecologist about the reason for identifying possible problems.
  • Duration and characteristics of menstruation. Normally, they should be of the same type in structure, abundance and duration every month.

Ovulation in the menstrual cycle

Knowing the parameters that the calendar gave us, it is not difficult to calculate the due date if you identify the day of ovulation. It is calculated when it is necessary to calculate the date of birth based on menstruation, based on the following knowledge regarding the duration of the ongoing phases in the female cycle:

  1. The time of follicle and cell generation is 11-17 days. It differs significantly among women due to the different levels of hormones in the body and their balance. The standard is 14 days, but it is possible for girls whose cycle has been unchanged for a long time and is equal to 28 days.
  2. Release of the cell and its path to the uterus. If sperm are not encountered along this path, it will last only a day. Rarely, life activity can be longer - up to 2-3 days; usually, it dies within 12 hours. That is why pregnancy, calculating the date of birth for which would remain the last unresolved issue for the girl, the date of ovulation must be identified as accurately as possible in order to prescribe a productive act.
  3. The functioning of the corpus luteum in the absence of a fetus ends after exactly 14 days. This criterion is the same for everyone. Very rarely, it can be 12-13 days.

The last number is known for certain, it is equal for all girls, and therefore ovulation is calculated by it. The formula looks like this: subtract 14 from the duration of the monthly process. The result obtained must be counted from the previous menstruation and marked on the calendar. This is the date of ovulation, which is the moment of conception, because on other days this is not possible due to the lack of a ready-made cell. Now it’s easy to even prescribe a birth calendar yourself and calculate it based on the date of conception identified in the described way.

Methods for determining cell yield

  • Tests. After using the strip according to the instructions (dipping it in urine for a few seconds or holding it under running water), you need to look at the color change of the reagent. It shows the concentration of luteinizing hormone, which reaches a maximum when the follicle ruptures.
  • Microscopes. These are reusable devices that allow you to see the pattern of salts contained in saliva. It gradually changes, acquiring the features of a fern by the day the cell appears. It will be enough to calculate the day of birth according to the date on which it manifested itself most clearly.
  • Discharge. It is known that during the development of the follicle, vaginal mucus has a thick structure and does not ooze out. And by the time the cell is “born,” it liquefies and is released in very abundant quantities. In structure and color it is similar to egg white. It is observed until the cell dies.
  • Pain. Unpleasant sensations are felt on the side of the ovary. By tearing the follicle, the cell creates a regular wound on it, which causes slight pain. Relying on your own feelings and remembering the exact date of the onset of pain, it will be easy to calculate the date of birth based on conception.

Predicting the gender of the child - what you need to know

We found out how to correctly calculate the due date by first identifying the exact day of fertilization. Now all that remains is to count 40 weeks from the date, making notes on the calendar. Sometimes girls want to not only calculate the due date, but also find out the sex of the child earlier. This can be done by comparing the date of sexual intercourse with ovulation:

  • The act occurred on the date of ovulation or a day later - a son is expected. This is due to the characteristics of male sperm with a Y chromosome, which are much faster than type X cells. Y will overtake a female cell many times faster, leaving no chance for its slow counterparts. Having identified a pregnancy, it is very simple to calculate the date of birth and the sex of the child using the principles described above.
  • The act happened in 1-2 days - the maximum probability of conceiving a daughter. This is explained by the fact that Y-cells die within a day, once in the genital tract, and therefore do not wait for the female to appear. X cells last up to 3 days, and therefore, although they are very slow, they will already be waiting for the female by the time she appears in the sexual tract. When compiling a calendar to calculate the date of birth and the gender of the child in such a situation, you must also take into account the day the cell appeared, despite the fact that the act took place earlier.

Thus, regardless of whether the conditions for “getting” a baby of the desired gender are met, you will need to calculate the due date based on the day of conception. After all, without the presence of a female cell in the tract, sperm do not fertilize anyone.

Calculator - how to calculate your due date online

Calculation by date of conception or last menstruation

Therefore, today there are two options for filling out data:

  • calculate the date of birth based on conception: the calculator counts the standard days of pregnancy from the day known to the girl;
  • calculate the due date using menstruation: the calculator determines the moment the cell appears, therefore the formula requires a cycle length parameter. If the girl does not know him, they recommend leaving it for 28 days. But in this case there may be an error.

Pregnancy calendar is a useful feature

As a result of the calculation, the girl receives a specific date for the expected birth. But that's not all. Our service has an additional function that allows you to calculate the due date and pregnancy by week at the same time. In this case, the girl receives a table written for each week of pregnancy, indicating her dates, containing the following interesting and useful information:

  • Fetal development: at each stage, the embryo undergoes certain changes, because it is constantly developing. You can find out when his muscle tissue begins to grow, internal organs form, and when he begins to hear.
  • Medical indications: at each stage, the baby’s body, based on the characteristics of its formation, requires different microorganisms, which are listed in the tablet. The girl will also learn when to expect toxicosis, discomfort, heartburn, and how to protect herself from them without harming the baby.

After the girl has calculated the due date and week by week, having received a detailed action plan, you can save it electronically by clicking on the “send by mail” icon. It is also possible to print the table to have it on hand.

Medical indications – tests, ultrasound, etc.

Using the pregnancy calculator to calculate your due date on our website, you also receive information about the required dates for tests and ultrasounds. This will allow you to monitor the doctor’s actions and better prepare for visits and examinations. Calculating the due date online is a simple way, due to which the girl does not need to make calculations on her own, and in return she receives maximum useful information on her specific case.

Calculation for irregular cycle

Some difficulties await women with irregular processes, then difficulties may arise in identifying ovulation. They can only calculate the date of birth based on the date of conception; the online calculator in this situation will give the correct answer. If they want to calculate the date of birth based on the last menstruation, the calculator may make a mistake, because the result depends on the length of the cycle, which is always different for a girl.

Determination of the due date by a doctor

Many are sure that only the specialist observing the patient can calculate the exact date of birth. But it is worth remembering that it is based in its readings on the same data as the methods discussed above. The doctor, if he did not observe the girl before pregnancy, will ask her for the following information:

  • First day of bleeding;
  • Cycle duration;
  • Systematicity;
  • Presence of rhythm disturbances and deviations.

Based on these criteria, he will make a calculation and determine the expected date of birth. Most likely, this date will coincide with the date of birth, which can be calculated using the date of conception online. There may be a slight error of 1 day due to the “human” factor or unaccounted for factors.

Ultrasound calculation accuracy

If the doctor wants to calculate the due date using an ultrasound, the calculator will most likely fail. After all, during the study he is able to see the size of the embryo and compare it with the standard. However, an error is also possible here, because each organism develops in its own way, and embryos can differ slightly in size in girls at the same age.

Determination and stimulation of ovulation

Therefore, calculating the correct date of birth is only possible mathematically, based on knowledge about the day of fertilization or by finding out the exact date of ovulation. If a girl has problems with this, she should go to the hospital at the planning stage so that the doctor can monitor the development of the egg using an ultrasound. Already from the 5th day after menstruation, examinations begin every two days. When the cell exit approaches, ultrasound may be prescribed daily. Having discovered a burst follicle or a day before, the doctor will inform the patient about the most favorable moment for fertilization.

From the video you will learn on what day you need to do an ultrasound to find out whether the follicle is maturing

A similar examination scheme occurs if a girl has problems with cell reproduction (the follicle does not develop or does not burst). This is due to a deficiency of the hormone estrogen, and therefore it is administered forcibly through a special course of drugs.

With such strict monitoring of the stages of cell development, a calculator is not required to accurately calculate the date of birth. After all, the girl and the doctor will reliably know the day of fertilization. During subsequent observation, the doctor will monitor the moment of implantation of the fertilized egg. The woman will not need to perform a test or donate blood, because the ultrasound will show the fact that the embryo is implanted, which guarantees pregnancy, and it will not be a problem for the doctor to calculate the due date based on the date of conception, knowing all the facts.


The expected date of birth, which can be calculated in several ways, will give the girl an accurate idea of ​​how long she will have to wait for her little “miracle.” You can use any of the above methods or try them all. Usually, deviations between them are no more than 1-2 days. We recommend using our calculator and calculating your due date by period (or by conception) online. In this case, in addition to the expected date of birth, in addition, the expectant mother will receive a unique guide to action and tools for monitoring the development of her baby week by week.

Yana asks:

Hello! Please help me determine the date of conception. My last period was on 02/21/2012. The cycle is approximately 27-28 days. Menstruation usually lasts three days. On the last day of menstruation (they had already ended by this time) on February 23, I had a condom, as far as I know, it didn’t seem to break. But I’m still worried. In the first days of March I had daily unprotected sex with a regular partner. Moreover, several times the sperm got into the vagina. 05/23/2012 there was an ultrasound. CTR of the fetus 71 mm, BPR 21 mm, OG 82, OB 65, which corresponds to 13 obstetric weeks, as far as I know. If with accuracy up to days, then 13 and 2 days. Second ultrasound 07/25/2012. BDP 52 mm, OG 187, OB 161. Help me figure it out, it’s very important to find out the exact date of conception. Could I get pregnant after sex on 02/23/2012??? Thank you very much in advance for your answer.

Yana comments:

Thank you very much for your answer and for the very useful links! I want to clarify the latter with you. There is a lot of information on the Internet about early ovulation, tenacious sperm, etc. Could sperm survive until ovulation? (If, of course, they got into the vagina during sex with a condom).

Marina asks:

Hello! Help determine the date of conception. My last period was on August 17, 2012. The cycle is approximately 23-25 ​​days. My period lasts for 4-5 days. I had unprotected sexual intercourse with my husband on August 27, 2012. On September 17, 2012, I had an ultrasound and it was written that I was pregnant (p/egg 6.8 approximately 4.5 weeks) (obstetric weeks?) Help me figure it out, it is very important to know the date of conception. Thanks in advance

Marina comments:

Please tell me, the ultrasound said 4;5 weeks, obstetric?

Natalya asks:

02/21/2013 last menstrual cycle 30 days tell me the exact date of conception

In this case, the ovulation period falls on March 4-12, and the most likely date is March 8. You can get more information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic sections of our website: Conceiving a child, Ovulation

Marina asks:

Hello. Please tell me. My last period was 07/14-07/18. The cycle was 28-30 days. I went for an ultrasound on 08/26. The pregnancy was stated at 5-6 weeks.
Can you find out at least the approximate day of conception? I just calculated that 6 weeks fall on July 14. Now I don’t understand when I could get pregnant, or I’m counting incorrectly.

In your menstrual cycle, the probability of pregnancy falls on July 25-31. As a rule, the period is set obstetrically, that is, from the first day of the last menstruation, and not from the date of conception. You can get more information on this issue in the thematic section of our website: Pregnancy calendar

Irina asks:

Hello! Please help me determine the date of conception. My last period was on May 20, 2013. The cycle is approximately 26-27 days, duration 4-5 days. There was unprotected sexual intercourse on May 25 and with constant porter on May 27. 30.05 and 31.05. When did conception occur? I know that the first pregnancy occurred on the 11th day of the cycle.

Given your menstrual cycle, the probability of conception falls on May 29-June 6, with a maximum probability of June 2. Pregnancy from May 25 is unlikely. You can obtain additional information on the issue you are interested in in the appropriate section of our website by clicking on the following link: Conceiving a child

Anastasia asks:

Please help me determine the date
conception. Last menstruation was December 12, 2013.
Cycle 28 days
duration 4-5 days. Wasn't
protected sexual intercourse 12/22 and from
was a permanent partner on December 27 and January 1. When did conception occur?

Ksenia asks:

Hello) help me clarify the day of conception. the first day of menstruation is March 17. the cycle is 35-37 days.

In your menstrual cycle, the ovulation phase and, therefore, the probability of conception falls on March 30 - April 7. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant Conceiving a child

Anastasia asks:

My last period was on 03/24/2014, I went for an ultrasound on 06/03, they set the period at 10 weeks, but as I thought, I couldn’t get it.....the average cycle is 28.30 days

The obstetric gestational age is determined by the date of the last menstruation; in your case, according to the data provided, as of June 3, the gestational age is 10 weeks, so there is no cause for concern. Read more about this issue in the thematic series of articles on our website by following the link: Ultrasound during pregnancy and in the series of articles: Pregnancy calendar. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Gynecologist

Masha asks:

Hello, I have a question... when was I supposed to get pregnant? My last period was March 24. Cycle 28-30...

Considering the length of your menstrual cycle, pregnancy could have occurred between April 4 and April 12 - this is when your ovulation phase occurs. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: The likelihood of getting pregnant and in the series of articles: Signs of pregnancy. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website:

Natasha asks:

Hello! How to find out the day of conception if the last menstruation was 24-27 in 28 days is very urgent.

Please indicate the exact date of the start of your last menstruation and the average duration of your menstrual cycle, after which we will be able to calculate the ovulation phase and, accordingly, the most likely days of conception. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant and in the series of articles: Ovulation. You can get additional information in the following section of our website: Menstrual cycle and menstruation

Marina asks:

Hello. please tell me the time of conception. The last menstruation was 06/06/2014. cycle 28 days. I went for an ultrasound on July 16, 2014, and the obstetric deadline was set at 5 weeks and 6 days. Please define.

According to the data provided, the obstetric gestational age was determined correctly; according to ultrasound (gestational, from conception), the period is 2 weeks less. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Ultrasound during pregnancy. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Pregnancy calendar

Lydia asks:

good afternoon, tell me, is it possible to find out the exact date of conception, this is very important, menstruation should come on August 17, sexual intercourse was on August 2 and July 28, August 2 is just one of the days of ovulation, the test showed positive, I went for an ultrasound, they said it was early What else should I do if pregnancy occurs, on which of these days? Thank you in advance

Please indicate the average duration of your menstrual cycle and the date of the start of your last menstruation, which will allow us to calculate the ovulation phase and, accordingly, the days of expected conception. I also recommend that you take a blood test for hCG after 7-10 days, which allows you to diagnose pregnancy in the early stages. This study can be carried out no earlier than 7-10 days after the day of possible conception.

You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant and in the series of articles: Pregnancy test, Ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Blood test for hCG - early diagnosis of pregnancy

Lydia asks:

last menstruation from 12/07 gj 17 average cycle 39 days using phone app ovulation from July 29 to August 4
help, it’s important to find out on which day conception occurred, if it happened on August 2 or July 28

In your menstrual cycle, the ovulation phase falls on July 25 - August 2, so conception could occur on August 2 or July 28. Unfortunately, given the short interval between sexual intercourse and the fact that both of them occur during the ovulation phase, there is no way to determine on which day conception occurred. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: The likelihood of getting pregnant and in a series of articles.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs