Each person is unique, and, accordingly, his character, temperament, and habits are unique. People who are highly emotional cannot hide their feelings, and sometimes this leads to undesirable consequences. This can cause quarrels with friends, a breakup with a loved one, problems in the family and at work. Such people often realize their problem and understand that they should not give vent to their emotions, but they cannot stop in time. So how can you learn to hide emotions or at least suppress them, if necessary? And is this possible?

How to learn to hide your emotions and feelings

The answer is yes. You just need to follow some fairly simple recommendations that will make your life much easier and help you improve your relationships with people around you.

You need to create a mental attitude that only insecure, complex people with low self-esteem are led by emotions. You need to clearly understand that a strong person will always be able to convince his interlocutor that he is right calmly, without shouting or excessive display of emotions.

You need to try to increase your self-esteem. To do this, you need to carefully analyze all your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your achievements and failures. Do not forget about impartiality and objectivity. In addition, the goals that you intend to achieve both in the near and distant future will give you self-confidence.

To learn to hide your emotions, try to approach the events that happen to you with humor. The ability to find something funny in the most ordinary situations, as well as the ability to sometimes laugh at yourself, will greatly help you. No one will argue that laughing is much better than causing a scandal.

Learn to look at yourself from the outside to some extent. Pay attention to the behavior of people who react just as violently as you to the events that happen to them. Believe me, you don't look any better in such situations.

Surely, if people thought about how unpresentable they look in moments of anger, they would try to restrain their emotions. This is especially true for women, because it is unlikely that any representative of the fair sex will want to look unsightly in the eyes of others.

We told you how to learn to hide your emotions. We sincerely hope that our advice will help you achieve true harmony both in your own inner world and in relationships with the people around you.

How to suppress your emotions and not show it

If emotions overtake you spontaneously, remember that in a situation of excessive emotional stress you cannot make any decisions (except in emergency situations when it comes to your life). For the most part, recommendations on how to learn to hide emotions in this case are as follows:

  • gather your thoughts and slowly count to ten;
  • normalize your breathing by inhaling slowly through your nose and holding your breath for a while, then exhale slowly through your nose. While breathing this way, concentrate on your inner sensations;
  • if the situation requires it, then excuse yourself and leave the room to be alone;
  • Cold water will help you come to your senses - wet your forehead, hands and temples;
  • You can distance yourself from your experiences by looking at surrounding objects, trees or the sky, and if at the same time you silently describe their appearance, then very soon you will be able to switch from your emotions to the environment;
  • Drink a glass of water very slowly and with concentration, concentrating on how you feel.

Remember to prevent excessive tension; walks in the fresh air, creative activities, and interest clubs will help you prevent emotional overstrain.

How to suppress emotions when necessary

“You should have not gotten excited, restrained yourself, and then expressed your opinion” - we often use this phrase after a violent manifestation of emotions, both negative in quarrels and positive in joy for something. We often call this hint from our mind “hindsight.” And as life experience shows, reason is right. But why does this happen after emotional outbursts? And how to overcome the emotions that often complicate our relationships with society.

Psychologists are of the opinion that expressing emotions is necessary. But in order to maintain a relationship with someone, it is often more beneficial for us to suppress emotions than to express them.

In everyday life, our wisdom is limited to advice that is aimed at combating emotional extremes. We often hear:

  • in grief - “don’t kill yourself like that, everything will pass”,
  • in joy - “don’t rejoice, so that you don’t have to cry”, in case of whims - “don’t be picky”,
  • during apathy - “well, shake yourself up!”

And how can we learn to hide our emotions and maintain complete control over the outburst of emotions if, first of all, we lose the ability to manage our current state? Trying to cope with their emotional world, people delved into the mechanism of experiences and tried to use it more intelligently than nature. One of the systems aimed at regulating emotions is yoga gymnastics. Yogis developed a number of breathing and physical exercises that made it possible to get rid of emotional stress and partly from worries.

If you want to learn how to suppress emotions, you need to turn to yoga. Some elements of the yoga system were used to create the autogenic training method. Psychologists are sure that auto-training is one of the techniques that allows you to suppress emotions. Auto-training techniques are not as primitive as advice to keep yourself within the bounds of decency when you are ready to explode from a surge of emotions. The famous phrase: “I am calm, I am completely calm” is practically a balm for your tense nerves.

Another available method to suppress emotions is laughter therapy. When a person laughs, three times more air enters the lungs, which increases the amount of oxygen entering the blood, blood circulation improves, blood pressure decreases by calming the heart rate. During laughter, the production of endomorphin increases ( anti-stress substance), which leads to the release of the body from adrenaline (stress hormone).

Dancing and listening to music have a similar mechanism of action on the body. You can also easily “defuse” the situation with a cheerful smile or a sparkling joke.

Emotions are an essential part of our everyday life. Whether we laugh at a good joke or feel irritated while stuck in a traffic jam, the experiences we experience have a significant impact on our lives. In addition, our ability to control our emotions determines the light in which others perceive us.

If we laugh at a funny message from a friend during a business meeting, at best we will be looked at with pity. On the other hand, displaying anger is also often completely inappropriate and can lead to undesirable consequences. Fortunately, you can develop useful skills that will allow you to hide your emotions at the right time. Let's look at some of them.

  • Learn to identify signs by which you can judge a change in your condition. If you feel like you're losing control, stop! Indeed, at such moments, people act more automatically, without much thought about the possible consequences. Learn to identify the signals that indicate the onset of such a state. For example, these could be physical signs - a clenched jaw, or a rush of blood to the face. Or you may notice that, as you lose control of yourself, thoughts come to you about quitting or divorcing your spouse. Having learned to pay attention to these signs in time, you will act more consciously next time, as well as apply other techniques to control emotions.
  • Reduce the intensity of experiences. First of all, in order to hide your experiences from others, you need to learn to control them. Doing this in moments of high stress and still maintaining rational thinking is quite difficult. In order to assess the situation soberly, it is necessary to moderate the ardor a little. To do this, you can leave the room or go outside. Fresh air will help clear your thoughts and reduce emotions. Or try doing any monotonous activity. This could be drawing or knitting. The peculiarity of such classes is that they include repetitive movements that help you concentrate on the present moment.
  • Understand what is important right now. When we are under stress, it is very important to understand what is truly important and what depends on our actions. For example, you have arrived for an important meeting. And suddenly you realize that when you closed the car doors, you left your keys in it. What is important at this moment - the meeting or the keys? The answer is obvious: you need to rush to the meeting, and you can deal with the keys later. It is necessary to determine priorities in time, as well as the range of possibilities, since learning to hide your emotions and feelings without these skills will also be very difficult.
  • Study body language. Most of the experiences become obvious to others through posture, gestures, facial expressions and other signs. Therefore, having mastered the features with which the body expresses different emotions, you will be able to hide those that you deem necessary. If you need to hide your anxiety, avoid nervous movements, try to relax your whole body. Facial expressions play a special role in expressing emotions. If you want to hide anger or irritation, relax your facial muscles: do not tense your eyebrows, nose, or jaw. Once you have perfected your craft, people will be completely unable to discern what passions are truly bubbling within you.
    • Also read:
  • Remove yourself from the situation. This is absolutely necessary when you need to hide your emotions and feelings. The easiest way is to recall happy memories. Think about the moments you spent with your loved ones. This will help you mentally move into the past from the anxious or stressful environment in which you are currently located.
  • Change the meaning you attach to a certain situation. The more you practice the methods described above, the less “catchy” difficult situations will be for you. You may even find something good in them in terms of the lessons they can teach and the skills they can develop. To change the meaning of the situation, repeat to yourself, for example, the following phrase: “This is not a problem.” The more often you do this, the faster your subconscious mind will be able to believe that this really is not a problem.
So, it is absolutely not necessary to be a slave to your emotions, especially when they should not become the subject of the attention of others. Each of us has the ability to use our minds to harness unnecessary experiences and express them when the time and place are appropriate.

Treatises have been written on how to hide emotions. But it’s too difficult to remember anything in an emergency. It can be extremely difficult not to cry, not to faint from fear, or not to hit your interlocutor on the forehead. First, you need to understand in what directions they are working on themselves: 1. Increase self-esteem so as not to experience feelings that will begin to overwhelm the ocean (uncertainty, fear, awkwardness). 2. Look for the positive in yourself, in situations, in people. If you can’t change a fact, it’s easier not to evaluate it now. Then, everything later. A philosophical outlook on life and a sense of humor will learn to come to the rescue with age. 3. Or you can simply mask, and not think about how to hide emotions or suppress them. And it would be nice to have the support of family or true friends who will always listen and express their opinion. A sensitive person will still have to make a decision, but you can listen. Sometimes the devil is not as scary as he is painted. Fears are exaggerated.

How to hide emotions?

It is possible to mask emotions!

Suppressing your feelings is akin to suicide. Negative thoughts lead to heart attacks and strokes and influence the appearance of psychosomatic diseases. It's better to take care of yourself in advance.

· Before you learn to hide your emotions, you need to buy sunglasses if it’s summer and you’re about to have an unpleasant conversation with an ex-boyfriend or an insincere girlfriend.

· You can imagine yourself in a mirror ball, behind a stone wall, so that negativity or fears from the outside stop penetrating into life.

· It is allowed to carry a pin and a mirror in your pocket in case of fear of evil from the outside.

· A cup of green tea or validol in your purse sometimes not only masks emotions, but simply prevents them from developing.

Switch, or How to hide emotions on your face

If your eyes twitch from fear, your lips tremble, and a person begins to stutter, it’s time to understand: he has the power to make his fears work for him. Such psychological sublimation can move mountains! You just need to change the direction.

1. If you don’t want to cry, you need to raise your eyes up and look around - at the lamp hanging from the ceiling, at the pear-shaped cloud. As one of the physical education teachers said in the series of the same name, when you want to cry, you can open your eyes. Let your opponent be afraid!

2. If anger comes up, you need to give it a way out. Just not as assault. You can ask for a minute's break and go to another room. And here... Squat or do push-ups until you drop. With such shaky nerves, your figure will soon change beyond recognition! So the title of Miss Universe is just around the corner.

But there are times when you need to cry - when they propose, talk about future children, watch a heartfelt movie. And in tragic situations, you should not be ashamed of tears.

But pulling yourself together is a must in emergency situations. It’s enough not to focus on yourself, but to think about how the other person is feeling now—needing help or shouting angrily. For some, it gets worse. You need not to be selfish, and your problems will fade into the background. There will be no time for unnecessary emotions!

How to hide your emotions - Don't let others know what you're thinking. How to learn to control emotions to avoid unwanted consequences

Question to a psychologist

Hello! I am 16 years old and I constantly hide my feelings and emotions. I got used to this since childhood, I realized that it was easier to deal with some problems this way. Pretending that everything is fine, you involuntarily begin to believe it yourself. I only cry if there is a serious reason for it. Even when I’m very sad, but I understand that the problem is not terrible, I can’t cry. And only recently did this ability of mine not to show my emotions begin to scare me. (I should note that I suppress only bad emotions, I don’t want anyone to think that everything is bad for me) I am one of those people who are always very cheerful, energetic, and whom it is impossible to think that they are sad. I don’t even tell my very close people and friends that I feel bad. Sometimes I cry all night, and then I go to school very cheerful, but my soul is sad. Sometimes I tell someone later, after a while, that there were problems then and there, it was hard. And they usually ask me why I didn’t tell right away, and how is it even possible to pretend that everything is fine, when in fact everything is very bad, and I myself don’t know. I don't know what to do with this. In addition, I began to notice that the feelings that I hide later and do not have to be hidden: they simply disappear. It seems to me that soon I won’t have to pretend, because I’m becoming indifferent to everything, I’m becoming heartless. I hope you can help me

Answers from psychologists

Marina, it’s good that you sounded the alarm about your condition in time. Yes, you correctly noted that there is a reciprocal relationship between the external expression of emotion and the internal state. Not only does our internal state cause an emotion, but the external manifestation of an emotion can also cause an internal state that corresponds to that emotion! This was established by American psychologists (so they all walk and smile completely in public). So, if you “stuff” your feelings, not allowing them to be expressed in facial expressions, appearance and behavior, then over time they will actually begin to disappear from the palette of your experiences!

There is also such a term among psychologists as “congruence” of emotions and experiences - this is how accurately the emotions that a person expresses (primarily with facial expressions) correspond to his real experiences. There is a simple exaggerated example to understand the meaning of “congruence” - if a boy likes a girl, and for this reason he pulls her pigtails, then this means that the congruence of his experience and his behavior in connection with this is na-ru-she-na!

Just try to be yourself. If you are sad or annoyed, or you feel sorry for someone, behave naturally. You are a living person and have the right to different feelings and emotions, like everyone else.

Sincerely, online psychologist Pokolova Yanina (Arkhangelsk)

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