How to pretend to faint. How to lose consciousness on purpose

If homework is not done and the journal is bad, it’s time to put on a show for the teacher. In this article we will tell how to quickly turn pale in class and faint.

How to cause fainting

Before fainting there is always a deterioration in health, so first you need to portray a dying swan, complain to others about dizziness, headaches, nausea and hold your head. All this will produce the desired effect.

  • Squat down and stand up very quickly; this will cause a surge in pressure. Next, hold your breath and tense all the muscles of your body.
  • Press the carotid artery on one side to the front of the cervical spine and inhale and exhale deeply several times. After this you will quickly lose consciousness. Doing this is very dangerous, so think 10 times about the consequences.
  • Sit down 20 times, close your mouth, insert your finger into it and blow very hard. This method allows you to quickly lose consciousness due to the heavy load on the heart with a simultaneous lack of oxygen.

You can also fake fainting; to do this you need to fall suddenly and realistically, without breaking your head. The main thing here is not to overplay and wake up in 3-5 minutes, before someone calls an ambulance, which will immediately figure out your simulation.

How to turn pale

  • Sleep 2 hours a day for a whole week.
  • Hold your breath as long as possible.
  • You can apply a pale foundation.

Being a weak and defenseless woman is very romantic. And the most important weapon is tender and airy - in time towards the strong and courageous. It’s just a pity that in reality everything doesn’t work out so smoothly, and you can fall very badly. Let's find out how to stay on our feet in the heat and stuffiness so that, if necessary, we fall only into the right hands.

In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance

Of course, in reality, few people would think of plopping down on the sidewalk in a romantic mood. And the sensations on the eve of loss of consciousness are also not the most pleasant.

  • , multi-colored circles or sparks appear
  • Tinnitus and deafening, monotonous ringing
  • Arms and legs become weak, cold and sweaty
  • It becomes difficult to breathe, there is not enough air
  • Nausea appears, dizziness
  • The face becomes pale, sallow or white in color
  • It is difficult for a person to speak and hold his head

That is, on the face - all the signs of medical pathology (not the most enviable bride). But which one?

Fainting is an acute vascular insufficiency. It can develop due to acute blood loss, with a sharp decrease in the volume of fluid in the body, decreased tone of peripheral vessels, and impaired cardiac activity.

The cause of loss of consciousness during fainting is insufficient blood flow to the brain, or low oxygen concentration in it.

This often happens when. Violation of autonomic regulation leads to the fact that in a stuffy room, or in the middle of hot asphalt, a person feels very unwell. Venous insufficiency adds to the problem: in this case, in the heat, the vessels in the legs dilate more, the blood simply cannot circulate fully and return in full to the heart.

Lack of air and dizziness are the first symptoms of impending fainting. Arterial hypotension is also accompanied by a tendency to faint. Vegetative-vascular dystonia and low blood pressure are conditions that are often present simultaneously. Both VSD and hypotension are not diseases, but are considered features of the functioning of the body, albeit not entirely convenient for an active life. In a hypotensive person, for example, fainting can occur from hunger, from thirst, from psychological stress, or from abruptly getting up from bed (orthostatic collapse).

A person with hunger can also lose consciousness from hunger, but this is a slightly different condition and requires an immediate dose of sweets.

Other, more serious problems - heart rhythm disturbances, hidden (or obvious) bleeding, sudden loss of fluid - can lead to more serious problems than just a short-term fainting, and at the same time not manifesting themselves in any other way for a long time. But we cannot know for sure that there is no danger to life.

Therefore, if you faint suddenly, and even then feel great, there is a reason to undergo diagnostics under the supervision of a cardiologist and rule out a dangerous pathology.

Rules for staying resistant in the heat

The heat, however, does not spare either hypotensive patients or heart patients. Well, let's practice the technique of perseverance so as not to find ourselves in an unpleasant (and even dangerous) situation somewhere in the middle of the street or in a stuffy minibus.

Rule one - drink water

Carry a bottle of water with you. In a hot city or under scorching rays on the beach, you should always have a strategic reserve that will help maintain a stable volume of the liquid part of the blood. A couple of sips every half hour - you don’t need more if you don’t want to. But, so listen to your body. If you feel unwell, drink more water.

Rule two - rest on the road

If you feel weak, sit on a bench, ask to give up your seat in public transport, or just sit on the asphalt (the lawn is better). It is advisable if the legs are at the same level with the pelvis: stretch them horizontally. You can squat down - if it's urgent, so as not to fall. This way you will help the vessels cope with the gravity of the earth and provide the brain with the necessary blood. In order not to have to fight the impending collapse, just rest periodically.

Rule three - keep your feet cold

And the head too. Don't expose yourself to the heat. If you need to walk in hot weather, try to provide your feet with periodic cooling. Well, for example, you can go to roadside cafes and ask for ice. Or cool down within reach of the air conditioner for a few minutes. Avoid wearing jeans and closed shoes in hot weather.

You can water your feet from a bottle somewhere on the lawn and sit in the shade for one thing.

Always wear a hat/panama hat. The headdress can be absolutely stupid, but it has to be there. What is important is its ventilation and ability to protect from the sun. There should be a space of at least one centimeter between the bottom of the hat and the head, or better yet 2-3: this is an air cushion that will prevent the head from heating directly from the hot hat in the sun.

If you already feel bad, wash your face with cold water, or any water, or just spray your face. This will help you reflexively come to your senses.

Rule four - be full

Don't allow yourself to go anywhere on an empty stomach, especially in the morning. Be sure to have breakfast and lunch too. The main meal should consist of complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats - such food will work for a long time during the day. If you can’t eat a full meal, take snacks, a milkshake on the road, even a chocolate bar - it’s better than nothing. Provide yourself with the required level of glucose, albeit for a short time, but immediately, if possible, eat fully.

Rule five - fresh air

If you are traveling in public transport and have the opportunity to get out, get out and breathe fresh air. It's better to be late for work than not to arrive at all. Often, just a breath of air drives away both nausea and dizziness. And the most important thing is a change in the unpleasant environment: a crowded minibus often becomes a psychogenic factor.

Keeping your blood fully oxygenated will help invigorate your brain so you can move on again.

If you feel bad at work, open the window and get out of the stuffy room. Ask your colleagues for help: you should not try to overcome severe weakness with physical effort, otherwise you will faint.

Natalya Trokhimets

How to faint on purpose and safely? Let's put it this way: you can provoke fainting, but no one guarantees your safety. In addition, our article is not intended to provide advice that could be harmful to health or life-threatening. We encourage you to talk about your problems with your loved ones, because we are all adults and responsible people.

Before you decide to induce fainting, let's talk about the fact that any condition leading to loss of consciousness is associated with two unsafe factors, such as:

  • hyperventilation;
  • oxygen starvation of brain tissue.

Therefore, deliberately provoking fainting is a very dangerous undertaking. But since you really need to create such a situation, let's talk about simulation, that is, about how to lose consciousness by pretending. In this case, you face only one danger - exposure. But if you approach the organization of the performance competently, then no one will guess, of course, when a doctor happens to not be nearby. To properly fake a loss of consciousness, you need to know what a real faint is.

What is fainting?

This is an acute disorder of consciousness that is caused by a lack of blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Fainting usually lasts a few seconds. If the loss of consciousness lasts more than a minute, it is a medical emergency because the condition can be life-threatening or have serious consequences. The main causes of fainting are:

  • Heart rhythm disturbances or myocardial infarction. The heart beats too fast, irregularly or slowly, but in all these cases the blood supply to the brain is temporarily limited.
  • The most common type of syncope is vasovagal syncope, which is a sudden drop in blood pressure and heart rate caused by an overreaction of the nervous system. This form of fainting affects healthy people and is often caused by fear, pain or mental stress.
  • A sudden change in body position can also lead to loss of consciousness (orthostatic syncope). This type of fainting often occurs in thin and tall people, who tend to have low blood pressure. In this case, the pressure is not enough to supply the brain with blood in the required amount.
  • Severe narrowing of the vessels that carry blood to the brain, or blood vessels in the brain, can also lead to decreased blood flow. In addition, changes in the carotid artery, usually arteriosclerosis, can cause fainting when a person suddenly turns their head.

To make the process realistic, you need to know the main signs of loss of consciousness:

  • a person suddenly gets hot;
  • may make you feel nauseous;
  • thoughts are confused and overlap one another;
  • dizzy, ringing in the ears;
  • general weakness appears;
  • temporary hearing loss is possible.

Having studied the theory, you can begin production. From the very beginning, choose a course of action, the cause of your fainting and the corresponding symptoms. The reason should not be serious, since your fainting should end quickly, and you are not at all interested in the arrival of an ambulance.

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The most harmless option is low blood pressure. If you were completely healthy before, then a sharp drop in blood pressure may be caused by:

  • hunger;
  • dehydration;
  • you are in a hot or poorly ventilated area;
  • sudden fear;
  • stress due to deep feelings.

The scenario needs to be carefully developed. First decide on the purpose you are trying to achieve by losing consciousness and the location where the performance will take place. You must keep everything under control so that your debut does not fail in disgrace:

  • Try to have as few spectators as possible, you don’t want unnecessary attention. Besides, among the spectators there will always be some smart guy who will confuse all your plans.
  • If you are timing your “performance” to coincide with some important event, then you should not faint in the midst of it. The optimal time would be before the start of an unwanted event.

Next, you should think about how everything will happen: standing or sitting. What will you feel before fainting, how long will you remain unconscious and, most importantly, where and how to fall. It is best to rehearse the production in advance under conditions as close to reality as possible.

As mentioned above, usually the unconscious state lasts a few seconds: about twenty, but no more. This is explained by physiology. If the cause of your fainting is low blood pressure, then when you fall, your head will be at the same level as your heart, blood circulation will be restored, and consciousness will return to you. But you don’t need to jump up suddenly after exactly twenty seconds. It usually takes a person in your condition a few minutes to come back from oblivion.


So that after the performance you do not have to contact a traumatologist, practice your fall:

  • Come up with a non-injurious way to fall by practicing on a soft surface in advance.
  • Don't fall forward because you'll have to stick your arms out, which is not at all likely if you're fainting. And without hands, you will definitely break your head.
  • It is best to fall slowly, you can grab onto something for a moment - this will slow down the fall and reduce the risk of injury.
  • You can lose consciousness against a wall: lean your back on it, slowly sag, and eventually fall to the side.

A person's fainting state, or, more simply put, fainting, will certainly attract the attention of other people, which is why those who want to attract attention try their best to master the technology of losing consciousness. But how to faint on purpose and how safe is it for your body? More on this later in our article.

Causes of loss of consciousness

Exists several common causes of loss of consciousness, but not all of them can be planned, although even if such a possibility exists, it is better not to risk your

Oxygen limitation

For the body to function properly, the brain must constantly receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients, so it is not surprising that a sharp temporary restriction of its nutrition causes loss of consciousness. It’s just like when driving a vehicle: if you don’t fill the tank with gas, you won’t go anywhere.

Important! A special restriction of oxygen supply to the brain necessarily leads to disruption of its performance, and even if a single fainting spell does not cause any serious consequences, irreversible conditions due to hypoxia still occur.

So, if you deliberately lose consciousness (for example, breathe for a long time and quickly, and then throw your head back and stop doing this), you may forget some episodes from your life, for example, what exactly preceded such a state. Usually, such amnesia goes away soon, but do not underestimate its effect on the body. Hypoxia also disrupts the smooth functioning of all vital systems: urinary, endocrine, gastrointestinal.

This option is clearly not suitable for inducing sudden fainting in an unforeseen situation, unless you plan to lose consciousness in advance. People who lead too busy professional lives or students who constantly experience nervous stress often exhaust their body, often forcing it to work even at night and during lunch breaks. It is clear that he also needs a new reserve of strength, which is why some functions are disabled for a certain time. However, it is very difficult to predict in what period of time this will happen.

Did you know? People suffering from the rare disease cataplexy can faint from any strong emotion, no matter whether it is fear, joy or surprise.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

Long and depriving your body of nutrients also, over time, can lead to loss of consciousness, but, as in the previous version, it is very difficult to predict exactly when this will happen, which means it is simply impossible to cause fainting at a specific moment in time. In addition, if the body requires the supply of certain nutrients, but is denied this, there is a possibility of anemia, which often results in serious health problems. So think twice before making your final decision.


There may be several causes of dizziness, but the main one is a change in blood circulation due to an increase in the vascular network in the pelvis and increased blood supply to the uterus. In addition, in the early stages of pregnancy, such conditions can be explained by the body’s lack of adaptation to new needs, resulting in brain hypoxia and a decrease in sugar levels. It is also better to exclude sudden movements and avoid stuffiness, although if for some personal reasons you still If you want to lose consciousness during pregnancy, which, of course, is extremely undesirable to do, then you can, on the contrary, bring them into your life.

Important! Provoking fainting during pregnancy is very dangerous, because the consequences of such an act can negatively affect not only you, but also him, which is why you will then have to “bite your elbows.”


You can temporarily turn off consciousness using or, more correctly, a sharp fright. However, for this you need to wait for favorable circumstances. Thus, the main reason for fainting during severe fear is the body’s predisposition to release a huge amount of adrenaline into the blood, resulting in the so-called “adrenaline reaction.” The second factor, which in order to achieve your final goal must necessarily complement the first, is the presence of problems with the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, hypotension and asthenic physique. And, of course, in this case, deliberate fainting cannot be avoided without being overly impressionable and lacking the habit of independently solving emerging problems by clearly analyzing them.

In general, fainting due to fright is no different from any other option, but the destabilizing factor in this case is a sharp release of a huge dose of adrenaline, which causes a disruption of blood flow in the brain, especially if you already have problems.

To some extent, people can still resist unwanted physiological processes occurring in their body. Thus, a loner who understands that there is nowhere to wait for help, all other things being equal, is less likely to lose consciousness than a person constantly surrounded by attention. In the same way, a mother with a small child in her arms will try to maintain her sanity to the last.

Mastering acting skills

All of the above options for deliberate loss of consciousness to one degree or another have a negative effect on the human body, so if you want to attract attention while maintaining health, then the best option would be to improve your acting abilities. First of all, focus on your course of action, clearly defining the cause of the suspected fainting and its symptoms. The reason for such a condition should not be too serious, otherwise, in the event of a prolonged demonstration, concerned relatives or friends may call an ambulance, or they will definitely reveal the deception. That is, no matter how much you want to prolong the increased attention to your person, you only need to “lose consciousness” for a few minutes.

One of the most harmless reasons for a fictitious fainting can be, and if you were absolutely healthy before, which everyone knows, then such a state could be caused by a sharp fright, dehydration, being in a too stuffy room or due to deep emotions, that is, you need organize everything taking into account these nuances. Carefully think through all the stages of your script, deciding in advance on the ultimate goal and location of the specified performance. So that your “performance” does not fail miserably and you are not exposed, try to minimize the number of spectators, and if the “action” takes place during some important event, then try not to faint in the midst of it, waiting for the start of the most undesirable event , because of which everything was conceived.

It is also worth thinking in advance about how everything will happen: for example, while sitting or better yet, fainting while actually standing, which will help determine the direction of the fall (it doesn’t matter whether you are at home, at school, or in a more crowded place). Of course, the best option would be a preliminary rehearsal in conditions as close as possible to real ones.

Important! Most often, a person’s unconscious state lasts about 20 seconds, which is explained by the physiological characteristics of our body. Therefore, there is no need to replay it, since it is likely that there will be someone among the audience who also knows about it.

If the chosen cause of your fainting is low blood pressure, then when you find yourself on the floor, your head should be at the same level as this will allow blood circulation to recover faster and you will return to consciousness. Ideally, in real conditions, this is how everything happens, so you don’t need to jump up sharply after exactly 20 seconds; you still need a little more time to return from oblivion.

Don’t forget to carefully consider how you will reassure those around you so that they can easily let you leave the scene without an escort, of course, if you really don’t need it.

Did you know? Not only people faint, but also For example, scary piranhas are very timid, and a slight click on the aquarium or a sudden movement near them is enough to make them faint.

Remember safety

As you probably already understood, a specially organized loss of consciousness can lead to unexpected and unpleasant consequences, so if you want to demonstratively faint, and make everything look real, it is better to do it at home and with some theatrical training.

Immediately after a fake loss of consciousness, as well as after a real one, you may experience severe dizziness, which is often combined with nausea, increased salivation, or even vomiting. You may feel general weakness and rapid heartbeat.

It’s good if the result of such a provocation is only pallor or blue discoloration of the skin as a result of hypoxia, but disruption of the brain centers can lead to relaxation of the sphincter muscles of the body’s natural reservoirs. Simply put, the end result may not be at all what you imagined, and it will be possible to gain the attention of others through bowel movements or involuntary loss of urine. In addition, an unsuccessful fall from your own height is fraught with bruises and abrasions, or more serious ones, for example, in the form of a traumatic brain injury.

If the desire to attract attention to oneself in this particular way is very strong and a method of such provocation has already been chosen, it is better to find yourself an accomplice in advance, on whom you can fall when you faint. Of course, in such a difficult task he must have the appropriate first aid skills. The victim first of all needs to provide an influx of fresh air (it is enough to open a window or window in the room) and ask sympathizers to make way. If possible, raise your legs above your head to encourage blood flow. It is also useful to massage the pain points located deep in the tendons, between the index and thumb of the hand, and then, after the person returns to consciousness, give him sweet tea.

To sum it all up, before you try to make yourself faint, think it through and prepare properly. But in any case, it is important to remember that the condition causing loss of consciousness is associated with two dangerous factors: oxygen starvation of the brain and hyperventilation of the lungs. Based on this, it is easy to guess about possible side effects.

In the 19th century, ladies from high society very often lost consciousness. This happened for various reasons: unpleasant news, heat or fear. At that time, doctors explained this phenomenon as a result of insufficient nutrition or a consequence of wearing tight corsets. How to faint now? To do this, it is not at all necessary to wear clothes that tighten your chest or exhaust yourself with hunger - this phenomenon can affect almost everyone.

What is fainting

Fainting is a short-term loss of consciousness that occurs completely suddenly and is most often associated with metabolic disorders in the brain. The reasons for this situation may be different - you can actually lose consciousness due to poor nutrition or lack of fresh air. Some people may faint in very specific situations: at the sight of blood, a small mouse, or a huge bear.

How to faint on purpose? Oddly enough, this question worries many. Actors very often have to lose consciousness on stage, and this must be done as believably as possible. Some people faint on purpose in order to attract attention. Fortunately or unfortunately, a person cannot control his consciousness, so it is almost impossible to purposefully lose it. However, there are several recommendations that can trigger this process.

How to faint

First of all, it is worth noting that inducing loss of consciousness artificially is unsafe. This can entail quite serious consequences, which, in turn, can be accompanied by negative phenomena.

Women's tricks have always aroused admiration among others. Losing consciousness is a great way to attract the attention of a young man. In fact, he wouldn’t ignore such an incident? However, it should be recalled once again that artificial loss of consciousness can provoke quite serious health problems, in particular with the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Moreover, without knowing how to faint quickly and correctly, you can seriously hit your head.

How can you provoke loss of consciousness?

There are several ways that may help with the issue of how to faint on purpose. They are mostly caused by poor circulation or lack of oxygen in the brain. In addition, hyperventilation can also trigger a short-term loss of consciousness.

For example, you can find some tips on how to faint. Here is one of them: you need to do several deep squats (about 20), stand up sharply, close your mouth with your thumb and blow into it with all your strength. The likelihood that you will lose consciousness after this is maximum. When performing such an experiment with your body, it would be wise to worry in advance about the safety of the fall. To do this, it is better to place pillows or mattresses on the floor, and also move away all furniture with sharp corners.

How to lose consciousness

Of course, such an experiment is not suitable for all cases. Agree, in order to attract the attention of strangers, this method is irrelevant. You won’t be squatting hard next to a young man, and then blowing into your finger with all your might. There is another fairly effective method: first you need to squat down, then stand up sharply, hold your breath and at the same time try to tense all the muscles of the body as much as possible. Most likely, loss of consciousness will follow immediately.

There is another option to lose consciousness artificially. It’s worth warning everyone right away, this is a rather dangerous method. You just need to squeeze your carotid artery. First you need to take several deep breaths and exhales, and then, holding your breath for a few seconds, press on the carotid artery. This method must be used very carefully.

All these methods are good when you need to faint just like that, for the sake of experiment. What if the situation requires you to lose consciousness, but in such a way that it looks natural?

How to lose consciousness correctly

Of course, in front of a young man, a girl is unlikely to squat or squeeze her carotid artery. Moreover, such experiments can lead to very undesirable consequences. For example, artificial fainting can cause quite serious oxygen deprivation and, as a result, coma. In addition, during a short-term loss of consciousness, convulsions may be observed - not a very pleasant sight.

That is why it is worth turning to safer ways to imitate fainting. Anyone can artistically play a fainting state, and even more so for girls. To begin with, it is worth noting that the loss of consciousness itself is accompanied by certain signs, so there is no need to make sudden falls. So, in order to simulate a fainting state, you need to gradually slow down your speech, blink your eyes often and wince. People around you should get the impression that you feel bad and are trying to concentrate your attention.

How to fake fainting

Imitation of fainting begins first of all with slow speech and attempts to concentrate. Then you need to complain to others about feeling unwell and ask for help (bring water or take you to fresh air). And after that, while moving, you need to show all your acting skills - carefully stumble and fall. There are also several nuances here: it is advisable to fall on your knees, and only then completely lower your entire body. It is worth paying attention to one detail - in no case should you put your hands forward when falling, as this is a protective reaction of the body.

After this, you need to close your eyes and relax as much as possible. If suddenly someone around you raises your hand, it should naturally return to its original position. Only in this case will fainting look realistic and truthful. You shouldn’t lie too long - someone might get seriously scared and call an ambulance.

Now seriously

Performing a performance in front of others is a simple matter. But how to behave if a person really fainted, the reasons for which are unknown to anyone? First of all, it is necessary to ensure proper blood flow to the brain; to do this, you need to put the victim on his back and slightly raise his legs. It will be important to ensure maximum flow of fresh air. And then you can bring ammonia to your nose or simply splash cold water on your face. It is good if there are people nearby who can help the victim who has lost consciousness.

What to do if you find yourself alone in such a situation? It is clear that a person cannot control his consciousness and direct his actions. However, as already mentioned, fainting is preceded by some signs that eloquently signal the onset of the condition.

First self aid

It is worth noting that natural loss of consciousness is a phenomenon worth paying attention to. The types of fainting make it possible to determine the presence of some pathology, and timely access to the hospital will help to avoid serious complications.

Fainting is accompanied by various symptoms. Before losing consciousness, a person experiences weakness and dizziness, sounds seem to become distant, and dark spots appear before the eyes. In this case, you need to lower yourself as quickly as possible so as not to cause harm to your body. After this, you need to try to take a horizontal position and raise your legs slightly above head level, as well as ensure maximum flow of fresh air.

You should not resort to such dubious methods that can provoke loss of consciousness. Sometimes, in order for others to really think so, it is enough just to show a little artistry and exclaim: “Oh, I almost fainted!”



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