How to treat a bruised leg at home? Treating a bruised leg at home with folk remedies. Applying compresses for a bruise at home What is a bruise

A compress for a bruise is an effective method for eliminating hematomas, bruises and abrasions. Hematoma and bruising usually occur some time after the injury. Home recipes are suitable for the treatment of mild bruises, without complications such as dislocations, detachment of subcutaneous fat, and without the formation of microcracks in the bones.

Before starting home treatment, you should consult a doctor to exclude complications, including long-term consequences of trauma. Bruises are especially dangerous when the pain does not go away and visible damage to the skin begins.

Indications for use

Compresses are indicated only in the absence of serious complications. If you have a bruised wound of any location, you should consult a doctor, especially if pain increases, general health deteriorates, or joint mobility is impaired. They are dangerous when the consequences cannot be determined immediately. The main indications for prescribing compresses are:

  • hematomas and bruises;
  • severe bruising on the skin;
  • abrasions and minor skin damage.

It is unacceptable to use only compresses in cases of severe hyperemia, bursting internal pain in the affected area, or increased swelling and cyanosis of the skin. All these symptoms usually characterize a complicated bruise, the addition of infectious inflammatory processes.

Compresses are used for injuries to the joints of the lower and upper extremities and some parts of the body. The treatment is not usually used for head injuries.

Effective home recipes

In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are many recipes against severe bruises with the formation of hematomas. Alcohol, warming and cold compresses are aimed at eliminating the bruise, restoring blood circulation, and preventing the accumulation of blood in the subcutaneous structures. The following effective recipes are distinguished:

  1. Plantain leaves. For a bruise in a suburban area, plantain leaves are an excellent remedy. Their juice resolves bruises and alleviates primary symptoms. 2-3 sheets are washed under running water, rolled with a rolling pin until softened and juice appears, and then applied to the affected area. The compress is fixed with a clean rag or bandage. The compress is changed once every 2 hours.
  2. Cabbage leaves. Fresh white cabbage is effective against inflammation, pain, swelling and bruising. 3 large cabbage leaves are rolled with a rolling pin, applied to the bruise and secured with a bandage. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the skin is lubricated with vodka, cognac or an alcohol-containing solution. The compress is changed once every 2 hours.
  3. Natural cottage cheese. Fat homemade cottage cheese copes well with bruises and the consequences of a contusion. Chilled cottage cheese is kneaded with sour cream or honey and a spoon of salt, and then applied to the affected area. A bandage is placed on the composition and secured with a gauze bandage. It is recommended to change the composition several times a day.
  4. Alcohol lotions. Any alcohol-containing solution is slightly heated, a bandage, gauze or other cloth is generously moistened in it and applied to the site of the bruise. After application, the compress is tightly bandaged and changed several times a day.
  5. Black tea. A bandage is moistened in steep, warm tea and applied to the area of ​​the hematoma. This compress is kept until completely dry, after which it is changed.
  6. White bread crumb. The crumb is soaked in warm milk, combined with honey and aloe juice. The composition is spread on a bandage folded in half and applied to the bruise. The composition is additionally fixed with a warm scarf and kept for about 2 hours. Afterwards the compress is changed or another one is made.
  7. Raw potatoes. The product allows you to quickly restore blood circulation, reduce swelling and pain. 2-3 potato tubers are grated on a fine grater, combined with a raw egg, honey and placed on gauze or a bandage. The composition is applied to the site of the injury, tightly fixed with a bandage. The compress is changed about 2-3 times a day as it dries.
  8. Onion compress. The peeled medium onion is finely chopped or crushed using a grater. Add sugar or a spoonful of honey to the resulting paste and apply it to the bruised area. The compress is securely fixed with a bandage or a warm scarf. The composition is changed after it has completely dried.

Quick home recipes help cope with pain, eliminate redness, swelling, and prevent congestion in the subcutaneous layers. Additionally, you can do a light massage. If the skin is damaged (abrasions, scratches), it is recommended to pre-treat the skin with antiseptic compounds (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, alcohol-containing products for shallow lesions).

Pharmacy products

Almost every first aid kit contains emergency aid for bruises. Ointments and liniments are conveniently applied for injuries of the foot, forearms, and knees. The following compresses with medicinal compositions are especially effective against this injury:

  1. Badyaga officinalis. The first compress in the fight against swelling and severe hematomas. Badyaga consists of dry algae and has a specific smell. The product literally draws out pathogenic environments and enhances the permeability of therapeutic drugs. The drug is available in the form of a powder or ointment. In the first case, the dry composition is soaked in a small amount of water until a semi-thick paste is formed and applied to cleansed skin. The compress is fixed with a bandage and held for up to several hours. During therapy, a slight tingling sensation is felt.
  2. . A compress with heparin has a beneficial effect on the damaged area with bruising and severe cyanosis. The ointment is applied in a thick layer to the area of ​​the bruise and fixed with a bandage. The bandage is changed several times a day. Usually the first results are visible within a few days.
  3. Vishnevsky's liniment. The ointment copes well with pain and swelling, practically does not cause local reactions, and can be applied to the area of ​​visible damage to the skin. The composition is thickly applied to the bruise and fixed with an elastic bandage. The compress is changed several times a day.

Other effective drugs for relieving pain after minor bruises, hematomas and bruises are Troxevasin gel, Troxerutin, Bruise OFF. If there are no therapeutic results within 3-4 days, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Traces of hematomas and bruises can take up to several weeks, which is completely determined by the severity of the bruise or the skin type of the victim. However, with the deterioration of the condition, increased pain and swelling, the development of deeper pathological processes often occurs.

Special instructions

For successful treatment with home compresses, a number of certain rules must be followed. Clinicians recommend following the following rules:

  • the duration of contact with cold should not exceed 2–3 minutes to avoid frostbite;
  • in case of inflammation, it is not recommended to use warming ointments and compresses (based on pepper, mustard powder, alcohol);
  • ensuring absolute rest to the affected joint or part of the body;
  • if fingers or toes are damaged, the limb should be raised upward to restore blood circulation and prevent swelling;
  • Iodine mesh should only be applied to the skin without damage.

Before using pharmaceutical products, it is recommended to read the instructions for use to avoid negative local allergic reactions. This is especially true for young children, fair-skinned people with rashes: moles, pimples, condylomas, papillomas.

A bruised wound is a serious injury to the joints, associated with a number of possible complications (early or late). The use of traditional methods of treatment is possible until the patient’s general condition improves and hematomas and bruises are eliminated. If the symptoms intensify, or the general condition worsens, then it is important to consult a doctor.

Dear friends, health to you! Today I would like to tell you about the treatment of severe bruises with an onion compress. This method, in my opinion, is probably the most effective and at the same time cheapest. Now, in the spring, such an event is especially relevant, since the street is extremely slippery and everyone falls.

And this is important. Especially considering the financial situation of the residents of our outback. This compress can treat not only bruises, but also sprains and sprains. You can put it on your feet, hands, body.


So, look, you need to take one medium size onion. Peel it off and grate on a fine grater. You can even put it through a meat grinder - it will be even better.

Then pour it onto the resulting onion mass. one spoon of granulated sugar, mix thoroughly and immediately apply the mixture to the site of bruise, sprain or dislocation.

Place plastic wrap on top of the mass and secure it with a bandage. The bandage must be wound over the polyethylene. Otherwise, its tissue will absorb a lot of juices, and they are more likely to be needed by the sore spot than by the tissue.

Change the compress again before going to bed.. Prepare a new one in the same way as I wrote above. The bruises go away the next morning! Of course, if there is no fracture. The swelling subsides, and after a couple of days there will be no trace of the former injury.

Be healthy and don't get into unpleasant situations! I wish you Siberian health and longevity!

Video on the topic

In addition, I suggest you get acquainted with this video clip, which talks about the benefits of onion compresses for bruises, dislocations and sprains.

This article will discuss treating bruises at home. You will learn what to do to mitigate the effects of injury. You will become aware of the names of ointments that can be used to relieve pain and inflammation at the site of a bruise. After reading the information below and watching the video material offered in the article, you will be able to help a person cope with the injury he received.

The main stages of self-treatment

If you use one of the tips below immediately after getting injured, you will not only be able to reduce pain, but also prevent the formation of a bruise on your body:

  • Apply ice to the bruised area as soon as possible. By cooling the blood vessels around the affected area, you prevent blood from pooling in the surrounding tissue. For this purpose, most athletes (people in the most traumatic profession) use special ice packs. But instead of such a bag, you can use frozen vegetables, pre-wrapped in a towel. Apply cold to the bruise for 10 minutes, repeat the procedure after 20 minutes. Do not hold the ice for longer, otherwise frostbite will occur.
  • Use an elastic bandage. If you bruise your arm or leg, be sure to wrap an elastic bandage around the bruised part after applying an ice compress. This bandage will prevent the formation of a large hematoma. Then you can apply the cold again.
  • Take the correct position. Sitting or lying down with the injury site above the level of your heart can reduce blood flow to the injured area and minimize the likelihood of skin discoloration. Therefore, for example, if you have an injured leg, then lie down on the sofa and put your leg on a pillow.
  • Apply a warm compress. After cooling the bruise for 24 hours, begin applying heat, which will increase blood circulation to the affected area and help the blood clot dissolve. To this end, use an electric heating pad for 20 minutes several times a day. Be sure to follow the instructions for use to avoid burns. An alternative is to use a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel.

Pay attention! If a day has passed since the injury and the pain does not go away, and in addition to this you have a fever, then you should see a traumatologist. Perhaps this is not an ordinary bruise, but a broken bone.

After receiving first aid, usually on the second day after injury, doctors recommend using external agents for treatment.

What ointments can I use?

The action of the active components contained in ointments for bruises is aimed at relieving local inflammation, pain relief and restoration of damaged skin tissue. Drugs in this group are divided into:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • cooling;
  • warming (hyperemic);
  • absorbable.

And yet, combination ointments are considered the most common. Such drugs simultaneously relieve inflammation, have a cooling or warming effect on the site of injury, and resolve subcutaneous hematomas. The following are the names and descriptions of the most prescribed drugs that can be used to treat bruises at home.


The ointment contains about 20 components (hormonal ingredients and strong antibiotics are absent) that help restore the soft tissues of the skin after injury. The drug will come in handy if you need:

  • Anesthetize the bruised area.
  • Prevent the appearance of hematoma.
  • Relieve inflammation.
  • Promote the resorption of bruises.
  • Cure resulting after a bruise, scratches, infiltration and even an abscess.

Application: Apply the ointment (rubbing) 3-4 times a day to the damaged area. It is recommended to use the medicine for 7 days.

Result: the product quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, where it begins to actively manifest its healing effect. Scratches and cuts heal within 2-3 days. On the 5th day, slight pain may still be present at the site of the bruise.

Approximate cost of the medicine: 180 rub.

"Liniment Balsamic"

The common name among people is Vishnevsky ointment. The drug is recommended for the treatment of bruises with damaged skin. Liniment is made on the basis of:

  • Wood tar - acts as an antiseptic, has bactericidal properties, and facilitates the penetration of medicinal components into the layers of the skin.
  • Xeroforms - disinfects and dries wounds.
  • Castor oil - softens the effect of active components.

The product, penetrating into damaged skin, neutralizes inflammation and restores damaged tissue.

Application: Apply the ointment to a gauze swab (bandage folded several times) and apply to the site of the bruise. Cover the compress with a thick piece of cloth on top and secure with adhesive tape. If the area of ​​damage is extensive, then leave the bandage on for 6 to 10 hours. For small damage, 3 hours of exposure is sufficient. Then take a break of 6 hours and repeat the application procedure.

Important! During the break, do not let the diseased area rest; treat it with anti-inflammatory and warming ointments (Troxevasin, Heparin).

Result: the combination of Vishnevsky ointment with anti-inflammatory and warming ointment allows you to cure a bruise with an extensive hematoma in 7 days.

Price: 40-60 rub.

Often, after treating a bruise with cold, very noticeable bruises still remain on the body. Absorbable agents, such as Troxevasin gel, help to quickly get rid of them. The active component of the drug (troxerutin), penetrating into damaged layers of the skin, reduces the permeability of blood vessels and helps strengthen them. The effect of the drug is also aimed at relieving swelling and inflammation at the site of the bruise. "Troxevasin" is recommended to be used 24 hours after injury.

Application: Apply a thin layer of gel to the bruise site, rub into the skin with massage movements. If an extensive bruise has formed as a result of injury, it is better to use the gel under a bandage. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.

Result: After 5 days of treatment, there are almost no traces of the bruise.

Price: about 198 rub.

Ichthyol ointment for a bruise will help relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process. The product can also cause the death of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug, penetrating into the damaged layer of skin, irritates local tissues and thereby increases blood circulation, due to which the frozen bruise resolves and metabolic processes in the skin improve.

Application: Before applying the drug, treat the bruised area with hydrogen peroxide (if there is damage). Then spread a thin layer of ointment on the sore spot (without rubbing). Place a bandage or piece of gauze folded several times on top and secure with adhesive tape. Refresh the bandage 1-2 times a day.

Pay attention! Ichthyol ointment has a specific odor, like Vishnevsky’s ointment, therefore, if you are among strangers during the daytime, then it is better to make compresses from it at night.

Result: after 4-5 days of treatment, the pain disappears and the hematoma at the site of the injury resolves.

Average cost of the drug: 121 rub.

What can you do to relieve the pain?

After a strong blow, the injured area does not stop hurting, even if you constantly apply a cold compress. You can relieve the feeling of pain, which is especially noticeable in the evening, with the help of painkillers. They are available in the form of ointments or gels, and in the form of tablets. Oral medications are usually used when topical painkillers do not do their job.

The ointment is made on the basis of bee venom. After applying the product to the injured area, it is possible to achieve an analgesic effect. Bee venom is far from a harmless remedy; it contains enzymes, the properties of which have not yet been fully revealed. Therefore, when using such a drug, you need to monitor how the skin reacts to it. The appearance of swelling, redness and rash will indicate that you need to either reduce the dose used or discontinue the drug completely.

Application: Apply the ointment in an even layer to the sore spot (no more than 1 mm thick). After a slight tingling sensation appears, begin to rub it into the skin with a slow massage motion. Repeat the procedure 1-2 more times during the day.

Important! Apizartron cannot be used for pain relief for more than 10 days. Also, the product is not applied to skin with open wounds.

Result: after rubbing the ointment, the pain begins to subside after 3 - 5 minutes.

Approximate cost: 247 rub.

The drug relieves pain due to snake venom and camphor present in its composition. If, as a result of a bruise, an open wound has formed on the body, then this ointment cannot be used for pain relief. Otherwise, intoxication of the body cannot be avoided, a sign of which is the appearance of muscle pain, dizziness, fever, etc.

Application: Wipe the bruised area with a swab dipped in warm water. Then apply a thin layer of ointment. Rub it into your skin for 2 minutes. Carry out this procedure 2-3 times a day.

Result: the sensation of pain disappears 5 to 10 minutes after using the medicine.

Approximate cost: 290 rub.


The active component of the drug is the non-steroid ketoprofen, due to which the medicine quickly relieves inflammation and pain from bruises. The penetration of the active substance into the deep layers of the skin is facilitated by the gel base. "Fastum-gel" is not addictive, which allows it to be used in repeated courses of treatment.

Application: spread the gel evenly over the damaged area. Rub the product into the skin until completely absorbed.

Result: the sensation of pain begins to disappear 10 minutes after treating the sore spot.

Approximate cost: 228 - 541 rubles (price depends on the amount of medicine in the tube).


The most harmless painkiller that can be given to children, pregnant and lactating women in doses prescribed by a doctor. The action of paracetamol is based on blocking enzymes that the body releases in response to injury. Paracetamol is available in the form of tablets, powder, syrup, suppositories, oral and injection solution.

Dosage: adult patients (from 12 years old) single dose - 500 mg (for children the dosage is determined by the doctor).

Result: the feeling of pain is dulled for about 4 hours, no more.

Price: from 3 to 139 rub. (price depends on the dosage and form of the drug).

The medicine is prescribed for soft tissue injuries in both adults and children. The drug relieves inflammation, dulls pain and reduces temperature. The product is available in the form of tablets, syrup, suppositories and gel for external use.

Dosage: adult patients: 200 mg 3-4 times a day (the dosage for children under 12 years of age is prescribed by the doctor).

Result: Ibuprofen dulls pain for 6 hours.

Price: the average price of the drug is 54 rubles.

Folk remedies for bruises

Compresses made according to traditional medicine recipes help relieve inflammation, calm pain and force subcutaneous hematoma to resolve.

A mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil


  1. Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.
  2. Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.
  3. Chilled boiling water - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: mix all the ingredients, moisten the gauze folded several times with the prepared mixture.

How to use: Apply the compress to the bruise, cover it with film on top, then secure it with a bandage. Repeat the procedure until the condition improves.

Result: after 3-4 such compresses, the consequences of the injury almost completely disappear, swelling and redness disappear.

Hot salt bath


  1. Table salt - 750 g.
  2. Hot water - 10 l.

How to cook: Fill a bathtub or basin with hot water and dissolve salt in it.

How to use: if you bruise your thigh, then sit in water at a comfortable temperature and steam the injured area in it for about an hour. If your hand is injured, pour water into a smaller container and steam the limb in it for at least 40 - 60 minutes.

Result: After the first procedure, you will be able to notice how the swelling has subsided and the pain has subsided.

Milk compress


  1. Fresh milk - 0.5 l.

Auxiliary elements: a piece of thick fabric, a plastic bag, a warm scarf.

How to cook: Boil milk and soak a cloth in it.

How to use: Apply a hot compress to the sore spot, at a temperature that you can tolerate. Place polyethylene on top of it and secure everything with a warm scarf. Change the compress as it cools. The procedure must be carried out all day.

Result: This method will allow you to get rid of swelling, redness and pain at the site of the bruise by the evening.

Cabbage mush


  1. Cabbage leaf.

How to cook: Grind a leaf of white cabbage through a meat grinder.

How to use: Apply the paste to the sore spot, place a piece of film on top, and secure the compress with a bandage.

Result: the product relieves inflammation, reduces pain, improves blood circulation and causes hematomas to resolve. If a wound appears on the body as a result of injury, then such a compress will prevent it from becoming infected.

You can see how to help yourself with a joint injury or sprain in the video below. This material will discuss the effectiveness of a compress made from medical bile, which is sold in every pharmacy:

Question and answer

After the fall, a large black hematoma formed on the right chest. Is this injury dangerous? Can it cause cancer?

Injuries do not provoke the formation of cancer cells in the mammary glands. However, it is still necessary to be examined by a doctor. After which the specialist will be able to prescribe treatment that will speed up the resorption of the hematoma.

What should be the first aid if the area near the eye is injured, because such a bruise can cause vision impairment?

First of all, you need to apply ice to the area of ​​the bruise (near the eye or on a closed eyelid). Then, as soon as the shock passes and the pain subsides due to cooling, you need to apply a dry bandage to the eye, made from a sterile bandage folded several times, which will help the person cope with photophobia. After these procedures, the victim must be immediately taken to the hospital.

What is joint immobilization?

If the knee is bruised or the arm is injured at the bend, doctors immobilize the joint, i.e. splints or other fixing elements are applied to the damaged area to provide rest to the diseased area of ​​the body.

A child fell backward and hit the back of his head on the ice, which doctors should he contact?

First of all, you need to take a picture of the skull, then see a neurologist and ophthalmologist. In this case, you should not self-medicate.

What to remember:

  1. Immediately after injury, apply ice to the sore area.
  2. If after 2-3 hours the victim does not have dizziness, nausea, vomiting or fever, then he can be treated at home.
  3. An ordinary bruise may disguise a bone fracture. If the pain does not subside within a week, the patient needs to have an x-ray.
  4. On the second day, the bruise site can be treated with hot compresses and ointments (see section “What ointments can be used for bruises”).
  5. The pain may not subside for 2 days, to relieve it, it is enough to take a painkiller orally, or, in between compresses, treat the painful area with anesthetic ointment (see the section “What can relieve pain”).

Many people complain of bruises at the slightest blow.

Of course, a large number of medications have now been developed in the form of gels, ointments, and creams. However, if such medicines are not nearby, then you can use improvised means. Then ice, various herbs and even coins are used. By the way, badyaga also helps against bruises. You can also use vinegar, salt, soda and other items and substances that can easily be found in every housewife’s kitchen.

Many people are interested in how to quickly remove a bruise on their face. Of course, you can use various ointments, but the best way is to look in the freezer. Ice will definitely help cope with this problem. It is best to apply it in the first minutes after a blow or fall. This remedy is very effective within 24 hours after injury. After this there is no point in applying a cold compress.

It is necessary to understand that applying ice to the skin is prohibited without additional materials. First you need to wrap it in fabric or polyethylene, and then bring it to your face. This way you can prevent tissue frostbite. In addition, the cold compress should be kept near the face for no more than 15 - 20 minutes.

The effect of ice, as well as other cold objects, is based on the fact that ice can constrict blood vessels. This helps eliminate pain and swelling.

Coins for hematomas

Surprisingly, ordinary lead coins also help cope with hematomas. And this is not a myth. The benefits of lead heels have been proven by doctors and scientists. And the point here is not only that the cooled patch helps to narrow small blood vessels and prevents the appearance of swelling. The point of using lead coins is that they release oxides. When a coin touches a person’s skin, these substances are activated by sweat, and then penetrate through the pores into the patient’s body. These active elements help prevent hematoma.

Warm compresses and heating

Although people immediately apply ice to the injured area, warm compresses are also beneficial. However, heating should be carried out only after the swelling and swelling have disappeared. Most often, this remedy for bruises and hematomas is used within 1-2 days after injury. Warming up helps speed up the process of skin regeneration. In most cases, salt or sand is used, which has been previously heated in the oven or in a frying pan. This is the best remedy for dark circles under the eyes from blows. A warm compress can be applied to the sore spot for 15 to 20 minutes. This procedure should be repeated at least 3-4 times a day. Instead of salt and sand, which are dry compresses, you can use various wet lotions with herbal decoctions.

Iodine, like other remedies, helps eliminate hematoma. However, the patient must remember that this product lasts quite a long time on the skin, so it is better to apply it before bed. In the morning there will be no traces of this substance left. But it is not recommended to use iodine for too long, because... the skin is nourished. Each time the substance is absorbed longer.

It is best to make an iodine mesh. Its action is based on the fact that such a procedure helps improve blood flow and also accelerates the process of breakdown and elimination of substances.

Pharmacy drugs

Ointment for bruises, bruises, and swelling has been developed by a large number of different pharmacological companies. In any pharmacy you can find a large number of gels, creams and ointments. Most often, such medications are kept by every family, especially in cases where there is a child.

The most popular products are the “Rescuer” ointment balm. It is produced using natural ingredients. Has no side effects. This bruise ointment contains bee products. Also very popular are SOS cream and heparin ointment. These medications must be applied every 2 hours. They help restore soft tissues and also have absorbable properties.

Bodyaga for bruises

Many people wonder how to quickly remove a bruise using a bodyagi. In fact, there is nothing strange about this remedy. Bodyaga perfectly helps to resolve the hematoma, and this does not depend on the type of bruise. First you need to prepare a solution. To do this you will need 2 tablespoons of powder. They dissolve in 1 spoon of boiling water. After thorough mixing, it is better to immediately apply this remedy to the bruised area. This procedure should be carried out strictly 2 times a day. But it’s better not to treat bruises under the eyes with bodyagi, because... this mixture should not come into contact with the patient's eyes.

Salt and onion

You can prepare an ointment for bruises based on onion and salt. To do this, you will need to peel the onion and rinse thoroughly. After this, you need to finely grind it until a paste forms. A spoonful of salt is added to it. This mixture can be applied to the sore spot for half an hour. This procedure is allowed to be carried out 3 times a day.

By the way, in ancient times people knew how to quickly get rid of a bruise using plantain leaves. This plant is quite common. It is necessary to pick the leaves and wash them thoroughly. There are two options for using this plant. Firstly, a clean plantain leaf can simply be thoroughly kneaded and applied to the bruised area. The sheet must be secured with a bandage. Secondly, the leaves and stems of this plant can be carefully cut to extract the juice. Next, the mixture is laid out on gauze, which was previously folded in several layers, and then the compress is placed on the sore spot. The procedure must be repeated every day, twice a day, until the hematoma completely disappears.

Cabbage leaves for hematomas

Every housewife knows how to quickly get rid of a bruise using cabbage. To do this, it is better to take young leaves of fresh cabbage. They must be washed thoroughly and then kneaded with your hands so that the cabbage juice begins to release. After this, such a sheet can be applied to the bruised area. The procedure is carried out daily. To improve the effect of this compress, you can use honey. First, it is melted in a steam bath, and then honey should be spread on the side of the cabbage leaf that will come into contact with the patient’s skin. Cabbage and honey compress is very useful for bruises.

Ledum and coltsfoot

Folk remedies for hematomas are represented by a large number of compresses, lotions and baths based on decoctions and tinctures of various plants. One of the most effective remedies is the leaves of wild rosemary and coltsfoot. And their base needs to be prepared as a tincture. The leaves are thoroughly washed and crushed. Then they need to be boiled in plain water for 10-20 minutes. When the product has cooled and infused, you need to soak cotton swabs in this liquid and apply to the bruised area. This procedure is repeated every 3-5 hours.

Castor oil

Castor oil is an excellent remedy for bruises. It is necessary to make compresses with this oil every day, then the hematoma will disappear very quickly. You can simply smear the damaged tissue with castor oil or soak cotton wool in this oil and apply it to the bruised area.

Every woman knows how to quickly remove a bruise using a simple banana. Moreover, it is not necessary to use exclusively the pulp of this fruit for this. In this case, it is best to use just the peel. First, the peel needs to be cooled in the freezer and then applied to the bruised area. Not only the cold compress works here, but also the active nutrients contained in the banana peel.

Salt and vinegar lotions

There is no housewife who would not know how to remove a bruise using vinegar and salt. Vinegar lotions help eliminate swelling and bruising on the face and other parts of the body. You can simply use a vinegar solution. However, it is more effective to mix it with salt. For 2 tablespoons of vinegar you will need 1 tablespoon of salt. The ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. A bandage is soaked in the solution and then applied to the sore spot. The procedure must be repeated every day.

It's best to use apple cider vinegar, but if you don't have it, regular cider vinegar will do. As for salt, Himalayan or sea salt will be more effective. If you don’t have them at home, you can always find regular table salt in the kitchen, which will replace them. In this case, you need to add 5-7 drops of iodine to the mixture.

Propolis and honey

Honey has always been an excellent remedy that helps with any illnesses and injuries. It can easily be applied to the bruised area. In addition, it is added to various decoctions and tinctures before making lotions and compresses.

In addition, propolis will be very useful in such a situation. You can buy propolis tincture in advance at any pharmacy. You can also prepare the tincture yourself. To do this you will need propolis itself and alcohol or vodka. You need to moisten the bandage with the tincture and apply it to the bruise. By the way, the tincture can be replaced with ointment, which is also very common.

Arnica tincture

You can also prepare arnica officinalis tincture yourself or buy it ready-made at a pharmacy. She copes well with hematomas on any part of the human body. Use this product to rub the bruised area. You can simply moisten the bandage with this liquid, and then apply it before going to bed. The procedure must be repeated until the bruise disappears.

Parsley tincture

Almost every person has parsley in their garden. You can simply rub the leaf on the place that was bruised. Tincture with parsley also works great for bruises. To do this you will need vodka or alcohol, as well as the leaves of the plant themselves. For 250 g of liquid you will need 50 g of parsley. The leaves need to be washed and chopped. They are filled with vodka. Then the product should infuse. After this, you can rub the sore spot with the tincture or make lotions with cotton swabs.

Beetroot and honey

A mixture of beets and honey helps with bruises. To prepare it, honey needs to be melted in a steam bath. The beets are thoroughly washed and peeled. Next you need to grate until a paste forms. Now both ingredients can be mixed. The pulp is applied to the bruised area, having previously wrapped it in a bandage. In addition, the mushy mixture can be squeezed out, cotton wool can be soaked in the juice, and then applied to the sore spot.

Various oils, even butter, help with hematomas. You just need to smear it on the bruised area. Gradually, swelling and redness will begin to disappear. It is best to use this remedy on the second day after injury. It also helps to cope with pain.

By the way, you can use various essential oils. In this case, lavender, chamomile, eucalyptus, and mint oils are very effective. It is also allowed to rub the bruised area with citrus fruit oils.

Laundry soap for bruises

Oddly enough, laundry soap also helps to cope with bruises. It has not only bactericidal properties. First, the soap must be dissolved in warm water. Then clean bandages or napkins are moistened in soapy water, and then applied to the sore spots.

You can also prepare an ointment based on laundry soap. You need to grate it, and then add another egg yolk. After this, pour a little water into the mixture and mix the ingredients.

Many people are looking for how to quickly remove a bruise on the face, as well as other parts of the body. Nowadays, a large number of medicines with chemical components have been developed, as well as various folk remedies using natural ingredients. All options help prevent bruising or eliminate hematoma as quickly as possible.

What folk remedies help resolve bruises and various tumors from bruises?

Injuries caused by falls often lead to serious consequences: from to. But even if it ends in a bruise, it can be very painful. How to quickly relieve this pain, avoid a bump or bruise, and if one appears, help it resolve quickly and without consequences?

Here several effective folk recipes.

  • We advise you to always keep freshwater in your first aid kit. This is a freshwater sponge that is sold in pharmacies. It protects against the formation of bruises and hematomas. Dry bodyagi powder must be mixed with water to a dough-like state (for 1 tablespoon of water - 2 tablespoons of bodyagi powder), and apply this dough directly to the site of the bruise or spread it on a cloth, which is then applied to the sore spot. When the bodyaga dries and crumbles, apply fresh “dough”.
  • A compress using lead water (in the pharmacy it is sold under the name “Lead lotion”) is a long-known remedy for resolving bruises and bruises. If you don’t have such water, newsprint will come in handy. Printing ink often contains lead, so fold newspaper in several layers, moisten it and apply it to the sore spot.
  • To the bruises and immediately After a bruise, it is good to apply copper objects.
  • If a large bruise forms the next day after the injury, generously lubricate it and the area around it with 5% iodine tincture.
  • Mix a glass of 6% vinegar and vodka, add 1 teaspoon of salt. After moistening a cotton swab in this liquid, apply it to the bruises, renewing the compress when it begins to dry out.
  • Helps against bruises, abrasions and wounds. You can use a pharmacy tincture, or you can prepare it yourself: 1 tbsp. Infuse a spoonful of calendula inflorescences in half a glass of 70% alcohol for 2 weeks, filter and use as lotions and compresses.
  • Soy flour paste can be applied to bruises.
  • For swelling of the joints and tumors after bruises, an infusion of sweet clover herb is used. Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped dry herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and make compresses.
  • Fresh juice or onion pulp mixed with sugar is used as a compress for bruises, especially in the knee area.
  • It is useful to apply potato slices or fresh cabbage leaves to an old bruise.
  • You can boil the beans, mash them thoroughly and apply them to the long-bruised area. Tie the top with cotton cloth. It is better to make such a compress at night.
  • Apply grated beetroot gruel to the tumor that has formed at the site of the bruise, and a strong decoction of black tea in the form of lotions to the hard tumor.
  • Finely chop 2 heads of garlic, pour in 0.5 liters of 6% table vinegar, leave for 24 hours. Rub the prepared mixture onto the bruises.
  • To quickly resolve a hard tumor formed after a bruise, you need to pour flax seeds into linen bags, lower them one by one into boiling water and, after cooling slightly, apply them to the sore spots.
  • To resolve bruises, apply bread crumb soaked in hot milk to them.
  • To rub tumors after bruises, as well as for pain in the joints, you can use a three percent aqueous solution of mumiyo.
  • very useful for bruises A. For a cold compress, take a terry towel, dip it in cold water and squeeze thoroughly. Then place it in the freezer for two to three hours. The frozen towel can be easily unwrapped and applied to the injured area. The pain goes away almost immediately.
  • A useful remedy for pain is an ice roller. To make it, take a yogurt cup, fill it with water and put it in the freezer. When the water begins to harden, stick a wooden ice cream stick into the glass. With its help it will be easy to pull out the ice roller. Use it to rub painful areas of the body.

Warning! This method of treatment may contradict traditional medicine. If you decide to use it, then you assume all responsibility. The site administration is not responsible for the use of this method.



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