How to quickly cure a cold at home, without serious consequences for the body. Doctor's advice: how to treat a cold yourself

We are all susceptible to various diseases, but not all of us go to the doctor. A considerable part of people try to treat themselves at home, using the achievements of traditional medicine. On the one hand, this may be wrong, but on the other hand, there are many diseases that can be overcome with the right treatment and without visiting a doctor or taking pharmaceuticals. Those who decide to be treated at home using traditional medicine should adhere to the main principle - to get well and not harm their health.

Since there is now a huge selection of various traditional medicines and detailed recipes for their preparation, choosing and making medicines for yourself will not pose any special problems. As a rule, they try to treat themselves at home with folk remedies for the following diseases:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • digestive system;
  • colds and respiratory diseases;
  • nervous system;
  • minor skin damage;

This is just a small list of diseases that can be cured at home, on your own. Of course, when treating at home, you should be careful and at the first signs of a deterioration in your condition, you should immediately contact a medical facility for qualified help.

To self-treat with traditional medicine, you should know and follow several mandatory rules.

Rules for treatment at home

When treating with medicinal herbs, you need to be sure that they are collected and prepared in accordance with all the rules. After all, each medicinal plant should be collected at a certain time of the year. Otherwise, it loses most of its medicinal properties, and some, collected earlier or later than planned, may be poisonous.

Attention: Pregnant and lactating women should be especially careful, since many medicinal plants are strictly contraindicated in their situation.

One of the most important rules for effective treatment is the correct choice of the necessary prescription. Caution must be exercised here. Only a doctor, after examining you and clarifying your symptoms, will be able to more accurately determine your disease and select the treatment necessary for you.

If you still decide to make the recipe according to the instructions, then be sure to read its beneficial properties and contraindications. Even if you have used this medicine before. You might have overlooked or forgotten something, and this could have a negative impact on your health. You should strictly adhere to the recipe for making this or that, decoction or infusion.

Self-activity is inappropriate here. You should carefully read the dosage. All medicinal plants must be prepared and taken strictly according to the recipe. If used incorrectly, at best, you will not achieve success in treatment, and at worst, you will only harm your health.

If a medicinal plant contains several components, then you need to carefully study them. It may turn out that one of them causes an allergy. In addition, all contraindications should be studied. It may be that this medicine is not suitable for you due to underlying medical conditions.

To treat some diseases, you should use several medications at once. Before treatment, be sure to familiarize yourself with the components included in them. It may happen that some of the components included in them may be the same and you risk getting an overdose.

While at work or school, you suddenly feel that your throat is sore, your nose is stuffy, and your forehead is warm.

Why do such unpleasant symptoms always await you?

In order not to cancel your plans for the near future, you need to know how to quickly cure a cold at home.

A cold is a respiratory disease that occurs against the background of viral activity.

You can get it at any time of the year.

How to quickly cure a cold at home: regimen and diet

Everyone gets a cold sooner or later. Each family has its own methods of treatment, and therefore we often share advice with each other. Let's start with the fact that many people try to cure themselves in the wrong ways. There are several misconceptions that you need to know and try to avoid:

1. As soon as a very low temperature appears, people start taking medications, but the body is unable to fight the disease on its own. You need to know that you can take medications for fever only if the mark on the thermometer is 38 or higher; in other cases, our immunity itself can overcome the disease.

2. Medicines for immunity. There is still no consensus on their usefulness. They are quite expensive and have little effectiveness. But advertising actively imposes them on us.

3. No need to go on sick leave. If you have a high temperature, then you must take a sick leave. Firstly, you cannot carry colds on your feet, and secondly, while at work, you will infect the people around you.

4. Alcohol helps. Unfortunately, many men willingly believe that if you drink a glass of vodka with pepper when you have a fever, then the next day there will be no trace of the disease. After all, alcohol will help you sweat and warm up. But its benefits are a little exaggerated, because sleep helps first of all. And after taking such a dose of alcohol, you will naturally want to sleep.

Regime and diet to help you get sick correctly

1. You need to be sick with laziness. Be sure to prescribe bed rest for yourself. You can do exercises in the morning, but you cannot actively engage in sports. If you can’t take time off from work, then try to at least reduce your workload a little.

2. Sweat properly. It is better to do this under a warm blanket and drink hot tea.

3. Liquid and tea. During colds, you should try to drink as much warm liquid as possible. It can be anything, tea, compote, milk. Along with this, eat jam, honey, lemon. But make sure that all this is warm, not hot.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Onions and garlic are also beneficial. Many people believe that even the smell is beneficial, and this is true. For food, it is better to eat porridge and broth. The diet should contain only healthy foods.

5. Ventilate your room periodically. The air in the room you are in must be fresh. During this period, it is better for you to go to another room.

6. Get enough sleep; good and sound sleep is the key to good health.

7. Try not to strain your hearing and vision; your delicate senses should rest during this period.

8. Just enjoy your life - read books, lie down and watch an interesting movie. Joyful emotions will contribute to a speedy recovery.

How to quickly cure a cold at home: medications

In order to quickly cure a cold at home, you need to know what medications you should have at home just in case. After all, illness often takes us by surprise and it is not always possible to go to the pharmacy. Therefore, stock up on the following medications in advance:

Arbidol. This is an antiviral drug that comes in tablet form. It is prescribed for influenza and acute respiratory infections. After the medicine is taken, the patient will feel relief in his body the next day.

Theraflu powder. Before use, the powder is diluted in hot water. The main substance included in its composition is paracetamol. If the patient remains in bed, the remedy will help quickly enough. People who suffer from alcoholism and diabetes should not take the medicine. Also, people with liver and kidney diseases should also consult a doctor before taking it.

Anaferon. The medicine is quite effective. It contains antibodies that can activate the immune system. Moreover, you can drink it not only during the period of illness, but also for prevention. If you take the medicine strictly as prescribed by your doctor, then there will be no side effects.

Kagocel. Under no circumstances should the product be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as children under three years of age.

Antigrippin. If you believe the opinion of the majority, then this is one of the best remedies against colds. The tablets can quickly relieve headaches and lower fever. The medication is contraindicated for those with renal failure or prostatic hyperplasia.

Amiksin. The medicine is available in tablet form, its main component is tilaxin. You can use the tablets together with other flu medications. Those who have an intolerance to one of the components included in its composition should not take the medicine.

Grippferon. This is a good drug with an immunomodulatory effect. Even pregnant women can take it. After the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately inject the medicine into the nasal passage. The course of treatment is no more than one week.

To summarize, we can say that it is, of course, possible to quickly cure a cold at home. There are quite a lot of drugs for this purpose. Each person can choose a good remedy for themselves and cope with the disease in just a few days. But of course, to avoid complications, you need to trust the treatment to specialists.

How to quickly cure a cold at home: folk remedies

If you have the first signs of a cold, then you need to know how to cure it at home quickly and effectively. Folk remedies will come to your aid:

1. Foot baths. If the disease is accompanied by no fever, then mustard can be added to the water. To do this, add one tablespoon of dry powder per 7 liters. Place your feet in the water and hold until the water begins to cool. After this, dry them well and put woolen socks on your feet.

2. Another good remedy is ginger.. Making a ginger drink is simple; all you need is the root of the plant. Grate it and pour boiling water over it. The product should be infused for several hours. You can store this tincture in the refrigerator and drink as needed.

3. Baking soda. Not everyone knows about its beneficial properties. But even our great-grandmothers used the method. You can pour a glass of warm milk and add one teaspoon of soda to it, then drink it.

4. Propolis. This is an effective remedy that helps against many diseases, including colds. This homeopathic remedy was used even in ancient Rus'. According to experts, you can get rid of the symptoms of a cold in just a few days. Add the product to a glass of milk, drink, and then go to bed. When you wake up in the morning you should feel significant relief.

5. Gargle with hydrogen peroxide. It needs to be diluted by taking 2 teaspoons in 50 ml of warm water. You need to use the product 3-5 times a day until you feel relief.

6. Kalina. This is one of the best health remedies. It is better if a decoction of the berries is used and drunk with honey. The medicine can be used even by nursing and pregnant women.

These are the best folk recipes to fight colds. But it is better to use them after you have been examined by a doctor. Indeed, with an advanced form of the disease, serious complications may arise that require immediate medical intervention.

How to quickly cure a cold at home in a child

Each parent decides for himself how to quickly cure his child, but one must remember that giving antibiotics is useless.

The main thing is to ensure plenty of warm drinks. Moreover, you do not need to take ordinary water for this, because it will reduce the supply of salts in our body. It is better to give your baby tea with lemon or raspberries. You can heat milk and add butter to it. Together with the liquid you drink, toxins, and therefore viruses, will leave the body.

If your runny nose has just started, acupressure will help. To do this, you need to influence the points located next to the wings of the nose.

After the first cough without fever appears, you can use a proven method, which is recommended by many pediatricians. To do this, take camphor alcohol and mittens (it is better if they are made of wool). After this, apply it to the baby's back and chest. Then put on mittens and start rubbing the alcohol in one direction, do this until the skin becomes slightly red. Dress your baby in warm clothes and place him under a blanket. The next day the cough should be less.

Another main condition is bed rest. If you suffer from a cold on your feet, your child may experience serious complications.

Watch what your child eats; his food should be liquid. Give us porridge, fish puree and fruit. Moreover, food should not be very hot or cold. Don’t force yourself to eat; your body is not always ready to accept food.

It is important that the body has a sufficient amount of vitamins. They are found in tomatoes and carrots.

Now you know how to cure a cold at home, not only in an adult, but also in a child. If possible, it is better to consult a doctor to avoid complications.

Erysipelas is an infectious disease of the upper (superficial) layers of the skin caused by streptococcal bacteria. The disease can begin with a minor injury, such as a bruise, burn, wound or cut. How to treat erysipelas at home? Treatment with folk remedies is one of the many effective ways to combat this disease.

How does erysipelas manifest itself - signs and symptoms of the disease

Erysipelas appears on human skin as red inflammation, which is what gave this disease its name. Most often, symptoms of erysipelas occur on the extremities, a little less often on the face or body. The causative agent of this disease is the streptococcus virus, which enters the human body through cuts or abrasions, and the disease can also develop after chronic illnesses.

Typically, an infection in the body begins to progress when the body’s defenses are weakened, so the symptoms of erysipelas occur in parallel with other diseases. Since initially there is a sharp increase in temperature to 39-40 C, the symptoms of erysipelas are characterized by chills and headache. Symptoms of erysipelas such as:

general weakness,

increased heart rate.

With a complex course of erysipelas, delirium and convulsions may occur. After 12-24 hours, redness of the skin, swelling, and a pulling sensation in the area that has been infected begins to appear. Since the places in which erysipelas occurs are varied, its symptoms are correspondingly different.

After some time has passed and the disease becomes more complicated, when pressing on the affected part, pain, burning, itching, and redness are felt. If the disease is not treated, peeling and pigmentation will subsequently join the symptoms of erysipelas.

Symptoms of different forms of erysipelas on the skin

Erythematous form of erysipelas

The inflamed area is accompanied by pain, swelling and redness. Since there is a symptom of swelling, the erysipelas protrudes slightly above the surface of healthy skin, and its boundaries are clear and have a visual resemblance to flames.

Erythematous-bullous form of erysipelas

It differs from the previous form of erysipelas in the following symptom: after 1-3 days, watery blisters begin to appear at the site of redness. They dry out, burst, and as a rule, no scars remain at the site of their existence after they have completely healed. It can very rarely happen that they can develop into sores.

Erythematous-hemorrhagic form of erysipelas

It differs from the first form of erysipelas by the symptoms of hemorrhages.

Bullous-hemorrhagic form of erysipelas

Just like in the erythematous-bullous form, bubbles form, the only difference is that they are filled not with a clear liquid, but with a bloody one.

Symptoms of erysipelas of varying severity

Mild form of erysipelas

It occurs with a muted manifestation. The temperature with this form of erysipelas is up to 39 C, weakness, and minor damage to the skin.

The moderate form has a long duration of the disease, and acute manifestations of all the symptoms of erysipelas.

A severe form of inflammation, in addition to acute manifestations of the disease, is characterized by an imbalance of the mental state.


If the treatment of erysipelas of primary infection was incomplete, as well as in the presence of factors that weaken the body (mycoses, sinusitis, etc.), then it may reoccur. If this happens in the next 2 years, and new inflammation is in the place of the old one, then this is a recurrent form of erysipelas.

Symptoms of complications of erysipelas

You need to follow your doctor's instructions very carefully to avoid complications of erysipelas. Symptoms of complications of erysipelas are usually local in nature:

skin necrosis,






The diagnosis of “erysipelas” is established on the basis of a clinical examination: examination, blood test. An elevated ESR is observed in the blood of most patients.

Drug therapy for erysipelas

Patients are hospitalized only in severe cases. Treatment of erysipelas occurs on an outpatient basis, if the patient is elderly, with severe concomitant diseases, as well as with frequent relapses. During fever, doctors recommend taking plenty of fluids, as well as medications designed to lower the temperature. Vitamins have an excellent effect on improving well-being during illness. The area affected by bacteria is periodically treated with antiseptic agents and a bandage is applied. The main treatment for erysipelas is taking antibiotics. The course of treatment lasts from seven to ten days, if there are no complications.

To treat erysipelas at home and at the prehospital stage, antibiotics in tablets and capsules are prescribed for 7–10 days: Oletetrin 0.25 g 4–6 times a day, Metacycline hydrochloride 0.3 g 2–3 times a day , Erythromycin or Oleandomycin phosphate in daily doses of up to 2 g, Bactrim (Biseptol), Sulfatone - 2 tablets 2 times a day in the morning and evening after meals. In the hospital, when treating erysipelas, benzylpenicillin is administered intramuscularly. Treatment also includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Ascorutin, and a complex of vitamins.

Local treatment of the disease is carried out only when it is localized on the limbs. The blisters are cut at one of the edges and bandages with Furacilin solution (1:5000) are applied to the site of inflammation, changing them several times a day. In the acute period of erysipelas, ultraviolet irradiation and UHF therapy are also used in treatment, and after the acute inflammatory process subsides, bandages with various ointments are used. After normalization of body temperature, patients are discharged after 7 days and registered in the office of infectious diseases for 3 months.

If a relapse occurs, then the group of drugs used changes; if penicillin was initially used, then Lincomycin is prescribed for the treatment of erysipelas, and then Bicillin5, Retarpen (every three weeks) is prescribed for six months to two years. Dermazin and Bepanten have good healing properties.

How to treat erysipelas with folk remedies at home?

The disease erysipelas begins with a significant increase in temperature, so you cannot do without calling a doctor at home, who will prescribe treatment. First of all, he will prescribe a 5-7 day course of antibiotic treatment (Erythromycin, Penicillin).

To relieve severe itching, lubricate the erythema with camphor alcohol, or Kalanchoe or plantain juice.

For severe pain, add a 0.5% solution of Novocaine or Dimexide to Kalanchoe or plantain juice in a 1:1 ratio.

If pus is discharged, use gauze and Vaseline dressings with Solcoseryl.

Recipes for folk remedies for the treatment of erysipelas

So that erysipelas does not bother you, treatment with folk remedies is one of the best options to help get rid of this unpleasant disease. For you, here are several proven methods for treating erysipelas:

Method one:

In stagnant water (preferably in a lake or stake) in the spring it is necessary to collect frog eggs. It is laid out in a thin layer on a cloth or gauze and dried in the sun. The caviar is soaked in boiled water and the folk remedy is applied to a clean, preferably linen, bandage. The compress is tied to the site of the skin lesion. Typically, three to five such procedures are needed to completely cure erysipelas.

Method two.

Treating erysipelas with homemade cottage cheese is also very effective. A thick layer of cottage cheese is applied to the affected limb; when it begins to dry out, it must be replaced with fresh one.

Method three.

If we take herbs that are widely used as medicinal products by people, then plantain will best cope with erysipelas. Its leaves must be finely chopped, sprinkled with chalk and tied to the inflamed skin.

Method four.

An ointment made from chamomile and yarrow juice is also a good way. First of all, you need to squeeze the juice from these two plants, then mix it with butter. Apply the resulting mixture to the sore area until complete healing.

Method five.

Burdock leaves are another folk remedy that will help you get rid of erysipelas. Torn burdock leaves are scalded with boiling water, then spread with butter or sour cream and tied to the affected limb.

Method six.

Rye flour is also quite good for treating erysipelas at home. It must be sifted, and then sprinkled on the sore spot and wrapped in paper. You need to tie a clean bandage to the top. These compresses require replacement every day.

Method seven.

Take an alcohol or oil solution of Chlorophyllipt, 25 drops dissolved in a tablespoon of water, 3 times a day for 10 days.

Method eight.

Rotokan is also effective in treating erysipelas; use it externally as a lotion on problem areas of the skin, mixing half and half with apple cider vinegar.

Method nine.

To treat erysipelas at home, you can use herbal ointments. To prepare, take calendula or chamomile, or Kalanchoe leaves. Pour any of the listed vegetable raw materials with oil (ideally olive) in a 1:1 ratio and place in a slowly boiling water bath, cook for 2-3 hours. After leaving for 48 hours, filter. Lubricate the wound with the resulting folk remedy 2-4 times a day.

Try the remedies indicated in the article, and erysipelas will never cause you any inconvenience again.

Causes and prevention of erysipelas

Often, streptococci are found on the surface of the skin of healthy people, but when the integrity of the skin is violated, such as diaper rash, abrasions, scratches, cracks, scratches, they end up in an environment favorable for their habitat. The most common sites for erysipelas may be the legs, less commonly the arms, face and chest. Women and older people are most often susceptible to erysipelas.

Risk factors are:

lymph circulation disorders,

chronic venous insufficiency,

fungal skin diseases. For symptoms of erysipelas, summer-autumn seasonality is typical.

Prevention of erysipelas

Prevention of the disease consists of maintaining personal hygiene, preventing microtraumas, treating injuries with antiseptics (for example, 5% alcohol solution of iodine, brilliant green solution). Also, prevention of erysipelas includes the treatment of fungal skin lesions and lymphovenous insufficiency.

Tips for preventing erysipelas:

In order to avoid infection, you must follow some rules:

it is necessary to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards in dressing rooms and in health care facilities;

timely treatment of diseases caused by streptococci (caries, tonsillitis);

if the skin is damaged and its integrity is damaged, it must be treated with special antibacterial agents.

Colds are an unpleasant phenomenon that can overtake any person in any situation.

The best option to combat the disease is to take preventive measures. But, if this happens, and the virus manifests itself, there are many ways to quickly treat a cold at home.

What is a cold, recipes for treating it at home

Not every person consults a doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Most often, treatment is carried out at home. If the disease is detected early, treatment started on time will prevent complications.

In an adult, cold symptoms occur in different ways. Some feel slightly unwell, others suffer from severe aches throughout the body, pain in the head, joints, muscles, nasal congestion and dry cough.

A cold is almost always accompanied by a rise in temperature and a decrease in the body's protective functions. In some cases, complications such as:

  • ORZ or .

There are a large number of folk recipes that will help you effectively cope with the disease.

Water treatments for treating colds at home

Viral diseases can strike at any time. The greatest peak of incidence occurs in the autumn-spring period.

The immune system is weakened due to lack of sunlight and insufficient vitamins consumed in food. The first symptoms of the disease in humans are:

  • runny nose and sore throat;
  • sore throat;
  • fatigue;
  • fatigue and high temperature.

Treatment for colds at home includes:

  • rinsing the nasopharynx;
  • water procedures;
  • consumption of various herbal teas and much more.

Baths are considered one of the most effective methods in the fight against colds. They are useful for diseases of the nasopharynx and the whole body.

Hot baths destroy pathogenic bacteria and help you restore strength faster.

  • Pour water into a small basin or bucket (40-42 degrees). To obtain the greatest effect, use mustard powder or sea salt. Then lower your feet into the water and hold them for about 10 minutes. Your feet should be slightly red. If the water cools down during the procedure, add hot water. After finishing the procedure, rinse your feet, dry with a towel, put on woolen or terry socks and go to bed. These baths are best done at night.
  • As soon as the first symptoms of a cold appear, be sure to take a shower. The water should be hot to warm the chest, face and neck well. If there are no heart problems, you can take a hot bath and sit in it for a while. It is good to combine such procedures with hot tea.
  • A bath with the addition of ginger and garlic has a strong warming effect. Before pouring hot water into the bath, you need to add salt, preferably sea salt (3 tbsp). Separately, chop the garlic and ginger until mushy. Brew chopped ginger with boiling water and leave to steep for half an hour. Place the garlic in cheesecloth and place it on the bottom of the bath. Then pour water, pour ginger infusion into it and lie down for about 15 minutes.

Antipyretics for colds, treatment at home

Most often, a cold is accompanied by a slight rise in temperature. When pathogenic microbes and bacteria enter the human body, the temperature rises to fight them. If it does not rise above 38.5 degrees, you can ease your well-being with some folk recipes.

  1. . This medicinal plant has a triple effect. It relieves inflammation, destroys pathogenic bacteria and promotes active sweating. Take dried herbs (2-3 tbsp) and brew in half a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Drink 3 tbsp decoction. 4 times a day.
  2. Herbal teas also have an antipyretic effect and help to cope with the disease faster. For the decoction, take plantain herb (20g), linden herb (25g), as well as rose hips, chamomile, coltsfoot 10 g each and brew with boiling water. Leave the decoction for 30 minutes, drink 3 tbsp 3 times a day.
  3. Cranberries have a wide range of actions. It is a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antipyretic agent. You need to make a fruit drink from cranberries and drink in small sips between meals. It should not be used by people with high stomach acidity.
  4. Forest or garden raspberries. It effectively fights fever and has antiseptic properties, as it contains salicylic acid.
  5. Poplar buds. An infusion is prepared from them and drunk, adding a piece of lemon and honey. It is also a good antipyretic.
  6. If the temperature rises, take one tbsp. flowers or dried clover grass and brew with boiling water (200 ml). Let stand for about half an hour and add a little honey. The infusion promotes profuse sweating and the heat goes away.

Treatment of cough and cold quickly at home

There are many ways to treat cough using old proven remedies. They can be used both together with tablets and separately.

One of the main rules is to drink plenty of liquid. After all, drinking plenty of fluids helps to better liquefy and remove mucus. Mineral alkaline water (Borjomi), as well as tea and fruit juice, are suitable for this.

Do not forget about herbal preparations, which have expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. For dry coughs, it is useful to do inhalations with the addition of mineral water, essential oils or herbal infusions.

  • Inhalations with soda. Add 5 g of soda and a couple of drops of iodine to a glass of hot water, breathe for 7-10 minutes, covering your head with a towel. Baking soda helps soften mucous membranes and thins phlegm. Iodine is an excellent antiseptic; it kills germs and disinfects. The effect of the procedure will be noticeable within a day.
  • For a cold They help well with the addition of various medicinal herbs, such as sage, St. John's wort, yarrow, marshmallow, plantain, wormwood. Linden flowers, chamomile, calendula, licorice root, birch buds and many others are also suitable. They are brewed in a glass of boiling water and added to a pan of hot water or an inhaler.
  • Another old one and a proven method is inhalation over boiled potatoes. It is cooked in the skin and mashed directly in the pan.

All inhalations should be done frequently, up to 7 times a day, no more than 10 minutes, and an hour before going out into fresh air.

Cough can be treated with decoctions, infusions of leaves and flowers of medicinal plants. The most popular herbs are sage, eucalyptus, coltsfoot, licorice root, etc. Products that are always on hand also help fight coughs:

  • Sage. It is useful for severe coughs and helps remove mucus from the bronchi. To do this you will need a glass of milk and 1 tbsp. small sage leaves. Pour water, boil for 2 minutes and strain. Then add milk and boil again. Drink the decoction at night.
  • Make compresses on the chest with honey and salt. It will help get rid of a prolonged cough.
  • If there is no fever, rub your feet with alcohol or cologne before going to bed. Pour a little dry mustard powder into woolen socks and go to bed.
  • Wash the onion, chop until mushy, add a little goose fat. The resulting mush should be applied to the chest before going to bed. Repeat this procedure for 7 days.

Ways to treat a throat at home quickly

When a person has a cold, in addition to fever, a sore throat and runny nose may appear ().

There are many proven folk recipes that will help get rid of painful throat sensations without leaving home.

Inflammation is treated with rinsing, irrigation and hot drinks.

  • At the first manifestations of painful sensations, you need to drink warm herbal decoctions, fruit juice from fresh or frozen berries to warm it up. Warm tea with lemon, a spoonful of honey, mint, ginger or chamomile is suitable for this. Add 5 g of butter to heated milk and drink. It will relieve inflammation in the throat.
  • Instead of a tablet, you can suck on a clove of garlic or lemon.
  • Rinsing is another way to relieve inflammation. It should be done often, after meals. Combine sea salt and soda, 1 tsp each, add iodine (2 drops), stir in 1 tbsp. warm water.
  • Rinse with infusion of medicinal herbs. 1 tbsp. chamomile and sage, brew 200 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 25 minutes. Pass through a bandage or gauze. Gargle a sore throat every 2-2.5 hours.
  • Beetroot juice is the best remedy for treating a sore throat. It needs to be grated with a grater and squeeze out the juice. Mix with as much warm water as beet juice, and combine with tsp. vinegar (table).
  • or calendula. These are alcohol tinctures that are sold in pharmacies. Take 3 drops of tincture and dilute in 250 ml of warm water, gargle with this solution every 3 hours.
  • Furacilin is a good antimicrobial and antiseptic agent. It will help relieve pain in a short time. Take 1 t of furatsilin and dissolve in a glass of water. This rinsing is carried out up to 4 times a day.
  • You can relieve inflammation in the throat with a solution of sea salt in the amount of 1 tsp. per 200 ml of warm boiled water.
  • Take dry burdock leaves (2 tbsp) in a glass of water, cover with a lid and boil for 20 minutes, cool. Gargle a sore throat after eating several times a day.

Methods for treating a runny nose at home

A runny nose during a cold is one of the first signs of an incipient illness. Folk remedies are the first aid in treating nasal congestion and runny nose in a short time.

If a person has a fever, treatment for nasal congestion involves bed rest and plenty of fluid intake.

For a runny nose and slight discharge, you can warm up and rinse the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

  • A prerequisite for treating a runny nose is frequent and abundant drinking: mineral water, plain boiled water, berry fruit drinks, herbal decoctions and infusions, tea with a slice of lemon, rosehip decoction, etc.
  • Prepare drops to cleanse the nasal mucosa. Peel a medium-sized onion, chop and squeeze out the juice. Dilute it with boiled warm water and drop 2 drops into the nose up to 4 times a day.
  • Squeeze the juice out of fresh carrots, take the same amount of sunflower (deodorized) oil, a couple of drops of squeezed garlic juice and mix everything. Instill 2 drops 3 times a day.
  • Honey is a natural product that is a universal remedy in the fight against colds. Dissolve honey (1 tsp) in a glass of water at room temperature and drop 2 drops into each nostril every 4 hours.
  • Washing. To cleanse the nasal mucosa of germs and relieve congestion, rinse with soda solution, decoctions of calendula, chamomile, sage or green tea.
  • An ointment for relieving nasal congestion is prepared as follows. Pour some pharmaceutical glycerin into a small glass container and add 10 drops of iodine. Apply to the nasal mucosa 3 times a day.
  • Essential oils are also effective in relieving nasal congestion and runny nose. If you are not allergic, drop 1 drop of essential menthol or camphor oil into your nose.
  • Squeeze juice from aloe leaves, dilute in warm boiled water, at the rate of 1 part juice and 1 part water. Place 2 drops into the nose up to 3 times a day.
  • To cleanse the mucous membrane, take soda (1 tsp), a couple of drops of propolis tincture and dilute in 1 tbsp. water (warm). Rinse 3-5 times a day.
  • You can reduce nasal discharge by lubricating the mucous membrane with squeezed lemon juice.

Useful tips for treating colds at home

In conclusion, here are some tips that will help you get rid of colds effectively and quickly at home.

  • The main point in treating a disease is not to interfere with the functioning of the immune system. With a slight rise in temperature, the human body begins to resist the infectious agent itself. In this case, it should not be knocked down.
  • Coughing is a protective reaction to germs entering the body. You shouldn't get rid of it completely. If the cough does not go away within 4 days, then it needs to be treated.
  • Another important rule when treating a cold is to drink plenty of fluids. It helps thin mucus, soften the mucous membranes of the throat and nose, improves blood circulation and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • For a speedy recovery, you need to follow the correct daily routine and diet. Food should be balanced, with sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. During the period of a cold, fried, spicy and salty foods should be excluded from the diet.
  • You can take multivitamins and brewer's yeast. They will help quickly restore the body's defenses.
  • It is useful to do acupressure. Using your fingers, affecting certain points in the head, nose and forehead, you can get rid of sore throat and nasal congestion.

Traditional recipes and the right approach to the treatment of colds are the key to a speedy recovery.

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Higher education (Cardiology). Cardiologist, therapist, functional diagnostics doctor. I am well versed in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. I graduated from the academy (full-time), and have a lot of work experience under my belt.

Specialty: Cardiologist, Therapist, Functional diagnostics doctor.

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