Getting rid of a hangover at home. Getting out of a hangover: useful tips

A hangover is a heavy morning retribution for having fun the day before. No person familiar with alcohol can avoid this unpleasant condition. If the fun drags on, quitting the binge is fraught with severe intoxication of the body, and, as a result, a lot of unpleasant symptoms. The severity of a hangover depends not only on the amount of drinking, but also on the speed of measures taken. The sooner you start fighting a hangover, the easier and faster it will pass.

Ways to alleviate the condition

There is no clear way that will immediately relieve all manifestations of a hangover in a particular case. There are certain rules that apply in case of poisoning with any substances, including alcohol.

In fact, a hangover is a consequence of intoxication of the body and is equivalent to food poisoning. This means that treatment should consist of certain stages, similar to the treatment of poisoning: cleansing the body, relieving symptoms of the disease and replenishing nutrients.


You can recover from a hangover at home using the following medications:

  • Adsorbents.

These drugs work like a sponge, absorbing toxins and thereby cleansing the body. They act within the digestive system and are useful if no more than two hours have passed since the last drink. Adsorbents bind and absorb ethanol decomposition products in the intestines and parts of the stomach, and are then excreted naturally. This group of substances includes:

  1. 1. activated carbon - black or white;
  2. 2. Enterosgel;
  3. 3. Polysorb;
  4. 4. Liferan;
  5. 5. Polyphepan, etc.

Suspensions act faster on the body and allow you to qualitatively improve your condition; to prepare them, 2 tablespoons of powder are mixed with a glass of water. Coal is given at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

  • Drugs that relieve intoxication.

Specially developed complexes of medical supplements and medications that relieve hangovers have a similar effect, but their area of ​​action is not limited to the gastrointestinal tract. They include vitamin C and salts that are washed out during drinking alcohol, this allows you to quickly cope with dry mouth. The drugs have a supporting effect on the immune system and the cerebral cortex, activating its activity, and contain components that thin the blood and relieve headaches.

This list of medications includes:

  1. 1. Alco-Seltzer - an ambulance for a hangover, containing alkali, aspirin and vitamin C;
  2. 2. Alka Prim - a combined analgesic drug recommended for hangovers;
  3. 3. Anti-hangmelin is a dietary supplement that can not only fight alcohol intoxication, but also prevent its onset.
  • Rehydrants.

The therapeutic effect of these drugs is based on restoring the water-salt balance, which is disturbed during any poisoning and after heavy drinking. The addition of potassium and sodium salts in combination with glucose quickly puts the body in order and relieves many manifestations of withdrawal syndrome. Medicines in this group include Regidron.

  • Novocaine.

If you feel very sick, you need to use an ampoule of novocaine. They break it, pour the contents into a spoon and drink it sharply, in one gulp, with a small amount of water. Novocaine freezes muscle function - the patient will not experience any discomfort, but the gag reflex will stop after 10-15 minutes. This will allow you to apply the following rehabilitation measures: drink brine or broth, swallow tablets without a backlash.

  • Ammonia.

Ammonia cleanses the body well and brings it into an active state. For a therapeutic effect, 6 drops of ammonia are diluted in a glass of ice water and given to a person to drink. This shock method sobers up even a very drunk person and helps to begin the process of breaking out of binge drinking; it cannot be used frequently and can only be used in emergency cases.

  • Analgesics.

Analgesics help relieve pain in the head, limbs and body, and restore clarity of thinking. In addition, the drugs do not affect the water-electrolyte balance and do not worsen the situation. The classic version of the medicine in this series is analgin.

Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory drug, but is often used for hangovers, especially by people with heart disease. The tablet helps thin the blood, speed up metabolism and prevent blood clots. An additional effect of aspirin is its analgesic effect.

Under no circumstances should you give medicine to a drunk: in combination with alcohol, it increases poisoning.

  • Anti-hangover medications with hepatoprotective effects.

The liver suffers the most from alcohol abuse. To help her cope with overload and protect cells from toxins, they use medications containing essential phospholipids as components. These include:

  1. 1. Livolin forte;
  2. 2. Lipostabil;
  3. 3. Essentiale forte and others with similar effects.

Traditional methods of relieving hangover

You can get rid of the symptoms of a hangover without resorting to drug treatment, but with the help of folk remedies. Most “craftsmen” believe that a wedge is knocked out with a wedge and drinking 100 grams of vodka will save the situation. In fact, 80% of such treatment ends in binge drinking, which is much more difficult to overcome than the consequences of one alcoholic evening.

Sometimes the body has enough methods proven by traditional medicine, especially since some of the products will probably be found in the refrigerator. When coming out of a long-term binge, these methods can become supportive and help alleviate a serious condition at home:

  • Cucumber or cabbage pickle.

The fact is that this liquid contains a small proportion of ethyl alcohol and copes with many symptoms by means of a hangover, but so light that it does not cause a return to binge drinking. It contains vitamins B and C, which help the body that has failed. The same substances are used in droppers for the drug treatment of alcoholism. Consuming fermented milk drinks and kvass in the same way helps saturate the body with electrolyte salts and relieve signs of dehydration.

  • Chicken broth.

When deciding how to relieve a hangover, you can pay attention to a good option for maintaining an exhausted body and a way to relieve hangover syndrome, which is chicken broth. It allows you to normalize the functioning of the stomach without overloading it. Slow consumption of the broth literally brings you back to life and does not cause nausea.

  • Healthy drinks.

In case of an overdose of alcohol, the body needs vitamins. A particularly useful and quickly restorative remedy is a drink consisting of half a glass of fresh orange juice, three teaspoons of honey, lemon juice to taste and egg white. Whipped or well mixed, the drug coats the walls of the stomach and saturates the body with nutrients.

A good option for anti-hangover cocktails are any vegetable juices (the most affordable is tomato juice), mixed with a raw egg, ice, salt and pepper. The mixture is shaken very well and drunk in one gulp.

Weak black or green tea, chamomile infusion with the addition of mint and ginger will diversify the liquid you drink and will help you quickly feel lighter and cope with the condition of VSD.

  • Cardamom seeds.

Cardamom seeds are an effective method for relieving hangovers. They need to be chewed throughout the day, 2-3 grains at a time.

  • Oat decoction.

In the first hours of a hangover, a decoction of oats will be a life-saving remedy against it. To make it you will need a glass of cereal and one and a half liters of water. The ingredients are boiled for an hour, the solution is filtered, salted and given to the hangover sufferer.

  • The ancestors came out of the binge by sharply rubbing their ears with their hands.

An energizing and energizing way is to walk in the fresh air. Firstly, the effect of oxygen is felt, and secondly, the efforts made lead to profuse sweating, and toxins are eliminated faster.

To prevent the onset of a severe hangover, you can take care of yourself in advance and drink less, or immediately after drinking alcohol, take a double dose of an adsorbent. It will help the body sober up faster and prevent poisoning from occurring.

If drinking alcohol is unavoidable, you need to think through a life-saving plan in advance that will alleviate the condition in the morning. This sequence of actions will help you survive a hangover and avoid binge drinking:

  1. 1. The best way to combat the effects of alcohol is proper sleep.
  2. 2. Cleansing the body must begin with the stomach. In the first two hours, you should not stop vomiting, but, on the contrary, provoke it. You should drink non-carbonated mineral water and clean salted water in large quantities. If the stomach refuses to work for a long time, you can use novocaine.
  3. 3. Despite how you feel, immediately after washing your stomach you need to take an ice-cold shower. Water will start the metabolic processes, and the cold will invigorate and reduce the manifestations of some symptoms: headaches will go away, tremors will decrease, consciousness will become clearer, and toxins released with sweat will be washed away from the surface of the skin.
  4. 4. You should leave the tablets on the nightstand in advance; if you have a severe headache, you can also make a compress.
  5. 5. In case of severe manifestations of intoxication and when coming out of a drinking binge, the patient can be placed in a warm bath (without canceling the cold shower in the morning, but after waiting at least an hour after it). Add mint or lavender essential oil to the water. A temperature of 37-38 degrees speeds up metabolism and helps the kidneys remove toxins faster. Many people recover from severe binges in a sauna or bathhouse, but such a high temperature after alcohol poisoning does not benefit the heart, causing it to overload.
  6. 6. After the listed procedures, you should not neglect traditional medicine and medications. Even if the body’s condition has improved, this is a temporary phenomenon, and it is better to take care of yourself in advance. Confirm the result with the chosen method, and, if possible, go to bed. Place a large jug or bottle of mineral water near the bed. You need to drink at least two liters of liquid per day.

If you have a hangover, you should not use drugs that can worsen the condition:

  • strong black tea or coffee accelerates the absorption of foods into the body and causes fermentation in the stomach, affecting blood pressure and heartbeat;
  • a steam bath or sauna increases the load on the heart and leads to strokes and heart attacks;
  • hangover is the worst solution, as it leads to binge drinking or continues it without relieving the hangover problem.

A hangover lasts on average one to two days. Most often, the peak of its manifestation is the first day, and in the second day the body reacts with mild weakness.

If the condition does not improve within two or more days, it means that the body is severely poisoned. In this case, you must seek medical help. The patient is given a drip, artificially removing toxins from the blood and introducing nutrients into the body.

Most of us love to welcome guests and celebrate holidays, but only a very limited number of people are able to celebrate important events without drinking alcohol, and everyone else is forced to deal with a hangover the next day. Nausea, headache, dry mouth, weakness and aches throughout the body - this is how our body reacts to excessive consumption of ethyl alcohol. And if you don’t have the opportunity or desire to spend the whole day groaning on the couch, it’s better to stock up on several proven remedies in advance and know how to get rid of a hangover at home.

Ways to fight a hangover at home

A hangover is a condition indicating general poisoning of the body by drinks containing alcohol. Moreover, in order to experience all the “delights” of a hangover, it is not at all necessary to “pour” a large amount of strong alcoholic drinks; the body’s reaction to alcohol is individual and depends on the number of enzymes that break down ethyl alcohol, the state of the liver and other factors. Unpleasant sensations after drinking alcohol arise due to the general effect of acetaldehyde on the body; when absorbed into the blood, alcohol molecules turn into very toxic compounds that affect the brain, liver, kidneys and other organs. Most of the acetaldehyde is neutralized in the liver, but if too much alcohol is consumed, the liver cells stop coping with their functions and toxic substances enter the bloodstream, causing nausea, vomiting and general malaise. Lack of oxygen, provoked by severe vasospasm, leads to the death of brain cells and severe headaches, and fluid retention causes swelling and excruciating thirst.

To get rid of a hangover, you need to cleanse your body of alcohol as much as possible and try to remove all toxins.

This can be done using the following methods:
1. Detoxification– the most effective method of dealing with a hangover. To speed up the removal of toxins from the body, you can rinse the stomach or use more gentle methods - take enterosorbents. To treat a hangover, it is recommended:

  • activated carbon - crush several tablets of activated carbon (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, but not less than 5 tablets) and drink them with a glass of water, repeat after 2-3 hours;
  • enterosgel, polyphepen, lignosorb and other similar drugs - they are taken 2-3 tbsp with 1 tbsp of water, the dose is repeated after 2 hours;
  • succinic acid - reduces the harmful effects of alcohol and protects the liver - take 1 tablet every hour, but no more than 6 tablets per day;

2. Normalization of acid-base balance– alcohol damages not only liver cells, but also the structural units of the kidneys and, along with toxins and water, salts, minerals and other substances leave the body. You can replenish the water-salt balance with cucumber or cabbage brine, mineral water or oat decoction. Low-fat kefir, yogurt, kvass or sour cabbage soup will also help to avoid dehydration and “feed” the body;

3. Restoring the body's strength– you can quickly remove toxins and cleanse your stomach with a hearty breakfast. Of course, you shouldn’t load your exhausted body with heavy food, but a strong meat broth with pieces of meat or rich soup will be very helpful;

4. Taking special medications– Alcoseltzer tablets and analogues will help you cope with a hangover faster – take 2 tablets, repeat after 2 hours; vitamin C in large doses, asparkam, pentalgin, aspirin, pentogam or glycine;

5. Nice holiday– the best and most reliable way to fight a hangover is with a good sleep, if the next morning after the holidays you have a headache and body aches, you need to take a cold shower, use the above remedies, and then go to bed for 6-8 hours, after opening the window in the room and curtaining it thick curtains. A good night's sleep in a well-ventilated room will help you quickly forget about all the unpleasant sensations.

Folk remedies for hangover

You can fight a hangover not only with the help of the achievements of modern medicine, but also use folk, time-tested methods, such as:

  • lemon juice with water - squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into 1 glass of cold water, add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink the drink in small sips;
  • drink a glass of tomato or orange juice;
  • water with ammonia - 1 tbsp of water with 20 drops of ammonia - a very unpleasant but effective remedy;
  • oat decoction - pour 1 tbsp of oats into 1.5 liters of hot water and cook for 1 hour, add 1 tsp of salt and drink in small sips over 1-2 hours;
  • matsoni or kumiss - in the East, a hangover is quickly cured without any medicine, just drink 1-2 glasses of a medicinal fermented milk drink.

Modern and unusual ways to combat a hangover

You can cope with a hangover using quite modern, but very unusual methods; how and why they work is unclear, but, nevertheless, they relieve unpleasant symptoms:

  • Coca-Cola - or other sweet carbonated drink - 1-2 glasses of Coca-Cola relieve headaches and ease hangovers;
  • orange juice with ice and an aspirin tablet - this cocktail will invigorate and relieve headaches; if you have a severe hangover, double the dose;
  • bananas – eating a few bananas in the morning can greatly alleviate your condition.

How to quickly get rid of a hangover

If you need to get rid of all the effects of alcohol as quickly as possible, you will have to give your body a shake-up and use express methods to combat a hangover:

1. Take a contrast shower– water will help remove toxins from the body faster, and alternating cold and hot water will “wake up” the brain, strengthen blood vessels and give vigor;

2. Cold compress– for severe headaches, an ice compress and rubbing your temples with a slice of lemon will help;

3. Hot bath with essential oils– in hot water, toxins are removed from the body faster, to achieve the maximum effect, the water temperature should be 35-37 degrees, the procedure time should be no more than 20 minutes, and a few drops (10-15) of orange, cedar, eucalyptus or lavender should be added to the water oils;

4. Gastric lavage– if the symptoms of poisoning are too intense, such as nausea, vomiting and aches throughout the body, you will have to use more radical methods, such as gastric lavage. You can induce vomiting and rinse the stomach using water with ammonia, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or saline solution. To fully lavage the stomach, you need to drink at least 1-1.5 liters of solution and be sure to empty your stomach;

5. Replenishing the balance of fluids and salts in the body– you can’t do without kefir, brine or juice in such a situation;

6. Strong coffee or tea with lemon– a cup of strong black coffee or tea with lemon and sugar will help you cheer up and wake up;

7. Take a few special tablets– simultaneous intake of activated carbon, succinic acid and several tablets for headaches and vitamins is not very useful, but very effective, after 1-2 hours the hangover syndromes will almost completely disappear, but after a few hours you will have to pay for it with a returning headache, weakness and weakness.


A hangover can be relieved by drinking a small amount of high-quality alcohol of the same type that was consumed the day before (a bottle of beer, a glass of wine, a shot of vodka). This method of dealing with a hangover - “getting a hangover” - has been known for a long time, but narcologists do not recommend relieving a hangover with alcohol, since it is harmful (an already weakened body has to take and neutralize a new dose of poison) and there is a danger of not stopping and continuing to drink, which can lead to binge drinking . In addition, a “hangover” does not help with severe poisoning from low-quality or surrogate alcohol; in such a situation, it can only aggravate the condition.

A new portion of alcohol, of course, dulls the hangover symptoms, but in fact it becomes a strong stress for the body. A hangover leads to binge drinking!

If after an evening libation you feel unwell in the morning, start restoring your body. Using common sense, you will benefit from the helpful tips in our book.


First you need to cleanse the body from the inside. To do this, you need to have activated carbon at home. Or "Carbolen". Or "Polyphepan". In principle, it is the same coal, only more efficient.

Stir 25 grams of coal in half a glass of water and drink slowly. You can eat one and a half hours after taking charcoal. During the day, drink 25 grams of charcoal with water two more times. Enterosorbent (activated carbon) will cleanse the walls of the stomach and intestines from acetaldehyde, acetic acid, lactic acid, decomposition products of propyl and isopropyl alcohols and other evil spirits.

Activated carbon– a sorbent, that is, a substance that, entering the stomach and intestines, absorbs harmful substances before they are absorbed and enter the blood. Coal can also absorb sleeping pills and drugs, heavy metal salts and toxins. It is used in dozens of cases, including liver cirrhosis, food intoxication and acute poisoning with drugs and household poisons.

The drugs “Polifepan”, “Liferan”, “Lignosorb” are sold in pharmacies. Take 3 tablespoons with 300 ml of water (one and a half glasses), 2 times every 2 hours.

Adsorbents should be included in the hangover treatment regimen: Carbolong, Sorbogel, Diosmectite, Enterosgel, Polyphepan.

Polysorb. Another enterosorbent, but based on silicon - silicon dioxide (silica) - is produced in the Chelyabinsk region. It's called "Polysorb MP". It has a high ability to bind the remains of alcohol and toxins in the body, which are formed in excess after drinking alcohol. According to the manufacturer, the drug is 60 times more effective than activated carbon.

The drug will be effective as a means to prevent a hangover: to do this, you need to mix half a tablespoon of water with two tablespoons of Polysorb and drink it before the start of the feast. You need to drink the same amount after a feast, before going to bed. It is recommended to repeat the procedure in the morning.

Please note that within two hours after taking sorbents it is highly advisable to empty the intestines, otherwise taking sorbents will have the opposite effect.

Smecta primarily intended to combat diarrhea. If you ate something wrong, or diarrhea is caused by allergies, ulcers, or medications, then Smecta will help by improving the functioning of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Improved mucous membrane helps resist irritation, which protects internal organs from aggressive substances. In addition, Smecta is an adsorbent, that is, it can absorb and remove harmful microorganisms and toxins from the body: that is why it can help with a hangover. In the morning after drinking, a person suffers, among other things, from poisoning by alcohol processing products. In this sense, its action is similar to that of activated carbon.

Also - and this is indicated in the instructions for the drug - Smecta slows down the absorption of alcohol in the intestines, so the body has time to properly process alcohol and acetaldehyde, which is obtained from alcohol, so that it will not accumulate in the body and poison it.

If you want to prevent a hangover: 1 – 2 sachets of Smecta should be dissolved in water (half a glass or a glass) and drunk before bed, or better yet, before the feast.

If a hangover has already set in, you can repeat the procedure in the morning. Please note that Smecta may slow down or reduce the effects of other medications.

Please note that within two hours after taking sorbents it is highly advisable to empty the intestines, otherwise taking sorbents will have the opposite effect.

Filtrum is an enterosorbent, that is, a drug that binds toxins and allows them to be eliminated naturally. In addition to toxins, pathogenic bacteria, heavy metal salts, etc. are also removed. It is made on the basis of lignin, a polymer of plant origin obtained from wood. Its action is similar to charcoal, only it is a more “advanced option” that works more efficiently. A hangover is partly caused by poisoning by alcohol processing products (acetaldehyde and those harmful substances that are formed as a result of the action of acetaldehyde on the body's cells). The filter allows you to quickly remove these substances from the body.

If you want to prevent a hangover: take 2 tablets 20 minutes before drinking, 2 tablets during and 2 tablets after (before bedtime).

If a hangover has already set in, then to alleviate the condition, you can drink 5 - 6 Filtrum tablets with plenty of water.

Please note that within two hours after taking sorbents it is highly advisable to empty the intestines, otherwise taking sorbents will have the opposite effect.

Panangin, asparkam. Since alcohol has a diuretic effect, potassium and magnesium are washed out of the body. The drugs “Panangin” or “Asparkam” will help replenish them - they are constantly taken by heart patients. These drugs contain potassium and magnesium salts. The deficiency of these microelements determines the severity of a hangover. Crush 4 - 5 tablets, dissolve them in half a glass of warm water. After an hour or an hour and a half you will feel relief. Then take 2 more tablets throughout the day. And forget about them until next time.

Do not take this medicine if you have cardiovascular problems.

Please note that panangin is justified in use only in the complex treatment of alcohol poisoning. Panangin has no independent significance as an emergency remedy for a hangover.

When dealing with a hangover, another magnesium preparation deserves more attention - Magnesol (Magnesium-Diasparal), which, unlike Panangin, can be effective on its own with a slight hangover.

If you don't want to bother with pills, then eat a sesame bun or a handful of any nuts: they contain a lot of magnesium. A true storehouse of microelements is ordinary sunflower seeds; it’s not for nothing that our ancestors husked them constantly. Their food was meager, but simple things like seeds helped support the body.

Sea kale is useful the morning after a libation: it not only contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, but also a strong adaptogen. Sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes will not hurt much.

Restoration of acid-base balance

You wake up “after yesterday” with a huge excess of unpleasant symptoms in the body - shortness of breath, weakness, headache, nausea and vomiting, salivation, pallor, sweating. You can dissolve baking soda (from 4 to 10 grams depending on the condition) in one and a half liters of water. By the way, you don’t have to dissolve soda in tap water, but get by with mineral waters – Borjomi and Essentuki. Only they should be “medicinal dining rooms”. “Table” water is not suitable - too few salts are dissolved in it. And you need to drink at least one and a half liters.

Mineral water also stimulates bile secretion and intestinal motility. The release of bile reduces the level of cholecystokinin in the blood, and increased peristalsis leads to the release of the intestines from food and feces, which also contain alcohol and breakdown products of alcohol and proteins supplied with food.

The rapid entry of mineral water into the bloodstream normalizes the volume of circulating blood, and it is the lack of blood volume (and not the total amount of water in the body) that is dehydration - the second good reason for feeling unwell. The mineral water leads to an increase in urination, and ultimately to the removal of tissue edema, since excess fluid, along with toxic substances, passes from the intercellular spaces into the vascular bed. It is important to quickly eliminate swelling, because it causes headaches.

Some types of mineral water shift the acid-base balance in the body to the alkaline side. In this case, this is the right side, since it is usually sour in a state of alcohol intoxication. Mineral water reduces the imbalance introduced by alcohol.

After heavy libations in the morning I am very thirsty. And all because alcohol has a very strong water-removing ability. In addition, during the period of intoxication, increased diuresis (urination) is observed. And the amount of water lost by the body during breathing increases sharply - remember how the car windows fog up if there is at least one “givable” person in the cabin.

Before drinking water, it is wise to replenish lost salts - drink a glass of brine: cabbage or cucumber.

Make sure that you are going to drink the brine and not the marinade.

The dose should be small - no more than a glass. Otherwise, tissue swelling and associated unpleasant consequences will increase: headache and stress on the heart.

The water deficit is 1.5 - 2 liters.

It is impossible to drink such an amount of water in one sitting, and it will not be absorbed immediately. So drink water not just like that, but according to the plan. It is simple - first two glasses of water, then a break of 20 minutes. The next portion is one and a half glasses. And again a break of 20 minutes. Then - a glass. And after another 20 minutes - half a glass. So in an hour you will drink a liter of water, which is quite enough to start with. By fighting dehydration, the body reflexively rids itself of toxins. How? Yes, very simply - with urine. In addition, the more water in the body, the lower the concentration of the toxic agent. This means that its activity decreases.

If with the first glass of water you feel that you are drunk again, this means that unprocessed alcohol remains in the stomach and intestines, which began to enter the bloodstream with liquid. This means that it is highly advisable to cleanse the stomach and intestines.

When you drink a liter of water in an hour, your urination should increase. Urination can be helped - but in no case with ready-made medications. They have a lot of side effects that can worsen an already disgusting condition. For our case, herbal diuretics are best. Lingonberry leaves, birch buds, kidney tea, diuretic mixture - all this is sold in any pharmacy. And it has a mild effect that dramatically improves your condition.

Hangover tips

Heavy food is not recommended when you have a hangover.. There is an opinion that fatty foods contribute to the release of hormones that supposedly alleviate the condition and even recommend recipes like scrambled eggs and bacon, but the harm from dense foods will only aggravate the condition.

Dense foods contain fats and proteins in large quantities. Their entry into the body increases the load on the liver. Fats require additional bile secretion, since lipase (an enzyme that breaks down fats into glycerol and fatty acids) works only in relation to the fat emulsion, and the emulsifier of fats is bile produced by the liver.

When proteins are incompletely digested, they reach the large intestine; the amino acids from which they are composed undergo decarboxylation and form highly toxic substances - phenol, skatole, benzene, indole. These substances are absorbed into the blood and travel through the portal vein system to the liver, where they must be neutralized and then excreted through the kidneys. During a hangover, the liver at this time is already overloaded with both the processing of aldehydes and ketones, and the neutralization of protein breakdown products that came with food the day before. Therefore, a hearty breakfast during a hangover deserves attention only as a way to cause diarrhea or vomiting.

Remember this, try to limit yourself to light food in the morning.

Never try to cure a hangover with plain water. The hangover will remain, and the thirst will not go away and will get even worse.

Old Russian recipes. A time-tested Russian folk way to relieve a dreary condition - sauerkraut with cranberries and brine! You can also use cucumber pickle - just not too concentrated. It is better to dilute it halfway with cold water.

An effective old Russian recipe: finely chop fresh and pickled cucumbers, add finely chopped boiled veal or beef. You can add olives or black olives. Pour the whole thing with diluted cucumber brine - it will turn out like a cold hodgepodge. The body will quickly recover and replenish the fluid deficiency - the cause of the headache. In addition, this dish contains potassium, magnesium, and sodium necessary for the body.

Oatmeal broth will help relieve hangover suffering, as well as oatmeal jelly and porridge. The diuretic effect of oats will help get rid of swelling, which means headaches will decrease. Drinking plenty of liquid decoction and the diuretic effect will return the normal distribution of fluid in the body. B vitamins will provide the liver with the enzymes necessary to process undigested alcohol and toxic alcohol breakdown products. Oats have the ability to remove toxins that poison the body after a hangover. The decoction normalizes blood pressure and restores brain function.

Recipe: a glass of unrefined grains (can be bought at a pharmacy, a large hypermarket in the health food section, at the market), oatmeal or, at worst, oat flakes (Hercules porridge) is filled with 4 - 5 glasses of water (preferably settled or bottled, without bleach). Cook for 15 – 20 minutes. Five minutes before readiness, you can add a spoonful of honey.

Take 0.5 liters twice every 40 minutes.

Kvass. Some people like to drink kvass when they have a hangover.

Of course, we are talking about natural, uncanned kvass. Most of the drinks sold in stores under the name “kvass” are either not kvass or contain the preservative sodium benzoate (that is, the beneficial microorganisms in it are killed) and various additives - sweeteners, dyes, flavors, which in hangover conditions only increase the load on the liver and kidneys.

The positive effect of natural kvass on a hangover is due to the high content of thiamine (vitamin B 1), the presence of enzymes, beneficial microorganisms and organic acids, primarily lactic acid, which leads to intensive processing of under-oxidized alcohol breakdown products that poison the body.

You should not combine kvass with drinks containing citric or succinic acids, as their effect may be mutually weakened.

Some varieties of kvass can contain up to 3% alcohol: be careful, otherwise you may get a hangover: this will give some relief in the morning, but the liver will have to deal with a new portion of alcohol, and the hangover may drag on.

Lemon juice. One of the popular recipes, which is quite effective, is lemon juice: the remedy is safe and affordable.

If you have had too much, squeeze out the juice of 2–3 lemons, drink, diluting it twice with boiled water (so as not to irritate the mucous membranes, already irritated by alcohol). This will smooth out the consequences, although a very severe hangover or intoxication will require a more powerful measure: cleansing the stomach and/or intestines.

The active component of lemon is citric acid; it accelerates the processes of processing nutrients, which dramatically speeds up the processing of toxic breakdown products of alcohol.

Citric acid is found in many anti-hangover medications, as well as in the Russian drug Limontar.

If you are in good company and can’t help but drink, then the lemon that is usually on the table will help you. Place a slice of lemon in a glass of vodka. Lemon will fill the glass and neutralize the effect of alcohol.

Infusion of hops and mint. You need to mix equal parts of hop cones and mint. Pour a tablespoon of this mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for one hour.

Hops and mint are natural tranquilizers; they will reduce the mental manifestations of hangover syndrome. But in this case, you need to take this infusion a couple of hours after finishing drinking alcohol or at the height of a hangover. An infusion taken before drinking can only intensify the upcoming intoxication.

Infusion of wormwood. This folk recipe helps not with a hangover, but with excess intoxication: it is recommended to infuse a tablespoon of ordinary wormwood with boiling water for an hour. Drink immediately before the feast.

Fermented milk drinks. When drinking alcohol, toxins are formed in the intestines, which are absorbed into the blood, poisoning the entire body, causing swelling, disruption of the liver, kidneys and nervous system. This is why a person feels so bad when they have a hangover. Fermented milk products can alleviate this condition: yogurt, tan, ayran, kefir, kumiss.

Fermented milk products provide the body with protein, vitamins and minerals involved in many metabolic processes; they also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, are well absorbed by the body and effectively restore strength. The amino acids and beneficial bacteria contained in these products improve appetite and have a laxative effect. Lactic acid bacteria provide the body with energy, remove toxins from the body, and protect the liver.

During a hangover, lactic acid activates and accelerates the processing of toxic breakdown products of alcohol.

When you have a hangover, it is better and more beneficial to take fermented milk products on an empty stomach in small sips, depending on your condition.

Of all the fermented milk drinks, the most suitable for curing a hangover is kumiss. It contains a higher amount of lactic acid and B vitamins. It is also the most carbonated, which is why its effect occurs faster.

Kefir often treated with a hangover, this is a fairly common “folk recipe”. Kefir is made from milk and a starter culture, which consists of kefir grains, which include lactic acid bacteria and yeast. Thus, kefir contains proteins, milk sugar, lactic acid, enzymes, etc., including microelements.

Kefir helps with hangovers mainly because it cleanses the body of alcohol breakdown products and helps restore the supply of minerals and vitamins. Lactic acid supplies the body with energy, helps in the use of dietary carbohydrates, and has a beneficial effect on the liver, protecting it. Kefir is easily digestible, has a refreshing effect, restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates appetite, and has a beneficial effect on the body's defenses.

If you feel nausea, vomiting, rapid breathing, then, in addition to treatment with kefir, you need to drink alkaline mineral water or even a little baking soda with plenty of water.

The presence of ethyl alcohol in kefir does not exceed 0.04 - 0.05%. That is, you won’t be able to get “hungover” with kefir. One ripe pear contains as much alcohol as a bucket of kefir.

Yogurt– a fermented milk product produced by fermenting pasteurized milk with a special culture of bacteria. Yogurts have enormous dietary value, as they have medicinal properties and good digestibility. They improve digestion, lower cholesterol levels, slow down the aging process of the body, and help fight chronic fatigue.

Yogurt is rich in protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and B vitamins.

B vitamins improve food digestion, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, muscles and heart, and help with nausea. It is the B vitamins that are heavily consumed during the processing of alcohol. By restoring their supply, we help the body overcome the remnants of alcohol and the nausea-causing toxins that alcohol has turned into in our body.

Lactic acid bacteria contained in yogurt remove toxins from the body and protect the liver.

Airan and Tan. When drinking alcohol, especially in large quantities, the body's water-salt metabolism is disrupted. Namely, it ensures the acid-base balance and the volume of fluids in the internal environment of our body, while delivering vitamins and minerals to the tissues. Disturbances in water-salt metabolism lead to heart rhythm pathology, ischemia, hypertension, heart failure, and damage to kidney function.

To reduce disturbances in water-salt metabolism, you can drink fermented milk drinks - Tan and Ayran - when you have a hangover. They taste almost the same, the only difference is in the starter and in the technology of milk fermentation.

Tan and Ayran are powerful hangover remedies. The salts included in these drinks contribute to the rapid normalization of water-salt metabolism in the body (just like brine), which is very important for a hangover, and are also excellent for use after heavy psychophysical stress. In addition, Tan and Ayran cleanse the body of intermediate metabolic products, increase tone, relieve muscle fatigue syndrome, normalize appetite, digestion and metabolism, and have a beneficial effect on the liver.

Kumis– a fermented milk drink obtained from mare’s milk as a result of a special, labor-intensive fermentation process.

Kumis is good for treating, for example, some intestinal diseases. Due to the high content of B vitamins and lactic acid, it is best suited among all milk drinks for treating a hangover: B vitamins provide the liver with the necessary enzymes, and lactic acid activates metabolic processes, due to which alcohol breakdown products are oxidized faster. In addition, the increased carbon dioxide content promotes the rapid onset of the therapeutic effect and tones the body.

Kumis is difficult and expensive to produce and difficult to store. However, recently it often appears in good supermarkets, in the dairy departments. Please note that kumiss is made only from mare’s milk, but not “from cow’s milk with the addition of mare’s milk,” as unscrupulous producers write.

Tea and coffee. A cup of tea in the morning after heavy libations can help in several ways.

Tea contains vitamin B 1: it is heavily consumed during the processing of alcohol and toxic products of its breakdown, and if its reserves are used up, the hangover lasts longer.

Tea contains caffeine. Caffeine is quite appropriate to complete cleansing activities. If there is no great need, then it is better to abstain from the invigorating drink and go to bed. Tea contains less caffeine than coffee (contrary to popular myth: in fact, there is more of it in the tea leaf, but not in the drink) and it is present in a complex with tannin, forming caffeine tannate, therefore it has an indirect and gentle effect on both the brain and and on vessels.

Coffee awakens the brain, increases diuresis (that is, it has a diuretic effect, which, by the way, in a hangover, but with heavy drinking: this will remove the pathological redistribution of fluid and expel toxins from the body), and in large doses causes vomiting.

Short-term vigor hardly compensates for the deterioration of the condition as a whole. Unless you have a slight hangover and you have to go to work.

Since tea and coffee increase stress on the heart and can cause vomiting, it is better to complete other activities to remove toxins from the body with them.

Citrus fruits and bananas. Oranges and lemons contain large amounts of citric acid. When citric acid enters the body, the body begins to process it. Together with other substances, toxic breakdown products of alcohol will also be processed in this process. That is, taking citric acid will promote the process of chemical detoxification - cleansing the body of toxins.

It is believed that the “active ingredient” in the treatment of hangovers in citrus fruits is ascorbic acid (vitamin C). In fact, it is not of fundamental importance. Moreover, citrus fruits contain a little ascorbic acid - about 2 - 3 times less than horseradish, 5 times less than black currants and red pepper, and 30 times less than dried rose hips. In addition, ascorbic acid is not an emergency remedy for a hangover.

Bananas are rich in polysaccharides and nutritious; they will give energy to a weakened body after a feast. A banana milkshake helps a lot. By the way, milk eases hangover syndrome; it is recommended to drink it before drinking alcohol. The cocktail recipe is simple - a glass of milk, half a banana, 1 tablespoon of honey. Beat in a mixer and use.

Gelatin. A large amount of glycine is found in gelatin. So if you find jelly, jellied fish or jellied meat at home in the morning, you are saved. In addition, glycine is found in animal cartilage. In the Caucasus, they cook khash - hot jellied meat from beef legs or, in general, any bones containing cartilage. It cooks for a long time - four to five, or even more hours. Vinegar, pepper, and other seasonings are served separately with a plate of hot khash. Your wise wife will cook a large pot of khash at home, cool it and put it in the refrigerator. In the morning, she will fill a saucepan, heat it up and feed her careless hubby. Then he will advise you to take a warm (not cold or hot) shower. And lie down to rest for a couple of hours.

It is worth noting that even without yesterday’s hangover, khash in the morning is very healthy, satisfying and tasty. Eat a plate for breakfast before work - you will be cheerful and proactive all day, and you will not get tired.

You can also make fruit jelly. Soak 25 grams of gelatin for 1 hour in warm boiled water. Dilute 1 liter of jam or syrup, which contains more vitamins. You can use fruit and berry juice. Then heat the gelatin over low heat and slowly pour it into the resulting syrup. You can put the aspic in the refrigerator, cool it and eat it, or you can drink it warm. There are plenty of vitamins and glycine.

Honey as a hangover cure. Honey contains trace elements, redox enzymes, and organic acids. In addition, it contains fructose, a type of sugar that the body needs to quickly cope with the processing of alcohol into harmless substances: it promotes the production of a coenzyme, which has an important role in the processing of alcohol and toxins in the liver. Honey also has a calming and detoxifying effect.

At home, to treat a hangover, cleansing the intestines and taking fractional amounts of honey is enough. To get rid of a hangover, 0.5 cups of honey is enough.

Seafood as a hangover cure. They contain a lot of useful substances. Unfortunately, the ability to digest seafood, like other foods of animal origin, is significantly reduced during a hangover. Seafood can only be considered as a way to improve your health after relieving a hangover.

Alcohol disrupts the electrolyte balance in the human body: potassium, magnesium, sodium, and phosphorus are lost. If you have a hangover, these losses must be replenished. Seafood is perfect for this.

Seafood includes not only fish, but also other marine life: mussels, scallops, squid, crabs, shrimp, lobsters, etc. They are all rich in proteins, lecithin, methionine and macro- and microelements (iodine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus). Seafood stimulates the activity of the digestive glands, increases appetite and metabolism. In addition, seafood acts on the body as a sedative. However, the most important thing is that seafood saturates the body with potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus, which is so necessary for electrolyte imbalances.

Methionine is an essential amino acid, it has a cleansing effect, promotes digestion, ensures metabolic processes, and reduces muscle weakness.

Jellied fish and fish broth remarkably bind toxic acetaldehyde and help the nervous system recover.

Protein replenishment. Protein in the human body is used to combat the effects of alcohol consumption. And it needs to be restored. Jellied fish and khash, which we talked about, will help here. They perform a dual function in “correcting” the body - they supply glycine and protein. A second sandwich with red caviar wouldn’t hurt much – it has more protein than black caviar. Dutch cheese, processed cheeses, beef and pork, any fish, poultry, walnuts, hazelnuts are very healthy. But remember that you should not eat smoked or fried meat; boiled meat is better. The liver and pancreas are already overloaded. And you have them in a single copy. And it is impossible to live without them.

Magnesia (magnesium sulfate). Magnesia is a fairly popular remedy for relieving a hangover. Its effect on the body manifests itself in different ways. The following effects may help with a hangover:

– the laxative effect will appear within about half an hour after administration. Cleansing the intestines from the remnants of undigested alcohol, food and alcohol breakdown products (poisoning with which causes most of the discomfort in the morning) is one of the most effective means of relieving the condition. And it becomes more relevant the more you drink and eat. When taking sorbents (activated carbon and others), this is important, since sorbents accumulate excess alcohol and toxins, which are important to remove from the body in a timely manner;

– anticonvulsant effect – reduces headaches;

– replenishment of magnesium loss – improves the functioning of the nervous system, supports the heart;

– will help relieve swelling, reduce headaches.

Magnesia (magnesium sulfate, “Epsom salt”) is sold in pharmacies.

Dissolve 10 ml in half a glass of water, take this dose every 40 - 50 minutes. Up to three times.

Ascorbic acid for hangover. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) binds toxins that are formed as a result of drinking and helps remove them from the body. It is no coincidence that it is added to many anti-hangover remedies. For example, the action of the important enzyme cytochrome P450 in the liver is due to the presence of ascorbic acid. The synthesis of the mood substance - serotonin, adrenal hormones, necessary, in particular, to maintain vascular tone, also depends on ascorbic acid. But ascorbic acid is not an emergency cure for a hangover. Due to the multi-stage nature and duration of the necessary transformations of some substances into others, ascorbic acid is used in the process of many days of recovery from heavy drinking, but, say, it will not help you quickly get back on your feet and go to work.

"Ascorbinka" is sold in pharmacies. You can also take a multivitamin or drink natural juices.

If you have a hangover, it would be a good idea to take a pill containing the recommended daily dose of a multivitamin such as Centrum or Vitrum.

Do not take medications during the day that contain more vitamins than the recommended daily intake! This still won’t help: excess vitamins will not be absorbed, they will either be excreted in the urine (water-soluble vitamins B and C) or deposited in tissues (fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K) and can cause harm.

Soda as a hangover cure. Among other things, morning sickness is also due to the fact that the acid-base balance in the body is shifted to the acidic side: nausea, vomiting and rapid breathing are signs of an imbalance. This trouble is caused by the fact that alcohol is processed mainly into various acidic compounds (acetaldehyde, acetic acid, lactic acid). Scientifically, this effect is called “acidosis.” When treating a hangover, professional doctors inject an intravenous solution of potassium bicarbonate, that is, soda.

Soda is included in various anti-hangover products. In instructions it may appear under the names “sodium bicarbonate”, “sodium bicarbonate” or “sodium bicarbonate”.

1 – 2 teaspoons of soda (depending on the condition: from “so-so” to “very bad”) should be dissolved in 1 – 1.5 liters of water and drunk. Do not make the solution too saturated: it may release excess gastric juice. At the same time, replenish your body’s water reserves, which is also important for a hangover.

In the future, you can recover with alkaline mineral waters: Borjomi, Essentuki.

Antidotes (antidote). Sometimes it is also necessary to use antidotes.

Zorex, a Russian drug, is a specific antidote for the binding of acetaldehyde. It is a combination of unithiol and calcium pantothenate (vitamin B 3). Zorex eliminates not only the symptoms, but also the cause of a hangover. Unithiol irreversibly binds to acetaldehyde, forming non-toxic complex compounds; activates alcohol dehydrogenase, which enhances the oxidation of ethanol. Calcium pantothenate restores metabolism, especially in nerve cells, and also enhances the detoxifying effect of unithiol. Excessive amounts of alcohol not only cause a hangover, but also have a destructive effect on the body, destroying liver and brain cells, and adversely affecting blood vessels. Zorex eliminates the negative effects of alcohol, protecting the liver and restoring the structure of blood vessels. The drug has a detoxifying, hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect, is used for hangover syndrome, acute alcohol intoxication, is recommended for complex therapy of chronic alcoholism, helps with the use of low-quality or when mixing different alcoholic drinks. By the way, Zorex will help prevent a hangover if you take it in the evening, that is, it can be used prophylactically!

Medichronal-Darnitsa is a homeopathic medicine that helps reduce the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the body. Has a detoxifying effect and improves metabolic processes in the body. A decrease in hangover symptoms occurs within 20 to 30 minutes after taking the drug. Medichronal can be used to prevent hangover. Mexidol is an antioxidant that eliminates the manifestations of alcohol intoxication and increases the body’s resistance to various damaging factors, in particular to ethanol intoxication. It is an effective remedy for quickly relieving hangover symptoms.

Succinic acid It is considered a biotic and not a medicine. Succinic acid activates energy metabolism in tissues and has an immunomodulatory effect. It has the property of increasing the activity of cellular respiration, strengthening the immune system and protecting against various toxic poisonings, including alcohol. Enters the body with food. There is a lot of it in grape juice and gooseberry juice.

Taking succinic acid helps the body with detoxification, speeds up the process of converting acetaldehyde into less harmful substances, and generally improves well-being.

It is found in many anti-hangover medications, as well as in the Russian drug Limontar.

Succinic acid can be taken both before the feast and in the morning after a hangover. Sold in pharmacies in tablet form.

Glycine. It is also known as aminoacetic acid and belongs to the class of non-essential amino acids. This substance is a metabolic corrector; it can influence subtle metabolic processes in the brain and central nervous system. And influence in the most positive way. Glycine has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body’s nervous system, “being integrated” into metabolic processes disturbed by drinking.

Glycine is a common substance that is found in ordinary food (so it is not a medicine, but a “biotic” - that is, when you take glycine, you use the natural properties of your body, rather than taking substances foreign to it). Glycine can be purchased at any pharmacy, without a prescription, in tablet form.

In medicine, glycine is used, roughly speaking, to treat nerves: it reduces psycho-emotional stress and aggressiveness, simply improves mood and mental performance, and normalizes sleep. It also helps with vegetative-vascular dystonia and will get you back on your feet faster after a traumatic brain injury or stroke. Well, in particular, it reduces the toxic effect of alcohol and drugs that depress the function of the central nervous system.

It also neutralizes toxic decomposition products of ethyl alcohol, in particular acetaldehyde. Glycine, when combined with acetaldehyde, forms acetylglycine, a very useful compound that is used by the body to synthesize proteins, hormones and enzymes.

In addition, glycine normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and in binge alcoholics it reduces the pathological craving for drinking. They are professionally treated for chronic drunks, prescribed to interrupt binge drinking and prevent delirium tremens.

You should take glycine for a hangover, 2 tablets every hour. Up to five times in total. Remember that it is not swallowed, but placed under the tongue or behind the cheek (buccal).

An attempt to increase the dose may lead to the opposite effect, since an excessive amount of acetic acid and ammonia is formed in the body.

Remember also that glycine is a good remedy, but not an emergency remedy. The action of glycine is mainly central and unfolds slowly. It is recommended as part of a comprehensive treatment for withdrawal from binge drinking for several days.

Sleep helps relieve a hangover. Sleep itself is a good means of detoxification (and a hangover is, first of all, intoxication with alcohol and its breakdown products), since during sleep predominantly cholinergic processes are activated, aimed at restoring homeostasis (constancy of physiological processes).

It is necessary that the wife watches over the sleep of a very drunk husband, because vomiting may begin. In this case, it is vital to turn him from his back to his side to prevent suffocation from vomit.

Another danger of uncontrolled sleep during severe intoxication is staying in one position for a long time, especially with your hand clasped. This can lead to the development of prolonged crush syndrome with poisoning from the breakdown products of one’s own tissues, primarily muscle myoglobin, and the rapid development of shock and renal failure.

Physical activity for a hangover. Physical activity accelerates the body's elimination of harmful substances due to sweating, increased glomerular filtration in the kidneys, and redistribution of vascular tone (removal of edema, which causes headaches). As a hangover remedy, it is applicable after bowel movements in young, physically trained people, since all of the above effects are realized due to additional stress on the heart, which, during a hangover, is already working under load.

During prolonged binge drinking, increased physical activity is strictly contraindicated.

Walk. You can get yourself into a fighting state from a not-so-deep hangover with a simple walk. Preferably without cigarettes.

Before your walk, take a couple of multivitamin tablets (Dekamevit, Gendevit), drink a glass of natural rosehip juice or decoction. Then go out closer to nature and breathe.

You need to breathe skillfully. This is best done while sitting. Inhalation is made not from the chest, but from the stomach. Without releasing the collected air, continue inhaling by expanding the chest. Then continue inhaling, raising your shoulders. Then exhale, but in the reverse order. The approximate duration of one cycle is 15 seconds. Repeat 6 – 10 times. If you feel dizzy while breathing, you should stop for a few minutes.

This type of breathing can be done in 2 – 3 sessions with a break of about ten minutes. Then it is advisable to douse yourself with cold water.

In Russia, this method of cleansing the lungs and body has been used by clergy for centuries.

Home first aid kit. To relieve hangover symptoms, commonly used headache medications such as aspirin or citramon, paracetamol are often used.

The only sure cure for a hangover is time. However, you can relieve headaches with painkillers.

It is best to use paracetamol soluble in water, as it also helps restore water balance in the body. Its advantage over ibuprofen and aspirin is that it does not irritate the walls of the stomach (which were already damaged last night).

Aspirin, no-shpa, activated carbon: 6 - 8 tablets of activated carbon, 2 tablets of no-shpa, 1 aspirin tablet.

You need to drink it all after the party at night. There is usually no hangover in the morning. Activated carbon adsorbs all sorts of nasty things, no-spa helps the liver, and aspirin thins the blood - blood pressure decreases.

Advice for the wife. In the evening, when her husband comes in slightly drunk, she is affectionate and compliant with him, wanting to please him. He will undress you and put you to bed. Because lectures in the evening will only cause a decisive and firm rebuff.

The poor husband wakes up after the holiday not only with a dry mouth, but also with a feeling of impending disaster. His conscience torments him, he is guilty before his family, neighbors, others, he is guilty before himself, before his beloved dog.

A wise wife pours half a glass of brine and, when her husband feels better, begins to read the moral. In the morning, the Russian husband is conscientious and agrees with his wife that he had too much yesterday, and gives his word that it will not happen again.

A wise wife, when preparing a festive table, will prepare a thick meat broth in advance, preferably low-fat, from different types of meat. This broth is good for making hodgepodge from the leftovers of the festive table. There were probably some pickled cucumbers, different types of sausages, and olives left. A good housewife will also have beef kidneys. Hot hodgepodge in the morning - what could be better!

A wise wife knows that hangover is an incredibly delicate process. Any dose in this case becomes initiating. So you can go for a second round of fun. That is: “I waved in the morning - the whole day is free.”

Foreign recipes. If you haven't drunk too much, and good drinks at that, you can try a Western recipe.

“Prairie oyster” - raw egg yolk mixed with spicy tomato sauce, lemon juice, red and black pepper, salt and 50 grams of cognac. “Oyster” gives relief - if you do not have gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, or high blood pressure.

The Germans often eat well-cooked lamb, a banana and drink a large glass of milk for breakfast the morning after a noble party.

In Turkey and Bulgaria, they prefer to expel the “green snake” with the help of yogurt and other fermented milk products: they not only help to quickly remove toxins from the body, but also “patch the wounds” of the gastric mucosa.

In the Land of the Rising Sun, they dip a gauze bandage in sake and then breathe through it. If all the vodka ran out the previous day, then the Japanese save themselves with 5 - 6 cups of hot green tea.

Residents of Foggy Albion eat spinach in the morning. By the way, they are acting wisely: its antioxidants accelerate the removal of alcohol breakdown products from the body. And a big cup of rosemary tea! It will relieve headaches and help the liver neutralize toxins.

The French prefer to fight a hangover with hot onion soup and strong black coffee, not with sugar, but with salt. But coffee doesn’t help everyone, then the right way is the “Piglet Rinse” cocktail - pour a little lemon juice and two equal parts of white wine and sparkling water into a glass. Or “Invigorating cocktail” - half a glass of milk, one banana and two tablespoons of honey.

Cooking recipes

? "Hangover cocktail" 1 cup orange juice, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 0.5 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt, 0.5 cup ginger ale (a ginger-based soft drink that helps relieve headaches and nausea), a sprig of mint. Beat with a mixer and drink.

? "Hangover soup" 2 cups chicken broth, 1/4 cup finely chopped onion, 1/4 teaspoon basil, 1/4 teaspoon marjoram, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, 150 g frozen mixed vegetables, 1/4 cup egg noodles, 1 cup chopped chicken breasts, 150 g canned tomatoes (drain the juice).

Pour the broth into the pan, add onions, vegetable mixture, spices, chicken. Bring to a boil, add noodles. Cook for 8 – 10 minutes. Add tomatoes, bring to a boil again.

In addition to this soup, sour cabbage soup, pickles, and solyanka are good for a hangover.

? "Mexican rice and beans." If you have already come to your senses and want to eat, such a hot salad will continue your treatment.

Rice, white or brown (100 g), boil in salted water for 10 - 12 minutes. Chop sweet peppers and onions (1 pc. each), simmer in heated vegetable oil (1 tbsp.). Add hot tomato sauce (20 g), canned beans and corn (1 can each), 0.5 tablespoons of chili pepper and cooked rice. Mix. Place on lettuce leaves, sprinkle with grated cheese (150 g).

? Cognac-lemon hot cocktail. The recipe is simple: take a cup of hot coffee (if anyone has heart problems, you can use tea), add a slice of lemon (sugar to taste), pour in a couple of spoons of cognac and drink the whole mixture hot.

Warning for smokers: refrain from smoking after this for at least 15 - 20 minutes, otherwise the opposite effect may occur. Improvement in well-being occurs already in the process of drinking this mixture. Some may experience a side effect: after drinking this cocktail, drowsiness occurs, but after half an hour this condition goes away. If you have time, then sleep - it will be helpful. If work calls, then wait until the drowsiness passes.

? Cocktail "Bloody Eye". Stock up on tomato juice and raw chicken eggs for the morning. You can replace chicken ones with quail ones, but then there will be two of them - two “bloody eyes”. Place the yolk in a glass of tomato juice, try not to mix it with the juice, let it float entirely. Then drink it all in one gulp.

? Orange-lemon cocktail. The recipe is simple and old, but very effective. You need 200 grams of natural orange juice, one lemon with peel and 100 grams of honey. Beat all this in a mixer for about five minutes; if desired, you can add one chicken egg white or two quail egg whites, which is more desirable. This should be drunk on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before meals.

? Cabbage with kefir. If there was no sauerkraut at the table, after the feast, you can fill this gap with fresh cabbage during the feast. Finely chop the cabbage, remember and mix it with kefir. A very healthy and sobering dish.

? Pickled cucumber with kefir. Take 0.5 liters of kefir, finely chop a salted, not pickled cucumber (if the cucumber is small, then two), add ground black pepper on the tip of a knife, add a little less ground red pepper. Mix everything well and drink in small sips within an hour. After this, do not drink any liquid for an hour. When you have an appetite, eat.

After a stormy feast comes a heavy, gloomy morning. My head hurts, my stomach refuses to work, I feel dry mouth and complete powerlessness. The day after drinking alcohol, these symptoms indicate a severe hangover (alcohol intoxication). I advise those who have suffered from a hangover to find out how to get rid of a hangover at home. But there are no quick remedies; full recovery requires at least 12-14 hours.

First, let's find out what What NOT to do if you have a hangover:

1. Drink alcoholic beverages. We like to knock out wedge with wedge. If alcohol is the cause of your terrible condition, then you need another portion of it. Indeed, after a bottle of beer or 100 g of vodka it becomes easier, but you risk closing the circle. Treating a hangover with alcohol gradually turns into a new feast, and the next day you get a headache again. This is how binge drinking begins with all the ensuing consequences.

2. Take a bath or go to the sauna. Alcohol intoxication causes the heart to work harder. High temperature creates additional problems for the cardiovascular system.

3. Drink coffee and hot tea. Coffee increases your heart rate and increases dry mouth. In turn, tea causes fermentation in the stomach, increasing intoxication. If you have a hangover, it is better to avoid these drinks.

How CAN you treat a hangover:

1. Get a good night's sleep. Sleep is the best cure for a hangover. You need to sleep until the feeling of drowsiness leaves you. Only in sleep does the body actively fight alcohol intoxication.

2. Drink a lot of mineral water, compotes and natural juices. These drinks prevent dehydration and restore the vitamin and mineral balance of the body. Cucumber brine, rich in minerals and salts, is also suitable.

3. Take a light shower. Water at summer temperatures washes away toxins released from the skin along with drops of sweat. The skin becomes clean and absorbs oxygen better, allowing a person to recover from a hangover faster.

4. Drink a few tablets of activated carbon. If you have a hangover, you should always drink activated charcoal. It neutralizes the effects of toxic substances, preventing further poisoning of the body.

6. Eat borscht, soup or scrambled eggs. Soups and borscht are rich in vitamins, and scrambled eggs contain a lot of protein and amino acids. All these substances are necessary for the normal functioning of the liver, the natural filter of our body.

7. Get some fresh air. At least open the window. Better yet, go for a walk in the park. Ventilation of the lungs helps improve metabolic processes and removes the unpleasant odor of alcohol from the mouth. But if you want to sleep, then it’s better to stay at home.

All these methods only stimulate the normal functioning of the body, but none of them will help you quickly get out of a hangover, since this takes time. At your own peril and risk, you can use widely advertised medical products, the manufacturers of which assure of their lightning-fast effect. But the safety of these tablets raises doubts among many experts.

Every adult has had a time in their life when they experienced a severe hangover. It is a consequence of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages the day before. The reasons for drinking libations are holidays. People celebrate their birthdays: theirs, their children's, their relatives', friends', colleagues' and acquaintances'. Alcohol is drunk in large quantities and uncontrollably at weddings and events held in noisy company, especially outdoors. Getting up in the morning, suffering from poisoning and scolding himself for weakness, a person struggles to remember how to quickly recover from a hangover. But a hangover after a binge is especially hard to bear. In this article we will describe the causes and symptoms of this serious condition. We will also give several ways to make it easier.

What is a hangover

This is a condition that is accompanied by unhealthy and painful sensations throughout the body. The feeling of discomfort may last for about a day. A hangover occurs the next morning after heavy drinking. This condition is caused by the instant absorption of ethyl alcohol contained in alcohol into the blood through the walls of the stomach. The body, trying to get rid of poisons, tries to oxidize breakdown products to acetaldehyde using an enzyme such as alcohol dehydrogenase. The main stage of decomposition occurs in the liver, which no less poisons the body. Since acetaldehyde, which neutralizes alcohol, is also a poisonous enzyme. A long-term hangover is caused by the fact that during this period the body secretes aldehyde dehydrogenases. Which, in turn, destroy acetaldehyde. And since a powerful blow falls on the liver, it is destroyed, which leads to diseases, cirrhosis and the formation of cancerous tumors.

Why doesn't everyone experience a hangover?

During the decomposition process, acetaldehyde turns into As oxidation occurs, the substances decrease But not all people process alcohol in the same way. Everyone has individual sensitivity to this product. If the body has an equal balance in the gradual formation of acetaldehyde and its immediate breakdown, then these people are not familiar with such a condition as a hangover. The symptoms are unknown to them because they are absent. You will feel good as long as the liver is able to equally destroy ethyl alcohol and acetaldehyde.

For other people, the balance in the process of decomposition and oxidation is imbalanced. This may be due to an excess of alcohol dehydrogenase or low activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase. As a result, the concentration of acetaldehyde in the body increases, which causes a terrible hangover. We will describe the symptoms of this condition below.

Symptoms and signs of a hangover

As a rule, a person who had a good walk yesterday feels disgusting the next morning. His body is experiencing dehydration, as he has lost a lot of water over the past day. Nausea and vomiting are caused by stomach acid, which is produced due to mucous membranes irritated by alcohol. A hangover is accompanied by headaches because alcoholic products dilate blood vessels. Feelings of fatigue, trembling, and excessive sweating are caused by low blood sugar levels. The immune system is disrupted and irritation occurs due to light and noise.

A person in this state feels anxious and wary. He begins to suspect that everyone around him knows about his condition and condemns him. People suffering from alcoholism already know how to quickly recover from a hangover. Their symptoms disappear after a small dose of alcohol. But this is not a way to get rid of unhealthy health. In addition, it only suppresses symptoms, but does not cure them. The process of poisoning the body continues, and may even intensify. There are many traditional ways to help get rid of a hangover at home.

Factors causing severe condition

The degree of hangover experienced by a particular person may vary. Several factors influence the severity of this condition. These are genetic data due to which the body maintains a balance between the breakdown and oxidation of alcohol products. It has been proven that about 25% of people suffering from alcohol addiction have never experienced a hangover. Also, the state after a feast is influenced by a person’s age and gender. For example, some encountered a painful condition for the first time when they were in adulthood, and did not even know how to quickly recover from a hangover. It is worth noting that it is more susceptible to negative consequences.

Smoking, alternating with drinking alcohol, causes the most severe post-alcohol syndrome. The duration of sleep also influences the degree and severity of a hangover.

We are treated with folk remedies

In the morning after a feast, kefir will help get rid of the feeling of nausea and unpleasant cramps. Sorbents found in dairy products will absorb accumulated toxins, easing the general condition of the body.

Jellied meat is a good folk remedy. The fat contained in the dish binds alcohol residues and satisfies hunger.

A honey cocktail quickly relieves hangover symptoms. To do this, add 3 tablespoons of honey to a glass of milk. Drink the drink while it's hot.

A popular folk remedy is cucumber or cabbage pickle, which contains potassium and sodium. They will help restore water-salt balance.

In the process of drinking alcoholic beverages, various vitamins were washed out of the body, which you need to restore. First of all, prepare fresh orange juice, add 1 and a couple of spoons of honey to it.

Another excellent remedy that people have used since ancient times is the bathhouse. At high temperatures, the body produces sweat, and with it toxins that poison the body. It is worth noting that it is better not to use this remedy if you have a heart condition.

Chicken broth relieves symptoms, restoring lost strength. It is better to drink it when it has cooled down, so as not to provoke vomiting again.

Water is the head of everything

Everyone who experiences a similar condition wonders how to get out of a hangover without harm to the body.

The first step is to restore the damage caused by alcohol consumption. Therefore, drink more fluids. It can be pure or mineral water, tea, compotes.

There is an opinion among people that the real cure for a hangover is beer or a glass of vodka. This is a misconception. in this case, it will drag on for a long time, and may lead you to binge drinking.

Freshly brewed coffee or tea containing caffeine restores the body in a short time.

A shower with alternating hot and cold water invigorates the morning. It's not about taking a bath. It is necessary to stand under the shower and change the water every 2-3 minutes.

What can you do to avoid a hangover?

The first thing a person preparing to drink needs to do is reduce the flow of alcohol into the blood. Of course, the main cure for a hangover is the absence of alcoholic beverages in the diet. But since we are talking about drinking alcohol, it is necessary to prepare the stomach in advance.

If a person eats a large meal before he starts drinking, he will reduce the absorption of alcohol absorbed by the food in the stomach. After all, it is known that a person experiencing a feeling of hunger will get drunk faster. Therefore, a suitable dish would be fatty foods prepared in any way.

Each apartment has activated carbon, which helps get rid of a hangover at home. Take absorbents that absorb alcohol in the stomach. Take 6-7 tablets before drinking alcohol. This will reduce the effect of alcoholic beverages on the body.

Mistakes during the feast that cause a hangover

Mixing a variety of drinks during a celebration is a big mistake. Each type of alcohol has a different degree of strength, as well as the content of constituent substances. It’s not for nothing that cocktails containing several components are called “explosive mixtures.” In the morning, this potion will make you seriously think about how to get out of a hangover. Another rule to get rid of a serious condition - do not move from more to less. This suggests that you should not drink drinks with low strength after you have consumed alcohol with a degree of 40%. Limit yourself to one type of alcoholic product.

Avoid drinking sugary carbonated drinks. They irritate the taste receptors. By masking the smell of alcohol, they encourage you to drink more often and more.

Try not to increase the number of cigarettes you smoke per evening. In addition to a hangover, you will suffer from nicotine poisoning.

Take your time to drink at the table. Allow your body to fight the dose received. Otherwise, you will not solve the problem of how to quickly recover from a hangover.


In the end, I would like to add that there are many remedies for getting rid of a hangover. To avoid getting sick in the morning, do not drink alcohol in the evening. If this is the case, then the most reliable remedy for getting rid of a hangover at home is time, as well as sleep. Stop drinking alcohol, your body will recover within 24 hours and you will feel better. Be healthy!



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