Wheezing when breathing. Wheezing Whirring wheezing in the lungs

Wheezing when inhaling is a sign that is an alarming symptom that occurs in almost all pathologies of those organs that take part in the breathing process. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the occurrence of such a manifestation is caused by the occurrence of one or another pathological process in the body, however, there are other predisposing factors.

The clinical picture will not be limited to such a sign and is often supplemented by the most characteristic symptoms of the provoking disease. Among them, it is worth highlighting heaviness in the chest and.

To establish the correct diagnosis, an integrated approach will be required, which is why the diagnosis will be based on a wide range of laboratory and instrumental examinations. Conservative methods predominate in therapy, but the issue of surgical intervention will be decided individually with each patient.


Currently, wheezing is any non-physiological noise represented by additional sounds that arise during the breathing process.

The main reasons why wheezing appears during inspiration are:

  • or ;
  • acute form;
  • or ;
  • or ;
  • acute GVHD.

Very often, patients complain of moist rales in the lungs, which may indicate one of the following pathologies:

  • Williams-Campbell syndrome;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • COPD;
  • primary ciliary dyskinesia;
  • bronchitis or tuberculosis;
  • or ;
  • TELA;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • pneumonia;
  • or .

However, dry wheezing most often occurs in the lungs - they can be caused by pathologies not only of the respiratory system, but also of other internal organs. Similar symptoms may accompany the following ailments:

  • chronic bronchitis or bronchiolitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • or ;
  • pneumonia or pneumosclerosis;
  • malignant or benign neoplasms on the bronchi and lungs;
  • heart failure;
  • the presence of a foreign object in the upper respiratory tract or bronchi.

In addition to the above factors, the reasons why wheezing appears in the sternum can be pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or oral cavity. In this category it is worth highlighting:

Some diseases are characterized by the presence of both wet and dry wheezing. The severity of a particular symptom is determined by the presence of pathological exudate in the lungs.

Due to the presence of a large number of sources of such an alarming manifestation, it becomes clear that it is not specific, which is why it is not possible to make a correct diagnosis based on its expression alone.

Physiological factors for the occurrence of such a symptom include:

  • excessively dry air in a residential or any other room where a person often spends quite a lot of time;
  • excess body weight - in obese people, even with minimal physical activity, a pathological sound is heard when inhaling;
  • excessive physical stress;
  • old age of a person.

It is in such situations that wheezing poses absolutely no threat - in order to get rid of it you just need to perform a few vigorous breathing movements or forcefully cough.

Also, often such a clinical sign is a consequence of an allergic reaction or a previous operation on the organs of the respiratory system.


According to the nature of their manifestation, wheezing in the lungs can be:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • whistling;
  • crepitus is a sound that is similar to crunching or crackling.

In turn, wet noises are divided into:

  • finely bubbled;
  • medium bubbly;
  • large-bubbly.

In addition, there are several other divisions of this symptom:

  • by tonality - high and low;
  • by homogeneity - homogeneous and heterogeneous;
  • by timbre – polyphonic and monophonic;
  • by prevalence;
  • by sonority - sonorous and muffled;
  • by quantity - single and multiple.

It is these factors that the pulmonologist pays attention to during a physical examination during diagnosis.


Since the main symptom is a consequence of the occurrence of one or another pathological process, it is natural that it will be supplemented by other clinical manifestations. Thus, wheezing breathing is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • frequent and shallow breathing;
  • strong, both with and with discharge, which can be transparent or cloudy, greenish or yellowish, and may also have impurities of blood or pus;
  • and malaise;
  • pain, heaviness and discomfort in the chest or heart area;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure and heart rate disturbances;
  • developmental delay;
  • pale skin;
  • bluish lips;
  • , especially at night;
  • , against the background of which body weight decreases;
  • both during physical activity and at rest.

However, patients need to remember that such symptoms of wheezing in the throat, lungs or bronchi are the most common, which means that some patients may have symptoms that are absent in others. It should also be noted that an increase in temperature in an adult or child is not always observed.


To identify the etiological factor that led to wheezing during inspiration in children or adults, it is necessary to carry out a large number of specific diagnostic measures.

First of all, the pulmonologist must independently perform several manipulations:

  • get acquainted with the medical history and life history of the patient - if a person has chronic diseases, such a measure will indicate the reasons for such symptoms;
  • conduct a thorough physical examination, which, in addition to auscultation, should include examination of the condition of the skin, as well as measurement of temperature, heart rate and blood tone;
  • interview the patient in detail regarding the first time of appearance, nature and severity of symptoms.

The following laboratory tests have the greatest diagnostic value:

Among the instrumental examinations it is worth highlighting:

  • chest x-ray;
  • spirometry - to assess the air patency of the respiratory tract;
  • test with a bronchodilator;
  • bronchoprovocation test;
  • body plethysmography – to determine the functioning of external respiration;
  • fiberoptic bronchoscopy is a procedure for examining the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs;
  • angiopulmonography;
  • biopsy of the lungs and bronchi - is the collection of a small part of the organ for subsequent histological studies. Used when cancer is suspected.

Colds, acute respiratory viral infections and pneumonia are familiar from general fatigue, high fever and wheezing in the lungs. But not all of these symptoms are present throughout the entire illness. After an acute period of infectious diseases, wheezing in the lungs persists and increases, breathing worsens, but no elevated temperature is observed.

There are often cases when wheezing and whistling sounds in the lungs are not preceded by infectious diseases. In such cases, for effective treatment it is necessary to conduct a full examination, since the cause may be heart failure, tumor and other diseases.

Causes of wheezing in adults without fever

To select the appropriate drug for the treatment of wheezing in the lungs when breathing, it is necessary to find out the exact cause (etiology). Based on etiology, wheezing can be divided into 2 categories:

  1. 1. Pulmonary. The cause is diseases that develop as a result of infection and damage to the respiratory organs. Disease causative agents can be bacteria, viruses or pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. 2. Other diseases not associated with infection of the respiratory system. For example, pathology of the cardiovascular system. It is more common in older people.

The presence of wheezing and whistling sounds from the bronchi without fever in adults and children may indicate serious diseases that also affect the respiratory system. Timely detection of the causes of wheezing will help avoid serious complications.

Pneumonia is characterized by wheezing in the sternum in the absence of fever. As a rule, wheezing is dry at first and then becomes wet. In this case, wheezing is accompanied by harsh breathing.

Other diseases that have similar symptoms include:

  • tuberculosis;
  • tumors in the lungs.

The noises that occur during exhalation are expiratory, and when inhaling, they are inspiratory.

Moist wheezing occurs when air passes through accumulated fluid in the lungs. They are divided into small, medium and large bubbles.

Wet wheezing can occur due to the following diseases:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure;
  • bronchitis;
  • ARVI.

The appearance of dry wheezing is associated with a narrowing of the lumen for the passage of a stream of air. The causes of narrowing of the lumen are diseases such as:

  • neoplasms in the trachea;
  • pneumonia;
  • tumor;
  • bronchitis.

How to treat bubbling sounds in the lungs?

Depending on the type of moist wheezing, the method and method of treatment is selected. The main thing that connects all methods is the focus on eliminating the causes of wheezing.

Fine bubbling rales during breathing cannot always be localized and detected when examined with a stethoscope. To detect the area of ​​bubbling wheezing, the doctor orders an x-ray.

If there is severe wheezing without fever and difficulty breathing, the patient is admitted to the hospital. The patient needs to ensure respiratory function - he is connected to an artificial respiration apparatus. Having provided a safe environment, they move on to determining the causes and choosing a treatment program. When selecting medications, medications are used to relieve inflammation of the bronchi.

To treat moist rales, it is necessary to open the airflow path to the lungs. To do this, medications that thin the sputum and stimulate its release are prescribed. For the treatment to be effective, the patient is placed on bed rest, and to ensure rest and normal breathing, he is placed in a certain position.

Cysteine ​​and Mucomist act as phlegm-thinning drugs. After liquefying the sputum, pulmonary spasms are provoked with the help of Lazolvan and Mukobene.

If, due to lack of response to treatment, hoarseness persists and sputum is not removed, the doctor revises the list of prescribed medications. When sputum appears, you should pay attention to the color and density. If the sputum is thick, green, or yellowish, you may have a serious infection.

For wheezing caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics of a wide range of groups are prescribed:

  • fluoroquinol;
  • macrolide;
  • penicillin;
  • cephalosporin.

If wheezing is caused by a viral infection of the respiratory organs, antiviral therapy with Kagocel or Ingavirin is required.

For wheezing caused by allergens, general and local antihistamines are prescribed.

  1. 1. Tavegil.
  2. 2. Flixonase.
  3. 3. Suprastin.
  4. 4. Loratodine.
  5. 5. Cromoghlin.

The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on compliance with bed rest, fluid intake and medications taken. With an integrated approach to the treatment of wheezing, results can be achieved much faster.

During the treatment period, you need to completely abandon bad habits. Smoking negatively affects lung function, and drinking alcohol is incompatible with drug treatment.

To maintain the immune system, it is recommended to take a complex of vitamins and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. For prevention, hardening is recommended, but without fanaticism, in order to prevent sudden hypothermia.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine works well in the fight against wheezing. Although it should not be the only way to combat serious illnesses, therapy can relieve severe symptoms such as wheezing at home by improving the breathing process.

Before using this or that folk remedy with plants and products, you must make sure that there is no allergic reaction. Side effects from allergens can cause serious harm to the respiratory process if the airways are inflamed.

There are several safe and effective ways to get rid of whistling in the lungs and cough:

  1. 1. Inhalation of baking soda vapor. Pour 1.5 liters of hot water into a basin and dilute 2-3 tbsp. l. baking soda until the soda is completely dissolved. After the solution is ready, you need to bend over the basin and cover yourself with a towel. In a space separated by a towel, inhale the baking soda vapor for 10 minutes. After this procedure, thick sputum thins and begins to drain. A similar procedure is carried out daily until the sputum is completely released and wheezing in the lungs disappears.
  2. 2. "Potato" therapy. All actions are similar to those described above with baking soda. The difference is that the vapors from freshly boiled potatoes are inhaled.
  3. 3. A decoction of licorice, thyme, chamomile and coltsfoot. All components are taken in equal proportions, boiled and filtered. Use the resulting decoction three times a day.
  4. 4. Decoction of birch buds. Take 30 g of kidneys and crush. Melt 100 ml of butter in a water bath. Mix the two ingredients, place in a pot and place in a warm oven. The product should simmer in the oven over low heat for an hour, after which it is cooled, filtered and a glass of honey is added. Take 1 spoon 3-4 times a day.
  5. 5. Radish juice with honey. Take a root crop, cut off the top and make a niche. Honey is poured into the hole and the root crop is removed to a cool, dark place. After a day, the honey will absorb the radish juice. Take 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day.
  6. 6. Infusion of plantain, raspberries, cranberries, elderberries and eucalyptus. Eucalyptus is good at provoking bronchospasms, plantain relieves inflammation, and raspberry thins phlegm.
  7. 7. Milk with honey. Heat 300-400 ml of milk and add honey. Cook until the broth takes on a liquefied structure. Drink 200-300 ml 3-4 per day.
  8. 8. Milk with sage. Warmed milk with sage makes breathing easier and improves the patient's sleep.
  9. 9. Onion syrup. The onion is chopped, covered with sugar and infused. Take the resulting remedy several times a day until wheezing in the lungs completely disappears.

If after long-term treatment with folk remedies there is no positive effect, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

When a person is born, he is immediately exposed to the influence of various bacteria and microbes. They can settle on favorable soil - mucous membranes and walls of susceptible organs. Such manifestations of colds and other diseases as runny nose, sore throat, cough, have been known to us since childhood. If a runny nose and sore throat can still be cured without going to the doctor, then with a cough the situation is more complicated. It can be of different types and with different consequences for humans. The main danger is wheezing in the bronchi and lungs. Only a specialist can hear them, so it is important to consult a doctor if you have a prolonged, “barking” and unproductive cough.

What is a cough like?

Cough itself is our defense against damage by microbes to the respiratory organs and respiratory tract. It is aimed at protecting our body, therefore it cleanses the bronchi and trachea in every possible way from mucus and phlegm.

There are several types of cough:

  • dry (unproductive, with no sputum);
  • wet (productive, expectorating with sputum production, such a cough occurs at the end of viral diseases);
  • spastic (occurs with bronchitis, asthma and a foreign object entering the respiratory tract; such a cough is characterized by continued heavy exhalation);
  • barking (often occurs with allergies, observed during laryngitis and tracheitis);
  • whooping cough (often ends with vomiting, coughing attacks can accompany acute pharyngitis and some forms of tuberculosis);
  • hoarse (occurs when the vocal cords become inflamed);
  • bitonal (starts in lower tones, then moves to upper tones);
  • stokato (a jerky and loud cough in some diseases in infants);
  • syncope (selective, occurs due to a short-term loss of consciousness due to insufficient nutrition of the brain).

Wheezing in the bronchi when exhaling is observed with some types of cough. It is difficult for a person uninitiated in medicine to determine the specific type of cough, so when it appears, it is better to consult a specialist.

What is wheezing in the bronchi?

Normally, there should be no obstruction or noise in the respiratory tract. If they occur, this means that some pathological process is occurring in (lungs, bronchi, trachea and others). In addition to the fact that they arise due to inflammation or damage to these organs, their appearance can be triggered by diseases of organs not related to breathing. Among them are myocardial infarction, some diseases of the cardiovascular system, anaphylaxis, as well as foreign body entry into the lungs and bronchi.

What types of wheezing are there?

Like some types of cough, wheezing can be wet, dry, crepitating, or whistling.

Moist rales appear due to the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi. Sputum is a liquid mucus that collects as a result of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. Air passes through it, and bubbles form in it. They constantly burst in large numbers, resulting in a noise called wheezing. Most often, moist rales are heard during inhalation and exhalation. They, in turn, also have their own varieties:

  • Fine bubble - the sound of small bubbles bursting, similar to the sounds of open soda. This phenomenon occurs with bronchiolitis, pulmonary infarction, and bronchopneumonia.
  • Medium-bubbling wheezing is a noise reminiscent of gurgling water when blowing it through a straw. Diseases with this type of wheezing: hypersecretory bronchitis, pneumosclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Large bubble noise - it can be heard even without special medical equipment. Such wheezing occurs when pulmonary edema is advanced, as well as when the cough reflex is weak.

Dry noises can be "buzzing" or "whistling". Such wheezing in the bronchi during exhalation appears with obstructive bronchitis against the background of an allergic reaction. When the lumen of the bronchi decreases during the course of the disease (most often with bronchial asthma), a whistle appears during breathing. This occurs due to uneven narrowing of the bronchi, thus the air undergoes contraction and expansion. The buzzing also appears due to a significant reduction in the flow of air through the bronchi, but it is also stopped by mucous membranes. When meeting them, the air flow fluctuates and a characteristic noise appears.

Wheezing: causes of occurrence

To determine the causes of wheezing, it is important to know its nature. They come in two types:

  • pulmonary;
  • extrapulmonary.

The first type speaks for itself: such wheezing occurs as a result of pathological processes in the bronchopulmonary system. The second type of noise is observed as a symptom accompanying various diseases not related to the respiratory system. A striking example of such a symptom is heart failure, which is accompanied by dry wheezing.

Wheezing of the bronchopulmonary system can indicate many diseases, so they need to be distinguished. Causes of wheezing in the bronchi (treatment of wheezing depends on its exact definition):

  • dry noises arise due to turbulent turbulence of the air stream that flows through the altered bronchi;
  • wet noises appear due to bursting bubbles that arise due to the combination of air and phlegm.

What diseases can be accompanied by wheezing in the bronchi?

Diseases accompanied by wheezing most often relate to pathological processes of the bronchopulmonary system, but there are also other types. There are diseases with clearly defined wet noises, and there are those that appear only with dry ones.

Moist rales are present in diseases such as:

  • heart failure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • malignant neoplasms that have different localizations;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • heart defects;
  • acute renal failure;
  • pneumonia;
  • obstructive chronic;
  • condition in which the graft did not take root (GVHD);
  • ARVI;
  • flu;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • endemic flea typhus;
  • pulmonary embolism.

Wheezing in the bronchi during exhalation is usually heard with bronchitis and bronchial asthma. In diseases that are not related to diseases of the respiratory system, such noises will be heard quietly and, possibly, when inhaling, too.

In turn, dry wheezing is also a specific characteristic of certain diseases. The main ones:

  • chronic bronchitis and bronchiolitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tumors in the bronchi;
  • heart failure;
  • in some cases lung cancer;
  • pneumosclerosis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • foreign body in the bronchi;
  • emphysema.

Diagnosis of diseases taking into account different types of wheezing

We see that quite a few diseases can occur with such an accompanying symptom as wheezing in the bronchi when exhaling. To make a definitive diagnosis, you need to have good reasons for this, namely the presence of other important symptoms. Such characteristics of human conditions include shortness of breath, impaired external respiration, cough, blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle, cough, x-ray syndrome, and blood test results that confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Drug treatment of wheezing

It is better not to joke with noise in the lungs and bronchi, as it can cause serious harm to health. Wheezing in the bronchi is also dangerous due to purulent complications. Experts will tell you how to cure cough and wheezing. But if there is no way to turn to them, you need to start the fight as early as possible.

If you have all the signs of bronchitis, then you should quit everything and take care of your health, as it can quickly develop into pneumonia. The surest remedy for complications is antibiotics, but they are prescribed for severe forms of the disease. At the first stage, you need to take expectorants that thin the sputum, and then take medications that act on the cough center.

Traditional medicine in the fight against wheezing

Traditional medicine experts recommend the following remedies. Mix crushed aloe leaf, fresh lemon peel and honey in equal quantities and leave for a week. Take 1 tbsp before meals. l. for 40 days, then take a break for 10 days and repeat the course again. This mixture is a powerful preventative way to avoid wheezing and support the immune system.

Milk perfectly treats wheezing in the bronchi. How to cure the disease with this product? You need to drink up to 200 ml of hot (not warm!) milk 3 times a day along with infused raisins.

Carrot juice, turnip tincture, with honey, inhalation with Borjomi will help you safely and effectively get rid of various types of wheezing.

Herbal treatment

It is known that herbs are very good at treating inflammatory processes in the bronchi, and also help to quickly remove phlegm from the body. To do this, it is enough to drink decoctions of chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort, and yarrow 3-4 times a day. Nettle and coltsfoot will also help with wheezing and additionally support the immune system.

Wheezing that occurs when breathing is always explained by one or another obstruction in the path of air flow. The bronchopulmonary tract consists of the trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Wheezing in the lungs - this definition refers to any noise other than the sound of healthy breathing, heard when inhaling or exhaling.

Before doing anything to eliminate the symptoms, the cause and location of the noise should be identified.

What does “wheezing in the lungs” mean?

Noises that arise during breathing, characterized as wheezing in the bronchi or lungs, reflect an unhealthy process occurring in them. Two states of the respiratory tract are observed when air moves through them with wheezing:

  • the internal space of the bronchi or trachea is narrowed as a result of spasm and/or inflammation - this explains the manifestation of wheezing in bronchial asthma, allergies or bronchitis;
  • Mucous or purulent masses accumulate on the inner mucous membrane of the trachea or bronchi, and the passage of air through them causes various sounds.

When you hear wheezing in the lungs when breathing in an adult or child, you should expect the appearance of a cough as a means of clearing the bronchopulmonary tract.

NB! If your child has wheezing in his lungs when breathing, the cause may be a small toy in his respiratory tract. If you cannot blow your nose or blow out a mechanical object from your nasopharynx, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Depending on the location of the inflammatory process, the name of the disease occurs, which causes changes in the bronchopulmonary tract.

The trachea is the windpipe, a direct continuation of the larynx, a cartilaginous tube ten to thirteen centimeters long. The trachea is lined with mucous membrane.

Inflammatory processes in the trachea often occur together with other symptoms and are accompanied by inflammation in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, and throat.

NB! Tracheitis is caused by the forced need to inhale very cold, dirty or dry air for a long time.

In acute tracheitis, swelling of the mucous membrane is observed, the inner lining of the trachea is covered with accumulations of mucus and pinpoint hemorrhages. The classic symptoms are:

  • annoying coughing attacks in the morning, as well as when taking a deep breath, sharp exhalation;
  • A coughing attack gives the patient a long, aching pain in the larynx and.

Patients, especially children, try to breathe shallowly and frequently. The lungs are not ventilated enough, which causes complications.

Inflammation of the bronchial mucosa caused by viruses or bacteria - bronchitis. Wheezing is heard when mucus clogs the internal lumen of the bronchi. The mucous membrane of the bronchus becomes swollen and inflamed, mucus forms in the internal lumen, the muscles tense, trying to get rid of the mucus - a spasm occurs.

Most often, in 99% of cases, bronchitis is caused by viruses.

The influenza virus prefers the bronchial mucosa. If other manifestations of an acute respiratory viral infection are observed: cough, runny nose, fever - any doubt about the viral origin disappears. Enough lymphocytes to destroy a particular virus are produced within three to five days.

When relief does not occur by the fifth day, bacteria also become involved in the process.

Bronchitis becomes bacterial as a result of improper treatment or in the absence of an adequate immune response of the body. Bacterial bronchitis is a very serious condition, characterized by toxicosis.

Children under five years of age do not cough up mucus well due to small lumens of the bronchi and weak respiratory muscles. When a child has bronchitis, wheezing in the lungs fades away within two to three weeks. Recovery will take that long.

Pulmonary pathologies

Let's consider wheezing that occurs in the lungs when breathing, caused by inflammation or damage to the lungs. Inflammation of the lung tissue most often occurs due to improper treatment of viral bronchitis. Inflammation in the lungs is almost always caused by blockage of the bronchial tubes with dry mucus. As a result:

  1. Ventilation of the lung area is impaired.
  2. Bacteria settle and develop in it.
  3. The lung becomes inflamed.

Mucus dries out at high body temperatures, when breathing too warm and dry air, if the drinking regime is disrupted. manifested by a sharp rise in temperature, cough with copious discharge of purulent sputum. Wheezing during pneumonia is heard in the lower parts of the lungs, and this is where inflammation is localized. These parts of the lungs are little involved in breathing during a sedentary lifestyle. Mechanical damage to the lungs, manifested only by wheezing, means a slight contusion of the lung.

Dry and wet wheezing

Listening to wheezing is called auscultation. The doctor does this using a stethoscope or phonendoscope. At home, you can attach an ear or a tube made of thick paper to your chest.

During auscultation, the listener is asked to breathe deeply or superficially, slowly or quickly. In this way, the place where wheezing occurs and its characteristics are identified.

Based on the severity or absence of fluids in the bronchopulmonary tract, two large groups are distinguished: dry and moist rales.

Dry wheezing is heard in the lungs mainly when exhaling. Their reason is the narrowing of the bronchopulmonary tract. Narrowing is caused by:

  • swelling;
  • introduction of a foreign body;
  • dry mucus;
  • pressure on the bronchi from the outside;
  • tumor.

The transverse size of the bronchus determines how dry wheezing is heard - a hum, buzzing or whistling:

  • whistling sounds are heard when the lumen in the small bronchi and bronchioles narrows; suspicion of bronchitis, bronchiolitis or;
  • buzzing and buzzing sounds - with inflammation of the medium and large bronchi, with tracheobronchitis, etc.

Moist rales are heard in the bronchi when the lumens are filled to varying degrees with liquid sputum, blood, and edematous fluid. Moist rales are heard in the lungs when inhaling. The inhaled air passes through the liquid, air bubbles form on its surface and burst. Therefore, these wheezes are called blistering wheezing. Based on the diameter of the respiratory tract, there are:

  • fine-bubble, formed in small bronchi and bronchioles:
    • sonorous, if there is not a lot of fluid, appear when an area of ​​the lung is inflamed, for example with pneumonia;
    • silent, air enters passing through accumulated fluid, as in pulmonary edema, chronic heart failure, or an attack of bronchial asthma;
  • medium-bubble and large-bubble rales are born in bronchial lumens of medium and large diameters, respectively, as well as in cavities with bronchial deformation, lung abscess, tuberculous cavity.
NB! No disease has a distinct, unique type of wheezing. The diagnosis is made only by taking into account all the symptoms and data from tests and radiography.

No fever, but with cough

Wheezing in the lungs means that the patency of the bronchopulmonary tract is impaired. It is necessary to find out the cause of this disorder: inflammation, foreign body, neoplasms.

Wheezing is accompanied by coughing. Cough is not a disease, but a reaction of the body. The role of cough is to clear the airways.

NB! A cough does not need to be treated, especially until diagnosed by a specialist.

To make the airways easier to clean, the mucus in them () should be less viscous. Blood viscosity affects sputum viscosity.

Diseases in which wheezing in the lungs with cough are observed can occur without fever:

  1. If the temperature is hastily reduced at the beginning of an acute respiratory viral infection, the further course of the disease occurs without a thermal reaction of the body. After suffering from ARVI, the bronchi are cleared of sputum for some time. The coughing sometimes lasts for a week or two.
  2. Complications of the inflammation have appeared, the infection is hidden.
  3. The presence of a foreign object in the bronchi is usually observed in children. Requires examination and removal.
  4. Bronchial asthma. Asthma attacks are controlled with special medications. Emergency medical attention is required.
  5. Development of a tumor blocking the airways.
  6. Allergic reaction. It is necessary to detect and eliminate the allergen.

A correct diagnosis is the key to successful treatment and relief from the most unpleasant symptoms: coughing and wheezing in the lungs. Wheezing without fever is the basis for examination; the correct treatment is selected after identifying the root causes.

How to treat adults and children?

To cure a patient with pathologies in the lungs, the cause that gave rise to them must be eliminated. The first question is not how to treat wheezing in the lungs when breathing in adults and children, but what caused them. Wheezing is not a disease, but the result of processes that are abnormal for a healthy body.

Nevertheless, there are a number of medications that can alleviate the patient’s condition. Each one performs a specific task:

  • when it is necessary to facilitate the separation of sputum, mucolytics are used to dilute it;
  • Antibiotics fight bacterial infections in the lungs;
  • if necessary, eliminate spasms, relax the walls of the bronchi, i.e., relieve an attack of suffocation, use beta-agonists.
NB! The use of mucolytics, especially in children, should be prescribed by a doctor, although they are sold without a prescription. Improper use of the drug may cause an attack of suffocation.

All medications should be prescribed after examination and diagnosis. Once the source causing wheezing in the lungs is identified, it is determined how to treat the disease.

When wheezing in the lungs, bronchi or trachea in a child or adult is caused by a normal ARVI, mucolytics and antibiotics are not used in treatment. The patient is prescribed warm drinks in large quantities. The air must be moist. Staying in the fresh air is advisable as soon as the temperature returns to normal.

Useful video

For more information on diagnosing lung diseases, watch the following video:


  1. If wheezing is heard in the lungs when breathing, a comprehensive study will be required to accurately determine the cause.
  2. Even an experienced specialist will not find out the whole picture of the ongoing processes as a result of just listening. You will need to submit blood, urine, and sometimes sputum samples for analysis.
  3. The condition of the lungs is checked using X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging.
  4. Based on the results of the examination, it becomes clear how to cure the specific disease that caused wheezing in the lungs.

The causes of wheezing in the lungs when breathing are different. But they all indicate the presence. In this case, the presence of fever or general weakness is not at all necessary. Sometimes wheezing in the lungs is the only symptom of the disease, so it is very important to be able to correctly find their cause.

The main causes of wheezing

Despite the obvious connection between wheezing and the respiratory system, this is not always the case. Whistling as air passes through the bronchi is formed due to their narrowing. If there is a reduced number of platelets in the blood and a violation of its coagulation, wheezing may occur. They occur due to bleeding, which is provoked by coughing. With this pathology, the sputum will be colored in a characteristic color.

If wheezing in the lungs occurs during exhalation, it is called expiratory. When noises occur during inspiration, they are considered inspiratory. Rattles in the lungs when exhaling are often whistling. They occur due to broncho-obstruction - narrowing of the airway lumen due to compression by a neoplasm or swelling of the wall. This phenomenon is observed in COPD or.

Buzzing wheezing has a characteristic tone of sound. They often occur in the acute phase of bronchitis. Thick, viscous mucus forms strands in the respiratory tract that fluctuate as air moves. This creates a buzzing sound.

Based on the nature of wheezing in the lungs, the doctor is able to make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe further examination, and sometimes treatment.

Provoking factors

The risk group for the appearance of adverse sounds when breathing includes people with a tendency to develop diseases accompanied by wheezing.

Smokers– tobacco combustion products weaken the protective function of the bronchial epithelium, which is why the body is more often susceptible to their inflammation. People who smoke suffer from COPD, emphysema and tuberculosis, so they are at risk.

Allergy sufferers– the presence of allergies is directly related to the possibility of asthma or obstruction in the background. Asthmatic wheezing is the most common and most dangerous, as it can cause acute respiratory failure and oxygen deprivation.

People with weakened immune systems, prone to acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections– frequently ill patients are prone to the appearance of side sounds against the background of the underlying disease.

People in unfavorable living or working conditions– prolonged stay in a damp, cold room reduces the resistance of the bronchial epithelium to the causative agent of tuberculosis and other infections of the upper respiratory tract.

Newborns up to 4 months of age are prone to the appearance of physiological wheezing due to the immaturity of the respiratory system. When normal nasal breathing is established, sounds pass on their own.

If a person belongs to any of these groups, his health should be closely monitored. If you experience breathing sounds that deviate from the norm, you should consult a doctor.

With coronary heart disease, wheezing in the lungs often occurs. They are due to several reasons:

  • stagnation of blood in the pulmonary veins;
  • impaired hemodynamics on the left side of the heart;
  • poor pulmonary ventilation;
  • increased permeability of the capillaries of the lungs;
  • stimulation of the breathing center.

This suggests that the pathological focus is not in the lungs, but systemic disorders occur. Cardiac asthma has a characteristic clinical picture:

  • cough is dry, without sputum;
  • wheezing is dry or finely bubbling;
  • “upper” (diastolic) pressure is greatly increased;
  • expiratory shortness of breath;
  • wheezing;
  • increased heart rate;
  • cyanosis at the ends of the digital phalanges and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

The duration of the attack varies. Asthmatic wheezing in bronchial and cardiac pathologies is similar in sound, but different in manifestation. In the presence of diseases of the vascular system and respiratory sounds, it is necessary to check the patient’s pressure and measure the pulse. Based on the data obtained, treatment tactics are selected.

Treating wheezing and eliminating its causes

Since wheezing during breathing can occur when various systems are affected, it is necessary to find out their cause before starting treatment. In case of heart pathologies, consult a cardiologist. If the cause is damage to the lung tissue, the treatment is carried out by a therapist.

Diseases that provoke bronchial wheezing occur for several reasons.

The choice of treatment tactics depends on the etiology:

  • dry wheezing due to allergies or asthma can be treated with antihistamines (Loratadine, Zyrtec);
  • moist wheezing due to a viral infection goes away within a few days with plenty of warm drinks, frequent ventilation and taking vitamin complexes;
  • severe bacterial diseases (pneumonia) are treated with antibiotics (macrolides, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, penicillins).
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In addition to influencing the mechanism of occurrence, it is necessary to use additional drugs for symptomatic therapy. These include:

  • ( , );
  • mucolytics for dry wheezing (,);
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