Breast implants. Modern breast implants Breast implants

Since the dawn of cosmetic medicine, breast replacement is considered the most popular plastic surgery to this day. Breast implants are prostheses made from biocompatible, high-quality material that are placed under the muscle or skin to increase breast size or shape it.

Pros and cons of thoracic endoprostheses

The advantages and disadvantages of breast implants are usually distinguished according to their filler, technical classifications, installation options and shape. But there are also generally accepted factors that are relevant for any type of endoprosthesis. Breast implants have the following advantages:

  • Imitation of natural breasts. They imitate natural female breasts as accurately as possible, both visually and tactilely;
  • Biocompatibility and sterility. Today, implant fillers do not create inflammatory processes inside the breast and guarantee a minimum risk of prosthesis rejection;
  • Filler safety. Salt fillers are completely harmless to the body, and the highly cohesive gel does not shift even when the prosthesis is damaged;
  • Low frequency of ruptures. Breast implant ruptures occur mechanically, due to severe trauma or impact. When making prostheses, factories carefully test the tension before releasing the prostheses onto the market, this reduces the risk of damage to the implants. In the event of a rupture, the manufacturing company undertakes to replace the prosthesis free of charge, as indicated in the product warranty document.

Disadvantages of endoprostheses These include more unforeseen cases, but they still happen:

  • Tactile sensations. Breast implants can be sensitive to the touch, especially when the installation is performed under the gland;
  • Implant contouring. Most often, the contours are visible in a supine position and with the condition that the endoprosthesis is located under the gland. Placement under the muscle almost never creates a contouring effect;
  • Risk of fibrocapsular contracture - applies to prostheses with a smooth shell;
  • Wrong size choice. The size of the implants must clearly correspond to the woman’s natural breast size.

Characteristics of breast implants, their types and photos

Classification of implants by filler

Silicone filler. Dentures first appeared in 1991. This is a silicone bag (elastomer) filled with cohesive silicone gel (a dense gel, similar to the consistency of marmalade with a distinctive feature that remembers the shape of the implant), hydrogel filler or gel "SOFT TOUCH".

The elastomer itself can be completely smooth and have a rough, textured surface. If the integrity of the prosthesis is compromised, the filling composition remains in place and does not penetrate the breast tissue. Therefore, silicone implants are absolutely safe. In modern cosmetic medicine, as a rule, they are used.

Saline implants. The oldest type of implant, which was invented back in 1960. Dentures are round bags made of silicone material that are filled with saline solution. Endoprostheses can pre-fill with a substance, or filled using the hole directly during surgery. When installing the second option, the doctor makes a much smaller incision. There are saline implants that allow manual correction after mammoplasty.

The main disadvantage is the tendency to damage the implant, its softness, the ability to tactilely determine the presence of fluid in the mammary gland; if the prosthesis ruptures, the shape of the breast is lost, and there is also a need for re-correction. Some women complain of a distinctive "gurgling" sound of fluid in their breasts. The main advantages of saline implants include the complete biological compatibility of the saline solution in the event that the prosthesis ruptures and the filler passes into the tissue. The physical solution is identical to plasma in the human body.

Minimum possible age To install saline dentures, you must be 18 years old. Today, saline implants are used less frequently than silicone ones.

Highly cohesive aggregate is the densest material that feels like marmalade. Anatomical prostheses are made from highly cohesive gel. Due to their increased density, implants hardly deform during wear and do not leak if damaged. The disadvantage of this filler is that the breasts do not look natural due to the rather pronounced ability of the filler to remember the shape and the unnatural hardness of the consistency.

“SOFT TOUCH” filler is similar in characteristics to the filler described above. The difference is less negative properties and less density.

Hydrogel filler (bioimplants) are manufactured as an alternative to silicone implants. The natural polymer carboxymethylcellulose is used as a filler. This filler is harmless; if it ruptures and enters the breast tissue, it biodegrades.

Silicone prostheses They imitate breasts as accurately as possible, are sterile, do not change the original shape and almost never contour. In addition, they are almost the same to the touch.


  • the traumatic nature of the operation, which is explained by the presence of a larger incision for installing the prosthesis;
  • need for an MRI every few years to detect damage.


Textured. This surface has small pores. Once in, the connective tissue does not grow around the implant and does not lead to complications. It is for this reason that many surgeons prefer prostheses with a porous textured surface. Another advantage - textured denture securely adheres to surrounding tissues, thereby reducing the risk of displacement.

Smooth. Today, cosmetic surgery considers smooth implants to be a relic of the past, but some doctors still offer this option to patients. After installing the prostheses, the body creates a capsule around them from connective tissue. Since the smooth surface does not have pores, intensive tissue growth in the mammary gland leads to thickening of the breast near the implant, and the prosthesis itself leads to deformation. This process is called fibrocapsular contracture. A disadvantage of smooth endoprostheses is also the risk of their displacement after installation, which creates breast deformation.

The advantages include thin shell of the prosthesis, which makes them softer, unlike textured ones, reduces cost and extends service life.

Forms of endoprostheses

Teardrop-shaped or anatomical. They are widely used to enlarge flat breasts, and in cases where the patient wants to maintain maximum naturalness and smoothness of the contours of the mammary gland. Anatomical prostheses are a little more expensive than round ones, and it is also more difficult for a doctor to work with them. Many surgeons are of the opinion that due to the enlargement of the capsule, teardrop-shaped prostheses acquire a round shape over time. In addition, the anatomical implant can move, from which the breast receives deformed contours. To avoid these nuances, when choosing anatomical prostheses, it is necessary to give preference to their textured surface.

Due to their high density, anatomical implants maintain the shape of the breast even in a supine position, which is quite unnatural. Difficulties also arise when you decide to adjust or lift your breasts with a bra.

Round. Most often used for correction and enlargement of breasts with severe asymmetry or ptosis. Round endoprostheses are suitable for girls who decide to make their breasts as raised and voluminous as possible. Several types of round implants are manufactured: high-profile and low-profile. They tend to turn over and do not create visual naturalness. But these prostheses are very easy to install, which is why many surgeons choose them. At the same time, round dentures have quite low cost.


The size of breast implants is determined by the physical volume of their filler, namely milliliters. There is a theory according to which 150 milliliters of solution or gel is proportional to one natural breast size. During mammoplasty, the original size is also taken into account. That is, by setting dentures with a volume of 400 milliliters, the owner of the first size will have a fourth as a result of the operation. There are also such concepts as:

  • Adjustable size - correction and filling occurs directly during surgery using a special hole in the elastomer;
  • Fixed size - dentures of a certain volume.

Choosing the right volume

The choice of the shape and volume of breast implants takes place at the first consultation with a plastic surgeon, usually for this purpose photos of operations “before and after” are viewed and, as a rule, the patient and the surgeon come to a general consensus, but it is best to leave the final word to the doctor. He takes into account all the anatomical features and chooses the size and shape that will create the girl’s most natural and beautiful breasts. The access (incision for the implant) is also agreed upon with the surgeon, taking into account the characteristics of the implant and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Main factors for choosing endoprostheses:

  • Chest volume;
  • Figure proportions and height;
  • Initial breast size;
  • Breast density;
  • Skin condition.

Breast implant service life and replacement

Today, companies that manufacture endoprostheses provide a lifetime guarantee of products without any risk to a woman’s health. Therefore, purely theoretically, the implant does not require replacement, except in extraordinary cases that are related to their integrity (in this case, the manufacturer undertakes to make a replacement at his own expense). In addition, augmentation mammoplasty does not interfere with breastfeeding. But there are other factors that can force a woman to undergo repeated surgery:

  • Defects that have appeared in the shell of the prosthesis;
  • Breast deformation due to breastfeeding or pregnancy;
  • Significant weight changes.

Leading implant manufacturing companies

Nagor (England). Breast implants come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Clinical trial results have proven 0% rupture of dentures over five years. Most implants have a textured surface and a gel filler.

Mentor (America). Manufactures anatomical and round dentures with a textured shell. Used as a filler highly cohesive gel. Saline implants are also manufactured with the possibility of adjustment during surgery or after completion. Mentor dentures are among the most resilient.

Arion (France). Anatomical and round endoprostheses, filler - silicone gel and hydrogel. They are characterized by a monoblock connection between the valve and the prosthetic shell and a six-layer shell. Products have a lifetime warranty.

Allergan/McGhan (America). They are distinguished by the special pore size of the textured surface, which allows the connective tissue to be absorbed deep into the prosthesis. Firmly fixed in the chest. Filled with soft gel, good imitate natural breasts. The products also include saline-filled dentures.

Polytech (Germany). The breast implant is filled with a soft, highly cohesive gel, has a “memory effect” (it does not deform during any manipulation), the plastic shell has several layers. Shell - coated with MPC, textured or smooth.

If you have found the most modern clinic and a professional plastic surgeon, then you can be sure that the problem of choosing the right implant will be in good hands, and soon you will be able to enjoy your beautiful and new body shapes by comparing photos before and after surgery.

Breast implants

Modern endoprostheses (breast implants) are complex high-tech products that are subject to very high demands.

Breast implants must be:

  • Very durable and airtight,
  • Durable,
  • Biocompatible,
  • Resistant to deformation and displacement.

The world's best manufacturers (Mentor, Silimed, Eurosilicon and some others) guarantee strict compliance with all these requirements. The implants they produce cannot be destroyed or flattened; even if you drive a truck over them, they do not cause rejection and do not require regular replacement. Of course, all of them have passed the most stringent tests and numerous quality checks and have the appropriate patents and certificates of the USA, the European Union and the Russian Federation.

Another confirmation of high quality and reliability is the lifetime warranty from well-known manufacturers that they provide for their products.

How to choose the shape and size of implants?

Modern endoprostheses are round or anatomical (teardrop-shaped). Many people believe that anatomical ones are better because they more closely match the natural shape of the breast. This is not so, or rather not always so.

To solve some problems (for example, for an accentuated increase in the volume of the upper pole of the breast), round implants are better suited. That is why, after the advent of anatomically shaped endoprostheses, plastic surgeons still did not abandon the use of round models. So, if you are thinking about choosing the shape of an implant, we recommend that you consult with specialists. Only a qualified plastic surgeon will be able to choose from hundreds of options the very model that will make your breasts ideal.

Well, what if you don’t yet know what size and shape of breasts you need? It’s not for nothing that they say “it’s better to see once.” Order modeling with one or several implants of different sizes, and you will be able to clearly assess the advantages of your future breasts, and in several options.

You can learn more about the system of precise computer breast modeling

What are implants made of?

Inside a modern endoprosthesis there is a highly cohesive silicone gel with “shape memory”, which is enclosed in a durable silicone shell. The consistency of the implant contents resembles marmalade. Thanks to this, the gel will not leak, even if the shell is cut with a scalpel, and the implant itself will not lose its shape (will not flatten) even after years.

How is the breast implant shell constructed?

The shell consists of several layers. This guarantees strength, eliminates “leakage” and even minimal evaporation of its contents. The surface of the implant shell can be smooth or rough.

For round implants this does not matter much, but for anatomical ones it is very important.

The rough surface prevents the implant from sliding and turning, keeping it in the correct position.

But not all textured (rough) surfaces fix the endoprosthesis in the tissues equally well. Implants from the world's leading manufacturers, used in the Doktorplastic clinic, are distinguished by good quality of fixation, so situations in which the implant moves are practically excluded.

Polyurethane implants. What are they and why are they needed?

In addition to silicone, plastic surgeons may offer you to install polyurethane-coated breast implants. The quality and basic properties of polyurethane endoprostheses correspond to silicone analogues, but the price is slightly higher. Their main difference is that the polyurethane shell practically does not slip in the tissues of the body. Polyurethane implants are most often used in repeated plastic surgeries to completely eliminate displacement (rotation) of the endoprosthesis.

What implants are installed in our clinic?

In our clinic, you can install implants of any brand that are represented in Russia, the main thing is that they are of high quality and have all the necessary certificates. We use implants from the brands Mentor (Jonson&Jonson, USA), Silimed (Silimed, Brazil), Eurosilicon (France) and others.

Breast augmentation is a full-fledged operation performed under general anesthesia, requiring subsequent recovery. And how a woman will look and feel depends on many things. One of the most important factors is breast implants. They differ in several ways.

Read in this article

Types of implants

Implants are cavities filled with a gel or solution, similar in shape to the mammary glands. They are made from different materials that have different structures and, as a result, surfaces.


Their difference is the filler, which is nothing more than a saline solution. It is similar to human plasma, which may be important if the implant is damaged. If the contents leak into the tissue, there is no danger. It is also important that when installing this type of product it is necessary to make smaller cuts than when using other types. And they can be filled with liquid during the operation. Nevertheless, saline implants are now used less frequently, as they are prone to damage, make the breasts look unnatural, and “gurgle” when moving. They also decrease over time due to the penetration of the filler through the shell. This is not dangerous, but the breasts lose their shape, which may force a new operation.


There are three types of fillers for them:

  1. Hydrogel, containing a natural biopolymer.
  2. Highly cohesive filler, preventing the filler from leaking when the implant ruptures. It is very dense, has the consistency of jelly, not liquid, which is why the appearance of the breasts is not entirely natural.
  3. Gel "Soft Touch", similar to a highly cohesive composition, but almost devoid of its disadvantages. The shelf life of breast implants filled with it is the highest.

In choosing an endoprosthesis it is important to take into account what surface it has. There are 2 options:

  • Smooth. Allows you to save on operations, as it costs less. But it is with smooth implants that complications often arise: compactions in the mammary glands, breast deformation, movement of the endoprosthesis.
  • Textured(rough). These endoprostheses have pores on the surface, which make seals less likely to occur. Textured ones “sit” more tightly in place, which eliminates the possibility of breast movement. But if a repeat operation is necessary, separating them from living tissue will be more difficult than smooth ones.

An important criterion that distinguishes some endoprostheses from others is the shell material. Almost all of them have silicone. But in recent decades, there has been a tendency to place medical grade polyurethane on top. And if you intend to use the best breast implants, you should look for polyurethane ones.

This material increases the reliability of the endoprosthesis, reduces the risk of complications after installation and the possibility of changing the point of its attachment. The appearance of the breast remains natural and there are no pits in the skin. Polyurethane is more physiological for breast tissue, which reduces the possibility of compactions.

Polyurethane breast implants, although known for their benefits, do have a disadvantage. They grow quite tightly with living tissue, which makes their removal difficult. And if a woman wants new, larger breasts, she will need a top-class surgeon to remove the previous polyurethane endoprosthesis.

Shape options

For overall harmony of appearance, you should then pay attention to the shape of the endoprostheses. And in this part there are options to choose from. The following forms of breast implants exist:

  • Round. It is advisable to use them if it is necessary to lift the breasts, but if the ptosis is not too pronounced. And they are not always suitable for correcting asymmetrical mammary glands. Round implants are available in several types, either low-profile or high-profile. But they often make the breasts unnatural and can change their original position. Their advantage is ease of installation.
  • Anatomical. Made in the form of drops, with smoother transitions to their highest points. This makes anatomical endoprostheses more preferable if a woman wants a natural-looking breast. They are denser than round ones, but move more easily (so it is better to choose one with a rough surface).

Perfect size

When choosing implants for breast augmentation, you should determine the appropriate size. It is calculated in milliliters of filler. 150 units correspond to one full breast size. And if a girl initially has a 2nd one, then an endoprosthesis with a volume of 300 ml will give her a 4th one. That's why When choosing, you should not try to install an implant that is too large.

However, this parameter can be adjusted, as there are endoprostheses:

  • With adjustable volume. The doctor will be able to change them during the operation if he sees that this is necessary.
  • With fixed volume. Here the implant is ready and cannot be corrected, only replaced if the patient is not satisfied with the result.

We recommend reading the article about. You will learn about the method of seamless breast augmentation, indications and contraindications for the procedure, cost and results.
It describes in detail what breast lipofilling is and how it differs from breast augmentation with implants.

In determining what is needed to increase the volume of the endoprosthesis, it is important not only her desire, but also:

  • initial size of the mammary glands;
  • chest size;
  • breast tissue density;
  • skin features;
  • general body proportions.

Useful video

To learn how to choose implants, watch this video:

Popular manufacturers

In the selection process, especially the installation of endoprostheses, the main role belongs to a specialist. But patients themselves want to know which breast implants are the best. Even taking into account all the nuances necessary when choosing, their number is considerable. Most used:

  • "ARION"(France). They have 6 firmly bonded layers, are anatomical or round (500 variations). Their surface is textured, and the filler is of unequal density, which allows ARION to be used by women with different characteristics.
  • "Polytech"(Germany). Polyurethane, filled with cross-linked gel. "Polytech" exists in more than 200 types, they come in smooth and rough. Known for durability and safety.
  • "Ceroform"(France). When deciding which breast implants are the best, you should pay attention to them. The gel that fills Ceroform endoprostheses is environmentally friendly and has the ability to remember its shape. This makes the breast look natural. The shell is characterized by strength, as it consists of 18 layers.
  • "Natrelle"(USA). They will never change shape when you press them, they have a special layer that prevents leakage. “Natrelle” rarely shifts when worn for a long time. And in their line there are endoprostheses that allow girls with thin skin and a narrow chest to correct their breasts, which is always difficult.
  • "Eurosilicon"(France). Endoprostheses are durable, thanks to 13-layer protection, and exist in round and anatomical shapes. They give volume and firmness to the breasts without disturbing the harmonious appearance.

One of the characteristics that women are interested in is the lifespan of breast implants. The listed manufacturers provide a lifetime warranty. But depending on the characteristics of the body and other conditions, this period can be 5 or 15 years.

Breast implant prices

There are many options when considering breast implants; which one to choose in a particular case is sometimes determined by price. Plastic surgery is quite expensive, but a significant part of it will be the cost of the prosthesis. The cheapest ones are smooth, round, salt. But this option is unreliable. A new operation may be needed very soon.

The price for high-quality implants will be 1500 - 2700 US dollars. Anything cheaper is dangerous to health.

Problems during and after surgery

Despite the right choice, or more often with the wrong choice, a breast implant can cause many problems. Some of them are detected during the installation process, others may make themselves felt after the operation:

  • Infection. It is possible that failure to maintain sterility during the intervention may result in inflammation, suppuration, and removal of the implant. If help is late, blood poisoning cannot be ruled out.
  • Bleeding. If a large vessel is damaged, its contents come out, which is dangerous in itself and can cause other complications.
  • Hematomas and seromas. This is the accumulation of fluids between the implant and living tissue. Hematomas are formed when there is blood there; seroma consists of lymph and plasma. They look like painful protrusions and bruises.
  • Asymmetrical breasts. Sometimes the prosthesis can move due to mistakes by the doctor who did not take into account the characteristics of the patient’s soft tissues.
  • Loss of sensation in nipples and areolas. This happens if the implant has pinched the corresponding nerves. Also, sensitivity may be lost after surgery.
  • Difficulty with breastfeeding. In principle, this should not happen, but if the prosthesis is installed incorrectly, it is possible.
  • Deformation and damage to the implant. This cannot be ruled out in all cases; sometimes the reaction to a foreign body in living tissue can be unpredictable. The implant may move or rupture due to its pressure, as well as the mechanical impact on the breast.
  • The appearance of neoplasms inside the chest. An unpredictable complication. And although manufacturers deny the guilt of endoprostheses in causing tumors, the risk with them increases.

Choosing an implant for breast surgery is difficult. You shouldn't do it alone. It is imperative to take into account the doctor’s opinion, the characteristics of your own body, and other nuances. And under no circumstances should you skimp on this.

According to statistics, plastic surgeons perform more than one hundred thousand operations to increase the size of the mammary glands per year. Modern breast implants can improve breast size, slightly change its shape, and eliminate signs of asymmetry and (sagging). It is not surprising that augmentation mammoplasty or breast replacement is one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the world.

Classification of implants

Breast implants (endoprostheses) are medical products made from high-quality material biocompatible with the tissue of the human body, which are designed to increase the size and improve the shape of the mammary glands in women.

Manufacturers produce several types of breast implants, which consist of an elastomer (silicone) shell, but differ from each other in different shapes, sizes, surfaces and fillers.

Types of filler

Based on the filler, implants are divided into:

Saline implants get their name because they are filled with an isotonic saline solution of sodium chloride. They come in valved and valveless varieties. The first type of implants is installed in the patient’s chest already filled, and the second type is “empty” (they are filled with a sodium chloride solution after placement in the breast tissue through a diaphragm, flap or screw-on valve).

Advantages: relatively low (relative to the price of endoprostheses with silicone filler) cost of the products and the ability to fill the implant with saline solution after installation, which allows you to make a small skin incision.

Disadvantages: softness of the products and a high risk of rupture of the shell, after which the filler gets into the soft tissues (this condition does not threaten human life, but requires an urgent re-endoprosthesis operation).

Silicone implants consist of a multilayer elastomer shell and a viscous gel with which it is filled. They are distinguished by filler density:

  • standard cohesive gel - its consistency resembles jelly, well imitates the natural shape and texture of the mammary glands, biodegrades (resorbs) in the event of a rupture of the membrane;
  • highly cohesive gel – has a low degree of deformation and a solid structure, due to which the breasts acquire a pronounced artificial shape;
  • “soft touch” gel – the consistency resembles jellied meat, when the prosthesis shell ruptures, it does not leak into the surrounding tissues, has a “memory effect” (quickly restores its shape when compressed).

Video: "Cohesive Gel Safety"

Advantages: high elasticity of the filler (over time, the prosthesis does not lose its shape), a wide range of models, minimal risk of developing capsular contracture and the “naturalness” of the material (it is almost impossible to identify the presence of silicone gel by touch).

Disadvantages: plastic surgery is traumatic (to enlarge the breast with silicone, the doctor makes a relatively large incision) and the need for regular magnetic resonance imaging to detect possible violations of the integrity of the membrane (it is almost impossible to determine the presence of a defect by touch).

Bioimplants or hydrogel implants consist of a natural polymer – carboxymethylcellulose.

Advantages: bioabsorbability (if the shell of the product is damaged and the hydrogel gets into the tissue, it breaks down into glucose, carbon dioxide and water), minimal risk of developing contracture, wide choice of sizes and shapes, permeable to x-rays, which does not complicate the examination of the mammary gland and thoracic organs cells.

Disadvantages: high cost (compared to silicone or saline endoprostheses), such implants gradually lose their volume due to fluid leakage through the shell.

Dentures with silica gel beads are implants that are filled with microscopic silicate beads (they are much lighter compared to other types of fillers).

Basic shapes, profiles and surface types

Breast endoprostheses come in two forms:

  • round – used for correction and enlargement of mammary glands with signs of mastoptosis (round dentures are easier to install and have a relatively inexpensive cost);
  • anatomical (drop-shaped) - repeat the natural shape of the mammary glands (most often, anatomical prostheses are used to enlarge completely flat breasts).

Anatomical and round implants are produced with low, medium, high, and extra-high profile (projection). The required profile height is chosen by the plastic surgeon; it depends on the client’s physique.

Endoprostheses are classified according to the type of surface, which can be smooth or textured. After installation, a smooth implant is surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue, the uncontrolled growth of which can lead to deformation and hardening of the mammary glands (capsular contracture), but it has a thinner and stronger shell.

Textured dentures have a finely porous shell, which prevents the development of contracture, ensures reliable adhesion of the product to surrounding tissues and reduces the likelihood of its displacement.

Video: "Implant shapes, incision options and locations"

Volume and service life

The dimensions of endoprostheses are calculated by the volume of fillers (in milliliters). One natural breast size corresponds to 150 ml of saline solution or gel. The volume of implants can be fixed and adjustable (the surgeon fills the shell with filler after installing the product). In case of overfilling, the risk of visual wrinkling of the prosthesis increases and it becomes too hard to the touch, and if it is underfilled, the integrity of the product may be compromised due to constant friction of the folds.

The choice of the shape and size of the prosthesis occurs in consultation with the surgeon, during which the doctor warns the patient that implants will subsequently complicate diagnosis breast cancer. The doctor takes into account all the client’s wishes, the proportions of his body, the elasticity and firmness of the skin, the initial size of the breast, and then offers several options for endoprostheses. Some surgeons, before choosing breast implants, simulate the result of mammoplasty on a computer (3D breast modeling), this helps the patient more clearly imagine the shape and volume of the mammary glands after surgery.

Modern implant manufacturers guarantee a lifetime shelf life of their products, but most often endoprostheses are replaced every 10-15 years.

Pregnancy, gravitational changes (ptosis) of soft tissues, the consequences of aging of the body entail changes in the shape and appearance of the breast (asymmetry of the mammary glands appears, signs of mastoptosis or the development of capsular contracture), in such cases, replacing implants with new ones (breast replacement surgery) becomes necessary.

How to choose and which ones are better?

When choosing breast prostheses, the following factors must be considered:

  • height and body weight;
  • the initial volume of the mammary glands and their density;
  • condition of the skin;
  • figure proportions;
  • chest volume.

On the market of medical products for aesthetic cosmetology and plastic surgery, implants from different companies are presented, but the most widely known products are the following brands:

  • Allergan (USA);
  • Mentor (USA);
  • Polytech (Germany);
  • Eurosilicone (France);
  • Nagor (UK);
  • Arion (France).

It is impossible to say for sure which breast implants are the best, because products from different manufacturers have certain advantages and disadvantages, but the most popular today are the prostheses produced by Mentor, Eurosilicone and Arion.

Breast implant results: before and after photos

Estimated prices for breast implants

The cost of breast implants depends on their technical characteristics, the manufacturer and additional markups from the plastic surgery clinic. Patients receive information about how much breast implants cost during a consultation with a surgeon (manufacturers do not disclose their prices). The table shows the estimated cost of endoprostheses depending on the filler.

The choice of endoprostheses for augmentation mammoplasty must be taken as responsibly as possible, because the final result of the procedure depends on the shape, size and texture of the product. It is very difficult to choose breast implants on your own, so in this matter you should trust the opinion of a plastic surgeon.

One of the most popular plastic surgeries is breast augmentation. According to statistics, many women are unhappy with the size of their breasts, so sooner or later they decide to undergo mammoplasty. Today this operation gives excellent results. All that remains is to choose best breast implants and a qualified plastic surgeon.

Main features of implants

Breast implants have both advantages and disadvantages. Before you decide to have surgery, you should know about some features of implants.

Modern endoprostheses are highly durable and can withstand heavy loads. But there are situations when the implant ruptures. This usually occurs with serious injuries to the mammary glands. Good manufacturers provide a guarantee for their products and in such cases will replace the implant with a new one at their own expense.

The materials used for prostheses have unique characteristics. They are not perceived by the body as a foreign body and do not cause rejection or inflammatory reactions. However, sometimes there are patients who have increased sensitivity.

Modern implants look natural and feel identical to breast tissue. If your own breasts are too small, then the prosthesis installed under the mammary gland may become noticeable in a certain position of the body. This problem is solved by placing it under the pectoral muscle.

Problems can arise if you choose the wrong shape or size of the implant. It is necessary to take into account the natural size of the mammary glands and the anatomical features of the patient.

The result of mammoplasty largely depends on the qualifications of the doctor; choose only an experienced and competent surgeon with experience in performing such operations.


Based on the filler material, silicone, saline and bioimplants are distinguished. They differ from each other in texture and appearance. The most popular is silicone filler.

All about silicone implants

The design is a multilayer shell, inside of which there is a gel. It can be of different densities. Highly cohesive gel is the densest. It is able to take a certain shape, and if the shell is damaged, it remains in place. This can be attributed to positive features, but there is also a minus - such breasts look unnatural, and to the touch they can be instantly distinguished from real ones.

In order to get the most natural effect, you should opt for a cohesive gel of standard consistency. The bust will not be as firm as when using a highly cohesive gel, but it will also look more natural. If the shell is damaged, the gel leaks out, but it is harmless to the body and gradually dissolves.

The Soft Touch gel occupies an intermediate position in consistency. This is the most modern solution.

Silicone implants are considered the best in the world because they have the following advantages:

  • excellent aesthetic characteristics;
  • health safety;
  • minimal risk of rejection;
  • large selection of shapes and sizes;
  • Possibility of installation under the mammary gland and under the pectoral muscle;
  • long service life.

Despite its reliability, the integrity of the shell should be checked every two years. This cannot be done with visual inspection and palpation, so owners of artificial breasts need to regularly undergo computed tomography.

Saline implants

These designs were invented more than half a century ago and are still used today. Although, their popularity is much less than silicone ones. A saline implant is a bag with a valve that is filled with saline during surgery. Thanks to this design feature, you can get by with a minimal incision.

Unfortunately, the strength of saline endoprostheses leaves much to be desired; membrane ruptures occur quite often. But this is completely safe, since saline solution is a natural biological fluid for our body, and the concentration of salts in it is exactly the same as in blood plasma. The only trouble that arises from a rupture is the loss of the shape of the mammary gland and the need for re-plasty.


The filler is a natural substance - a special hydrogel based on carboxymethylcellulose. If the shell is damaged, glucose and water are formed, which are absolutely safe. The choice of such endoprostheses is very large, so you can choose a suitable implant for every woman.

When installing bioimplants, you should be aware that breast size will gradually decrease over the years, as the hydrogel slowly seeps through the membrane.

Shape and texture

The outer surface of the shell can be smooth or textured. Let's look at how these varieties differ.

Smooth endoprostheses are affordable, have a thin shell, last for many years, and look natural. But today they are used extremely rarely due to the high risk of formation of fibrocapsular contractures, which lead to deformation of the mammary gland.

The textured implant is not overgrown with fibrous tissue, so the risk of complications during use is minimal. Thanks to the surface relief, such dentures are held in place, which is a definite plus.

As for the shape of the prostheses, they can be round or teardrop-shaped (anatomical). Round ones are affordable and easy to install. They allow not only to enlarge the mammary glands, but also to correct their shape even in the most difficult situations, such as asymmetry and prolapse. The problem can only arise when the position of the prostheses changes, in which case the shape of the bust will be seriously disrupted.

Teardrop-shaped implants are quite difficult to work with. Implantation should be performed by a surgeon experienced in such operations. To avoid displacement, only textured dentures should be used. The anatomical structures are quite solid, which makes their appearance rather unnatural.


A good result can only be obtained with the correct choice of the size of the endoprosthesis. To do this, you need to evaluate the anatomical features of the patient, her actual bust size and compare these data with the desired result.

While saline implants are filled with liquid during surgery, which allows the size to be adjusted, silicone implants are produced with a strictly defined volume. It is conventionally considered that every 150 ml of filler corresponds to one size of mammary glands.

The choice of profile also plays an important role. The low profile allows you to get a teardrop-shaped breast, increasing mainly its lower part. With a medium profile, the iron increases evenly, and for women who dream of a chic neckline, a high profile is suitable.


If you want the operation to go well and you to enjoy gorgeous breasts for many years, you need to choose implants only from well-known manufacturers, the reliability of whose products has been tested by many years of practical experience.

The world leaders in the production of endoprostheses are the USA, Germany, France and the UK. If you have chosen brands such as Arion, Mentor, Polytech or Nagor, you can rest assured of the quality of the implants. Reviews from plastic surgeons about these manufacturers indicate that the risk of rejection and rupture is minimal.

If you decide to undergo mammoplasty, you should not save money. The use of cheap materials from dubious manufacturers will lead to the development of complications and breast deformation, and turning to a plastic surgeon with a dubious reputation usually leads to a complete discrepancy between the actual result and expectations.

If mammoplasty is performed professionally and high-quality implants are installed, then throughout your life you will be proud of a beautiful bust, and not have to eliminate the consequences of an unsuccessful operation.



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