Brazilian agaric mushroom - medicinal properties, use of agaric in oncology. Russian experience in using larch sponge

That's all today more people turn to folk medicine to fight diseases, like CANCER a and AIDS A. Medicinal herbs and mushrooms have been highlighted as effective and natural remedies treating various diseases and maintaining health. It’s as if nature itself took special care of people by planting an amazing plant world nearby, which can safely be called a natural pharmacy.

Discovery of the amazing properties of the mushroom AGARIK BRAZILIAN made a lot of noise in the scientific world. It all started when, about 50 years ago, two researchers from Penn State University discovered that residents of the small village of Peidade in Brazil had excellent health, get sick extremely rarely and have very large number centenarians.

It turned out that the inhabitants of this village have a custom of eating large quantities mushrooms - growing here. Locals call this mushroom the “mushroom of the Sun.” It grows in only one place, at the foot of the mountain under the bright Brazilian sun, where the temperature reaches 35-38 degrees.

In the laboratory the most carefully studied this mushroom. The result was stunning - a mushroom AGARIK BRAZILIAN(Agaricus Blazei Murrill) has very powerful anti-cancer effects. Studies have shown its effectiveness against various types of cancer in experimental animals.

Results latest research found that AGARIK BRAZILIAN also activates helper T-lymphocytes, controls the immune system, activates macrophages (phagocytes), stimulates the function cell membrane and increases the production of enteropeptidase to fight cancer. Moreover, it has been proven that AGARIC BRAZILIAN has a hypoallergenic effect and improves cardiac activity.

When carcinoma cells, called "Sarcoma 180", were transplanted into the subcutaneous layer of mice at 5-6 weeks of age, the cancer cells grew into a large tumor (cancer) and most of the experimental mice died after 4-5 weeks.

Having transplanted cancer cells and making sure that they had taken root, the mice were given a variety of solutions, including physiological saline, as well as polysaccharides, every day for 10 days, starting 24 hours after transplantation various mushrooms, including AGARIK BRAZILIAN.

The size of the tumor and the level of obstacles to its growth were regularly monitored and compared with those of a control group of mice that were injected only with saline.

Observation continued for 60 days from various types mushrooms used to create solutions. The anticancer effect of each mushroom was determined in relation to the number of mice whose cancer completely disappeared. The results of these tests show that AGARIK BRAZILIAN showed the best anti-cancer effect, slightly higher even than that of the famous SHIITAKE. By introducing 10 mg of polysaccharide per 1 kg of mouse body weight, the rate of complete disappearance of tumors was 87.5%, and the rate of preventing the spread of cancer was 93.6%.

Six types of high molecular weight polymeric polysaccharides were discovered in the AGARIC BRAZILIAN mushroom, which showed a powerful anticancer action. These substances have been confirmed to be anti-cancer compounds derived from the Agaricus brasiliensis mushroom.

But most importantly, AGARIK contains substances that blocking height circulatory system tumors - ergosterol and sodium pyroglutamate. Blocking the circulatory system of the tumor and its metastases, as a result of the action of antianginal substances, leads to its drying out. IN present moment, due to its uniqueness, this property of AGARICA BRAZILIAN is considered the most promising for the treatment of tumors.

The AGARIC BRAZILIAN fungus suppression system prevents the spread and promotes destruction metastasis carcinoma cells, stimulating and enhancing protective systems body, naturally supporting immune function. This function is divided into specific and nonspecific immunity. Typically, immune function is driven by lymphocytes, ( T and B lymphocytes), contained in the blood, antibody (globulin), complement, macrophage (serum protein enzyme that plays important role in bacteriolysis, phagocytosis and immune cytolysis, activated by various reactions between antigens and antibodies), leukocyte, etc.

In addition to various polysaccharides that have anti-cancer effects and strengthen immune function, AGARICA BRAZILIAN contains steroids that directly affect carcinoma cells and inhibit their proliferation in the same way as typical chemotherapy treatments.

As you understand, the human body - complete system . Everything in this system is interconnected. You cannot treat a single organ, you must treat the entire body. For this purpose, medicines created by nature itself are more suitable than anyone else. Mushroom AGARIK BRAZILIAN - unique medicine created by nature, as if especially for humans. We looked at the unique properties of AGARIK in the treatment of cancer. But, this mushroom is also useful to humans for other diseases.

Improves liver function

Data obtained through research by Dr. Wang Jun Zhi from Lanzhou Medical Institute in China showed that as a result daily intake 20 mg of the AGARIC BRAZILIAN mushroom improves liver function and sharply reduces the rate of viral activity in patients with chronic hepatitis.

Dr. Wang Jun Zhi divided 20 patients into experimental and control groups. Each member of the experimental group took AGARIK, and the control group received usual treatment. The results obtained were compared after 3 months. It was found that the positive effect of treatment is as follows: in the experimental group: significant - 2, effective - 8, ineffective - 0, while in the control group: significant - 1, effective - 6, ineffective - 3. The differences should be especially noted in improving liver function.

These clinical data confirm that the AGARIC mushroom improves liver cell recovery in patients with chronic hepatitis and maintains normal liver function.

Supports the pancreas

I talked about how BRAZILIAN AGARIC acts against diabetes, a disease that you can get used to, but which causes various serious complications. Diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas.

Insulin helps the human body use glucose as an energy source. When there is not enough insulin, the cells of the human body lose their ability to absorb energy and sugar remains in the blood. In such a situation human body gets tired quickly, and his ability to withstand foreign bodies weakens. This may result in the appearance infectious diseases and weakness. Therefore, to control blood sugar levels, it is very important medical supervision, treatment, nutrition control and exercise. Diabetics are prescribed insulin. However, the use of any, even the most effective medicine may cause side effects. For example, insulin can cause hypoglycemia.

Considering that AGARIK BRAZILIAN - safe, is independent of drugs and has an immunostimulating effect, it can play a big role in maintaining diabetics. The research group of the mushroom AGARIC BRAZILIAN confirmed its effect through an experiment on mice with diabetes. The AGARIC mushroom stimulates the immune system and prevents the progression of diabetes.

BRAZILIAN AGARIC is actually an amazing and unique mushroom in its medicinal properties. There is again a sensation in the world, similar to the one that happened not so long ago with the SHIITAKE mushroom.

Now American mycologists have found medicinal mushroom with unique anti-cancer drugs no longer in distant Japan, but nearby - in Brazil. And this find really deserves attention and trust. And not because another mushroom with strong antitumor properties has been found (and there are quite a lot of them - SHIITAKE, CORDYCEPS, REISHI, VESELKA, RAINCOAT, etc.). The difference between this mushroom is that it is effective in late stages oncology, precisely when ascites (fluid accumulation) or lymphostasis (serious damage to the lymph with tissue swelling) develops.

A very interesting feature of AGARIK is that this mushroom almost never causes allergic reactions and the fact that it very successfully removes metabolic products cancerous tumor even in a state of necrosis (decay).

The use of AGARIK during and after chemotherapy is interesting - it restores microflora intestines, which are usually in the most deplorable state after chemotherapy, normalizes the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

In addition, it suppresses the development fungal diseases (aspergellosis, candidiasis, etc.), which also develop after the use of chemotherapy.

The use of AGARIK is possible not only in oncology, it is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, genitourinary system, for diseases of the lymph and blood, for epilepsy and encephalopathies, autoimmune diseases ( multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, polyarthritis).

AGARIC BRAZILIAN is able to suppress any pathogenic fungal flora Therefore, it is used for mycoses (fungal infections of the skin) and nail fungi.

Agaricus consists of a branched mycelium penetrating the wood and a fruiting body. The age of the fungus can reach 75 years, and by the end of its life its weight is about 10 - 12 kg, and its length is about 30 cm. It reproduces with the help of spores that penetrate the bark of the host tree.

The fruiting body has blunt rounded edges, a cone-shaped or hoof-shaped shape, in some cases resembling an upside-down plate pressed into a tree. It is painted whitish or brownish-brown with dirty yellow or brown spots. Outer surface rough, covered with a thin, hard, cracked crust. On the lower side there is a spore-bearing layer in the form of small tubes. Characteristics of the internal part of the fruiting body depend on age larch sponge. In young mushrooms it is loose, soft, white or yellowish-cream in color, and over time it becomes dark brown and hard.

Interesting: The size of the spore-bearing layer in Agaricus increases annually by 5 - 10 mm.

Medicinal properties

What does the larch sponge treat? The medicinal properties of the mushroom are determined by the high content of substances beneficial to the human body in its composition. According to research, it has been found that in a dry state this tinder fungus contains up to 80% resinous substances, which is unique for living organisms. Also it has:

  • organic acids (citric, agaricic, fumaric, malic, ricinol);
  • fixed oils;
  • phytosterols;
  • mineral salts;
  • pectins and polysaccharides;
  • vitamins;
  • glucose, mannitol.

This composition of biologically active compounds allows agaricus to be successfully used in homeopathy and traditional medicine. It has a cleansing, hemostatic, diuretic and laxative effect, has a sedative effect on the central nervous system, helps with sleep problems, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes metabolism, helps with hormonal disorders. The following problems may be indications for its use:

  • hepatitis and fatty degeneration liver;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • ulcers and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • respiratory diseases (pleurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, etc.);
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • helminthiases;
  • excess body weight.

Effect of larch polypore in various diseases

Large amounts of resins, which have a laxative effect, and agaricic acid, which helps neutralize and remove toxins, ensure that agaricus has healing cleansing properties. It rids the body of toxins well, carcinogenic substances and toxins that accumulate due to modern conditions life and bad environmental situation. It is also used in the treatment of oncological diseases, as it is able to minimize harmful undesirable effects on the body and reduce side effects after radiation and chemotherapy.

The agaricus mushroom has found application in tuberculosis. It provides a reduction in the intensity of debilitating night sweats in patients.

At internal use With tinder-based products, normalization of metabolism, improvement of liver function, increased bile secretion and the production of enzymes that break down fats are observed. In this regard, it is very effective for weight loss if figure correction is necessary.

Agaricus mushroom also exhibits medicinal properties in the fight against various liver diseases (jaundice, viral hepatitis B and C, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration). It restores the normal functioning of the organ, cleanses it, promotes cell regeneration, and has beneficial influence on the secretion of bile and the production of enzymes, destroys pathogenic microflora in the biliary tract. The polysaccharide lanofil contained in the mushroom helps to activate the processes of breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. In complex therapy, Agaricus is used for cysts and other neoplasms in the liver, stomach, small intestine. It is effective in cases of violation normal composition intestinal microflora and constipation.

Methods of application

For cooking medicinal products They use the fruiting bodies of young larch sponges. Compared to old mushrooms, they are small in size, white, loose and soft inside and lighter in color on the outside. Harvesting should be done from early spring to mid-summer. To do this, the mushroom is cut down with an ax or knocked down with a stick, and cleaned of the bark of the host tree, debris and other foreign impurities. Then dried and stored in a well-ventilated area.

Warning: Agaricus mushroom is poisonous, so when working with it you must protect your hands with gloves.

Infusion with laxative and sedative effects

Cut the mushroom into small pieces with a knife, 1 tsp. The resulting raw materials are placed in a heat-resistant glass container or thermos and pour ¼ liter of boiling water. Place in a warm place for 10 hours. After time, the infusion is filtered and taken warm, 60–70 ml during meals.

Infusion with a sedative effect

Grate the dried fruiting body of the mushroom, 1 tsp. Place the resulting raw material in a glass and fill one third with boiling water. Cover and leave for 4 hours, then filter and take 15 ml with meals.

Remedy for liver diseases

Larch mushroom agaricus is used in the form of a decoction to treat the liver. For this, 1 tbsp. l. The crushed product is placed in a liter saucepan, water is added to half, brought to a boil and boiled for half an hour. Turn off the gas, cover with a lid and leave for 4 hours. Strain and take 15 ml 3-4 times a day.

Slimming product

Agaricus for weight loss is taken in the form of an infusion. To do this, a piece of mushroom weighing 30 g is completely soaked warm water(350 ml) for 8 hours. Then the water is poured into another container, and the mushroom is cut into small pieces. Pour the same water over the mushroom again, add another 50 ml warm water, heated to a temperature of 55 ° C, poured into a thermos and left there for a day or night (at least 12 hours). The infusion obtained in this way is drunk in one day, distributing the entire amount into equal parts, which are taken 20 minutes before meals.

Tincture for giardiasis

Add ½ liter of vodka to the crushed mushroom (1 glass) and leave in a cool place for two weeks, shaking occasionally. After the time has passed, the tincture is filtered and taken 30 minutes before meals three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Infusion for diabetes

Chopped mushroom in an amount (1 tsp) is poured into 200 ml hot water with a temperature of no more than 55 ° C, infuse in a thermos for 12 hours. Filter and take 50 ml of the resulting product three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Advice: Medicinal decoctions and infusions with larch sponge have a not very pleasant bitter taste. To improve taste qualities For such drinks, you can add mint, cinnamon, lemon, ginger, etc.

Weight loss product with cinnamon

Place chopped mushroom (2 tsp) in a small saucepan and add a glass boiled water, placed on water bath, stand for 5 – 7 minutes. Leave for 2 - 3 hours, and then add half a teaspoon ground cinnamon, mix and drink.

Decoction for tuberculosis

Chopped mushroom (1 tbsp) is poured into a saucepan with 1.5 glasses of water and cooked at a not very intense boil for 40 minutes. Then cover with a lid, leave for 2 hours and filter. Use the product three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. before eating.


Agaricus refers to poisonous mushrooms. In case of an overdose when taking drugs from it, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, general malaise, allergic reactions in the form of rash and itching, vomiting and other symptoms are possible. Using larch sponge with therapeutic purpose Strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, people prone to allergies, as well as children under 12 years of age and the elderly. When using it for weight loss, you should not get carried away. You should take the medication for no more than two weeks in a row, and then take a break for 2 to 3 months.

Warning: Before you start using folk remedies from Agaricus, you should consult your doctor, as they cannot be taken if you have some diseases.

Properties of agaricus and its use for weight loss.

Agaricus brasiliensis is a mushroom found in Brazil in 1965. Since that time, the medicinal properties of the agaric mushroom began to be studied, and later they found application in the treatment of various diseases.

Mushroom Agaricus Brazilian - medicinal properties

In order to properly understand this issue, it is necessary to become familiar with some specific terms. We will talk about carbohydrates, polysaccharides, glucans, beta-glucan (b-glucan), immunity and how all these concepts are related to this mushroom.

The medicinal properties of the Agarica brasiliensis mushroom are used mainly for the prevention of diseases, or as an alternative supportive therapy, in parallel with traditional treatment.

Carbohydrates in Brazilian agaric

Carbohydrates got their name because the first carbohydrates known to science were compounds of water and carbon. Carbohydrates, or saccharides, in Brazilian agaric are the name of a large class of natural organic compounds. Saccharides are organic substances that contain an unbranched chain of several carbon atoms, a carbonyl system and several hydroxyl groups.

Carbohydrates are divided into 2 groups: simple and complex. Monosaccharides are classified as simple, and polysaccharides are complex.

Many people are familiar with the term carbohydrates not from the chemical, but from the everyday side. Everyone who was ever going to reset extra pounds, already know that carbohydrates are an irreplaceable, most important supplier of energy for the body. In any dietary reference book you may come across the advice: “When creating your daily menu, be more attentive to carbohydrates.” The fact is that criticized by everyone and dangerous for thin waist baking and sweet tea are precisely those simple carbohydrates. They are dangerous for those losing weight because they bring a short-term feeling of fullness, but soon hunger appears again. Complex carbohydrates, which can be found in the composition of Brazilian agaric, presented, for example, in the form of whole grain porridge, are very useful and “long-lasting”. The feeling of fullness when eating them will stay with you for a long time.

Polysaccharides in Brazilian agaric

Photo: Dried mushrooms Agarik Brazilian for use in alternative medicine

Complex carbohydrates, or polysaccharides in Brazilian agaric, are a class of high-molecular carbohydrates, the molecules of which consist of thousands of monosaccharide residues connected by glycosidic bonds. If a polysaccharide consists of monosaccharide residues of one type, it is called a homopolysaccharide, and if two or more, it is called a heteropolysaccharide.

First of all, they play a huge role in the metabolism of both animals and plant organisms. As mentioned earlier, this is one of the main sources of energy. Polysaccharides in the composition of Brazilian agaric actively participate in immune processes - they are responsible for the adhesion of cells in tissues.

Polysaccharides have a complex division into various families, which we will not delve into. Let's just say that one of these families is the glucans.

Glucans in Brazilian agaric are polysaccharides with a long chain, the link of which is glucose. Small side chains also grow from the main glucan chain. The glucan, which is a very powerful anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agent, is called beta-glucan. It greatly affects human immunity.

Immunity is the most important, basic, irreplaceable, most important thing that a person has, it is what his life literally depends on. This is the body's immunity or resistance to infections, the body's ability to resist changes in its normal functioning under the influence of various external factors.

Thus, it becomes clear that immunity is a protector, a guardian of our body, protecting us from harmful influences. environment. Depending on how powerful immune defense In humans, the body can fight various diseases so strongly, for a long time and successfully, recovery approaches faster.

Agarik Brazilian thanks high content All these substances have high medicinal properties and are useful in nutrition.

How to grow Brazilian agaric?

Growing agarica mushroom is a rather complex and labor-intensive process, in compliance with relevant standards, starting from the creation of the most natural “natural” conditions and ending with the use of modern technical equipment. In addition, when breeding it, various “secrets” are used, for example, the fruits of the agarica mushroom are subjected to stress due to a sharp change in temperature and lighting.

It’s not enough to just grow agaric mushrooms and harvest them. After this, they must also be processed in an appropriate way - dried and ground in specialized equipment, and then a series of chemical and physical procedures in the conditions of pharmaceutical production to give the medicine strong medicinal properties and for easier absorption by the body.

The use of agaric in oncology

The mushroom Agarik Brazilian is used in oncology, as complementary therapy, along with the main treatment prescribed by the doctor.

The use of the Brazilian agarica mushroom in oncology gives the following effects:

  1. Blocks the circulatory system of a malignant tumor due to the content of pyro-glutamates and ergosterols. This contributes to the “freezing” and gradual “drying out” of the malignant formation, since it cannot grow more than 3 mm without nutrients from blood. To do this, the tumor secretes a special substance from the composition of Brazilian agaric, which “sprouts” it with blood vessels, thereby “nourishing” it.
  2. The use of agarica mushroom slows down tumor growth by approximately 2 times due to the content of steroids and phospholipids.
  3. The Brazilian agaric mushroom has antimutagenic medicinal properties due to essential fatty acid.
  4. Detects and destroys tumor cells with the help of lymphocytes, accelerates the rate of maturation and increases the life expectancy of the latter.
  5. Agarik Brazilian actively helps fight against malignant formations during chemotherapy, significantly enhancing its effect.
  6. The use of agarica mushroom protects the liver and gastrointestinal tract from toxic effect chemotherapy, which prevents nausea and vomiting.
  7. Restores the body's microflora after radiation and chemotherapy treatment.

Thanks to such a versatile active influence for malignant tumor formations, agaric brazilian very quickly gained worldwide fame and glory. IN different countries it was given its own loud names: in Japan - “Princess of Mushrooms”, in Latin America- “Mushroom of God”, in some European countries - “Royal solar agaric”. It is not surprising that this miraculous mushroom began to be cultivated in different countries: first in Brazil, then in China and Japan.

Agarik mushrooms - recipes

Currently, Brazilian agaric is very popular in Asian countries. His fame has reached our country. Preparations with agarica mushroom extract are increasingly gaining momentum. This is not surprising, because in addition to all the described medicinal properties, it also does not cause allergies, has no contraindications, is absolutely safe and natural. Before you start using medicine with Brazilian agaric, be sure to consult a fungotherapist. He will prescribe the dosage of agaric you need and describe the treatment with its use.

In Russia, Brazilian agaric is not as widespread as, for example, in Japan and China. There are many books, specialized television programs and Internet sites dedicated to him. In China, the cultivation and subsequent processing of these mushrooms is so developed that it is the largest supplier of medicines from it.

Recipe for agaric brazilian tincture

Required: 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed agaric, 1 glass of vodka.

Preparation of agaric tincture Pour vodka over the mushroom and leave for 2 weeks in a cool place.

Application of tincture of agaric brazilian. Take 10 drops per 10 kg of weight 3 times a day during or after meals.

The Brazilian agaric mushroom, the medicinal properties of which we described to you above, is not yet so common in Russia for use in oncology, however, the use of Brazilian agaric is recommended as maintenance therapy in classical treatment.

Video: Medicinal properties of the Brazilian agarica mushroom, use in medicine

Mushroom Agaricus Brazilian

Agaricus subrufescens (Agaricus Blazei, Agaricus Brasiliensis, Agaricus rufotegulis)
Taxon: champignon family (Agaricaceae)
Other names: Brazilian champignon, almond mushroom, mushroom of the sun, Boga, mushroom of life, button mushroom, princess of mushrooms
English: Almond Mushroom, Mushroom of the Sun, God's Mushroom, Mushroom of Life, Royal Sun Agaricus, Jisongrong, Himematsutake

The Brazilian was first described by American botanist Charles Horton Peck in 1893 as Agaricus subrufescens. Next, the American biologist-naturalist W.A. Murrill named the mushroom in his honor in 1945 - Agaricus blazei Murrill. In 2002, Didukh and Wasser corrected the name of the species Brazilian fungus A. Brasiliensis (the name Agaricus brasiliensis Fr. was already taken).
Richard Kerrigan put an end to the taxonomy confusion by genetically testing several strains of fungi. Samples of Agaricus Blazei, Agaricus Brasiliensis and European accessions (Agaricus Rufotegulis) were genetically similar to Agaricus subrufescens. Since Agaricus subrufescens is the oldest name, it has taxonomic priority.

Agaric Brazilian himematsutake

– a widely known, valuable medicinal mushroom. The cap of the agaric is at first cylindrical or flattened-conical in shape, later convex-spread, with a diameter of 5 to 18 cm. The surface of the cap of a young agaric Brazilian is covered with silky fibers; in adulthood it is covered with small scales. The color of the cap can vary from white, gray to reddish brown. The edges of the mushroom cap usually disintegrate with age.
Pulp of agaric brazilian white, soft, edible, with a sweetish taste and aroma of almonds or anise.
The lamellas are narrow, not attached to the leg. At first they are whitish, then pinkish and finally, when the spores mature, they become dark brown. Agaricus brasiliensis spores are 6-7.5 by 4-5 microns in size, ellipsoidal, smooth, dark purple-brown in color. The stem of the Brazilian agaric is from 6 to 15 cm long, 1 to 1.5 cm thick, bulbous in shape (widening towards the base), initially hard, the stem becomes hollow with age. Pubescent, scaly towards the base.
In young Brazilian champignons, the edges of the cap are connected to the stem by a solid white blanket, which later comes off, forming a solid round ring on the stem. The ring is two-layered, curved down towards the stem, smooth, the upper side is whitish, bottom side pubescent.

How to grow agaric brazilian mushroom

Agaria brazilica was originally found and described in the northeastern United States and Canada. Later, agaric was found growing in California, Hawaii, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Taiwan, the Philippines and Brazil.
The Brazilian agaric mushroom is found both individually and in groups in the forest floor on rich soils.
The mushroom is widely cultivated. IN laboratory conditions Brazilian champignon is grown from mycelium on a substrate all year round in dark, ventilated rooms.
The most favorable region for growing Brazilian agaric turned out to be China, where the cultivation of this mushroom is concentrated for further processing and production of antitumor agents.

Chemical composition of Brazilian agaric

The almond mushroom has a specific odor due to the presence of benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, benzonitrile and methyl benzoate.
The main component of Brazilian agaric is a family of polysaccharide molecules called beta-glucans.
Beta-glucan is a unique compound, first discovered in mushrooms in the early 60s of the 20th century, and has been studied in many scientific institutions peace. Beta-glucans play as important a role in immunology as penicillin does in the world of antibiotics.
Beta-glucan is a long-chain carbohydrate found in the cell walls of fungi. In mushrooms it is presented in the form of a complex - chitin-glucan. This complex is practically not absorbed in the human body and therefore requires additional treatment with temperature and ethyl alcohol- extraction, which results in an easily digestible form of beta-glucan. Beta-glucan itself is extremely heat-stable, easily tolerates low and high temperatures- even hours of boiling do not destroy its molecule.
Agarik contains pyroglutamine amino acid (pyroglutamates), which has an equally important and strong effect- blocking the circulatory system of the tumor.
Agarik also contains steroids that directly affect carcinoma cells and slow down tumor growth. Steroids obtained from Brazilian agaric have an antitumor effect, which is especially important for the treatment and prevention of cancer. These hormones should not be confused with steroids taken by athletes to improve performance.
Provitamin D3, a precursor to vitamin D, does not have an anticancer effect on its own. But research has found that a new synthetic steroid, biosynthesized from provitamin D3, also suppresses the spread of carcinoma cells. Even if carcinoma cells have begun to form in the body, the tumor develops much more slowly.
Brazilian agaric contains 3.6% lipids, of which 26.8% are neutral lipids, and 73.2% are phospholipids. The lipid can be broken down into linoleic, palmitic, oleic and palmitoleic acids, all of which are active against cancer. Researchers from the University of Tokyo discovered that Agaric brasiliensis contains essential fatty acid, linoleic. This acid is known for its antimutagenic properties. They also discovered antimicrobial substances in agaric.

Medicinal properties of the Brazilian agarica mushroom

Healing properties agarica is highly effective and is actively used in modern medicine in the fight against cancer. Brazilian agaric prevents the development of a tumor, blocking its blood vessels and preventing new ones from developing, and activates the antitumor immune functions of the body. Preparations of Brazilian agaric are recommended for use in the treatment of malignant tumors (cancer-sarcoma, melanoma, leukemia), in the treatment of benign neoplasms (polyps, adenomas, fibroadenomas, papillomas, fibroids), in complex treatment effective in the last stages of oncology.
Agaric Brazilian reduces side effects during radio- or chemotherapy, prevents radiation damage.
Brazilian agaric promotes the regeneration of liver cells during viral, chronic hepatitis, liver dysfunction, cirrhosis processes, stops viral activity.
Therapy for patients with diabetes mellitus Type I-II Brazilian agaric helps lower blood sugar levels and increases insulin resistance.
Brazilian agaric lowers cholesterol levels and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
In hypertensive patients, consumption of Brazilian mushrooms reduces blood pressure.
Agaric Brazilian is recommended for atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, accelerates skin healing, eliminates rashes, blemishes and skin damage, and relieves allergic reactions.
eliminates the syndrome chronic fatigue
Agaric Brazilian is effective against fungal infections (candidiasis, nail, skin fungi, etc.), suppresses pathogenic fungal flora.
For autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, polyarthritis) helps the immune system maintain homeostasis.
Agaric Brazilian reduces the risk of bone loss.
The use of agaric inhibits the aging of the body, which is important in gerontology (for the treatment of older people). Also, taking Brazilian agaric successfully restores male erection.

Use of Brazilian agaric in medicine

Agarica brasilica beta-glucan boosts immunity

Agarik is a biologically active food supplement, which is produced from mushrooms of the species Agarik White (larch) and Agarik Brazilian. Depending on the specific type, the drug has different healing effects on the body. Agarik Brazilian is known for its antitumor effect, White - due to its ability to remove toxins, waste and promote weight loss.

Chemical composition

White Agaric contains large number agaricic acid, A. Brazil's composition includes sodium pyroglutamate, ergosterol, antitumor lipids, glucans, beta-carotene and other saccharides.

Useful properties of Agarik

Application of Agaric Larch in therapeutic doses helps reduce sweating, remove toxins, harmful substances from the body, and accelerates metabolic processes. Due to its properties, dietary supplements based on this mushroom are used as a drainage drug and a means for weight loss. A. Bely in high doses acts as a laxative.

A. Brazilian is known primarily due to its pronounced antitumor properties. It is often recommended as an element of complex therapy even in the last stages malignant tumors, during the development of fluid accumulation (ascites) and lymphostasis. The action of A. Brazil is due to its ability to stop the growth of a tumor by blocking it blood vessels. Taking dietary supplements during radiotherapy and chemotherapy reduces side effects and radiation damage. The use of Agarik Brazilian does not entail the appearance allergic reactions, the drug effectively removes metabolic products cancer cell even in a state of necrosis. A. Brazilian has a beneficial effect on restoring the functions of the stomach, kidneys, and genitourinary system; its use also helps in the treatment of blood and lymph diseases. The use of Agarik allows you to stop the development of liver cirrhosis, resume the regeneration of its cells and stop viral activity. Agarik B. is useful for epilepsy, autoimmune diseases(including multiple sclerosis, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, polyarthritis) and encephalopathies. The mushroom is capable of having a rejuvenating effect on the body and is widely used in gerontology as a means of slowing down the aging process. One more useful property Agarica Brazil is its ability to control blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, while taking dietary supplements, the barrier function of the skin and its regenerative function improve, which leads to accelerated skin healing, a reduction in rashes, other defects, and allergic reactions. When consuming A. Brazilian, there is a decrease in symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Indications for use of Agarik

Thanks to the extensive list of medicinal properties of Agarik, the drug is used for various ailments:

  • For tumor diseases, including malignant types and late stages;
  • For autoimmune diseases, in particular scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, thyroiditis;
  • At benign neoplasms, including uterine fibroids and mastopathy;
  • For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome;
  • At cardiovascular diseases of various origins;
  • With physical fatigue;
  • At radiation sickness(together with medications);
  • For obesity;
  • To reduce harm from radiation and chemotherapy;
  • For atopic dermatitis, rash, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis;
  • At diabetes mellitus 1 and 2 types;
  • For hypertension, arteriosclerosis, increased content cholesterol;
  • For fungal infections (candidiasis, skin fungi and others).


The following groups of people should avoid using Agaric:

  • Women during pregnancy;
  • Women during breastfeeding;
  • Children whose age is less than 18 years.

It must be remembered that Agarik is biologically active additive and cannot act as the main or sole component of treatment.

Home remedies from Agarik

A medicinal drink with Agaric as the main ingredient can be prepared according to the recipes described below: Rating: 4.8 - 23 votes



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