If there is harm from an electronic cigarette. Is the vapor from smoking an e-cigarette harmful?

Today, the number of smokers is growing at a rapid pace. Many different countries allocate a lot of money every year to combat this harmful and destructive habit. Of course, every smoker realizes that smoking is harmful and it does not have the best effect on his body, but not everyone succeeds in quitting smoking.

Therefore, many are looking for non-standard alternative ways to replace paper cigarettes. Have you ever thought about whether electronic cigarettes are harmful or not? In this article you will learn about doctors’ reviews, where to buy such cigarettes, etc.

Electronic cigarette - a competitor to conventional cigarettes

As you may already understand, electronic cigarettes are the same or one of the alternative ways. You may ask: how do they work? Everything is elementary: if in regular cigarettes nicotine is drawn in through tobacco in the form of smoke, then in e-cigarettes it enters through a solution that is converted into vapor ready for inhalation. It is worth noting that you can, if you wish, independently determine the amount of nicotine in the solution, which can later be reduced or removed altogether. So, let's figure it out: are electronic cigarettes harmful or not? In this article we will provide several opinions and reviews that will help you make your choice.

Electronic cigarettes: reviews from doctors

Most competent doctors and experts are conflicted about electronic cigarettes, since they have appeared recently and have not been properly studied. Due to the fact that we adhere to the point of openness on this issue, we will list all opinions located along different coordinate axes.

For example, a doctor from Portugal considers electronic cigarettes useful, since they are an effective way to combat traditional cigarettes; moreover, their effectiveness is evidenced by the increase and popularity of sales in Portugal.

It is believed that the permissible level of harmful and dangerous substances in an electronic cigarette has been exceeded.

As you can see, doctors’ reviews of electronic cigarettes are divided into positive and negative. Positive opinions include: electronic cigarettes do not have an unpleasant odor; with their help, people have successfully quit smoking traditional cigarettes; the absence of a harmful combustion product in them, thereby polluting the lungs less. The disadvantages included: regular cigarettes were banned from smoking in public places, but this in no way affected electronic cigarettes (non-smokers may be irritated by artificial smoke); the possibility of becoming dependent on such cigarettes; an increase in the process of smoking due to the fact that a person begins to think - they are not so harmful and safer; The lack of certificates makes it possible for counterfeits to appear, which can pose a danger to human health.

Positive opinions

For example, a public organization from the UK to combat smoking believes that electronic cigarettes are available to all smokers who have no desire or are unable to quit smoking.

According to her, she is betting on innovative developments, since in this case the possibility of using nicotine in an almost safe form has been discovered: the absence of harmful toxins. Another advantage is the absence of smoke, which usually comes from heavy smokers when smoking a regular cigarette.

Based on a study that was conducted in South Africa, it was found that 45% of people who participated switched to e-cigarettes and stopped smoking tobacco within the first 8 weeks. At the same time, doctors had to admit that these cigarettes cope well with both the physical and psychological areas of addiction. And another 52% of participants became more energetic and felt that their physical fitness was improving.

About those who wait

The World Health Organization can be classified as this type, as it is skeptical about all new products until clinical and laboratory testing has been completed. In addition, in their opinion, electronic cigarettes have not been thoroughly studied. It remains unknown how glycerin and propylene glycol affect the human body during constant inhalation of the created vapor. These components are not related to carcinogens, but experts face the difficult task of dispelling all doubts.

Those who are against innovative development

Negative reviews of the electronic cigarette were put forward by the American organization FDA, which, after conducting and testing this product, revealed the presence of carcinogenic components in it. Thanks to such tests, it was discovered that the concentration of the found elements is present, but it is 1000 times less compared to tobacco. This small amount is only found in nicotine-based e-liquids. As a rule, this solution is made from tobacco that has undergone various reusable purification procedures, so the residual element of these carcinogens, whatever one may say, remains and is considered a completely normal phenomenon. If you use a flavoring liquid that is made from 100% natural ingredients (by the way, it has received the necessary certification and is quite often used in the food industry), then it will not contain the carcinogens listed above.

As for Russian scientists, they do not yet advise switching from regular cigarettes to electronic ones until the final results of all kinds of research on this product are completed.

Difference of interests

As you know, the manufacturer of electronic cigarettes is China. Due to the categorical recommendation of the American company from the FDA, which strongly discourages switching to electronic cigarettes, the authorities are taking active steps to prevent the supply of this product from China. The controversial results are studies by American scientists who did not conduct a comparative laboratory analysis; based on the results, it would be possible to assess the differences in the specific content of harmful substances in a regular cigarette and an e-cigarette.

A completely obvious and logical question arises: why did the American company remain silent about the fact that when smoking a regular cigarette, 68 different carcinogens enter the human body, but when using an electronic cigarette, one is saturated with the same nicotine, but without all sorts of harmful impurities. No one argues about the harmfulness and harmfulness of nicotine use, but currently a person must choose an alternative method of obtaining it himself.

As it turns out, the US FDA is funded by companies that make nicotine replacement products such as nicotine patches and chewing gum. However, these remedies cannot be called effective. This is how it turns out that an American company is incurring huge losses due to the appearance of electronic cigarettes, since they are more popular and preferred. It is worth noting that most smokers already know where to buy an electronic cigarette.

Reviews from smokers

As statistics from numerous forums about the electronic cigarette have shown, it is considered a salvation for most smokers. Agree that the average smoker considers himself an involuntary hostage of tobacco and often has to experience discomfort, trying to avoid the company of non-smokers in order to maintain his own self-esteem. Therefore, the transition to electronic cigarettes has made nicotine consumption more comfortable, since the need to look for a smoking room has disappeared, and there are no more bad odors.

It was also noticed that when using the strongest solution, or cartridge as it is also called, three times less nicotine enters the lungs than when smoking a regular cigarette, but saturation occurs instantly; for some, 2-3 puffs may be enough.

The question of where to buy an electronic cigarette no longer arises. After all, today there are a huge number of online stores selling this product.

Of course, an electronic cigarette, as mentioned earlier, contains much less harmful impurities, but it still contains nicotine. It is the main component of a smoker's addiction.

It will be no secret to anyone that nicotine is a poison that suppresses the functions of the adrenal glands and leads to the destruction of the human cardiovascular system. First of all, it is dangerous for men, as it has a negative effect on blood vessels, which can lead to impotence at an early age. Nicotine also does not have the best effect on the nervous system. Often, an ordinary smoker says “I need to go for a smoke break,” but this excuse of a smoke break to take a break from work leads to an even greater feeling of fatigue; he quickly becomes overtired.

To summarize, it can be noted that e-cigarettes cannot be 100% safe. On the one hand, the chance of cancer and other dangerous diseases decreases, but on the other hand, you still use nicotine, which is very dangerous for your body. Of course, many can say in defense of the electronic cigarette: why not eliminate nicotine? Agree with a smoker addicted to nicotine, this cigarette will not arouse any interest.

It should be noted that for many people who use electronic cigarettes, doctors' reviews come first.


The electronic cigarette is very popular, the instructions for it are very simple. A cigarette has three components: a battery, an atomizer and a cartridge. An atomizer is a device that turns a special liquid into a vapor state. Cartridges for electronic cigarettes can be containing nicotine or without it.

You may ask: how do you charge an electronic cigarette? Naturally, before the first use, its battery is thoroughly charged, usually 8 or 12 hours are enough, and it is necessary to use a 220V charger.

After the battery is charged, attach the atomizer, then put on the cartridge. Everything is ready! As you can see, nothing complicated.

As for the time of smoking an electronic cigarette, you must adhere to the same intervals as when smoking a regular cigarette, that is, take no more than twenty puffs at a time. As a rule, a cartridge in an electronic cigarette can last for 150-200 puffs, this amount is equivalent to smoking a regular pack of cigarettes. Remember: if the smoke becomes less frequent, the cartridge must be replaced.

Adhere to the following precautions:

1. Do not expose the electronic cigarette and its components to sunlight.

2. Electronic cigarettes are strictly prohibited for use by children or pregnant women, as well as people who are allergic to nicotine, food grade glycerin or propylene glycol.

3. It is advisable to use an electronic cigarette with the same smoking frequency as you smoke a regular cigarette.

As you can see, the electronic cigarette (instructions in the article) is quite simple to use. We will look at popular models of such cigarettes.

The most popular electronic cigarettes

The Ego-t electronic cigarette appeared in 2011. When developing this model, manufacturers collected all the best from its predecessors. The Ego-t electronic cigarette has the following characteristic features:

1. It uses an advanced cartridge that is filled with liquid.

2. Has a specially adapted atomizer.

3. Has a powerful battery.

4. This cigarette has a double air circulation system.

Electronic cigarettes Joye ego. The characteristic features of these cigarettes are:

1. Replaceable heating elements in the atomizer. There is no need to purchase a new atomizer if its service life has expired, now you just need to insert a new evaporation element.

2. A new function has been added - battery charge indication (LED signal).

Electronic cigarettes “Joye ego” are a new development that is the simplest and most economical to use.

Electronic When it comes to a cigarette, the first thing that comes to mind is nicotine. However, nowadays cigarettes without nicotine have appeared, that is, they do not contain tobacco; such cigarettes are filled with various types of medicinal herbs.

As mentioned above, doctors’ reviews of electronic cigarettes are varied. Nicotine withdrawal is more about psychological addiction than physical addiction. Since a person gets used to smoking his cigarette at a certain time or in some situation, it does not matter what state he is in: in joy or sadness, he will still do it. Therefore, electronic cigarettes without nicotine greatly facilitate the difficult process of quitting the use of this harmful substance. Now let's explain how this happens: when a smoker smokes a cigarette without nicotine, he follows his usual habit, inhaling the hot smoke that is so familiar to him, but at the same time no harmful substances, in other words, carcinogens, enter his body. Thus, the smoker calms his body and gets rid of the so-called psychological withdrawal.

Eroll electronic cigarettes have a wonderful design; their big advantage is the presence of a rechargeable cigarette case. This cigarette has a low cost and miniature design. Many say that it will become a bestseller compared to other models. During its development, the shortcomings of its predecessors were taken into account.

The Ego C electronic cigarette is the most popular and is in great demand among smokers. The following features are highlighted: the ability to block the battery; There is a system for changing cartridges and an evaporator. The most interesting thing is that the set of cigarettes of this model includes 2 cigarettes. It all depends on your desire: if you want, just carry a spare battery from the 2nd cigarette, or if you want, smoke them alternately. Ideal for people who smoke a pack or more per day.

The Armango electronic cigarette was created under the popular Armango brand. The main feature that sets it apart from others is that it has a lock button, which serves as protection against unintentional pressing. It is also worth emphasizing that this cigarette has a chip that stabilizes the voltage.

Now you have a complete and detailed understanding of electronic cigarettes. Many opinions and reviews were considered, including reviews from regular smokers. Descriptions of several of the most popular models of electronic cigarettes are provided. Also, now you know how to charge an electronic cigarette and are familiar with the instructions. As you may have noticed, this material has both its pros and cons. The choice and decision is yours: continue to smoke regular cigarettes or switch to electronic ones.

It has not been fully studied, but it is similar to regular cigarettes.
E-cigarettes are a commercial hit, being promoted as a healthy, affordable and advanced alternative to traditional tobacco smoking. Some sellers even call them as a means of helping.

Health risks

One of the many health risks associated with vaping is that it can provide a much higher dose of nicotine than regular vaping. The body can become resistant to this amount and adapts to it.

In case of returning to the classics, a person begins to smoke more, longer and more often.

One way to prevent this is to purchase e-liquid that has a low nicotine content. Although a certain amount of nicotine will enter the body, it will be comparable or less than usual.

It is important to avoid the feeling of “freedom”, the ability to smoke anywhere and at any time. You need to monitor your smoking and use the pipe exactly as many times as you would smoke a regular cigarette. Most often, smokers make a fundamental mistake by having this device in their hand almost all the time.

Experts, after many studies, have discovered that vapor from electronic devices contains significant amounts of carcinogenic molecules.

The amounts of some of these toxins in e-cigarette are even higher than in regular tobacco. The reason is probably the e-liquid heating up too quickly.

Other experts discovered toxic metals and antimony. In particular, antimony is used to produce key components of modern electronics.

Test for smokers

Choose your age!

Main consequences of abuse

There is some debate as to whether e-mail has any harmful side effects for its users, but nothing has yet been proven to be completely harmful. There are definitely no known direct negative effects of use.

On the other hand, the long-term consequences of smoking are not yet known. Given that this is a relatively new invention, there is a lack of relevant data on the wider population of people who have used vaping over an extended period of time.

Therefore, many countries have preventive regulations that prohibit the sale of devices to minors. Or other similar prohibitions.

However, it cannot be said that it is beneficial or neutral for health. When inhaled into the body along with a number of other chemicals, nicotine, which is the main substance, penetrates. Those. smokers continue to receive the addictive substance.

The main ingredient is addictive and therefore harmful to health. is made from tobacco, and in liquid form, if swallowed, can have fatal consequences.

Smokers who have used the device for a relatively long time complain of headaches, nausea, dry mucous membranes (particularly the throat) and even diarrhea and deterioration of the skin.

The possibility of allergic reactions should not be overlooked. The liquid consists of a number of allergens. Its insidiousness lies in the fact that the reaction may not appear after the first use, but after a week or even a month.

All experts agree that, compared to smoking tobacco products, vaping is a healthier alternative.

Take the smoking test

Necessarily, before taking the test, refresh the page (F5 key).

Do they smoke in your home?

The dangers of addiction for teenagers

The harm from devices with liquid is similar to classic tobacco products,” as stated in the findings of an American study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine. According to the study authors, the effects of smoking are dangerously underestimated.

The most vulnerable group are children and youth, who perceive this invention as a “healthy and environmentally friendly modern accessory.”

The study's authors focused their attention, in particular, on the generation of teenagers who are most likely to believe false advertising. Vaping may encourage smoking among young people, experts warn.

Like classic tobacco products, they contain nicotine. Therefore, even despite the absence of harmful resins, significant harm is caused to the growing organism. In the future, smoking may manifest itself as heart disorders, vascular problems, etc. A teenager is at risk for strokes and heart attacks!

If the consequences of using electronics are represented by a transition to classic tobacco products, the consumption of a large amount of the above tars is added to nicotine, which aggravates the situation.

Gradually developing addiction has a negative impact on the mental state of a teenager.

Glycerin in electronic cigarettes – its effect on the body

Regarding glycerin, expert opinions differ. While some indicate that it is not widely used in various fields, others, based on research results, consider this substance harmful to human health.

Glycerol, systematically named propane-1,2,3-triol, is a hygroscopic, colorless, viscous liquid, odorless, with a sweet taste. It is usually present in lower quantities and provides good smoke production in the cigarette.

But, studies show that glycerin, which contains an electronic tube, can be harmful to health:

  • dehydration – glycerin inhaled when smoking can cause skin dehydration, dry mucous membranes and a sore throat;
  • blood circulation and vascular system - many studies indicate a negative effect of glycerin on blood vessels and blood circulation, however, the dose that causes these manifestations has not yet been determined;
  • carcinogenicity - it is represented by acrolein, which is released when glycerin is heated and leads to irritation of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract.


Electron tube with liquid explodes

The consequences are best summarized in a few real-life examples:

  1. Recently in Albany, New York, a man's electronic device exploded while he was smoking. She left him with a hole in his tongue, knocked out teeth and a burnt hand.
  2. Last April, a teenager was hospitalized after it exploded while being tested in a store, killing him in both eyes.
  3. In November 2015, a vape explosion maimed a man in Tennessee. As a result of the explosion, some cervical vertebrae and facial bones were broken, and teeth were damaged.
  4. In June 2015, a young man in Alabama was hospitalized after an explosion exploded close to his face. In addition to first-degree burns on the face and chest, the explosion left a hole in the upper palate, which significantly complicates life. In early 2015, it exploded and broke glass in a store in Southern California. The man holding her was taken to hospital with severe burns.

A detailed report on explosions between 2009 and 2016 was developed by the U.S. Fire Administration.

This miniature device contains a lithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery that provides energy to heat the liquid containing nicotine.

The user then inhales the resulting vapors of nicotine and other chemicals. Lithium-ion batteries do pose some risk, however, as heating them can cause them to overheat and explode.

Causes and possibilities of getting rid of cough

Up to 57% of 600 new vapers report that their first encounter with e-vaping was related to nausea and coughing. If this is your case, you should figure out why this happens.

Cough, pain and sore throat are the most common. For 93% of users, however, the cough goes away after a certain time - usually after a week or two of use.

The exact cause of the cough is unknown. Today, several possibilities are being considered, but it has not yet been determined what exactly causes the unpleasant phenomena.
The causative agent may be propylene glycol, to which a person is unaccustomed, the technique of using a vape, the renewal and growth of lung cilia, the intensity of nicotine, the equipment used, or even present (or acquired due to use) dehydration has a great influence.

There are some ways to reduce cough.

  • Experimenting with techniques

Find a vaping method that works for you. Classic smokers often inhale smoke directly into their lungs and do the same when they first try e-cigarettes. It is much better to leave the vapor in your mouth for a short time and then inhale. This mouth-to-lung method should help.

  • A lot depends on the intensity!

Many new vapers overestimate their preferences and unjustifiably choose stronger refills than what they need. The 2.4% intensity is recommended only for those smokers who smoke more than 1 pack of unfiltered cigarettes daily. Other people are advised to start with 1.2% or 1.8%. Stronger intensity causes a sore throat after inhaling steam, which subsequently provokes a cough.

  • Dehydration

Water will help. In order for propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin to create a rich vapor cloud, they need to contact water, which causes local cellular dehydration.

Dehydration can trigger a cough. You need to drink a glass of water.

This is proven by the testimony of some users that after switching to an electronic cigarette, they began to feel in better physical shape. However, there is no evidence yet that there is no placebo effect.

Passive form of addiction

So, we have figured out what harm is caused to a smoker, let’s talk about the passive form of addiction. The level of nicotine absorption by non-smokers exposed to vapor is not similar to that of conventional smoke. The absorption of nicotine by a passive smoker is so low that it does not affect his health and cannot lead to nicotine addiction.

Many myths are formed around it, various studies are conducted to inform about passive smoking - for example, they provide information on the concentration of pollutants. The exhaled vapor differs from the smoke of regular cigarettes: it contains fewer microparticles, but more of some heavy metals compared to the smoke of regular cigarettes.

Exhaled vapor contains, in addition to nicotine, ultrafine particles and volatile organic compounds such as propylene glycol. Exposure to propylene glycol may cause eye and upper respiratory tract irritation. However, estimates of the long-term effects of passive inhalation of e-cigarette vapor are not yet available.

This is in contrast to the awareness of conventional cigarettes, where the negative effects on the health of the user have been proven and are considered very harmful to health.

While it contains only a few potentially dangerous substances, regular cigarettes contain 4,000 hazardous substances.

It is the lack of complete information about the health consequences of passive smoking that is the reason that more and more medical institutions and commercial organizations around the world are banning the use of e-cigarettes in public places.

Effective disposal options

Due to the presence of nicotine, addiction still occurs.

Breaking the Habit:

  • remember that quitting smoking means changing your lifestyle;
  • set a specific day to quit smoking;
  • announce your intention to your family and colleagues, and ask them to help you in your efforts;
  • get rid of it - sell it, donate it, throw it away - you won’t need it anymore;
  • make a list of all the situations in which you tend to smoke and a plan for how you can get by without this habit;
  • on the first day of quitting smoking, fill your free time as much as possible - go to the movies, for a walk, meet with non-smoking friends;
  • avoid the company of smokers;
  • do not replace smoking mixtures with sweets, drink plenty of water or diluted fruit juices, eat fruits and vegetables;
  • In case of occurrence (compulsive desire to smoke, nervousness, inability to concentrate, increased appetite), it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The harmfulness of an electronic cigarette compared to a traditional one is much less. Doctors, however, do not consider it an appropriate treatment for addiction and therefore do not recommend it. The device contains not only pure nicotine, but also other substances.

The composition of the smoke is not entirely clear, the amount of nicotine inhaled is unpredictable and, of course, does not correspond to the information on the packaging. Most vapers eventually abandon it as an “expensive toy” and return to traditional smoking.

Harm of electronic cigarettes to health

4.6 (91.11%) 9 votes

In modern society, adherents of traditional forms of smoking are driven into strict limits by law and prices. From now on, smoking in public places is not only unaesthetic, but also illegal. In view of these aspects, the number of people who have chosen electronic cigarettes as opposed to conventional ones is rapidly growing. The overwhelming number of smokers are firmly convinced that the process of smoking fashionable new products is not only safe, but also to some extent useful. But does this myth really have a basis in reality or is it just a massive conspiracy aimed at increasing sales of e-cigarettes? Let's try to figure it out.

What does a fashion novelty hide?

Electronic cigarettes were invented in China a little over ten years ago and were positioned as a worthy and, most importantly, completely safe alternative to traditional types of smoking. Despite the relatively short period of stay of these cigarettes on the tobacco market, the product has gained mass popularity, the increasing trend of which is growing every day.

The main difference between the new product and regular cigarettes and cigars is that during the smoking process the smoker inhales not toxic smoke that is harmful to health, but steam formed by substances that are relatively safe for the body. The temperature of the steam is also not critical for the respiratory system and is comparable to the temperature of the evaporation of an ordinary ultrasonic inhaler. However, it is too early to say that inhaling this vapor is completely safe for health for smokers.

Despite ongoing research, the actual effect of electronic cigarettes on the body in real time has not been identified to this day. This is partly due to the relative novelty of this form of smoking. It is simply impossible to say for sure what will happen to a smoker who smokes electronics for several years and his health.

Main Components

However, the conclusion about whether e-cigarettes are harmful to health, especially if smoked continuously, can be made based on the chemical composition of the liquid that produces the vapor inhaled by the smoker. Most conscientious manufacturers use the following elements as the main components of the solution:

  • Purified medical nicotine.
  • Propylene glycol.
  • Aromatic additives.

With the exception of nicotine, all of the substances listed above are essential components and are safe for health. Only in this case will the liquid-based vapor have the necessary density and saturation. As for nicotine, those who smoke can independently choose the concentration of this substance or choose electronic cigarettes without nicotine.

To prepare a solution for electronic cigarettes, it is important to use medical nicotine.

All the required ingredients that e-cigarettes contain are used in the food industry, pharmaceuticals and other industries. Unlike others, their harm to health is close to a minimum, despite their chemical origin. However, in some cases, these elements can cause significant harm to the health of the smoker.

More information about the composition

Let's take a closer look at the components.

  • Nicotine

Nicotine is rightfully classified as one of the most harmful components among those that are part of almost all tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes. This substance is classified as a narcotic; it not only harms health, but also causes severe addiction to those who smoke, which is very difficult to get rid of on your own.

To the question whether smoking electronic cigarettes is harmful and what their effect on health is, we can answer this: long-term use of any products containing dangerous nicotine can cause harm of varying severity to health, expressed in the following aspects:

  1. Development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Physiological and psychological dependencies.
  3. Disruption of circulatory processes.

Despite the fact that smoking electronic cigarettes involves the smoker inhaling vapor that has been purified from impurities and toxic compounds, the presence of nicotine in it can cause significant harm to health. And if a person smokes vaping devices for a long period of time, it is almost impossible to avoid nicotine addiction.

Long-term use of e-cigarettes can lead to disruption of circulatory processes.

An important point is to give up dependence on smoking traditional tobacco products and switch to electronic analogues. In such cases, the body of the person who smokes, let’s say, gets used to a certain dose, the absence of which causes physiological discomfort.

The vapor produced by vaporizers contains a small amount of this substance, however, the smoker can choose the dosage himself. However, in order to obtain the usual dose of the drug and obtain a feeling of physiological satisfaction, a person has to smoke much more.

If such a situation is habitual for someone who smokes and continues for several days or even weeks, there is a high degree of likelihood of an overdose. In this case, the electronic device can cause irreparable harm to the body.

  • Propylene glycol

Propylene glycol is a viscous substance that is an essential component that contains liquid for electronic cigarette analogues. It is odorless and tasteless and has been used in the food and pharmaceutical industries for a long time.

Many years of research have proven that propylene glycol, when consumed in relatively small quantities, does not harm anyone's body. As exceptions, it is necessary to mention individual characteristics, for example, a tendency to develop allergic reactions to a given component.

In addition, if you smoke excessively, an overdose of propylene glycol is possible. In such a case, the damage caused to the body is reversible. However, if the optimal amount of a substance is systematically exceeded, more serious health problems cannot be ruled out.

Glycerin is not a necessary component of e-cigarettes, and some manufacturers produce vaping liquid without this substance. It is necessary in order to significantly increase the amount of steam and enhance its saturation.

Glycerin is not a necessary component of electronic cigarettes.

The harm of glycerin is minimal and practically equal to zero; the substance is used in various industries, including food. But purely individual negative reactions from the body cannot be ruled out, for example, the risk of developing allergies, dryness and burning of the larynx, burns of the mucous tissues of the respiratory tract.

When talking about the dangers of electronic cigarettes, it is necessary to take into account that the most important aspect in determining this issue is moderation. If a smoker prefers to vape around the clock, literally without removing the mouthpiece from his mouth, is it worth talking about the complete absence of harm?

  • Flavors

Various food flavors that the vaping solution contains are auxiliary substances, and accordingly, their quantitative mass in the solution is minimal. If the electronic device meets quality requirements, flavorings do not cause any harm. But whether or not any substance is harmful can only be said separately in each individual case.

Exceptions, for example, include increased human sensitivity to aromatic substances, as well as low quality of the substance. If electronic cigarettes are made in artisanal conditions, using cheap analogues of food flavorings, harm cannot be ruled out.

Negative consequences

So, what harm can a smoker do to his body from electronic cigarettes, especially if he smokes systematically and for a long period of time? Unlike traditional tobacco products, which emit several thousand toxic compounds during smoking, vaping products cause minimal harm.

But we cannot exclude negative reactions of the body, allergies to some components, as well as other negative consequences. Each person is individual, and if there is a predisposition, there is a certain risk of harm to the body. Predisposing signs may include, for example, hidden pathologies and undetected diseases.

Remember! Electronic cigarettes are also harmful to your body, just like regular cigarettes.

So, is smoking an e-cigarette harmful? Its harm is several times less than the negative effects of conventional ones, but still it cannot be considered absolutely safe. The only way to protect the body from any negative effects of tobacco products is to categorically quit smoking. The electronic cigarette, the harm of which is minimal, is still classified as a bad habit.


The question of whether an e-cigarette is harmful can also be answered in a different way. If a person who has smoked conventional tobacco products for several years switches to electronic analogues, there is a possibility of an overdose. This is due to the fact that in an effort to get the usual dose of nicotine and acrid smoke, the person who smokes begins not only to soar more often, but also to inhale the smoke much deeper.

If this practice continues for several days, it is possible that symptoms of nicotine overdose may appear, such as:

  • Lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting.
  • Weakness, dizziness, increased body temperature.
  • Digestive problems.

An overdose entails not only the appearance of unpleasant physiological signs and discomfort, but also more radical consequences, including general intoxication of the body. In order to fully understand the consequences of this, you can watch the thematic video. In the most severe cases, as well as in the absence of timely medical care, death is possible.

Being near a smoker, a person is also exposed to the danger posed by nicotine.

To avoid this, in the first time after switching to electronic analogues, it is recommended to maintain the usual dosage of nicotine. This must be done even if the smoker feels dissatisfied. Subsequently, it is advisable to reduce the chosen dosage or abandon nicotine, which is harmful, altogether.

Danger to others

Currently, scientists are quite interested in a question of this nature: how harmful are electronic cigarettes to the health of not the smoker himself, but the people around him. According to reviews from manufacturers, the vapor exhaled by a smoker is absolutely safe, even when smoking indoors. This is due to the absence of toxic substances in it.

However, the nicotine contained in e-liquid casts doubt on this. The opinions of doctors regarding this aspect are currently divided. Most representatives of the scientific world believe that the vapors form a residue, which, if ingested, can cause significant harm.

But we can only talk about this if the smoking process takes place in an unventilated area. Accordingly, in order to minimize the negative impact and harm of electronic products on others, those who smoke should only do so outdoors or thoroughly ventilate the room.

When it comes to women and children

In modern society, it is no longer uncommon for women to smoke cigarettes while pregnant and knowing that this is potential harm. This is due to a strong psychological and physiological dependence. Scientists have proven that the harm of electronic cigarettes in such situations is equivalent to smoking regular cigarettes, because the vaping liquid also contains nicotine.

Smoking cigarettes is dangerous for pregnant women!

The process of smoking cigarettes based on nicotine-free liquid is less harmful to the health of the mother and the unborn baby. But it is still not worth completely excluding possible harm. Flavorings and other components of chemical origin can provoke various kinds of negative reactions from the body, including the appearance of rashes, nausea, and vomiting.

But if a pregnant woman’s addiction to smoking is strong, it is better to prefer vape cigarettes without nicotine. In this case, the harm is reduced to a minimum. But you shouldn’t completely exclude it.

Conspiracy theory

In the modern world, the theoretical hypothesis that the safety of e-cigarettes is just an invention of scientists and a conspiracy of tobacco manufacturing companies is becoming increasingly popular. Of course, the financial side of such actions is assumed. Of course, over time it will become known whether this assumption is valid or not.

When talking about any products intended for smoking, we must not forget that the manufacturer aims for the end consumer to purchase its products on an ongoing basis. And this is possible only if the product is addictive or constantly at the peak of fashion.

If the transition to e-cigarettes is due to the abandonment of traditional tobacco products, this step can well be called rational and deliberate, because the harm from steam generators is significantly lower. But those who smoke only to pay tribute to fashion should not be followed as an example. A bad habit causes significant harm in any case.

When purchasing any device, you should not forget about the quality of the product. When buying a product at an attractive price, the consumer runs the risk of purchasing a counterfeit that does not meet quality standards, which may also contain toxic substances. Those who smoke should only buy cigarettes and wipes produced by companies that value their reputation.

Based on the above, we can draw the following conclusions: addiction to smoking any product, including electronic products, is harmful. But you can significantly reduce possible risks by purchasing a quality product and choosing nicotine-free liquids. An important point in this case is that electronic cigarettes without nicotine practically do not cause physiological dependence, and you can leave the product at almost any time that is most suitable for this.

Health effects

An innovative anti-smoking solution invented by a Chinese scientist could solve the problem of tobacco smoking in one fell swoop. In his invention, which is called the “electronic cigarette,” some will find salvation, while others will see an even greater enemy. The question is already hanging in the air: a cigarette or an electronic cigarette, which is more harmful?

Will vaping be able to cure tobacco addiction or not, and how much safer will it be than regular cigarettes?

We can talk endlessly about the issue of harm in general. If, for example, we take milk, then for some it is healthy, but for some people it is a deadly poison. On the issue of cigarettes, everything seems to be on the surface, but in fact there are still a lot of questions.

To smoke or not to smoke, that is the question. It concerns everyone without exception in the vastness of our homeland. Its duality lies in the fact that we forbid our children to smoke, but we smoke ourselves. We drag them by the ear, although we ourselves tried our first cigarette at a very young age.

And given the fact that while we are all at work, our little mischievous children are left to their own devices, it is not surprising that our children will become familiar with the use of tobacco products very early.

If we dive a little into history, then cigarettes, like tobacco wrapped in a leaf, were brought to our world by the Indians. In 1847, one of the most famous tobacco companies, Philip Morris, was founded, which sold hand-rolled Turkish cigarettes.

And already in the 1900s they moved to New York, after which the most active phase of their activities began. During World War II, the rate of sales of tobacco products did not fall. The soldiers, along with their daily food rations, were given cigarettes supplied free of charge by tobacco companies, and after the war, a huge number of people began to bring enormous income to the enterprise, already dependent on their products.

Composition of cigarettes

For the average person, a cigarette is paper, tobacco and a filter. What actually enters the human body when inhaling tobacco smoke? Nicotine is one of the most harmful substances that we encounter every day.

The dose of nicotine for the body is the goal of the smoker, as it causes the body to produce a pleasure hormone. This is why smoking is addictive. Each manufacturer indicates on their packaging that smoking is harmful.

The composition of tobacco smoke is striking in its diversity.

In fact, there are “slightly” more harmful substances in a cigarette:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • carbon monoxide;
  • nitric oxide;
  • butadiene;
  • benzene;
  • N-nitroosamines;
  • formaldehyde;
  • aromatic amines;
  • acetaldehyde;
  • PA hydrocarbon;
  • methanol;
  • nicotine;
  • hydrocyanic acid.

Also, radioactive elements such as Lead-210, Polonium-210, Radon and Cesium get into the tobacco leaf from fertilizers. Tobacco companies have long tried to find a solution to reduce or completely eliminate these substances from cigarettes, but the results of the studies are not disclosed.

What are the dangers of using tobacco?

The problem of tobacco smoking has affected the entire planet, and this issue is relevant on every continent of our globe. Among the causes of death worldwide, the first place is taken by lung cancer, which occurs as a result of the use of tobacco products.

AIF spoke about the pros and cons of electronic cigarettes.

Every year it claims the lives of 3.5 - 5.4 million people in the world. And more than 15 million more are being treated for the effects of the deadly habit. According to experts, during the entire existence of the tobacco industry, approximately 167.82 million people have died worldwide.

In developed countries, statistics indicate that the average life expectancy of a person who uses tobacco products is reduced by 13 years on average, compared to non-smokers.

Smoking, or rather the dose of nicotine in the blood, blocks the process of absorption of vitamin C, causing so-called hypovitaminosis C. The consequences of this fact negatively affect almost all organs of the body, and this especially affects the walls of blood vessels, which are subject to increased destruction by oxidants.

Smoking leads to changes in internal organs, and, most often, the negative impact affects the respiratory system, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. Lung cancer is 95 percent more likely to occur in people who smoke cigarettes. This is caused by exposure of the lungs to radon, polonium, benzopyrene and nitrosamines, which are contained in tobacco tar.

Also, smoking provokes a number of malignant tumors throughout the body.

There are known facts when malignant tumors affect:

  • oral cavity;
  • larynx;
  • esophagus;
  • pancreas;
  • stomach;
  • large intestine;
  • kidneys;
  • bladder;
  • liver;
  • prostate.

On top of that, smoking tobacco causes emphysema. This is a chronic disease that is associated with irreversible degradation of the lungs and lung tissue. Smoking can cause cardiovascular problems such as atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.

It can also lead to the development of infectious respiratory diseases. And the most basic problem is the potential danger during pregnancy of causing complications or deterioration in the development of the fetus.

Electronic cigarette

What is more harmful, an electronic cigarette or a regular one? Although the electronic cigarette is positioned as a product that is 95 percent safer than an analog cigarette, not everything is simple.

The nicotine that you will use in vaping devices does not have the most beneficial effect on the body and, as in the case of regular cigarettes, causes addiction to the product. If you say that you use vape juice without nicotine, then I will disappoint you - not all manufacturers indicate that they add nicotine to the mixture. And we can talk about psychological habit even longer.

An electronic cigarette does not have any truly harmful effects, such as from combustion products, but the harm of the ingredients that you inhale while vaping has not yet been proven or disproven. The difficulty of studying is that there is no data on long-term systematic effects on the body of seemingly harmless substances that vaping contains.

A plus in the collection of facts about the harmlessness of electronics is that when vaping there can be no passive vapers.

Exhaled components dissolve instantly in the air. What is it actually talking about? at the moment lack of laws restricting places where delicious vapor can be consumed.

Bottom line

Cigarette or electronic cigarette, which is more harmful? Smoking tobacco is undoubtedly dangerous. And indeed, consuming cigarettes is many, many times more dangerous than vaping.

When choosing what you will allow into your lungs, remember:

  1. Nicotine is addictive due to the production of a pleasure hormone in the body.
  2. Harmful substances from smoking tobacco affect almost all organs of the body.
  3. Smoking causes cancer.
  4. Cigarettes have a detrimental effect on the health of pregnant women and can cause problems during pregnancy and problems in the development of the fetus;
  5. The harm to the body when using vaping devices is reduced to a minimum.

And if you choose a dangerous cigarette, or a safer vape, before you start releasing thick clouds of smoke, remember that clean air is much healthier and more pleasant than participating in medical statistics.

The harm of electronic cigarettes is negligible compared to regular cigarettes, and if a regular cigarette has already taken you prisoner, then electronic cigarettes are designed to reduce the toxic effect on the body and get rid of the need for regular cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes finally and irrevocably entered our everyday life. There are currently significantly fewer vapers than tobacco smokers, but their number is steadily growing. Initially, vaping was talked about as one of the ways to relieve nicotine addiction. This myth was debunked fairly quickly. Then manufacturers of electronic devices and vaping liquids began to focus on safety. Is this true or just another publicity stunt? Let's figure it out together, fortunately there is enough information.

Smoking and vaping deliver to the human body nicotine. In this matter they differ only in the type of source of this dangerous alkaloid. If you do not vape nicotine-free e-liquids, then you are guaranteed the whole range of cardiovascular diseases caused by excessive nicotine consumption. Now let's focus on the differences.

It's about oxygen

In the scientific world harm of smoking proven with 100% certainty. The harmful effects of cigarettes begin with inhalation of smoke. Smoke is tiny solid particles that settle on the walls of the bronchi and in the pulmonary alveoli. As a result, the human respiratory system becomes covered with soot, loses elasticity, and the lungs gradually lose the ability to carry out gas exchange, i.e., saturate the blood with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from it.

The situation is aggravated by the CO released during the combustion of tobacco, also known as carbon monoxide, also known as carbon monoxide. Once in the blood, it forms a stable compound with hemoglobin, thereby preventing the transport of oxygen. The insufficient amount of oxygen that the smoker’s “clogged” lungs were able to provide to the body partially does not reach its final destination, provoking an exacerbation of oxygen starvation at the cellular level.

Soaring safer. The absence of particulates and carbon monoxide makes it completely different from smoke inhalation. Inhalation of steam is called inhalation, and is widely used for medicinal purposes as one of the delivery methods medicines into the human body. Condensation of a small amount of fluid in the lungs is not dangerous, but do not rush to rejoice - the worst is yet to come.

If you want to get satiated quickly without evaporating the liquid in bottles, e-liquid with salt nicotine is the best option:

- a product developed and produced by a domestic brand, the products of which have already proven themselves on the positive side. The new e-liquid is a real find for gourmets who prefer premium tobacco flavors to sweet fruity tastes. The noble tobacco here is flavored with a light nutty tint - you are guaranteed to “place” the e-liquid in your collection!

– a product manufactured by a Russian manufacturer. The recipe for the composition is not disclosed. The brand invites all vapers who love secrets to independently evaluate the taste, which is distinguished by complexity, sophistication and elegance, and promises that they will definitely not remain indifferent to it!

The carcinogenic hell of smokers

Tobacco smokers, along with smoke and carbon monoxide, also inhale from 3 to 4 thousand harmful chemical compounds, including arsenic, hydrocyanic acid, cyanide, benzene, formaldehyde and even polonium. This hellish mixture kills the smoker more slowly, but more accurately than a bullet. The composition of vaping liquids includes: water, propylene glycol, glycerin, flavoring additives. Vape It seems harmless, but not everything is so simple.

While propylene glycol and glycerin are approved food additives, when their mixture is heated, formaldehyde is released, just as in the case of combustion of tobacco, but the main danger is hidden in flavoring additives, the composition of which is not regulated or controlled. Only manufacturers of vaping liquids know what a vaper inhales. Allegedly, flavorings identical to natural ones are used to produce e-liquids - great, but in fact, vapers receive a dose of acetylacetone, nitrosamines, lead, zinc, diacetyl. There is little pleasant and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Read more about the effects of electronic cigarettes on the body in the article: “ ” .

The harm of electronic cigarettes is not fully understood. While there are no uniform standards for flavoring additives, the issue cannot be considered closed. The absence of smoke, carbon monoxide and thousands of times less amount of inhaled dangerous and carcinogenic substances allows us to say that electronic cigarettes cause an order of magnitude less harm to the human body, but that they still cause harm is a fact, and the degree of negative impact remains to be determined.



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