If you have frequent colds. Why do people often get colds?

Even a small draft is enough for you to catch a cold? Do your feet soaked in the warm rain put you to bed for several days? Do you never drink cold milk from the refrigerator, knowing that your throat will very quickly react to such a drink with pain and hoarseness? If you answer yes to these questions, most likely you can be classified as a frequently ill person. This is quite unpleasant, but you can cope with this problem on your own, strengthen your immune system and make your body more resistant to various colds.

Causes of common illnesses

In fact, only a doctor can accurately determine the factors that suppress your immune system. You should not refuse preventive visits to the clinic; a health problem identified in time can be treated much easier and faster than a neglected one.

Experts say that the most common cause of frequent colds is the presence of certain chronic ailments in the patient or simply untreated diseases. So these could be problems with the ENT organs, for example, sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, etc. Also, frequent morbidity can be caused by pathological processes in other organs and systems, for example, in the kidneys, liver or digestive tract. Accordingly, when visiting a doctor, the first thing a patient should do is get tested general type, already from them it is possible to determine some problems in the body’s activities.

Important role at frequent illnesses The fact of how exactly you treat your cold and other ailments also plays a role. So often patients turn to doctors who have been actively using vasoconstrictor drops for several years, from time to time they themselves decide to take antibiotics, and also buy different medicines, having read on the Internet, or having heard a lot from friends. The body reacts negatively to such a careless approach to treatment, and the immune system quickly fails.

In addition, frequent morbidity can be triggered by the presence of certain viruses in the body, including herpes viruses, Epstein-Barr viruses, and cytomegalovirus. They may not make themselves felt in any way, causing a significant decrease in immunity, subfertile temperature, and also chronic fatigue. If tests confirm the presence similar problem, then the patient will have to undergo a course antiviral therapy.

In certain cases, even completely healthy people with good analyzes experience problems with immunity. In this case, they are strongly recommended to consult with an immunologist, who in turn can refer patients to other more narrow specialists.

What to do?

With frequent morbidity, it is worth solving this problem comprehensively. It is worthwhile to optimize your diet as much as possible, including all vitamins and nutrients. Taking multivitamins prescribed by your doctor may be beneficial. mineral complexes. In addition, it is worth paying attention to systematic physical activity. Even short exercises in the morning and regular walks before bed will have a positive effect on your immune system over time.

Systemic hardening also plays an important role, which should be started during full health. To begin with, just teach yourself to wash your face. cold water, and over time switch to contrasting souls etc.

Folk remedies

Even cheap and readily available products can help you activate your immune system. Let's look at a few effective recipes, which you can easily prepare with your own hands.

Finely chop two hundred and fifty grams of onion and combine it with two hundred milliliters of sugar. Pour half a liter of water into a container with this composition and simmer over low heat for one and a half hours. Add a couple of tablespoons of honey to the cooled mass, then strain the medicine. Pour over ready-made composition into a glass container and consume it one tablespoon three to five times a day.

Connect equal shares walnuts, raisins, dried apricots and prunes. Grind all these ingredients through a meat grinder and mix thoroughly with high-quality honey. The resulting composition should be consumed one or two tablespoons per day as a snack with tea.

A couple of tablespoons of ordinary pine needles should be rinsed with cold water and transferred to an enamel container. The prepared raw materials should be brewed with one glass of just boiled water. Boil the product over low heat for twenty minutes, then set aside to steep for another half hour. The resulting medicine should be filtered. Before consumption, add honey or sugar to it, drink a glass of this composition per day, distributing this amount over a couple of doses.

Combine half a kilogram of mashed cranberries with a glass of walnut kernels and two or three green apples, cut into small cubes with the peel. Add half a glass of water to this mixture, as well as half a kilogram of sugar. Place the container on the fire and bring to a boil, then transfer the finished medicine into glass jars. Take a tablespoon twice a day.

If you say to yourself, I often get sick, now you know what to do, you also know the reasons. However, if you or your child suffers from frequent illnesses, do not be lazy and go see a doctor. Folk remedies will also help activate the immune system.

You can often hear from people: “I get sick very often.” colds, what should I do?" Indeed, statistics confirm that there are more and more people with such complaints. If a person catches a cold no more than six times a year, then this can be considered the norm. If this happens more often, then it is necessary to find out the cause.

A persistent cold can occur due to uncontrolled use of antibacterial agents, self-medication and negligent attitude towards one’s health.


To understand why you often get colds, you need to understand the terms. The most common diagnosis is acute respiratory infections. The word “respiratory” in the abbreviation means that the inflammatory process occurs in the respiratory organs. And this is not only the throat, but also the nose, pharynx, larynx, bronchi and alveoli of the lungs.

The diagnosis of ARVI is only a type of acute respiratory infection. In both cases, the cause of the inflammatory process is viruses that entered the body through airborne droplets or other household means.

Most often, the diagnosis of ARVI is made in cases where (in addition to a runny nose and sore throat) a dry cough appears, but without any abnormalities (wheezing) in the pulmonary system.

Influenza is classified as a separate category of acute respiratory infections. The disease is more severe and is present big risk development of complications. Influenza is also characterized by a slightly different development of pathology. At first, there is severe intoxication of the body with an increase in body temperature, and only then catarrhal signs appear: inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Formally, pneumonia is also a type of acute respiratory infection, but still it is separate species disease, which is most often a complication of respiratory.

The common term "cold" is only popular name ORZ.

But the most important thing that all these diseases have in common is two ways of infection. Or an infection enters the body by airborne droplets, or under the influence of cold, immunity decreases and the viruses that are in the body are activated.

The first step to health

If you are concerned about why you often get colds, it is recommended to do an immunogram. This procedure allows you to determine whether viruses are really causing everything or whether something else is developing in the body. pathological process, not related to acute respiratory infections.

What other tests should I take?

The standard set of examinations includes:

  • urine and blood analysis (clinical general and biochemical);
  • analysis of immune and interferon status;
  • analysis for the presence of infections: streptococci, mycoplasmas and staphylococci;
  • You should also check for allergens.

All these examinations will make it possible to find out the reason why a person often suffers from colds.

It wouldn't hurt to do an ultrasound abdominal cavity, examine the liver, because it contains enzymes and proteins that stimulate the formation of cells of the immune system. It is also recommended to examine gallbladder and ducts, there should be no constrictions there.

Most common reasons

If a cold occurs 2 or 3 times a year, then this is not a cause for concern. If acute respiratory infections occur more than six times a year, then this is a cause for concern.

In most cases, complaints about frequent colds can be heard from city residents. This is due to the fact that people in cities are socially active, and poor ecology weakens immune forces.

Colds often appear during pregnancy. This is due to the same weakening of the immune system.


IN lately doctors are sounding the alarm: acute respiratory infections appear in many people against the background psychosomatic problems. Constant fatigue, dissatisfaction with life, I just want to turn off the phone and lie in bed. Most likely, every person has encountered this condition. And then there’s the cold, but you still have to go to work or school.

It may seem that there is no connection between fatigue and the seasonality of acute respiratory infections. In fact, the connection is direct. In autumn, the body is weakened after vacations and holidays, it feels constant shortage vitamins, and even periodic cold snaps. Almost the same thing happens in the spring: after a long and cold winter.

It is also believed that the intensification of colds is associated with a decrease daylight hours. It is in the fall that depression and melancholy begin, and the body becomes more susceptible to viral infections.

Although these statements are not supported by all doctors, it is impossible to deny the fact that with stable emotional state a person gets sick less, it’s impossible.

Other psychological problems

The founder of the self-help movement, Hay L., explains in his own way the reasons why people often get colds. He believes that a negative attitude towards the world around him is to blame. A person in a state of hidden aggression, in fear, becomes too susceptible to viruses due to the fact that the body is under constant stress.

And there are people who convince themselves that they have weak immunity and must definitely get sick during the season of exacerbation of seasonal epidemics.

How to prevent a cold?

If a person often suffers from colds, then the first thing he should do at the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections is to go to bed and drink more warm liquid. It is necessary to avoid drafts and prevent hypothermia.

It should be understood that there is no medicine that would allow you to recover. The recovery process depends entirely on the conditions that the sick person creates for his body. The more comfortable and favorable they are, the faster the fight against infections will occur and the risk of complications will decrease.

During the seasonal epidemic of colds, it is better to avoid crowded places, such as cinemas and concert halls. It's best to stay away from people who aren't covering their sneezes or coughs.

Vaccination does not give proper results. First, the vaccine only provides protection against the influenza virus. Secondly, the influenza virus is constantly mutating, and it is quite difficult to guess what it will be like in a particular season. Although people who do not neglect vaccination still suffer less from acute respiratory infections, no one is immune from colds.

People who have problems with the heart muscle and pulmonary system. They are the ones most often observed serious complications after a cold.

What to do if you often get colds? Try not to touch your eyes and nose, or your face in general, when your hands are dirty. You don’t even need to wash your hands with soap, but simply rinse them under water; viruses do not die in this situation, but are washed off well. should I use it? disinfectants? Some experts claim that such remedies prevent you from getting sick, others say that they are ineffective. It should be understood that no product is completely capable of killing all bacteria.

A rather controversial statement is that if you breathe through your mouth near a sick person, then rotavirus infections will not penetrate into the mouth. healthy body. No research has been conducted on this matter, so this statement is only an assumption, although it is reliably known that it is in the nose that there are membranes that prevent bacteria from entering the body.

Other risks

To recover faster and not infect others, it is recommended to use paper napkins. Bacteria remain on the fabric for a long time, that is, a cloth scarf is a source of infection.

If you get colds very often, the reason may be a kiss. It plays, one might say, the last role in the development of a cold. Rotovirus infections acquired through the mouth are likely to be swallowed and die in the stomach. However, adenoviruses can enter the body through a kiss, but no studies have been conducted on this either, so there is no reliable data on this matter.

What is better to refuse?

If you start getting colds often, it’s better to reconsider your lifestyle. Some daily habits can greatly weaken the immune system. Tobacco smoke greatly irritates the cilia of the nasal cavity, which are a natural barrier to viruses.

ARI is a disease transmitted through household means, in light of this, the habit of biting nails is a direct path to the appearance of a cold.

You should not go to work with a cold. It is difficult to adhere to this rule, but few people know that a person is contagious even before the first manifestations of cold symptoms for 24-48 hours. After the disease has manifested itself, the person is still a carrier of the virus for another 7 days.

Self-medication is a scourge modern man. Especially if we're talking about about antibacterial agents. If a doctor once prescribed a medicine, this does not mean at all that you should drink it at the first symptoms of a cold. You should know that antibiotics reduce immunity.

Do you get colds very often? And remember how you dress in winter, whether you wear a hat. It is clear that a cold does not appear due to hypothermia, but cold is a provoking factor for the development of viruses, so the likelihood of developing an acute respiratory infection increases by more than 50%.

Parents should not turn their child into a “hothouse creature”, wrap him up tightly and be afraid to open the windows. As your baby ages, his immune system will be unable to resist colds.

Often the occurrence of acute respiratory infections becomes more frequent if a person is malnourished. This applies to everyone who is on a diet. The same can be said about lack of sleep; sleeping less than seven hours a day seriously increases the risk of frequent colds.

Preventive measures

If an adult often suffers from colds, then you should start by accustoming yourself to regular hand washing. If an epidemic occurs, then you can use a mask, but on the condition that it changes every 2 hours.

The following immunomodulators can be distinguished: medicines:

  • Ascorbic acid. Although there is a lot of controversy about the relationship between colds and vitamin C, it is still recommended to consume 500 mg daily.
  • Echinacea tincture, enough popular remedy all over the world.
  • Interferons. Drugs in this group are more effective at preventing the proliferation of viruses and are prophylactic, therefore they are also used for the treatment of acute respiratory infections.

Vitamins and minerals

Research has proven that vitamin A can reduce the risk of developing viruses in the body. Vitamin B2 also helps increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases. In moderate doses, vitamin B6 can increase the ability of lymphocytes to resist infections. From mineral supplements zinc can be isolated, which normalizes the functions of immune cells.

In conclusion

Understand that there are problems with immune system, it is possible by the simplest signs: if fatigue and drowsiness have appeared, irritability and nervousness are constantly observed. Problems with skin and gastrointestinal tract, exacerbation chronic pathologies- all these are symptoms of decreased immunity.

Try to give up bad habits, smoking and alcohol. Don't worry all the time and watch your diet.

Statistics don't lie, especially when it comes to diseases and not politics. Colds are the most common in the world and account for 90% of all others. infectious diseases. Every city person suffers from a cold several times a year.

It is worth explaining what a cold is. The mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is a sensitive organ that reacts to any change in the usual temperature. When we go out into the cold, it reacts with mild swelling to prevent hypothermia. But if a person is in the cold long time, swelling increases, and a sore throat and nasal discharge may appear. This is the beginning of the cold process.

Naturally, a significantly cooled body is more vulnerable to viruses. The man caught a cold, and the next morning - headache, fever, cough, runny nose. Viruses have already tried their best here. Therefore, the common cold is considered globally, as part of ARVI. Among the viruses are adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, the well-known flu and many others.

Quite often viral infection provokes the development of a bacterial infection. In this case, they talk about a complication viral disease. The body is weakened, the immune system is no longer strong enough to fight, and bacteria easily penetrate the body. In addition, dormant bacteria already present in the body wake up and begin their business.

Many people do not understand the difference between ARVI and ARI - acute respiratory disease. In fact, there is not much difference. It’s just that doctors prefer to make a diagnosis of ARVI when they are confident that the original causative agent of the infection is a virus. ARI is diagnosed when there is no certainty that the virus is to blame, and there is a suspicion of bacterial infection 1 .

Causes of colds in adults

The source of the disease is a sick person who spreads the infection further. However, the routes of infection are different. The most frequent way is airborne 2. Next comes tactile infection, since viruses can remain on any object touched by the infected person.

It is worth noting that viruses tend to concentrate. This means that it is much easier for a healthy person to become infected indoors, and not standing with the patient “in the middle of the field.” Viruses reliably remain viable for several days, especially in an unventilated area 2 .

Once in the body, the virus begins to actively multiply, moving deeper and deeper. A person himself becomes a source of infection for other people. Especially for those who have problems with immunity, for the elderly, for children, for those with a cold or sick with other diseases 2.

How exactly does the virus manifest itself, and what stages does the disease go through? There are four main phases of infectious respiratory infection:

  • The pathogenic virus enters the body through the respiratory system and attaches to the cells of the mucous membranes. At this stage the person does not notice anything.
  • The pathogen enters the blood. The body feels the invasion, the immune system begins to work, symptoms of intoxication appear in the body - weakness, malaise, fever, etc.
  • The virus finds a place in the body in which it will be most comfortable and creates a focus of inflammation. At this stage, a person begins to have a cough, sore throat, severe runny nose and other signs.
  • The fourth stage marks the conclusion. Either the source of infection develops into a complication and another form of the disease, or the body copes with the virus. Recovery begins 1.

Cold symptoms in adults

There are many symptoms for each individual viral and bacterial infection. But there are general symptoms colds in adults, which can be used to judge the onset of the disease:

  • Runny nose. Everyone is familiar with a runny nose, in which it is difficult to breathe through the nose, running copious discharge. Often the cause lies in a viral disease, but it is also possible bacterial infection against the background of general weakening of the body. If you have a runny nose, you are diagnosed with rhinitis, sinusitis, or their various complications.
  • Cough. Also a familiar state. The cough can be dry or wet, severe or mild, accompanied by pain or tickling. This is an extremely varied symptom in which laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis and other diseases of the larynx, trachea or bronchi can be diagnosed.
  • Increase in temperature. Mild forms of colds can go away without fever, but this is not always good. The temperature shows that the immune system is fighting off invaders. But a temperature above 38ºC requires close attention from the patient and doctors. High fever is characteristic of influenza viruses.
  • General weakness and headache. They enter into the process of intoxication of the body, which is considered quite normal occurrence for a cold.

Viruses tend to invade a specific location in the body and develop there. The initial source of infection may be in the mucous membrane of the nose or throat. This is where they start specific diseases respiratory tract- sinusitis, rhinitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and others 1.

Poor immunity is the main cause of colds

The question remains, why one person gets sick, and his neighbor on the desk or seat public transport stays healthy? It's all about immunity, its condition, readiness and performance.

For the development of a viral disease, three conditions are sufficient:

  • The virus is strong enough
  • Penetration into the body in one way or another
  • Inability of the immune system to cope with it

Immunity is key protective barrier. It must prevent the penetration of viruses and bacteria, and when they penetrate, it must successfully cope on its own, without outside help. If this does not happen, the disease visits the person too often. This means that the immune system needs support.

Treatment of colds in adults

Often, when you have a cold, there is a risk of complications. This is why diagnosing a cold is necessary. Usually prescribed complex treatment, which includes drug therapy.

In the first days after illness, it is recommended to follow bed rest. It is important to ventilate the room more often and reduce ambient temperature so as not to infect healthy people who are also forced to be there. Any virus requires consumption large quantity liquids. If the immune system is in order, then it itself is able to cope with the disease, the main thing is not to interfere 1.

For complications or dangerous viruses, for example, influenza, the body needs to be supported with medications:

  • Cough and sore throat are treated by gargling with special solutions, expectorants and emollients.
  • At high temperatures, analgesics and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are prescribed.
  • To combat viruses, special antiviral drugs
  • Immunostimulants are prescribed to help the immune system
  • For bacterial infection, use antibacterial drugs
  • For nasal congestion it is recommended vasoconstrictors and drugs sea ​​water
  • In particularly severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed 2

How to treat colds in adults

You can treat a cold by various means. But don't forget about immunity. To activate local immunity, the drug IRS ® 19, containing bacterial lysates 3, can be used.

IRS ® 19 has been used for many years in the treatment of colds, acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections. Bacterial lysates activate local immunity, thereby suppressing microorganisms on the mucous membranes respiratory system. It becomes harder for new viruses and bacteria to enter the body. Treatment time for colds is reduced when using IRS ® 19 4 .

Prevention of colds in adults

Prevention is easier than cure - this expression is especially true for colds. It is possible to get off the list of frequently ill people. To do this, you need to keep your immune system in good shape, and then you can calmly smile at everyone who coughs.

To prevent colds, you should follow the same therapeutic recommendations:

  • Strengthen immunity through physical exercise and hardening
  • Keep your weight normal
  • Always maintain hygiene: washing hands after going outside has not been canceled
  • Ventilate the premises as often as possible and maintain a comfortable, slightly cool temperature

An additional remedy for maintaining immunity and protecting against colds can be a medicine - nasal spray IRS ® 19. Bacterial lysates, included in its composition, stimulate the immune system to counteract respiratory infections 3 .

Really, what should you do if you get sick often? First and most importantly, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. But, how? More on this later.

So, what should a person do if he gets sick very often? Not just every winter, but from almost any breeze and during any epidemics, as well as without them.

Until recently, doctors prescribed antibiotics for the slightest reason; even if you are sick with ARVI, even if you have an acute respiratory infection. So why prescribe antibiotics to patients at the slightest inflammatory process, you ask. Why are they poisoning us? The answer is simple. This profitable business. Produce a lot of cheap chemicals and sell them at tens or even hundreds of times more expensive.

Harm of synthetic antibiotics

Unlike the first (penicillin) antibiotics, the new generation of antibiotics have very wide range actions and therefore they are able to kill almost all bacteria (beneficial or harmful). But that's not all the harm! The worst thing is that pathogenic microflora reacts quite quickly to such “harassment” and adapts to the drugs. As a result, after about 2-3 months, new strains of bacteria resistant to the antibiotic you are taking appear in your body. Beneficial microflora do not have such abilities to restore and adapt.

What do we see as a result of this “vaccination”? Pathogenic microorganisms become stronger, they bombard the body weakened with our help (we killed beneficial microflora)… and further, at various kinds pathogens, there is an excellent opportunity to settle in our body and destroy it in more and more new ways. Here are the most serious diseases for you, immunodeficiency states, old age diseases V at a young age, malignant neoplasms, etc.

If you get sick often, there is a way out - natural remedies

I wonder what gift you would give very important person? In biblical times, some incense and spices were worth their weight in gold, so they were even presented as gifts to kings. It is not surprising that among the gifts that astrologers brought to the “king of the Jews” (Jesus) were incense.

The Bible also says that the Queen of Sheba, while visiting King Solomon, gave him, among other things, balsam oil (2 Chronicles 9:9). Other kings also sent Solomon balsam oil as a sign of their favor. In the past, balsam oil and wine were used for many purposes, including medicinal ones. Until now against many types of fungi and others harmful microorganisms nothing better has been invented than the already existing essential oils. Many of them are more powerful than the strongest antibiotics. You can notice this if you watch the popular science film “Mold”.

Natural antibiotics and antioxidants are indeed a solution for those who get sick very often. Plus, we could recommend heat treatment, because even cancer can be treated with the right temperature!

And also pay attention to immunomodulatory drugs that have no contraindications. Recently, scientists have been working in this direction to help the human body. on our own quickly cope with illnesses.

Also pay attention to POLYOXIDONIUM. But let's go back to natural substances, improving immunity. Along the way, I would like to note that the article is of a general, advisory nature, and each person’s body is individual, therefore, do not forget to consult a doctor before you start using this very active substances obtained from the plants described below.

Of course, it’s simply impossible to cover everything about natural antibiotics in one article, so for now, let’s take a closer look at the two that I personally use all the time. Please pay attention to keyword"constantly". Nowadays, with our ecology, which is only getting worse year after year, and taking into account the fact that we are not getting younger, but on the contrary, use active plant matter necessary CONSTANTLY, and for those who are often sick, it will be especially important to learn about TURMERIC And CINNAMON.

The beneficial properties of turmeric are undeniable, but not because of the content of such substances as: vitamins K, B, B1, B3, B2, C and trace elements: calcium, iron, phosphorus and iodine. They are there, but in microscopic doses. Turmeric is useful and unique because of its curcumin, which has long been of interest to medicine. During scientific experiments in vitro on cell cultures, curcumin has shown the ability to induce apoptosis cancer cells without cytotoxic effects on healthy cells. The use of drugs containing curcumin not only stopped growth, but also prevented the emergence of new malignant tumors!

Thanks to the presence of others useful substances in turmeric, it is very useful for the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, cleansing and rejuvenation of the body as a whole. Since turmeric is a plant from the ginger family, its properties are very similar to ginger. Their general property– break down fats and speed up metabolism, which, by the way, also strengthens the body in the fight against diseases. Curcumin, which is part of turmeric, not only helps in the breakdown and absorption of fats, but also prevents the formation of fatty tissue.

Thus, a person who regularly consumes turmeric strengthens the immune system in two ways:

  • he cleanses his body. And he, in turn, getting rid of toxins, unnecessary fats and their compounds with water (cellulite), stops accumulating toxic substances;
  • exterminates pathogenic microorganisms due to the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of turmeric.

If you constantly use turmeric, you will help your body look younger, lose weight and not get sick.

Being natural antibiotic By stimulating brain function, turmeric destroys proteins that block brain function. Therefore, turmeric is used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and is recommended to combat it as an antidepressant. Particularly useful are preparations from turmeric and other biologically active plants in the fight against. Turmeric helps mitigate the effects of radiotherapy used in treatment oncological diseases. Turmeric is also used in the rehabilitation of patients with liver cirrhosis. There are also cases where intensive use of turmeric helped patients with encephalitis survive.

But that's it positive properties Turmeric has not yet been fully studied, so experiments with this plant and the substances isolated from it continue and will continue for a long time. Here, in a nutshell, is some more information about what else is known about beneficial properties and the results of turmeric consumption. She:

  • is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, used in the disinfection of cuts and burns.
  • stops the development of melanoma and destroys its already formed cells.
  • with cauliflower prevents or delays the development of prostate cancer.
  • natural liver detoxifier.
  • halts the progression of Alzheimer's disease by removing deposits of amyloid plaques in the brain.
  • can reduce the risk of leukemia in children.
  • powerful natural remedy, which helps with inflammation and does not give side effects.
  • prevents the development of metastases in cancer patients various forms cancer.
  • slows down the development of multiple sclerosis.
  • As a good antidepressant, it is widely used in Chinese medicine.
  • during chemotherapy enhances the effect of treatment and reduces side effects toxic medications.
  • Possessing anti-inflammatory properties, it is effectively used in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • can stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors and fatty tissues.
  • are underway scientific research about the effect of turmeric on pancreatic cancer.
  • scientific research is underway positive impact turmeric for the treatment of multiple myeloma.
  • relieves the condition of itching, boils, eczema, psoriasis.
  • facilitates the healing of wounds and promotes the regeneration of affected skin.

Personally, I have already been able to experience positive influence turmeric. Specifically, this was reflected in increased immunity, improved functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and rapid suppression inflammatory processes, which have been bothering me for more than two years. Moreover, I didn’t take turmeric for that long, only about two months and only in two variations: powder and essential oil. Turmeric is available for sale in different types: roots, powder, essential oil, turmeric supplements, etc. For your convenience, I provide links to some sites where you can buy almost all of the options listed.

Where to buy turmeric

Turmeric is also called Turmeric. It's hers international name. This is how it is indicated in products, for example as a dye. Turmeric is also called turmeric supplements. Also the word turmeric in English you should see on natural essential oil from turmeric. If this word is not there, then it’s a fake, even if it says “100% natural.” So where to buy? You can simply follow the links below, register, enter the desired product in the search and add the selected item to your cart. And as a bonus, you will also get a discount!

The team wishes you good health

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Frequent colds can unsettle anyone. If a person is constantly sick, his life turns into continuous pills, drops and mustard plasters, and endless sick leaves do not add to him either the love of his superiors or, of course, any hopes for career growth. What could be the cause of frequent colds and how can you fight it?

People who suffer from 6 or more colds per year are considered to be often sick, and the cause of colds is almost always due to viral infection. Viruses are especially annoying to children; pediatricians are currently introducing such children into special group“Frequently ill children” and conduct special monitoring of them. As a rule, as children grow and mature, they get sick less and less often, but in adulthood healthy person Ideally, he should not get sick more than twice a year, and the causes of these diseases should lie in the plane of seasonal epidemics of influenza and ARVI.

Alas, unfortunately, few of us today can boast of such good health- according to statistics, the average Russian suffers from 3-4 colds per year, and residents of large cities, in particular Muscovites, get sick even more often. And above all, this is due to the weakening of the immune system, which is facilitated by a whole series factors.

What is immunity

Any invasion of foreign material (we call it an antigen) immediately causes the so-called. cellular immune response, expressed in the production of special phagocyte cells that capture and neutralize the antigen. But this is not the only line of defense. There is also humoral immunity, according to which the antigen is neutralized by special chemically active molecules - antibodies. These antibodies are special serum proteins called immunoglobulins.

The third strategy for protecting the body is the so-called nonspecific immunity. This is a barrier formed by our skin and, as well as the presence of special enzymes that destroy microorganisms in the fluids of the body. If the virus has penetrated the cell, this does not mean that it has won - in a person with strong immunity, in response to this, a special cellular protein interferon is produced, which is precisely accompanied by high temperature.

As you can see, nature provides many opportunities to protect yourself from the aggression of viruses and bacteria. But it is no coincidence that we mentioned that our contemporary, and especially a resident of a metropolis, as a rule, cannot boast of a strong immune system. And there are reasons for this.

Why immunity decreases

The most global reason for decreased immunity is our notorious wrong image life.

Signs of decreased immunity

  • Of course, frequent colds
  • Exacerbation chronic diseases
  • Increased fatigue, and weakness
  • Nervousness, aggressiveness,
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: flatulence, constipation, weak stools
  • Unsatisfactory skin condition: dryness, flaking, acne, inflammation, etc.

One or all of these signs together should lead you to accept preventive measures and help your immune system. There are numerous methods and ways to raise immune protection of your body. And they are all divided into physiological and pharmacological.

Physiological methods of boosting immunity.

  • should in mandatory keep animals and vegetable proteins(without them, the cells of the immune system do not work well), and the whole range of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins C, A, E and B vitamins.

Proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs, legumes, and nuts. B vitamins are also found in meat and liver, raw yolks, dairy products, bread coarse and bran, seeds and nuts. In sprouted wheat grains, vegetable oil and avocado - a lot of vitamin E. Vitamin A is found in any brightly colored vegetables and fruits: carrots, tomatoes, apricots, pumpkin, paprika, and there is also a lot of it in butter, eggs, liver.

Found in citrus fruits, kiwi, sauerkraut, cranberries, rose hips. Sufficient quantity these vitamins are the key good condition cells of the immune system.

It is equally important to regularly drink fermented milk drinks to maintain intestinal microflora.

  • Daily routine and physical activity. The body needs at least 8 hours a day, a reasonable work schedule without overtime after midnight, sports are required (especially good winter views and swimming), long walks in any weather. The apartment should be ventilated often, and you should sleep with the window open.
  • Hardening. There are a lot of hardening methods. This and cool foot baths, and dousing with cool water, and walking barefoot on the grass. The most important thing is to start in the warm season so that winter cold you could give up your favorite woolen scarf, which is so hot, but without it you are afraid of “catching a cold.”

Pharmacological methods of boosting immunity

  • Preventive intake 2-3 times a year of natural: eleutherococcus, golden root, ginseng, echinacea, aloe. According to the dosage indicated on the package, take these tinctures in the morning and evening. In the evening, brew lemon balm or motherwort to reduce the effect of stress on your immunity.
  • Preventively, and especially during periods of massive seasonal epidemics, you can take homeopathic remedies to increase immunity, of which there are enough now.
  • 2-3 times a year take a course (4-6 weeks) of probiotics (Linex, bifidumbacterin, etc.)
  • Question about the use of serious immunomodulators, such as bronchomunal, ribomunil, etc. Be sure to decide only with an immunologist!



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