What are the benefits of viburnum for the body? Folk recipes with viburnum

Viburnum (from the Latin Viburnum) is a genus of flowering woody plants of the Adoxaceae family, which have edible red berries with fairly large seeds. This plant has long been famous among many peoples. In England it is called a rose, and in Germany it is called a snow globe.

Among the Slavs, viburnum is the personification of female beauty, purity and a symbol of family happiness and prosperity.

The image of a viburnum bush was embroidered on wedding towels, and loaves and the bride’s dress were decorated with ripe berries. It was also believed that a young girl who passed away before marriage would necessarily turn into a viburnum bush. And if a person strokes this tree, his fate will be happy.

However, viburnum is famous not only for its appearance, but also for its amazing healing properties.

“Whoever is friendly with viburnum does not need a doctor,” our ancestors said. The uniqueness of this plant lies in the fact that all its parts have a healing effect - bark, seeds, berries, flowers and even leaves.

Viburnum bark contains tannins, viburnin glycoside, and organic acids, which have powerful hemostatic and disinfectant medicinal properties.

That is why the bark is often used in medicine for heavy external and internal bleeding, as well as for dental problems (periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis, sore throat), dermatoses and eczema.

There are various recipes for preparing decoctions of viburnum bark.

To prepare the decoction, take 10 g of crushed dry bark, add 260 ml of hot water, simmer over very low heat for half an hour, strain, and bring to the original volume. You need to take the medicine 20 ml three times a day on an empty stomach.

For rinsing the mouth and throat, the infusion can be prepared in the following way: 2.5 tbsp. Place spoons of dry bark into a thermos, pour 0.4 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 5 hours, then strain and cool.

A decoction of berry seeds is used as a diaphoretic.

And from the seeds fried in a frying pan, a drink is made that tastes like coffee and has, among other things, tonic properties.

Seeds are also used as a natural cleanser of the body from toxins, toxins, radionuclides, strengthening intestinal muscles and restoring intestinal microflora. For these purposes, they are simply taken orally.

Both in folk and even in official medicine, viburnum berries are widely used - there are a huge number of recipes for preparing a variety of medicines that have beneficial properties.

These small, not very pleasant-smelling fruits contain substances such as vitamins C, A, E, P, K, organic acids, myricyl alcohol, tannins, tannin, resin-like esters, coumarins, pectin, zinc, chromium, selenium, iodine, iron, copper, manganese and phosphorus.

To prepare an infusion of berries, you need 3 tbsp. Brew tablespoons of crushed fruit with 230 ml of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 3.5 hours, and then strain.

You need to take the drink 80 ml 3-4 times a day 40 minutes before meals for gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, enteritis, ulcers), vascular spasms, nosebleeds, skin rashes.

A decoction of dried or fresh berries is drunk as a tonic, diaphoretic, diuretic, laxative, and also to combat ailments such as furunculosis, eczema, diabetes, painful and heavy menstruation, acute respiratory infections, ARVI, etc.

To prepare a decoction at home, use 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed berries pour 300 ml of hot water and boil over very low heat for 13-14 minutes, then strain, dilute with boiled water, bringing the volume to the original. It is recommended to drink this medicine three times a day, 35-40 minutes before meals, a third of a glass.

Viburnum juice also has no less beneficial properties. This drink cleanses the blood, eliminates headaches, and in combination with honey has expectorant properties. Viburnum juice can also be used externally for pustular diseases, furunculosis, lichen, acne, etc.

A drink made from fresh or frozen viburnum berries is an excellent general tonic, reduces high blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and is used in the treatment of many viral diseases along with medications.

The recipe for making it is simple:

  • a small handful of berries should be mashed in a glass with a spoon;
  • pour warm water and take in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals;
  • To improve the taste, you can add a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon or lime to this drink.

Fresh viburnum ground with honey also has beneficial properties. Fresh fruits are passed through a meat grinder or ground in a blender and mixed in a 1:1 ratio.

You can also pour boiling water over the berries, rub through a sieve, and then add honey. This tasty dish is considered a good remedy for high blood pressure (hypertension), colds and viral diseases, and is also taken simply to strengthen the immune system, 20 ml per day.

However, the fruits of viburnum are used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

Viburnum juice whitens the skin well, helps make freckles more invisible, and gets rid of acne.

In order to prepare a face mask, you should mix viburnum juice with sour cream in a 1:1 ratio and apply to cleansed, dry skin for 15-17 minutes, and then rinse with clean water.

Traditional medicine uses viburnum flowers as a quick-acting antipyretic and antiallergic agent.

To prepare the infusion, pour 35 g of dried or fresh flowers with two glasses of boiling water, cover the container with a saucer and wait 18-20 minutes.

The strained drink should be drunk in small sips on an empty stomach twice a day - morning and evening.

People often neglect viburnum leaves, considering them to be an ineffective remedy. But in vain, because from the juice of fresh leaves of the plant you can prepare a remedy that helps in the treatment of skin diseases - dermatitis, eczema, pimples and blackheads.

Fresh leaves of the plant (preferably young ones) should be washed, finely chopped, folded into gauze, squeezed out the juice and applied to clean, oil-free skin in affected areas.

Like any other remedy, in addition to its medicinal properties, viburnum also has its contraindications.

  • allergic reactions;
  • thrombophlebitis, increased blood clotting, tendency to form blood clots;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • arthritis, gout;
  • diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system.

It should be used with extreme caution by people suffering from hypertension or hypotension - in no case should the recommended doses be exceeded.

It is also undesirable to consume viburnum in large quantities during pregnancy.

And in any case, remember that viburnum is not just a plant that has beneficial properties, but a real medicine.

That is why do not try to cure any disease with it yourself, but seek advice from an experienced therapist who will recommend in what form and quantity you can consume the fruits of this unique plant. Be healthy!


Kalina. Description, composition, beneficial properties and recipes for preparing viburnum

Viburnum viburnum (lat. Viburnum opulus) is a very useful perennial plant belonging to the Adoxaceae family.

Viburnum is widespread throughout Europe, the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Central Asia, Siberia, and North Africa. Viburnum has been known as a medicinal plant since the 14th century. In the post-Soviet space, viburnum was introduced into cultivation in 1974. This medicinal plant can also be found in the form of artificial plantings in the far north of Russia - on the Solovetsky Islands, Arkhangelsk, Kotlas, Ussuriysk, Solikamsk.

Common viburnum (red) is a shrub (less commonly tree) height from 1.5 to 4 m with grayish-brown bark. The leaves are 5–10 cm long, dark green above, grayish-green below, 3–5 lobed, slightly wrinkled. The flowers are white or white-pink, collected in umbrella-like inflorescences, with the outer ones being 4–5 times larger than the inner ones and sterile, and the middle ones small, on very short stalks, bearing fruit. Viburnum fruits are oval or spherical red drupes with a large flattened stone, juicy, with a bitter, astringent taste. Viburnum blooms in late May - early June, and the fruits ripen in August - September.

Chemical composition

Viburnum is rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as other beneficial substances.

Thus, the composition of viburnum berries contains carbohydrates (6-8 g), tannins (up to 3%), organic acids, pectins, essential oils, phytosterols, tannins, resin-like esters, viburnin, vitamin A (2.5 mg), vitamin E (2 mg), vitamin C (up to 82 mg), vitamin P (300-500 mg), vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc and other trace elements.

By the way, there is more vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in viburnum berries (up to 70%) than in citrus plants.

So, as we see, all parts of viburnum are rich in useful substances, which is why the people’s proverb was born: “He who is friendly with viburnum does not need a doctor!”

In medicine, viburnum is used for many diseases, for example:

Diabetes mellitus; - cardiovascular diseases: atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease; - angina; - bronchial asthma; - pneumonia; - helps to cope with uterine bleeding - metrorrhagia and heavy menstruation; - skin diseases: furunculosis, carbunculosis, eczema; - diseases of the nervous system: neuroses, insomnia, hysteria, neurasthenia; - diseases of the digestive tract: gastric and intestinal polyps, gastritis with low acidity, gastric ulcer; - respiratory diseases: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, whooping cough.

In addition, viburnum has the following properties:

Reduces blood cholesterol levels; - stimulates mucus production and softens cough during colds; - increases the tone of the uterine muscles; - promotes the removal of excess fluid (as a diuretic), and reduces edema of cardiac and renal origin, disorders of water-salt metabolism;

Stimulates the production of bile in diseases: liver, gallbladder and biliary tract, hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis;

Gives the body a powerful general strengthening and immunostimulating effect;

Vitaminizes and tones the body.

Back in the 16th century, viburnum was used as a diuretic, wound-healing agent, had an astringent and tonic effect, improving cardiac activity.

According to popular belief, there is not a single disease for which viburnum would not help.

Harm of viburnum

In addition to its beneficial properties, viburnum can also cause harm to the body, for example:

Due to the increased content of vitamin C, an overdose of viburnum may cause a rash on the body;

Some varieties of viburnum whose berries are not red can be poisonous. This type of viburnum, black in color, grows in the Caucasus;

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the bitterness of viburnum can cause febrile conditions;

Also, red viburnum can be harmful if contraindications to its use are not taken into account.

Contraindications for taking viburnum

Viburnum should not be taken if:

Increased blood clotting; - tendency to thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;

Hypotension (low and low blood pressure);



Gout; - urolithiasis;

Increased acidity of gastric juice.

Infusion of viburnum bark. Take 10 g of bark and pour 1 glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 90 minutes. Take the infusion 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

Viburnum infusion. 2 tbsp. Grind tablespoons of viburnum fruits and add hot water. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes, cool, strain and squeeze. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

For hypertension. Place 3 cups of viburnum berries in a 3-liter jar and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Close the jar tightly and place in a warm place for 5 hours. Then strain through a hair sieve into an enamel bowl. Using a wooden spoon, grind the berries through the same sieve, after adding 0.5 kg of honey. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day, before or after meals for 3 weeks.

For neurasthenia. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dry crushed viburnum bark into 1 glass of water, boil for 30 minutes, then strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals.

For colds. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of currant and mint leaves and add 500 g of mashed viburnum berries, mix everything and add honey. The mixture is heated, infused and taken as tea.

Prevention and treatment of colds. Pour boiling water over the berries and drain through a colander. Mix the resulting mass with honey in the proportion of 1 liter of mass per 1 liter of honey. The medicine will be ready only in a week. Take 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach.

For sore throat, colds, persistent cough, fever, hoarseness. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of dry crushed bark into 1 glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Let it brew, covered, for 2 hours and strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

For a cold. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of viburnum flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, leave, covered, for 1 hour and strain. Take 1 glass 3 times a day.

For chronic cough. Pour 1 glass of berries into 1 liter of hot water, boil for 10 minutes, strain and add 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Take ½ glass 3 times a day.

For cough and fever. 1 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of berries and leave, covered, for 2 hours. Take 1/3 cup warm 4 times a day. You can sweeten it with honey.

For persistent cough, bronchial asthma, pneumonia. Grind 40 g of viburnum fruits and infuse in 200 ml of honey. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day after meals.

For colds and headaches. Pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. spoon of berries, mashing them with a spoon. Add a little sugar and let the drink brew. Drink as tea once a day.

For gastritis with low acidity. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of flowers with 1 cup of boiling water and boil for 3 minutes in a sealed container. Strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes and strain. Take 1 glass 3 times a day.

For heavy and painful menstruation, cough, cold and high blood pressure. Pour 1 cup of viburnum berries into 1 liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain and add honey. Take 0.5 tbsp. spoons 4 times a day.

It is also useful to gargle with this decoction.

For uterine and menstrual pain. Make an alcohol tincture from viburnum bark in a ratio of 10:1. Take the tincture 3 times a day, 30 drops.

To enhance the tone of the uterus. Tincture of viburnum bark in a ratio of 20:1. Pour boiling water over viburnum bark and leave for 4 hours. The infusion has vasoconstrictor, antiseptic, analgesic properties and will increase the tone of the uterus.

For washing the vagina during painful uterine bleeding and pain in women. Brew 1 handful of viburnum bark in 1 liter of water.

With diathesis. Cut young shoots of viburnum with buds, place them in a saucepan with ¾ of its capacity and fill with water. Place in the oven on low heat for 3-4 hours. Strain, squeeze, pour into dark bottles, and store in a cool place. Children drink 1 teaspoon 3 times - in the morning 2 hours before breakfast, then 2 hours after lunch and 1.5 hours after dinner. Can be sweetened. Do not give children sour and salty foods.

For heartburn. Viburnum jam will help a lot. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of jam in 1 glass of water. Drink without restrictions.

For eczema, acne and lichen. Grind the fruits in a mortar, pour boiling water at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons of fruit in 1 glass of water, leave for 4 hours. Take ½ glass 4 times a day. Also lubricate your face with fruit juice.

Vitamin tea. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of fruit with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1.5-2 hours and strain. Take ½ glass 2 times a day. It has general strengthening and calming properties.

For chronic constipation. Grind the dry berries in a coffee grinder, put 1 teaspoon of powder in a cup and pour boiling water over it. Wrap the cup and let it brew for 10 minutes. Add sugar if desired. Take no more than 2 times a day.

For irritability and insomnia. Mix 10 g of bark with 5 g of lemon balm leaves. Pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture into 1 glass of water, boil for 35 minutes, leave for the same amount of time. Strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals for a week.

For hemorrhoids. Pour 7-10 g of viburnum bark with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and strain. Drink the infusion 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

For atherosclerosis, vascular spasms and gastritis. Grind 20 g of viburnum fruits and pour in 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours and strain. Take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Viburnum overdose

In case of an overdose of viburnum, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and even a fever are possible.

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Viburnum - beneficial properties and contraindications

viburnum in autumn

Since ancient times, medicinal plants have been very popular in the field of folk treatment: viburnum, lingonberry, black elderberry, ginseng, St. John's wort, lemon balm (the beneficial properties of lemon balm are described in the article) and many others. When it comes to sour berries, many people first of all remember viburnum. After all, the fruits of this plant actually have a rather specific taste, in which the acid borders on a bitter aftertaste. This puts some off from constant consumption of viburnum, but red viburnum combines two contradictory features: beneficial properties that few would dare to dispute, and a far from sweet taste.

The ancient Slavs knew about the benefits of this plant, and they associated many legends and beliefs with it. Thus, viburnum is a red berry that symbolized the beauty and purity of the fair sex. That is why she was not only present at all wedding tables, but also decorated the bride’s outfit. But if a person strokes the tree itself, he will definitely be happy and lucky. Viburnum gets its name from the bright red color that the berry begins to acquire in early autumn. At the same time, it seems that the berries seem to be heating up under the warm rays of the sun.

Viburnum is classified as a member of the honeysuckle family and has more than a hundred varieties. There are also cultivated varieties that are bred by breeders for various purposes. For example, such a varietal variety as “Bulldonezh” has a purely decorative purpose, since it has beautiful snow-white inflorescences of large size, and fruits are not formed on such a plant.

The shrub, the berries of which are used in the treatment of many diseases, is called common viburnum and has a height of at least one and a half meters. And in good conditions, the plant can even reach four meters in height. At the same time, not only the fruits of viburnum are considered useful, but also the flowers and bark.

Viburnum viburnum has beneficial properties in such quantities that it can compete with many other gifts of nature. Even in the old days, folk healers associated the use of shrubs with great benefits. To do this, in early spring, the bark is harvested and used:

  • to stop internal bleeding,
  • for gastrointestinal disorders,
  • for liver and kidney diseases,
  • for the treatment of sclerosis and tuberculosis.

A decoction of viburnum bark has remarkable antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is quite successfully used for colds and infectious diseases. This folk remedy calms well and reduces the risk of seizures, therefore it is widely used for various nervous disorders.

At the end of spring, viburnum bushes begin to bloom profusely and show the whole world the beauty of their snow-white tassels. These flowers not only attract the eyes of aesthetes, but also have many useful properties. A decoction prepared from flowering viburnum tassels is used for various bleeding and inflammatory processes. This remedy not only stimulates increased sweating, which is important for colds, but also improves appetite.

How can you prepare viburnum fruits for future use?

In autumn, beautiful, juicy red berries ripen on the bush. Knowing about the multiple medicinal properties of these fruits, which grow on the bushes for a relatively short period, people have invented several ways through which viburnum can be consumed all year round.

viburnum fruits

Thus, berries can be harvested by drying. Viburnum does not tolerate very high temperatures, so it must be dried in conditions where the thermometer does not rise above 50 degrees Celsius. Only then will the berries be able to retain maximum beneficial properties.

Another widely used method of harvesting is freezing viburnum fruits. For this purpose, it is recommended to collect berries in whole clusters and always during their full ripening period. The collected gifts of nature should be placed in the freezer, having previously placed them in a plastic bag. In extreme cold conditions, frozen berries will be just as healthy as fresh ones.

Medicinal properties of viburnum

The widespread use of the viburnum bush for medicinal purposes is explained by the numerous beneficial properties of red viburnum. What exactly are the substances that make this plant so beneficial? Here is a description of the beneficial properties of all the vitamins and minerals contained in viburnum:

Vitamin A

  • increases the body's resistance to adverse conditions;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin;
  • stimulates the growth and strength of bone tissue, maintains healthy teeth and hair;
  • normalizes all metabolic processes in the body;
  • activates the formation of new cells, thereby slowing down the aging process;
  • improves vision and prevents various eye diseases;
  • accelerates the healing process of wounds and burns.

Vitamin C

  • strengthens human immunity;
  • stimulates cell regeneration when the integrity of external and internal tissues is damaged;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • thins the blood and reduces the risk of blood clots;
  • prevents allergic reactions.

Vitamin E

  • participates in metabolism and prevents the destruction of cell membranes;
  • has a preventive effect on the development of vascular atherosclerosis;
  • has a good cosmetic effect: nourishes the skin, has a positive effect on hair and nails.

  • improves the digestion process;
  • activates brain activity and improves mental abilities;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and muscular system.
  • increases the elasticity and strength of blood vessels;
  • helps reduce blood pressure;
  • regulates the activity of the adrenal cortex and the process of urination;
  • has an analgesic effect and prevents the formation of edema.
  • participates in the supply of oxygen to cells and tissues;
  • accompanies the process of hematopoiesis and prevents the development of anemia.
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • takes an active part in hematopoiesis;
  • stimulates physical activity and mental abilities;
  • gives strength to bones and teeth.
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • stimulates the growth of cartilage tissue, thereby preventing the development of osteoporosis and arthritis;
  • improves the body's protective functions.
  • accelerates the process of skin regeneration;
  • participates in the destruction of harmful microorganisms;
  • is a natural immune modulator;
  • improves metabolism.

In addition to the above vitamins and minerals, viburnum contains many other equally useful elements. Thus, it has long been known that viburnum berries are characterized by a high content of organic acids:

  • valerian,
  • vinegar,
  • formic,
  • oil,
  • linoleic and others.

All of them are needed by the body in reasonable quantities. In addition, viburnum bark contains a very important substance - the glycoside viburnin. It is of invaluable benefit to humans, as it has a remarkable hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Also, the bark, leaves and roots of viburnum contain useful tannins, pectin, essential oils and resins.

viburnum flowers

This unique composition of viburnum fully justifies its widespread use in the treatment of a huge number of diseases and in the prevention of their occurrence. Viburnum is used not only in folk treatment, but also in officially recognized medicine. After all, the constituent components of these berries are successfully used in the manufacture of many medicines.

How to use viburnum for treatment?

viburnum juice

Over the years, people have discovered more and more new recipes for preparing medicinal products from viburnum. Let's talk about the most common and effective of them.

  1. You can eat viburnum fruits in their original form. Eating small bunches of berries every day will help the heart function properly, as well as reduce swelling. Eating viburnum in this way is only possible during a certain season. Therefore, in the fall, when the bushes are decorated with clusters of berries, do not miss the moment and try to enjoy these tart and sour, but very healthy fruits every day.
  2. Viburnum juice has beneficial properties in the same quantity as the pulp itself. Therefore, many healers very often recommend drinking it in its pure form or with added sugar. This way you can alleviate your condition with hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers and colitis.
  3. In order to maintain your immunity throughout the year, it is best to use pre-frozen viburnum. To do this, remove the berries from the freezer, pour boiling water over them, and then rub through a sieve. Mix the resulting mass with honey in equal parts. You should take one tablespoon of this medicine every day on an empty stomach.
  4. The combination of viburnum and honey is also useful for diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia). Only for this, the mixture needs to be poured with a liter of water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. You need to drink half a glass of this decoction before each meal.
  5. For colds and sore throats, it is recommended to use dried berries. Grind a small amount of them, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave in a warm place for two to three hours to infuse. After straining, the tincture is ready for use. Drink it in tablespoons three times a day. The same remedy can be used to gargle. If you suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, you can regularly drink tea brewed with dried viburnum berries.

red viburnum berries

If bleeding occurs for various reasons, of course, you should immediately consult a doctor. Together with the remedies recommended by a specialist, an infusion from the bark of the viburnum bush can alleviate your condition. Pour two tablespoons of crushed bark into half a liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Drink the infusion three times a day, 50 ml.

Viburnum seeds also have many advantages: beneficial properties and a healing effect are achieved for many ailments. It is very useful to swallow a dozen viburnum seeds daily. This will help get rid of stones and sand in the body. In this case, the bones should be taken one at a time during the day, and not all at one time. They are also a natural antioxidant and at a high level are able to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. If you eat viburnum berries along with the bone core, you can significantly improve the functioning of your heart.

Kalina is not for everyone

viburnum tincture

Like any other medicine, viburnum berry and contraindications are inseparable from each other.

Thus, the use of viburnum in any form is not recommended for pregnant women. This is due to the fact that these berries contain substances very similar to hormones. And their excess in the body can stimulate premature birth or cause numerous disorders in the unborn baby. People who have low blood pressure or serious diseases of the blood and kidneys should also be careful.

Thus, viburnum is not just a plant, but a unique medicine that will make your life healthy and fulfilling. Therefore, do not neglect these sour red berries. Enjoy the gifts that nature cordially offers you, and be healthy.


Viburnum: beneficial properties and contraindications

Perhaps it’s not news to anyone that there is practically no plant in Russia that is more beneficial to health than viburnum. And berries burning with red lights, and bark rich in tannins, and snow-white flower petals, and even seeds - everything benefits a person both in folk and official medicine.

On the Internet you can find a lot of varied and sometimes contradictory (possible use for hypertensive patients) information about this plant. Today we will put everything on the shelves. Let's start with the most medicinal part of the bush - the bark.

The richest uses of viburnum bark

Decoctions and infusions of bark are the most effective means of combating ailments. It’s easier to buy it at the pharmacy, but if you have your own garden, then prepare it yourself. This should be done in early spring, when the sap is moving intensively through the tree. After careful cutting, the medicinal raw material should be dried in the shade, for example under a canopy or in a well-ventilated veranda.

And now you have the most valuable and environmentally friendly traditional medicine ready.

One of the most important effects: hemostatic. Thanks to him, a decoction of viburnum bark has long been used in obstetric and gynecological practice. For uterine bleeding after childbirth, painful and heavy menstruation, menopause.

A decoction of the bark also helps with periodontal disease, nosebleeds, and hemorrhoids.

For skin diseases, doctors often prescribe lotions and baths of a healing decoction in addition to the main medications: scrofula, allergic rashes, diathesis. It is also useful to drink the decoction.

decoction of viburnum bark

A miraculous decoction will help cope with nervous diseases, sweating, hysteria, and calms convulsions.

The antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties of viburnum bark are widely used in the fight against colds and infectious diseases.

It is useful to drink the decoction for gastrointestinal disorders. The bark serves as an antispasmodic, antiseptic, and constricts blood vessels.

Long-term use of a decoction and alcohol tincture of the shrub bark reduces the amount of bad cholesterol and has a therapeutic effect for atherosclerosis and hypertension. Here you can also add sclerosis, tuberculosis, liver and kidney diseases. Viburnum bark is also useful for diabetes.

the beauty and usefulness of viburnum are undeniable

Such healing properties of viburnum bark are ensured by its rich composition: bitter and tannins, acetic, palmitic, linoleic, ascorbic, valeric acids, vitamin K.

Infusion: infuse 10 grams of viburnum bark in 100 grams of boiling water for an hour and a half. Decoction: bark and boiling water in the same proportion as for the infusion, boil in a water bath for half an hour.

The flowers of the miracle shrub are also useful

The infusion can be taken for sore throats, against helminths, and to help in the treatment of scrofula.

The decoction is useful for inflammation of the appendages, increases appetite for colds, and promotes sweating.

Viburnum berries are very rich in: organic acids, minerals, sugars, vitamins C, E, carotene, phytoncides, tannins.

Due to this, the fruits have many healing properties: from restorative, diaphoretic to help with hypertension, gastric and intestinal disorders, nervousness, skin diseases, liver, kidney. The beneficial substances of the berries fight colds and infectious diseases; it is useful to take for bronchitis and pneumonia.

bunch of red viburnum

Pectins and tannins from berries normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is very useful to eat viburnum berries for heart and vascular diseases.

Viburnum juice, especially with honey, is very useful for colic, for healing and relieving pain from ulcers, and is recommended by doctors and polyps as a prevention of neoplasms. It can be used to treat whooping cough and relieve allergic reactions.

Berry juice cures acne, whitens facial skin, and removes freckles.

Viburnum jam, among other things, is a good remedy for heartburn.

Viburnum fruits can be harvested in different ways.

The best way: cut the branches with berries, wash, freeze, then tap the red and white berries into any container and store in the freezer. As soon as the need or desire arises, remove the berries and prepare a decoction, infusion, add to tea or eat a tablespoon. By the way, after the effects of frost, the bitter taste of viburnum disappears, leaving only a refined sourness. Thawed berries are useful and tasty to mix with honey.

Fresh washed fruits can be poured into a jar with sugar, wait until the berries release juice, and put in the refrigerator. You will get a healthy, delicious syrup or juice. To increase immunity and strengthen the heart, it should be consumed on an empty stomach.

Proper collection and storage of viburnum is very important!

If you prefer dry berries, then the oven temperature should not rise above 50 degrees. Only then will you retain all the healing properties.

Decoction: boil two tablespoons of berries in a glass of water for one minute, let it brew for an hour.

Viburnum with honey: grind 50 grams of berries, mix with a glass of honey.

living branch of medicinal viburnum

Viburnum has no waste (Video “How to make jelly from viburnum”)

As Petrosyan said in a popular reprise of the 90s: “don’t choose…”

Viburnum seeds are also useful. Fry them, put them in a coffee grinder, boil them and drink a harmless tonic drink, which, by the way, helps with constipation due to the presence of fatty oil.

A decoction of viburnum seeds is used for indigestion, and also as a diaphoretic.

Very finely ground viburnum seeds are used to remove toxins; they are beneficial for intestinal microflora and help with indigestion.

  • I drink one tablespoon before each meal, and I have no complaints about my health all winter.
  • We alleviated a severe allergic rash in a child with the help of viburnum decoction.
  • I personally got rid of unadvanced mastopathy. Mix honey + viburnum (through a meat grinder with seeds) in a 1:1 ratio and put the jar in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals (30 minutes).

Contraindications: blood problems, pregnancy

If you have increased blood clotting, a tendency to form blood clots, or gout, then viburnum is contraindicated for you. Of course, nothing will happen if you drink tea with her two or three times during the winter. But you should not treat other diseases with any medicinal raw material of viburnum. Our nature is a storehouse of medicinal plants, choose something else.

viburnum bush

The issue with pressure has not been completely resolved. Many hypotensive and hypertensive patients claim that they got rid of their ailments thanks to viburnum. If you want to try, be sure to monitor your blood pressure daily so as not to cause harm. If you see a positive trend, continue; if not, stop immediately.

Corn silk medicinal properties and contraindications for women

Viburnum is a shrub up to four meters; it belongs to the honeysuckle family. It blooms in May and produces its fruits in September. Viburnum has spherical fruits, red in color, and has a bitter taste. Since ancient times in Rus', people have used it in medicine. It was believed that there was no disease that red viburnum could not cure. The fruits, bark and leaves can be used for medicinal purposes.

Composition of viburnum

Viburnum berries have many beneficial properties. The fruits contain sugar, iron, copper, iodine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins E, K, B and phytoncides that kill microbes. Huge content of vitamin A, C, tannins and pectins.
Pectins - cleanse the blood of toxins and harmful elements. Lowers cholesterol in the blood and restores metabolism.
Tanning elements - prevent the inflammatory process and the proliferation of bacteria.
Flavonoids - increase the intensity of enzymes, improve blood vessels.
Organic acids - citric, ascorbic, formic, malic. Protect the body from bacteria and viruses.
Lipids are important for proteins and hormones.
Viburnum is rich in vitamins. Its fruits contain a lot of minerals.

Viburnum - a gift of nature

Diseases associated with blood, internal bleeding, restorative in this case, viburnum bark is suitable, as a medicine it was collected in the month of April. The bark is used for the following diseases: kidneys, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, treatment of sclerosis and tuberculosis. Viburnum flowers are used for heart diseases. Ripe fruits are picked in late autumn and used for pulmonary diseases and hoarseness. It is especially good when combined with honey. Viburnum is also recommended for high blood pressure, that is, for hypertension, atherosclerosis, and angina. It also helps with neuroses, headaches, and insomnia. For gynecological diseases - it is used for painful menstruation, diseases of the genital organs. It is also useful as a strengthening and immunostimulating agent.
Now our children have a well-known disease - diathesis, but before it was called scrofula. There were a lot of scrofulous children, and it was viburnum that saved them. They bathed sick children in viburnum. Women or young people who suffered from acne crushed the berries and applied them to their faces, that is, they used them as a cosmetic product.
Shoe nails were made from viburnum branches, coal was made from wood, and gunpowder was already made from it.

For whom is viburnum contraindicated?

Despite the fact that viburnum is very useful, there are contraindications to its use. This especially applies to pregnant women; you should not treat or use viburnum during this period. May lead to termination of pregnancy and miscarriage. People with high acidity have contraindications for use. In case of hypotension, it is not recommended, as it can lead to a hypotensive crisis. For arthritis, there are restrictions on taking viburnum.

Harvesting fruits

In the villages, viburnum was never boiled or frozen, but was collected together with twigs and leaves and hung in the attic or laid out on the floor. In this way, it retained all its medicinal properties. We collected viburnum for the first frosts. You can make jam from it, but it will lose its beneficial qualities. You can make fresh juice, it is healthier. Today, these berries can be frozen in the refrigerator, ground with sugar, and dried, but remember that viburnum does not tolerate high temperatures. When properly dried, it retains all its medicinal values.

Medicinal recipes

Our great-grandfathers used viburnum for the following diseases: pharyngitis, flu, bronchitis, sore throat. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and improves human immunity. A water infusion of viburnum was used at the first sign of a cold. For one glass - one tablespoon of berries, sugar, mash everything well and pour boiling water. Leave for about 20 minutes. It makes a very useful infusion or tea.
To treat hypertension, it is useful to drink an infusion of viburnum with honey. For it you need 200 milliliters of boiling water, two tablespoons of berries, leave for about an hour. After filtering and adding 3 teaspoons of honey, divide the intake over the whole day.
A decoction is prepared from the bark; it is very helpful for allergies and skin rashes. You will need two glasses of boiling water, 20 grams of bark, cook in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool and strain. Use internally, all day long. Use until the rash is completely cured.
It is recommended to use an alcohol tincture from the bark for hemorrhoids, bleeding, etc. For the tincture you will need two tablespoons of bark, one glass of 40% alcohol. Pour alcohol over viburnum bark and keep in a dark place. The infusion will be ready in a week. Therapy per day is twenty drops. three times. The course is seven days.
A decoction is prepared from viburnum leaves - this is a wonderful remedy for acne, boils and other skin diseases. To prepare the decoction, add 200 milliliters of boiling water to a bunch of leaves. Wrap and strain after a couple of hours. Lubricate the skin with the decoction.
It is recommended to drink viburnum tea for neuroses, stress, and decreased ability to work.
Viburnum with honey is used for colds, high blood pressure and neuroses. Mix the same amount of berries with the same amount of honey and leave for 10 days. Store in the refrigerator, use one spoon per glass of warm water, twice a day.

Use in cooking

It is used to make healthy juices, jellies, tinctures, jams and various seasonings for side dishes. It is also suitable for baking. A drink is made from viburnum seeds. The bitter taste of viburnum is removed after the first frost.

Kalina was very loved and respected in Rus'. She was the first assistant in the fight against disease. It was also a symbol of the wedding. Festive wreaths were made from it, loaves were decorated, and it was believed that it symbolizes the happiness and longevity of the young. Every housewife could make delicious pies, jelly, and fruit drinks from it. Viburnum is the wealth of nature; all that remains is to use it beneficially for health and beauty.

Viburnum common (lat. Viburnum opulus) - a very useful perennial plant belonging to the family Adoxaceae.

Viburnum is widespread throughout Europe, the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Central Asia, Siberia, and North Africa. Viburnum has been known as a medicinal plant since the 14th century. In the post-Soviet space, viburnum was introduced into cultivation in 1974. This medicinal plant can also be found in the form of artificial plantings in the far north of Russia - on the Solovetsky Islands, Arkhangelsk, Kotlas, Ussuriysk, Solikamsk.

Viburnum common (red) They are shrubs (less often trees) from 1.5 to 4 m in height with grayish-brown bark. The leaves are 5–10 cm long, dark green above, grayish-green below, 3–5 lobed, slightly wrinkled. The flowers are white or white-pink, collected in umbrella-like inflorescences, with the outer ones being 4–5 times larger than the inner ones and sterile, and the middle ones small, on very short stalks, bearing fruit. Viburnum fruits are oval or spherical red drupes with a large flattened stone, juicy, with a bitter, astringent taste.
Viburnum blooms in late May - early June, and the fruits ripen in August - September.

Chemical composition

By the way, there is more vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in viburnum berries (up to 70%) than in citrus plants.

So, as we see, all parts of viburnum are rich in useful substances, which is why the people’s proverb was born: “He who is friendly with viburnum does not need a doctor!”

In medicine, viburnum is used for many diseases, for example:

In addition, viburnum has the following properties:

- reduces cholesterol levels in the blood;
- stimulates the release of sputum and softens cough during;
- increases the tone of the uterine muscles;
— promotes the removal of excess fluid (as a diuretic), and reduces edema of cardiac and renal origin, disorders of water-salt metabolism;
- stimulates the production of bile in diseases: liver, gallbladder and biliary tract, cholangitis;
- gives the body a powerful general strengthening and immunostimulating effect;
— vitaminizes and tones the body.

Back in the 16th century, viburnum was used as a diuretic, wound-healing agent, had an astringent and tonic effect, improving cardiac activity.

According to popular belief, there is not a single disease for which viburnum would not help.

Harm of viburnum

In addition to its beneficial properties, viburnum can also cause harm to the body, for example:

— Due to the increased content of vitamin C, an overdose of viburnum may cause a rash on the body;

— Some varieties of viburnum, the berries of which are not red, can be poisonous. This type of viburnum, black in color, grows in the Caucasus;

- depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the bitterness of viburnum can cause febrile conditions;

Also, red viburnum can be harmful if contraindications to its use are not taken into account.

Contraindications for taking viburnum

Viburnum should not be taken if:

- increased blood clotting;
- tendency to thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
— ();
- pregnancy;
— ;
— ;
- urolithiasis;
- increased acidity of gastric juice.

Infusion of viburnum bark. Take 10 g of bark and pour 1 glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 90 minutes. Take the infusion 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

Viburnum infusion. 2 tbsp. Grind tablespoons of viburnum fruits and add hot water. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes, cool, strain and squeeze. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

There are legends about viburnum; it is used in cooking and cosmetology, and is also actively used to maintain health. The beneficial properties of viburnum are valued by traditional healers and gurus of official medicine. It is not surprising, because the plant, common in gardens and parks, contains a huge amount of useful substances, thanks to which many diseases are successfully treated.

Plant characteristics

Viburnum can grow as a tree, but is more often found as a shrub. The plant is a long-liver - it grows and develops up to 50 years, and under favorable conditions and protection from pests even longer. The height of viburnum sometimes reaches five meters. Wide foliage and noble appearance make the plant an enviable decoration of garden plots and park areas.

Where does it grow?

Viburnum viburnum can be found on the banks of a river or near a lake, in a wetland, as the plant loves well-moistened soil. It grows in shade-rich forests of deciduous trees, located on its edges and outskirts. The plant prefers tropical and temperate climates. In the regions of the European part of Russia it grows in the middle zone, and in the south of the country it grows everywhere.

China and Japan are considered the birthplace of almost all types of viburnum. The plant is also distributed throughout North America. Found in European countries with warm and temperate climates. Viburnum is cultivated for the preparation of medicinal raw materials, for culinary purposes, and also as an ornamental shrub.

Botanical description

The red viburnum bush reaches a height of 2.5 to 4 m. Gray, brownish-tinged bark covers the woody parts of the shoots. On it you can see longitudinal cracks, the destruction of which by pests causes damage to adult viburnum bushes.

  • Escape. They have a round shape and a yellow-brown color. Some parts of the plant may be grayish-white. Inside, the hexagonal core is white with a red tint. At the tips of the fruit shoots there are two false buds, between which you can see the continuation of the shoot. Fruitless shoots end in a single terminal bud.
  • Leaves. Quite large: length and width vary from 5 cm to 8 cm. They have a broadly ovoid or round shape. Complex - divided into three or five blades. The upper part is bare, the surface is wrinkled, the color is dark green. The lower part of the leaf is gray-green in color due to dense pubescence. Often the edges are jagged. The placement of leaves on the branches of the plant is opposite, the attachment is petiole. The petiole has grooves and reaches a length of 2 cm.
  • Flowers. They have a light, white-green color. Each inflorescence is an umbrella-shaped panicle with a diameter of 8 cm and a length of about 5 cm, located on the tops of green shoots. The edge of the inflorescence consists of sterile flowers, which stand out from the rest by being larger in size. The middle of the inflorescence is formed from small heteromorphic flowers. The active flowering phase of the plant falls at the end of May - beginning of June.
  • Fruit. Drupes, spherical in shape, forming voluminous clusters. Painted bright red. Inside there is a large bone up to 9 mm long. The pulp of the fruit, with sufficient juiciness, is distinguished by an astringent bitterness. The intensity of the taste decreases after exposure to sub-zero temperatures. The fruits fully ripen in October.

With special pruning, a tree can be grown from a red viburnum bush, however, its crown will not be too thick.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

The medicinal raw materials of red viburnum include the bark and fruits. Their preparation takes place according to different rules described in the table.

Table - Features of red viburnum harvesting

- Harvesting begins in March or early April- Active harvesting - in September, October, after the first frosts
- Remove the bark from the cut branches in layers- Clusters are cut from the plant, the stalks are not removed
- Large layers are crushed;
- laid out in a thin layer under the sun for drying
- Dry the bunches under the sun, hanging them on a thick thread or wire
- Dry using a dryer or in a warm attic
- Temperature when using the dryer 50-60°C- Temperature when using the dryer 60-80°C
- High-quality dried raw materials break down- The hardness of the berries indicates complete drying

After drying, any viburnum raw material is stored in cotton bags in a dark, dry place, with good ventilation. The bark retains its beneficial properties for four years, the rest of the plant for a year.

Viburnum fruits can be prepared in another way. For example, to add it to tea and use it for confectionery purposes, it must be ground with sugar, which will help preserve all the beneficial properties of the fruit.


Fresh viburnum fruits can also be frozen. To do this, rinse them under running water and dry them on a paper towel. Spread in a thin layer on a wide plate. After freezing for two hours, pour the viburnum into a container or bag.


The healing properties of red viburnum are due to the content of biologically active substances in the plant. Moreover, any type of raw material can be beneficial, since valuable compounds are contained in all parts of the bush.

The rich chemical composition of red viburnum allows it to be used to speed up recovery and generally strengthen the body in almost any disease.

Features of therapeutic effects

Treatment with viburnum berries and other parts of the plant requires knowledge about the peculiarities of its effect on the body.

  • Stops bleeding. Viburnum has a pronounced hemostatic effect, which is based on the ability of viburnum chemicals to inactivate fibrinolysin. This suggests that the plant prevents the resorption of already formed blood clots, which is very appropriate in the postoperative period, but should cause caution if the patient is prone to thrombosis.
  • Improves stomach function. The ability of viburnum bark to eliminate the symptoms of gastritis is based on the formation of a protective film on the mucous membrane of the organ. It is formed due to the precipitation of protein molecules of gastric mucus by tannins. This slows down the absorption of medications and reduces their therapeutic effect, which should be remembered by people undergoing medication treatment. The anti-inflammatory effect of viburnum is based on the plant’s ability to strengthen and compact cell membranes. At the same time, the fruits of the plant are stimulants for the secretion of gastric juice, which can harm people with high acidity.
  • Relieves pain. The antispasmodic effect of the use of viburnum, as well as the cardiotonic and sedative effect, are based on the content of isovaleric acid and its derivatives in the plant, which reduce the excitability of nerve cells. It has been proven that taking viburnum enhances the effect of sedatives and hypnotics, and when they are used together with viburnum, it may be necessary to reduce the dose.
  • Improves metabolism. Unsaturated fatty acids contained in all parts of the plant normalize lipid metabolism and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. All parts of viburnum contain chlorogenic acid, which slows down the penetration of glucose molecules into the bloodstream, producing a hypoglycemic effect. Therefore, the plant should be used with caution in diabetes, especially if the patient leads an active lifestyle or has a tendency to sharply reduce sugar.

Useful properties of viburnum

The widest list of pharmacological effects of the use of viburnum makes the plant a popular remedy in folk and official medicine.

  • In gynecology. Viburnum's ability to regulate hormonal levels is very important for women. The plant can be prescribed during the postpartum period to accelerate uterine contractions and reduce bleeding. In general, viburnum has a positive effect on estrogen levels, and therefore eliminates the symptoms of menopause and painful menstruation.
  • For digestion. Red viburnum can improve digestion, normalize stomach acidity, and also eliminate signs of dysbiosis. As a protective and anti-inflammatory agent, the plant is prescribed for damage to the gastric mucosa: gastritis, ulcerative lesions. Among the indications for use of the plant: colitis of any cause and a tendency to constipation, hemorrhoids.
  • For the kidneys. Viburnum red can be used as a mild diuretic suitable for men. Anti-inflammatory properties help eliminate swelling of the prostate gland during prostatitis, as well as facilitate the process of urination. The ability of viburnum to relieve inflammatory processes localized in the kidneys has been noted.
  • For the oral cavity. The antibacterial, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties of viburnum are actively used in dentistry for the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, and periodontal disease.
  • For skin diseases. The plant and preparations from it can assist in the treatment of any skin diseases, including allergies, autoimmune diseases, as well as skin lesions complicated by bacterial or fungal infections. For allergic dermatitis, photodermatoses, and diathesis in children, viburnum is useful for taking medicinal baths. For eczema, psoriasis, lichen, furunculosis, pustular rash, compresses and lotions with viburnum are used.
  • For the nervous system. Viburnum viburnum is used to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. It eliminates nervousness, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, including migraines. Helps overcome apathy, improves mood, prevents seizures. Used to eliminate initial forms of hypertension.
  • With ARVI. Most colds, as well as their complications, are also treated with viburnum. A mild expectorant and bronchodilator effect allows you to get rid of coughs due to bronchitis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. The plant eliminates shortness of breath and improves blood oxygen saturation. Providing a diaphoretic effect, viburnum helps eliminate the symptoms of fever, accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  • For immunity. The immunostimulating properties of viburnum, its ability to saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, and improve the biochemical composition of the blood are often used to restore the body after illnesses and operations. And also to speed up recovery from infectious and colds.

People often use viburnum for weight loss. Getting rid of excess weight occurs due to the acceleration of metabolic reactions, as well as a complete restructuring of lipid metabolism, as a result of which much less excess fat is deposited on the waist. Also relevant to the diet is the ability of viburnum to regulate digestion and improve motility of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), remove accumulated fluid, without the risk of loss of electrolytes.

What are the other advantages?

The healing properties of red viburnum are very extensive, but the medicinal plant also has other interesting abilities.

  • For beauty. The juice extracted from the fruits of viburnum is frozen and used on the face, giving the cubes a light massage. The viburnum massage procedure whitens the skin, eliminates age spots, freckles, acne and pustular rashes. In addition, the antioxidant composition of viburnum helps smooth out wrinkles and strengthen facial contours.
  • In cooking. Viburnum fruits are actively used in cooking to produce fruit drinks, jelly, marshmallows, marshmallows, and pie fillings that are not just tasty, but also have active general strengthening properties. The benefits of viburnum berries, even candied ones, are much higher than the usual chocolate.
  • For tone. A drink that replaces coffee is obtained from viburnum seeds. Its advantage is its mild tonic, cardioprotective and antioxidant effect, as well as the complete absence of any negative effects on blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the decorative properties of viburnum. Breeders have developed a variety of plant, the French name of which sounds like “Boule de neige”, that is, “Snowball”. The spherical inflorescences look exotic and can decorate any homestead.

Is caution necessary?

Any medication must be taken strictly in accordance with the indications for its use. Red viburnum plant material is no exception, which means it requires careful use in some cases. The main contraindications of viburnum are as follows.

  • Pregnancy. The plant is contraindicated during pregnancy. All its parts contain compounds that are similar in structure and action to estrogen hormones. Their tonic effect on the uterine muscles can lead to miscarriage or premature birth, provoke placental abruption and malnutrition of the fetus.
  • Thrombosis. Contraindications for viburnum include a tendency to form blood clots, as well as severe atherosclerosis, since the hemostatic effect of the plant can aggravate the situation and neutralize the effect of antiplatelet drugs.
  • High acidity. People suffering from heartburn, as well as those with significantly increased acidity of gastric juice, can expect harm from viburnum, due to the ability of viburnum fruits to stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands.

Side effects of red viburnum can negatively affect the condition of patients suffering from hypotension, since the plant provokes an additional decrease in blood pressure. The use of red viburnum for blood pressure does not always bring the expected result due to the cardiotonic effect of the plant.

The extensive chemical composition of all parts of the plant obliges patients to ensure that there are no individual sensitivity reactions before using viburnum preparations. To do this, it is worth taking preparations from the plant in minimal doses for several days, carefully observing the body’s reaction.


Viburnum, as well as its extracts, have long been used in official medicine, complementing vitamin herbal preparations and being part of homeopathic remedies. Focusing on special recipes, at home you can prepare medicines from the plant that are not inferior in effectiveness to pharmaceutical products.

Bark decoction

Peculiarities. Used to eliminate uterine bleeding, painful periods, in the postpartum period, to normalize gastrointestinal functions, mildly lower blood pressure, as well as to improve kidney function and eliminate edema.

Preparation and use

  1. A tablespoon of viburnum bark is poured into a glass of boiling water in an enamel pan.
  2. Place in a boiling water bath and heat under the lid for half an hour.
  3. Infuse the resulting product for 10 minutes at room temperature, then strain and thoroughly squeeze the cake.
  4. Bring boiled water at room temperature to the previous volume.
  5. A flock of viburnum bark is taken in the amount of two tablespoons, up to four times a day. Apply lotions twice a day for any skin diseases, including trophic ulcers. Store the broth for no longer than two days in the refrigerator.

Infusion of fruits

Peculiarities. Used internally for colds, to eliminate constipation, as well as allergic reactions and inflammatory processes. Including for heart and joint diseases.

Preparation and use

  1. Two tablespoons of dried viburnum berries are poured into an enamel bowl with a glass of boiling water and covered with a lid.
  2. Heat for 15 minutes in a boiling water bath.
  3. After heating, the viburnum berries are infused for 45 minutes, after which they are strained, squeezed out, and brought to the original volume with water.
  4. Drink viburnum infusion orally, one-third of a glass three times a day. Store in the refrigerator for no longer than two days.

Infusion of leaves and inflorescences

Peculiarities. It is used in folk medicine as a mild diuretic, diaphoretic, antiallergic, and when applied topically it eliminates sweating.

Preparation and use

  1. A tablespoon of crushed viburnum inflorescences and leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave for half an hour, then strain.
  3. Take half a glass orally twice a day, apply external lotions.


All the healing properties of viburnum are clearly manifested when consuming its concentrated extracts. You can prepare a tincture of viburnum berries using an alcohol or water base. Features of the reception and manufacture of these products are described in the table.

Table - Tinctures of red viburnum fruits

PeculiaritiesWater tinctureAlcohol tincture
Indications- For a cold
- to improve appetite and normalize metabolism;
- in the complex treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension, initial forms of atherosclerosis
- Anti-inflammatory, antitussive, antipyretic;
- digestive stimulant;
- promotes the elimination of toxins;
- has sedative properties
Preparation- Two tablespoons of viburnum fruits are poured with a glass of boiling water;
- boil in a water bath for five minutes;
- leave for two hours, then filter
- A bottle or jar is loosely filled with viburnum berries;
- fill to the top with vodka;
- insist in a dark place for three weeks;
- filter
Reception- One teaspoon;
- up to four times a day
- 30 drops per half glass of water;
- three times a day

According to reviews, tinctures of red viburnum quickly provide general strengthening and immunostimulating properties, therefore they can be used both for the treatment and prevention of colds, as well as to improve the functioning of all body systems.

Common or red viburnum is a beautiful plant, all parts of which have valuable therapeutic properties. With the right approach, viburnum will heal, strengthen and rejuvenate the entire human body. But the medicinal properties of viburnum must be used responsibly, since there is still a slight risk of side effects.

Red viburnum

Let's talk today, dear readers of the medical blog " Traditional medicine recipes"about viburnum, its use for medicinal purposes. You will find out how viburnum is useful.

“Kalina... Kalinka, my Kalinka...” The favorite shrub, sung in songs and poems, is multi-stemmed and spreading.

Autumn crimson bunches of berries and spring snow-white flower laces of viburnum are a worthy decoration of our personal plots, cottages, gardens and forests.

Since ancient times, the people considered viburnum to be a symbol of girlish beauty and purity; the power of a love spell for a loved one was associated with it - you just had to put a wreath decorated with its flowers on your head. Have you ever wondered where the plant got its name viburnum?

There are many assumptions: some say because of the berries the color of hot coals, others because in the villages of Rus' they put viburnum in the oven to get rid of the bitterness of its fruits.

Chemical composition of viburnum

Viburnum - medicinal properties

Red viburnum (ordinary) (this is the species we will talk about) contains a large amount of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), sugars (up to 32%), organic acids (about 5%), tannins.

The beneficial substances of viburnum have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, carotene, a lot of vitamin P, pectin, catechins, anthocyanins and other active substances beneficial to the human body.

Viburnum berries contain high levels of copper, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium, zinc and manganese. It has been established with absolute certainty that viburnum fruits are capable of accumulating selenium. The fruits also contain iodine, lead, strontium, bromine and nickel.

When ripe, viburnum berries taste bitter and can irritate the gastric mucosa, but after the first frost, they get rid of the tart taste and become quite suitable for consumption.

Most viburnum lovers freeze the berries in the fall or squeeze the juice out of them, then mixing it with sugar.

Viburnum infusion for the treatment of colds

Red viburnum is used in folk medicine as a diaphoretic, diuretic and restorative for edema of renal and cardiac origin, low acidity, neuroses of various etiologies, and

It will also help with anemia and uterine atony. Viburnum is used in folk medicine in combination with other drugs for the treatment of malignant neoplasms.

A decoction of viburnum berries and flowers helps as a gargle for a hoarse voice and. Boil viburnum berries with honey and you will get a unique remedy for a debilitating cough and various symptoms.

Viburnum flowers have long been known as a good cosmetic product.

Medicinal juice from viburnum berries

How to make juice from viburnum berries? Rinse 1-2 bunches of berries under running water, pour a glass of boiling water and let stand for five minutes, then mash them with a wooden spoon, strain or squeeze out the juice using a juicer and add water in which it was infused.

Heat the resulting fresh viburnum juice and drink instead of tea for flu, colds, digestive disorders, in particular poor liver function or after overeating with bloating.

In the first case, the juice should be mixed with an equal amount of natural honey and the mixture should be taken thirty days before meals three times a day; and in the second - drink freshly squeezed juice on an empty stomach once or twice a day, a teaspoon. For the purpose of prevention, the course of treatment can be repeated every year.

With the help of viburnum juice, you can successfully cure insomnia if you drink 50 ml of this miraculous healing drink every day before bed. By the way, viburnum juice relieves headaches well, so use it instead of antipyretic analgesics.

Treatment of hypertension

Viburnum with honey

An infusion of viburnum berries in combination with honey is used as an anti-inflammatory, choleretic and blood purifier; They also treat hypertension and spasms of blood vessels:

- pour a glass of boiling water over the viburnum berries (1 tablespoon), cover the container and leave to steep for two hours, then pass through a layer of gauze; add one tablespoon of honey and drink two tablespoons three or four times a day.

How to prepare a decoction of viburnum fruits

You can prepare a decoction with the same healing properties from dried viburnum berries:

- Place 10 g of raw materials (2 tablespoons) in an enamel bowl, roast, gradually pouring one glass of boiled water; simmer covered for 15 minutes in a water bath, cool the broth, strain it, squeeze it out, add boiled water to one glass and drink 3-4 times a day, ⅓ glass.

Healing vitamin tea from berries

You can brew vitamin tea from dried viburnum berries. And from the bark of young trunks you can prepare medicinal decoctions that are useful for dermatosis and eczema, menstrual pain, dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

A decoction of viburnum bark is used for hemorrhoids

It is prepared as follows:

- per glass of boiling water - 10 g of bark, heat under the lid in a boiling water bath for half an hour, cool to room temperature and add up to 200 ml of boiled water; drink after meals 3-4 times a day, one or two tablespoons.

Delicious recipes with viburnum. Viburnum dishes

The fruits are eaten boiled and steamed; they are used to prepare juices, fruit drinks, jelly, compotes, jelly, marmalade, and, as already mentioned, they are used as filling for pies. A coffee surrogate is made from dried fruits, which can regulate the digestion process. Here are some recipes.


Viburnum fruits - 700 g, flour - 6 tbsp. spoons, granulated sugar - 1 cup. Separate viburnum berries (best to collect after the first frost) from the bunches and rinse. Place some of the berries on the bottom of a cast iron or clay pot (divide the berries into 3 parts).

Place 2 tbsp on the berries. spoons of flour and 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, repeat the procedure until the ingredients run out. Add water to cover the berries. Fill the pot or cast iron 2/3 full so that the contents do not leak out during cooking, so it is better to take a larger container.

Cover the dishes with foil and place in a Russian stove, after it has heated, for 4-6 hours. You can cook it in the oven, but the process will be just as long. When heating viburnum, a rather unpleasant odor arises, but this should not bother you. Place the prepared viburnum into sterile jars and store in the refrigerator.

Viburnum berries - 3 cups, malt - 0.5 cups, sugar - 1 cup, honey - 2 tbsp. spoons, butter or margarine - 1 tbsp. spoon, ready dough - 1 kg. Wash the viburnum berries thoroughly, sort, removing unripe ones, place in a saucepan, add a little water, add malt, sugar and honey, put in the oven for 5-6 hours.

In the oven, the viburnum will take on a dark red color and become sweet and sour, and the seeds will soften. Roll out the dough, divide equally into two parts. Place the cooled viburnum berries on one of the rolled out circles, cover with another, pinch the edges, grease with oil and place in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.

Pie with viburnum and apples

For the filling: viburnum berries - 2 cups, apples - 3 large or 5 medium, sugar 2 tbsp. spoons, semolina - 2 tbsp. spoons. For unleavened dough: vegetable oil - 0.5 cups, mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons, sour cream 20% - 2 tbsp. spoons, egg - 1 pc., granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt -1 tsp. spoon, soda - 0.5 tsp, water - 2 tbsp. spoons, flour - 1 cup.

Prepare the filling from viburnum and apples. Wash the viburnum berries and add water to just cover. To make the viburnum seeds soft, you can leave it in the oven for 5-6 hours. The berries will become sweet and sour.

Drain the water and add sugar. Bring to a boil and remove from heat until the sugar dissolves. Add diced apples and semolina. Mix. Mix all ingredients for the dough. Roll out 2 circles. Place 1 circle in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil.

Place the viburnum filling on top. Cover the pie with a wave in the second circle. Grease the surface of the pie with vegetable oil. You can pierce the top with a fork in several places. Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Viburnum berries - 2 cups, sugar - 2 cups. Pour boiling water over the berries for 5 minutes, then drain the water and let the berries dry slightly. After this, mash them with a wooden spoon and rub through a colander or large sieve. Add sugar to the resulting mass.

Without a refrigerator, such jelly remains dense for up to 3 months, then gradually begins to liquefy, and on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator remains dense for up to two years. It is very important to accurately keep the viburnum in boiling water.

If you hold it for less than 5 minutes, the skin of the berries does not have time to soften, and when crushed, the viburnum bursts with a lot of splashes. If, on the contrary, you overexpose the viburnum, the jelly will not harden.

Viburnum sauce

Viburnum juice - 200 ml, water - 2 cups, sugar - 30 g, potato starch - 5 g. Dilute the starch in 2 tbsp. tablespoons of water, pour it into boiling water, add viburnum, sugar and bring to a boil again. Use as a gravy for cereal dishes.

Viburnum marmalade

Berries - 1 kg, sugar - 1 kg. Pour boiling water over fresh viburnum berries and rub through a sieve. Add sugar to the resulting puree and mix. Place the berry puree in the oven over low heat and cook until thickened.

Take a shallow dish and line it with oiled paper. Pour the resulting puree into it, smooth it out and leave to harden. Cut into square pieces and sprinkle with sugar.

Berries - 1 kg, sugar - 800 g, water - 200 ml. Wash the viburnum berries well, place in a saucepan, add water and simmer until soft in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Combine sugar and water in a saucepan, stir, boil and remove the pan with syrup from the heat.

Remove the viburnum from the oven, pour in the prepared sugar syrup and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Then remove from heat, leave for 6 hours and let cool. After this, put the pan with the jam back on the fire and cook until done.

Remove the pan from the heat, put the hot viburnum jam into sterilized jars, roll up, wrap and let cool.

Contraindications and harms of using viburnum

Viburnum is contraindicated for pregnant women!

Despite the many-sided benefits for the functioning of the human body, viburnum also has some contraindications and limitations. First of all, it is not recommended for pregnant women to consume it due to the content of substances in the berries that are analogues of female sex hormones (estrogens).

Increased levels of these substances in the blood can lead to premature birth or the development of various pathologies in the unborn child.

Do not get carried away with viburnum if you have low blood pressure (). In such cases, doctors recommend eating no more than one tablespoon of berries per day or drinking no more than one cup of viburnum vitamin tea. Eating viburnum with honey is especially dangerous.

It is not recommended to use viburnum for medicinal purposes in patients with chronic kidney disease and high acidity of gastric juice. Viburnum is also contraindicated for patients with gout, urolithiasis, arthritis, various diseases of the hematopoietic system and kidneys.

Be healthy, my dears, and God bless you!



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