What to feed a hamster at home: tips for caring for hamsters. Caring for hamsters at home

Syrian hamsters, Djungarians, Roborovskiy hamsters (named after the Russian naturalist V.I. Roborovskiy) and Campbell hamsters (named after the British Consul Charles W. Campbell) are suitable for home keeping.

The following depends on the conditions of keeping and diet of the hamster:

  • rodent activity;
  • frequency of reproduction (for females - the number of cubs born);
  • pet health;
  • life expectancy.

Features of the diet of hamsters

A hamster's diet depends on its species. The diet of Djungarian hamsters includes fruits and vegetables. After all, Djungarians are steppe hamsters. They are used to eating “juicy” food, getting liquid from it.

Syrian hamsters in nature live in meadows (crop fields), forest-steppes and at the foot of the mountains. Therefore, they love to eat wheat, oats, corn, seeds and greens.

Hamsters love to stockpile food. Therefore, if the bowl is empty, this does not mean that the hamster has eaten everything. Perhaps he hid the food in a secluded place.

The serving size should be small. Then the hamsters' reserves will become smaller.

The number of meals for all types of hamsters should be at least twice a day (morning and evening).

Hamsters must have proper nutrition. In winter, add vitamins to your hamster's diet.

Your hamster's diet should include:

  • Vegetables– tomato and cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin.
  • Greenery– fresh beet leaves, oat and wheat sprouts.
  • Fruits- apple, pear.
  • Corn– watermelon seeds, oats, millet.

Add dried fruits, peas and beans (dried) to your Djungarian hamster’s diet 1-2 times a month.

The best food for hamsters

When purchasing food, pay attention to the packaging. It must be sealed and without damage. It is important that no moisture gets into the dry mixture, otherwise the food will become moldy.

Study the composition of the food for hamsters: it should not contain a lot of sunflower seeds. They are high in calories and are harmful to your pet's health. The composition of a good food necessarily contains dried fruits and grains.

Based on a biochemical analysis of the composition and customer reviews, a rating of the 3 best foods for hamsters was determined:

  1. "Khomka"– trademark “Zoomir”. Contains natural grains, dried fruits and vegetables.
  2. "Animals"- ZOOMIR company. Contains a complete composition for an active and healthy life for your pet.
  3. "Chica"– biofeed for Djungarian hamsters. Contains natural ingredients. The composition of the food is developed taking into account the characteristics of Djungarian hamsters.

The ideal food composition for hamsters includes::

  • at least 14% proteins;
  • no more than 8% fat;
  • 5-8% fiber;
  • vitamins A, E, phosphorus, calcium;
  • cereals and legumes;
  • dry vegetables and fruits (pieces or granules).

The food should not contain:

  • lots of sunflower seeds and nuts (high-calorie foods);
  • exotic fruits;
  • vegetables with a high starch content (harmful for the hamster’s digestion);
  • salty and sweet ingredients.

Select food for your hamster taking into account its individual characteristics. For dwarf hamsters, food should be a “convenient” size so that it can be easily hidden in the cheeks.

Introduce new food into the diet gradually so that the hamster gets used to it. Remove uneaten food so that it does not spoil and cause an upset stomach for your pet.

The serving of food depends on the size of the hamster and ranges from one to four tablespoons.

Approved foods for hamsters

The diet of Syrian hamsters is not much different from the diet of Dzungarian hamsters and other domestic hamsters. The diet should be balanced and include vitamins (fruits, vegetables and herbs). There is one difference - Syrian hamsters feed mainly on grain crops. Therefore, the basis of the diet is grains of wheat, oats,.

You can give your hamster:

  • bell pepper, tomato and cucumber;
  • vegetables containing little starch: carrots, beets, zucchini;
  • grain crops – millet, oats, seeds;
  • boiled egg;
  • dried fruits;
  • greenery;
  • berries - currants, blueberries, strawberries, cherries and cherries;
  • fruits - apple and pear.

Instead of water, sometimes give your hamster milk: it is rich in protein. Boil the milk and watch the fat content (up to 1.5% fat content). But you cannot completely replace water with milk: this will cause digestive problems.

It is impossible to determine experimentally what hamsters eat at home. Hungry animals will begin to grab everything, including foods that are unsuitable for them. Before you get a pet, find out what it can and cannot eat.

The animal’s natural food depends on its habitat, and what hamsters eat also depends on this. They prefer to settle in fields, so their main diet is grain crops. If there is a village nearby, animals are sure to visit it. There they deal with stored vegetables and fruits. Fresh greens are part of the diet. The hamster eats grass and field plants. Beetles, spiders and caterpillars are the favorite prey of rodents. The character of animals is far from angelic; if they come across a wounded animal, the rodent will not disdain fresh meat.

What does a hamster eat at home?

The closer the home diet is to natural, the better for the animal. In the wild, no one cooks him fried potatoes and dumplings. Therefore, homemade fried, salted, smoked and sweet foods will very quickly destroy the baby.

Hamsters should not eat fatty, spicy foods or canned foods.

The main part of the diet is grains. Watch how hamsters eat and choose the appropriate mixture. Special mixtures can be purchased at the store. Vitamins are usually added to more expensive mixtures.

Willingly eats animals and fruits at home. This is important if there is no water bottle in the cage. give to animals in finely chopped form or in large pieces so that teeth can be ground down.

Perishable foods should be removed from the cage after 6-8 hours so as not to poison the babies.

Do not give to animals:

  • potatoes;
  • exotic fruits;
  • Brazil nuts.

Domestic hamsters enjoy eating boiled eggs, insects, low-fat cottage cheese, seeds and nuts. There is no need to stuff animals with meat 3 times a day. Such food should appear “on the table” 2-3 times a week.

The protein component must be present in the menu of pregnant and lactating females almost every day.

Earthworms- very nutritious food, the hamster eats them with great appetite, but you cannot dig worms in the garden. Pets can become infected with something. Must be in a cage for grinding down incisors.

How much do pet hamsters eat?

Animals are nocturnal, so their main meal is in the evening. The amount of food that should be given to the baby depends on the size of the animal. When feeding twice a day, the Syrian should be given 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture in the morning and evening, and 1 teaspoon of dzungaria. In the evening, provide the animal with juicy fruits and vegetables, and in the morning, carefully remove any uneaten remains from the cage.

For a hamster, food is not only a daily diet, but also supplies. The animal will hide uneaten food for a rainy day. In addition to removing perishable foods, look through and throw away supplies as you clean to prevent little ones from eating spoiled food. To prevent the rodent from being too offended, place a few seeds in a clean pantry.

How do rodents drink?

The inhabitants of the steppe do not need baths with water to drink, and they clean their skins in containers with sand. However, it must be in a cage with an animal. It can be hanging or in the form of a small bowl. If you have a bowl of water, it should be changed daily, even if the water does not seem dirty. The water must be boiled. As a last resort, hamsters eat juicy fruits and vegetables instead of water, for example. But the absence of a drinking bowl requires the owner to carefully monitor that the animal does not suffer from thirst.

What can you give hamsters from homemade food?

If you want to pamper your pets with homemade dishes, remember that animals should not be given sweet or fatty foods. You can cook it for kids in water. Buckwheat, rolled oats, millet, wheat, lentils– add variety to your pet’s table. From homemade food, animals can be given low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs and chicken breast. Canned food is allowed only from infant formula: meat puree, vegetable and fruit puree, which do not contain salt, preservatives and sugar.

Delicacies or what hamsters can eat

In addition to the basic diet, there are not too well-known delicacies for family pets. These products can be offered to animals in addition to food:

  • chumiza;
  • flax seeds in small quantities;
  • home-dried dried fruits, not market ones;
  • moth and its larvae of home breeding.

This list can be supplemented by the animal’s personal preferences. If you are giving a new food for the first time, give a small piece, “one bite”.

What fruits can pets eat?

There are certain rules that should be followed when feeding fruits to animals. They should be followed so that the food does not harm you:

  • feed the animals seasonal, locally grown fruits;
  • the fruits must be sufficiently ripe, but not rotten;
  • sour fruits are dangerous for animals;
  • Rodents should not eat fruits with seeds; remove them before feeding;
  • do not give fruit more than 1-2 times a week;
  • Do not give animals exotic tropical fruits.

Remember that the diet of the Syrians is slightly different. Dzungarians are prone to diabetes, so they can receive fruit much less frequently than Syrians.

What do small hamsters eat?

Usually the mother herself feeds the babies if normal conditions are created for her. She even delivers complementary food to the house herself. There is no need to approach the animal. But it happens that children become orphans or the hamster runs away. We have to gather courage and feed the children.

If such a disaster occurs after giving birth, you can make the food yourself, but it is better to buy a formula for feeding kittens at a pet store. Dilute it to milk and feed the babies every 2 hours using a pipette or paint brush. The brush should be dipped in the mixture and given to the kids. After feeding, massage your baby's tummy so that he can "go to the toilet." Keep the bottles warm, but don't overheat. The temperature should not be higher than 31 ºС.
A two-week-old baby can be given:

  • baby formulas Agusha and Gerber;
  • porridge without sugar and milk;
  • fresh, clean greens grown at home.

Pumpkin or meat puree from baby food, pureed cottage cheese, or mashing the yolk of an egg will work well.

A three-week-old animal can be given chopped “adult” food. Continue feeding with formula until the baby is one month old. Grate cucumber and carrots for the kids. Place a water bowl in the cage. Hamsters eat on their own.

Pregnant and lactating females must be given chicken breast, insects and boiled eggs. A sufficient amount of succulent food and water should always be in the cage.

What can hamsters eat and what can’t they eat?

Favorite food for hamsters is selected empirically from the list of permitted products. You need to understand that your pet may prefer one particular type of food, but... Try to choose from each category what the animal likes to eat.

Hamster's daily diet

You can eatUndesirableIt is forbidden
Dry food for hamstersDry food intended for other small animals and birds
Nuts Almonds, Brazil nuts, acorns, cherry and apricot pits
Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds Watermelon
sprouted bamboo, oat sprouts, wheat and alfalfa greens Drops for rodents, white and brown bread, muesli and breakfast cereals
CerealsRice only as a remedy for diarrhea, boiledDry pasta
Legumes Red beans and their sprouts
Sweet berriesOnly sweet currants
Seasonal sweet fruits, bananas and chips made from themWatermelon contains a lot of nitratesExotic (pineapple, kiwi, mango), persimmon, citrus fruits
Raw and cooked vegetables Cabbage, potatoes, onions, garlic
Parsley and dill, clover, dandelion, nettle, lettuce Spicy greens, wild garlic, sorrel, grass from city lawns
Home dried fruits Glossy market dried fruits and candied fruits
Branches of fruit trees and deciduous trees Coniferous branches

Animal protein should be given 2-3 times a week, 1 type from the list

You can eatIt is forbidden
Boiled chicken breastSausage
Yogurt or cottage cheese, low-fat kefir all products 1% fat contentCheese, sour cream, cream butter
Chicken or quail eggSugar, salt, spices, kozinaki, fruit juices, mint, confectionery sweets, ice cream, cow and goat milk, mushrooms, honey
Butterflies, locusts, mealworms, homegrown or from a pet store
Lean boiled fish
Dried gammarus from a pet store

This is a fairly complete diet for animals, where regular food is combined with treats. Don’t give him only “goodies”; the diet should contain all the elements: proteins, fats, fiber, carbohydrates.

The presence of a small, white, fluffy animal in the house is a great joy. But before you get one, you need to find out what to feed your hamster at home. For some people, its maintenance may seem too expensive. Therefore, you first need to weigh your options, and only then go to the pet store to purchase a new family member.

Hamster nutritional features

When purchasing, be sure to find out what breed the animal is. In Russia you can find only two classifications of individuals - these are Syrian and Djungarian hamster. The second species is accustomed to living in a dry habitat (desert or steppe). If just such a rodent appears in the house, then you don’t have to worry about constantly filling the feeder with water. They drink very little and can go without liquid even for several days. You can even do without water if you supplement your hamster’s diet with fresh fruits or vegetables every day.

In the video, Denis will talk about the care and maintenance of a Djungarian hamster at home and give some useful tips:

Syrian hamsters, on the contrary, they are used to living in wet conditions. Meadows, forests and foothills are considered their normal habitat. This breed of animal cannot do without vegetation; it should be constantly added to the diet. grass, greens and grain products .

Regular store-bought food is suitable as food for these types of hamsters. But for some it may seem too expensive. In addition, some rodents are reluctant to eat it. Therefore, it is necessary to replace the food with homemade food.

What to feed a hamster at home?

In a normal habitat, a hamster is able to feed itself. At the same time, he can also stock up on food for himself. He does not have the opportunity to do this at home. Respectively, The owner must take care of the choice of food for him.

There are three basic rules to consider:

  1. Nutrition should be balanced,
  2. Suitable for the age of the animal
  3. Match the time of year.

For feeding, you can use your choice of any of the following products:

  • Vegetables and root vegetables. It is worth considering that they should have a low level of starch content. For example, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, peppers, beets, turnips or carrots can be used as a hamster's lunch. You can freeze them for the winter and feed them to a rodent in boiled form. You shouldn't give them potatoes;
  • A prerequisite is to add squirrel into the diet. It can be found in meat, cottage cheese or eggs;
  • The hamster enjoys eating and bread. In winter it can be given more than in summer;
  • Can be used as a basic, daily product corn. For example, dried corn, oats or wheat. Pumpkin or watermelon seeds also fit this criterion. It is worth considering that only the Dzungarian breed can be fed legumes;
  • In the summer, you can safely feed the rodent greenery: lettuce or parsley leaves, celery. In winter, this product can be replaced with alfalfa hay;
  • They can also be used foods containing sucrose. These are fruits and berries such as pears, apples, dried fruits, blueberries, currants, cherries or strawberries;
  • Hamsters are very fond of peanut, but you can allow them to feast on it no more than once a week;
  • Rodents can also eat insects: flies, worms and ants. You can buy this food at any pet store.

Particular attention should be paid to how and in what time to feed hamster, so that he does not have problems with the digestive system.

How to properly feed a hamster?

  • Products must be fresh. Naturally, the exception is dried and frozen products. You cannot use fruits, berries or vegetables that have been in the refrigerator for more than three days;
  • It is better to give juicy food in the morning. In the evening, on the contrary, the diet should be as dry as possible;
  • You need to keep an eye on your hamster while eating. He can drag a perishable product into his hole and feast on it after it has spoiled;
  • Excess salt in the diet is not recommended. This is especially true for nuts and seeds, such as salted peanuts. The rodent, of course, will eat them with pleasure, but this will have a bad effect on his health;
  • Sometimes homemade food can be supplemented with special food. Its choice must be treated with the utmost caution. At the pet store counter, you need to pay attention only to those products that are contained in moisture-proof packaging. You definitely need to look at the appearance when choosing dry food. There have been cases when manufacturers allowed a product covered with mold into mass sale;
  • You should give your hamster food in small portions, you can feed it approximately every three hours. If he hasn’t finished eating and goes about his business, then you shouldn’t leave the food in the cage, you need to remove it. Otherwise, bacteria may accumulate, which the rodent will then consume.

Nutritional rules for small, elderly and weakened hamsters

  • Rodents that are too young or too old may have weak teeth. Therefore, it is worth completely eliminating nuts that he cannot chew;
  • It is recommended to give vegetables, fruits and berries in grated form;
  • To improve digestion, you can give dairy-free porridge, the same as that cooked for small children;
  • You should completely exclude foods that contain starch, sugar or salt;
  • Grain and plant products, on the contrary, must be present in large volumes;
  • Water for weakened hamsters can be found in herbal infusions, such as chamomile. But it cannot be used after it has been standing for 12 hours.

Small, elderly, and especially sick hamsters can often refuse their next meal. If this happens several times, then you need to leave the animal alone.

Artificial feeding measures should only be used if if a rodent goes hungry for more than a day. This may negatively affect his health.

In this case, the food needs to be ground and diluted with boiled water. The result should be a consistency that resembles sour cream. You need to carefully transfer it into a sterilized syringe and try to feed the animal from it.

The importance of vitamins for rodents

In addition to food, the hamster’s diet should also contain vitamins, necessary for full development. This issue also needs to be studied, as well as what to feed a hamster at home. They need to be purchased at pet stores. The price for a nutritional supplement can range from 100 to 500 rubles. You should not save on your animal’s health by buying a low-quality product.

Video: what do hamsters eat

In this video, Daria will share the secrets of feeding pet hamsters, what they like to eat, and what is not recommended to give them:

Many people, when buying a hamster, are not very interested in what he can and cannot do. This especially applies to food. There is an opinion that a pet, like other pets, will decide for itself what is best for it. What he is not allowed to eat, he will not eat, and what he can eat accordingly. But he is not a cat or a dog. A hamster can eat a lot of things, including things that are not recommended for him or even poisonous. People feed them their usual foods and then the pets get sick, poisoned and even die. If you are buying your pet, or already have one, then be attentive to it. Learn what he can and cannot do.

A hamster, like any living creature, needs a balanced diet. Vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, he needs it all. But there is a list of products that are not recommended for them. There is also a list of foods that they should absolutely not eat. Below we will consider only those foods that hamsters should not eat.

It is not recommended to eat:

  • fat;
  • sweet;
  • salty;
  • roast;
  • canned;
  • spices;

Foods that hamsters should not eat

If you wish your hamster a long life, then remember, write down, scan, do everything to prevent your pet from eating the food listed above. This will save him not only health, but also life. If you don’t have the time, opportunity or anything else to remember such a long list, then just remember what a hamster should not eat: Anything fatty, salty or sweet, spices, canned, fried, food is not intended for our animal. Exclude from your pet’s diet anything that fits these criteria.

And remember, if “this” is possible for other rodents, this does not mean that it is possible for a hamster.

Djungarian hamsters are one of the most beloved, good-natured, charming pets to keep at home. They quickly get used to being handled and almost never bite. Very tiny, no more than 7-10 centimeters in length, they are significantly smaller in size than Syrians, unpretentious, and do not require special attention.

It is important to remember: proper care and feeding are the key to good health and long life of a rodent. Under natural conditions, the animals do not live long, barely reaching one and a half years. The reason for this is disease, poor nutrition, and predators that hunt hamsters. A calm home environment, absence of stress and illness prolongs life to 3 years or more.

The opinion that dzhungarikas can eat anything is wrong. Although they look like mice, they are not nearly as tough. Fat girls constantly gnaw, not refusing any food offered. But only high-quality food and the right menu will help ensure a good mood for hamsters and maintain health. When getting a small rodent, owners need to familiarize themselves with the rules for keeping dwarf hamsters and find out what to feed dwarf hamsters at home.

Basic rules for keeping Djungarian hamsters

When composing a diet for animals, you should focus on their natural nutritional needs. Life in steppe conditions adapted them to low-calorie food. Nutritious, fatty, it will create damage to the digestive system: the Djungarian hamster is prone to obesity, and sweets are the cause of the development of diabetes. In a confined space, when the animal does not have the opportunity to move a lot, the diet of the Djungarian hamster should be prepared correctly, avoiding excess weight. A dzhungarik needs only a tablespoon of food per day. The activity of the rodent is increased by frequent walks, outdoor games, and, of course, the wheel on which the animals love to run.

Wild individuals feed on seeds and grain. Collecting supplies in a hole, they seal themselves in it, feeding on dry foods during the cold period. In spring and summer, the diet is more varied: berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs, insects, and smaller animals are used. The Djungarian hamster's teeth grow throughout its life, so it is necessary to give them the opportunity to grind them down.

The Djungarian hamster's teeth grow throughout its life, so it is necessary to give them the opportunity to grind them down.

The metabolism of the little glutton is fast, hamsters eat constantly. The Djungarian hamster should not be allowed to starve, as this will cause its health to deteriorate. But obesity will not bring anything good to the hamster.

What products are required and allowed?

Good maintenance and a carefully selected diet contribute to the well-being of your pet.

What should you give your Djungarian hamster at home? Food must contain:

  1. Dry food(grain mixtures).
  2. Juicy food: greens, vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries.
  3. Animal proteins(lean meat, fish, insects, eggs).
  4. Mineral stone, vitamins, branches of trees, shrubs.

Dry food

The basis of the diet of Djungarian hamsters is grain mixtures.

What grains are needed:

  • corn,
  • oats,
  • barley,
  • wheat,
  • rye.

Shoots of cereal plants sprouted on the windowsill are useful.

You can give nuts and seeds:

  • walnuts,
  • cashews, hazelnuts,
  • peanut,
  • flax seeds, sunflower, sesame, pumpkin.

It is recommended to purchase ready-made industrial special brands at the pet store, which include the necessary nutrients, required vitamins, and mineral supplements. They are quite hard, which provides Djungarian hamsters with the opportunity to grind down their teeth, which grow throughout their lives. Pay attention to high-quality products from trusted manufacturers. As in any business, it is better not to buy cheap economy class dry food.

The composition of the ready-made mixtures includes peas, rolled oats, oats, corn, nuts, and seeds. This package lasts for two months. You can dilute with buckwheat, lentils, beans, add pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Fruits, berries

Fresh fruits are given pitted, seeds should be removed - they contain poisonous, deadly substances. It is important to remember that most juicy fruits contain a lot of carbohydrates; feeding your pet sweets often is unacceptable. The diet of a dwarf mammal should contain no more than 5% sugars.

Few fruits are allowed. From two weeks of age you can give, for example:

  • Apple - cut into small slices. Sour, unripe, spoiled fruits are not allowed for rodents.
  • Pears are given a couple of times a week. Frequent use causes a laxative effect.
  • Peaches, cherries, plums - once every 7-10 days.
  • Strawberries, grapes - limited quantity.
  • Tropical fruits (banana).

The presented list can be supplemented with dried fruits. In winter, it is difficult to provide nutritious, vitamin-rich food. It is worth preparing the fruits for future use by freezing or drying them. The menu includes dried banana, dried apricots, figs, raisins, dates, previously soaked for 3-4 hours in water. They are added to food in small quantities due to the increased glucose content.


A low percentage of sugar is favorable for feeding vegetables to your Djungarian hamster. Given twice a week.

What is allowed:

  • Cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin.
  • Cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower).
  • Radishes, carrots.
  • Tomato - occasionally.
  • Bulgarian (sweet) pepper - unlimited.
  • Green beans - young shoots of asparagus, green peas.

Green feed

Greenery is collected away from city limits (it has the ability to absorb harmful substances from the soil and air), highways, washed and dried.


  • Household herbs (dill, parsley (not for nursing or pregnant women), lettuce, coriander, basil). Celery - limited, it has a lot of liquid. Tops of carrots and beets will also be useful.
  • Wild plants (plantain, dandelion, nettle, clover, alfalfa, bamboo shoots).

Juicy foods often contain pesticides and are thoroughly soaked for several hours. It is better if the greens are grown by the owners themselves, without the use of chemicals that can cause poisoning or cause the death of the pet.

Alfalfa and timothy hay will be a good source of fiber necessary for intestinal motility.

tree branches

It is necessary to place branches of fruit and deciduous trees in the cage. They are required for grinding teeth. Before use, the branches are washed, boiled for about an hour, and dried. Coniferous trees cannot be used - they contain essential oils and resins.

What else should you give Djungarian hamsters?

To maintain a good mood and well-being, other products are important. These include:

  • Mineral stone.
  • Hard treats (dog biscuits) are given once every seven days to wear down the incisors. If teeth become excessively long, they can damage the roof of your mouth.
  • Protein foods (low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, boiled rabbit meat, turkey, chicken, eggs, low-fat boiled fish, earthworms purchased at a pet store, butterflies, daphnia, gammarus, grasshoppers, peeled shrimp. The Turkmen cockroach is ideal). Wild-caught insects are often contaminated with microorganisms that cause diseases in rodents.
  • Clean, changed water daily, even if the animal drinks little. The stagnant liquid is poured out. Filtered spring water is suitable. The drinking bowl should be protected from direct sunlight, which can cause algae to grow inside the container.

The feeder is washed regularly. Grain and dry food are poured every day. Accustoming to a new component is carried out gradually, starting with a small crumb. Uneaten leftovers are thrown away. The little glutton is inclined to stockpile; eating spoiled food is fraught with poisoning.

In case of an upset stomach, Djungarians are given rice water, which has an enveloping, fastening effect. Babies who find themselves without mother's milk are supplemented with dairy-free formulas, regular cereals soaked in water, vegetable and meat baby purees without adding salt or sugar.

What not to feed

Some foods consumed by humans are poisonous to animals. You cannot treat everyone without fear for the health of the rodent. The animal is small in size, a small crumb will cause suffocation, intoxication, and death.

What is prohibited for a Djungarian hamster to eat:

  • Cabbage, beans, bread - cause fermentation, trigger rotting processes in the intestines.
  • Potatoes contain a large amount of starch.
  • Spices - irritate the digestive tract.
  • Mint.
  • Mushrooms are a heavy food.
  • Onions, garlic, sorrel.
  • Honey, chocolate (rich in theobromine, which affects the cardiovascular system).
  • Sour berries: sea buckthorn, barberry.
  • Raspberry - weakens.
  • Almonds - contain toxic cyanic and hydrocyanic acid.
  • Melons and watermelons are often treated with nitrates.
  • Fatty food.
  • Bakery products, pasta. Black bread has high acidity and causes gas formation.
  • Milk, sour cream, cream, butter.
  • Sausages include prohibited soy, starch, and spices.
  • Muesli and breakfast cereals are rich in sugar and harmful flavoring additives.
  • Exotic fruits - persimmon - are rich in astringents and tannins that cause constipation. Avocado (massive amount of fat), pineapple, pomegranate, mango, kiwi, orange, lemon (acids).
  • Apricot pits, peaches, cherries.
  • Unpeeled seeds and pasta injure the cheek pouches of animals.
  • Brightly colored berries and fruits cause allergic reactions. Watery eyes, redness of the skin, itching are reasons to refuse the product.
  • Fatty cheeses contain an excess of salt, milk sugar - lactose, which is difficult for the stomach to digest.
  • Spices are rich in essential oils that cause allergies.

It is extremely undesirable to treat an animal with food from the table, sweet, spicy, salty, flour, fried, flavored with spices. Food from the refrigerator is prohibited; it must be at room temperature.

What do they give to weakened, elderly individuals?

As an animal ages, its teeth become weak and food is difficult to chew. Special, pureed, ground food is required. Chopped nuts, crushed peas, rye bread crumbs, rolled oats, baby food, porridge, and unseasoned purees are suitable. It is impossible to refuse the grain component - cereals contribute to the activation and normal functioning of the digestive organs. You can offer a ground fruit mixture, add medicines and vitamins to the feeder with the prepared product. Human drugs cannot be given - their dosage and composition are destructive.

The pet's menu needs to be diversified. You cannot feed the same foods over and over again. Mono-diets are unacceptable. It’s good if dry, juicy, protein foods are present in the diet every day.

It is useful to give chamomile decoction to water for sick and elderly pets. If the animal is weak and refuses to eat, the food is ground to a paste-like consistency, fed and watered warm from a syringe without a needle.

Feeding a small mammal at home is entirely up to you. When keeping an apartment, a pet needs a reasonably designed menu that includes vital components. Try to create a menu for your baby that includes a lot of fresh, healthy vegetables.

Treat your pet correctly, at the same time, without relying on his choice. The baby will eat poisonous plants placed in the feeder without a doubt; he is indiscriminate and omnivorous. He will like high-calorie foods. The pet will eat sweets with pleasure. Remember: in nature, rodents do not receive such nutrition, which means there is no benefit in it.

The bowl is selected in accordance with the nutritional needs of the animal; it should be small, not allowing overfeeding, made of ceramic. This will prevent you from chewing it or choking on parts of the dishes.

There is debate about the necessity of various products. We are talking, for example, about beets and radishes. If you have doubts about the usefulness, potential risk, or fears for the existence of your pet, it is better to refuse and not conduct experiments. There are many more necessary, useful products.

If the animal was bought for children, adults should immediately explain to the kids the rules of keeping and proper feeding of the pet. Play with the animal, maintain constant contact. Then the life of your tiny funny friend will be joyful, happy, and long.



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