What are allergies in July? Allergies in August: temporary but serious threat

Hay fever are all synonyms for the same allergic disease.

This most common allergic disease is based on an inadequate reaction of the immune system to pollen from various plants: trees, grasses, shrubs, flowers. A characteristic feature of pollen allergies is seasonality, since it always coincides with the flowering period of certain plants. For example, in the spring allergies can be triggered by pollen from shrubs and trees, in the summer it is usually cereal pollen, and in the summer-autumn period allergy sufferers suffer from weed pollen.

Since the flowering period of various plants depends on the climate zone in which a particular region is located, in Ukraine, for example, allergy sufferers begin to suffer from seasonal allergies earlier than, say, their fellow sufferers in central Russia. Below is a flowering calendar for those plants in Ukraine whose pollen allergies are the most common.

Spring - early summer
  • Dandelion: March - April
  • Alder: mid-March - early June
  • Birch: April - May
  • Willow: April - May
  • Poplar: April - May
  • Ash: late April - early June
  • Pine: late April - mid-June
Late spring - summer
  • Wheatgrass: mid-May - early August
  • Sunflower: May - June
  • Maple: May - mid-June
  • Aspen: May-July
  • Plantain: May-August
  • Oak: May - June
  • Lipa: late May - early August
  • Nettle: late May - August
  • Fescue: June - August

Third period. Summer autumn.
  • Ambrosia: late July - October.
  • Wormwood: August - early October.
  • Quinoa: August - October.
The essence of pollen allergies

A patient with seasonal allergic rhinitis should remember that the disease can often develop and cause the development and exacerbation of bronchial asthma, allergic urticaria, Quincke's edema. There are cases where an allergy to pollen causes migraine attacks and even digital epilepsy, and when the allergen enters the bloodstream it can cause pain in the joints, reminiscent of rheumatic pain.


As a rule, the patient makes a preliminary diagnosis himself, since allergy symptoms that appear systemically and at certain times of the year are difficult to go unnoticed.

If you suspect an allergy, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible - an allergist, who will offer to conduct an examination and prescribe treatment appropriate to the patient’s condition.

The simplest and most informative test is skin testing. This test (its correct name is a scarification test) will help determine which plants cause allergies. It is important that skin tests are carried out outside the exacerbation season - from late autumn to early spring. The doctor will also prescribe a blood test for class E immunoglobulins, which are produced in the body when it encounters a particular allergen. .

Based on these tests, treatment tactics will be developed.


The main recommendation for patients with hay fever is to, if possible, avoid contact with the pollen of those plants to which an allergic reaction has been detected; the intensity of the allergic reaction depends on this. Ideally, if it is possible to leave the places where such plants grow.

But this opportunity is not always available and not for everyone, and therefore drug therapy cannot be avoided. For treatment during an exacerbation, three main groups of drugs are used: antihistamines, cromonium drugs of local or systemic action (zodak, etc.). In cases where asthmatic symptoms are observed, the doctor will prescribe bronchodilators.

In addition, the patient will be recommended to undergo allergen-specific immunotherapy during the period of remission. This is the only method that affects the immunological causes of this type of allergy. Experts note the high effectiveness of this method; of course, it does not provide a 100% guarantee of getting rid of allergies in one course, but after two, three or more courses this is quite possible. And after the first course, the symptoms of the disease will appear much weaker.

Doctor visit

Doctor visit

Doctor visit

Doctor visit

Along with light and warmth, summer brings a lot of problems to people prone to allergies. Allergies in July are a common phenomenon, since during this period various plants bloom, as well as the ripening of the first fruits. Pollen from trees, grasses and fruit trees is scattered for many kilometers around, causing allergic conditions in people. It is not always easy to immediately identify what the reaction may be to, but it is necessary.

The mechanism of development of an allergic reaction

An allergic reaction can occur in response to any substance, even one that has long been familiar and known. What serves as the trigger is not fully known. However, if any substance has previously entered the body, there is no guarantee that the next time it will not cause urticaria, Quincke's edema or allergic shock.

There are practically no people who would not experience an allergic reaction to any component. Upon first contact, the immune system recognizes the substance, identifies it as an antigen, and produces antibodies against it. When this substance enters again, the immune system no longer requires preparation: it releases prepared antibodies, stimulates the production of active substances, develops inflammation and fights the allergen. This is what causes the appearance of allergic symptoms: itching, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, difficulty breathing. In fact, it is the body itself that provokes these symptoms.

If the allergen gets inside, the manifestations of the allergy will appear on the skin in the form of spots or shock.

A pollen allergy manifests itself after the substance enters the respiratory tract, so symptoms will be associated with the respiratory system and eyes. The reaction may take several minutes to develop.

What is the reaction to in July?

A person with a pollen allergy does not react to all plants during the flowering period, but only to certain ones (one or several).

The list of possible factors is determined depending on the area in which a person lives. For example, the middle zone in July undergoes flowering of grasses (bluegrass, hedgehog grass, wormwood, nettle) and cereal plants (rye), as well as a number of weeds (quinoa).

The likelihood of getting a reaction increases in windy and dry weather. With increased humidity, pollen settles on the ground and horizontal surfaces, moving through the air in smaller volumes.

How to fight

Allergies in July can cause less trouble if you take the right actions.

Often the initiator of the appearance of allergy symptoms is histamine, so at the treatment stage they begin to suppress its activity. There is a group of antihistamines for this. Such drugs include histamine, suprastin. When taken, drowsiness and apathy may occur. The latest generation of drugs in this group do not have this side effect, so they can be used by drivers even while driving.

The first principle of salvation is to limit contact with the provoking factor. If you are allergic to herbs, you should avoid visiting rural areas, forests and fields.

In order to remove microscopic pollen from the house, it is necessary to humidify the premises, use air purifiers, and carry out frequent cleaning. It helps to use small mesh filters on the windows to prevent pollen from entering the house.

In addition to taking antiallergic drugs orally, there are local agents that can be applied to the nasal cavity or to the mucous membrane of the eyes. They help eliminate signs of tearing and burning in the eyes, and remove nasal discharge.

A diet limiting the intake of cereal products can reduce the likelihood of food allergies, since the antigenic properties of pollen intersect with the properties of cereals. Prohibited foods include bread, cookies, honey, and cereals.

In addition to nonspecific methods of exposure, methods such as immunotherapy can be used, aimed at neutralizing antibodies that provoke the formation of biologically active substances during an allergic reaction.

You should pay attention to the fact that when hay fever manifests itself, you should be careful when using herbal medicines. Allergies in July can lead to the development of allergies to the components of such products, since they contain various parts of plants.

Related materials:

Select the section Allergic diseases Symptoms and manifestations of allergies Diagnosis of allergies Treatment of allergies Pregnant and lactating Children and allergies Hypoallergenic life Allergy calendar

Among all types of allergies, hay fever (hay fever, seasonal allergies) is especially common. If you have hay fever, a flowering calendar will help you take steps to ease the symptoms of the disease.

Current news for 2019

There is heavy dusting of alder, elm and hazel in the central part of the country, Belarus, Poland and other countries. In the Stavropol region and other cities of the south, the dusting of these trees has come to an end.

Cypress begins to bloom in Minsk.

In the southern regions (Krasnodar, Stavropol and others) birch begins to bloom.

Seasonal allergies manifest themselves:

  • conjunctivitis (inflammation, itching, pain in the eyes), lacrimation,
  • runny nose (allergic rhinitis),
  • coughing and sneezing.

Sometimes there is a pain in the throat and (or in the ears).

A more severe manifestation of hay fever is pollen asthma. Allergy manifestations such as urticaria and Quincke's edema are possible.

Manifestations of hay fever can affect both children and adults. It is important to know what plants bloom in your region to avoid allergies if possible.

In children, a symptom such as ear congestion (up to complete temporary hearing loss) is quite common. Sometimes childhood hay fever takes on the character of severe bronchial asthma.

It will be useful to know about the probability - after all, the reaction can occur not only to pollen, but also to similar proteins in food products.

Allergenic plants: when do they bloom?

There are three main types of seasonal allergies.

  • Spring(trees blooming). Falls in April - May.
  • Summer(flowering of cereals and meadow grasses). Falls between June and August.
  • Summer-autumn(weed bloom). Falls between August and October.

You can view the flowering calendar for allergy sufferers in the table below, after selecting your region.

  • South of Russia
  • Volga region
  • Central Russia
  • Siberia
  • North-West Russia

Another interesting calendar for the central regions from the Scientific and Clinical Center for Allergology, Immunology and Dermatology:

In addition, there is from the PollenClub project. (It is not recommended to watch from smartphones, it is poorly displayed)

In spring, herbaceous plants hardly bloom.

Willow is the first to bloom in March, willow and cherry are the first to bloom in April, and “catkins” appear on birch. In May, hawthorn, cornflower, chestnut, oak, ash and rose hips begin to bloom, and among herbaceous plants - clover. Herbaceous plants such as cinquefoil, chamomile and lily of the valley bloom in May. Flowers appear on bird cherry and lilac.

In summer, most of the plants that can cause allergies bloom. The allergy sufferer's calendar at this time is distinguished by a large number of herbs.

In June, cornflower, hawthorn, datura, elecampane and carnation bloom. Chestnut, clover, viburnum, St. John's wort, celandine and thistle continue to bloom.

In July, ragweed (in the southern regions), hemp, cloves, datura, and elecampane bloom. Herbs such as motherwort, wheatgrass and thistle are blooming.

August - ragweed, carnation and cornflower bloom. This month is the time when foxgloves, quinoa, nettles and sunflowers begin to bloom. Chamomile and thistle are blooming.

In September, allergy sufferers continue to be bothered by ragweed, as well as weeds (sow thistle, quinoa and nettle).

Around the end of September, a period of relative calm begins for a person suffering from allergies. Until next spring.

But sometimes allergies remind you even in late autumn, after a romantic walk in a park strewn with fallen leaves. The fact is that plant pollen can also survive on fallen leaves.

We have listed the main flowering plants, in fact there are many more of them: in the table below you can see the full composition of the families of wind-pollinated plants that cause hay fever.

Table: Related wind-pollinated plants within major families

Useful video: which plants cause allergies

How is the flowering calendar useful for allergy sufferers?

Having information about the flowering of various plants in a particular area, and having carefully studied the allergy calendar, an allergy sufferer will be able to take preventive measures in a timely manner. For example, take a vacation, go for a “dangerous” period to another area where there are no allergic plants and their flowering has ended.

Before the dangerous period begins, you can start taking antihistamines, purchase nasal and eye drops, antiallergic sprays.

If you are a supporter of traditional medicine, then it’s time to take mumiyo (a good preventive remedy for allergies). Mumiyo solution, as a rule, begins to be drunk for prophylactic purposes about a month before the start of the flowering period.

There is time to check the operation of the air conditioner and the condition of its filters (if necessary, clean them).

If you carefully analyze the data, it will become clear: the flowering calendar for allergy sufferers differs quite significantly by region. For residents of the southern regions, the duration of the “dangerous” period is longer than for northerners. Let's take, for example, one of the strongest allergens - ragweed. In central Russia, this plant blooms for 1.5 - 2 months: from approximately the beginning of August to mid-September. At the same time, for residents of the southern regions (Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region), ragweed blooms from July to October.

Flowering time and plants in Crimea differ from Moscow or St. Petersburg. This is why it is so important that the calendar be adapted to a specific climate zone. Today, the Internet helps allergy sufferers. It is possible to view the flowering calendar online.

Below you can see flowering calendars for some Russian cities.

What's blooming in Moscow

Forecast of the danger level for allergens in the air from PollenClub

In central Russia, dusting begins with alder and hazel.

  • Alder, hazel - late March - April.
  • Birch - from the end of April.
  • Apricot, oak, ash, elm, maple, lilac, apple tree- May.
  • Willow, poplar, linden, conifers- May June.


  • Cereals - from the end of May - June.
  • Plantain, nettle, sorrel- from the end of June.
  • Chenopodiaceae - from the end of June.
  • Wormwood - from July.

*Data are based on E.E. Severova

What and when blooms in Krasnodar and the region. Kuban

The south of Russia is a special territory where flowering plants “torment” allergy sufferers for almost 8 months a year. Due to the warm climate, there are a large number of plants growing here that can cause an allergic reaction.

Almost every third resident of the Krasnodar Territory suffers from allergies.

The start of allergy season depends on weather conditions.

End of winter-spring

Blooming trees:

  • Hazel, alder - from mid-February to late March.
  • Willow, hornbeam, pine- March.
  • Poplar, maple, oak, ash, elm, birch- April - early May.
  • Willow - April - May.
  • Bird cherry, plane tree, walnut, cherry plum- end of April - May.
  • Lilac, plum, currant- May

From herbs and shrubs:

  • Foxtail, wheatgrass, rapeseed- end of April - May to early July.
  • Acacia, ryegrass, fescue, hedgehog, feather grass, lily of the valley- from mid-May.
  • - from the end of May.

Poplar fluff actively helps spread the pollen of other plants.


During this season, most of the trees have already faded and are being replaced by weeds and grasses.

  • Chestnut, linden - from the beginning of June.
  • Corn, sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rye- June.
  • Sunflower - from the end of June.
  • Wormwood - all July.
  • Quinoa - end of July - end of August.
  • Ambrosia - early August - early October.


The end of the flowering season usually occurs in mid-October.

  • Ambrosia - flowering ends in late September - early October.
  • Rice - until the end of September.
  • Artemisia annual- mid-September - end of October.

When ragweed blooms, people feel best in high mountain areas.

Data on A.I. Ostroumov

Dust calendar for Stavropol

Saint Petersburg

*Data are based on L.G. Nikolskoy, G.T. Fedosov, N.I. Ivanova, E.F. Redhead

When allergenic plants bloom in Siberia

One of the reasons for the large number of allergy sufferers in Siberia is poor ecology. Because of this, hay fever is much worse tolerated.

  • April - May - trees (birch and others),
  • May - August - dandelions,
  • summer - cereals (fescue and ryegrass),
  • late summer - September - weeds (wormwood).

Altai region

April May. A common allergen is birch, which is used for city landscaping.

Tomsk region

April May. In addition to birch - maple, linden and willow.


April May. Alder and birch.

June July. Meadow grasses (bluegrass, timothy, ryegrass). Cultivated cereals (rye, oats).

The Republic of Buryatia

The main allergen of the steppe is wormwood and other weeds. In spring - trees. There are almost no meadow grasses.

What and when blooms in Krasnoyarsk

On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 3 periods of dusting of allergenic plants have been established. Wind-pollinated plants are widespread. Their pollen is small in size and highly volatile, so it is easily carried over vast distances.

April May

Characterized by the maximum pollen content in the air. The trees that bloom first are birch, alder and poplar.

Most often, this period begins in May, but if spring is early, in the southern regions of the region - at the end of April.

Not a very long period, but a difficult period to bear.

End of May - mid July

Lowest concentration of pollen in the air. During these months, pine and meadow cereals bloom.

Pollen from coniferous trees is heavy and is heavily carried by the wind. But those who have them growing near their homes should be careful.

Mid July - end of August

A wide variety of weeds and ornamental plants bloom. First of all - goosefoot, hemp and wormwood (found on roadsides, in courtyards, wastelands). Decorative - marigolds, asters, chrysanthemums.

Air temperature and humidity are the main factors influencing the dynamics of plant dusting in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.


Data on B.A. Chernyak, N.S. Korotkov


Data on K.A. Cancerous


*Data according to N.S. Gurina and N.G. Astafieva

Vladivostok (Primorsky Krai)

Seasonal allergies plague residents of the region from late April to mid-September. Also influenced by the proximity to China, from whose cultivated areas the winds easily carry pollen.

  • April May . Trees in bloom: oak, ash, birch, alder, hazel, poplar, maple, willow.
  • June August . The flowering period of cereals and some weeds: wheatgrass, bluegrass, rye, corn, fescue, quinoa, sunflower and others.

    In June, pollen allergens are widely transported by poplar fluff.

  • Aug. Sept. Weeds are blooming: ragweed, wormwood, dandelion, quinoa and others.

What blooms in Volgograd and the region

The flowering season of herbs in the Volgograd region lasts more than 8 months. This is one of the longest periods in Russia.

The wind carries pollen tens of kilometers away.

A huge number of weeds grow in the region.

The editors of Argumenty i Fakty have prepared an entertaining infographic - a flowering calendar for allergy sufferers in Volgograd and the Volgograd region. You can find it below:

Infographics: What and when blooms in the Volgograd region. Risk zones for allergy sufferers during the flowering season in Volgograd

What blooms in Crimea

A large number of allergenic plants bloom in Crimea from May to August.

Main allergens:

  • Poplar (city streets are densely planted with it) - May - June,
  • Cypress - April - May,
  • Ambrosia (everywhere, especially in Simferopol, Dzhankoy, Saki, Kirov and Leninsky districts) - July - October.

What else could the reaction be:

  • May – dandelion, walnut, chestnut, linden, mulberry, birch
  • June – sunflower, rye, castor beans
  • July – elderberry, wormwood

Timing of plant dusting in Ukraine and the structure of hay fever

How to identify an allergen and treat allergies

Recognizing an allergen is not an easy task. For example, the flowering time of lily of the valley is only 10 - 15 days. Manifestations of allergies (sneezing, coughing, runny nose) can be disguised as a common cold; often a person is not aware of the presence of an allergy. You need to think about this if such symptoms appear with a certain frequency (the pollen allergy calendar helps to analyze the situation in more detail).

Another warning sign

Allergy sufferers feel unwell in windy, dry weather, but all symptoms disappear without a trace after rain. At the slightest suspicion of an allergy, you should consult an experienced allergist.

The most common method currently used is skin testing. Its essence lies in the subcutaneous injection of a small amount of allergen. After the allergen is introduced, you need to monitor how the body reacts to it. This is a fairly informative method for identifying the allergen, but at the height of the flowering of allergic plants, when the allergic person is taking antihistamines, it should not be used.

Allergy treatments include:

  • taking antihistamines;
  • use of nasal and eye drops;
  • for skin manifestations of allergies - ointments, creams with anti-inflammatory, wound healing and (or) antihistamine effect.
  • ASIT.

What will help with hay fever: some useful tips

  1. Helps alleviate allergy symptoms dietary adjustments. For example, you will have to abstain from honey (of any kind). The reason is simple: honey may contain exactly the type of pollen that provokes allergies. If you are hypersensitive to tree and shrub pollen, reduce your intake of fruits, nuts and berries. If you have a reaction to herbs such as fescue or timothy, you will have to temporarily give up porridge (with the exception of buckwheat), sunflower oil, seeds, halva and bread kvass.
  2. Keep your house clean. Try to do wet cleaning as often as possible. This will create an obstacle to the spread of pollen throughout the house. You need to leave the house as little as possible; preferably after rain.
  3. Buy good antihistamines. But only those prescribed by the doctor. Many of the antihistamines are far from harmless, and diphenhydramine and suprastin significantly reduce attention.
  4. In no case Do not combine antiallergic medications with alcohol. This can significantly worsen the patient's condition.
  5. Visit an allergist in the fall, during the “calm” period. This is the best time to start allergen treatment (ASIT). Remember that self-medication is unacceptable here. The type and dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor.

By following these simple rules, you will significantly reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

According to official statistics, more than 20% of all inhabitants of our planet suffer from seasonal allergies in the summer. In the second half of summer, it is almost always caused by small particles of plant pollen, as a result of which a person constantly experiences physical and even aesthetic discomfort.

A seasonal type of allergic reaction in medical practice is called hay fever - from the English word pollen, which translates as pollen.

What blooms in late summer and causes a reaction?

To understand what you might be allergic to at the end of July and August, you need to remember the plants blooming at this time. Basic:

  • sow thistle;
  • quinoa;
  • sorrel;
  • foxtail;
  • white pigweed;
  • thistle;
  • sunflower;
  • motherwort cordial.

In addition, during this period of the year, nettles begin to bloom, as well as dandelion and plantain in the northern regions.

It is important to consider that flowering may occur with a shift of 7-14 days, depending on the geographical area.

A cross-type allergic reaction can often occur.

The August misfortune of many allergy sufferers is due to the fact that pollen from allergenic plants is carried through the air, reaches the mucous membranes and penetrates the respiratory tract, causing an allergy attack.

In the last month of summer, the flowering of almost all trees ends, but weeds and meadow grasses are just beginning their active development.

Seasonal allergies in the summer in August most often occur to the flowering of the following plants:

  • white pigweed;

White pigweed

At the end of August, Alternaria fungal spores form. The highest concentration of fungal pollen is observed in rainy weather.

How to identify the problem

The clinical picture looks like this:

  • weakness, chills;
  • itching and burning of the ears;
  • cough with or without sputum;
  • , mucus secretion;
  • lacrimation, redness of the eyes, itching.

Even with mild symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor for successful treatment. Otherwise, even a mild allergy can trigger the development.

Effective therapy

It is important to know which plant the reaction occurs to in August in order to avoid contact with it. To do this, an examination is carried out, after which the doctor tells you what medications to take during an exacerbation and for prevention.

Groups of main anti-allergenic agents:

  1. . They block production, which causes allergic symptoms.
  2. . Used by doctors only in emergency situations, they are a last resort. They quickly cope with inflammatory processes and anaphylactic shock. Many hormonal drugs are contraindicated for children under 18 years of age, pregnant women and breastfeeding women.
  3. Stabilizers. The main effect is aimed at retaining cell membranes; they also prevent the production of histamine. They cope well with allergy symptoms.

The most effective tablets:

  1. – a second generation antihistamine. It has a fast-acting property and begins to have a medicinal effect two hours after administration. It relieves signs of the disease well and significantly alleviates the course of seasonal allergies.
  2. - second generation product. It is one of the popular drugs due to its price and fast action. Has a minimum number of contraindications.
  3. Ifiral is a type of medicinal stabilizer. It perfectly prevents the release of histamine, but has many contraindications and side effects. It is prohibited for use by children under two years of age in the form of capsules and inhalation solution and under five years of age in the form of an aerosol, as well as by pregnant women in the first trimester.
  4. – belongs to the group of antihistamines. It has an absolutely safe composition, fights well against allergy symptoms and does not have a negative effect on the human nervous system, does not cause drowsiness or addiction. Allowed for use by children over 12 years of age. Contraindications include pregnancy and lactation.
  5. Cromohexal is a stabilizer that strengthens membranes by blocking the penetration of calcium into them, which ultimately eliminates the release of histamine. Well suited for the prevention and treatment of seasonal allergies.

Sometimes first generation antihistamines are prescribed, for example.

The most effective topical medications against allergic rashes:

  1. - second generation product. Quickly copes with various skin dermatitis, including the atopic form, eliminates redness and inflammation.
  2. – has a powerful antiallergic effect. It is affordable and does not cause addiction or drowsiness.
  3. Suprastin is a first generation drug. It is used for first aid and therefore is found in many home medicine cabinets. Causes drowsiness and constant fatigue. It is most effective not as an ointment, but in the form of injections.
  4. - a third generation product. One of the most effective and affordable, but may not have the best effect on the liver.
  5. Ketotifen is a mast cell stabilizer, used for long-term treatment, effective and safe.

More and more often, doctors prescribe. Their main features:

  • safe and easy to use;
  • act quickly and lastingly;
  • do not cause drowsiness or addiction;
  • do not have a negative effect on internal organs or psyche.

This group of drugs includes:

  • Caeser;

It’s not enough to know how to treat allergies that appear in August, late July and early September. It is important to understand that drug treatment for seasonal reaction will not provide maximum effect and will not minimize the risk of serious complications unless the following measures are taken:

  1. Completely eliminate any contact with the provoking allergen. This is difficult to do when reacting to pollen, but it is possible to minimize contact. For example, go outside less in dry and hot weather, wash clothes, wash shoes, and rinse in the shower after going outside. You can temporarily refuse to ventilate rooms and wear medical masks.
  2. Strengthen the immune system to reduce the body's sensitivity to irritants. To do this, the allergic person undergoes several periodic vaccinations three months before the allergen plant blooms. This procedure is not much different from the flu shot and makes life much easier for those suffering from allergies during the flowering period. In addition, this technique, after several years of constant vaccination, helps to completely overcome hay fever. We are talking about . It is also important to strengthen your immune system through a healthy lifestyle.

Nasal drops and sprays are actively prescribed:

  • Tizin;
  • Sanorin;
  • Vibrocil;

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis:

  • Visine;
  • Zaditen;
  • Octilia;
  • Okumetil.

How to avoid exacerbation

  1. Walk after the rain.
  2. Carry out wet cleaning in the house as often as possible.
  3. During flowering, go to a place where there are no dangerous plants.
  4. Use special devices to purify indoor air.
  5. Before using herbal medicines, be sure to read the instructions and composition.
  6. Ventilate at night, because it is during this period that the pollen of harmful plants is not so active.
  7. Avoid gardening work that is closely related to grass and plants. If this is not possible, you should take an antihistamine in advance as a preventative measure.

Regardless of the time of year, allergies bring a lot of inconvenience and can become life-threatening. You can avoid this by taking care of your health and listening to doctors.

First of all, spring comes to mind, because it is at this time of year that most children and adults experience allergies to flowering plants. But it is important to note that a huge number of allergens to which the body reacts in the spring persist throughout the summer. In addition, in the summer, some aggravating factors are added to the allergens: heat, humidity, dust.

Let's find out together what the main allergens of summer are, what is dangerous for allergy sufferers every summer month, what are the main symptoms of summer allergies, how are they diagnosed and how are they treated?

What causes summer allergies?

Just like in spring, the main cause of summer allergies is pollen.

Just like in the spring, the main cause of summer allergies is pollen. Pollen is very small particles that are released into the air by the flowers of trees, grasses and other plants.

When pollen lands on the nasal mucosa of people suffering from it, it stimulates the immune system. After this, the immune system mistakes pollen for a foreign aggressor and begins to produce antibodies designed to destroy bacteria and viruses.

Antibodies attack allergens, which leads to the release of a special substance - histamine. When histamine enters the bloodstream, a runny nose, redness, itching and other allergic reactions occur.

The main allergens of the summer months

By the beginning of summer, the process of flowering of most trees and the release of pollen ends; in June, only some deciduous and coniferous trees continue to bloom, so grasses, weeds, and flowers can be considered the main culprits of summer allergies.

In June Allergens can be coniferous trees, as well as deciduous trees. Among deciduous trees, the main sources of allergenic pollen are birch, poplar, hazel, oak, alder, elm, ash, maple, and linden. These trees usually bloom in April-May, early June, sometimes they begin to bloom as early as March.

Separately, it is worth mentioning allergic reactions to poplar fluff. People often talk about an allergy to poplar, which occurs in the month of July, meaning the body’s reaction to poplar fluff (poplar seeds), but, in fact, the fluff itself does not cause allergies, it can only irritate the mucous membranes; in July, allergic reactions can be associated with flowering cereal plants.

In July Cereals can be considered the main allergens. Among the most powerful sources of allergenic pollen are the following grasses: bluegrass, cocksfoot, foxtail, timothy, fescue, and ryegrass.

August- this is the time of flowering of plants from the family Asteraceae, buckwheat, as well as nettle and plantain; in addition, at this time, weeds and weeds bloom, which can also cause allergies. The most famous representative of allergenic weeds is ragweed.

What are the main symptoms of summer allergies?

Summer allergies caused by pollen are called allergic rhinitis or hay fever.

Summer allergies caused by pollen are called allergic rhinitis or hay fever.

Among the main symptoms of the disease are: runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, burning in the nose, eyes, dark circles under the eyes, redness of the eyes, swelling, itching, skin rashes and other symptoms.

How are allergies diagnosed?

If your child is suffering from summer allergy symptoms, it is important to see a doctor to accurately determine the cause of the allergy and prescribe effective treatment.

An allergist will likely order skin testing for your baby to accurately identify the allergen. This procedure involves applying a tiny sample of the suspected allergen to an area of ​​the child's skin (on the forearm or back).

If the body reacts specifically to this allergen, then redness or a small rash will appear on the skin. Such a skin reaction will indicate that the child’s body is producing antibodies specifically to a specific allergen.

You can also determine the allergen using a blood test to determine the level of antibodies to a specific allergen; your child may also be referred for such a test.



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