I always want to have reasons. Why do you always want to eat, how to curb your appetite

Has it ever happened to you that after you have had a hearty lunch, you are again drawn to take a cookie or candy, or make a sandwich, despite the fact that not even a full 3 hours have passed since eating? Well, this happens everywhere, however, it does not make overeating any less dangerous problem. But the problem can be solved if you know its original cause. So, here are 10 main reasons for “gluttony”:

1. Stress and depression

The fact is that under stress, two hormones are released into the blood: adrenaline and cortisol. And if the first one blocks the feeling of hunger, then the second one neutralizes this blocking and works in the “opposite direction” / When cortisol remains in the blood for a long time, we begin to eat everything.

However, in addition to stress, the cause of overeating may be strong feeling boredom, sadness, depression, that is, in bad mood. If this condition lasts too long, then you may be depressed and need to see a psychologist.

2. Thirst

Sometimes the body sends us the wrong signals. He may need to replenish his moisture reserves, but it seems to you that he needs food. Try drinking first and eating a few minutes later. Maybe you won’t even want to eat.

3. Blood sugar spike or diabetes

If you constantly choose food that is oversaturated with carbohydrates as a snack, then insulin in your body will not have time to be produced in time. the right amount to break down incoming carbohydrates, which in turn will lead to a jump in blood sugar. It will become critically scarce. And that makes you want to eat even more. This combination of circumstances can lead to a serious illness - diabetes. Be careful. This disease accompanied by a number of other symptoms, for example, thirst, weakness, frequent desire go to the toilet, etc.

4. Low blood sugar

Hypoglycemia is a condition when the body does not have enough fuel. It may appear due to incorrect reception medications for diabetes or an unhealthy diet, when you eat irregularly, or if you have high loads and lack of carbohydrates in the diet. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor.

5. Pregnancy

One of the most common reasons for the sudden appearance of wild appetite. If there is a reason to think about pregnancy, then it is better to check.

6. Food for speed

You need to eat and even snack more slowly so that your body has time to realize when you are full. Your sugar level should change and your stomach should fill up. This takes time, plus the brain also needs to comprehend all the changes. Chew more slowly - you will be less hungry.

7. Smells and pictures

The feeling of hunger is not always caused by the needs of the body. Sometimes we succumb to deceptions: we see something tasty or smell something, so we are drawn to quickly get a dose of pleasure from food. If you are hungry all the time, maybe you should go to the kitchen less often and surf cooking sites?

8. Wrong food

Even dishes made from the same product have different effects on the feeling of fullness. For example, after a portion boiled potatoes You don’t feel like eating for a long time, and after a portion of French fries, hunger creeps up faster.

9. Overactive thyroid gland

Let's say you are nervous all the time, upset and want to eat. And there seems to be no reason. Then go see an endocrinologist: perhaps hormones are to blame thyroid gland. Then you need to undergo treatment or surgery.

10. Lack of sleep

The most common reason. Lack of sleep changes the balance of leptin and ghrelin, hormones responsible for hunger. That’s why you want to eat, and something fattier and sweeter.

There may be several reasons why a person constantly wants to eat, and among them are both diseases and unhealthy eating habits. Fortunately, in most cases it is quite possible to cope with excessive hunger. You just recently ate a full meal, hearty breakfast, but after an hour or two you feel hungry again...

And, unable to restrain yourself, you eat half a chocolate bar or a package of cookies. However, soon the hunger returns, and you have to run again to the refrigerator, to the machine that sells nuts, candies and other snacks, or to the nearest cafe. Sound familiar?

Surveys show that constant hunger is a very common problem among residents of developed countries. In most cases, this leads to rapid weight gain, but body changes are not better side do not help cope with hunger.

Why do you always want to eat?

Most probable reasons constant hunger are:

  • Stress and anxiety that you can't cope with

All people experience both stress and anxiety from time to time, but not everyone experiences this as abnormal severe hunger or others negative consequences. Problems begin if a person for some reason fails to control stress.

Every time a person experiences stress, his body produces the hormone adrenaline, which suppresses appetite. However, if stress does not go away for a long time, the production of another hormone begins - cortisol, which, for example, increases appetite. If you constantly feel like eating because of stress, you need to find a way to deal with it. Try yoga or meditation, find hobbies that help you distract yourself, or see a psychologist.

Such disorders are associated with an imbalance chemicals produced in the brain, deficiency of certain hormones and genetic factors. All this can lead to excessive hunger. For example, bipolar disorder is characterized by sudden mood swings, and a person with this diagnosis may have an unusually strong appetite during certain periods and then virtually disappear. For any mental disorders a person needs the help of a competent specialist.

  • Bulimia

People suffering from bulimia often complain that they are constantly hungry. With this disorder eating behavior a person first overeats and then gets rid of what he has eaten, causing himself to vomit. As a rule, people cannot cope with bulimia on their own, so if you notice yourself or someone loved one any signs of it, seek medical advice as soon as possible.

  • Compulsive overeating

It is believed that the causes of compulsive overeating may include hereditary predisposition, as well as habits, which, as a rule, are formed in childhood. Very often, this disorder develops in people who, as children, ate not only to satisfy hunger, but also to escape from any problems. In adult life food remains a means of relaxation and stress management for them, just like alcohol or drugs are for some people. In most cases, if a person manages to suppress the habit of overeating, it is only for a while, and after a few days or weeks a breakdown occurs.

  • Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia, a condition in which blood sugar levels are below normal, can also cause a constant feeling of hunger. Other symptoms of hypoglycemia include increased fatigue, headaches, excessive sweating, weak tremor. In many cases, these symptoms only occur during prolonged fasting or during low-carb diets, after drinking alcohol or after intense exercise. They go away soon after a person eats and the blood sugar level returns to normal. However, with some liver diseases, hypoglycemia can become chronic, and the feeling of hunger can become almost constant. This is due to the fact that it is the liver that converts substances obtained from food into glucose. When it cannot function normally, glucose levels inevitably drop. If you suspect hypoglycemia, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

  • Type 2 diabetes

Another disease due to which a person may constantly want to eat. A little higher we talked about the fact that reduced level Blood sugar causes excessive hunger. So does increased sugar concentration have the same effect? This is true. Every cell in our body receives sugar through the activity of the hormone insulin. If there is not enough insulin or its functioning is impaired, sugar accumulates in the blood but cannot get into the cells that need it. Therefore, these cells “signal” to the brain, telling it that the body needs more food, hence the feeling of hunger. If a person does not take measures to control insulin levels, he constantly wants to eat.

  • Medicines

For example, corticosteroids, cyproheptadine, and tricyclic antidepressants can lead to a constant feeling of hunger. If you notice this side effect after starting any medications, talk to your doctor. Perhaps he will reduce the dose of drugs or prescribe other medications.

  • Premenstrual syndrome

Constantly feeling hungry is a very common symptom. premenstrual syndrome(PMS). Its signs usually appear in the second half menstrual cycle, disappear one or two days after the start of menstruation. Besides excessive appetite, its symptoms may include bloating, headache, diarrhea or constipation, breast tenderness, mood swings, sleep problems.

  • Hyperthyroidism, a disease of the thyroid gland, is one of the possible reasons what a person constantly wants to eat. With this violation thyroid gland produces too many hormones, and this leads to increased metabolism, hyperactivity, insomnia and constant hunger, which is very difficult to satisfy. For the treatment of hyperthyroidism it is used as drug therapy, and surgical intervention.

Genetic disorders

Genetic disorders, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, sometimes cause extreme appetite. In addition, the syndrome is characterized by progressive obesity, short stature and delay mental development. Prader-Willi syndrome is the most common cause of genetic obesity, but exactly why it causes constant hunger is unknown. According to the researchers, this may be due to increased level the hormone ghrelin, which controls appetite. People with this disorder have ghrelin levels, on average, three times higher than normal.

  • Abuse of sugary carbonated drinks

These drinks are rich sources of corn syrup containing large number fructose. Its effects in humans were studied in one study involving twenty healthy adults. They had magnetic resonance imaging scans of their brains after they consumed drinks with high concentration fructose. It turned out that these drinks reduced blood flow to areas of the brain that regulate appetite and suppressed their activity. At the same time, people felt less full than after drinking drinks containing only glucose.

Another study found that fructose tricks the brain into craving more food even when our stomach is already full.

  • You eat a lot of canned foods

Many of them contain high levels of bisphenol A, which can cause a sharp decrease in hormones associated with satiety.

  • You don't eat breakfast or eat too little at breakfast

For four years, researchers observed 6764 healthy people. Those who consumed about 300 kcal during breakfast gained, on average, twice as much weight during this time as those whose breakfast contained 500 kcal or more. The reason for this is that people who eat a large breakfast have less blood sugar fluctuations throughout the day than those who eat a very small breakfast or skip breakfast altogether. Consequently, they have a normal appetite, and the feeling of hunger does not make itself felt for several hours after eating. People who don't eat a big breakfast often feel hungry all the time, and if they can't control their appetite, they can gain weight rapidly.

Moreover, scientists believe that to combat constant hunger, it is very important to consume 30 to 39 g of protein at breakfast. So scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese - more preferred products for breakfast than pancakes or toast.

  • You don't drink tea

In people who drink a cup of black tea after eating, rich in carbohydrates, two and a half hours after eating, blood sugar levels are, on average, 10% lower than those who do not drink tea, which means they are less likely to face the problem of constant hunger. It is believed that this effect is due to polyphenolic compounds contained in black tea.

  • You're not drinking enough water

Dehydration can mimic hunger. If you've already eaten a lot and still feel hungry, drink a glass of water. Usually after this the person feels full, and the desire to take the supplement passes.

For those who want to not only cope with an excessively strong appetite, but also lose weight, it is recommended to drink two glasses of water before meals. People who follow this recommendation consume 75-90 kcal less during one meal than those who do not drink before meals.

  • Are you bored

Often people feel the urge to eat again, not because their stomach is really empty, but because they are tired of what they are doing and want to escape. Food in this case is a kind of entertainment. If less than four hours have passed since your last meal, try doing something else for five minutes instead of eating: for example, if you were busy with work before, take a brisk walk or at least watch some funny video.

If you've been cleaning, turn up your favorite song or call a friend to discuss your weekend plans. If you were not really hungry, most likely you will forget about food, but if the feeling of hunger does not go away, go have a snack. In the future, try to include short breaks in your activities, which are good prophylactic out of boredom.

(10 Votes)

Many people are familiar with hunger during a diet or immediately after it; for some, food is a kind of antidepressant; others suffer from an eating disorder such as bulimia. But there is another pathology - when you constantly want to eat, even if you have just left the table. It is not as common as the others, and is completely unrelated to compulsive overeating, nighttime eating, or other forms of uncontrolled appetite. Doctors consider it one of the most difficult.


Overeating is quite understandable when a person, after stress or nervous breakdown you just need a release of endorphins to keep your spirit up. We understand perfectly well what happens to the body after grueling diet, when he demands to make up for everything that he did not receive during her time. It will not be possible to answer the question of why you constantly want to eat even after eating. The mechanism of this eating disorder is not yet fully understood. It may be related to poor nutrition, lifestyle or diseases. And you can deal with it only by identifying the cause.

Eating habits


The hypothalamus contains centers not only for hunger and satiety, but also for thirst. Often there is confusion in signals in this part of the brain. It seems to you that you want to eat, but in fact this is how a lack of water in the body manifests itself. Therefore, no matter how much you eat, your appetite returns again and again. On the one hand, this is a dangerous reason, because it can lead to dehydration and disruption of the water-salt balance. On the other hand, it is easily eliminated.

To eliminate the constant feeling of hunger in such a situation, just drink a glass of plain water, and after 15 minutes there will be no problem. In the future you just need to adjust drinking regime(daily norm - at least 2 liters).

Unbalanced diet

The brain receives a signal of saturation when substances necessary for normal life. If the diet is poorly balanced (same type or consists exclusively of harmful products), the hypothalamus will constantly remind you that something is missing in the body. And he does this by stimulating the appetite. It seems like you just ate a whole frying pan of fried pork, but not even an hour has passed, and hunger is already eating away from the inside. The solution is to scrupulously calculate the ratio of BZHU in your diet.

Wrong nutrition schedule

If you don’t have a clear schedule for eating and you constantly chew something, your stomach quickly gets used to this state of affairs. Therefore, you should not be surprised that he will demand food at any time of the day - it was you who spoiled him so much.

If, for example, more than 6 hours pass between breakfast and lunch without any snacks, this also leads to an eating disorder: at this time the hormone ghrelin is released in the body, which makes a person next appointment eat 2 times more food, in reserve, stretching the stomach, which will more and more often ask for as much food as possible.

In the absence full breakfast Blood sugar levels will fluctuate throughout the day. The result is a painful and endless feeling of hunger.


Wrong mode sleep

Do you lead a nocturnal lifestyle, staying up late on gadgets? Do you sleep 5-6 hours on weekdays and 10-11 on weekends? Today you can go to bed at 21.00 because you are very tired, and tomorrow at 03.00 because you need to finish an urgent report? If you answered yes to even one question, don’t be surprised why you constantly want to eat during the day. Improper sleep patterns lead to changes hormonal levels, which provokes uncontrollable appetite.

Taking medications

If constant desire eating coincided with the prescription of some new drug; most likely, it is this drug that provokes hunger. A similar side effect is observed with contraceptives, powerful antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids, antidepressants, and hormonal medications.

Bad habits

Smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction very often become the cause of an uncontrollable desire to constantly eat something. This is due to the fact that they take away from the body useful substances and energy. He tries to replenish them through additional meals.


If “weight loss attacks” occur no more than 1-2 times a year and at the same time you choose best option diet (short-term, and with balanced menu), this rarely becomes the cause of uncontrollable appetite. But if a person suffers from internal complexes and tries to squeeze the parameters of his figure into generally accepted standards of beauty through grueling hunger strikes, it is not surprising that he will be haunted by hunger 24 hours a day.

Frequent stress

During a nervous breakdown, cortisol is produced, which is perceived as hostile by the brain. Wanting to protect the body from it, the hypothalamus forces a person to eat again and again, so that a pleasant feeling of fullness arises and endorphins and serotonin begin to be synthesized. The problem is that when prolonged depression their production slows down significantly, but appetite does not decrease.


Diabetes mellitus type II

In patients with diabetes mellitus copious discharge Insulin accelerates the conversion of glucose into glycogen, and subsequently into fat. This becomes the main reason for the constant feeling of hunger. What diabetics eat is converted not into energy, but into fat, and the body requires an additional dose of calories.


The problems of obesity and many eating disorders are often related to the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is responsible for the secretion of hormones and metabolism. The hyperfunction of this organ leads to an acceleration of metabolism, sharp decline body weight and uncontrolled appetite for 24 hours a day.


In common parlance, this disease is called gluttony (). It is secondary and develops against the background of other pathologies present in the this list. A person feels the need to absorb huge amounts of food. Such patients are most often obese, and the only way out For them, operations to reduce the volume of the stomach become necessary.


This is very dangerous condition which often ends in coma. Diagnosed when blood glucose levels drop to 55 mg/dL, or 3.0 mmol/L. Along with symptoms such as weakness and nausea, an uncontrollable appetite appears, which is not suppressed by anything.


Most often, patients suffer from bouts of gluttony, but cases of almost round-the-clock hunger have also been diagnosed. This fact can be explained very simply. A person, wanting to lose weight (even if he is not overweight), limits himself to food, then invariably breaks down and overeats. But immediately after this he feels guilty for his weakness and artificially vomits in order to get rid of food (he can also drink laxatives or do enemas for this purpose). The body is starving - and hence the constant desire to eat.


Rare but hard mental illness, practically untreatable. Such patients are usually hospitalized. Their hypothalamus function is disrupted, so they simply do not feel full.


Even more rare disease than akoria. Due to violation cerebral circulation patients feel an irresistible urge to swallow something all the time.

If you don’t find out why you constantly want to eat, it’s useless to fight it. First you need to eliminate the provoking factor, and with it in 90% of cases the uncontrollable appetite goes away.

Accompanying symptoms

If along with constant appetite If some health problems appear, this is the first sign that the cause is a disease. According to him typical symptoms You can at least assume a diagnosis before going to the doctor. The sooner this happens, the faster you can overcome the disease.

If you constantly want to eat, but there are no other health problems, it means that the problem is in eating habits that have been formed incorrectly, or in your lifestyle. Both will have to be changed radically to reduce appetite.

What to do?

There are recommendations that are very difficult to follow, but certain situations simply necessary. Otherwise the consequences (obesity, diabetes mellitus and others concomitant diseases) will result in a hospital bed and limited viability.

To get rid of the constant feeling of hunger, gradually implement (1-2 points at a time) the following guidelines:

  1. Pass medical examination for the presence of diseases. If you find them, heal to the end. If not, make an appointment with a psychotherapist.
  2. Organize the correct drinking regime. Between main meals, drink a glass of plain water every hour. Daily norm must be at least 2 liters.
  3. Avoid unhealthy foods: first of all, fast food and soda. Fatty, fried and salty food limit to a minimum.
  4. Make a menu in such a way that the ratio of BJU in the diet is approximately 1/1/4, although this proportion can be determined individually and differ from the generally accepted one - for a more accurate calculation, consult a nutritionist.
  5. Create a clear eating schedule: 3 main meals and 2 snacks to satisfy your hunger in between. Follow it strictly.
  6. Don't skip breakfast, which should consist of more than just a cup of coffee on the run. It should be complete and energize you for the whole day.
  7. Try to normalize your sleep. Its duration must be at least 7 hours. It should be at night (we exclude daytime even on weekends). You should always go to bed and wake up at the same time. It is advisable to fall asleep before midnight.
  8. Review your treatment courses. Which medications do you take all the time, and which ones were prescribed to you just recently? Try to identify the hunger trigger and, with the help of your doctor, replace it with an analogue.
  9. Get rid of bad habits.
  10. Minimize stressful situations.
  11. If you want to lose weight, do not use diets as a means of fighting extra pounds. Limit daily consumption calories and exercise - that will be enough.

As you can see, in order to fight the constant feeling of hunger, you need to break your life stereotypes at some points. However, it is worth it, because all these points are slow, difficult, but still the path to healthy image living with principles proper nutrition. This is exactly what it is universal treatment from this disorder. If you work on yourself, you can do it. If you find yourself weak-willed, obesity and diabetes will become your scourge for the rest of your days.

Special cases

It’s worth talking separately about how and why a constant feeling of hunger manifests itself in different categories population, as well as regarding certain products nutrition

In women

For representatives of the fair sex, constant hunger may be associated with certain life situations.

In the second half of the menstrual cycle female body a powerful hormonal surge occurs. It is he who determines the mood swings that most people experience during this period. Much less often, the consequence of this “explosion” is a constant desire to eat, which is very difficult to cope with. Here you just need to be patient, because it does not last long (2-3 days before menstruation) and only once a month. Purchased extra pounds then you can remove it with the help of more intense than usual training.


According to statistics, about 75% of women carrying a child for all 9 months or individual periods pregnant women constantly want to eat and can’t do anything about it. There are several reasons:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels.
  2. Due to toxicosis, the body lacks nutrients, which he asks to be filled.
  3. The expectant mother has to eat for two.

To control your appetite during pregnancy, you need to listen to your doctor in everything and eat right. If hunger is too annoying and prevents you from enjoying this wonderful period of life, consult a gynecologist.

Contraceptive drugs

Majority contraceptive drugs- hormonal, and this is often the main cause of constant hunger. Moreover, the tablets do not have to be new. The body can rebel at any stage of taking them. To eliminate this factor, you need to take a blood test for hormones, change contraceptive or abandon it altogether.

In men

Physical activity

If a man has to do heavy work as part of his job physical work, and in free time he also goes to gym where he exhausts himself with training, he cannot avoid a constant feeling of hunger. After all, this is the only way the body can require replenishment of spent energy.

"Men's diseases"

Prostatitis and impotence are not the whole list male diseases, which may be accompanied by a desire to constantly eat. Cavernitis, paraphimosis, andropause, vesiculitis, orchitis - all these pathologies can be compensated by unbridled appetite.

In children

In children, an incessant feeling of hunger is most often caused by two factors.


If a child has experienced a difficult psychological trauma(parental divorce, domestic or school violence), this can cause an uncontrollable appetite.

Why do you always want...


  • pregnancy;
  • lack of zinc or magnesium;
  • anemia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • insufficient energy intake: sedentary image life, lack of sports, limitation of physical activity.


  • pregnancy;
  • accelerated metabolism;
  • sodium deficiency;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • increased sweating;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system.


  • pregnancy;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • avitaminosis;
  • lack of phosphorus and iodine;
  • violation of water-salt balance.


  • pregnancy;
  • low acidity in the stomach;
  • lack of vitamin C;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • smoking abuse.


  • pregnancy;
  • depression;
  • muscle tissue atrophy;
  • lack of calcium, protein;
  • intense sports activities.

Most often, a person himself understands that something constant feeling the hunger that he experiences even after the next meal and with a full stomach is a pathology. And with it, regardless of the reasons, you need to first go to the doctor.

Any eating disorder treated through psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, medications. Plus, you will have to seriously work on your own habits and lifestyle in order to improve its quality. As practice shows, those who strive for this achieve full recovery. In the absence of motivation and the will to win, even the best doctor will not help a person.

Why do you constantly want to eat if your stomach is almost full and the food has not had time to be digested?

Factors that cause the desire to quickly snack on something (heartburn, stomach cramps, nagging pain) are sometimes not associated with a physiological lack of food. The circumstances under which the brain erroneously signals hunger may be due to a variety of childhood habits, illnesses, and simple misunderstandings. true desires an organism that does not need food at all, but additional vitamins, water, and also dissatisfaction with the self-created lifestyle model.

How to figure out why you constantly want to eat in order to get rid of numerous snacks that lead to excessive obesity?

What interferes with satiation satisfaction?


A person who constantly experiences anxiety, tormenting himself with a feeling of guilt or dissatisfaction receives an excessive amount of the hormone cortisol, which causes an increase in appetite. In addition, the desire to receive the missing pleasure, momentary joy, leads to the absorption of an incredible amount of sweets, which promotes the production of serotonin, which briefly gives a semblance of happiness.

What to do when stressed?

You can’t give up sweets, this will lead to worsening nervousness. And there is no need to deprive yourself of pleasure, there is so much in the world healthy carbohydrates contained in berries and fruits. And if you don't want to fresh fruits and juice, simple culinary dishes made from them will help out: meringues, marshmallows, marshmallows, baked berry delicacies, marmalade, dried fruits made at home, without harmful additives.


For insomnia, intermittent insomnia or short sleep The body suffers from a lack of the hormone leptin, which is responsible for satiety. At the same time, the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin increases, why does a person eats much more than normal. To avoid typing overweight, you need to establish a sleep schedule, and if you can’t do this on your own, consult a doctor.


Sometimes the feeling of thirst is disguised as a hungry state. It is enough to drink water or unsweetened green or black tea, cramps and stomach pain disappear. However, you should not consume sweet sodas, which are oversaturated with fructose, which causes even greater appetite. In addition, fruit gas water industrial production It is very high in calories and is enriched with additives that force you to drink it again and again many times in a row.


When the body suffers from excess harmful substances and gets little natural vitamins, natural minerals from products, a disorder of the functions of the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, stomach, and other organs begins, which causes carbohydrate starvation of brain cells. A spontaneous feeling of hunger occurs. That's why you constantly want to eat, even if your stomach is full of food.

It is important to include as much as possible in your diet natural products and completely abandon fast food, sausages, imitation cheese and cottage cheese, as well as industrial food products containing gluten and other harmful components. Be sure to increase the consumption of vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits rich in vitamins, fiber and mineral elements.


What to do if you constantly want to eat and are mentally stressed?

The brain signals the need for food, but in fact it does not have enough energy. You need to replenish the amount of carbohydrates. To do this, it is better to eat the fruits of plants rich in glucose and vitamins, which help speed up the process of cell nutrition.

Diets chosen independently necessarily cause a persistent feeling of hunger; advice from a nutritionist is required. You need to eat often, but limit portions.

Idleness and boredom are another reason why you constantly want to eat.

We must learn to get rid of laziness, find enjoyable activities for the soul, and add a touch of joy to boring routine work. Even if you have to do tedious cleaning of the room, turn on a cheerful bravura march, start taking action, this will eliminate the desire to have a hearty meal. You can go for a walk, to the cinema, to the theatre, a change of scenery will get rid of the annoying thought: “What else is delicious to eat?” If you are forced to be alone and lack love and care, get a cat or a puppy, pet funny and touching antics will relieve you of the feeling of inferiority and tragedy of life, which causes the desire to chew incessantly.


Why do you constantly want to eat during pregnancy?

  • change in the balance of hormones,
  • restructuring of the body
  • lack of vitamins, minerals, as well as some disorder nervous system, in particular anxiety, an imaginary feeling that there is not enough love and attention.


Walk in nature as much as possible, balance your diet, avoid long breaks between each meal. It is very important to constantly be surrounded by people of an optimistic nature; exclude communication with whiners and always dissatisfied relatives, neighbors, as well as those who like to eat out of grief.


The most dangerous reasons, why you constantly want to eat - these are a variety of health problems.

What diseases cause an enduring feeling of constant hunger?

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Bulimia.
  3. Disease of the pancreas and thyroid glands.
  4. Gastritis.
  5. Helminths.
  6. Alcoholism.

Any imbalance of the hormonal and nervous system leads to disruption of carbohydrate, fat, protein metabolism, the development of diseases, as a result of a false signal to the brain about hunger, forcing you to open the refrigerator and eat after hours.

Surely, every person is familiar with the feeling of hunger, when sometimes you just want to chew something light or when the body requires a more serious and hearty lunch or dinner to replenish its strength balance. And even after good breakfast or afternoon snack, sometimes many ordinary people still have a feeling of hunger, which they try to overcome with another sandwich or candy. If you also often wonder why you constantly want to eat, the reasons for this incessant feeling of hunger will obviously be very interesting for you.

1. Feeling thirsty

It's hard to believe, but quite often we actually want to drink, not eat. That is why many nutritionists advise drinking a little liquid before eating - in this case, for many people, the feeling of heightened hunger instantly disappears. If after a glass of water your hunger does not calm down, you will still eat much less than you originally intended - drinking water will help this a lot.

2. Change in blood sugar

If you constantly snack on sweets or buns in moments of hunger, then for the high-quality processing of glucose, such a well-known hormone as insulin enters the blood. It quickly breaks down all carbohydrates in order to extract energy from them for active human life. But if your food is significantly oversaturated with carbohydrates, then insulin will simply be released in a huge number. There will be a lot of it that the amount of sugar in your blood will drop sharply, and you will immediately feel hungry. Therefore, it is best to avoid such unhealthy “sweet” snacks.

3. Diabetes

This disease is directly related to insulin. Even with good nutrition The diabetic’s body does not have time to process food into the necessary energy, because there may not be enough insulin or it may simply not cope with its job.

4. Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia is a lack of sugar in the blood and can also cause a feeling of constant hunger. The causes of hypoglycemia vary from improper use of prescribed medications for diabetes to wrong diet, it also often occurs with irregular nutrition or lack of carbohydrates in the diet. This disease can only be combated with the help of experienced specialist, which will help to reliably find out its cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

5. Pregnancy

If you constantly feel hungry and are female reproductive age– Be sure to take a pregnancy test. It is likely that frequent hunger indicates your “interesting” situation.

6. Excessively fast absorption of food

It so often happens that we have a snack almost on the run. At such moments, our body does not have time to realize whether we are already full or not yet. Therefore, even after being full, the feeling of hunger continues to be felt - the brain does not have time to process information and send signals to the stomach. Therefore, always try to eat as slowly as possible - this way you will get full faster with much less food. Stretch out the meal process as long as possible more time.

7. Picture of food or presence of its smell

How often, without even thinking about food, we suddenly see a picture depicting some dish or product and immediately feel a lump of hunger rolling up to our stomach. This does not mean at all that a person really really wants to eat; rather, it is a reflexive desire for satiety. Test yourself - just walk past such a picture and within five minutes you will completely forget that not so long ago you really wanted to have a snack. With the smells of food, the situation is much more complicated, only by feeling the aroma fresh bread, your mouth is already filling with saliva and it’s hard to deny yourself the pleasure of buying a fragrant bun and tasting it. That is why, by the way, many stores place fresh baked goods at the very entrance to the store - so that a potential buyer is sure to purchase a fragrant product, even if, in principle, he came to buy a completely different product. Learn to ignore food odors.

8. Wrong food choice

The whole point is that different products Diet has different effects on our feeling of fullness. If you constantly wonder why you constantly want to eat, the reasons for this phenomenon can be very simple - you are just choosing the wrong food for yourself. For example, if you just eat boiled potatoes, you will feel full much faster than if you buy French fries for yourself. After boiled potatoes, hunger will not overtake you soon, but after French fries, within an hour you will want to eat again.

9. Side effects of drugs

Quite a large number of medications during their use can cause a feeling of hunger. Especially this side effect antidepressants are famous and antihistamines. If taking them, you begin to eat much more and more often, be sure to consult a doctor to know for sure whether the medications are to blame.

Why do you always want to eat? The reasons are psychological in nature A

1. Stressful condition

Few people know that in the most stressful situations The human body produces a hormone called cortisol. It is precisely because of the increase in the level of this hormone that many people are literally ready to eat whatever they can get their hands on. Remember how often in the most exciting moments of your life you wanted to chew something. People, long time those under stress empty their refrigerator many times faster than those who lead a measured and calm life.

2. Emotional state

Oddly enough, emotions can also often influence our feeling of hunger. For some people, hunger is caused by a feeling of depression and anxiety, for others - melancholy and loneliness, for others - a feeling of joy. In that case best solution- this is to find something else to do than run to the refrigerator every 15 minutes for a new portion of sandwiches.

3. Constant lack of sleep.

If you chronically do not get enough sleep, you will constantly feel the need for something fatty and sweet - thus, your body will compensate for the lack of sleep.

How to effectively deal with hunger

For many people, the feeling of constant hunger is a very serious problem, because in such conditions it is very difficult to work or do any other activity, all thoughts at such moments are focused only on the desire to eat. We figured it out a little higher , Why you constantly want to eat and how to deal with it you can learn from the material below.

  • Try to eat high-quality food in small portions several times a day. With the help of this rule, you will be able to improve your metabolism and train your body not to store the food you receive in reserve, gradually turning it into fat.
  • As soon as you feel hungry again, drink water. Water will quickly expand the walls of the stomach, and its receptors will thus be “deceived” - the stomach will believe that it is already receiving the desired food. By the way, instead of water, you can drink compote or fruit drink and any other unsweetened drinks. It is best to drink water before meals, thereby reducing the amount of food eaten.
  • Exercise your body as often as possible physical activity– this will give you an excellent opportunity to dull the feeling of hunger.
  • Try not to put as much food on your plate as you want to eat - half of it will be enough for you. Remember that hunger is often triggered by pictures, so the more food you have on your plate, the more you will want to eat it all. Small portions, eaten slowly, will quickly bring a feeling of fullness as soon as the food decreases in size in front of your eyes.
  • Look in the refrigerator less, and even better, fill it with food less. Knowing that there is a lot of tasty stuff inside this unit, you, even if you don’t really want to eat, will constantly take food from there and completely absorb it. In this case, you run the risk of constantly feeling a feeling of “false” hunger, which can lead to very disastrous consequences for you - for example, becoming addicted to food.
  • Use breathing exercises- swallow air and suck in your stomach, then noisily release the air from yourself with force. In this case, you will quickly stop wanting to eat. This and many other exercises will help you fight hunger in the office throughout the working day.
  • You can also help dull the feeling of hunger: brushing your teeth, taking hot bath, usage chewing gum and aromatherapy.
  • If your feeling of hunger has developed as a result of stress, then you need to solve all your problems first, and only then deal with problems with appetite.
  • Try to get a good night's sleep.
  • Try to eat in silence and without the TV or computer on. In the most comfortable conditions you will “fit” much more food than usual.
  • Try to eat on a schedule. This way your stomach will know for sure that it will not receive food until a certain time and therefore will not disturb you at the most inopportune moments.

Food, according to many ordinary people, is one of the brightest pleasures in human life, especially since people can do without many other pleasures, but they cannot do without food. Finding out why you constantly want to eat reasons this phenomenon you can easily eat and enjoy food exactly at the moments when it is most convenient for you, and not when your body requires it immediately.



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