Spring depression in girls. Spring depression

Very often women want to know how to get rid of spring depression when the bright and gentle sun is shining outside the window. Nature begins to gradually wake up, and every day it pleases people with new colors after a long cold. But what to do if you suffer from insomnia at night, impenetrable darkness reigns in your soul, and during the day you almost always want to sleep, which prevents you from performing daily feats at work?

All of the above symptoms may indicate that a person has depression, which may appear in the spring. And many residents of big cities face this condition. People who suffer from this condition in the spring very often feel anxious and tense, they lose interest in everyday life and suffer from sudden and sometimes not very understandable changes in mood.

Spring depression

For those people who are interested in how to cope with spring depression, you need to remember that this state most often caused by the so-called “affective disorder season”. Depression begins at the end of winter and can only end at the beginning of summer. That is why a person does not need to blame himself for not wanting to do anything or being too lazy, since this condition is completely normal.

Very often in women who suffer from such depression, you can notice constant worry and voltage as well complete absence interest in a certain type activities. Almost all the symptoms of this peculiar disease are accompanied by a feeling that indicates a lack of energy. A person’s need for adequate sleep and the desire to be alone with his thoughts for a long time gradually increases.

Experts say that multiple symptoms of depression, which develops in the spring, occur in women under 40 years of age. However, young girls can fall under the influence of prolonged blues. This happens due to too little attention to health and a lack of nutrients beneficial to the human body. sunlight. Women living in the northern territories most often complain about the presence of this type of disorder.

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How to eliminate spring depression?

Seeing how their mood changes very quickly, people immediately begin to refer to depression. But almost always fatigue and Bad mood appear due to a lack of vitamins and poor nutrition. It should be remembered that a sudden bad mood should not lead to excessive sharp decline activities.

Residents of big cities should definitely know how to deal with spring depression. You need to try to move more, go for walks fresh air, take vitamins regularly, wear only comfortable and high-quality clothes and be more attentive to your health. If you follow all the above recommendations, then there will simply be no time left for a bad mood and laziness.

To escape from an unpleasant condition, you need to be outside every day. There is no need to miss the opportunity to stroll around with great pleasure. beautiful streets. Experts recommend visiting a solarium several times a week, since in this situation there is enough ultraviolet rays will help the exhausted to the human body awaken and recover after a long winter.

A visit to the pool can be very useful. More attention should be paid to doing what is feasible physical exercise. Many years ago, scientists proved that people who engage in absolutely any sport suffer about 25 times less from severe spring depression.

Contents of the article:

Spring depression is a condition that some people consider a minor problem. This mental disorder in itself does not destroy a person’s personality. However, if you have an irresponsible attitude towards your body against the background of voiced emotional disharmony, this may develop. serious illness, How clinical depression. To prevent this complication, it is necessary to understand all the intricacies of this affective disorder.

Causes of spring depression

The depressed state of a person usually does not depend on seasonal changes in nature. However, there are provoking factors that, taken together, can cause despondency and outright apathy towards the entire surrounding reality.

These aggressors look like this in relation to the emotional state of people:

  • Complexes due to figure. Over the winter, many of us gain a couple extra pounds, and sometimes much more. Some people, after the end of the cold period, realize with horror that their favorite dress or skirt simply no longer corresponds to their new dimensions. In the cold season, everything is quite easy to hide behind bulky sweaters and outerwear. However, in the spring, when the sun has warmed up, this opportunity no longer exists. Because of this, even the very thought of exposing the body leads to a state of depression. And at the same time, the problem can be caused by excessive comparison of oneself with others, which is more clearly noticeable when switching from large winter clothes to light ones.
  • Loneliness. As soon as the sun warms up, young and happy couples actively go for walks. Watching lovers is quite difficult if there is no other half. Especially if the age has already approached the age when they usually start families and have children. The problems are further aggravated by annoying relatives demanding that they quickly find “someone” for themselves.
  • Period "winter - spring". Seasonal changes do not always have a beneficial effect on the human psyche. The mood of some eccentrics may directly depend on the time of year that they have the pleasure of observing from the window of their home. There is a contingent of people who like snow drifts, a series of happy holidays and other delights of winter. With the onset of spring, such picky people literally fall into depression.
  • Unstable weather conditions. The described time of year is famous for its vagaries, when in March streams run merrily from the melting snow, and in April - early May frosts can occur. All this is very individual, because much in this matter depends on where exactly the person lives. However, such vagaries of spring weather have a very negative effect not only on physical condition person, but also on his balance nervous system.
  • Lack of light. Not all people perceive the short day and long period of being in darkness in winter unambiguously. In this case, we will talk about the lack of so-called vitamin D, which tends to be synthesized exclusively under the influence of sunlight. Consequently, with the beginning of spring, the previously mentioned lack of light begins to affect some individuals.
  • Weakened immunity. In the summer, all points selling vitamin products delight customers with their wide range of choices. During the entire winter, a person is deprived of such pleasure, which is actually a necessity of life. Some people indulge themselves with the illusion that vegetables and fruits bought in supermarkets during the cold season will replace a complete diet of useful substances. In most cases, such places offer imported goods that cannot replace domestic natural products. The result is weakened immunity as a result of the body’s lack of vitamins, microelements and amino acids.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Some people will be horrified when asked to go skiing or go build a snowman with their children. For them, frost is the main reason to spend all their leisure time lying down with a cup of hot tea and under a warm blanket. During the cold period, they become so accustomed to this way of life that when spring comes, they do not want to readjust and become depressed.
  • Oxygen starvation. This reason for the onset of the described pathology directly depends on a sedentary lifestyle. Physical inactivity in winter can play a role cruel joke with any person. By refusing to be in the fresh air at this time, the reinsurer is automatically exposed to the risk of worsening metabolic processes in his brain.
Most of the announced risk factors for the onset of spring depression directly depend on the person himself. Even the lack of natural, rather than synthetically grown, fruits and vegetables in winter is not an excuse for exposing your body to such stress. Technically correctly performed quick freezing of products useful for the body allows you to fully preserve necessary substances in a pre-prepared product.

The main symptoms of existing spring depression in humans

In order to have a clear understanding of the problem that has arisen, it is necessary to know the enemy by sight. It is quite easy to identify the signs of impending trouble if you make it a rule to listen sensitively to your body.

Manifestations of spring depression in women

Psychologists insist on the fact that when talking about a voiced pathology, its symptoms should be clearly differentiated based on the gender issue. For representatives of the fair sex, the spring imbalance of the nervous system usually looks like this:
  1. Increased irritability. If a woman did not initially position herself as a fully formed hysteric, then you should think about a sudden change in her behavior. Sometimes, with the arrival of the first warmth of spring, yesterday's sweet and balanced person turns into a vixen with a bilious character, who is irritated by literally everything.
  2. Tears in three streams. This habit can be considered the norm if expressing one’s emotions in this way does not prevent a woman from remaining a sane person. In the case of constant sobbing for no reason with the arrival of spring, it is worth thinking about seasonal psychological disorder.
  3. General weakness of the body. As already mentioned, during winter period The body of many people suffers from a lack of nutrients. However, much depends on the woman’s immunity, which, without a voiced factor, could have been initially weakened. Additional load in the cold season on an already damaged body ultimately leads to rapid fatigue of the lady.
  4. Anxious state. Spring depression in women often provokes a persistent feeling of impending disaster. At the same time, wives think that their husband is cheating on them, and mothers begin to take care of their children with special zeal. The phrases “let’s play it safe” and “no matter how bad things happen” become the calling card of a woman who plunged into depressive state.
  5. Decreased self-esteem. Even a confident lady, in the most unexpected way, after the end of winter, can turn into a person with obvious complexes. This is usually facilitated by the onset of development of spring depression, which is provoked by real or fictitious physiological changes in a woman's appearance.
  6. Sleep disturbance. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the factor that daylight hours tend to increase with the arrival of spring. Groundhog Day, when it gets dark quite early in winter, comes to its logical conclusion. However, some representatives of the fair sex cannot immediately adapt to such a change, after which their sleep-wake regime is disrupted.
  7. Apathy. Symptoms of spring depression are very often determined precisely by this emotional state of a woman. A person who was once vigorous in body and spirit becomes a sluggish and amorphous person, who has ceased to be pleased with the things that were once pleasant to her. In some cases, this factor is directly related to vitamin deficiency, but sometimes apathy is provoked by certain life situations.
  8. Problems concentrating. During spring depression, especially sensitive females begin to have their head in the clouds. At the same time we're talking about not about fairy-tale dreams and dreams of a handsome prince, but about elementary absent-mindedness. In this case, drug intervention cannot be avoided, because the problem raised has gone too far.
  9. Recurrent migraine. Changes in weather conditions very often have a noticeable effect on women who have previously been susceptible to headache attacks. During sudden changes atmospheric pressure the described problem is significantly aggravated, adding seasonal depression to the lady’s painful sensations.
  10. Appetite disturbance. Such a nuisance can happen to a woman at any time of the year. However, practice shows that it is in the spring that many representatives of the fair sex begin to go to extremes regarding gastronomic preferences and abandoning them.
  11. Dark thoughts. This problem is closely related to the resulting inferiority complex that formed in women with the onset of spring. Some especially suspicious natures imagine with horror that their significant other will begin to look at beauties who will take off their winter clothes and change into sexy outfits.
  12. Overeating, increased appetite . Wanting to fill the emptiness in the body from a lack of vitamins or simply “eating” their problems, women begin to actively absorb sweets, eat large portions, thereby plunging even more into a depressed state.
  13. Closedness. Against the background of his psychological problems, the desire to communicate with anyone completely disappears. Even the most active and cheerful ladies, immersed in their complexes, can withdraw and sit in captivity, not responding to friends’ invitations, trying to avoid noisy companies as much as possible.
A woman in a state of spring depression is not a comic book character, but a victim of temporary life circumstances. No specialist with some experience in this field will undertake to diagnose such individuals prematurely and without a deep analysis.

Symptoms of spring depression in men

The stronger half of humanity can also feel the full destructive power of seasonal affective disorder.

Unlike beautiful ladies, men experience the described pathology somewhat differently, which most often manifests itself as follows:

  • The appearance of the syndrome chronic fatigue . A humorous statement in the style that “work makes horses die” ceases to be funny when spring depression occurs in men. Workaholic men are absolutely indifferent to the time of year that they see from the windows of their institutions. However, some record holders in the marathon of irrepressible activity are overcome by despondency after the snow melts and the arrival of spring, which ultimately leads to spring depression.
  • Change in weight. Every man can lose weight or suddenly gain weight, regardless of the weather conditions that arise. However, psychologists say that it is during the seasonal blues that representatives of the stronger sex either begin to actively absorb large number food, or completely refuse it.
  • Pain in the abdomen or back. Emotional experiences always negatively affect the functioning of the entire body. Very often this looks like pain in the stomach and “shooting” in the back. During spring depression similar symptoms intensify, because vitamin deficiency further provokes the development of an anxious state. In addition, the weather during this period is deceptive, which pleases us first sun rays, rich in main enemy backs - drafts. As a result, the man experiences very significant pain, which only aggravates the state of depression.
  • Excessive addiction to bad habits. Loss of strength after a long winter period is always accompanied by anxiety, in which a man begins to smoke much more than usual. Some depressed individuals in the spring, falling into deep despondency, try to fight it with the most radical methods - alcohol. And the opportunity to get out after hibernation going out into nature, barbecuing or fishing only becomes an additional incentive to increase the amount of alcohol consumption.
  • Erectile dysfunction. The general weakening of the body after winter is not in the best possible way affects sexual activity any man. Some people understand the short duration of the problem that has arisen, while others fall into persistent depression.
  • Negative thoughts. Men are accustomed to consider themselves the head of the family and support for all its members. If, at the onset of the spring blues, a self-confident person begins to have health problems, then depression due to this factor cannot be avoided. Representatives of the stronger sex do not like to show their emotions openly, so they accumulate all the negative thoughts that arise.

Ways to combat spring depression

You shouldn’t consider this problem a seasonal whim that you don’t need to pay attention to. All neuroses once began with rather innocent emotional experiences. When asked how to cope with spring depression, experts give fairly clear answers, which look like this:
  1. Changing your daily routine. Some people are used to staying up late at the computer or taking home work. As a result, they do not get enough sleep and feel exhausted throughout the day. Vitamin deficiency and improper planning of one's life activities can lead to the development of spring depression. At the same time, you should radically change your opinion about the correct daily routine, making serious adjustments to it. It is necessary to give your free time sports exercises and walks in the fresh air. Visiting entertainment complexes will also help cope with the problem that has arisen in the form of seasonal blues.
  2. Refusal of serious decisions. If a person begins to develop spring depression, then he cannot concentrate on important things. The most important projects and plans should be postponed for a while, because every mistake made later can aggravate the state of depression.
  3. Acquisition pet . If you are not allergic to animal fur, then psychologists advise using this recommendation. It is not necessary to buy the future pet of the whole family for exorbitant amounts of money. Sometimes mongrel cat or the dog is capable of becoming so devoted friend that there will be no trace left of the spring depression. If you don't want to get yourself a pet, you can purchase aquarium fish, the contemplation of which has a rather beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  4. Active communication with others. Loneliness is the main catalyst for exacerbation of spring depression. It is necessary to devote as much free time as possible to shared leisure time with your loved ones and friends. Sometimes even visiting a nightclub and then not getting enough sleep can significantly boost the morale of a person who is experiencing the effects of the seasonal blues.
  5. Help those in need. Before you create a “wailing wall” in your life, you need to look around and take a closer look at the problems of other people. After the analysis, many unfortunates will be amazed at the number of affected individuals who found themselves in a much more deplorable situation. Helping such sufferers can nullify the exacerbation of spring depression in a suffering person.
  6. More light. On a cloudy spring day, sometimes you just want to mope and hide from your immediate environment. Lamps with high power will help dispel this kind of depressive mood. In this case, it will be an artificial imitation of sunlight, but even this can significantly improve the mood of a person with a voiced problem.
  7. Aromatic baths. In this regard, it has proven itself well tangerine oil. If the first signs of spring depression begin to appear, you should try using this remedy. If it is not possible to purchase it, then pine and linden concentrates are quite suitable as an alternative.
  8. Nice new things. If a person has become a victim of spring depression, then it is worth trying the sounded method. Even a purchased plastic plate in a bright color will visually please people who are in a state of seasonal blues. If allowed cash, you can buy that thing that the sufferer has long liked.

Prevention of spring disorder

Our ancestors said, don’t stir up trouble while it’s quiet. To avoid falling into a trap seasonal depression and not become a hostage dangerous situation, you must adhere to the following rules:
  • Proper diet. After hibernation, the body urgently needs the intake of those products that contain catalysts for the release of endorphins (hormones of joy). Such magic pills include nuts, bananas and chocolate in reasonable doses. Don’t forget about fruits and vegetables that can keep a person afloat after some restrictions in his diet during the winter.
  • Taking multivitamins. This recommendation limited by the fact that it must be carried out only after consultation with your therapist. Nutrients are beneficial only if they are not abused. Vitamin B9 ( folic acid) can then be taken either as a medicinal drug or as a substitute such as green salad, beans, liver and citrus fruits.
  • Aromatherapy. Some pleasant smells in certain cases they have relaxation properties. Essential oils based on the already mentioned orange, juniper and cinnamon will be able to eliminate all the hardships of the past day for a person who cares about the proper functioning of his nervous system.
  • Active lifestyle. Experts recommend resorting to this method. Sports or simply feasible physical activity can destroy in the bud any seasonal troubles with emotional state person. Even simple walks around the city sunny days or forays into nature can charge you with positivity.
  • Chatting with fun people. If you have friends who can cheer you up, you should definitely spend as much time with them as possible. In general, you should not isolate yourself and limit your communication. If you have no real friends, you should start meeting new people. The same gym, swimming pool, or new hobby will help with this.
  • New hobbies. Finding yourself, a new “I”, and studying unknown activities will help you get rid of depression. These could be courses from professionals, a master class on the Internet. For example, photography, quilling or any other type of handmade.
How to deal with depression in spring - watch the video:

When asking how to get rid of spring depression, you need to rely solely on your intuition. Only in a particularly emergency situation will you need the help of a psychotherapist, because the stated mental pathology is exclusively seasonal in nature.

Man is a strange creature of nature. All winter he whined that he wanted warmth and light, but as soon as spring came, instead of rejoicing at its arrival, he fell into strange condition. Blues, loss of energy, despondency, sad mood, tearfulness, melancholy - this is an incomplete list of spring sensations.

Life is not a joy, and there are “objective” reasons for this. The weather is not at all what I dreamed of in winter: not only are the days warm, but the sky is covered with clouds for a week. The summer skirt fits completely differently than it did last summer (and that’s not yet worst option– for some, last year’s skirt just won’t fit at all). The skin on the face peels off or, on the contrary, begins to shine and gape with pores.

It’s impossible to get up in the morning, even though the birds are singing their spring trills outside the window. People in transport are even more gloomy than in winter. Colleagues at work are very irritable, and the boss is angry. A state familiar to the smallest detail? Alas, you are captured by spring depression.

What is spring depression?

Speaking medical language, depression is a serious mental illness associated with biochemical changes in the brain and requiring serious and long-term treatment. But such conditions do not occur so often in people - and in this case, the help of a psychiatrist is needed, depression without medical intervention are fraught with serious consequences.

What we call depression in everyday life is actually a depressive state that often occurs in the spring. According to statistics, women are more susceptible to spring depression than men. Women with an active lifestyle are less likely to suffer from depression than those whose life interests revolve around the kitchen and diapers. Depressive states do not see differences between young girls and older women - spring blues all ages are submissive.

By what signs can you suspect spring depression? Symptoms of depression vary widely, but mandatory there is a decline in physical and mental strength. A simple test will help you check whether you are in a bad mood or just in a bad mood. If you have:

  • constantly bad mood;
  • frequent tears without serious reasons;
  • physical weakness;
  • irritability that is not typical for you;
  • constant feeling of anxiety, restlessness;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • insomnia;
  • a chronic feeling of fatigue, when performing even simple and familiar work requires enormous effort;
  • apathy, reluctance to work or learn something new;
  • difficulty concentrating: it is difficult to understand complex texts or what the presenters of analytical programs say;
  • loss of appetite or permanent strong desire There is;
  • headaches;
  • dark thoughts, including the darkest ones.

If you find yourself with three or four of the listed symptoms, then you most likely have spring depression. And if all the points are about your current condition, then it makes sense to consult a doctor - perhaps we are not talking about a depressive state, but about more serious problems.

Who's to blame?

In the most general sense, depression is one of the possible forms human response to stress factors. In some cases, such stress factors can be serious external influences: mental trauma, overload at work, change hormonal levels, associated, among other things, with the start of admission or refusal hormonal drugs, which is very important for women.

In other cases, depression is caused by a combination of reasons, each of which in itself is not capable of provoking depressive states, but all together give an effect when “ white light not nice." Spring depression, or rather, a depressive state, is the result of such a combination of reasons. Which ones?

Firstly, lack of sunlight. We have been accumulating this aggravating factor since about October - so in the spring it “fired” with serious consequences.

Secondly, hypoxia - oxygen starvation due to a lack of fresh air (in winter people spend less time in the fresh air), as well as due to a lack of a number of vitamins and microelements.

Thirdly, physical inactivity is a sedentary lifestyle. Winter, with its long periods of lying on the sofa in front of the TV, deprives our body of physical activity, and blood - sufficient quantity oxygen. And the body takes revenge on us for this in the spring. In addition, as a result of physical activity, the body produces endorphins - joy hormones. No physical activity - no joy.

Fourthly, weakened immunity due to poor nutrition in winter. In winter we ate a lot of high-calorie, fatty and carbohydrate foods, and fresh vegetables, fruits and greens were not eaten enough. And if we were sick, we took medications, including antibiotics, which immune system- a serious test.

Fifthly, hormonal changes body. Little is said about this, but every six months - in autumn and spring - our body rebuilds itself to new season, colder or warmer. This restructuring does not take place without consequences - the body spends its strength on it, thereby weakening itself. Female body responds more sensitively to hormonal changes.

How to deal with spring depression?

Depressive states can occur in different forms. If the melancholy gnaws for only a few days, that is, it is not protracted, and there are few pronounced symptoms, then anyone can cope with such depression without outside help- there would be a desire. In severe cases, when you cannot cope with spring depression on your own for more than a month, you will have to consult a specialist.

We give advice for those who were not dragged into the maelstrom by spring depression severe conditions, and a person is able to help himself. Methods of combating spring depression follow from the causes that give rise to it. What should I do?

1. Walk more often. If the day is sunny, then you need to make the most of the opportunity to get under ultraviolet radiation, to compensate for the winter lack of light. But even if there is little sun during the day, or the day is cloudy, still try to spend more time outdoors. During rain, there is usually fresh air rich in oxygen, and the body lacks it in the spring!

2. Exercise. If you are not a big fan of visiting gym, jog, play badminton in the park or in the yard, sign up for dancing. It has been noticed that those who are friendly with physical education suffer from depression 20 times less often!

3. Take vitamins. As you know, in spring the body is depleted due to a lack of vitamins. We definitely need to help him by taking poly vitamin complexes. It makes sense to buy vitamin complexes, and not dietary supplements, which have a narrowly targeted effect, unlike multivitamin preparations.

4. Review your food system. Avoid a winter diet with fatty and carbohydrate foods. Give your body a rest. But there is no need to go to the other extreme - to sharply limit yourself in nutrition. Hard low calorie diets increase depression, and if you snap and break your diet (which happens not so rarely), then a mild depressive state can develop into a serious disorder.
Lean on foods rich in iodine - cauliflower, kelp. Don't forget about freshly squeezed juices. Add fresh herbs to your food, don’t be shy with oriental spices - they can literally bring back the taste for life!

5. Prose of life - watch your intestines. Often the cause of depression is disruption of work gastrointestinal tract: stool disorders (both diarrhea and constipation), bloating, gas, pain. All these are symptoms of dysbiosis, which could manifest itself while taking antibiotics.
It makes sense to start a course of prebiotics, which, in principle, should have been carried out immediately after antibiotic treatment in the winter. In mild cases, when there are only minor problems on this side, it is enough to take natural yogurt and fermented milk products such as kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. Of course, we are talking only about yoghurts with live lactobacilli, and not about those that can be stored for six months without compromising quality.

6. Get more sleep. A sleeping person is not unhappy, and a well-rested person has more strength to fight depression. For healthy well-being the body needs at least 8 hours of full sleep, and during spring depression - nine.

7. Surround yourself with bright colors. Not everyone can afford to start renovating their apartment to fight depression and change the calm color of the wallpaper to a positive bright orange. If you are not one of those lucky ones, then try to at least slightly change your wardrobe, add bright accents in the form of scarves, handbags, and gloves. Hang a bright picture at work and rest your gaze on it more often.

8. Run away from loneliness. Communicate more with friends, family, relatives, acquaintances. Communicate in person, by phone, via Skype: the main thing is to hear a live voice. It will stir you up and prevent you from sinking deeper into depression.

9. Love yourself. Pamper yourself more often, buy yourself something tasty. If you are on a diet - reward yourself with shopping, even if you only have enough money for a handkerchief - buy it for yourself! Get a different haircut, change your hair color, paint your nails with bright polish. If you don't have the courage, at least paint your toenails brightly. Make yourself happy! Play cheerful music more often, especially when you are busy with the most “depressing” housework: washing floors, dishes, cleaning. Dance!

10. Remember: everything is transitory, everything comes to an end. And depression is no exception.

Berestova Svetlana

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When everything in the physical world and even in the family gets boring, when she lies there for days and any attempts by loved ones to stir her up only irritate her - what should a woman do with spring depression, when life loses its colors, and family and work still require participation just as in other times? time of year? Where do you get the energy to live?

It is known that mental illnesses worsen in the spring, including depression. In the spring, the number of requests for help from psychologists and psychiatrists increases, and the number of hospitalizations in a psychiatric hospital increases. Women experience spring depression as often as men, but women seek help more often. So why does this happen and how to deal with spring depression?

Symptoms of spring depression

When spring comes, the permanent blues, which somehow subsided in the winter, begin to wake up along with the outside world. Most people rejoice at the revival of nature, but there are people for whom spring is a time of depression and apathy, even hatred of life.

Elongation daylight hours naturally shortens the nights. Everyday life becomes noisy and crowded. The people around you are cheerful and cheerful, and you can increasingly hear them say: “Finally, spring has come!”, “How good!”

What's good? It doesn't seem that way to a depressed person. Birds irritate him with their chirping, the sun begins to shine too early and does not want to stop enlivening this world. People become more active and make such a fuss around that you want them to finally go to bed! They are planning something, and worst of all, they are enjoying this time of year, anticipating a hot summer, making noise and laughing. In the morning you don’t want to wake up, you’re overwhelmed by apathy and fatigue. My mood is worse than ever, nothing makes me happy, I don’t want to do anything. Only in the evening does it improve, when the sun sets and everything around calms down. You can still breathe freely at night. But after it comes the hated morning again.

Friends bother me and invite me for walks and picnics. And, being among them, it is impossible to understand where they get the strength to enjoy life? Why do they smile at the sun, but I want to hide from it and from them in a dark basement? Why am I not like everyone else?

This is spring depression. Advice to take up a new activity, sport, dancing, entertainment or anything else does not help. Everything has already been tried. When such a condition occurs year after year, one gets used to it and waits for the depression to subside. Only next spring she returns again.

Why does depression worsen in the spring?

In spring, all living things tremble; this time of year is a celebration of life. But for certain people, spring means the appearance of symptoms of depression and unwillingness to live. Against the backdrop of mass joy surrounding their own negative states They begin to multiply and press even harder. These are people with a sound vector.

Or in writing, composing poetry, reading philosophical works, studying various theories of the universe, etc. But all modern sound specialists, one way or another, strive for a complete understanding of the meaning of life as such, even if they are not aware of this deep-seated request. Why do I wake up and do the same actions day after day? Why does this world exist?

To learn to live among other people with pleasure, a person with a sound vector needs to know the structure of his psyche and the psyche of other people. The sound artist needs an answer to the question - why do all these people live, why does the world work this way - in order to find himself in it, his purpose. Revealing the characteristics of other people through eight vectors gives a person with a sound vector an understanding of their behavior, their states and worldview, which in comparison allows them to understand how they themselves work. Finding your place in life is possible only through understanding yourself and other people - how to interact with them and for what purpose to do this.

Everyone lives his unconscious, hiding real reasons human behavior and conditions. By revealing the mechanisms of the psyche, a person with a sound vector becomes able to realize himself in ordinary life. Which is the key to understanding how to get rid of the symptoms of depression, from the endless, year after year, recurring exacerbations of depression in the spring. Spring will bring joy in a new perception of the world and attitude towards people. The task of coping with spring depression becomes easily solved, like an abstract mathematical example, Yuri Burlan.

Proofreader: Natalya Konovalova

The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology»

Spring depression (seasonal affective disorder ) ruins the lives of many women and men. Blues reduces them vitality and can cause the emergence or exacerbation of various chronic diseases. The paradox is that this unpleasant state occurs at a wonderful time of nature’s awakening. The snow is melting, the sun is shining brighter, the birds are singing, the buds are swelling on the trees, but for some reason my soul is empty and gloomy. And life itself seems meaningless. This painful state can be changed.

Symptoms of spring depression

Spring depression manifests itself as sadness, apathy, lethargy, tearfulness, resentment, despondency, drowsiness, increased irritability, mood swings, grumpiness and even scandalousness. Some people develop a feeling of helplessness and loneliness, a feeling of depression, a state of lack of will and unwillingness to do something. They suffer from this. They often unsuccessfully try to attract the attention of family and friends by complaining about deteriorating health and loss of interest in life. Conversations begin in a raised tone and showdowns, which in no way improves the mood of others and only increases the number of people suffering from depression.

Seasonal depression (spring and autumn) is popularly called spring or autumn exacerbation in schizophrenics. This is a very offensive definition of the fact of change mental state a specific person is often used to insult or humiliate.

Mentally healthy people may react to the changing seasons in different ways. For example, overeating. This causes weight gain, decreased activity, and dissatisfaction with oneself. All negative feelings and thoughts are consumed with sweets, which leads to sharp increase blood sugar with all the ensuing consequences. It is more difficult for the body to function due to insufficient receipt and absorption of vitamins, physical inactivity, chronic fatigue, seasonal acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.

How to prevent spring depression

You can prevent spring depression in a variety of ways.

1. First of all, this active image a life in which there is no time left for soul-searching. It is worth postponing discussion and clarification “for later” bad relationship, solving unpleasant problems that are not urgent.

2. Housewives need to leave the house more often, appear in public, visit exhibitions, go to the movies, theaters, concerts, etc. Spend less time in the kitchen, allow yourself to use semi-finished products even when at other times this food is prohibited.

3. It is worth running away from any conflicts. Do not let any negative information pass through yourself. Just take it into consideration. Better to be distant. Don’t retell to others the horrors you saw on TV and don’t chew on other people’s troubles. Help them, but don't take all their pain on yourself. Avoid those people who “vampire”. Their company can deprive them of energy and strength. IN as a last resort treat them to a cup of sweet tea and quickly end the meeting, citing urgent matters.

4. From the end of winter it is worth taking vitamin complexes. Eat more healthy food. There should be fresh fruits and raw vegetables, not bags of store-bought juice. Don't overeat. Try to voluntarily limit yourself to something. This will increase your self-esteem.

5. You can treat yourself to dark chocolate, bananas and other foods with the happiness hormone serotonin. Allow yourself a little “tasty”. Better not at night, so as not to wake up in the morning with an unpleasant feeling guilt towards oneself and poor health.

6. It is in spring that the body needs good sleep. There's no point in continuing nap after sunset, because this may cause insomnia. It is better to go to bed before 23.00. Sleeping before midnight is considered the most beneficial.

7. Increase your time outdoors. Walk, move, visit pools or take a shower at home. Clear the snow from the paths and watch nature awaken. Bring cut branches of trees or shrubs and place them at home in the most beautiful vase with water. It will be nice to see how the buds swell and bloom, and tiny roots appear. Some plants, such as cherry trees, may even bloom.

8. Praise yourself more often, remember your achievements. Admire good photographs, put aside those in which you are close to people you find unpleasant.

9. Make plans. Any. Let it not even be a trip to warm regions, but planning the “sowing season”, drawing up a plan for the day (month), studying the program schedule, etc. The main thing is perspective and anticipation of pleasant things.

10. How often flowers save us. In spring you can treat yourself to inexpensive flowering bulbs or other indoor plants. I'm surprised every time I hear that bad omen Donated plants in pots are considered. This is a strange superstition associated with plants. Not all people like to be given bouquets. For example, I would like to immediately start cutting beautiful roses, lilies and chrysanthemums, the beauty of which is so short-lived in bouquets. However, for many women it is beautiful bouquet lifts the mood.

How to cure spring depression

When treating serious spring depression, you should trust a professional psychotherapist. Only he will be able to prescribe those medications that will help even in the most severe cases. Sometimes you have to take psychotropic drugs. Among them there are effective new generation antidepressants that do not cause addiction.

For mild to moderate depression, self-medication is possible. Many people buy from pharmacies herbal antidepressants, which are sold without a prescription. For example, based on St. John's wort (" Negrustin "). Helps someone lemongrass extract or Eleutherococcus , others need it more valerian or mint .

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