In conditions of elevated temperature, diuresis. Determination of daily diuresis and determination of water balance

What is diuresis? This term used to determine the amount of urine excreted over a set period of time. In medicine, it is customary to measure the volume of urine released in 24 hours. An adult should produce 1 to 2 liters of urine per day. Pathological processes in the human body can significantly affect diuresis.

Phases of urine formation

A healthy body secretes at least 500 ml of biomaterial per day. This volume is optimal for full-fledged work kidneys and removal of all metabolic products.

The process of urine formation in kidney tissue (nephrons) is divided into the following phases:

  • Filtration of substances with low molecular weight. Low molecular weight elements are delivered to the glomerulus from the vessels (the place where primary urine is collected) through the bloodstream. Glucose, water and creatinine are included in the first portion.
  • The process of secondary absorption of elements into the blood (reabsorption). It occurs in the tubular system. Unnecessary for the body elements are excreted with urinary fluid.
  • Secretion of tubules. The body is freed from waste products, and excess elements are filtered into the nephron cavity.

Types of diuresis

According to the qualitative and quantitative indicators of osmotic substances (OS) contained in urine, they speak of the following types diuresis:

  • Osmotic. An increase in the rate of urine excretion due to exceeded RH. Enters urine large number active substances. A similar thing is observed in diabetics.
  • Antidiuresis. Reduced rate urine with a high concentration of OM in its composition. Antidiuresis is observed in people who have undergone surgery abdominal cavity.
  • Water. Excessive volume of urine against the background of low OM composition. Manifests itself as a result of drinking a large number of drinks, with alcoholism.

In pathologies, the volume of fluid excreted changes significantly:

  • Polyuria. Excesses established norm excreted urine. Over the course of a day, its volume increases to three liters. Polyuria is associated with diseases such as arterial hypertension, diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus.
  • Oliguria. It is diagnosed when the count of urine excreted during the day shows a value of up to 500 ml. The main factors for the manifestation of oliguria are physiological processes(increased sweating and drinking a small amount of water), less common with elevated body temperature and bleeding.
  • Anuria. When up to 50 ml of fluid is released per day, anuria is diagnosed. A small amount of urine output may be associated with kidney disease.
    Ishuria. Urine enters the bladder but is not expelled. Immediate insertion of a catheter into the bladder is required. Ischuria is observed in men with prostate problems.

Day and night indicators

The ratio of daytime to nighttime diuresis should be 4:1. Deviation from this proportion in the direction of exceeding the night indicator is called a symptom that has an important diagnostic value. The process is characterized by a violation of blood flow to the kidneys.

Frequent urge to urinate at night is common in people suffering from urological diseases, diabetes, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and nephrosclerosis.

Indicators of renal activity are calculated using special algorithms for measuring diuresis, called the Zimnitsky test. Every three hours, a sample is collected in different containers throughout the day. Urine collected from 6 am to 6 pm is considered daytime diuresis, the remaining four portions are considered night diuresis.

The laboratory conducts a urine density test using the provided biomaterial. U healthy person the amount of urine in different portions ranges from 40 to 300 ml. For more accurate indicators, a second urine sample will be required for general analysis.
Minute, hourly and daily indicator.

The volume of urine excreted in 60 seconds is called minute diuresis. Its determination is usually necessary to perform the Rehberg test, which calculates creatinine clearance. To do this, drink 0.5 liters on an empty stomach. boiled water, the first urination is not suitable for testing. Repeated urine is collected with a time stamp for visiting the toilet. The last urination should be recorded at the end of 24 hours.

Thus, throughout the day, urine, according to Rehberg’s method, is collected in one clean container, its volume is noted and time frames collection By dividing the daily diuresis by 1440, the minute value is obtained. Normally it should be from 0.55 to 1 ml.

Why is the assessment of hourly urine output important in medicine? Seriously ill patients The volume of urine is measured hourly by attaching a catheter to the bladder. This indicator helps monitor changes in the condition of patients in a coma. An adequate rate is from 30 to 50 ml per hour. If urine output is less than 15 ml in 60 minutes, it is necessary to increase the intensity of infusions. If blood pressure is close to normal, and diuresis is low, then Salnikov’s remedy is administered intravenously to increase urination.

Norm value daily diuresis quite vague, as it depends on many factors, including how much a person drinks. The amount of urine is affected by age, weight, alkaline balance, food, consumed food additives and medicines.

Normal daily urine output

Normal daily diuresis is 70–80% of the amount of fluid consumed.
To maintain a full metabolism, urine should be produced at least 0.5 liters per day. When performing a urine test, you should not use diuretics. Overload of nephrons with glucose, uric acid and bicarbonate may indicate organic pathology. With a significant decrease in water in the body, the level of vasopressin (a hormone that regulates the optimal level of water balance in organs).

A significant decrease in the daily value (less than 500 ml) may indicate the presence of many diseases. A diagnosis should be made by a specialist.

Diuresis in children

Newborns have low performance urination due to low water intake. As the child gains weight, urine output increases. In small children under one year old, this figure reaches 450 ml; by 5 years, the norm increases by 300 ml; at 10 years, another 200 ml is added. Daily diuresis in children is measured according to the following model: 600 + 100x(p - 1) ml per day, where p is the child’s age. The formula is applicable for all age groups.

A visual table of the norm of diuresis in children

Average daily urine volume, ml

Frequency of urination per day

Urine output at one time, ml


Infants 5-6 months

One year old babies

Children 3-5 years old

Age 5-7 years

The daily diuresis rate during pregnancy has wider limits and amounts to 60–80% of water consumed. The body of a pregnant woman tends to accumulate a lot of water, which affects weight gain. Urinary retention for for a long time causes swelling of the legs, and fluid may accumulate in the woman's abdominal cavity (ascites).

You can correctly calculate the expectant mother’s diuresis by filling out a special table where the amount of fluid consumed and excreted is recorded. The entire volume of outgoing urine is collected and counted. The information entered into the table per day is analyzed independently or sent to a specialist. Determining the amount of daily diuresis allows the doctor to identify diseases genitourinary system and prescribe the necessary treatment.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother will have to undergo regular blood and urine tests. The research results allow the doctor to assess the dynamics of pregnancy in order to identify in time possible pathologies. A 24-hour urine test for diuresis is an important laboratory test that shows changes in kidney function and urinary tract. How to properly prepare for the analysis and interpret the results obtained?

The essence of the analysis

Daily diuresis is the amount of urine, measured in liters, that was excreted by a woman’s body in 24 hours. As the pregnancy progresses, the fetus grows and the uterus expands, putting pressure on the kidneys and bladder. Analysis of diuresis is extremely important for a pregnant woman, since during pregnancy the body's need for fluid increases. It is necessary that all the water you drink can be excreted in the form of urine. Fluid stagnation leads to swelling of the limbs and other health problems for the expectant mother and child.

The result of a urine urine test will provide the doctor with the following information:

  • how much fluid does a pregnant woman consume;
  • how the kidneys cope;
  • Are there any deviations in the regulation of the body’s water-salt balance?

Particularly important this analysis with late toxicosis, when there is obvious dehydration. In this case, it is necessary to take medications to improve the condition of the pregnant woman and prevent the development of edema.

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To ensure that the research result is informative and accurately reflects clinical picture, you need to properly prepare for urine collection. When collecting daily urine, it is important to consume the amount of fluid familiar to the body. Taking diuretics, non-compliance with the rules for collecting and storing biomaterial, violation of diet or drinking regimen can lead to a distortion of the result.

Preparatory stage

2-3 days before the start of urine collection, you must:

  • completely eliminate the use of diuretics;
  • give up spicy, fatty and salty foods, which provoke excessive fluid intake and retain water in the body;
  • stop eating vegetables and fruits that can change the color of urine (beets, carrots, etc.);
  • drink the norm neat still water– 1.5-2 l;
  • Avoid increased physical activity and fatigue.

Each portion of urine within 24 hours should be collected in a dry, clean container with a volume of 2.5-3 liters. It is advisable to buy in advance a pharmaceutical plastic container of the required volume with a graduation scale. If purchase is not possible, it is allowed to collect biomaterial in an ordinary glass jar. Before starting collection, the jar must be thoroughly rinsed and disinfected.

Urine collection rules

How to correctly collect daily urine so that the result is adequate? There are several conditions that must be adhered to:

  • Urine is collected strictly within 24 hours. You need to start collecting in the morning. The first portion of urine goes into the toilet.
  • From the moment of the first urination, you should note the time, after which 24 hours you need to collect all the urine in a prepared container.
  • Be sure to record the amount of fluid consumed per day (water, tea, coffee, juices, soups).
  • Before each trip to the toilet, you need to wash yourself to prevent mucus and bacteria from the external genitalia from getting into your urine.
  • Between collection periods, store the jar of urine in a cool, dark place, preferably in the refrigerator.
  • After the last urination, the volume of urine collected should be measured.
  • At the end of the collection, mix the collected biomaterial, take a portion of 50-100 ml into a sterile plastic container and deliver it to the laboratory for analysis within the next 2 hours. Provide information about the volume of diuresis to the employee of the medical institution.

Analysis of daily diuresis during pregnancy allows you to evaluate the following indicators:

  • Physical properties - color, transparency, specific gravity, pH of the environment.
  • Chemical properties - normal protein, glucose, bilirubin, hemoglobin, ketone bodies and nitrites in the urine of a pregnant woman should be absent or present in small quantities.
  • Microscopic examination of sediment - determination of erythrocytes, leukocytes, squamous epithelium, mucus, pathogenic microorganisms, phosphates, oxolates, etc. These substances should normally be absent.

Normal daily diuresis during pregnancy

The body of a pregnant woman needs fluid just like the body of any other person. Normal daily consumption water is 1-2 liters, in case of pregnancy it may deviate slightly upward or downward.

The following factors influence the amount of fluid you drink per day:

  • indoor air temperature and humidity;
  • time of year - in summer you want to drink more and more often;
  • labor intensity;
  • medications taken;
  • drinking habits of a person developed over the years.

Normally, at least 70-80% of the volume of fluid taken per day should be excreted in the urine. The remaining 20% ​​is withdrawn via sweat glands. It is important to consider the consumption of not only water, soup and tea, but also solid foods. In the bread flour products and chocolate contain a certain percentage of moisture. Ingredients information can be found on the product packaging.

Calculation example

How to calculate diuresis correctly? To perform the calculation, no special medical knowledge or skills are required. In order to correctly estimate the amount of urine excreted per day, it is important to correctly enter all the data into the table. It is necessary to note all foods in the diet, especially fresh fruit and vegetables - they contain large percentage moisture.

An example of calculating daily diuresis is as follows:

In the example, diuresis was 1080 ml, which is equal to 75% of the volume of daily fluid consumed. On average this indicator should not fall below 70%.

The amount of urine excreted per day is at least 500 ml if the pregnant woman drinks little water (about 800 ml per day).

Reasons for deviations

During pregnancy, as a result of the active production of the hormone progesterone, some problems with fluid excretion are possible. Progesterone is responsible for the active saturation of tissues and organs with moisture. Due to the restructuring of the body, abundant fluid consumption may be observed - up to 2.5 liters of fluid per day, which is not a pathology.

If less than 70% of the volume of liquid drunk per day is excreted in the urine, we can talk about possible problems. A change in diuresis can be observed both in volumetric ratio and hourly - at night a pregnant woman goes to the toilet more often than during the day.

Deviation of diuresis from the norm is expressed in the following terms:

  • polyuria (the amount of urine excreted exceeds 2.5 liters);
  • oliguria (diuresis less than 0.5 liters);
  • anuria ( complete absence urine, or minor discharge of less than 50 ml in 24 hours);
  • nocturia (night diuresis is 2/3 or more of daily urine output).

Abnormal diuresis may be caused by:

  • late toxicosis, in which all consumed moisture is excreted with vomit, which threatens dehydration;
  • renal pathology (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, ischemic nephropathy, etc.);
  • diseases endocrine system(diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • thrombosis of renal vessels;
  • hemolytic disease;
  • heavy metal intoxication.

If you are dehydrated or suspected renal pathology An additional test for protein in the urine is prescribed. Proteinuria (the release of protein in urine) can be both physiological and pathological. In the second case, the patient must be prescribed treatment.

How to normalize diuresis?

The cause of abnormal diuresis can be determined by a doctor after complete medical examination patients. After final diagnosis will be installed, the specialist will prescribe curative therapy With possible application.

Integrated approach treatment involves changing the pregnant woman’s lifestyle. To normalize diuresis, you will have to give up overly spicy, sweet and salty foods so as not to experience a regular feeling of thirst. Can be used folk recipes diuretics - a decoction of rosehip or cranberry. In addition to normalizing water balance, they perfectly strengthen the immune system thanks to high concentration vitamin C in its composition.

Research on human waste products is informative and accessible in medicine. Daily diuresis is an object for this type laboratory diagnostics, like a daily urine test. It shows the daily amount of urination (including nighttime diuresis and daytime diuresis), determines the presence of substances indicating certain abnormalities. Urine output is used to evaluate performance internal organs in newborns and up to old age.

Types of daily urine output tests

Why is it necessary to study daytime diuresis and nighttime diuresis? What does it give? Urine is tested to calculate the concentrations of certain substances in the body:

  1. Protein (called daily proteinuria analysis). The loss of protein is not taken into account, but its increase should be considered a sign of life-threatening diseases.
  2. Collecting test material for sugar is often prescribed to patients with diabetes.
  3. Control of oxalate content is carried out in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Urine is checked for the presence of cortisol inclusions in it. If they are elevated, then we can talk about the presence of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.
  5. Metanephrines (called analysis: urine for salturesis). Surrender is required if there is suspicion of benign tumor, which progresses slowly and does not have bright manifestations.

When and to whom is it done?

In case of illness diabetes mellitus It is mandatory to take a urine sample to determine kidney disease.

It is necessary to submit urine for daily analysis when checking the functioning of the kidneys, to control the substances released during the day. A daily urine test is required if:

  • diabetes mellitus, then 24-hour urine analysis will help control the patient’s glucose level;
  • kidney diseases (when water balance is disturbed, diuresis outflow or failures occur in the performance of their functions);
  • pregnancy, then a daily urine test helps determine how a woman’s body copes with stress.

Preparation: how not to distort the results

No need to collect urine special training. Collection rules will be explained medical worker, focusing the patient’s attention on the fact that urine collection requires care and correct actions. There are several requirements that the analysis takes into account:

  1. Must comply with acceptable drinking regime so that the level of water balance is normal.
  2. The use of diuretics and certain medications (for example, aspirin) is prohibited.
  3. It is not recommended to eat beets, carrots and other dyes natural origin, affecting the color of urine for analysis.
  4. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
  5. For women, urine collection for daily diuresis during menstruation is contraindicated.
  6. It is not recommended to have sexual intercourse 12 hours before collecting material.

How to collect from children and adults: collection rules

To ensure the accuracy of the analysis, urine must be collected following the collection rules.

How to properly collect urine for analysis? The research will be correct if you adhere to the following actions:

  • to check daily diuresis in children and adults, urine is collected in a sterile container with divisions to calculate the volume;
  • for collection, it is necessary to wash the external genitalia so that unnecessary substances do not get out of them;
  • collection of daily urine begins without the first portion; determination of daily urine output does not require its infusion;
  • Urine should be stored in the refrigerator;
  • the entire container is not needed in the laboratory, you can estimate at home how much the daily norm is;
  • from total mass up to 200 ml are poured, which are delivered to the laboratory, indicate the time (no hourly clarification is required), from when and at what time the urine was collected and the full volume (determine it yourself), how old the patient is;
  • sometimes an indicator such as weight is needed, sometimes height is also measured.

Performance standards: within what limits are they assessed?

In the table for assessing urine per day, the state of water balance and calculating daily diuresis, laboratory assistants can find all the standard values. Correct results are recorded on a special sheet and transferred to the doctor for subsequent diagnosis or prescription of additional diagnostic methods examinations. The algorithm of actions for assessment includes the following basic indicators, the value of which determines the conclusion:

  • total volume of urine excreted per day: normal change in daily diuresis in an adult man is 1-2 l, in women - 1-1.6, normal daily diuresis in children is no more than 1 l;
  • rate of diuresis (hourly control);
  • color, transparency, density (normally, in adults and children, urine should be without turbidity);
  • in a healthy person, hemoglobin should be absent in a urine test per day;
  • measurement of glucose when submitting material for sugar (norm - 1.6 mmol/day);
  • creatinine count (if it is elevated, this indicates acute infections, hypothyroidism, etc.), the value of which should fluctuate between 5.3-16 mmol/day. for females and 7−18 for males;
  • pH is a characteristic whose change affects the pH of the blood;
  • measuring urea level ( normal indicator for all categories of the population 250-570 mmol, deviations are a signal of disease);
  • measure oxalates, normal value which ranges from 228−626 µmol/day;
  • check for the presence of protein (daily proteinuria): valid selections 0.08-0.24 g/day;
  • daily urine is checked for bilirubin, which indicates blood or liver diseases;
  • human diuresis is examined for the presence of urobilinogen (no more than 10 µmol).

Allocated by the patient during the day.

Daily diuresis in adults ranges from 800 ml to 2000 ml and depends on age, temperature and humidity environment, nutritional conditions, physical activity and other factors and should be 75-80% of the amount of fluid drunk. 20-25% of the fluid is excreted through sweat, breathing and stool.

Daily water balance is the ratio between the amount of fluid introduced into the body and the amount of fluid excreted from the body during the day. The liquid contained in fruits, soups, vegetables, etc., as well as the volume of parenterally administered solutions are taken into account.

Water balance accounting

Indications: monitoring a patient with edema. Detecting hidden edema, increasing edema and monitoring the effect of diuretics.

A prerequisite: not only urine, but also the patient’s vomit and bowel movements are taken into account.

Stages Justification

Preparation for the procedure

1. Establish a trusting relationship with the papist, assess his ability to independent conduct procedures

Ensuring informed participation in collaboration

2. Ensure that the patient can perform a fluid count.

3. Explain the purpose and progress of the study and obtain the patient’s consent to the procedure

Ensuring the patient's right to


4. Explain to the patient the need to adhere to the usual water, food and physical regime

Ensuring the reliability of accounting results

5. Ensure that the patient has not taken diuretics within 3 days before the test

6. Give detailed information about the order of entries in the water balance sheet, make sure you are able to fill out the sheet

7. Explain the approximate percentage of water in food to make it easier to account for water balance.

Note: Solid foods may contain 60 to 80% water

Ensuring that the procedure is carried out effectively

8. Prepare equipment


Executing the procedure

1. Explain that at 6.00 it is necessary to release urine into the toilet

Exclusion from daily diuresis formed during

urine night

2. Collect urine after each urination into a graduated container and measure diuresis

Condition for the procedure

3. Record the amount of liquid released on the accounting sheet

4. Record the amount of liquid received on the accounting sheet

5. Explain that it is necessary to indicate the time of intake or administration of liquid, as well as the time of release of Liquid in the water balance sheet during the day, before 6.00 next day

6. At 6.00 the next day, hand in the accounting sheet nurse

End of the procedure

1. Determine to the nurse. what amount of fluid should be released along with urine (normal)

Calculation of water balance is determined by the formula: amount of urine excreted x 0.8 (80%) = = amount of urine that should be excreted normally

2. Compare the amount of fluid released with the amount of calculated fluid (normal)

Note: this may be the result of the action of diuretic medicinal diuretic foods, the influence of the cold season

5. Make entries on the water balance sheet

Note: a positive water balance indicates the effectiveness of treatment and the resolution of edema. A negative water balance indicates an increase in edema or ineffectiveness of the dose of diuretics.



Hospital name______________________________

Department ______________________

Chamber Nt_________________________

Full name Ivanov Petr Sergeevich

Age 45 years_ _______________ Body weight 70_kg

Diagnosis Examination

Quantity of liquid


IV drip

Total drunk

Total allocated

Calculation: in in this example daily diuresis should be: 1500 x 0.8 (80% of the amount of liquid drunk) U = 1200 ml, and it is 130 ml less. This means that the water balance is negative, which indicates the ineffectiveness of treatment or an increase in edema.

A positive pregnancy test tells a woman that she has a new, very important responsibility - to monitor her health with renewed attention. The quality of intrauterine life of her child depends on the mother’s well-being. It is no coincidence that pregnant women undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist and undergo tests right up to the birth - in order for the baby to be born healthy, everything must be under control. Blood and urine tests are considered one of the most informative, in particular special meaning Doctors give diuresis during pregnancy.

Often, a doctor asks a pregnant patient to track the so-called daily diuresis, that is, to calculate the volume of urine that her body produces and excretes in a period limited to 24 hours.

Daily diuresis during pregnancy - important indicator, indicating how well the kidney apparatus is expectant mother copes with the removal of decay components and excess fluid from the body. About 2 million nephrons work tirelessly to filter blood plasma and form primary urine. Next, the primary product, going through the stage of saturation and reabsorption, is converted into urine, which is excreted by the urinary system. The composition and quantity of urine depend on homeostasis, and some fluctuations in these indicators are allowed, not exceeding normal limits.

During pregnancy, doctors are most often interested in a woman’s daily diuresis, although in some cases there is a need to analyze the urinary process in detail, for example, within one hour. For the same reason, diuresis can be classified into daytime and nighttime. All these studies help to study the water balance in the body of the expectant mother, as well as evaluate functional activity sweat glands and organs of the urinary system.

How to calculate diuresis during pregnancy

Carry out necessary research the expectant mother can do it on her own at home. However, the reliability of the results can only be confirmed using laboratory research. Official data will allow the doctor to diagnose disorders of the urinary system.

  1. Buy a transparent graduated container with a handle and a tight-fitting lid at the pharmacy. The division scale is designed to make it easy to count the amount of urine. If you cannot find a special container, use glass jar volume of at least 2 liters, having previously disinfected it and selected a reliable lid.
  2. The experiment begins early in the morning, at 6 o'clock.
  3. Wash yourself before every urination warm water without any cosmetic product.
  4. Throw the first portion of urine in a day into the toilet without any residue. Don't forget to record the emptying time. bladder. Collect the remaining portions of urine into a container for analysis.
  5. Try to make your last urination at the same time as your first.
  6. Place the container with biological material in a cool place where direct sunlight does not reach.
  7. Urine collection is simultaneously accompanied by a calculation of the liquid consumed per day.

Below you see a table of urine output during pregnancy for a sample:

When filling out the table, be careful not to lose sight of any source of fluid intake. Human body It receives moisture not only from drinks and first courses, it also finds it in vegetables, fruits and berries. Moreover, a certain percentage of liquid, albeit small, is present in solid foods. These are cereals, bread, legumes, chocolate, etc. If you need to control diuresis during pregnancy, you should always pay attention to product packaging: many manufacturers always indicate the percentage of liquid in their product.

By comparing the total amount of fluid ingested and urine excreted, you can find out the state of water balance in the body, which can be normal, positive or negative.

After completing the experiment, you need to deliver the collected biological material to the laboratory. Try to do this without delay. It is not necessary to take the entire daily portion of urine to a medical facility - it is enough to record the total volume of urine, and then mix it and pour a small portion (about 100 ml) into a sealed container for analysis.

In a laboratory setting, specialists sort biological substances “on the shelves.” To have a complete understanding of the functioning of the urinary system of a pregnant woman, the study of urine begins with determining its specific gravity and reactions of the local environment, then the percentage of protein, sugar, ketone and urobilin bodies in the urine is calculated, and the composition of its sediment is analyzed.

Normal diuresis during pregnancy

In an adult who is not burdened with serious illnesses, the daily volume of urine varies between 1.5 - 2 liters. In particular, for representatives of the fair sex, diuresis is considered normal in the amount of 70–80% of the volume of liquid drunk, of which 2/3 is excreted by the body during the day, and the rest at night.

Women who are preparing to become mothers are going through a difficult time, as all organs and systems of the body adapt to the needs of the little person. However, despite such a dramatic change, diuresis during pregnancy should ideally remain the same as before conception.

The volume of urine excreted is largely determined by several factors:

  • air temperature and humidity;
  • degree of physical activity;
  • diseases that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Minimum urine volume indicating normal work kidneys is 0.5 l, which corresponds to 0.8 l of liquid drunk. Let us give an example of daily diuresis during pregnancy and the structure of the water balance in the body of the expectant mother.

While waiting for a baby, water balance indicators are often distorted because female body because of heavy load tends to retain some liquid. This is also facilitated by a large amount of the hormone progesterone in the blood of the expectant mother: the substance is directly involved in the processes of tissue hydration. Acceptable rate excess liquid in the body during 9 months of pregnancy is 1.5 - 2.7 liters. With such indicators there is no danger to the woman and the fetus.

To normalize water balance during pregnancy, experts recommend that expectant mothers more often eat foods that are natural diuretics, that is, they help remove fluid from the body. This buckwheat, watermelon, melon, berries, coffee (in small quantities).

Diuresis disturbances during pregnancy

Knowing the norm, monitoring diuresis during pregnancy is easy. The optimal volume of daily urine for an expectant mother varies from 60 to 80% of the volume of fluid that has entered the body over the past 24 hours. If a pregnant woman has negative urine output, the woman experiences swelling in her legs. However, in the absence of any aggravating factors, water balance can be normalized in a few days by correcting the water regime and diet.

Diuresis disturbances can relate to various indicators: the amount of urine, the ratio of daytime and nighttime volumes, the physical and biochemical characteristics of urine. If the pathology affects the quantitative indicators of diuresis, the following disorders are spoken of:

Causes of impaired daily diuresis during pregnancy

All pregnant women gain weight, and a significant part of the kilograms is formed due to the accumulation of water. With gestosis, which is typical for many expectant mothers, the volume of daily urine is only 40%, a woman wants to go to the toilet “in a small way” mainly at night, and she replenishes the body’s double need for water when she drinks during the day. In such a situation, daily diuresis decreases, and the expectant mother’s legs swell.

The main signs of impaired diuresis due to gestosis in pregnant women are as follows:

  • feeling extreme thirst, which is difficult to satisfy;
  • decrease in the amount of urine excreted per day;
  • increased frequency of trips to the toilet at night;
  • severe weight gain;
  • high blood pressure;
  • the presence of protein particles in the urine.

With a disorder of daily diuresis, the body weight of the expectant mother begins to rapidly increase after the 20th week of pregnancy. According to the laws of physiology, during this period the needle on the scale should record an increase in body weight by an average of 50 g per day (approximately 350 - 400 g per week). Due to gestosis, a pregnant woman gains up to 600 g per week.

But there are other factors that, in addition to gestosis, cause disruption of the urinary system. Among them we note:

  • physical activity that does not meet the real needs of the pregnant woman;
  • stress;
  • staying in one position for a long time without moving;
  • holding your hands above your head for a long time;
  • large fruit size.



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