At what age are cats spayed? When to spay a cat? How to care for her during this period? When is the best time to sterilize a cat?

When a person takes a female kitten into his home, he must know when to sterilize the cat, because soon the animal will begin to “walk.” Babies grow very quickly and as early as six months the first signs may appear that the cat is ready to reproduce. If you do not give her the opportunity to reproduce, the cat will begin to have hysterical attacks. This condition is difficult both for the animal and for everyone who is in the house with it.

It is worth noting that for those cats that do not leave the house, the call of nature will be no less noticeable than for street cats. At the same time, the animal suffers greatly and worries. The cat "walks" twice a year. That is, if the breeder does not take any measures, the situation will repeat itself every 6 months. Already in the first year of life, a cat can give birth to offspring. If the breeder does not intend to breed cats, and even more so when the animal is not purebred, then it is worth carrying out the sterilization procedure.

The question of when you can sterilize a cat is especially relevant for those who are going to let their pet outside. Here it will be difficult to protect her from unwanted pregnancy. Even when the animal does not go further than its yard, mating can occur.

Cats find females by smell even when they are in remote places.

For the cat and its owners, the period of “binge” will be a big problem. But there is a solution for this. We are talking about sterilization. This is an operation for which you need to carefully prepare, and after it, you need to properly care for the cat, since the rehabilitation period is quite long. Sterilization is recommended for all cats that are not planned to be mated with male cats for procreation. But breeders are often worried about whether such a procedure can be carried out at a young age. In addition, the issue of security is always relevant. It must be remembered that sterilizing a cat is a full-fledged operation. If something goes wrong, the animal may die, but in most cases everything goes well.

Advantages and disadvantages of sterilization

Not all breeders immediately decide to give their pet away for surgery. The thing is that there are a lot of rumors about this procedure that create a negative impression among breeders. But, in fact, sterilization has both pros and cons.

Among the positive aspects, it is worth noting the enormous benefits for the health of the animal that this operation provides. The thing is that the lack of desire to reproduce allows the cat to maintain its nerves and mental health. Therefore, experts recommend sterilization as early as possible. Veterinarians note that sterilized animals are not only calmer, but also much less likely to suffer from mammary cancer.

The only alternative to surgery is the use of hormonal drugs. They are given to cats to deceive natural urges. But experts do not recommend using such medications too often.

With constant use of hormonal tablets, an animal may develop a cancerous tumor in the genital organs.

If you carry out the sterilization procedure on time, you can avoid early birth, which can be fatal for a cat. In addition, the animal will not want to run away from home, so the owner will not have to worry about where the pet disappears and whether everything is okay with it.

Most cats cope well with surgery. Most often, after sterilization, breeders note that pets become more affectionate, assiduous and calm. That is, a cat would be an ideal pet for a home. She will not shit in the corners, as individuals do during heat, which are not allowed outside.

And yet there are many rumors that sterilization is harmful. But this applies only to those cases when the operation is performed in inappropriate conditions, and low-quality drugs are used as anesthesia. This happens when a breeder tries to save money and turns to doctors without qualifications or experience in performing such operations.

Most problems that can happen during a cat spay are related to the anesthesia. The animal may experience an allergic reaction during the operation. In addition, many cats have difficulty recovering from anesthesia. But with the right medications, this problem should not arise.

Some problems may also arise after surgery. The thing is that sterilized cats become not only calmer and more affectionate, but also lazy. Due to idleness, pets begin to binge on food, and breeders often overfeed the animal. As a result, the cat may become obese. Metabolic disorders also contribute to this. But with the right approach to feeding, there should be no problems with obesity. Nowadays, manufacturers of ready-made food offer special options for sterilized animals. This will be an ideal choice.

All problems can be avoided if you don’t skimp on your pet and choose a good clinic. The cat owner must also be prepared for the fact that he will have to spend a lot of time caring for his pet during postoperative rehabilitation.

Alternative to sterilization

If negative reviews about the operation still frighten the breeder, then alternative methods can be used to “turn off” the call of nature. But it must be borne in mind that such methods will be more dangerous and may ultimately have a negative impact on the animal’s health.

You can buy special tablets in pet stores. The manufacturer guarantees that after them the cat will become absolutely calm even in the spring. In fact, such drugs are hormonal agents that have an effect on the animal’s body that completely eliminates the cat’s desire to reproduce. The pet becomes calmer immediately after using the medicine. But you need to take into account that the effect of hormones on the body can ultimately lead to a negative result. With prolonged use of drugs of this type, the animal faces a risk of cancer. Therefore, you can use the tablets, but only 1-2 times, and after that you should still decide on sterilization.

An alternative may be a hormonal injection, which is valid for up to one year.

This method is suitable for those who are not yet planning to match a cat with a cat, but still do not reject this prospect in the future. It is not recommended to use such methods every year.

There is also a method of sterilization without surgery. We are talking about radioactive irradiation of the genitals of an animal, after which they stop producing certain hormones. But it is worth noting that the consequences of using this method can be disastrous. This situation threatens the development of oncology, which will most likely lead to the painful death of your pet.

Does a cat need sterilization?

In these animals, puberty usually occurs at the age of 7 months. But some cats are already ready for procreation at 5 months. From this period, both the pet and its breeder will have a “fun” period at least 2 times a year. It is worth noting that cats are considered dicyclic animals, but some individuals go into heat 4 times a year. Constantly using hormonal drugs is very dangerous, and tolerating the intolerable behavior of a cat, which changes under the influence of active estrogen emissions, is also not the best option.

For an animal, periods when this particular hormone is actively produced will be not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. If hormonal drugs are added to this, cancer, cysts, endometrial hyperplasia and pyometritis may occur. These are very dangerous diseases that will have to be treated with surgery. But even here there is no guarantee that the animal will be saved.

Therefore, the sterilization procedure is very important for a cat. It preserves not only mental health and the nervous system, but also has a beneficial effect on physical condition.

When can a cat be spayed?

After weighing all the pros and cons, the breeder makes his choice. It will be better for the animal if the owner agrees to sterilization. But for this you need to choose the right time, because not every period can be performed such an operation.

As for at what age a cat can be sterilized, it is worth remembering that the animal reaches sexual maturity at approximately 7 months. However, at this stage the animal is not yet fully developed physically, so there can be no talk of any pregnancy. If you breed a cat at this age, she may die during childbirth. Therefore, you need to take special care of your pet for up to a year. And in the event that procreation is not planned at all, it is worth carrying out sterilization as early as possible.

Regarding when it is best to sterilize a cat, you must first consult with a specialist. Veterinarians recommend planning surgery for the period before the first heat. That is, already at 7 months the animal can be sterilized. Experienced experts say that young animals tolerate this type of surgery much easier than older cats.

In any case, the doctor will tell you the best period. It is important that at the time of the operation all the genital organs of the animal are formed.

The sterilization procedure for young cats who have never given birth before is easier. This is due to the fact that in this situation only the ovaries are removed. Those animals that have already given birth have to remove not only the ovaries, but also the uterus, and this is a more complex operation.

When is sterilization not possible?

Before deciding on such a complex surgical intervention, it is necessary to examine the animal. This is important, since the cat will only be able to undergo the operation normally if it is completely healthy. Not only sick pets are not allowed to be sterilized, but also those who have recently suffered dangerous diseases or surgery.

In addition, old animals cannot be sterilized. But the permissible age is difficult to determine exactly. It all depends on the physical condition of the cat, so it needs to be shown to a veterinarian, who will tell you whether it can undergo surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries.

Preparing for sterilization

This operation is quite complex, so you need to follow all the rules of caution. It must be remembered that the animal will require a lot of time for rehabilitation, so the breeder must prepare for this process. In addition, it is necessary to properly prepare the animal for sterilization.

Feeding should be no earlier than 12 hours before the planned visit to the doctor.

In addition, you need to purchase in advance all the necessary medications that will be needed to care for the operated animal. Also, the day before sterilization, you need to do a thorough cleaning of the house. This is important because the cat needs to be kept clean to prevent infection from entering the wound.

Features of cat sterilization

This procedure is a full-fledged surgical intervention during which certain organs are removed. It is believed that young and nulliparous cats can only have their ovaries removed. However, experienced specialists still recommend immediately removing the uterus. This will eliminate the occurrence of complications in the future.

The operation is performed in a hospital setting. During abdominal surgery, the doctor makes an incision through which the necessary organs are pulled out and removed using a scalpel. Next, the wound is sutured, and a special bandage is applied over it.

If everything goes without complications, the procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes. It will take another 10 minutes for the animal to begin to come to its senses, and after that the breeder can pick up his pet from the clinic.

You need to be careful not to spoil the bandage. It can be removed no earlier than after 10 days. Until this moment, it should sit tightly on the cat's body.

When transporting an animal home, you need to be as careful as possible. If the operation is carried out in winter, the sterilized cat must be properly insulated so that she does not catch a cold.

In general, sterilization can be prescribed at any time of the year. But you need to take into account that in the cold season there will be problems with delivering the animal home, since low temperatures are unacceptable after surgery. Summer won't be a good option either. In the heat, wounds heal poorly and the risk of infection is very high. Therefore, it is best to sterilize a cat in spring or autumn.

Postoperative period

As a rule, the animal is handed over to the owner immediately after sterilization. That is, hospitalization after surgery is not carried out. The animal will recover from anesthesia at home, so the owner must prepare the place where the pet will spend the first time. It should be quite warm and dry here. There should be no drafts. Overheating is also not allowed, so the bed should not be placed near a radiator or heater.

The cat will recover from anesthesia for a long time. This process can last from 30 minutes to 3 hours. All this time the animal will not be able to control physiological processes. If the cat's eyes are open, until she finally comes to her senses, you need to close her eyelids every 10 minutes. This will keep your eyes properly hydrated.

There is no need to be afraid that, having regained consciousness, the cat will want to run away and hide.

You shouldn't disturb her. It is better to remove all breakable objects from its path and allow the animal to regain mental balance and get rid of stress in the most calm environment possible.

Most likely, your pet will not eat on the first day. And on day 2 you can give her premium dietary food. This will allow the cat to restore stomach function faster. In the future, it is worth feeding the animal with high-quality food designed specifically for sterilized individuals.

The animal must be bandaged 10 days after the operation. To prevent the cat from removing the bandage, a special blanket is put on top. The activity and rhythm of life of your pet will be completely restored within 2 weeks.

When we bring an animal into the house, we, of course, understand that it requires proper and satisfaction of at least basic needs. And there are so many of them! This includes food, drink, and healthy sleep. What else? Come on, let's remember the school biology course! What else is included in the functions of any living organism? That's right, reproduction.

Of course, male cats mate not only to produce offspring, but also to satisfy carnal desires. Kittens are already a consequence of such cases. And what about the endless purring and cat screams during heat! What should a cat owner do if his pet terrorizes the entire family with her desire to happen to the cat? The most humane and effective method is sterilization of cats.

Sterilization is a special operation during which a cat's reproductive organs are removed. Although sterilization is a complex operation, it is performed in all clinics around the world without any problems. There are two types of sterilization: removal of only the ovaries and removal of the ovaries and uterus.

Which is better? Veterinarians are unanimous in their opinion that all reproductive organs need to be removed. Why? The fact is that the uterus remaining in the body does not bring any benefit, but the situation regarding harm is different. The uterus is still susceptible to various tumors and inflammations, so it is better to remove it too. Ligation of the fallopian tubes is also practiced, but this method can also negatively affect the cat’s body: inflammatory processes, poor circulation and other unpleasant factors will not benefit your pet.

At what age can a cat be spayed?

It is highly not recommended to carry out sterilization before the end of puberty. Veterinarians call the optimal age for this operation 7-8 months. This age is considered the initial and earliest starting point. But you shouldn’t delay it either. It is quite timely to sterilize a cat up to a year old.

By the way, among uninformed owners there is an opinion that a cat must be given a chance to become a mother, and only then sterilized. Doctors have a different point of view. A cat that has survived motherhood will not be able to bear offspring after the operation, but there is a high probability that its cat songs, irritability and other signs of estrus will not disappear.

How to prepare a cat for sterilization

First of all, you need to know that all planned procedures must be done at least a month before sterilization. This will reduce the risk of possible infection during surgery.

Sometimes sterilization is carried out at home so that the cat does not experience much stress from being in an unfamiliar place. But at home it is much more difficult to ensure the sterility and quality of the operation.

A very important and necessary condition is to protect the cat from food (and preferably from water). This diet should begin 12 hours before surgery. This is due to the fact that the substances contained in anesthesia can cause vomiting, and vomiting can cause aspiration (i.e. the cat may choke).

Caring for a cat after sterilization

Caring for a cat after sterilization is easy. The owners will only need to follow simple rules aimed at a speedy recovery of the pet:

  • The cat should not be overcooled;
  • Postoperative sutures should be treated with chlorhexedine solution several times a day, after removing the bandage;
  • During the entire recovery period, the cat must wear a special blanket (as a rule, this part does not cause any inconvenience or discomfort).

Cats recover from anesthesia very quickly after sterilization. Only you can take care of your pet's health. If you decide to get a cat not for the purpose of breeding, but only to enjoy the company of this cutie, follow the simple advice and protect her from motherhood.

How much does it cost to sterilize a cat?

The price for regular sterilization of cats ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. For laparoscopic sterilization from 5 to 7 thousand rubles. I believe that the cost of sterilization is quite normal, because there are quite a lot of nuances in this procedure and it is performed by a professional doctor.

This operation was invented by people to save pets from empty hunting, unnecessary diseases and nervous breakdowns. How it is carried out, the features of caring for the animal after the operation and other important details you will learn by reading the article.

When can a cat be sterilized and at what months, before birth, lambing and estrus, vaccinations or after

A cat should be spayed at around 7 or 8 months of age. This procedure cannot be carried out until the end of puberty. It is advisable to carry out sterilization up to a year, preventing the cat from giving birth to kittens.

Vaccinations are given no later than a month before sterilization. It is advisable that all of them are done, this will reduce the risk of complications.

Sterilization of cats, life and care after surgery, complications

After the procedure, until the sutures are completely healed, the animal must wear a special blanket. It will be necessary to treat the stitches with chlorhexedine several times a day. Keep the animal on a diet of easily digestible crushed food (eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, lean broth without meat, etc.).

It is necessary to ensure that the cat does not become nervous or overcooled. After recovery, the animal will need to be switched to special food for sterilized animals. This will help keep your pet's kidneys healthy.

Types of sterilization of cats, which is better, reviews from veterinarians

For young and nulliparous cats, surgical removal of the ovaries - oophorectomy - is usually used.

Castration of cats is another type of sterilization, when the uterus is removed along with the ovaries. This operation is performed on animals of all ages.

Ligation of the fallopian tubes completely preserves the animal's genitals and appropriate behavior, but deprives her of the opportunity to have offspring. Practically not used.

Chemical castration is carried out by administering Suprelorin and is temporary. It is used by cat owners who plan to mate an animal for breeding in the future.

Veterinarians prefer to castrate animals by completely removing the reproductive organs. This reduces the risk of complications in older animals. At the owner's request, any other type of sterilization can be performed.

How to sterilize cats at home, what is needed and how much does it cost?

Twelve hours before surgery, the cat should not be fed and preferably not given water. Substances contained in anesthesia can cause vomiting and the animal will suffocate.

The cost of sterilization at home is about 5 thousand rubles. Laparoscopic sterilization may cost a little more.

Medicinal sterilization of cats drugs

Previously, medical sterilization was carried out by administering progesterone-based drugs. The animal was given an injection of a drug (Covinan, Depo-Promon, Depo-Provera), which suppressed the activity of the ovaries.

Currently, Suprelorin is used for medical sterilization, which is an analogue of the hypothalamic hormone that suppresses ovulation. An implant is implanted under the animal's skin, which releases a special substance. The cost of the operation is 1.5 thousand rubles. The price of an implant (from 6 to 11 thousand rubles) depends on its size and duration.

Is it necessary to sterilize a cat if she does not go outside?

The cat is sterilized so that it does not have bouts of heat. Whether an animal goes outside or not has no effect on the hormonal background. After the operation, the cat will stop meowing and asking for the cat, since signals from the reproductive organs will no longer be sent to her brain.

At what age are Maine Coon, Scottish, and Sphynx cats sterilized? Advice from veterinarians

Maine Coon kittens are spayed once they reach sexual maturity or between 8 and 16 weeks. Early sterilization is practiced by breeders for pet class animals that are not intended for breeding. The only exception when early sterilization is not indicated is cryptorchid kittens.

Veterinarians advise Scottish cats to be neutered no earlier than 10–12 months. If the procedure is performed earlier, the skull may not develop properly. The head will be too small in relation to the body.

Sphynx kittens are sterilized after 6–7 months and up to a year. Currently, early sterilization is practiced at 7 weeks, as it has been proven that it does not have a negative effect on the health and development of the animal.

Is it worth sterilizing a cat with tablets and which ones at home?

Tablets, which are designed to suppress the reproductive instinct in cats during estrus, have an extremely negative effect on her body. They disrupt metabolism and hormonal levels, leading to the development of diseases. Therefore, if you do not plan to breed kittens, sterilize the animal to prolong its life.

Sterilization of cats using laparoscopic and endoscopic methods

Many owners choose the laparoscopic method of surgery for cats. When it is carried out, a small incision (about 2 cm) is made on the animal’s body, and a surgical instrument equipped with a special camera is inserted into the peritoneal cavity. The doctor can see the progress of the operation on the device screen and will perform it with maximum accuracy.

In endoscopic surgery, an incision is made in the animal's side and the surgeon removes the reproductive organs using conventional surgical instruments. After such an operation, the animal undergoes a course of antibiotics to avoid complications. The owner must buy a protective blanket for the cat, which she will wear until the stitches are completely healed.

What is the best way to sterilize a cat through an incision or puncture: pros and cons, expert opinion

Laparoscopic sterilization, when a small puncture is made on the animal’s body, is better than endoscopic in many respects:
- can be performed on animals at any age;
— the risk of postoperative complications is reduced, the animal recovers faster;
— very small stitches remain, which heal quickly;
— the animal does not need to wear a protective blanket after surgery.

Conventional surgery costs less, but is it worth saving on your pet’s health?

Veterinarians are of the opinion that pregnancy and childbirth, even without pathologies, shorten the years of a cat’s life.

Sterilization is also necessary if the pet never goes out for walks. Lack of contact with the opposite sex does not help to avoid problems. Hormonal surges lead to the animal screaming, marking, and suffering from heat.

Hormonal instability and endless mood swings have an extremely negative impact on health. The risk of tumor formation in the mammary glands, ovaries, uterus and inflammation in the internal genital organs increases significantly.

Quite often, unsterilized cats develop a disease called pyometra. Its appearance is promoted by uncontrolled mating, as well as the regular use of hormonal agents to suppress sexual desires.

It happens that pyometra begins in older, nulliparous cats. Inflammatory phenomena in the uterus are formed due to hormonal imbalance or due to untreated endometritis.

Complications and consequences of pyometra can be the most serious. But those animals whose uterus and ovaries have been removed may not be afraid of this disease.

Sterilization eliminates phenomena associated with an excess of hormones, which helps improve the character and behavior of the animal, making it more obedient, soft, and adequate. The likelihood of breast diseases is significantly reduced. The risk of diseases of the ovaries and uterus is completely eliminated.

Why is surgery necessary?

In addition, continuous childbirth is an inevitable risk and stress that exhausts the body and can lead to severe exhaustion.

An important aspect of frequent births is the need to accommodate baby kittens each time. It is not always possible to give them to friends, especially if your pet gives birth regularly.

Sometimes you have to give kittens to someone unknown. Babies may end up with owners who skimp on food, treatment and maintenance, and ultimately throw them out onto the street.

It’s scary to imagine how many little kittens are drowned or thrown into the trash simply because the cat’s owner allowed her to give birth to several litters!

One should feel sorry for an animal that suffers from sexual dissatisfaction. The cat is looking for a partner, tearing furniture and wallpaper, marking, causing displeasure and sometimes aggression of the owners. Isn't it cruel to take her into the house and limit communication with the opposite sex?

Three factors speak in favor of sterilization:

  1. reducing the risk of many dangerous and even fatal diseases that are associated with the reproductive system of the body;
  2. improvement of behavioral characteristics;
  3. solving the problem of a large number of homeless animals.

If the animal is not participating in the breeder's breeding program, surgery is simply necessary.

Sterilization or castration: what is the difference?

When sterilizing a cat, one is limited to simple tubal ligation. The genital organs remain functioning normally after surgery.

Sterilization does not affect the animal’s attraction to the opposite sex, instincts do not decrease, their intensity does not change in any way. A cat can mate, but it will not produce offspring.

During castration, all organs responsible for reproduction are completely removed. The uterus and ovaries are removed (ovariohysterectomy) or only the ovaries (oophorectomy).

Previously, veterinarians only removed the ovaries of young nulliparous cats. However, now in most cases an ovariohysterectomy is performed, since removal of the ovaries alone does not avoid gynecological problems.

Laparoscopic sterilization is becoming increasingly important. Its advantages:

  • Minimal trauma. During the operation, a small incision is made. Surgical instruments are inserted through it and manipulations are performed.
  • Small seam size. It is also possible to apply cosmetic stitches - in this case they will not need to be removed later.
  • There is no need for complex postoperative wound treatments.
  • Less pain after surgery due to minor skin damage.

In a typical operation, two types of sutures are applied. Firstly, these are internal sutures that are placed on the peritoneum, abdominal muscles; A special absorbable material is used, which does not need to be removed after surgery.

There are also external seams. They do not dissolve and need to be removed after about 10-12 days.

There is also an external cosmetic suture with its own special application technique and the use of absorbable material.

In sterilized animals, the reproductive system continues to function even though they cannot have offspring. Hormonal storms negatively affect them.

Neutered cats are still susceptible to stress, as well as a high risk of developing diseases of the genitourinary system. In such cases, the cat loses weight, does not eat and behaves aggressively towards the owner.

Neutered animals live on average several years longer than sterilized ones. Among castrated cats, true long-livers are often found.

After the procedure, they behave much more friendly and adequately, do not mark their territory and do not scream. Due to the absence of genital organs, the risk of any diseases occurring in them is completely eliminated.

Some animals may require this operation for health reasons, so it is better to take the necessary measures while your pet is still young, strong and will tolerate anesthesia and surgery well.

What age is most preferable?

The opinions of veterinarians at what months can sterilization or castration be carried out vary. Some veterinarians believe that the procedure can be performed at any age.

Others believe that the best age for it is from 6-8 months to a year and a half, i.e. with the onset of puberty.

There is no limit to how old the operation can be - it is successfully performed on parous and nulliparous adult cats at 3-5 and 7 years of age. The main condition is that the pet is healthy at this time.

During heat

It is not recommended to spay or neuter an animal while it is walking. At this time, the reproductive organs are filled with blood, so there is a risk of high blood loss. You should wait out this period and carry out the operation immediately after it.

The most optimal solution would be to spay or neuter the cat before her first heat.

If the cat is pregnant

An animal must be spayed or neutered before or after pregnancy.

During the operation, the veterinarian removes the ovaries and the uterus, which contains the fetuses. This leads to enormous stress for the cat, heavy blood loss and other complications.

This procedure is only possible up to 6 weeks of pregnancy. If the pregnancy is at an early stage (up to 3 weeks), the owners do not always know about it. In such cases, sterilization (castration) takes place without problems.

After childbirth

To spay or neuter a cat that has recently given birth, it is better to wait until she has finished nursing her kittens. That is, she can undergo surgery a couple of months after lambing.

Of course, the pet must be healthy.

Nursing cat

A cat may be spayed or neutered after lambing.

We need to wait until she stops feeding the kittens. If the operation is performed earlier, the animal may lose interest in its offspring and stop feeding them.

Thus, the operation is possible 1-2 months after the birth of kittens.

Preparing for surgery

Before the operation, the animal should be treated extraordinarily for worms - approximately 10 days before surgery. You can use the drugs Drontal, Kanivantel, Milbemax.

The cat must be vaccinated. Spaying or neutering without vaccination increases the risk of infection.

It is important that your pet is healthy before undergoing surgery. If she is over 7 years old, she should first undergo tests for admission to surgery and anesthesia. It is advisable to do an ultrasound of the heart in order to exclude pathology.

Immediately before the operation, you need to keep the animal on a starvation diet for 12 hours, that is, you do not need to feed it. If the animal does eat, vomiting and, therefore, unpleasant sensations are possible during anesthesia.

Where is the best place to sterilize?

Castration or sterilization surgery can be performed either in a veterinary clinic or at home. Of course, in order to ensure the necessary level of sterility and have access to equipment, it is preferable to do this in a veterinary clinic.

It is also possible to operate at home, but it is still better to give the cat a sedative than to expose the cat to the risk of infection during the operation.

When choosing a clinic, it is important to find out how equipped it is with the necessary equipment for performing surgery.

Prices for sterilization and castration start from 1.5 thousand rubles and above, depending on additional services that the clinic can provide before, during and after the operation.

Caring for an operated animal

After surgery, the animal requires special care.

If you are given a cat who has not yet recovered from anesthesia, it should be carefully brought home in a carrier and placed on a clean, warm bedding.

After surgery, your pet may not be able to control the urge to defecate or urinate.

It is advisable to limit active movements for several hours after surgery, as the cat’s coordination of movements may be impaired.

You should start feeding her with a teaspoon and little by little to avoid vomiting.

When getting an animal, you should remember the words of the wonderful writer Saint-Exupery: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.”

Sterilizing a cat is a responsible and humane step in matters of keeping a pet. It helps get rid of many problems with your pet. Therefore, having brought a furry creature into the house, sooner or later the question will arise when it is possible to sterilize the cat. Problems of timeliness of surgery are associated primarily with preventing the risk of developing postoperative complications, future sexual behavior, health and life.

Read in this article

Best age for sterilization

Most veterinary specialists believe that the optimal age when it is safest to sterilize a cat is 6 - 8 months. By this period, the animal has formed physically, the development of the genital organs has occurred, but signs of sexual behavior have not yet been detected. If the pet belongs to large and long-haired breeds (Ragdoll, Maine Coon, Siberian, etc.), sexual development occurs later than 8 months, the timing of the operation in this case is shifted.

Experts say that it is necessary to sterilize a cat when the animal has not yet been in heat. This point of view is based on the physiology of the animal and scientific research. represents the peak of the greatest hormonal activity of the body and indicates the complete physiological readiness of the animal for procreation. The cat's sexual behavior is formed. She begins to make loud noises to attract the cat, rush outside, show aggression towards people, and mark the living space. This behavior causes concern to household members and is a constant stress for the animal itself.

There are often cases when sterilization after estrus does not give the expected result; the cat continues to mark its territory after the operation. This phenomenon is due to the fact that sex hormones in the animal’s body are produced not only by the ovaries, which are removed during surgery, but also by the pituitary gland. The brain synthesizes a low level of hormones, but they are enough to provoke unpleasant moments in the cat’s sexual behavior even after sterilization. In this regard, veterinary experts are unanimous in the opinion that it is advisable to sterilize the animal before the first estrus appears. This approach is guaranteed to achieve the desired result in controlling the sexual behavior of your furry pet.

Ideally, issues of reproduction of a domestic animal should be resolved before the manifestation of sexual instincts. Such a competent approach will allow the owner to avoid many problems with the health of the animal. On the question of how many months a cat should be sterilized, there is no consensus among domestic and foreign experts. In Russian veterinary medicine, sterilization is practiced from 5 to 6 months of age. In foreign practice, cats begin to be sterilized as early as 3 months of age.

There are certain periods in an animal’s life when sterilization should be postponed, since the operation is fraught with complications, or the chances of controlling the cat’s future sexual behavior are reduced. Such moments include the animal's estrus, the period immediately after birth, and the cat's pregnancy. These periods are associated with the peculiarities of the physiological state of the pet, high levels of sex hormones, and increased stressful situations. If there is an urgent need to sterilize an animal during these periods, it is necessary to clearly understand the consequences of such manipulation and the possible risks to the health and life of the cat.

Is it possible to have surgery while in heat?

Pet owners often ask the question: is it possible to sterilize a cat while it is walking? Veterinarians strongly recommend that owners wait out the estrus period and castrate after its completion. This advice is due to a number of reasons:

  • During estrus, blood fills the animal's internal genital organs, and during surgery, the risk of surgical complications (bleeding, inflammatory reactions) increases significantly.
  • High levels of sex hormones during estrus can provoke inappropriate behavior of the animal after surgery. The cat can also continue to mark its territory as before sterilization.
  • An operation against the background of a hormonal peak can provoke subsequent manifestations of false pregnancy and the development of cancer in furry pets (breast cancer).
  • During estrus, the animal’s body experiences an enormous hormonal load, and surgical intervention during this period causes severe stress in the cat, which affects the rehabilitation period.

Thus, pet owners should be patient and wait out their furry pet's heat. And only after the animal calms down, perform the operation.

Should a cat be allowed to give birth before sterilization?

Quite often, animal owners have misconceptions about the nature of sexual desire and behavior of their pets, and do not know when it is better to sterilize a cat. Many owners believe that it is better to sterilize an animal after the cat has given birth to offspring at least once. This opinion is based on a misconception regarding the issues of animal reproduction and the attribution of human emotions to them.

Speculation and lack of understanding by animal psychologists often lead owners of domestic cats to an unfounded decision to allow the animal to give birth before sterilization. However, giving birth to a cat and feeding kittens have nothing to do with the joys of motherhood for humans. For an animal, these are just instincts of sexual behavior, stress and a threat to health and life.

Such an illiterate attitude towards keeping pets is fraught with the threat of the development of various pathologies in cats. There are often cases when sterilization even after a single pregnancy led to the development of cancer in a pet. Estrus, childbirth, and feeding kittens cause stabilization of a certain level of hormonal levels in the body. Sterilization against the background of already established levels of sex hormones can lead to endocrine disruption, accompanied by malignant formations.

Scientific studies have proven that spaying cats before birth reduces the risk of developing mammary tumors by 50 times.

If the owner of the animal has the opportunity to sterilize before the cat is in heat and the cat becomes pregnant, you should take responsibility for the health of your pet and not have kittens before the operation.

Surgery during pregnancy and after childbirth

Sometimes situations arise when the question of sterilizing an animal arises before the owner during the cat’s pregnancy. More often, such an operation is performed for medical reasons. But there are times when the owner of the animal does not even realize that his furry pet is in an interesting situation. Often, a cat’s pregnancy is discovered at the time of sterilization.

When the operation is performed in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 3 weeks), as a rule, no problems are observed. Surgery in late stages of pregnancy carries an increased risk of complications. During manipulation, heavy bleeding often occurs, and inflammatory processes are possible. The animal is subjected to severe stress. Sterilization in late pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of postoperative complications and an increased rehabilitation period.

If for some reason sterilization was not carried out in the optimal time frame and the cat gave birth, pet owners are faced with the question of when to sterilize the cat after giving birth. In this case, veterinarians recommend waiting until the kittens are fed and only then scheduling surgery. An operated cat, as a rule, refuses to feed its offspring, and then the owners will have to artificially feed the kittens.

Having got a pet, sooner or later the owner will face the problem of the need to sterilize the cat. Responsible owners should not delay the timing of the operation. The timeliness of this manipulation will allow you to avoid many troubles and problems when keeping animals. Sterilization performed during the procedure will significantly reduce the risks of postoperative complications and the occurrence of cancer, and guarantees comfortable keeping of the animal.

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