How to treat a cat with worms. How to understand that a cat has worms: the main symptoms and signs of different types of worms

Today we will talk about such a pressing topic as worms in cats, symptoms and treatment of this problem. Helminthiasis is a fairly common phenomenon, and it can occur even in cats that have never left the apartment, because worm eggs can get home right on the soles of your shoes.

Types of worms in cats

Worms in cats come in several varieties, the most common of which are:

  • Nematodes, or roundworms.
  • Trematodes, or flatworms.
  • Tapeworms.

There are various signs of worms in cats, the symptoms of which can be seen without additional tests. The main one is a change in the animal’s appetite. A cat may greedily gobble up food in unusually large quantities, losing weight, or, conversely, refuse most of the food, being sluggishly interested only in its favorite treats. How can you tell if your cat has worms? Symptoms may not always be pronounced, so do not forget to get tested periodically.

Roundworms are often not distinguished by their impressive size, but in particularly difficult cases they compensate for this by simply being huge in number. The small intestine is their priority place of residence, but they can also settle in the liver or esophagus.

Flatworms most often live in the tissues of the liver and lungs. The average size is also not large, but their presence is accompanied by the formation of cysts, which in the case of the respiratory system causes serious dysfunction.

How does a cat become infected with worms?

Worms in a cat walking on the street can come from anywhere. But the disease quite often affects those animals that have spent their entire lives in a cozy, clean apartment, never leaving it. In this case, there are significantly fewer sources of infection. For example:

  • Food. Worm eggs thrive in raw fish and meat.
  • Trash can in summer. Remember how many flies walk on a garbage bucket every day, but there may be worm eggs on their legs.
  • Your shoes and clothes.
  • Fleas. In 99% of cases, fleas are carriers of worms, so if you see fleas on your animal, be prepared to drive out the worms.

Signs of worms in a cat and symptoms of worms in cats

If a cat has worms, then first of all it is necessary to clarify the type, and only then carry out effective therapy. To do this, you should take a stool test and contact a veterinarian. Despite the fact that most of the available drugs for worms are quite universal, it is better to act purposefully. When worms appear in cats, you can see the symptoms with due attention. Among them are dulling of the coat, excessive tearing, and general weakness of the animal.

Most drugs have minimal effects on the animal’s body, and in some cases do not cause any side effects at all. Medicines should be given to cats in the morning on an empty stomach. It is important to strictly follow the dosage specified in the instructions for the drug; it is usually calculated depending on the weight of the animal. If the drug is in the form of tablets, then it can be crushed and added to food, and with some skill it is enough to place the tablet on the root of the cat’s tongue, after which she will swallow it herself.

If you find signs of worms in cats, make sure to purchase quality medications and take the time to consult a doctor. Repeated deworming is carried out after two weeks. In some cases, if there is an infestation of worms of varying degrees of maturity, a longer treatment course may be necessary. It is best to judge the results based on repeated analysis, because even if the symptoms of worms in cats have disappeared, eggs could remain in the body.

It is so arranged by nature that cats are clean animals who happily lick their fur, thereby cleansing themselves of dust and dirt. Unfortunately, this is the most common cause of worm infection, especially in long-haired, fluffy breeds. Another route of infection can be rodents that animals hunt.

As a rule, worms in cats are treated quite easily if the form of the disease is not advanced. In particularly severe cases, a seemingly harmless disease can lead to internal bleeding and even death of the animal.

There is also a huge risk of worm infection for domestic cats. The reasons may be:

    Raw food. It is meat and fish that can contain worm larvae. To avoid infection, it is enough to heat-treat the products (cook, fry) or give them to the animal frozen.

    Insects. Flies and fleas can also be carriers of worms. In this case, the animal must wear a flea collar. And in the case of flies, you should not allow the cat to eat the insect.

Having discovered worms in a cat, the signs of which are usually noticeable, it is necessary to immediately do a stool test and consult a doctor in order to get rid of the worms. This must be done in a timely manner so that the disease does not enter a severe, advanced stage. In this case, it will not be possible to cope without the help of a doctor and expensive medications.

Worms in cats: signs and symptoms of the disease

The pet's rounded belly, diarrhea, and in rare cases, vomiting.

Sudden weight loss.

Increased appetite (the animal cannot get enough).

Cats feel discomfort in the anus area, so they try in every way to reduce the itching, rubbing their butts on the floor and furniture.

Discharge in the form of pus from the eyes of the animal.

Larvae and helminths are present in the feces.

If you find something similar to worms in your cat (signs of infection are given above), you need to start treatment immediately. After all, if the disease is neglected, the animal may die.

Having discovered the first symptoms of worms in cats, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. Ideally, you should have your feces analyzed to determine what type of helminths your animal has. Depending on this, the veterinarian will recommend the right deworming remedy.

If it is not possible to visit a veterinarian, just go to a pet store, where they will offer you an anthelmintic drug. It can be in the form of a suspension, tablets or powder.

In any case, you should not self-medicate; a doctor should prescribe a deworming remedy for cats.

Warn in advance

In order not to spend extra money on visiting a veterinarian and diagnostics, it is better to prevent the disease in advance by taking preventive measures:

    do not feed your cat raw meat and fish;

    when returning from the street, immediately put your shoes in a closed closet;

    Wash the door mat in soapy water at least 2-3 times a week;

    after going outside, be sure to wash your hands with hot water and soap before petting your beloved pet;

    When identifying fleas, be sure to give deworming medication for cats.

All these methods cannot protect the animal 100% from helminths, but they provide an excellent opportunity to reduce the risk of infection.

What tablets are best to buy to remove worms from a cat?

If you think that a disease such as worms in cats, the symptoms of which can be sluggish and unnoticed, is harmless to the animal, this is not so. In some cases, helminths are deadly, so treatment must be started immediately.

Deworming tablets for cats are quite popular and are easy to administer to your animal. Simply crush the pills and add them to water or food. The most popular medicine is Prazicide. The cost of this drug is low, and the result completely satisfies veterinarians.

"Drontal" are tablets that do not have side effects; they can be used by both kittens and adults.

Before purchasing any deworming tablets for cats, you should consult a veterinarian. There are situations in which the use of drugs is unacceptable.

Once worms in cats are diagnosed, treatment should be given immediately to avoid wasting valuable time.

The only rule: such anti-worm drops for cats must be carefully applied to the neck area (withers) or between the shoulder blades. If the animal licks the suspension, an allergic reaction will begin in the form of vomiting and mucus secretion.

When is medication contraindicated?

There are cases when taking medications for animals is contraindicated:

    Pet's age. As a rule, these are kittens that have not reached 3 weeks of age.

    Sick animal. You should not burden your pet and its immune system if additional diseases are identified.

    Pregnant or lactating individuals.

The doctor can also identify individual cases when deworming is not recommended.

Traditional methods of treatment

Many pet owners are interested in the question of how to remove worms from cats. And having heard the doctor’s advice about drops or tablets in response, they begin to sound the alarm, considering the use of medications as something dangerous and harmful to the pet. Of course, there are traditional methods of getting rid of helminths. But they must be used with extreme caution and after mandatory consultation with a doctor.

    A decoction of medicinal herbs such as fennel and chamomile is an excellent anthelmintic. It is better to give the tincture instead of water so that the pet is sure to drink the solution.

    Coarsely chop the onion into several pieces, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for a couple of hours. Give the cat a drink on an empty stomach for no more than 7 days.

    Buy an alcoholic tincture of wormwood at the pharmacy and give 10 drops several times a day. After this, do not feed the animal for about an hour.

    A good way is a carrot juice enema. The volume is calculated by the doctor individually, depending on the weight of the pet. This procedure is done every day for a week.

Before trying and testing such treatment methods on cats, you should consult a veterinarian, and only use them if there are no contraindications.

Recently, more and more questions have arisen related to the treatment of worms in cats, cats and kittens, so our project about pets presents an article in which you can find answers to frequently asked questions on this topic.

It would not be amiss to pay attention to other, no less useful articles, which discuss other diseases that often occur in pets, and pay attention to how to cope with them and help pets at home, as well as advice from a veterinarian.

Worms in cats: prevention, consequences, sizes

After infecting a cat’s body with worms, consequences are possible: metabolic disorders, decreased immunity, intestinal dysbiosis.

What worms do cats have? names, types, hookworms, roundworms, roundworms, tests and treatment, where they come from

Worms are divided into three types: tapeworms, roundworms, and flat flukes.

Worms in domestic cats move quickly, white, small, flat, diagnostics, drontal

Flat-bodied, white, small, fast-moving tapeworms. To make a diagnosis, you need to test your cat's stool for the presence of worm eggs.
Worms should be treated with Drontal.

A pregnant cat has worms, what to do, symptoms, cucumber tapeworm

A pregnant cat can get rid of worms at the very beginning of pregnancy using the drug Milbemax, and in the second half of pregnancy - Drontal. Also, febtal tablets will help a cat expecting kittens.

Symptoms of a cat being infected with worms: vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss, bloating, weight loss. The cucumber tapeworm is a long, flat worm that is barely pink in color. It takes root well both in the cat’s body and in the human body. Can grow up to 30 cm. Symptoms: severe thinness, vomiting,.

Worms in cats in feces, eyes, stomach, tail, fur

You can become infected with worms in different ways: through the feces of an animal, when the worms are stuck to the cat’s fur or tail, and by licking them, they enter the stomach. Worms are less common. The eyes are an excellent place for worms to live.

Worms in cats are harmful to humans, decaris, fluke. If a cat has worms, can a person become infected?

Worms from cats are easily transmitted to humans and are dangerous to humans. Of the 82 types of cat worms, 32 species can harm the human body. Decaris tablets not only destroy worms, but also increase the animal’s immunity. The fluke is a flatworm that is transmitted through water.

What to do if a cat has worms at home, how to determine the signs

If a cat has a decreased appetite, constant vomiting, diarrhea with blood, or irritability, it means that worms have settled in the animal’s body. To treat a cat for worms, you must weigh him at home. Since anthelmintic drugs are considered potent, and the dose is calculated according to the weight of the animal. If the owner has knowledge in the field of medicine, he can give the cat injections for worms. But, if you don’t have such knowledge, then you can use tablets dissolved in the animal’s food.

If a cat has worms, what to feed, celandine, advanced form, bad breath

To make it easier for your cat to tolerate the removal of worms from her body, you need to switch her to a certain diet. Food should be high in calories, enriched with proteins. Vitamin complexes will help you gain strength faster after illness. If a cat has fleas, in order to prevent the cat from becoming infected with worms, and fleas are their carriers, you need to drip a special product called “celandine” onto the animal’s withers. Worms in cats can be easily treated if the disease is not advanced. Unpleasant indicates that the cat has worms.

Worms in cats from the anus, incubation period, what they look like, how to remove them

If a cat has worms in the anus, she rubs her butt on the floor. The cat may experience diarrhea and constipation. The incubation period lasts from eight to ten days. Adult worms can be seen with the naked eye and may be white or pink. You can remove it using medications calculated based on the cat’s weight. These are: caniquantel, cestal, febtal, milbemax. Treatment is carried out in two stages, with an interval of 10 days.

Worms in cats: how to treat with folk remedies and broad-spectrum drugs price

Garlic crushed into a pulp is an excellent remedy for expelling worms from a cat’s body. Drontal is a broad-spectrum medicine. Price of Drontal, 20 tablets, 85 rubles.

Worms in cats - can a child become infected with them?

If a cat has worms, the child may become infected if hygiene is not maintained and the animal is not isolated from the child.

Worms in cats, vomiting with worms, folk treatment, tablets

Worm vomiting is a serious disease. An infusion of tansy and wormwood expels worms from the cat’s body. Alben-s tablets get rid of worms with a single use.

The appearance of worms in cats occurs quite often; even pets are exposed to infection. Where can worms appear in the house? The owner himself, without knowing it, can bring infection into the house on his shoes.

How to get rid of worms from your pet at home? First of all, we note that no one can prescribe treatment better than a veterinarian. By examining the tests, determining the type of worms and the area of ​​infection, he will be able to prescribe effective medications. But you can still try independent treatment.

Where to start treating a cat?

Worms and their larvae can be found everywhere (park, garden, soil, grass), so even the owner can cause infection to his pet.

The root cause needs to be eliminated:

  • limit contact with feces of infected pets (if any);
  • do not allow your cat to eat flies and fleas, raw fish and meat, or food from the trash can;
  • The root cause of the appearance of worms may be the kitten's infected mother.

Treat your pet's fur, as well as its sleeping area and toilet, in a timely manner. Once every six months, “expel” worms with special medications.

Correct diagnosis

The first warning symptoms may be:

  • Alternating diarrhea and constipation, sometimes even the presence of blood in the feces.
  • Vomit.
  • Cough.
  • Change in appetite.
  • Weight loss.
  • Changes in the condition of the coat.
  • Violation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.

Medicines for the treatment of nematodes

The most effective means in the treatment of nematodes are:

  • Drontal.
  • Polyvekarn.
  • Vacation.
  • Febtal.

Prices vary from 75 to 150 rubles.

We have 2 dogs and a cat at home, and we regularly take preventive measures against helminth infection. We really like the product because it is completely natural, and this is important for prevention."

Medicines for the treatment of cestodes

Treatment of weakened animals, small kittens and pregnant cats

Features of treatment of weakened animals, kittens and pregnant cats:

It is important to follow the instructions and read the dosage carefully. The amount of the drug designed for an adult animal will simply lead to the death of the kitten.

Suitable drugs

Preparation Milbemax can be given to a cat in early pregnancy, Drontal- at a later date.

Use of folk remedies

Folk remedies:

  • You can use alcohol tincture of wormwood (10 drops twice a day, an hour before meals).
  • Do an enema with carrot juice, just 20 ml per day is enough.
  • Replace drinking water with chamomile or fennel infusion.
  • Instead of plain water, you can also use onion solution; to do this, pour warm water over the coarsely chopped onion. This drink should only be consumed on an empty stomach.
  • Brew tansy flowers, strain and give to your cat three times a day an hour before feeding.

If a cat has worms, what to feed?

Here is the main list of products:

  1. Meat and eggs. These two foods should make up 60 percent of your total daily diet.
  2. Olive oil, it should be mixed with food.
  3. Food for kittens. It is important to monitor how your cat reacts to the change in food. If there is a deterioration, or the cat has previously suffered from pancreatitis, then it is better not to use food for kittens.
  4. Raw liver(once a day for a month). Thanks to it, you can increase the hemoglobin content in the blood.
  5. Vitamins(HematoKat, Beafar, FitoMins) or multivitamin paste.
  6. Enzymes help improve digestion and absorb more nutrients. Prozyme is an excellent remedy; it should be used throughout the anthelmintic treatment.
  7. Use acidophilus, it is characterized by a high content of beneficial bacteria. This will improve your pet's digestion.

How to give a cat an anti-worming tablet?

The tablet is best absorbed in the morning on an empty stomach, treatment is usually continued for a week. Not all pets happily swallow pills; it is often a difficult and painful process for the animal. The main thing in this matter is the right approach.

The tablet can be given to a cat in this way:

  • Hold the cat tightly. To do this, sit her on your knees and turn her back. If the cat tries to escape, it will not succeed, because it will run into the owner.
  • Unclench her jaw with one hand.
  • Place the tablet on the root of your tongue with your other hand.
  • Keep your mouth closed until it swallows the pill.
  • You can stroke the throat, this will help trigger the swallowing reflex.

The cat may spit out the tablet, then you should try another method:

  • Grind the tablet into powder.
  • Add to a small amount of water.
  • Put the resulting medicine into a syringe.
  • Inject the liquid into the cheek with a syringe without a needle.
  • Hold your mouth until the cat swallows the water.

You can also use the simplest try:

  • Grind the tablet to a powder.
  • Add it to your food.
  • Mix thoroughly.

Possible complications in cats after anthelmintic drugs

Pay attention to your pet’s behavior; if the following symptoms appear, they indicate intoxication of the body:

  • lethargy;
  • apathy;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit.

In this case, you should immediately visit a veterinarian. Already in the department, a specialist will be able to install an IV.

To do this, follow simple preventive measures:

  1. When coming from the street, do not rush to pet your pet. First, wash your hands with soap.
  2. Keep an eye on your cat's fur and if fleas appear, begin treatment immediately.
  3. Store shoes that you wear every day in locked cabinets or drawers.
  4. Once a week, clean the rug in the hallway and area.
  5. Never feed your cat raw fish or meat.
  6. Clean your cat's litter box regularly.

Remember to periodically deworm all family members to avoid infection from your cat.



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