Stevia and milk. Stevia: how to use the herb's healing properties wisely

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Stevia, the benefits and harms of which are controversial among experts and lively reviews among people, has long been used as a natural sweetener. This plant is unique in its composition and properties, and the centuries-old history of its use indicates positive result. However, like any medicine, stevia should be used wisely, and better - after consultation with a doctor.

What kind of plant is this?

The stevia plant is a perennial herb that grows in the form of a bush 55–110 cm high, with a straight stem and small, numerous leaves. The stems die off every year, but then new ones grow. There are a lot of leaves on the plant - from 500 to 1300 leaves are collected from one bush, which represent main value. In total, more than 150 species of stevia have been discovered, but Stevia rebaudiana is of greatest interest.

IN in kind the grass grows in a small area of ​​Paraguay and Brazil (South America). After they became known miraculous properties plants, it began to be cultivated in many countries around the world. Many countries in southeast Asia (Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia) grow stevia without problems, and China has become its main supplier for pharmacology and household use. In nature, the grass prefers a warm mountain climate, but in principle it grows well when the following conditions are provided: constantly moist soil, high air humidity and temperatures above 16–18ºC.

The main feature of the plant is the very sweet taste of its leaves. At its core, stevia is a honey herb, the sweetness of which is ten times greater than that of regular sugar. Because of this property, stevia is recognized as an effective sweetener, and the role of a sweetener is played by stevioside powder from the leaves.

Useful ingredients

In addition to stevioside, the leaves of the plant contain many other important components that provide medicinal properties. The most valuable are diterpene glycosides, in particular rebaudioside A (up to 30% of all glycosides), rebaudiosides B and E (up to 4%), rebaudiosides C and D (about 0.5%), steviol bioside and ducloside (0.5% each). ). It is these components that provide the plant with its unique sweetness.

The general composition of stevia leaves includes the following substances: diterpene glycosides (17–19%), flavonoids (28–44%), water-soluble chlorophylls (9–16%), hydroxycinnamic acids (2.4–3.3%), oligosaccharides (1 .4–2.2%), free sugars (3.2–5.2%), amino acids - 17 items (1.4–3.1%), trace minerals (0.16–1.2%), complex of vitamins A, C, D, E, K, P (0.15–0.2%), essential oils. Among the mineral microelements, the following stand out: zinc, chromium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium, sodium, iodine.

Flavonoids combine substances in many ways similar to vitamin P. The main representatives: rutin, quercetin, quercitrin, avicularin, apigenen. These ingredients are considered quite effective antioxidants and have the ability to increase human immunity, have a strengthening effect on stenotic tissues of blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels, and promote the resorption of blood clots. In terms of flavonoid levels, this herb is comparable to cranberries and blueberries.

Chlorophyll gives stevia antibacterial properties, and hydroxycinnamic acid helps increase immune defense. Essential oils are represented in the plant by more than 50 substances. They impart important properties:

Unique vitamin and mineral complex, contained in stevia leaves. The zinc and chromium content ensures the activation of the so-called glucose tolerance factor. Zinc helps normalize the function of the pancreas in the production of insulin. In general, the whole complex plays important role in improving metabolic processes occurring in the body.

Diterpene glycosides contain saponins in their structure, which, in turn, have surface activity. This property provides expectorant effect, enhancing the secretion of many glands, has certain diuretic abilities.

What are the benefits of the plant

The most typical assessment of the benefits of the plant in question sounds like this: stevia is a sugar substitute that can be used for type 2 diabetes, while it stimulates the production of its own insulin.

However, when stevia is considered, the medicinal properties are not limited to this circumstance.

The herb exhibits the following medicinal effect:

When stevia is considered, its use is recommended for many ailments. Stevia is a sweetener that is very useful for diabetics of the second type of pathology. The herb extract is considered very good prophylactic from the development of hyperglycemic conditions. Stevia for diabetes helps reduce the dose of insulin taken by stimulating its production in the body itself.

The herb is recommended for the development of obesity, digestive pathologies, cardiac ischemia, atherosclerosis, problems with teeth and gums, arthritis. Experts note a beneficial effect on the functioning of the adrenal glands, which helps to increase life expectancy.

One of the uses of stevia is weight loss. People who fight hard overweight, have long appreciated the benefits of this plant. Eating it with salads dulls the feeling of hunger and reduces appetite, i.e. allows a person to give up excess food without any problems. In addition, herbal infusions improve metabolic processes, remove toxins and cholesterol from the body, which significantly affects weight loss.

Problems with using herbs

When stevia is used, virtually no harm is detected. The only exceptions can be rare cases individual intolerance of the body. Before course treatment you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction in case of hypertrophied sensitivity. To completely eliminate the risk of allergies, stevia is introduced into the diet gradually, with minimal doses.

This fact should be especially noted: when stevia is taken, the contraindications are rather of a precautionary, reinsurance nature, excluding the slightest risk of side effects. The following recommendations can be highlighted:

  1. It is not advisable to consume stevia and preparations made from it with milk (diarrhea is possible).
  2. Caution should be exercised by people suffering from hypotension, because... The plant helps lower blood pressure.
  3. Certain side effects possible with hormonal imbalance, digestive problems, hematogenous pathologies, nervous disorders - in such circumstances, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

How is stevia used?

Stevia, whose medicinal properties are highly valued all over the world, is used in various forms. The pharmaceutical industry isolates concentrated substances and then offers them in the form of extracts, tablets, and powder. At home, herbal tea, infusion, decoction, and syrup are widely used. Stevia is actively added to food, for example, in salads. The herbal extract is used in the production of various drinks (carbonated and non-carbonated), yoghurts, desserts, ice cream, flour products. IN lately Stevia components have begun to be included in toothpaste and mouthwashes.

Stevia tablets are quite common pharmacy form. Their basis is rebaudioside or stevioside, isolated from the plant. Two ingredients are often used as fillers - erythrol and maltodextrin, which are also natural. Cooking offers wide choice finished products: cakes, candies, chocolate, cookies, gingerbreads, jams, herbal tea, pancake mixes with stevia extract. Seeds or dry mixtures of the plant can be purchased separately.

Stevia – what is it, is there any benefit from using stevia for the body or is it just another advertising ploy?

So, stevia is a honey herb, tasty and healthy sweetener plant origin(see photo).

Every person has a need for sweets. It is necessary to keep the body in good shape. Now, there are enough products that replace sugar, but not all of them are healthy.

People with a sweet tooth risk gaining extra pounds, and exceed the sugar content in the body. Therefore, it is so important to know. This article will talk about stevia, a sugar substitute that is able to control its content in the human body. And, of course, we will tell you about the benefits and harms of stevia for human health.

Stevia honey - sweet herb

Stevia is not the only alternative to regular white. But, it can rightfully be called a leader among the products that replace it. This is a herb of the chrysanthemum family, which looks like a small bush.

Brazil is considered the birthplace of stevia. Over time, it adapted to other areas of the planet. Now the plant can be found even in Crimea.

Useful properties of stevia

It was the Indians who first learned about the properties of the plant.

  • Its leaves contain steviosides. These are sweeteners with a sweetness level three hundred times higher than sugar. And these are not empty carbohydrates at all... since the plant also contains essential oils, tannins, many vitamins (C, E, B, P) and microelements (iron, zinc, potassium, chromium, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, etc. ), so it turns out to be an excellent sweetener from stevia.
  • Despite this, stevia has almost zero calorie. 18 kcal, less than the record holders from the end in terms of calorie content - cabbage and. This is why honey grass is so loved by those trying to lose weight. overweight. Stevia provides a unique opportunity to lose weight and not deny yourself sweets.
  • It does not contain glucose, which also increases its value compared to sugar.

Can diabetics use stevia?

Endocrinologists agree that when diabetes mellitus Drinking stevia is not only possible, but also necessary in moderation.

Daily addition of this product to tea or coffee has a positive effect on digestion and increases physical activity, stimulates mental work. Scientists in their latest research It has been proven that stevia helps reduce cravings for alcoholic beverages.

Buy this product Available in almost every pharmacy. It is sold in the form of a white powder, which can successfully replace sugar.

The benefits of stevia for the body

So, what are the benefits of stevia? Not only the herb stevia is just a sugar substitute...

This valuable product can have a healing effect on the human body.

  • For example, it can help improve cholesterol levels.
  • The anti-inflammatory qualities of the herb make it a remedy of choice during cold seasons for strengthening protective equipment body, disease prevention. Stevia destroys the beginnings of inflammation in the respiratory organs and normalizes digestive processes.
  • Being a storehouse of vitamins, stevia eliminates vitamin deficiency, which may appear as a result poor nutrition. It is useful in winter time, when people have a need to saturate the body with useful substances and vitamins.
  • There is an opinion that the components of the plant are not liked, it interferes with their reproduction and prosperity.
  • The herb regulates metabolic processes, promotes weight loss, increased appetite As such, there is a mild diuretic effect.
  • With regular use, stevia disappears skin irritations, rash. The regenerative effect is noticeable.
  • The herb is used for cancer prevention, it is beneficial in treatment thyroid gland, liver, joint diseases.

How to use stevia

The traditional way to use stevia sweetener is to add it to tea, compote or coffee instead of sugar. Herbal teas, syrup, tablets and stevia powders are produced by industry. Many people grow the plant in their garden plots; it is not too capricious.

An infusion is prepared from its leaves, which is used as a sweetener in drinks or homemade cakes. This infusion is placed in a cool place, where it is stored for a whole week.

Stevia doesn't just make drinks and food sweeter. It gives a pleasant aroma to coffee, tea or culinary products. It makes food healthy and tasty.

Uses of stevia for health

There are several options for using stevia. For example, you can prepare an infusion from it, which can be diluted with drinks or herbal infusions.

Preparing the infusion

For the infusion you need a glass of dried stevia leaves, which should be wrapped in gauze, put in a liter jar, and pour boiling water over it. Infuse the liquid for 24 hours, then boil for 60 minutes.

Stevia tincture

You can make a stevia tincture:
20 grams of dry leaves of this plant should be poured into a glass pure alcohol. After a day, the infusion should be filtered and 40 drops added to tea. This remedy is also useful to drink during a flu epidemic and when a cold begins.

Stevia decoction

To have healthy hair, fresh face, you can pour two tablespoons of dry leaves into 250 g of boiling water and cook over very low heat for half an hour. After this, the liquid can be poured into another container, and the napkin with the herbs can be refilled with 0.5 cups of boiling water. The resulting liquid should be allowed to settle for an hour. After this, the decoction should be combined with the infusion and drunk before meals.

External use of stevia in cosmetology

Stevia is used as a cosmetic product.

A decoction of it is wiped on the face and rubbed into the scalp. This product helps and makes the skin elastic. After rubbing the infusion, the hair becomes manageable and shiny.

Stevia in cooking

You can make it from stevia winter preparations, the beneficial properties of which have already convinced many housewives.

For example, to prepare raspberry compote, you can take a liter jar and pour berries into it. The syrup used to pour the compote is made like this: add fifty grams of stevia sweetener to a glass of water. It is poured into jars of raspberries and pasteurized for several minutes.

You can also make compote yourself from other fruits or berries - strawberries, peach, apple, etc.

Consuming stevia has a positive effect on your figure. Her constant use will be an excellent solution for people prone to obesity.

Possible harm of stevia

  • Infusions and decoctions prepared with stevia should be stored in a cool place for about a week. When using the powder, you need to pay attention to the expiration date.
  • Of its few contraindications, there may be diathesis, allergic reactions and gastroenteritis.
  • If you combine stevia with milk, diarrhea can easily begin.
  • Patients with low blood pressure should be wary of stevia; an even greater decrease in blood pressure is possible.
  • Pregnant women should also be careful to avoid unexpected effects.

Consume in moderation, in small portions of this product not only harmless, but also useful. This is especially true for people suffering from diabetes.

Despite the many benefits, uncontrolled use of stevia is prohibited.

Today, stevia is the only plant-based sugar substitute that does not have any harmful effects. negative impact on the body, but, on the contrary, bring benefits. It improves immunity, normalizes cardiovascular and endocrine systems and some internal organs. So what is stevia?
This is perennial herbaceous plant, the stems of which die off and are reborn every year. Stevia grows in South America, in the favorable subtropical climate of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil. The height of this cultivated plant reaches one meter.
Stevia is a non-ornamental plant. In the fall, during the dormant period, it gradually dies off and does not look very presentable, but in summer and spring it is nice to look at these curly bushes. Stevia is similar in appearance to chrysanthemum and mint. The plant blooms continuously, especially during intensive growth. The flowers are quite small and collected in small baskets. In temperate climates, stevia can only bloom in summer; its seeds germinate very poorly, so it is propagated by seedlings.

Useful properties

The Guarani Indians were the first to use the leaves of the plant as food to add a sweet taste to their national drink, mate tea.

About useful medicinal properties The Japanese were the first to use stevia. In the eighties of the last century, Japan began to collect and actively replace sugar with stevia. This had a beneficial effect on the health of the entire nation, thanks to which the Japanese live the longest on the planet.
In Russia, the study of the beneficial properties of this plant began a little later - in the 90s. Numerous studies were carried out in one of the laboratories in Moscow, which established that stevioside is an extract from stevia leaves:
  • lowers blood sugar levels,
  • improves blood microcirculation,
  • normalizes the functions of the pancreas and liver,
  • has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect,
  • reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Taking stevia is indicated for diabetics, since the plant prevents the development of hypo- and hyperglycemic conditions and also reduces the dose of insulin. At simultaneous administration herbs and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the pathogenic effect of the latter on the mucous membrane digestive tract. The herb stevia is a sweetener that should be used for angina pectoris, obesity, diseases of the digestive system, atherosclerosis, pathologies of the skin, teeth and gums, but most of all - for their prevention. This is a herbal remedy traditional medicine can stimulate the adrenal medulla and prolong a person’s life.
Stevia plant tens of times sweeter than sugar due to the content of a complex substance - stevioside. It consists of glucose, sucrose, steviol and other compounds. Stevioside is currently recognized as the sweetest and most harmless natural product. Thanks to the wide therapeutic effects it is good for human health. Despite the fact that stevioside is pure form much sweeter than sugar, it contains few calories, does not change blood glucose levels, and has a mild antibacterial effect.

In addition to sweet glycosides, the plant contains antioxidants, flavonoids, minerals, vitamins. The composition of stevia explains its unique medicinal and healing properties.
The medicinal plant has a number of the following properties:

  • antihypertensive,
  • reparative,
  • immunomodulatory,
  • bactericidal,
  • normalizing immune defense,
  • increasing the bioenergetic capabilities of the body.
The medicinal properties of stevia leaves have a stimulating effect on the functioning of the immune system and cardiovascular systems, kidneys and liver, thyroid gland, spleen. The plant returns to normal blood pressure, has an antioxidant effect, has adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiallergenic and choleretic effects. Regular use Stevia helps lower blood sugar, strengthen blood vessels and stop the growth of tumors. Plant glycosides have light bactericidal effect, thanks to which the symptoms of caries and periodontal disease, leading to tooth loss, are reduced. IN foreign countries release chewing gum and toothpastes with stevioside.
To normalize the function gastrointestinal tract Stevia is also used, since it contains inulin-fructooligosaccharide, which serves nutrient medium for representatives normal microflora intestines - bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Contraindications to the use of stevia

The beneficial properties of the plant are clear and proven. But in addition to its benefits, stevia can cause harm to the human body. That's why self-treatment herbal remedy is strictly prohibited.
The main contraindications to the use of stevia herb:

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Stevia is made from the medicinal plant of the same name, which has numerous beneficial properties and is considered the sweetest plant in the whole world. It contains a unique molecular component called stevioside, which gives the plant its extraordinary sweetness.

Stevia is also popularly called honey herb. All this time medicinal herb used to normalize glucose levels in human blood and prevent diabetes mellitus. Today, stevia has gained not only popularity, but also wide application V food industry.

Features of Stevia sweetener

Stevia is fifteen times sweeter than regular refined sugar, and the extract itself, which contains stevioside, can be 100-300 times sweeter. This feature and is used by science to create a natural sweetener.

However, this is not the only thing that a natural sweetener does ideal option for diabetics. Most sweeteners made from natural and synthetic ingredients have significant disadvantages.

  • The main disadvantage of many sweeteners is the high calorie content of the product, which is harmful to health. Stevia, having stevioside in its composition, is considered a non-calorie sweetener.
  • Many low-calorie synthetic sweeteners have an unpleasant feature. By changing the metabolism of blood sugar, a significant increase in body weight occurs. The natural substitute Stevia does not have similar shortcomings, unlike analogues. Studies have shown that stevioside does not affect glucose metabolism, and even, on the contrary, reduces sugar levels in human blood.

The sweetener in some cases has a bright pronounced taste leech grass. However, today there are sweeteners that use stevioside extract.

Stevioside has no taste, is widely used in the food industry, is available as a food additive and is referred to as E960. At the pharmacy, a similar sweetener can be purchased in the form of small brown tablets.

The benefits and harms of the sweetener Stevia

The natural substitute Stevia is now widely used in most countries and has excellent reviews. The sweetener has gained especially wide popularity in Japan, where Stevia has been used for more than thirty years, and during all this time side effects she was not identified. Scientists from a sunny country have proven that sweetener does not harm human health. At the same time, Stevia is used here not only as a food additive, but is also added instead of sugar to diet drinks.

Meanwhile, in such countries the USA, Canada and the EU do not officially recognize the sweetener as a sweetener. Here Stevia is sold in biological form active additives. The sweetener is not used in the food industry, despite the fact that it is not harmful to human health. The main reason This is due to the lack of research that confirms the safety of Stevia as a natural sweetener. At the same time, these countries are primarily interested in selling synthetic low-calorie substitutes, around which, despite the proven harm of these products, a lot of money is circulating.

The Japanese, in turn, have proven through their research that Stevia does not harm human health. Experts say that today there are few sweeteners with similar low performance toxicity. Stevioside extract has undergone numerous toxicity tests, and all studies have shown no adverse effects on the body. Reviews show that the drug does not cause harm digestive system, does not increase body weight, does not change cells and chromosomes.

Stevioside has antibacterial functions, so it can be used in processing small wounds in the form of burns, scratches and bruises. It promotes fast healing wounds, rapid blood clotting and getting rid of infection. Stevioside extract is often used in the treatment acne, fungal infections. Stevioside helps babies get rid of pain when their first teeth erupt, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Stevia is used to prevent colds and strengthens immune system, serves an excellent remedy in the treatment of diseased teeth. Stevioside extract is used to prepare Stevia tincture, which is mixed with an antiseptic decoction of calendula and horseradish tincture in a 1 to 1 ratio. medicine rinse your mouth to relieve pain and possible suppuration.

Also, Stevia, in addition to stevioside extract, contains useful minerals, antioxidants, vitamins A, E and C, and essential oils.

At long-term use biologically active additives, vitamin complexes, significant consumption of fruits and vegetables may result in hypervitaminosis or an excess of vitamins in the body. If a rash develops on the skin or peeling begins, you should consult a doctor.

Sometimes Stevia may not be tolerated by some people due to individual characteristics body. In particular, the sweetener is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. And yet, there is simply the most real and natural one, which is considered the best substitute Sahara.

Healthy people do not need to use Stevia as a primary dietary supplement. Due to the abundance of sweets in the body, insulin is released. If this condition is maintained continuously, the sensitivity to increases in sugar in the body may decrease. The main thing in this case is to adhere to the norm and not to overdo it with a sweetener.

Use of Stevia in food

Natural sweetener has positive reviews and is widely used in the preparation of drinks and fruit salads where sweetening of the taste is required. Stevia is added to brews instead of sugar and is used in bakery products when baking.

In some cases, stevioside may taste bitter. This reason primarily due to an excess of Stevia, which was added to the product. To get rid of the bitter taste, you need to use less sweetener when cooking. Some types of the stevia plant also have a bitter taste.

To reduce body weight, drinks with the addition of stevioside extract are used, which are drunk the night before lunch and dinner in order to reduce appetite and eat less food. Also, drinks with sweetener can be consumed after meals, half an hour after eating.

When losing weight, many people use the following recipe. In the morning, you need to drink a portion of mate tea with the addition of Stevia on an empty stomach, after which you should not eat for about four hours. During lunch and dinner, you must consume exclusively healthy and natural food no flavorings, preservatives or white flour.

Stevia and diabetes

Ten years ago, the sweetener Stevia was recognized as safe for human health and health care allowed the use of the sweetener in food. Stevioside extract has also been recommended as a sugar substitute for people suffering from type 2 diabetes. Including the sweetener is very useful for hypertensive patients.

Studies have shown that Stevia improves the effects of insulin and affects the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates. In this regard, the sweetener is excellent option sugar substitutes for diabetics, like .

When using Stevia, it is important to ensure that the product you purchase does not contain sugar or fructose. Must use grain units to accurately calculate the required dose of sweets. It must be remembered that even natural substitute Sugar, when used in excess and improperly, can harm human health and increase blood glucose levels.

Purchasing a sweetener

Today you can purchase a natural substitute for Stevia at any pharmacy or online store. The sweetener is sold as stevioside extract in powder, liquid or dried leaves of the medicinal plant.

Powder white added to tea and other types of liquid. However, some disadvantage is that it takes a long time to dissolve in water, so you need to constantly stir the drink.

A sweetener in liquid form is convenient to use when preparing dishes, preparations, and desserts. To accurately determine required quantity Stevia and do not make a mistake in the proportions, you must use the instructions on the packaging from the manufacturer. Usually the sweetener indicates the ratio of Stevia to a spoon of regular sugar.

The flora is rich and diverse. The simplest and most accessible plants often hide greatest number useful substances, which are constantly required by man. Now society prefers to be treated chemicals and do not waste time studying and collecting medicinal plants. But did you know that many of the purchased expensive drugs are created on the basis of natural raw materials?

Most often, traditional medicine uses chamomile, sage, oak bark, lemon balm, mint, calendula. And here's another one useful plant which is widely used alternative medicine, not everyone heard.

We are talking about a natural sweetener - stevia (or honey grass), which is not only rich in stevioside, but also helps prevent a number of diseases and strengthen the immune system.

People who control their weight and people with diabetes should be familiar with stevia, because this low-calorie and naturally sweet herb can improve the taste of tea, coffee, desserts or baked goods. And the composition of stevia deservedly allows it to be called one of the most valuable medicinal plants.

This unpretentious plant to grow comes from the Central and South America, where stevia was used by the indigenous population for food purposes and for preparing decoctions. The benefits and harms of stevia were discovered to Europeans only at the beginning of the last century.

Stevia is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family and has more than 500 varieties. In the wild, the plant can reach half a meter in height, but cultivated varieties of stevia grow much taller. Stevia has small leaves, and the herb blooms with small white flowers.

Stevia grows best in fresh air, loves sun and abundant watering. Growing it in your garden will not be difficult, and stevia seeds can be bought at any specialty store.

For industrial purposes, stevia is grown in Crimea and the Krasnodar region. It is in demand in the food industry and cosmetology, but most often stevia is used for medical purposes. High content Natural steviosides, which are several hundred times sweeter than regular sugar, allow you to go on a diet without giving up sweets. And even improve your health, because stevia has a beneficial effect on the pancreas, improves digestion and appetite, and helps with hypertension and diabetes. Stevia wraps and masks based on it tighten pores, cleanse and disinfect the skin, and accelerate wound healing.

IN traditional medicine Stevia is sold in the form of tablets, sugar-like powder, liquid syrup (stevia extract), and dried leaves. But fresh stevia leaves grown at home are most valued. Their natural sweetness allows you to improve the taste of salads, desserts, drinks and even baked goods or jam, because steviol glycosides retain all their benefits and are not destroyed even at temperatures up to 180°.

Composition and benefits of stevia

Stevia belongs to the class of the lowest-calorie products, because 100 g of this herb contains only 18 calories! According to this indicator, it left behind even fresh cabbage with its 23-28 kcal.

By including stevia in dietary ration You can not only diversify it, but also speed up the breakdown of fats. So those losing weight should definitely take note of this plant.

The benefits of stevia are associated with its unique composition. It contains many vitamins (riboflavin, C, B6, K, beta-carotene, nicotinic acid) and minerals (fluorine, selenium, calcium, chromium, manganese, aluminum, phosphorus, cobalt), polysaccharides, glycosides, fiber, tannins, vegetable fats, arachidonic acid, flavonoids, essential oils (camphor oil, limonene), pectin, amino acids and beneficial bitters.

What are the benefits of stevia:

Stevia becomes a real salvation for people with diabetes and who cannot imagine life without sweets. Many manufacturers add it to diabetic products– chocolate, cookies, yoghurts. The natural sweetness of stevia does not harm diabetics; their bodies respond well to this sweetener.

This medicinal plant has almost no prohibitions on consumption. Regarding
fresh plant, then the only contraindication can be individual intolerance to stevia. If an allergy occurs, its consumption should be stopped. At the beginning of the reception, other negative reactions in the form of indigestion, bloating, stomach or intestinal disorders, dizziness, muscle pain. This is why you should consult your doctor before adding stevia to your diet.

You should not overuse stevia and add it to all dishes without exception, because reactions to an excess of sweet foods, even with such a natural sweetener, can also be the most unpredictable.

Do not forget that stevia leads to a decrease in sugar, so while taking it you need to constantly check its amount in the blood.

People with hypotension should also consume stevia carefully to avoid further decrease in blood pressure.

If you purchase stevia at the pharmacy in the form of tablets or powder, then make sure that they do not contain methanol and ethanol, which are usually used to reduce the sweetness of the resulting stevia extract. Their toxic effects may harm the body.



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