Methods of treating the nervous system. Diseases of the nervous system, treatment at home

The nervous system is necessary to control mental processes in the human body. A person owes the ability to be happy, sad, think, move in space, etc. to his nervous system. It is thanks to it that the body is able to quickly adapt to constantly changing conditions.

The role of the nervous system can be judged by the consequences that arise as a result of disruptions in its functioning due to. A person who has lost an arm or leg continues to remain a full-fledged member of society. He can hold a leadership position, drive a car, write a book, defend a dissertation. All this becomes completely impossible for a person who is not deprived of limbs, but has serious diseases of the nervous system.

The absence of disturbances in one of the main systems of our body determines the quality of life as a whole. According to statistics, in 80% of cases the cause of a dangerous disease is directly related to the state of the psyche.

According to experts, a person can live at least seven hundred years, provided that he is not exposed to serious diseases.

The nervous system consists of two main elements: central and peripheral, which, in turn, includes 2 components - autonomic and somatic. The autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord.

Treatment of central nervous system diseases

The approach to treating disorders of the central nervous system will depend on the nature of the disease.

Nervous diseases are divided into the following groups:

Autonomic nervous diseases

Experts identify several causes of problems with the autonomic nervous system. These include not only hormonal imbalances and hereditary factors, but also injuries, bad habits, poor diet, sedentary work, and the presence of foci of inflammation.

Sudden changes in temperature, allergies, and uncontrolled use of potent drugs can also provoke a disorder of the autonomic nervous system.

A neurologist consulted by a patient suffering from ANS diseases may recommend undergoing an examination. One of the most effective methods of treatment is normalization of nutrition. Salty, fatty and spicy foods should be completely excluded from the patient's diet.

In addition, the patient needs to reconsider his habits and lifestyle. It was probably they who led him to the disease. You should stop smoking and drinking alcohol too often. If the patient has a sedentary job, it is necessary to replace passive leisure with active one: go in for sports, spend more time in the fresh air.

Physiotherapeutic methods are also successfully used in treatment. On the advice of a doctor, you can take a course of acupuncture or massage, or do yoga.

TOP 3 universal remedies for the treatment of the nervous system that are available to everyone:

Relax music to calm and treat the nervous system:

The CNS AND PNS will be fine if...

Any nervous disorder is always easier to prevent than to treat. To avoid it, you must first of all lead a correct lifestyle. You should limit your alcohol consumption and quit smoking completely. A balanced diet is also the key to the absence of problems with the nervous system.

The stress to which modern people are exposed can be considered the main cause of NS diseases. Since it is almost impossible to avoid nervous shocks, it is necessary to rid your body of stress in a timely manner.

Each person finds his own way to relax. A favorite activity, for example, embroidery, knitting, drawing, etc., helps to redirect attention. However, you should not limit your leisure time to passive hobbies. A walk in the park or the sea coast will bring no less benefits.

The saying that says everything is not without truth. Diseases of the nervous system have a special property: they significantly worsen the quality of life on the emotional plane, making the patient a pessimist.

The modern world is filled with all kinds of stressful situations; they await a person at every corner. People are most exposed to stress at work and in their family circles. Any little thing can cause a nervous breakdown, but it is important to understand that a nervous breakdown does not happen on its own. The body, like a battery, accumulates negative emotions and various experiences for a long time, and then at one moment splashes them all out at once. A person may have a nervous breakdown due to a long absence of vacation or weekends. Standard work conflicts, dissatisfaction with management and minor quarrels add fuel to the fire. In addition, if there are certain problems in the family circle, then at home a person will also experience a portion of negative emotions. All this sooner or later leads to a nervous breakdown, so it is also important to be able to relax and rest.

The most common causes of stress

  • Change of place of residence (quite often people are subjected to severe stress due to moving and changing surroundings);
  • Problems at work;
  • The source of stress can be some kind of internal experience (uncertainty in life, problem with self-esteem, etc.);
  • Chronic lack of sleep;
  • Constant lack of means for subsistence;
  • Problems with relatives or in the family circle (illness, debt, lack of work, etc.);

Some experiences can weigh on a person for many months, and he himself will not even realize it. Therefore, it is best to contact a psychologist to determine the cause of increased nervousness. An experienced doctor will identify the most likely pathogens at the first session and suggest ways to solve the problem.

Symptoms of emotional stress

Often nervous attacks develop gradually, they can be compared to the rising tide on the seashore. At first, a person feels a slight internal tension, which, as the person is exposed to certain external stimuli, either gradually decreases, or gradually or suddenly increases. Constantly growing internal tension at a certain moment develops into full-fledged anger (this often happens during family quarrels, when the showdown of relationships reaches a dead end). The primary symptoms of a nervous attack are:

  • Sudden feelings of terror, every now and then, followed by intense aggression or anger.
  • Increased sweating
  • Cardiopalmus

There are also secondary symptoms of nervous exhaustion and overexertion. These include insomnia, constant muscle fatigue, nervousness, and impatience. It is always difficult for such people to get together and concentrate on something specific; their thoughts are scattered.

If stress becomes a habit for a person, then from time to time it can provoke constipation or diarrhea, back pain, depression, panic attacks, anxiety disorders and high blood pressure. In addition, according to statistics, people who are constantly exposed to stress are more likely than others to use drugs, alcohol and smoke.

Proven folk remedies for nerves and stress

To put your nerves in order, it is recommended to regularly use motherwort tincture. To prepare it, you need to pour three large spoons of raw materials with a hundred gram glass of boiling water and leave the broth for twenty-five to thirty minutes. The strained and cooled product should be consumed for two weeks, one large spoon twice a day.

Thyme is no less effective in this regard; you can also prepare tinctures with it and take them like tea. To do this, you need to steam five grams of thyme in half a liter of boiling water (it is best to do this in a sealed container). The duration of steaming is forty minutes. After this, the medicine must be strained and divided into three or four parts of equal volume, and then consumed in full throughout the day. You can take the prepared tincture at any convenient time. It is not recommended to take thyme more than three times a week.

You can get rid of increased nervousness with the help of flower honey and beet juice. To prepare the mixture, you need to mix one third of a glass of beet juice and flower honey, and then mix everything thoroughly. The resulting product must be left to stand for about three hours in a cool place before use. It is best to take the medicine within twenty minutes of eating a few teaspoons at a time. If insomnia has developed against the background of a nervous breakdown, then you can curb it with the help of a decoction of dill seeds. The preparation of the medicine is extremely simple; you need to brew fifty grams of dill in a 100-gram glass of boiling water, let it brew, and drink it before bed.

To cope with the problem, you can use an ancient calming elixir. Anyone can prepare it; to do this, you need to pour three hundred grams of raisins with a liter of pure distilled water in an enamel container, add the zest of one lemon and boil everything for five to seven minutes. The finished product should sit for at least a couple of hours, after which you need to add the juice of one lemon and mix everything thoroughly. You are allowed to take the medicine one glass per day. The duration of treatment is individual for each person.

Tea for nerves and stress

  • An herbal mixture of mint, hawthorn, oregano, valerian root and sweet clover, which can be consumed as tea shortly before meals, is ideal for stress and nerves. In advance, you need to mix fifty grams of medicinal clover herb, oregano and hawthorn flowers. After this, twenty grams of valerian roots and mint leaves should be added to the mixture. It is recommended to mix all components thoroughly. To prepare the tea itself, you need to pour a few spoons of the mixture with half a liter of boiling water and leave the medicine for at least half an hour, additionally wrapping it in something warm. This tea can be drunk only before meals.
  • Tea made from tansy, calendula and oregano has no less effective effects on the nervous system. The components mixed equally should be brewed in a liter mug and the infused product should be consumed fifty grams three times a day. The duration of treatment is two to three months.
  • Like tea, you can use a decoction made from dry, powdered peony roots. The raw material must be filled with water, brought to a boil over low heat and then left for another five minutes. The strained product should be consumed one and a half glasses three times a day before meals.

The best remedy for nerves and stress

To curb a sudden attack of rage, you need to try to pull yourself together and go to the nearest window or go outside, which is best. Soak a towel or rag in cool water and place it over your head. You need to breathe deeply, slowly and with your eyes closed. You should try to stretch your inhalations and exhalations for seven to eight seconds. At the same time, you need to massage your temples with your fingers and lightly press on your eyeballs. If there is ice nearby, you can lubricate your temples, forehead and back of your head with it. Be sure to drink a glass of cool or cold water in small sips. During all these procedures, you should try to concentrate your thoughts on something pleasant and relaxing.

The best remedy for stress, internal worries and nerves is relaxation in nature or in a specialized sanatorium, which, of course, is the best. But considering that most people cannot just break away and go to a sanatorium to rest, the ideal solution in this particular situation is a country holiday. Just a couple of days spent in the fresh air radically changes a person’s internal emotional state. And besides, a standard weekend is enough for partial recovery. In general, you need to make it a habit to get out into nature, to the river and forest, at least every other weekend (it’s best if the forest is pine; walking through a pine forest is calming). This is especially true for people whose profession is filled with various stressful situations.

If your nerves are at their limit, you can put your emotional state in order with the help of a tincture prepared from rose hips, rosemary leaves, hop cones, motherwort herb, lemon balm, peppermint and St. John's wort. All components must be mixed in equal parts by weight, and then fifty grams of the mixture must be poured with half a liter of high-quality vodka. After this, the medicine must be placed in a dark place for three weeks and shaken periodically. The finished tincture can be consumed daily, twelve drops at a time three times a day. If the taste seems disgusting, you can drink the tincture with water. It is best to store the product in the refrigerator or cellar. The duration of treatment is thirty days.

Modern man is subject to daily stress, which can cause neurosis and weaken his nerves. But neurosis is a disease of the nervous system that affects the entire body. The cause of this disease is usually chronic or acute nerve overstrain. In addition, poor nutrition, poisoning and some infections predispose to the development of neurosis.

Of course, it does not cause neurosis. However, it is a fairly common disorder. The basis of this illness is the incorrect resolution of certain contradictions between significant relationships or events and the personality. In other words, neurotic conflict. It is worth noting that this factor begins in childhood. So, how to get rid of neurosis, calm and strengthen your nerves using folk remedies.

The most proven and reliable remedy that saves you from neurosis is motherwort tincture, prepared. To prepare the drug, you need to grind dry motherwort grass and then pour in heated, but not boiled, wine. For 100 grams of raw materials, 0.5 liters of alcohol is required. After mixing the ingredients, put the pan on the fire and bring the preparation to a temperature that is closest to boiling. It is worth remembering that the product cannot be boiled. After this, it is better to place the container with the preparations in a water bath and simmer for 30 minutes. The finished product should be cooled and strained. Take this infusion several times a day, preferably in the evening and morning, 1/5 cup. Course – 14 days.

To get a greater effect, you can prepare a product based on motherwort and cudweed herb. To prepare the drug, take 50 grams of each herb and add heated wine. For the indicated amount of herbs, 1/2 liter is required. After this, the product should be heated, but not boiled. When the drug begins to boil, you need to remove it from the heat and place it in a water bath. The folk remedy needs to simmer for another half hour. The finished infusion should be cooled and then strained. Take three tablespoons of this composition in the morning and evening. Full course – 3 weeks.

How to overcome nervous exhaustion

A drug prepared based on the herb of the fluffy-flowered astragalus will help cure the disease and restore peace of mind. A few tablespoons of this plant must be poured with 250 milliliters of boiling water. The grass must infuse. This takes about two hours. The finished product should be taken 3 tablespoons 4 times a day, preferably before meals. It is worth noting that this drug not only calms the nerves, but also helps normalize the heart rhythm.

Also, a remedy made from the herb “capitcap” will help overcome nervous exhaustion and give strength. The roots and leaves of this plant can be used to prepare medicine. A tablespoon of this raw material should be brewed with 1/2 liter of boiling water. The grass should sit for several hours. After this, the finished preparation is filtered. It should be taken warm, 0.5 cups 3 to 4 times a day. For taste, you can add a small amount of honey.

How to strengthen and calm your nerves

Fresh dill perfectly calms the nerves. This product is best consumed fresh daily. Of course, after heat treatment, dill practically does not lose its properties, but they still become smaller and the effect weakens.

Prune decoction is an excellent sedative. It is very easy to prepare. Cup Well-washed prunes must be poured with half a liter of wine, preferably red. The container with the drug must be put on fire and covered with a lid. You need to heat the product until droplets of alcohol form on the lid. After this, the container should be removed from the heat and added to the broth 4 pods of cloves, a bay leaf, 7 black peppercorns and only 1/4 cardamom. After this, the broth should be tightly closed and allowed to brew. You need to take this drug 30 - 50 milliliters per day.

An infusion of motherwort herb helps calm and strengthen the nerves. To prepare this product, you need to brew three tablespoons of the raw material with a glass of boiling water and let it stand for about 20 minutes. The finished product should be taken several times a day, a tablespoon at a time. The course of therapy is 15 days.

Mix the following crushed ingredients in equal parts: hop cones, peppermint and rosemary leaves, lemon balm, St. John's wort and motherwort, rosehip roots. Pour half a liter of good vodka into 50 grams of the resulting mixture and leave for 21 days, shaking the contents every few days. The finished tincture should be filtered and taken three times a day, 12 drops, washed down with clean water. Course – 30 days.

Or if you suffer from nervous exhaustion, you should not consult a doctor, since in some cases you simply cannot do without his consultation. You should not try to solve the problem yourself as this may lead to undesirable consequences.

Treatment of nerves with folk remedies at home is currently necessary for almost the entire urban population and most of the rural population. Nervous disorders can be treated not only as independent health problems, but also as an addition to complex treatment of other diseases. With this approach, recovery will come much faster. If you regularly restore the functionality of your nervous system with the help of traditional medicine, your health will improve significantly.

Recipes for treating the nervous system with folk remedies:

1. Take common hops, which grow not only in the garden, but also in the wild. When the hop cones (fruits) turn yellowish rather than green (this usually happens in August), they are collected and dried. Afterwards, tea is brewed from these cones at the rate of 2 cones per glass of boiling water, leave for 5-10 minutes and drink with honey (the tea turns out to be a little bitter). This remedy perfectly helps with insomnia, relieves irritability and nervousness. Just don’t drink more than 2 glasses of tea, as one is usually enough.

2. Treatment of nerves with folk remedies can be enhanced by special correction of the diet, which should include foods rich in B vitamins, lecithin, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Such products include yeast, fatty fish (or just fish oil), dairy products, honey, eggs, liver, butter and sunflower oil, buckwheat, soybeans, beans and others. Also, to treat nervous disorders, you should follow a daily routine, go to bed at the same time, spend more time in the fresh air, walking and moderate physical activity are especially useful.

3. If you have inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. Then this recipe will suit you. You need to heat a glass of buckwheat in a frying pan, pour it into a cotton bag and apply it to the sore spot, hold until the cereal has cooled. Do the procedures two to three times a day. In addition, brew chamomile tea (a teaspoon of herb per glass of boiling water), take a mouthful of warm chamomile tea three to four times a day and keep it in your mouth without swallowing for as long as possible, then spit it out.

4. If inflammation of the occipital nerve is detected. Then use this recipe. Grind dry orange peel and lemon balm leaves in equal parts. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, close the lid, leave for 10 minutes, then strain. Add a teaspoon of valerian tincture. Drink one glass two to three times a day. If desired, add honey or sugar to taste. The course of treatment is one month.

5. You can also use this recipe: Pluck a few green leaves from indoor common geranium, apply to the sore spot, cover with a clean linen napkin and bandage. Tie a woolen scarf on top. Replace the leaves with fresh ones two or three times within two hours. This procedure should be carried out for every attack of headache caused by a nervous disorder.

6. Mix one share of crushed valerian roots and hop cones and two shares of peppermint and trefoil leaves. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and heat under the lid in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then leave for 45 minutes, strain, squeeze and add boiled water to a full glass. Take 1/4-1/3 cup once or twice a day after meals.

7. This remedy will help you against nervous convulsions. Minor cramps occur periodically in overexcited people who are chronically sleep-deprived, weakened by excessive work, or who have been exposed to sun or heatstroke, for example, simply overheated in a bathhouse or in the south.

The basis for the appearance of seizures is pre-existing disturbances in blood flow in the head, which contributes to increased intracranial pressure and disruption of brain nutrition, very often - osteochondrosis of the cervical spine with the presence of unstable (mobile) vertebrae. Although, of course, there are other predisposing factors: autonomic dystonia, congenital anomalies of cerebral vascular development, etc.

Instead of the usual tea, use an infusion of horsetail or celery roots (parsley), which are the most powerful diuretics in the world of herbs (1 week). And the nervousness will leave you.

8. Many doctors, not only traditional medicine - to maintain the health of the nervous system - recommend taking relaxing baths to prevent illness and during the period of illness itself. Here is the recipe for preparing a bath: Take 0.5 kg of pine needles and cones. Pour them into 4 liters of water and boil for 1.5 hours. Leave for 12 hours. Then filter the infusion. A good extract should be brown, not green. For each warm bath exactly 4 liters are used. This extract. A pine soothing bath has a beneficial effect on all nervous disorders. You should take a bath at night. This greatly strengthens the nervous system.

9. Take 0.5 kg of valerian root. Pour them into 4 liters of water and boil for 1.5 hours. Leave for 12 hours. Then filter the infusion. For each warm bath exactly 4 liters are used. This extract. A soothing bath has a beneficial effect on all nervous disorders. You should take a bath at night. This greatly strengthens the nervous system.

10. Take 0.5 kg of lavender flowers and stems. Pour them into 4 liters of water and boil for 1.5 hours. Leave for 12 hours. Then filter the infusion. For each warm bath exactly 4 liters are used. This extract. A soothing bath has a beneficial effect on all nervous disorders. You should take a bath at night. This greatly strengthens the nervous system.

11. Take 0.5 kg cumin. Pour it into 4 liters of water and boil for 1.5 hours. Leave for 12 hours. Then filter the infusion. For each warm bath exactly 4 liters are used. This extract. A soothing bath has a beneficial effect on all nervous disorders. You should take a bath at night. This greatly strengthens the nervous system.

12. Take hawthorn flowers, chamomile flowers and St. John's wort, mix without grinding into powder. 1 tsp collection, pour a glass of boiling water, cover and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Strain and drink slowly, as if dissolving.

Drink this tea before bed for a month or two. And you will again find peace and tranquility.

13. For women, PMS has its own tea, which will make her calm and not irritable these days. The tea consists of lavender flowers, hop cones, St. John's wort and linden flowers. This tea has a very strong smell - its smell is reminiscent of perfume. It will help your nerves and calm you down.

14. Let medicinal herbs that calm your nerves help you in the same way.

Chamomile for nerves. Infusion of chamomile flowers (1 tsp per 1 glass of boiling water, drunk at night with a spoon of honey).

Motherwort for nerves. Infusion of motherwort herb and calendula flowers (in a ratio of 1: 1; infuse 1 tablespoon of the collection in a thermos in 1 glass of boiling water, drink 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day before meals).

Valerian for nerves. Valerian root decoction (10 g of raw material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, left for 2 hours, filtered and drunk 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals).

We wish you to always be in harmony with yourself and the world around you. And enjoy life at every opportunity... because who knows, what if, around the corner, something unforgettable awaits you...

All kinds of diseases of the nervous system are the scourge of modern society, which is forced to live at a frantic pace with great moral and physical stress under the constant influence of stress. Treatment of the nervous system must begin immediately at the first signs of discomfort or any abnormalities, since its diseases are best treated in the early stages and, when neglected, can not only cause serious harm to health, but also pose a real threat to human life. People who ignore nervous diseases of various etymologies can pose a potential threat to others.

Diseases of the nervous system can be either clinical, causing serious impairment of a person’s physical or mental activity and requiring the supervision of a physician, or ordinary stress, caused by unfavorable living conditions and self-treating at home, except in advanced cases.

Stress-related diseases of the nervous system include:

  • Overwork: weakness, apathy, decreased appetite, sleep disturbance (both increased drowsiness in the vast majority of cases and insomnia), bad mood, depression, a sharp drop in immunity, impaired mental stability and a tendency to hysterics. Symptoms of overwork are the same for both physical fatigue and emotional and psychological fatigue.
  • Depression: depression, apathy, constant bad mood, gloomy thoughts, pessimistic attitude, lack of desire to do anything and, in general, to live, dissatisfaction with people and things around you for no particular reason, loss of self-esteem, anxiety, nervous excitability, impaired attention, sexual activity , sleep, appetite, both more and less, and an increased tendency to overwork and substances and actions that move away from reality (alcohol, drugs, medications, religious and thematic movements), a craving for suicide.
  • Persistent insomnia: a constant desire, but inability to fall asleep, intermittent restless sleep, an excessively long period of falling asleep.
  • Migraine: Persistent headaches that can occur on their own, but usually begin with mild noise levels or mental or physical stress.
  • Fall of immunity: immunity can fall for a number of physical reasons, and, oddly enough, with increased pressure on the nervous system, which leads to a sharp unmotivated incidence of both infectious diseases and various allergies, irritations, gastrointestinal disorders, exacerbation of chronic diseases, psoriasis, etc. Sometimes there are cases when a person again falls ill with diseases that usually cannot be contracted a second time, for example, chickenpox, severe causeless inflammation, bleeding (in women).
  • Pain syndromes: pain of varying locations and strengths that have no justified cause. Sometimes a person feels real pain in a certain place, and a thorough examination shows that he is absolutely healthy.
  • Increased nervous excitability: sudden mood swings from screaming to sleep, from tears to laughter and vice versa, very sharp both positive and negative reactions to any even minor irritants, impaired attention in both good and bad ways.
  • Attention impairment: absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, inattention.
  • Amnesia or memory impairment: both complete loss of memory for a certain period of time after too much stress for a person, and minor memory lapses (a person cannot remember what he did last night, what he just said or did, etc. ), forgetfulness and absent-mindedness.
  • Neurosis: decreased mental activity and performance, excitability, obsessions and phobias, increased nervous excitability, a person becomes unbearable for others, begins to feel symptoms caused by psychosomatic factors, including pain syndromes, becomes prone to inappropriate actions or actions that were previously were not characteristic of him.
  • Neurasthenia: a weaker form of neurosis, which affects about 70% of the urban population, manifested in irritability, increased excitability and inability to perform long-term physical and mental work, with difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbance and anxiety.

In addition to the main diseases caused by stress on the human nervous system, there are also small subgroups with similar symptoms. In principle, all nervous disorders are interconnected and originate from each other. So, insomnia is a symptom of overwork, and overwork is a symptom of depression, etc.

The main difference between diseases is the degree of their influence on a person’s behavior, his performance and the level of possibility of poisoning the life of both the patient himself and those around him.

The similarity of symptoms and the ability to transform one into another is due to common causes.

Causes of stress diseases:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Physical overexertion.
  • Mental overstrain.
  • Moral stress.
  • Prolonged physical discomfort
  • Sudden strong physical or mental stress.
  • A weak, almost imperceptible long-term stress effect, like that same tube of toothpaste that your husband doesn’t close, may well lead to symptoms of some disease in a year or two.
  • Previous brain diseases or diseases that have caused complications on the nervous system, weakening it.
  • Unstable hormonal levels increase a person's tendency to nervous disorders tenfold. If at least one hormone changes its level sharply, then all functions of the body are disrupted and its reactions to the environment become incorrect.
  • Physical exhaustion of the body caused by a lack of certain substances due to poor nutrition.

How to cure the nervous system

Based on the fact that all nervous disorders are caused by almost the same reasons and are inextricably linked, treatment of the nervous system occurs using the same methods, which are divided into treatment of the nervous system with folk remedies, as well as general and medicinal ones.

General methods of healing the nervous system include moral and physical peace, long-term surrounding of the patient with a comfort zone, and elimination of the stress factor, at least temporarily.

Medicinal methods primarily involve the use of various drugs designed to reduce the sensitivity of the nervous system to stress factors and inhibit or inhibit its reactions. These drugs include completely harmless motherwort, valerian, Corvalol, stronger sedatives sold without a prescription, and powerful prescription drugs, including hormonal ones. Treatment of stress nervous disorders only with medicinal methods is not only ineffective, but also harmful, since many drugs are highly addictive and do not eliminate the very cause of the disease, which entails an even more violent reaction of the patient to the stimulus and a sharp deterioration in the condition as a result.

Only the attending physician has the right to prescribe certain medications, since they significantly change the symptoms and have a strong effect on already tortured nerves.

Medication methods also include special sessions with a psychologist that help relieve tension, understand the cause of stress, or change your attitude towards irritating factors. Special psychoneurological sanatoriums.

The most popular safe and effective methods of treating nerves are traditional methods. They allow you to treat the nervous system at home without losing your ability to work or acquiring side effects. The only condition is that you need to know your allergic reactions.

Traditional therapy

How to treat nerves with folk remedies?

Aromatherapy as a treatment at home:

Plants with a strong aroma and release of phytoncides as a powerful means of passive treatment at home. It’s easy enough to plant such plants around your home and, if possible, in your office, and they themselves will create a calming environment and even lower blood pressure due to the substances they secrete. These include: geranium, lemon, orange, mint, rose, garden violet, lavender, lemon balm, pine twigs or resins.

  • Geranium is very calming and gives a feeling of comfort and security. In many schools, cunning teachers plant windows with large quantities of geraniums, and in these classes students make virtually no noise, do not show aggression, concentrate better and are less tired.
  • Lavender is a powerful sedative and even a mild hypnotic, helps you relax and unwind better, and is a small preventative against ARVI.
  • Mint, lemon, orange greatly improve mood and performance, reduce fatigue, actively participate in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the respiratory system, and repel some harmful insects.
  • Rose, garden violet, lemon balm - improve mood, cause a feeling of pleasure, which significantly reduces susceptibility to stress.
  • Coniferous plants, first of all, greatly increase immunity, treat the respiratory system and strengthen it in general, which allows you to come to your senses very quickly and gives pleasure.

Natural essential oils are a good substitute for living healing plants; you can always carry them with you in special pendants, place them around the house or add them to baths, or at worst, warm your feet in the evenings or after work in warm water with their addition.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of nervous disorders

Decoctions and infusions of herbs, honey, warm milk, various vitamin and nutritional mixtures, in addition to soothing, fill the body with vitamins and nutrients, the lack of which could well cause a disorder, increase immunity and give strength.

Calms, relieves tension and stress:

  • Oregano tea, brewed from oregano herb to taste, is unlimited in quantity and does not cause harm.
  • Decoction of blackberry leaves: boil 3-4 tablespoons of blackberry leaves in 0.5 liters. water for 8 minutes and take 2-3 times a day, 250 ml.
  • Ivan tea decoction: approximately 3 tbsp. spoons per 0.5 l. Boil water for 5-10 minutes and leave for 2 hours. Take 0.5 cups several times a day half an hour before meals. Excellent for relieving headaches and insomnia.
  • Tincture of hops or sweet clover: 2 tbsp. spoons per 0.5 l. Infuse hops with boiling water for half an hour and clover for two hours. Drink 1/4 cup of hops 2-3 times a day, and 1/2 cup of sweet clover.

Eliminate insomnia:

  • Hop tincture: for 1 part of alcohol, 1/4 part of crushed hop cones (by weight) is infused with periodic stirring in a dark place for a week and taken 1 teaspoon with a small amount of water several times a day.
  • Tincture of dill seeds: boil 50 g of seeds over low heat for 5-10 minutes in 500 g of port wine or Cahors, let cool for half an hour and take 50-60 ml 30 minutes before bedtime.

Stimulate and give strength:

  • Tea with mint, lemon, orange zest and or lemon balm to taste.
  • Primrose tea: 2–6 tablespoons of dried flowers per 0.5 l. leave boiling water in a warm place for 2 hours and drink 2–3 times, 1–0.5 cups each.

Natural juices as medicine:

  • In addition to treating nervous disorders, natural juices are beneficial for the entire body as a whole. To achieve a sustainable result, you need to take them 2-3 times a day or more than 1 glass for two weeks.
  • Grapefruit and pomegranate juice for severe fatigue, both physical and mental, after surgery or a serious illness.
  • Carrot juice for loss of strength and fatigue.
  • Orange and currant juices increase performance and endurance, and relieve fatigue.
  • Quince juice lifts your mood and relieves nervousness.
  • Grape juice relieves anxiety and increases stress resistance.
  • Watermelon, pumpkin, and blackberry juices relieve stress.
  • Rosehip juice has a complex effect on all symptoms, but is taken in a mixture with other juices, for example, apple juice.

Treatment of the nervous system with folk remedies based on local application

Folk remedies based on the local use of various compresses, rubs, baths, powders, which have an effect on certain nerve endings and saturate the body with beneficial and anti-inflammatory substances through absorption through the blood.

  • Therapeutic baths with essential oils or herbal decoctions warm the body, giving it a period of rest; hot water greatly increases the effect of essential oils, the properties of which were described above, and the addition of salts simultaneously treats various other diseases. This is an excellent means of relaxation, stress relief, pain syndromes and quick relaxation. Indispensable in the fight against insomnia. In the absence of a normal lying bath, you can use a hot foot bath in a regular basin or bucket.
  • Saunas and baths have a similar effect to baths, only in a slightly enhanced version. You can also use essential oils and herbal decoctions in them.
  • Mustard compresses relieve tension, stimulate the immune system, contain vitamins, warm and relax. They can be used on the chest, back and feet. In the old days, grandmothers poured dry mustard into their socks at night.
  • Fir oil stimulates, improves immunity, relieves pain syndromes, treats radiculitis, osteochondrosis, muscle inflammation, bronchitis.
  • Honey compresses can relieve muscle spasms and pain syndromes caused by nervous disorders.
  • A pillow stuffed with dried hop cones works even with long-term, untreatable insomnia.
  • A compress of raw beets applied to the temples can relieve severe headaches.

When treating diseases of the nervous system, it is important to remember that although they sometimes seem harmless, they are in fact a strong enemy that can cause an unexpected blow from which it will be difficult to recover. How to cure? It should be remembered that nerve diseases cannot be cured by self-control and willpower; if you try to tolerate and ignore the problem, it can result in a serious nervous breakdown with unpredictable consequences.



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