Comic phrases about eyes. Famous quotes about looking

Women's eyes often fail.

One day you will look into my laughing eyes and cry.

Do you love me! - Who said? - Your eyes!

I want to fly to where you are not. The main thing is not to turn around and not see your eyes.

She looked at me like I was looking at an unoccupied taxi.

It’s unlikely that there is a person who can read the whole truth in my eyes without saying a word... But I’m looking for him. Still looking...

Say about a person only what you could repeat when looking into his eyes.

How to sleep? -Well, go to bed, close your eyes and pass out!

People in whose eyes there is nowhere to fall lower are called friends.

You know, I will always remember your eyes.

He has beautiful eyes, and then everything somehow happened on its own.

When I look into your eyes I see our future.

All the power is in the eyes, sometimes they are more useful than their owners.

Your eyes, your smile blurred the future for me. It suddenly became shaky, unsteady. I understand - the truth is in you...

They say you can describe a person by his eyes. The blue ones hide the endless ocean, the green ones hide the virgin forest, but the brown ones contain chocolate.

When the eyes say one thing and the tongue says another, an experienced person believes the former more.

I'm not blue-eyed. -My eyes are brown. and they are higher than you look.

The eyes of a liar are a crooked mirror of the soul.

Beauty, women are not about clothes, figure or hairstyle. It glows in her eyes. After all, the eyes are the gates of the heart in which love lives.

Women's eyes speak louder than words.

There are men who are more eloquent than women, but not a single man has the eloquence of a woman's eyes.

Her eyes are open wide, there is a smile on her face, sliding across his features with a familiar lunar glare. Her words are funny, simple and frank, she is not someone from whom you should expect betrayal.

The eyes are always more tender than the heart.

The eyes you once fell in love with, you will never forget!

The eyes are brown, brown, the lips are sweet and tender. You don’t pay attention to me, your heart is already occupied by others, You left but I don’t lose heart, Soon you’ll be mine anyway. I'll take you away and kidnap you. I'll take you away from someone else.

The eyes are not responsible when the mind does not see.)

Homeless Vasily lived in the subway. Thousands of women passed through his bed every day.

And only looking into your eyes, I understand how much I love you. Perhaps I get into your soul, the soul that I love.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own soul.

Look yourself in the eyes!!! There are more answers than you have questions!!!

Deeper than the ocean, purer than a drop of dew, angrier than a hurricane, your eyes, the wind carries away sadness and I’m not afraid of anything when I look into your eyes.

Women's eyes are always beautiful, no matter what color they are.

You have such beautiful eyes, you would drown. - But my eyes are brown. - And what? - Do you even understand what you’re drowning in?

I met a girl here: cherry eyes, peach breasts, apple figure... Tell me, is this love?! -No, this is vitamin deficiency, you need to eat fruit!

A woman's eyes are not a mirror, but a searchlight of the soul.

The eyes are a window behind which the human soul is magnificently visible. You just need to be able to look through this window.

What do you pay most attention to when meeting people? I can see it, because this is the gateway of the soul.

Only for your sake, my love, will I believe in reality, only for the sake of your amazing eyes am I ready to die and be resurrected.

The eyes are the most perfect lie detector.

Well, where are you, my happiness with blue-gray eyes?

When a woman's beautiful eyes become clouded with tears, a man stops seeing.

Those who see only with their eyes miss a lot.

For some reason, a person with dark eyes looks more interesting, mysterious and sexy.

Mmm, what eyes. -Which? -Green. -Do you like it? -Not really! They are just a little more beautiful and kinder than others.

Even if you lie, your eyes always tell the truth...

To set your heart on fire with love, your eyes are enough!

The most beautiful eyes. Not blue and not brown. The most beautiful eyes. Not big and not small. The most beautiful eyes. Not wide and not narrow. The most beautiful eyes are the ones you love. It is in your beloved eyes that you can see the reflection of your love.

He: You have a kind soul She: What makes you think that?! ?! ?! Him: Yes, your eyes are very beautiful!!!

I want to wake up with you, I want to see your eyes every day, I want to love you always

Don't let your ears hear what your eyes haven't seen.

Most people often use aphorisms in their conversations without knowing it. Aphorism translated from Greek means “definition.” It conveys a laconic form of human thought from different eras of existence. Thus, people of different generations in any life situation are able to express their thoughts with the help of the established wisdom of centuries. Many aphorisms can be found about eyes. We often say: “the eyes are the mirror of the soul.” And all because they are able to tell much more than words. The eyes will not hide the resentment, anger and sadness. It is easy to recognize sparkle and sincerity in the eyes. That is why this selection of aphorisms about the eyes will be familiar and close to many.

The eyes are always more tender than the heart. Etienne Rey

Rather, because everyone’s eyes are in plain sight...

When the eyes say one thing and the tongue says another, an experienced person believes the former more. Ralph Emerson

And it is right! You can say anything...

There is no microscope that magnifies as much as the eyes of a person admiring himself. Alexander Pope

This is especially true for girls))

People's ears are more mistrustful than their eyes. Herodotus

Because you can hang noodles on your ears!

Eyes are more accurate witnesses than ears. Heraclitus of Ephesus

Well, it’s not for nothing that they say: it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times

A good, benevolent and sincere person can be recognized by his eyes. Marcus Aurelius

I think if you know how to read eyes... it happens that a person has such eyes that seem to be honest, but in reality he is a liar(((

Eyes are a significant thing. Like a barometer. You can see who has a great dryness in their soul, who can poke the toe of a boot into their ribs for no reason, and who is afraid of everyone. Michael Bulgakov

Bulgakov is a wise man!

The interlocutor’s eyes are a world of crooked reflections. Angelika Miropoltseva

Damn good expression!

Of all the people I've met over many, many years, she was the first one I really liked. She was the only one I remember who looked me straight in the eyes - as if I meant something. Ray Bradbury

Ah, this wonderful Bradbury, each of his words is worth its weight in gold))

Infinity is the eyes in which you always want to drown. Angelika Miropoltseva

These are dangerous eyes...

Of all the human sense organs, the eye has always been recognized as the best gift and the most wonderful product of the creative power of nature. Hermann Helmholtz

But there is a phenomenon of blind artists, deaf composers... What to do?!

Children's eyes are always open wide to the world. Old age often just squints at him. Leonid Sukhorukov

Children are simply always open to new things...

This is how man is made. He can restrain his facial expressions, mentally tie his hands, but his eyes. This is what cannot be hidden. They reflect everything that happens inside. Olga Anina

Yes, excitement and fear are immediately visible in people's eyes

Who owns the aphorism “Empty eyes are an empty soul.”

“Empty eyes are an empty soul” - the expression belongs to K. S. Stanislavsky. More accurate quotation: “To disguise the inner emptiness, there are tricks of the trade, but they only intensify the bulging of empty eyes. Need I say that such looking is not necessary... The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Empty eyes are the mirror of an empty soul. Don’t forget about this!”

Aphorisms about a woman's eyes

The beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, figure or hairstyle. It glows in her eyes. After all, the eyes are the gates of the heart in which love lives. Audrey Hepburn

I've always liked Audrey. Good words!

Women's eyes are not a mirror, but an optical sight. Georgy Alexandrov

It is always difficult to pass by charming eyes... but they have already noticed us for a long time and are keeping us at gunpoint!

A woman's eyes are not a mirror, but a searchlight of the soul. Valery Afonchenko

Yeah, we girls can’t hide anything (((

Women's eyes are always the ocean: sometimes the Pacific, sometimes the Arctic... Mikhail Mamchich

Well, it depends on who...

The eyes are not the mirror of the soul, but its mirror windows: through them she sees the street, but the street sees the soul. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

If only you don’t look away for a minute to the left...

Oh, Armenian eyes, you are always beautiful! Silva Kaputikyan

The eyes of an Armenian girl are an ocean of emotions

Aphorisms about beautiful eyes

Beautiful are those eyes that try to see only the good in people. Audrey Hepburn


There should be a reflection of happiness in the eyes of beautiful and big ones. Georgy Alexandrov

It should be... but it doesn't always happen(((

A kind soul has the most beautiful eyes. Taguhi Semirjyan

I don’t really believe this...

You can have beautiful eyes, or you can make them. Neyah

Relevant especially in the 21st century

If you haven't cried, your eyes can't be beautiful. Sophia Loren

What happens, Sophie has been crying all her life?!

Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes. Coco Chanel

I love eyes like these. They are so cute…

Aphorisms about sad eyes

The gloomy, calm look in his eyes reflected the full extent of his loneliness. Ray Bradbury

I often see this look from my’s obvious that he’s really lonely(((

He was alive, but it was difficult to understand it from his silent eyes. Olga Ushkalenko

I can’t look into those eyes((it seems like you don’t know what to expect from this person...

How much grief and melancholy still fits in two such small spots that can be covered with one finger - in human eyes. Erich Maria Remarque

Especially in a woman’s eyes there is always more grief than in a man’s eyes(((

The eyes don't see. You need to look with your heart. Michael Jackson

It happens…

Our holiest tears never appear before our eyes.

Why? I often cry with happiness))

When beautiful women's eyes become clouded with tears, a man stops seeing.

It's hard to understand something when her eyes are in tears...

Aphorisms about eye color: blue, black and others
Although the eyes are the mirror of the soul, their color does not always correspond to the color of this very soul...

My eyes are dark brown, almost black! And the soul is probably pink (naive))

Those wonderful eyes the color of rain...

What color is the rain?

Black eyes have more power of expression and more liveliness, but blue eyes have more meekness and tenderness. Georges-Louis-Leclerc Buffon

I agree, my husband has black eyes - a true macho!

Aphorisms can express joy and grief, laughter and tears. Perhaps someone draws wisdom from them, which can help them in different life situations. For some, aphorisms are a source of inspiration and new ideas.

Tell me, what is the first thing you notice in a person? Obviously the eyes. And it is not surprising that they are called the windows of the soul. By looking at them just once you can understand a person. And sometimes the eyes tell a story that no one can ever understand unless they take more time to look deeply into these two bottomless oceans. One glance can reveal whether you are hiding sadness behind a smile, or whether your eyes are lying to the person you love. You could say that your eyes give you away every time you try to do something differently. The eyes reveal the whole essence, which is why so many great people say that there is truth in the eyes. There is a heart that feels and eyes that reflect the same glorious story.

The world says...

“The first love letters are written with the eyes,” is a French proverb.

“The eyes have the same language everywhere” - Romanian proverb.

“What you do not see with your eyes, do not invent with your mouth,” is a Jewish proverb.

“The eyes can do a thousand things that the fingers cannot do” - Iranian proverb.

“The face is a portrait of the mind, the eyes are its informants,” - a Latin proverb.

“The eyes of all swindlers are full of tears,” Bosnian proverb.

“Eyes that do not cry do not see” - Swedish proverb.

Famous people say...

“The eyes of others are our prisons, their thoughts our cages,” Virginia Woolf.

“The eyes scream what the lips are afraid to talk about,” William Henry.

“The face is the mirror of the mind, and the eyes silently confess the secrets of the heart” - Jerome St. Jerome.

“To have beautiful eyes, look for the good in others,” Audrey Hepburn.

“The eyes, as guardians, occupy the highest places in the body,” Marcus Tullius Cicero.

“Of all the senses, sight must be the most delightful,” Helen Keller.

When the eyes smile...

“Behind every great man there is a woman who rules his eyes” - Jim Carrey.

“The soul that can speak with its eyes can kiss with its eyes” - Gustavo Adolfo Becker.

“Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half closed after,” Benjamin Franklin.

“If you don’t look up, you will think that you are the highest point,” Antonio Porchia.

“A man falls in love with his eyes, a woman with her ears,” Woodrow White.

"You never know how you look in other people's eyes." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Bible Verses for SupportSveta…

“The eyes of the Lord are in every place: they see the evil and the good.”

“The lamp for the body is the eye. So, if your eye is clean, your whole body will be bright.”

“Wisdom is in the face of the wise, but the eyes of a fool are at the ends of the earth.”

No wonder people are fascinated...

“The soul, fortunately, has a translator, often an unconscious one, but still a faithful translator - in the eyes,” - Charlotte Brontë.

“Debauched eyes are a messenger from an unchaste heart,” - St. Aurelius Augustine.

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me, my eye and God’s eye are one eye, one glance, one knowledge, one love,” Meister Eckhart.

“The face is a picture of the mind with eyes as its translator” - Marcus Tullius Cicero.

“The ear tends to be lazy, craving the familiar and shocked by the unexpected; the eye, on the other hand, tends to be impatient, thirsts for new things and gets bored with repetition,” W. Auden.

“Beauty is how you feel inside and it reflects in your eyes. It's not something physical." - Sophia Loren.

“The soul cannot have a rainbow if the eyes have not seen tears” - John Vance Chaney.

“I close my eyes and the whole world falls dead, I lift my eyes and everything is born again” - Sylvia Plath.

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There is so much softness and tenderness in the green color of the eyes that you can’t help but believe in the sincerity and loyalty of their owner.

Men make eye contact much more often than women, because women have two pairs of equally expressive eyes.

By wearing dark glasses, a person tries to protect himself from the invasion of uninvited guests into the world of his soul.

Looking into a person’s eyes, you need to see his soul in them, and not just your own reflection.

If you hold an eloquence competition between men and women, then the latter will a priori win, because no man can overcome the eloquence of a woman’s eyes with any words.

One careless, accidentally intercepted glance can sometimes say more than a long intimate conversation.

A stranger is a person whom you have not looked into the eyes, because one glance is enough to understand a lot.

When a man looks into my eyes, I feel uncomfortable. There is a feeling that either he examined everything else, or considered that there was nothing to look at.

You can carry on a conversation without opening your mouth - your eyes do an excellent job of this.

Read the continuation of famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

The eyes are afraid and the legs are running

Some are undressed with their eyes, while others are tried unsuccessfully to be dressed.

The eyes are always more tender than the heart.

The eyes are the most perfect lie detector.

Eyes are the most expressive part of a woman's face

Why don't people believe their eyes? Even those eyes, looking into which they see tears?

The most beautiful eyes in the world are the eyes that look at you with love!!!

Women's eyes often fail.

Some people who look into our eyes are just looking for their reflection there.

I close my eyes - a lot of money, a car, a dacha in Cyprus. I open my eyes - no money, no car, no dacha. Maybe there's something wrong with the eyes?

Envious eyes can even embrace the immensity.

Burning eyes do not always emit light.

Some are undressed with their eyes, others are tried to be dressed.

All the power is in the eyes, sometimes they are more useful than their owners.

You can drown in blue eyes, like in the ocean... or you can swim out if you know how to swim... it’s not clear what to do with green eyes, it’s like a swamp, if you get stuck, then that’s it

Eyes are the initials of the soul.

There should be a reflection of happiness in the eyes of beautiful and big ones.

Yes is a word that women pronounce more easily with their eyes than with their lips.

In the mirror of her soul there are only shadows.

Eyes are the initials of the soul

Beautiful eyes don’t lie, they’re just cunning.

Only a deep neckline can distract from bottomless eyes.

My mirror is the eyes of my man. I am always irresistible in it!

Penetrating eyes know how to look behind the image.

The eyes are a very perfect lie detector that is always with you.

And only the eyes can tell about what cannot be expressed in words...

First one after another, then another - you need an eye and an eye, but you can’t get enough eyes.

The eyes of a liar are a crooked mirror of the soul. (Yuri Tatarkin / EYES)

No matter how much you eat with your eyes, you won’t be full.

Only when you set out on your final journey can you close your eyes to everything

Women's eyes speak clearer than words

A woman has no age... A woman has eyes... They cut out light... A tear runs out of them... They contain her secret and treasure... Losses and the joy of meetings... How a woman needs to be understood!!! How a woman should be protected!!! There is as much beauty in her, As there are stars in her soul... And the key to her dream is Surprisingly simple... If only there were eyes nearby, In which the count of winters was lost... Then the rest cannot but be given away to others.

Only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Her beautiful legs are in my mirror of the soul.

Website of one-eyed people - Admiral Nelson, Kutuzov, S.B. etc.

To understand how smart a dog’s eyes can be, just take a closer look at the owner’s gaze...

The most beautiful place in a person is the eyes. The best moments in life are when those eyes look at you.

My eyes didn’t betray me, but my heart beat...

You can fly into the depths of the abyss of your beloved eyes all your life. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, may the cross-eyed forgive us.

Other eyes are like fragments of a broken mirror of the soul

The eyes contain a million times more than their most complex structure.

There is no microscope that magnifies as much as the eyes of a person admiring himself.

You can fly into the depths of the abyss of your beloved eyes all your life.

This is how man is made. He can restrain his facial expressions, mentally tie his hands, but his eyes.+ This is what cannot be hidden. They reflect everything that happens inside.

When you don't take your eyes off a woman, she becomes prettier before your eyes.

Other eyes are like fragments of a broken mirror of the soul. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

I like your eyes, dark and beautiful, like my soul.

Hold your gaze on my eyelashes and you will understand that you simply need these eyes...

Only when you set out on your final journey can you close your eyes to everything.

How painful it is to look into the eyes that you love and that do not love you.

Sincere emotions and feelings are revealed by the eyes... They glow with happiness, they wither in pain... They tear up when the soul suffers and the heart groans mercilessly in the chest... They tear up from the happiness of meeting and love...

We have closed our eyes to this, but we can still open them!

The teeth are kept on a shelf and the eyes are on a leash.

We don't need extra eyes. Extra eyes result in extra mouths.

Eyes are the gates of the soul...

Women look in the mirror to see themselves through a man's eyes.

Take care of the sparkle in the eyes of dear people... Once extinguished, you will never return the old sparkle...

I believe! These eyes don't lie. After all, how many times have I told you that your main mistake is that you underestimate the value of human eyes. Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes can never! You are asked a sudden question, you don’t even flinch, in one second you control yourself and know what needs to be said in order to hide the truth, and you speak very convincingly, and not a single wrinkle on your face moves, but, alas, the truth, alarmed by the question, with the bottom of the soul jumps into your eyes for a moment, and it’s all over. She's spotted and you're caught!

The eyes are not only the mirror of the soul, but also the mirror of deception.

They say that you can like gray eyes... you can fall in love with blue ones... and only brown ones make you crazy... I have one question: what should I do with green ones:?)

You should not walk with your back, but with your eyes! (the student walked along the corridor with his back) – Yukina E.A.

Women's eyes are not a mirror, but an optical sight.

Appearance is deceptive, a smile is not always sincere... And only the eyes have not yet learned to lie...

The eyes always see something that is difficult to refuse.

Appearance is deceptive, a smile is not always sincere... And only the eyes have not yet learned to lie...

Prolonged eye contact immediately generates a strong feeling of affection.

A woman's eyes are not a mirror, but a searchlight of the soul.

Democracy must be watched with both eyes until only one remains. (Vladimir Borisov

The eyes are the mirror of the soul... So we have to wear black glasses so that not everyone looks into the soul...

Women’s eyes are always the ocean: sometimes the Pacific, sometimes the Arctic...

The seemingly honest eyes turned out to be just empty...

The eyes are afraid, and the legs are running!

Beautiful eyes don't lie, they're just cunning.

Human eyes have always been credited with special power and meaning. With a glance one could express one’s attitude towards something, declare one’s intentions, or talk about something. His power was especially appreciated in fiction, both prose and poetry. Men spoke about them as about love, money and God, and the view is very popular in modern society. They are often used as congratulations or compliments.

Quotes about world views

The concept of “look” often does not mean a situation where a person looks at someone, but a specific belief or position on some issue. This is reflected in aphorisms.

  • Only fools and dead people do not change their beliefs (views).
  • Lack of thoughts does not prevent us from being like-minded people.
  • Beliefs that are not supported by evidence indicate that you have your own position.
  • There are 2 points of view on the subject: the wrong one and mine.
  • A fruitful exchange - you come to your boss with your opinion, and leave with his.

Quotes about opinion in the meaning of “own opinion”, “principles” or “belief”, as a rule, are presented in philosophical (reasoning) or ironic variations. The latter attract more attention:

  • This is my opinion and I share it. It's enough.
  • These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others.
  • Truth is an opinion confirmed by all neighbors.
  • The eyes are afraid, and the hands think about impunity.
  • The soul is reflected in the eyes, and education is reflected in the tongue.

and men's views

Quotes about the look and eyes of representatives of different sexes usually describe their attitude or perception of love, passion and family.

1. Men :

  • Try to keep your dreams out of your wife's eyes.
  • When a woman's eyes become clouded with tears, for some reason a man stops seeing.
  • Wives with the gaze of a trembling doe are always obedient to their horned husbands.
  • If men loved only with their eyes, the birth rate would fall.

2. Women. The gaze of the fair sex is sometimes credited with magical powers. They are believed to reflect character and intentions. There are a huge number of statements on this topic:

  • Men simply lie, and women - with tears in their eyes.
  • A woman's eyes should reflect her man's thoughts.
  • The look of one woman on another is stricter than baggage control at customs.
  • Love at first sight lasts until the first penny.
  • The eyes, like the mirror of the soul, are unable to smooth out the impression of the mirror glass.
  • The girl draws her eyes. The girl's eyes fail her. Everything is interconnected.

Quotes about the look and eyes of girls in general are quite popular among modern youth. They are used for lyrical pauses in conversation, romantic confessions, and as a designation of status or situation on social networks.

Descriptive sayings about eyes

You can’t ignore those quotes about looks that mention their color. These statements are not used too often, but are interesting in their own way:


  • Anyone who looks at the world with blue eyes through rose-colored glasses is always happy. Everything is purple for him!


  • Gray eyes are found in those who carry desert in their souls.
  • I used to have eyes as blue as the sky. And now they are gray, like love.


  • The best in the world. Green is the color of hope.

At the moment there is no collection of quotes about views. Aphorisms on this topic are evenly distributed across such sections as “Love”, “Ideas”, “Relationships”.



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