The best light tank in World of Tanks.

Light tanks in World of Tanks are used by most players only as “light”. Since the last artnerf, the number of light tanks in the game has noticeably decreased, since the main purpose of light tanks was to destroy artillery. The decrease in the number of artillery in the game led to a decrease in the number of light vehicles. But fans of the game continue to roll out light tanks from their hangars. Many people believe that the best firefly in WoT is T71. You will find out if this is really so by reading the article to the end.

Characteristics of the best “firefly”

Undoubtedly, T71 is good in everything, but the game has 10 levels, and each of them has its own “firefly”. True, before you start identifying the best fireflies at each level, you need to highlight the characteristics that a tank should have in order to spot the enemy.

  1. Any firefly must have good dynamic characteristics, high maximum speed and maneuverability. The class of “light tanks” fits into this category, which, strictly speaking, were created for reconnaissance of enemy positions. But not all LTs have a high maximum speed and excellent dynamic characteristics. Even within the French branch, which is characterized by tanks with high speed, there are exceptions. For example, the French light tank AMX40, although it belongs to the LT class, is more similar in its parameters to heavy tanks: good all-round armor, poor dynamics and terrifying maneuverability.
  2. A tank designed to spot the enemy must have good visibility (ideally 400 meters) and a radio station with a long range (minimum 700 meters). The overview allows you to detect the enemy, and the radio transmits detection data over long distances.
  3. Not everyone takes into account the capabilities of a weapon when choosing a firefly, but to exterminate the arty it will definitely be needed. Top artillery has high armor, and it will not be possible to shoot through it with a “weak gun”. Moreover, the faster you kill the artu, the better for you. Because of this, many players prefer fireflies with a drum gun.

Choosing the best tank for reconnaissance

Three tanks most suit these three criteria: the American T71 light tank, the French AMX 1390 light tank and the French-made Bat.-Chatillon 25 t tier 10 medium tank. Everything is clear with the first two tanks: excellent dynamic characteristics, high-quality visibility of 400 meters, excellent radio range, 6-shot drum guns. On the T71 side there is the seventh level (throws less towards level 10) and faster reel charging. The 1390 is favored by a gun with a good alpha of 240 units and higher durability compared to the T71.

For many players, the top French medium tank is the best firefly in World of Tanks. One cannot but agree with them: a review of 400 meters, a radio station with a communication range of 750 meters, an excellent drum-type weapon with 5 shots with 2000 damage from the drum, a high maximum speed of 65 km/h and good dynamic characteristics, as well as high strength of 1800 HP If you choose the best firefly among the top 9-10 levels, then, undoubtedly, Bat.-Chatillon 25t will be out of competition here.

But this is a medium tank, the purpose of which is not to reconnaissance of enemy positions, but to break through behind enemy lines and destroy individual targets. Therefore, it is wrong to consider Batchat the best firefly. Among the top fireflies (7-8 levels), which include the T71 and AMX 1390, the best, perhaps, is the American “stool”.

Among the mid-level light tanks (levels 5-6) we can highlight the American Chaffee (M24 Chaffee) with a visibility of 400 m and the French “Yelka” (ELC AMX) with a good maximum speed of 65 km/h. If the T50-2 had not been removed from the game, then it would have received the laurels of the best firefly. It’s quite difficult to say that its replacement (MT-25) is a good light tank.

At low levels (2-4), undoubtedly the best firefly is the Pz. I C, which has a high maximum speed, a radio station of 700 m and a good visibility of 350 meters for the third level.

However, among premium cars there are some good “fireflies”. Thus, the German LT T15 of the third level will perfectly cope with the role of a reconnaissance on the battlefield thanks to its long-range radio station and visibility of 350 meters.

Of course, every person has their own opinion on this matter. The author of the article believes that T71 is the best scout in WoT. You can watch his review in the following video:

What do you think? Which firefly do you think is the best in the game?

Patch has been released. Now mods need to be installed in the folders "res_mods\1.4.0\" and "mods\1.4.0.\". If after the update the mod stops working for you, then simply move it to the “1.4.0” folder. Some mods and mod assemblies may not work or may have bugs. In the very near future, all non-working mods and assemblies will be updated. Please be patient and stay tuned for updates. If after updating the mod/build your client freezes or crashes for no reason, download the game cache clearing script and run it, the problem should be solved.

There are 2 types of illumination:

Active, this is a moving light that moves practically under the guns of enemy equipment, constantly being in the thick of things.

Passive, hiding in the landscape or standing aside from the battlefield, also providing light, while remaining invisible to the enemy.

The best light tanks

1. LTTB one of the light tanks with heavy fighting, you can catch it already at the seventh level. When updating the patch, this tank was released to replace the legendary elusive and fearless T50-2. Later in the mini version of the MT-25.

Today this tank has a large cannon, but not as fast-firing as in previous versions. But this gun is simpler to operate and more effective when illuminated quickly.

2. Spahpanzer Ru 251 eighth level. It is fast and has the maximum speed among other similar machines. It has maximum penetration, and is also low in itself, which allows it to hide in the bushes and remain invisible. But it also has negative sides, such as the lack of armor, due to which opponents can penetrate it from any angle.

3. AMX 13 90. This tank deals damage to vehicles of the tenth level, due to the drum. Which is designed for six shells in one drum, also serves as a flashlight.

4. M41 Walker Bulldog. One of the new tanks, it has no analogues. Has ten shells in the drum and reloads in two seconds. It is also fast and maneuverable.

5. ELC AMX. A mini tank with the most powerful weapon, average driving speed. But due to its size and camouflage it remains invisible in the landscape.

The highlight of the game. In addition to modifications and indicators light tanks, is the experience and ability to use the properties of the machine depending on the situation and the enemy’s equipment. And each of them is good at lighting and maneuverability. Just like when fighting with heavy weights or with other equipment.

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Light at the end of the tunnel.
World of tanks. A much-loved game from Russia and the CIS countries. In the European and part of the world, “Tanchiki” did not receive such a big hype and popularity, because this game contains a huge amount of patriotism, pride in one’s country and joy from past victories.
Less than a year after the launch of the beta test, the game received the most important thing - players. At that moment, more than one million accounts were registered on the RU cluster.

Recently I wondered:
What is he, the best light tank in World of Tanks.

Today, after the release of patch 9.3, I decided to analyze the situation in the game and still decide which of them is the best, and who will never return from under the Serb’s file.

Let's start with the fact that light tanks have unique gameplay. Their task in the game is to “highlight” enemy tanks, giving fresh information to the battlefield.

Light is divided into 2 types - active and passive.
An active light is a light that is constantly moving, moving almost under the “nose” of the opponent’s team, and is constantly in “light.”
The passive one, on the contrary, must stand without moving, but bringing the same actual benefit in the form of light. Such light must remain completely invisible.

Since there are two types of exposure in our game, there will be two winners.
So let's begin.

Here is a list of the best, in my personal opinion, the best light tanks in our game:

  • LTTB
  • Spähpanzer Ru 251
  • AMX 13 90
  • M41 Walker Bulldog

Let's talk about each separately.

Let's remember one small tank. He was fast, lightning fast, elusive and deadly in direct hands. His name is T50-2. They were afraid of him. Loved. They cherished and cherished. Respected. But. In patch 0.8.7. it was mercilessly replaced by its much more stripped-down version, the MT-25. He was “reborn” into a fat version of himself and became slower. His times are over. And so, when there is no longer any hope for his return, only the crew collecting dust on the hangar beds remains, HE returns. Remade again, but very similar to himself, “young” and reactive.
LTTB is a light tank with heavy armor.
He moved up to level 7 and now has about 30 HP/T!!!
Thus, he acquired a new, thicker cannon, a little less rapid-fire, but with its help it is already easier to fight with dozens, with whom he mainly fights.

But, in comparison with other light vehicles, its weapon is extremely weak and it is only suitable for quick exposure.
This tank may lay claim to the best active firefly, but let's take a look at its competitors.

2. Spähpanzer Ru 251
The second contender for victory is RU251, a German tier eight tank introduced in this patch.
What advantages does it have over other LT?
First of all, He is fast. So fast that it has the fastest speed in the game - 80 km/h.
Secondly, its gun has a huge penetration, compared to other LT guns.
Thirdly, pleasant horizontal aiming angles, 5.8 degrees to be exact.
Fourthly, it is small in height, does not stick out from the bushes so much and can cast consistently.
But, it also has disadvantages. One of the brightest - it can be pierced from any angle. There is no armor anywhere.

3.AMX 13 90
It is impossible not to mention this tank. His drum is highly valued among all players. A “ninety” flying at someone was always a very dangerous adversary. It may shine, but it disappears against the background of new light tanks.
Its drum with 6 shells of 240 damage each can destroy even level 9–10 tanks. But the worst thing about this tank at the moment is its stabilization on the move and its overall accuracy of 0.36.

4. M41 Walker Bulldog
A completely new tank that has no direct analogues among any tanks in our game.
10(!) shells in one drum with a reload time of 2 seconds between shots. Impressive. Despite the fact that it is also nimble and quite fast.

A little killer with a very powerful weapon. One small bush is enough for him to do his tricky job. Damage per shot - 240 units. Moreover, the penetration is 170. Moreover, the “gold” is 248!
Maximum speed - 65 km/h. Not enough.
But the crazy disguise does its job.
The most disgusting thing about this tank is the speed until it is completely reduced. 2.5 seconds. This is a bit much for a light tank.
But, everyone will be happy to get used to the stern of the AMX 50 100, because he will not be able to oppose anything if you keep up with his movements. His gun simply won’t land on such a low tank.
So, let's summarize.

Best light tank for aggressive play:

This is a real machine that can turn the outcome of a battle in your favor if you know how to use it. A good weapon, excellent camouflage, speed and a good crew - all this together can help you create beautiful battles and enjoy every battle.

Best tank for passive play:

An ideal tank for standing in the bushes and shooting targets flying past. But, oddly enough, it is universal.
If you want to bend over on a light tank, then these two options are for you. Their only big disadvantage is that both of them have terrible tanks going along the branch before them. And, if you want to get them, you will have to suffer, but it’s worth it.

But the most important thing is that light tanks are an endangered species in our game. And everyone who nevertheless chooses this class of technology for themselves must understand that not everything is so simple. Everything requires experience. Not the one you can buy for gold. Experience in operating these machines. Believe my experience, every LT-vod has encountered this: draining at the beginning of the battle with zero damage; you arrive at your favorite place - in the light, you die; one-shot from art; turntables and the like. But, remember, the more of us, the cleaner the randomness, because thanks to us, ordinary players can play normally, who, just like you, are tormented by this “great” and “complex” class of equipment like Artillery.

In the WoT game, tank review is perhaps the most important. But there are also many characteristics of equipment that are responsible for its combat characteristics.

Many novice players believe that the main indicators of the usefulness of a tank on the battlefield are the armor of the combat vehicle. Its firepower is armor penetration, one-time damage and damage per minute. But, as practice shows, visibility and camouflage are often the decisive indicators.

In the hands of experienced players, vehicles with good visibility have an advantage over vehicles with excellent firepower and poor visibility.

It is not uncommon that on an open map in a duel between a LT and a TT8 (which has poor visibility), the victory goes to the LT, which “highlights” the enemy’s heavy tank. After which he drives out of his field of vision and shoots the enemy, while remaining unnoticed.

Because of this, most experienced players try to “pump up” the crew and the vehicle itself in the direction of increasing the maximum detection distance. Neglecting the increase in damage per minute or other indicators.

The largest overview of a tank in wot

The game mechanics limit the maximum visibility to 445 m, so the greatest visibility of a tank in WoT cannot exceed this circle. But it is worth understanding that if a player has a vision indicator for vehicles greater than 445 m, then the mechanics of the review are as follows. Detection of enemy tanks occurs at the same distance, but at the same time, every meter of visibility exceeding 445 m reduces the enemy’s camouflage.

For example, when two tanks meet on the battlefield, one of which has a visibility of 445m, and the other has more than 445m, the second player will detect the enemy tank earlier. This mechanic allows you to better use tanks on the battlefield and highlight similar enemy vehicles, even if they are standing in the bushes.

Review of Swedish tanks wot

Not long ago, a new tank nation appeared in the game. Many players have not yet had time to learn what review of Swedish WoT tanks. The heavy tank branch cannot boast of adequate visibility indicators. Up to level 8, the visibility indicators of these vehicles leave much to be desired. And even players who have pumped out all the perks for visibility, installed ventilation and optics on their tank will not be able to achieve the coveted numbers of 445 m. This makes it quite easy to fight these tanks on the battlefield. It’s enough just to break the distance, after which you can shoot them with impunity from an “invis.”

Review of tank destroyers

As for the tank destroyer branch, everything is much more complicated. Although these vehicles do not have excellent visibility, they have such high camouflage. Often they can only be illuminated using x-rays. Players also often install a stereo tube on these combat vehicles, which makes them good fireflies. Do not also forget that starting from level 8, these machines can move around their axis. Without losing the effect of the camouflage net and stereo tube.

Review is an important indicator for premium equipment. Because credits can be earned not only by destroying cars or causing damage to them. But also by transmitting intelligence to the allies, according to which they can destroy enemy equipment. The game features a scorpion tank, a wot review of which leaves much to be desired. Here it is worth understanding that at the moment there are two tank destroyers in the game, which have the word scorpion in their name. These are the German tank destroyer Rheinmetall Skorpion G and the American M56 Scorpion.

Like all tank destroyers, both of them have poor visibility, so many players install a stereo tube on these tanks to compensate for their disadvantage. It is also worth pumping out “camouflage” for the entire crew in order to somehow complicate the process of detection of these vehicles by enemy tanks. Unlike its American counterpart, the German scorpion has a rather mediocre camouflage. This is compensated by excellent firepower, but when playing on it you should remember that this is a “red” line tank and you should not hope to hide its hull behind a bush.

Previously, it was quite problematic to find out an overview of your tank with the modules and crew member perks installed on it. Not long ago, the developers introduced functionality that makes it easy to find out not only the current overview of a combat vehicle, but also to see how it changes depending on the skills of the crew and modules, even if they are not yet installed on the vehicle.

To do this, just select the tank the player is interested in, right-click on it and select “Add to comparison.” In the comparison window, the player will have the opportunity to both view an overview of the tank in WOT, and in real time view trends in changes in indicators depending on the selected crew and modules.

Tanks with the best wot review

Throughout the game's existence, the tanks with the best visibility in WoT have been light vehicles. This is how the developers compensated for the complete lack of armor and weak firepower. But with the release of new combat vehicles, medium vehicles such as Patton and Czech ST 9-10 lvl entered the arena of tank battles, whose basic visibility is much higher than that of light tanks, while these vehicles have simply amazing firepower and if we talk about TVP T 50/51, then this tank is capable of overexposing and sending any of the existing light vehicles to the hangar in 6 seconds.

Dear tankers,

Each of you has a favorite tank. Some people like to ride fast tanks, some rely on firepower, and others love a tank for its ability to withstand significant damage inflicted by opponents. But still - which tank is the best? Let's talk about this topic and decide which tank is better in the game.

Which light tank is better?

This is not the first time we are starting a conversation. Judging by the voting held on the tankers' forum, the leader among light tanks so far is the Soviet T-50-2. The second place is confidently held. Top light tanks differ significantly from each other, but the priority of players is most often given to speed and maneuverability, which ensure the survival of the combat vehicle. Among the light tanks, the leader is clearly visible. We can say with confidence that Soviet light tank tier 5 T-50-2 is the best.

Which medium tank is better?

From medium top tanks World of Tanks, choose the best it's actually not that simple. However, if we take into account the number in the game and their distribution among nations, the leaders are the combat vehicles of France and the USSR. The good old bat chat and the relatively fresh T-62A take up the lion's share of all medium tanks presented in the game. And this is not easy. The Tier 10 Soviet medium tank T-62A has excellent armor penetration, good protection and a low hull profile, which, together with excellent dynamics, provides undeniable advantages on the battlefield. Its French classmate, the Bat Chatillon 25 t, does not have impressive protective characteristics, but its firepower is many times greater than all others medium tanks in the game World of Tanks. This figure puts the Frenchman in the lead.

Which heavy tank is better?

Heavy top tanks were created to be perfectly balanced. That is why, on the top lines of the development trees of various nations in the World of Tanks game, you can choose almost any tank and not go wrong. But still, which heavy tank is better? In an individual 1v1 battle, the leader among them, oddly enough, is the German E100. Its firepower gives it an undeniable advantage over other heavy weapons. However, during a team battle, the situation with choosing the best heavy tank changes dramatically. Here they become leaders Tier 10 heavy Soviet tank IS-7 and the American top heavy tank T110E5. Taking into account the game statistics of World of Tanks, the choice of tank portal site falls on the IS-7, which takes the title best heavy tank.

Which tank destroyer is better?

Anti-tank self-propelled guns presented in the game allow tankers to choose different combat tactics. The most popular tank destroyers in the game are the dynamic Soviet Object 268, the most powerful German JagdPz E-100, French AMX-50 Fosh (155) and . Thus, the total number of different tank destroyers in the World of Tanks game is approximately equal to each other. Players like different self-propelled anti-tank guns. We choose the German one as the best, for its unique firepower, accuracy, efficiency, strength and dynamism, despite seeming slowness at first glance.

Which self-propelled gun is better?

How many self-propelled guns - so many opinions, of course. The differences in the self-propelled artillery systems of the World of Tanks pose different tasks for each of them. Let's define the best self-propelled gun in the game. For example, the Soviet level 8 self-propelled gun Object 261 has good accuracy and maneuverability. The French one is ideal for short-range combat and a massive strike against a single tank. The American T92 is ideal for shooting at an enemy located behind high cover, as well as at a moving enemy. The German self-propelled gun GW Type-E is the best when shooting at a concentration of enemy tanks and in terms of damage caused. However, when choosing the best of the best, we give championship among self-propelled guns of the American T92, for its effectiveness where others could not do anything.


Each class of tanks in World of Tanks has its own pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages. When choosing which tank is better, remember that its effectiveness will depend primarily on your skillful management.



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