Various scenarios of sexual role-playing games - In the labyrinths of the universe.

Presented here role-playing game scenario between a man and a woman . However, improvisation and knowledge of your partner will best help in this matter. Scenario of role-playing games between lovers.

3 days of rain - it would seem that nothing could be more boring. It’s dank and cold outside, I don’t feel like going anywhere, I can hardly imagine a May Day procession with completely wet banners. Meanwhile, there is a sure way to cheer up - games for “adults”. It's fun, brings you together and just great. Here are the scripts of some of them that I tried and liked.

Game one, introductory: “Frozen” (well, or “Freeze”, depends on who wants to be in charge today)

What you need for this game: nothing


Dear ladies, wear your favorite lingerie or completely undress and choose a pose for your body. For example: You can stand at the foot of your bed, spread your legs slightly and bend over so that your hands rest on the bed. Then turn your head towards the location of the door. If your room has an unusual layout, then all this is a little like yoga exercises, but be patient.

When your partner enters the room, say, “Freeze! And I won’t budge until you move me!” Believe me, he will really want to...move you.

After you've played this game once, try saying the word "Frozen" in a variety of places and positions.

Conditions: Make sure that you are absolutely alone, and that it is your partner who will enter the room, otherwise some funny embarrassment may not result...

Variations: For a more dominant game, one of the partners says this word, and the other should freeze.

Game duration: 20 minutes

What you need for this game: TV


This game should be played while watching TV. Choose a program that you both like and close the door to the room where you are.

But don't break the rules, and the wait will be the sweetest.

Conditions: Some programs can suppress passion, so choose wisely. If during advertising some clothing was removed, it cannot be put back on. Any actions related to affection or love should be carried out only during advertising.

Game three, for luck: “Magic number”

Game duration: 15 minutes

What you need for this game: dice


Take two pieces of paper and write numbers from 1 to 6 on each of them. Make two lists, on the first write erotic actions, for example: kiss, bite, suck, massage, touch.

On the second, write body parts or zones. For example: lips, ears, below the belly, above the belly (whatever you like - wild imagination is allowed!)

Your partner rolls the dice to determine the action, then repeats the same for body parts only. Once your partner has finished doing what was dealt to them, it is your turn to roll the dice.

Play as many rounds as you see fit.

Conditions: Discuss the list of actions and body parts in advance. Also discuss the duration of each action. 1 to 2 minutes is recommended.

Variations: Multiple dice and players can be used. And, in general, here you can also play with your imagination - write as many lists as you want: places where the action will take place, level of passion (from gentle to the most passionate), etc., etc.

Game four, fascinating: “Hot - cold”

Game duration: 10 minutes

What you need for this game: coupon


This game, familiar to everyone from childhood, is also suitable for adults. Create a coupon that says your partner's favorite position or erotic task. Hide it well in your room.

Before you get ready for bed, inform your partner about this coupon and go looking.

Depending on the proximity or distance from the coupon, say “cold” or “hot”.

Keep playing until the coupon is found.

Conditions: create a coupon so that your partner will eagerly look for it.

Variations: Create a lot of coupons and don’t help with the search - it will look more like an erotic quest. You can also help your partner - you just need to make a wish for the treasured place in an unusual way, encrypting it with the help of riddles, maps, diagrams, and so on.

Game five, final, but not the last: “Auction”

Game duration: 20 minutes

What you need for this game: money (real or fake)


Together, make a list of erotic activities, for example: showering together, an intimate walk in the park, oral love, jacuzzi together, massage, whatever you like.

Starting from 100 rubles each, both partners write in secret from each other how much they are willing to pay for this or that activity.

Compare the results. The player who paid the least for a particular task completes it for his partner. Yes, let him pay for his stinginess. I'm sure both will like it.

Conditions: Don't give all your money for just one task, distribute it. At the same time, check which of you has the best economic intuition. Tasks must be completed as soon as the winner is known.

Well, did you like it? That's what I told you. The next review contains several intimate games, but those where partners will have to, in addition to fantasy, affection and passion, also show intellectual abilities and their own luck.

After work at the camp we relax in different ways.
Wandering with Zhenya near the tents, we once saw something dark, fluffy on a tree, like a small animal - lying curled up on thick branches somewhere a little taller than us. They threw them down with a stick - severed bear paws, crossed and tied with a red rag! And then I remembered. “Don’t be angry, taiga, I returned the beast to you, give me a good hunt...” - this is how the hunters mutter, having killed the bear and hanging their clawed paws on a tree.
“You won’t see a single bear skin with paws,” they told me in Yakutsk. And so it turned out. And the skin that lies at my house is also without paws.
Two steps away from us are secluded meadows flooded with mushrooms. Here are white elders the size of a small watermelon, and boletus mushrooms, and unfamiliar crops with a suspicious cuff. We would have collected them by lunchtime, but the workers flatly refused to eat the mushrooms.
On a path that passed in winter, in the Byralas valley, someone found a large, leaky enamel basin. Evenks and Yakuts sometimes travel in winter as families, with children. The basin was cleaned, the hole was plugged, water was heated in buckets over a fire, and we set up a bathhouse on the bank of Byralas.
Hot water! They send her less praise than the sparkling ice one in the spring, the one who is life itself. But how greedily this one is needed. Hot water gave one of its greatest gifts - it quenched the thirst of the body and gave an incomparable feeling of physical cleanliness. It is not for nothing that one of the pleasures of all nations is the bathhouse. Russian, Finnish, oriental baths, each with its own characteristics. The ancients knew a lot about this - they washed in thermal baths and philosophized, sang, played and washed. All the joys at once. The Japanese love hot water so much and attribute such healing value to it that even the poorest villagers take hot baths in simple wooden barrels.
Somehow, in the wet bushes, Andreich found a bow and arrows blackened by time. Apparently, the hunters abandoned them; Maybe they ran out of ammunition and had to take up the weapons of their ancestors. We nailed a can of condensed milk to the tree. When they missed, Andreich consoled: “Don’t worry, timid, only death strikes without a miss, and then only once”...
The river flooded all the dry riverbeds above the springs along the floodplain and slopes. The water went deeper, as if it was dissolving before our eyes. Here it is, the water cycle, visible with your own eyes - the springs feed the river, and the river, where it can, through such taliks feeds the bowels of the earth.
With the rains, there was more work - the sources needed to be measured more often: it was necessary to find out which of them were affected by rain and which were not. Of course, lugging turntables, barbells, battery boxes, thermometers - for some, the job is not that much fun. Six or seven points at each source, seventy sources, there and back - several kilometers.
Repeated measurements of the sources caused indignation among my laboratory assistants.
- They measured it five days ago, have they changed or what? - Zhenya asks ironically. “And what kind of science is this - measuring sources?” Write numbers with oil paint on stones?
Yes, not only in five days, but even during the day, the flow rate of the source can change. And it also happens that in one source it fluctuates even without rain, but in another it remains constant even in rain. These signs help to judge their origin. Laboratory technicians, however, think differently.
“All this is not necessary,” Dima concludes.
“Monkey’s work,” echoes Yakov, screwing up his yellow eyelashes, “if they hadn’t tried it on a hundred times in vain, all the work could have been done in two weeks and left.”
Nikolai and Stepan turned out to be more conscientious and intelligent.
It turned out that Zhenya handles the level almost the same way as Andreich - he set its hour, took one reading in half a day, and it was wrong, although he practiced with a topographer in Chulmakan for two days and assured me that he worked in a topographic detachment. For several days, Dima did not do a trivial visual survey and cynically admitted that he was “hanging around” with nothing to do, because he had completed “his share” of the work. Of course, he determined his “share” for himself.
And the absolutely brutal mosquitoes are also annoying. All day long you can hear in your ears on a high note: “Zzzzzzzzzz!” The rain doesn't stop mosquitoes. When it’s hot, they make it impossible to enjoy the heat - stuffy mosquito nets, pulled down sleeves, boots. And my hands are always covered in red blisters, like scabies.
- And why did God, if he exists, create these creatures? - Andreich mutters, hastily putting the porridge into bowls and blowing on it to give it away as soon as possible, and then do it as they want - with or without mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are dying in droves.
^ And the deer, maybe, is thinking,” Stepan enters, “Why the hell did God create you, that is, all of us?”

How to introduce novelty into the intimate life of partners? For some couples, role-playing games for adults are a great way to refresh their senses. We invite you to try several scenarios to suit your taste and discuss some rules.

Spy games

Instead of the hackneyed roles of maid and master or medical examination, try turning into the heroes of your favorite detective stories with your boyfriend for one evening. As children, we were all captivated by stories about super-secret spies like James Bond, so offer your loved one an adult role-playing game on this topic!


For him - a raincoat and dark glasses, a toy gun, for you - a seductive dress, stiletto heels, a wig.

How to beat

It's good to have an after-party game where you can both act a little mysterious, as long as you don't mind puzzling those present. Agree with your loved one in advance that, when accompanying you home, he will arrange a little surveillance for you.

“Having overtaken” you at the door of the apartment, he must “ pin against the wall" and " expose ". Play out a simple interrogation (without bias!) and surrender to the mercy of your secret agent.

Van Gogh is resting

Haven't you noticed the artistic talent in your boyfriend? Unleash his potential as a creator and play along with him as a sexy model. He will need paints, and you will be the canvas.


For him - the favorite clothes of artists (golf and tight trousers - all black, a neckerchief), a set of gouache paints, a soft wide brush, a palette. For you - “Eve costume” and a sheet that you don’t mind sacrificing for the sake of temptation.

How to beat

A role-playing game for adults does not have to be something vulgar. Turn your gaze to the sublime! Organize a meeting between the creator and his muse. Let your boyfriend mix paints, apply them to your body and do not forget to seduce you - an innocent creature who trusted the taste and talent of the great maestro.

When the “masterpiece” is finished, let him admire your erotic body art and make love to you. If he is not afraid of getting dirty, he may not even wash off the paint from you.

Witch's Potion

This adult role play scenario is a great way to please your partner when he wants to be a passive participant. You are a sorceress and enchantress, and he is a traveler who has come across your abode. Remember fairy tales and add a sexual motive to them.


For him - hiking clothes, a bag and a hat, for you - a witch's vestment (long dress in ethnic style), loose hair or a long wig, bottles of potions.

How to beat

Meet the uninvited “guest”, like a stranger, promise him a “bathhouse”, dinner and overnight accommodation. Let your boyfriend submit to the mysterious mistress" witch's hut" Treat your “guest” to a drink, into which you defiantly add a “love potion”.

Do not forget to describe in detail to your boyfriend how he is overcome by uncontrollable desire. And then - have a great time on the bed of a loving “witch”.

How to start playing role-playing games

If you are the initiator, make sure your partner is interested in the behavior. What if this is an absolutely unacceptable option for him and a gross violation of his ideas about sex? Before arranging a surprise, make sure that you do not shock the man, otherwise he will not only not play along with you, but will also think about the fate of his future relationship with you.

Have you received a positive response? Great, but that's not all. Delightful role play requires flights of fancy and strength for sexual arousal. If one of you had a hard day, for example, at work, or your partner is weighed down by unresolved problems, a good game will not happen.

Look for the right time when:

  • you can turn off phones and doorbells;
  • there are several guaranteed free hours;
  • mood and well-being correspond to the idea;
  • there is no need to rush anywhere, there are no urgent matters.

Only in this case everything will work out perfectly. Also agree with your partner that you cannot interrupt the game and suddenly return to your real personalities and names. Imagine that the performance has begun, and leaving the stage for a minute means ruining everything.

How do you know if you need these games?

The ideas on offer are certainly exciting, but does your couple really need them?

There are several reasons to play sex games:

  • you have been in a relationship for a long time, and your emotions need a shake-up;
  • you don’t know each other well and want to start an intimate relationship in a spectacular way;
  • you want to surprise your partner;
  • sex has become boring, I’m tired of changing positions, I want something completely different;
  • you really like to pretend and dream of playing the role - in the bedroom.

Come up with your own rules of the game

Changed behavior in sex, in the language of psychologists, creates a new pattern between you and your partner. Naturally, new rules are needed, otherwise you risk finding yourself in an awkward, funny position and ruining the game.

What needs to be discussed? First of all, the measures of what is permissible. As with submission, bondage, and sex toys, role play needs to fit within the framework of how you feel about your partner. Could he be really rude by "arresting" you in his own bedroom? How far can his fantasy go when he imagines you as a complete stranger?

If you can, give your partner the right to be completely different in the scenario. Imagine how offensive it would be if the manners and address of one of you were humiliated and touched to the quick? Suddenly it seems to you that with " imperious sultana“Is your lover more polite and sensitive than usual with you? The rule should be ironclad: do not transfer emotions from the game into real life.

Never arrange a “debriefing” with claims: “ Oh, is this how you treat me?" Otherwise, there may not be a next time, and trust in you will disappear like smoke.

Role-playing games for adults– a great option to diversify your sex life with your partner. This will give your communication in bed new emotions, colors and sensations. In addition, you can come up with completely different scenarios for such games.

Moreover, role-playing games promote emancipation and help get rid of certain complexes that you may experience in bed.

10 role play scenarios

#1 Plumber

Variations may also include an electrician, a gas worker, etc. You choose what you like best! The girl is at home, and the man rings the doorbell. She meets him in a seductive look (a short robe, peignoir or other sexy underwear) and lets him inside. A girl flirts with a new acquaintance while he rummages through his suitcase with tools. Then, when the repairman begins to “fix” something, the girl leans over him and begins to touch and excite him.

#2 Hitchhiking

A great option if you have a car and know a quiet, secluded place where you can act out the scene.

If you don't have a car, you can take a taxi. You get into a taxi, “notice” an attractive girl on the road and ask the driver to stop. Pretend that you are old acquaintances who have not seen each other for a long time. You can start foreplay right in the car. Or go even further.

#3 Teacher and student

Classic. Imagine that you are in a classroom. The girl is wearing a school uniform. And you are a sexy middle-aged teacher. This is very exciting because such sexual fantasies are very common among girls. However, you can also switch roles. She is a strict teacher, and you are a student.

#4 Prisoner and guard

Locked in a cell and “punished”, the girl is in the complete power of the guard, who carefully monitors her. She really likes to obey him, and he enjoys dominance. Where will this all lead? Surely to mutual satisfaction.

#5 Elite prostitute and client

The girl is very attractive and knows a lot about her business. So much so that the young man is willing to pay a lot to make love to her. For a girl, everything is allowed: provocative clothing, bold seduction techniques, dirty talk... but no kissing. Why not find him in the bar of an expensive hotel, sitting alone? And then, according to the script, you can “make a deal” and go home.

#6 Submissive robot

One of you plays the role of a robot. As a robot, you cannot make any decisions on your own; all you can do is obey the master's instructions. The master indicates the words you must say or the actions you must take to please the master. The robot does not take any initiative, it simply follows orders.

#7 Sleeping beauty

The girl is in deep sleep, and only the prince is able to wake her up. This time, there is no guarantee that a simple kiss will work a miracle... at least not just a kiss on the lips. This is a very convenient role play because the girl is lying in bed, which is ideal for the events that follow. Also, a little time needs to pass before the “sleeping beauty” reacts to the prince’s kisses and caresses.

#8 Stripper

Sexily dressed, the girl dances and flirts with her lover, but he has no right to touch her. While the man is sitting on the sofa or in an armchair, she takes enticing poses and dances slowly and languidly. The beauty knows exactly how to turn on any man.

#9 Wife and Lover

Good in pairs. The husband went on a business trip, and his “lover” comes to his wife. The script must be supplemented with appropriate emotions. Imagine that the husband may return unexpectedly, etc.

#10 Joker card

All the previous ideas are just suggestions, so you can of course come up with your own scenarios. Let your fantasies unfold to the fullest: “I am a wolf, and you are Little Red Riding Hood”, “I am the master, you are my slave”, “Stat Let’s play doctor and nurse”... anything will do!

In general, be more open to experimentation in bed. Then your sex life will sparkle with new colors. And you can invent an infinite number of options for such role-playing games with your partner. There would be strength and desire. Good luck!

It is necessary to prepare for the game in advance. When purchasing a maid costume, you should prepare a romantic dinner, buy canapes, fruit, wine, whipped cream. It is important to remember that the appearance of a girl in such an interesting and original outfit can make a young man smile. There is no need to retreat, because if you hold out for a few more minutes, the guy will become a participant in the game.

During the process, you don’t have to limit yourself to external attributes. Partners can try something interesting in bed and express their wildest desires and fantasies. Also, a role-playing game can take place without any attributes. It is necessary to act, looking at the character and mood of the man.

If there are doubts that the satellite may perceive the finished option negatively, you should refuse it. Your own imagination, knowledge of the desires and characteristics of your loved one - with the help of all this you can create the ideal role-playing game.

Secrets and tips:

  • If one of the partners is too serious or too cheerful, this can ruin the whole mood and reduce passion to nothing. It is necessary to behave as naturally as possible.
  • You shouldn't lecture your partner. It is necessary to abandon moralizing during the process.
  • It is important to get rid of all extraneous thoughts and completely surrender to the game.
  • There is no need to pretend, partners can do whatever they really want.

After some time, the thirst for quantity is replaced by the need for quality and sophistication. To try again? Attic? Elevator? Parking? Or perhaps change not the places of love games, but the roles played in them?
Sexual role-playing games are not a modern achievement, but have been practiced since ancient times. This undoubtedly suggests that their active use will help improve your personal life. And this applies not only to summer with its hormonal storm.

Let's see what you can achieve by sometimes including role-playing games in your sex diet, and first let's figure out what kind of games they are.

There are several basic scenarios with countless variations:

1. A man seduces a girl, usually a modest one, and, in some cases, an innocent one. The scenario can be absolutely anything: a cynical macho and a trembling virgin, an older friend enlightening a modest young friend, incest between, let’s be modest, distant, distant relatives, a counselor and a pioneer, an old maid and a young arrogant plumber.

You can be snobs and aesthetes and play a handsome prince and a sleeping princess. Instead of the crystal in which the princess slept, a bathtub will do; this will add modernity to the old fairy tale. In addition, you will have something to tell your friends.

2. A girl mercilessly seduces a man. This option is surprisingly suitable for men who are tired of initiative in sex and life and for women who crave this initiative. Let him now be a virgin, to whom the upstairs neighbor came to buy salt. Or a high school student alone with a young teacher. Or young subordinates of a bitchy businesswoman.

Or a person who practices celibacy, if you can handle this nut. Just don’t forget that the image of a seductress requires courage and a lack of shyness. Forget the principles: “don’t give a kiss without love” and “No-no before the wedding.” Your slogan should be: “in the fight, all means are good!”

3. Sexual services for money, payment with the body for some sin, for example, traveling without a ticket, breaking the rules, petty theft in a supermarket. His role requires ruthlessness and cynicism, and yours requires timidity, a bashful blush and humility. However, you can play the exact opposite and, entering the image of a liberated bitch, harshly seduce an incorruptible officer.

Games with call girls and boys are very suitable for those who are clearly capable of more in bed than they allow themselves, but are embarrassed by their temperament or frankness. So, what can’t you do for money? Well, what if the job is like this?

4. Forced sex. The most extreme, but very beloved by women, version of the game is rape. With this scenario, everything is clear, you and your partner just need to define for yourself the boundaries of what is possible, so that in the process you suddenly don’t feel like you’re practically a victim, and not a full participant in what’s happening.

5. Random passion. This game has many variations: strangers, five minutes after exchanging names, tearing off each other's T-shirts in the first entrance, holidaymakers, worn out by the sun. Or, if your conscience permits, lovers who sneaked away from work without their spouses knowing?

If you decide to approach the role-playing game in detail, after choosing the role and scenario, you need to think through the surroundings and details - where and when it will happen, what you will say, how you will behave, what you will wear. Try not to overdo it with preparation - the fuse may wear off.

Not all men love role-playing games as much as women. Therefore, at the stage of familiarization with the innovation, the most important thing is to captivate the man and not scare him away. Extremely careful preparation and a script written down to the point of cries of passion will make him bored. But changing your style of behavior, which will bring a sense of novelty, will undoubtedly inspire your gaming partner like nothing else.

The main thing is not a pleated skirt, red stockings or the scent of sandalwood, but your desire to transform into a different image, character and, thereby, awaken strong emotions in the two of you: in him - from possessing a new woman with new sexual habits for him, in you - from the courage of the game and the opportunity to do something unusual for you, but so desired. And also from being possessed by a cute stranger, servicing your boss, being blindfolded, or whatever you come up with?

When you move from the category of amateurs to role-playing game professionals, it’s time to start gourmandizing, aestheticizing and complicating the action, playing out entire stories according to all the rules - with prelude, increasing tension and climax.

The easiest option is to secretly rent a hotel room and invite him there using a mysterious SMS with the promise of an important business meeting or an unforgettable gift. The most important thing in such surprises is to continue to play the role for the first few minutes, while the partner is surprised and tries to disrupt the performance with his questions: “What are you doing? Why?” etc.

It would be strange to think that games have an impact solely on sex life. Not at all. Sexual role play can affect your entire life and even your personality.

With their help, you and your other half can realize the image and those fantasies that you have only dreamed of in secret from each other. And, having pulled these images and fantasies out of your own consciousness, you can be surprised and ask yourself: why do I like this particular role? This behavior?

Perhaps there are some character traits you like about the woman you play that you don’t think you have? Or are you playing the way you always dreamed of behaving, then for what reasons do you not allow yourself to do so?

Games are a kind of mirror of your soul, your hidden desires and a great opportunity to get to know yourself. For example, you are meek and forgiving, you always choose the image of a woman - a vamp, fatal and ruthless...

Perhaps you lack self-confidence in life?

Or is your meekness preventing you from being yourself? Free and strong? Or is it completely the other way around? A cynic in life, who has chosen authority and strength as the only correct option for survival in this crazy world, to show weakness, do you enjoy playing concubines, tender and submissive, with pleasure and pleasure? Then maybe your only correct option for survival is not really yours?

Of course, it’s scary to change yourself so quickly and throw yourself into the pool, but... you can practice several times on a safe platform - in a role-playing game.

With the help of games, you can become a sex therapist for your man. You just have to be attentive to him.

He says that he is tired of spinning and wants to become a log in the forest? So immobilize him and deprive him of any opportunity to be active, while you yourself show the unbridledness and power of a predator.

Tired of your boss's chair and the need to maintain an appropriate image all the time? Become high school students, escape from everyone after last bell and do something deliciously naughty in the secluded wilderness of the park.

Says he's tired and wants a change of scenery? Turn your house into a five-star hotel room for a while, and be a maid yourself.

Are you worried that it’s not your first? Arrange an evening for him to seduce you, a virgin, and be delighted with how he does it.

And with the help of games you can make peace. What, even a very angry man, can resist if the door is opened to him in the evening not by a guilty bully, but by a humble odalisque, the youngest wife of a large harem with the words: “The master chose me today as his beloved wife! How happy I am! Let me relax you!”

You can be your own therapist and play out and compensate for what is missing in real life. Run around in white school socks, handcuff your husband, who became insolent at dinner yesterday, and punish him by forcing him to endlessly give you oral sex, and also take a ticket to St. Petersburg and seduce your “random travel companion.”

Or take two tickets side by side in a reserved seat, and act out scenes of conquest and seduction in front of the public. By the way, the presence of spectators gives the sensations additional poignancy.

Another advantage of such a pastime is that in such games you can try caresses that you usually don’t dare to try. Of course, would a call girl refuse to please her client, even if in ordinary life what he offers seems unworthy of a free and modern woman? However, after the game this very method of pleasure may seem to you not so unworthy. Most likely, even pleasant.

Sexual role play can improve your relationship with your partner. You can discuss new interesting scenarios with your husband, and at the same time think about why he is attracted to certain images? What does he like? What is he missing?

When it comes to sex, men are especially vulnerable, but also interested in dialogue, so successful, confidential conversations and shared fantasies can reveal a lot about each other and bring you even closer. You both need only tactfulness and the absence of harsh criticism in response to proposals you don’t like.

What if someday you feel that constantly changing roles has become the only way for you to feel excited or agree to contact, and something is wrong in your relationship? Perhaps what you need is not games, but work on yourself and your personal relationships.

However, relationships can be treated in all sorts of ways, and role-playing games are one of them.

“All the world is a stage,” as Shakespeare said!

How to ruin the game:

1. Be squeezed and squeeze your partner. 2. Respond negatively and sharply to his suggestions. 3. Laugh at your partner during the process. 4. Criticize yourself or your partner in anything. 5. Attach more importance to details and surroundings than to the process. 6. Behave the same way in any role.

How to play successfully:

1. Do not endow the character being played with your own traits and sexual habits, but think and fantasize about what such a woman would do and how. 2. Stop being serious and adult, burdened with complexes and principles. Play! 3. Don't be afraid to overdo it.

4. Add 1-2 details for ease of transformation.



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