Use in childhood. No artificial colors or flavors

A child's health depends on several factors. These include maintaining a daily routine, a balanced diet, and hardening. However, despite following these rules, the child’s immune system is daily exposed to negative environmental influences and stress. “VitaMishki Immuno” is a multivitamin complex that can normalize the functioning of the baby’s internal organs and their systems.

Instructions for use

The manufacturer of the complex is the Canadian pharmaceutical company Pharmamed. They are suitable for use by parents of frequently ill children whose immune systems need additional stimulation. The unique composition of the drug makes it as effective as possible.

Release form

"VitaMishki Immuno" are produced in the form of jelly-like dragees. One of their components are dyes derived from fruits and berries, which gives the “jelly” a pleasant smell and taste. The marmalades are made in the shape of bears. They can taste like peach, grape, lemon and orange. They are packaged in polymer jars containing from 30 to 60 lozenges. They, in turn, are placed in cardboard packaging.


Instructions for using the vitamin complex as the main components indicate:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • sea ​​buckthorn berry extract.

The product is not a drug, it is considered a dietary supplement. The components of the complex are selected in such a way that it maximally stimulates the functioning of the child’s immune system.

Useful properties

The main benefits of taking the drug are:

  • providing antioxidant effects;
  • protection of cellular structures from various damages;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • reducing the risk of developing acute respiratory infections even after hypothermia;
  • formation of immune defense of the growing organism.

Many doubt that the complex really has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and restorative effect, for the reason that it does not contain many vitamin and mineral compounds. In fact, the drug receives almost all its beneficial properties from sea buckthorn, which is called the “orange queen of health.”

Indications for use

You should not self-prescribe this dietary supplement. In addition, it is worth asking at what age should your baby take it. It is best to visit a specialist before starting to use the complex. However, most often it is prescribed in such cases as:

  • prevention of hypovitaminosis;
  • frequent illnesses of the child;
  • increased mental and physical stress during the training period;
  • overwork;
  • strong emotional stress;
  • visual fatigue.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to use vitamins when a child is 2 years old. There are no special contraindications in this case, however, it is important to consult a pediatrician who will adjust the dosage.


The main contraindications prohibiting the use of the drug for children are:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • allergy;
  • state of hypervitaminosis;
  • children up to three years of age.

It is important not to exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions for the drug or prescribed by the doctor, as this can lead to an overdose or the development of side effects.

Side effects

Experts indicate that currently there is no evidence that side effects occur when taking the complex. There was also no information regarding overdose status. Most likely, minor allergic reactions may occur. In such situations, you should consult a pediatrician to check whether symptomatic therapy is needed. Then they refuse to use VitaMishek Immuno and start taking similar medications.

How to take?

The daily intake of nutritional gummies for children from three to seven years old is one chewable lozenge. Children over the age of seven are recommended to take two jellies daily. The course of treatment lasts from one to two months, after which a break is taken for six months. Experts recommend using dietary supplements during periods of exacerbation of epidemics of viral diseases, namely in September-October and February-March. The gummies are taken with meals, washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Interaction with other drugs

There are no special instructions for using the complex. It is important at the moment when you start taking lozenges to eliminate preparations containing vitamin E and ascorbic acid. When using several vitamin complexes together, an overdose may occur.

How to store?

Considering the fact that VitaMishki Immuno has a pleasant smell and taste, it is important that they are stored in places inaccessible to children. It should be dry there, the temperature should be standard for room mode. The shelf life of a jar with “bears” is 2 years. After its completion, it is better not to use the drug, as various dyspeptic disorders may occur in children.


The price range of vitamins varies from 410 to 530 rubles. The cost of lozenges depends on their quantity in a polymer jar.


There are no complete analogues to this complex. However, there are a number of drugs that can be used if a child develops an allergy to it. These include:

  • "" - tablets intended for chewing. Suitable for children over three years of age. Up to four years old, take one “chewing gum” daily, up to fourteen years – 2. The course of one use is 30 days;
  • "" - capsules intended for three times a day. Suitable for children over three years old. The period of use is thirty days, then it is important to take a break;
  • "Multi-tabs Immuno Kids" - tablets, used one daily for thirty days. Can be used until children reach 12 years of age.

Cheaper analogues of the drug include:

  • drops " ";
  • "Kinder Biovital".

It will not hurt together with the indicated complexes, similar to VitaMishka Immuno.

VitaMishki: instructions for use and reviews

VitaMishki is a biologically active food supplement (BAA) for children, an additional source of vitamins and minerals.

Release form and composition

Dietary supplements are produced in the form of chewable lozenges in the shape of bear figurines: 5 different vitamin and mineral complexes (30 or 60 pieces in a plastic bottle, 1 bottle in a cardboard box and instructions for use of VitaMishek).

VitaMishki Immuno (Immuno) + sea buckthorn (with orange, peach, grape and lemon flavor) in 1 lozenge contains:

  • active ingredients: ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – 45 mg, d-alpha tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) – 6 IU (international unit), zinc (zinc citrate) – 5 mg, selenium (sodium selenate) – 0.015 mg, fruit extract and sea buckthorn leaves – 0.06 mg;
  • auxiliary components: fractionated coconut oil, sugar, sugar syrup, citric acid (acidity regulator), natural flavors (peach, grapes, orange, lemon), lactic acid (acidity regulator), natural colors (annatto, carrot juice, turmeric), maltodextrin (stabilizer), beeswax (thickener), gelatin.

VitaMishki Multi (Multi) + iodine + choline (with orange, cherry, strawberry and lemon flavor) in 1 lozenge contains:

  • active ingredients: ascorbic acid – 10 mg, pantothenic acid [calcium pantothenate (vitamin B 5)] – 3 mg, biotin (vitamin B 7) – 0.015 mg, d-alpha tocopherol acetate – 8.25 IU, retinol palmitate (vitamin A ) – 800 IU, cyanocobalamin (vitamin B 12) – 0.002 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B 6) – 0.4 mg, folic acid – 0.13 mg, cholecalciferol (vitamin D 3) – 40 IU, zinc (citrate) – 1.2 mg, iodine (potassium iodide) – 0.05 mg, inositol (vitamin B 8), choline bitartrate;
  • auxiliary components: glucose syrup, natural flavors (orange, cherry, lemon, strawberry), sugar, citric acid, natural colors (annatto, vegetable juice concentrate, turmeric), fractionated coconut oil, beeswax, lactic acid, maltodextrin, gelatin.

VitaMishki Calcium (Calcium) + vitamin D (with strawberry, orange, cherry and lemon flavor) in 1 lozenge contains:

  • active ingredients: ergocalciferol (vitamin D 2) – 200 IU, tricalcium phosphate: calcium – 200 mg, phosphorus – 100 mg;
  • auxiliary components: apple pectin, sodium citrate, citric acid, lactic acid, maltodextrin, sugar syrup, natural flavors (strawberry, orange, lemon, cherry), sugar, natural colors (fruit juice concentrate, turmeric, annatto, vegetable juice concentrate).

VitaMishki Bio (Bio) + prebiotic (with cherry, peach, raspberry and grape flavors) in 1 lozenge contains:

  • active ingredients: inulin – 1000 mg, fructooligosaccharides – 50 mg, fennel fruit extract (5:1) – 10 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride – 0.3 mg, thiamine chloride (vitamin B 1) – 0.2 mg, biotin – 0.005 mg , niacin (vitamin B 3) – 3 mg, choline (choline bitartrate) – 20 mg;
  • auxiliary components: sugar, sugar syrup, lactic acid, citric acid, natural flavors (cherry, peach, raspberry, grape), fractionated coconut oil, natural colors (annatto, vegetable juice concentrate, turmeric), beeswax, gelatin.

VitaMishki Focus (Focus) + blueberries (with raspberry, cherry, strawberry and blueberry flavors) contain:

  • active ingredients: d-alpha-tocopherol acetate – 3.8 IU, riboflavin (vitamin B 2) – 0.6 mg, beta-carotene (retinol palmitate) – 0.24 mg, zinc (zinc citrate) – 3.5 mg , blueberry fruit extract – 50 mg, elderberry flower extract;
  • auxiliary components: sugar, sugar syrup, citric acid, fractionated coconut oil, maltodextrin, lactic acid, natural flavors (cherry, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry), natural colors, beeswax, gelatin.

Pharmacological properties

VitaMishki are 5 types of biologically active food supplements developed specifically for children over three years of age. The mechanism of action of the complexes is aimed at enriching the growing body with essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, the formula of each dietary supplement contains components, the effect of which helps strengthen the functions of various systems.

VitaMishki Immuno + sea buckthorn strengthens the child’s immunity. A diet containing ascorbic acid helps prevent or reduce most colds. The presence of vitamin E provides a powerful antioxidant effect, stimulates the immune system, and prevents cell damage.

Sea buckthorn strengthens the immune system and has many healing properties, including restorative, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. Contains more than 100 vitamins and minerals beneficial to humans. Zinc helps improve immunity and reduces the risk of acute respiratory diseases caused by hypothermia. Selenium is actively involved in the formation of the body's immune defense and ensures the normal function of the immune system.

VitaMishki Multi + iodine + choline – an additional source of 13 vitamins and microelements. It has a pronounced general strengthening effect and promotes the mental and intellectual development of the child. By regulating metabolism in the body, iodine stimulates the functioning of brain cells and improves memory. Choline (vitamin B 4) is an organic compound that has a beneficial effect on cognitive and behavioral reactions, helps increase concentration, improves memory and the ability to reproduce information. Inositol is an important component of all cells of the body; its largest amount is found in the membranes of the brain. It ensures the normal formation of the central nervous system and increases the child’s ability to concentrate.

VitaMishki Calcium + vitamin D – a special complex for growth, strengthening of teeth and bones. Calcium and phosphorus are necessary structural elements of teeth, and it is important to maintain their ratio of 2 to 1 (respectively) in food. Vitamin D is necessary to regulate the metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus. Taking dietary supplements reduces the risk of developing caries and promotes the formation of normal bone structure.

VitaMishki Bio + prebiotic restores intestinal microflora, normalizes digestion and appetite in a child. Prebiotics are ingredients that enter the body with food. They are able to selectively stimulate the growth and reproduction of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which are beneficial intestinal microflora. The action of fennel extract (dill), inulin, fructooligosaccharide stimulates the intestines, reducing the manifestations of flatulence. A complex of vitamins B 1, B 6, B 3, biotin and choline helps improve digestion processes and regular bowel movements.

VitaMishki Focus + blueberries – a special formula for the health of children's eyes. Lozenges with vitamins and microelements in combination with blueberry extract help strengthen vision and reduce the risk of developing myopia, enrich the child’s body with vitamins and minerals. An extract with anthocyanins from blueberry fruits increases visual acuity, relieves eye strain and fatigue. A complex of vitamins A, E and B 2 ensures strengthening of vision. Zinc is an essential element in the processes of division, development, growth of eye cells and their restoration.

Indications for use

The use of a vitamin-mineral complex is indicated for children over three years of age as a biologically active food supplement for additional intake of the following vitamins and minerals into the body:

  • VitaMishki Calcium + vitamin D: calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D;
  • VitaMishki Immuno + sea buckthorn: vitamins C and E, selenium, zinc;
  • VitaMishki Multi + iodine + choline: zinc, iodine;
  • VitaMishki Bio + prebiotic: vitamins B 1, B 3 and B 6, choline, biotin, inulin, fructooligosaccharides;
  • VitaMishki Focus + blueberries: vitamins A, E and B 2, zinc.


  • age up to three years;
  • individual hypersensitivity to components in VitaMishek.

VitaMishki, instructions for use: method and dosage

Chewable gummy lozenges are taken orally with meals.

  • VitaMishki Immuno +, Multi +, Focus +: children 3–7 years old – 1 pc. per day, over 7 years - 1 pc. 2 times a day;
  • VitaMishki Calcium +: children 3–7 years old – 1 pc. per day, over 7 years - 2 pcs. 2 times a day;
  • VitaMishki Bio +: children 3–7 years old – 2 pcs. per day, over 7 years - 2 pcs. 2 times a day.

Course duration: VitaMishki Immuno +, Calcium +, Bio +, Focus + vitamins – 30–60 days, VitaMishki Multi + vitamins – 30 days.

Side effects

It is possible to develop hypersensitivity reactions due to intolerance to individual components of the product.


Overdose symptoms have not been established.

Special instructions

VitaMishki are not a medicine.

Chewable lozenges do not contain artificial colors or flavors.

Due to the combination of blueberry and elderberry extracts in VitaMishek Focus + blueberry, the lozenges may change color from dark brown to greenish brown during storage.

Use in childhood

The product is contraindicated for children under three years of age.

Drug interactions

Taking lozenges can be combined with the use of medications.


Analogs of VitaMishek are: Vitamin-mineral complex VitaMin, Alphabet Shkolnik, Vitamins Alphabet Kindergarten, Alphabet Our Baby, Pikovit, Vitrum Baby, Supradin Kids, Complivit ophthalmo, Solgar Omega-3.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep away from children.

Store at temperatures up to 25 °C in a place protected from moisture.

Shelf life – 3 years.

When winter, autumn and spring come, the child’s need for vitamins increases, parents think about purchasing strengthening vitamin complexes. Vitamins for children immediately come to the aid of parents. Vitamin complexes Vitamishki are biologically active substances that include calcium, iodine and many others, and are approved for use by children over the age of 3 years. And the price is pleasantly pleasing.

Vitamins supply the body with all the necessary elements, help improve the immune system, the calcium it contains helps strengthen bones and teeth, the active substances improve memory, vision and the functioning of the digestive system. Children mistake them for sweets, so you don't have to beg your child to eat vitamins. With sweetness, the baby will get the required minerals and trace elements.

Immuno+ with sea buckthorn for immunity

The Immuno+ complex includes sea buckthorn, which has immunity-stimulating, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and general strengthening properties. It contains more than a hundred substances beneficial to the body:

  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, protects cells from damage and activates the body’s immune defense;
  • Selenium creates favorable conditions for the body to function;
  • Zinc limits the possibility of ARVI.

Sea buckthorn is valued due to its properties of not losing nutrients when frozen and preserved. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' sea buckthorn was called the “Queen of Health and Longevity.” It is an additional source of vitamins C, E and Selenium.

Multi Plus with iodine and choline for the brain

Modern society is filled with progressive new technologies. Early education programs for schoolchildren and before entering school have become more complex for children. An important factor for learning new things more easily and quickly is memory and concentration. Iodine and choline will help your child with this, thanks to a number of benefits:

  • Iodine in the complex can regulate normal metabolism and increase the functioning of brain cells;
  • Choline helps improve concentration, attention and memory.

Multi Plus contains more than 13 useful elements and vitamins that maintain the balance of essential substances in the body.

  • For children aged 3 years, take one tablet after meals 1 time per day;
  • From seven years and over, 1 tablet during meals, 2 times a day. The duration of the course is 1 month.

Calcium Plus for bones and tooth enamel

Teeth are destroyed due to changes in the structure of the enamel that are invisible at first glance. Changes occur if calcium and phosphorus are present in the body in insufficient quantities. Therefore, many pediatricians and dentists advise giving children vitamins containing calcium. Many parents like Calcium Plus because:

  • Phosphorus and calcium in the composition are the main structural elements for a child’s teeth;
  • The group of vitamins D in the complex helps regulate the amount of phosphorus and calcium present in the body;
  • Reduces the chance of developing caries.

Directions for use: one piece 2 times a day during meals for children over three years old. Children aged seven years and older take 2 lozenges after meals, 2 times a day. Take vitamins according to the instructions, then calcium in the body will be in the required amount.

  • Read in more detail:

Bio Plus for digestion

Excellent functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is a sign that the body of a teenager or child receives all the required elements during the digestion process. You can ensure smooth functioning of the intestines by maintaining the balance of nutrients. The Bio Plus complex is filled with probiotics (ingredients that stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora in the body).


  • Fennel, which stimulates the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces the manifestations of flatulence;
  • Biotin, Vitamin groups B1 B3 B6, choline.

If the child does not have any difficulties with digestion, he will always be in a good mood and with an excellent appetite.

Focus Plus with blueberries to improve vision

Since ancient times, blueberries have been used to prevent the quality of vision. Many military fighter pilots always consume this berry before a night flight. Blueberries are good at reducing fatigue and eye strain that occurs when working with computers and phones for a long time, or when watching TV for a long time.

In the Focus+ complex with blueberries you will find:

  • The content of many useful elements that strengthen visual acuity, reduce the percentage of occurrence;
  • The composition includes a group of vitamins A, E and B2, which help strengthen vision;
  • Zinc helps in overall growth development and repairs eye cells.

Instructions for use: consume 1 piece per day during meals for children over three years old. Children from seven, 1 piece 2 times a day during meals.

Calcemin Advance for the prevention of dental diseases, restoration of the normal content of minerals and vitamins. - marmalade, which is filled with many vitamin groups. Designed to improve memory, growth, and intelligence of children aged three years and older. Multitabs Baby is a broad-spectrum multivitamin complex. Contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, copper, chromium and many others. It is useful to use for children from 1 year to 11 years inclusive.

Choosing the most suitable vitamin complex is not at all easy. It is best to seek advice from a professional who, after conducting the necessary tests, will tell you what substances your child’s body requires and in what quantities.

My child liked this vitamin complex, he doesn’t like vitamins and pills in general, but he couldn’t resist jelly bears, he asks to buy them for him) Isn’t that the joy? The child strives for health, not for fast food and soda! ... My child liked this vitamin complex, he doesn’t like vitamins and pills in general, but he couldn’t resist jelly bears, he asks to buy them for him) Isn’t that the joy? The child strives for health, not for fast food and soda! Before using these vitamins, it is important to explain to your child the risks of an overdose. My 6-year-old son understood everything perfectly and I trust him to take vitamins on his own, I don’t give them to him like a little one. He lives up to my trust and never eats more bears than he needs.
He really likes vitamin candies, especially the immune complex for some reason, but we agreed to periodically use others from the Vitamish series. The immunoplus complex contains 4 different flavor variations of jelly sweets: lemon, orange, grape and peach, the child really likes each one and he never chooses which lozenge he will eat today, he always relies on chance)
It is worth noting as a separate point that these vitamins contain a minimal number of components, but this does not mean that they are bad. On the contrary, this makes the complex balanced and non-allergenic, since the more components (sometimes even unnecessary) in the vitamins, the greater the likelihood that the child will develop an allergy.

The immune system is really being strengthened, my son is getting sick less - that’s a fact. We drank them for a month, and then also vitamins with calcium for a month, now we will switch to immuno+ again. I recommend this scheme)

I recommend it, you won’t regret it
For children, in my opinion, vitamins are best suited. These are the best among analogues. The taste is excellent, the child eats with pleasure, they chew easily (and this is rare), the effect of taking it is really felt.
I recommend it, you won’t regret it

We tried giving different vitamin complexes, after which either an allergy or a rash appeared, and in the end we settled on Pikovite Unique. Compared to what I was taking before, these are the best for my baby.

The most difficult thing is to choose vitamins for an allergy sufferer. You have to choose by trial and error. Well, we quickly figured out that there is no reaction to the peaking of the Unique. Now we drink them.

Try to find normal vitamins today. So I settled on Pikovit Unique, because it does not contain any harmful additives.

I only buy Pikovit for mine. Others simply didn’t fit into our lineup. I remember that as a child I was often sick in the fall, until my mother started giving it to me. So this is not only a quality tested by personal experience, but also warm memories from childhood :)

We are already 3 years old! We love to communicate and spend a lot of time outside. But now the weather is so terrible((I’m worried about our health. So I went to the doctor, I don’t want to give him chemotherapy, so I carefully studied the composition of all the vitamins. In the end I chose Pikovit - ideal for us. I’m happy.

The school holidays are over and winter is just around the corner. My husband and I decided to support our son’s immunity. He is very responsible for me and he read all the compositions of the vitamins himself))) In the end, we chose Pikovit. The child is happy and is already reminding us about the appointment. Well, we are happy with the result.

Composition, price, manufacturer - according to all these criteria, Pikovit wins for me, I buy it for children. I've taken courses more than once and I'm very pleased.

Vitamins need to be carefully selected, I always study the composition thoroughly. Here at Pikovit Yunik it’s normal, there’s no problem, I calmly give it to my baby)

And I give Pikovit Yunik - chewable vitamins that look like bear cubs. The child really likes them, but most importantly, they are tasty and contain no harmful ingredients!

This year something didn’t work out for us, the sores stuck out of the blue. We missed a lot in the garden. Somewhere in the middle of winter, the pharmacy already advised me to take vitamins after recovery to strengthen the body. We took the course, were sick for less time, and recovered faster. And they didn’t get sick until the end of winter. Now I’m thinking of starting a course of immunovitamins in the fall.

I give my little one vitamins Immuno Plus during epidemics. For two years now we have practically not been sick, and if it does happen, it is mild and without fever. We are the most persistent in the kindergarten. They have a good composition, all the necessary microelements and minerals to strengthen and maintain the body. And the main thing is that they are natural and without any flavoring additives, you can... I give my little one vitamins Immuno Plus during epidemics. For two years now we have practically not been sick, and if it does happen, it is mild and without fever. We are the most persistent in the kindergarten. They have a good composition, all the necessary microelements and minerals to strengthen and maintain the body. And the main thing is that they are natural and without any flavoring additives, they can be safely given to children. Now I’m thinking of starting to give him additional vitamins with calcium so that he can actively grow.

I’m even afraid to imagine what’s in fruits and vegetables now. The chemistry is solid. So it’s better for my child to get what he needs from a pharmaceutical drug. And so that there are no problems, I buy him vitamins - he eats them with pleasure, the tastes are different, the candies are useful))) We recently finished taking immunoplus, I have never been sick for spring, I’m one of the whole class.

When we first went to kindergarten, I was, of course, prepared for the fact that my child would often get sick. And now we are already 4 years old, and this endless struggle with a runny nose and fever continued (But I really don’t want to keep the child at home, isolate her from the children’s group, especially since she likes it in kindergarten and really misses the kids. That’s a lot... When we first went to kindergarten, I was, of course, prepared for the fact that my child would often get sick. And now we are already 4 years old, and this endless struggle with a runny nose and fever continued (But I really don’t want to keep the child at home, isolate her from the children’s group, especially since she likes it in kindergarten and really misses the children. I’ve read a lot of reviews about these Immunity vitamins, even the pediatrician recommended them. We started taking them, this year we didn’t get very sick, although we had snot, but I think that this is progress.

We have been taking Vitamishki Immuno for almost a year now with short breaks. There were no allergies or other side effects, the child himself asks when I will give him vitamins. At first it seemed that they were of no use, but then I noticed that the child became more active, did not waste away in the off-season, and had not been seriously ill for a long time. In terms of taste, effectiveness and price, we find the drug... We have been taking Vitamishki Immuno for almost a year now with short breaks. There were no allergies or other side effects, the child himself asks when I will give him vitamins. At first it seemed that they were of no use, but then I noticed that the child became more active, did not waste away in the off-season, and had not been seriously ill for a long time. In terms of taste, effectiveness and price, we are completely satisfied with the drug. I recommend it!

I take preventive measures against acute respiratory infections with immunoplus vitamins. They help quite well, we get sick on little things and without complications. With the transition to cold weather, I immediately buy it and give it to my child with a break of several months. We go to school without long breaks. There are no allergies from them, my daughter likes them, there is no need to force her to take them.

I brought my vitamins home and immediately reached into my purse to check if there was anything tasty. I saw the packaging: what is this? She explained that such delicious gummies for health are a delight in the eyes, she wants to try it right away. We are already eating the second course, we hardly get colds, we are very happy.

My husband went to the pharmacy and my son tagged along with him; along with all the medicines that I asked to buy, they brought these Vitamishkas. Well, I thought it was just another harmful synthetic product for children, but it turned out that the composition was normal, without dyes and made from natural juices. Our son eats them with pleasure, even our constant snot has disappeared. So we will continue to drink them.

I didn’t know about them before, it’s such a shame. I took the little one to kindergarten and it started for 3 days and I’m ready, at most a week goes by, it was horror, the worst thing is that they didn’t get away with simple snot, always with complications. Thank you, the doctor already advised that before treating the child with any medications, try immunovitamins to strengthen the immune system. Indeed, after the full course, we went to... I didn’t know about them before, it’s such a shame. I took the little one to kindergarten and it started in 3 days and I’m ready, at most a week goes by, it was horror, the worst thing is that they didn’t get away with simple snot, always with complications. Thank you, the doctor already advised that before treating the child with any drugs, try immunovitamins to strengthen the immune system. Indeed, after the full course, we went to kindergarten and, thank God, we have no surprises so far

I bought these vitamins right before kindergarten to strengthen my immune system. And we succeeded, so far we have managed without colds, even though the group has had snot and cough for a long time. There are no problems with taking vitamins, my son eats them like “healthy candies”))

As soon as we started school, my daughter began to get sick endlessly, although she got through kindergarten well. I had to select vitamins for immunity. Moms I know praised the immuno+ vitamins. And I bought them. I’m happy with the result, my daughter stopped catching fewer viruses, and is now a completely active and healthy child))

The pediatrician recommended vitamins Immune Plus to us. My daughter has a weak immune system and gets sick often, so we try to support her in every possible way. The advantage of vitamins is not only their effectiveness, but also the fact that my daughter is simply delighted with them: they are tasty and she seems to like them. He says that these are bears from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"))

We chose Vitamins Immuno because they are natural, without dyes or flavoring additives. Such a product simply cannot cause allergies or otherwise harm the child.

We really like the immunovitamins. My child and I have a game, when we take them, I give them a bear, and he guesses the taste, vitamins based on natural juices. A fireworks display of flavors. They strengthened the immune system and began to get sick less often.

There is a very big difference, with and without immunovitamins. We haven’t missed the garden even once this winter; all illnesses have been managed with a slight runny nose. And my fussy eats chewable lozenges with great pleasure, although the tablets cannot be stuffed down at all.

I give these vitamins to my child. I bought different vitamins myself, and these were recommended by our local pediatrician. He said that vitamins are definitely needed, especially in winter, when children most often get sick and vitamins will be an excellent prevention of flu and colds. Moreover, they come in the form of gummy bears and the child really likes the taste. Even when my daughter plays doctor, she asks for dolls too... I give these vitamins to my child. I bought different vitamins myself, and these were recommended by our local pediatrician. He said that vitamins are definitely needed, especially in winter, when children most often get sick and vitamins will be an excellent prevention of flu and colds. Moreover, they come in the form of gummy bears and the child really likes the taste. Even when my daughter plays doctor, she asks her dolls to also give them vitamins so that they don’t get sick)))

VitaMishki is just a godsend for all mothers, I think. It is very difficult to force my child to take any vitamins or even tablets, and VitaMishki became a salvation for us. This vitamin and mineral complex helps strengthen the child’s immunity and prevents the possibility of flu or colds. I’m very pleased with the fact that the vitamins are made in the shape of marmalade bears and a child... VitaMishki is just a godsend for all mothers, I think. It is very difficult to force my child to take any vitamins, or even more so pills, and VitaMishki became our salvation. This vitamin and mineral complex helps strengthen the child’s immunity and prevents the possibility of flu or colds. The fact that the vitamins are made in the shape of marmalade bears is very pleasing and the child happily takes them without suspecting a “catch.” VitaMishki was recommended to me by a pharmacist at a pharmacy when I came in upset that the child categorically refused to take preventive medications. The bears have a pronounced pleasant taste, there are 5 flavors of vitamins. The child liked the Vita Bears so much that even if I forget, she herself comes and asks for the bear. Bears are quite a good deal, since one jar contains 60 bears, which is enough for two months. This just covers the transition periods in spring and autumn, when the risk of getting sick is very high. Please and protect your child with VitaBears!

Children willingly take vitamins if the preparations have an original form, pleasant color and taste. Tablets are useful, but boring, and bright chewable lozenges will certainly interest the most capricious child.

VitaMishki is a multivitamin complex for children over 4 years old. Give your children VitaMishka vitamins to strengthen the immune system, improve memory, and prevent respiratory diseases. Regular use of lozenges in the shape of funny bear cubs will improve the health of the body.

Benefits and Benefits

The vitamin complex from PHARMAMED (Canada) is a simple way to strengthen the defenses of babies and older children. Studying, mental and physical development, growth, and the formation of full-fledged body systems require constant energy consumption. Under high loads and transition to a new environment (kindergarten, school), the immune system often suffers, children get sick, refuse to go to school, and become very tired.

How to support a growing body? Multivitamins will help. The VitaMishki complex contains many useful substances, strengthens the immune system, and gives strength for daily activities. This useful food supplement has an active immunomodulatory effect.


  • several types to influence a specific problem: with decreased immunity, disruption of the intestinal microflora, memory impairment, problems with vision and digestion;
  • safety: lozenges do not contain artificial colors, preservatives, or irritants. Pleasant taste and aroma are provided by natural juices;
  • original shape: children enjoy eating bear-shaped lozenges. Bright colors increase the attractiveness of a healthy product;
  • variety of tastes. The manufacturer offers several varieties: orange, lemon, strawberry and cherry flavors;
  • active effect on the body. Many mothers write positive reviews on forums, recommending a vitamin and mineral complex to strengthen immunity for preschoolers and schoolchildren;
  • vitamins are suitable for teenagers experiencing high nervous stress at school;
  • Reasonable price, minimum daily dosage (1 or 2 lozenges per day) allow children to take preventive courses without noticeable damage to the family budget.

Pay attention! Children like colorful lozenges so much that kids often beg for an extra portion of vitamins. But children's vitamins VitaMishka are a therapeutic and prophylactic agent; they should not be taken uncontrollably; the daily dosage should not be exceeded. Put the jar in a cool place, explain to the children that this is not an ordinary candy: you are giving a useful medicine for the immune system (vision/intestines/memory), only in the form of teddy bears.


What are the reasons for the popularity of VitaMishek?

Pediatricians note:

  • high concentration of nutrients;
  • optimal combination of vitamins, minerals, natural juices, medicinal plant extracts.

Each lozenge contains:

  • vitamins E, A, C. Useful components improve the processes of growth, tissue regeneration, protect cells from the influence of free radicals. Considering the difficult environmental situation in many regions, these vitamins are vital for a growing body;
  • B vitamins. Without thiamine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, proper protein metabolism is impossible. Valuable components strengthen the nervous system, promote the formation of red blood cells;
  • choline, inozide participate in lipid metabolism, improve the breakdown of fats, and saturate the body with energy;
  • pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, vitamin K, folic acid are most often produced in insufficient quantities. But these substances are just as important for the growth and development of the child’s body as tocopherol, retinol and ascorbic acid. The deficiency will be filled by VitaMishka lozenges;
  • vitamin D improves the absorption of calcium, strengthens bones, teeth, regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium;
  • minerals - iodine, magnesium, selenium, zinc have an immunomodulatory effect, regulate the activity of the thyroid gland, relieve irritability;
  • plant extracts strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on the optic nerve and intestinal health.

Store your bottle of chewable lozenges correctly. Keep the packaging at a temperature of +18 C...+20 C. Children who want to eat more “medicinal bears” should not reach the storage place.

Indications for use

  • reduced immunity;
  • frequent colds;
  • high training loads;
  • prevention/treatment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies;
  • prevention of acute respiratory infections during epidemics;
  • digestive disorders;
  • severe tension, eye fatigue.


Pediatricians recommend chewing lozenges in the shape of funny bears for children of all ages. The rich composition and absence of toxic components narrows the range of restrictions to a minimum. There are no side effects if the dosage is followed.

Buy a different type of vitamin in the following cases:

  • the child is under 4 years old;
  • there is sensitivity to individual components.

Immuno complex

Frequent colds, stress, high workloads, poor environmental conditions, taking strong medications, poor nutrition are not all the factors that affect the state of the immune system. Poor health, unfortunately, is a common phenomenon.

You can strengthen your immune system in different ways. Taking vitamin and mineral complexes is one of the “building blocks” of good health. A simple, effective measure will support the immune system.

Regular use of VitaMishki Immuno has a positive effect on the child’s condition:

  • the frequency of colds decreases;
  • appetite improves;
  • the child becomes more active, less tired, and irritability disappears.

Among the useful components:

  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • retinol;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • sea ​​buckthorn extract;

VitaMishki for the health of various organs and systems

In the pharmacy you will find other types of VitaBears with an original taste and active action. Use the desired type of multivitamin complex for a specific problem and only after consulting a pediatrician.

The manufacturer indicates the following effects:

  • VitaMishki Focus+ strengthens the optic nerve.
  • The Bio+ series with a prebiotic will help with intestinal problems.
  • The Calcium series with vitamin D will support the musculoskeletal system.
  • VitaMishki Multi will help children withstand academic stress.

The pediatrician will advise how long to take a multivitamin preparation in case of failures in individual organs and systems. A few details about each variety of healthy lozenges for children.


Strong teeth and bones are a necessary element of the health of children of any age. Regular intake of a vitamin-mineral complex reduces the risk of developing caries and strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

Vitamin D is indispensable for maximum calcium absorption and proper metabolic processes. One or two VitaMishka calcium lozenges in the shape of cute bear cubs are enough, and the child will receive the optimal amount of nutrients for the strength of dental and bone tissue.


Pay attention to this type if your child gets very tired at school, gets nervous, has trouble concentrating in class or doing homework. The VitaMishki Multi complex contains choline and iodine, which improve memory and relieve irritability.

Offer your student an original product for health and improving mental abilities. A positive attitude, the action of microelements and vitamins will help the student cope with high loads.

Focus Plus

Watching TV for a long time, doing a lot of homework, and using gadgets strains the optic nerve and increases the risk of developing myopia. Vision lozenges contain an active complex. One of the advantages is a balanced composition.

Healthy Ingredients:

  • blueberry extract;
  • zinc;
  • vitamins E, B2, A.

VitaMishki Bio +

The components of the complex ensure optimal functioning of the digestive system. The vitamin preparation has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and improves appetite. Regular use maintains normal bowel movements.


  • choline;
  • biotin;
  • fennel extract;
  • vitamin B1, B3, B6.

Read here about diet and nutrition rules for gastritis in children.

Instructions for use

The lozenges are taken according to the following scheme:

  • from 4 to 7 years – 1 lozenge per day;
  • after 7 years, for adolescents – 1 lozenge twice a day.

The minimum course is a month, then visit a pediatrician, Find out when to take your vitamin supplement again.


Chewable lozenges in the shape of bears are packaged in 30 and 60 pieces. It is more profitable to take a larger package. The cost varies slightly depending on the variety.

Approximate price of VitaMishek in the pharmacy:

  • package No. 30 – from 320 to 390 rubles;
  • package No. 60 – from 545 to 700 rubles.

There are vitamins that are cheaper, but many children take ordinary pills “with a fight”; the mother wastes a lot of nerve cells while she persuades or forces the young whim to take a healthy pill. There is no such problem with the original VitaBears: children and schoolchildren readily eat chewable lozenges with a pleasant taste.



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