Sweating of armpits with odor. How to remove the smell of sweat under the arms

This can happen to any of us. Physical activity, clothing that is not appropriate for the actual weather, violent excitement - they all affect the amount of moisture released by our body. Bacteria take advantage of this and make our skin and clothes smell specific. How quickly do we find a solution to a problem? Sometimes one incident is enough to make you think about how to get rid of the smell of sweat in your armpits.

Science has proven that everything has its own reasons.

We will not go into evidence and formulas, but will simply try to find out where this unpleasant odor from our armpits came from and what needs to be done to make it disappear. If such phenomena have not become a system, the problem can be eliminated quite simply.

So, we are trying to find the correct answer to the following question: the smell of sweat in the armpits, the reasons. Let us remember that this unpleasant phenomenon can occur in a healthy person. The fact is that in certain areas of the body there are apocrine glands that produce sweat with an individual secretion. It is this that provides the unpleasant effect and durability of such amber.

What to do to reduce the unwanted effect? In order to neutralize the smell of sweat in your armpits, you can use deodorant. But it will come in handy as an ambulance. If you want to eliminate sweating in a problem area, it is better to use a different cosmetic product.

In order to effectively remove sweat odor from armpits, you can use pharmaceutical preparations. Burnt alum is considered the most popular. You should apply it to your armpits overnight and wash everything off in the morning.

If we rule out disease, where does the smell come from?

Sometimes bad armpit odor can be caused by a medical condition. To establish or exclude this cause, you should consult a doctor. If you know, for example, that you are likely to have an increase in your blood sugar level, then you should start by eliminating the main problem.

But if there is a smell of sweat under the arms of an almost healthy person, it is advisable to slightly supplement your hygiene procedures by using known and available products. You can treat problem areas with the well-known baking soda. The procedure is performed after taking a shower. You should take the product in the palm of your hand and smear it a little, hold for 5 minutes and rinse.

There are also almost unexpected folk remedies to solve the problem of sweating and its consequences.

For example, in order to prevent the unpleasant smell of sweat under the arms, vodka is sometimes used. A cotton swab is moistened with it, and then problem areas are treated. Periodic implementation of this procedure can permanently relieve sweating and its consequences.

The following remedy for the smell of sweat under the arms will allow you to forget about the existence of the problem for several days. Should be 0.5 tsp. Place oak bark in a thermos and pour 100 ml of boiling water. After 30 minutes, add the juice of half a lemon to the infusion. Then this mixture must be filtered. It should be used to wipe problem areas.

Many people like homemade remedies for underarm sweat odor. For example, you can take 60 g of baking soda and corn starch each, add 10 drops of tea tree or lavender essential oil. All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly. This mixture is used in powder form and acts as a deodorant.

Strong odor of sweat - a “seasonal” problem

When an unpleasant odor appears from the armpits, the reasons for it can be different at different times of the year. In the heat, we sometimes don’t have enough time for frequent hygiene procedures, and with the onset of cold weather we can overdo it with the amount of warm clothes we wear.

A strong odor of armpit sweat may also be due to foods that are preferred at certain times of the year. For example, in order to prevent colds, sometimes we consume onions and garlic in such quantities that their excess leaves the body through the skin.

If we want to fight against amber with the help of perfumes, we are only complicating the situation.

After a couple of hours, you will understand that your armpits simply stink. Moreover, those people who are around also feel it.

The pungent odor of armpit sweat remains on clothes for a long time in winter. It literally gets absorbed into every fold and reminds you of itself more and more every time. Here it acts in the same way as on our body when ineffective hygiene products are used. Here it is better to turn to proven methods. This is usually the use of laundry soap and baking soda.

There are several simplest ways to get rid of armpit odor at any time of the year. You should wear clothes made from natural fabrics, use antibacterial products daily for hygiene procedures, and also not get too carried away with hot and spicy foods.

To make your body and clothes smell nice

You can always change the situation for the better. In our case, it depends on how to deal with the smell of sweat under the arms. A positive result can be obtained with complex influence. We are talking about maintaining good hygiene, using disinfectants, and eating right.

Indeed, what we eat today determines how we will smell tomorrow. Here you can remember onions and garlic. But there are other “provocateurs”. Sometimes, in order to get an answer to the question of how to get rid of armpit sweat odor, it is enough to exclude too spicy or spicy foods from your diet.

Traditional recipes offer many options on how to get rid of unpleasant odor from armpits. You can, for example, use raw potatoes. You should grate it and apply a thin layer to problem areas. After a few minutes, the paste can be removed and deodorant applied to these areas.

The following mixture is also considered a good way to remove the smell of sweat from armpits. To prepare it you will need 100 ml of water, 1 tsp. alcohol, 3 tbsp. l. vanilla extract. Vanilla sugar cannot be used.

Apple cider vinegar helps a lot in removing armpit odor. By wiping it in problem areas, you can solve the problem of sweating for a while. A pharmaceutical solution of magnesium also helps to combat the problem. It is applied to the skin after taking a bath.

We don’t give the unpleasant smell of armpit sweat any chance.

In some cases, doctors advise people who suffer from excessive sweating to take mineral supplements and preparations based on zinc, a deficiency of which can cause the skin to smell bad. This substance in this case works great as a remedy for sweat and armpit odor.

Among the tips on how to get rid of sweat and armpit odor, you can find many folk recipes.

If we talk about how to eliminate the smell of sweat from the armpits, we can use as an example a recipe that has been tested by many people of different generations. You should take 1 tsp. alum and 40% formalin solution, mix them with 100 ml of vodka and 50 ml of water.

We can get a fairly effective remedy for the smell of armpit sweat from baking soda and chamomile infusion. For 1 liter of infusion you will need 2 tbsp. l. soda This solution should be used to wipe problem areas every 2 hours.

Various folk remedies for armpit sweat odor have proven themselves to be excellent. One of them is a decoction of oak bark. To prepare the product, add 50g of bark to 1 liter of water and boil for half an hour. We will get a stable effect after 1 month of use.

We've all had to sweat, and we all know that unpleasant smell of sweat that seems to follow you everywhere. How to get rid of it, because sweat secretion occurs uncontrollably? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the secretion of sweat, as well as why it has such a specific smell. This is exactly what this article will focus on.

Unpleasant odor from sweat

The human body regulates its temperature through sweating. To do this, there are over three million sweat glands on the skin, each of which secretes small droplets of sweat when the body overheats and, due to their evaporation, heat is removed into the environment.

In addition, toxic products that accumulate in the body during illness are also eliminated along with sweat. That is why among folk remedies it is often recommended to sweat thoroughly.

Only humans have the ability to sweat, but our pets have to wet their fur by licking themselves or reach out with their tongues in the hot season to cool their bodies.

Therefore, if you want to remove the smell of sweat under your arms, you must understand that this is a natural, and most importantly beneficial process that regulates your body temperature and water balance. That is why more attention needs to be paid to the issue of neutralizing the pungent odor, and not the sweat itself.

However, although it is natural for humans to sweat, sometimes the process becomes excessive or inconsistent. Often, profuse sweating with an unpleasant odor can signal the presence of health problems.

Causes of profuse sweating

As already mentioned, frequent and seemingly causeless sweating may indicate that a person has:

It is worth noting that if a person does not have illnesses, as well as stress at work and at home, then the smell of sweat will not be very strong. Therefore, if you notice that your sweat has a pungent odor, this indicates that it may be worth consulting a doctor.

The smell of sweat can tell you what disease you have

  • If you smell a sweetish smell when you sweat, you may be developing diabetes or have diphtheria.
  • If your sweat smells like chlorine, then this is a clear sign that you have liver problems.
  • If there are fungal diseases in the body, the smell of sweat will resemble mouse amber.
  • But if you feel like you smell like vinegar when you sweat, then you should check your kidney function. Another signal will be a change in the color of the skin of the armpits to a yellowish tint.

If any of the above signs are permanent, then it is better for you to be examined by an endocrinologist, infectious disease specialist, oncologist, or at least see your local physician.

Therefore, before wondering how to get rid of the smell of sweat, it is worth understanding the causes of heavy sweating and undergoing a medical examination.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat?

Deodorants or antiperspirants?

What is better to use in order to remove this smell that haunts you everywhere? Currently, deodorants and antiperspirants are widely used. To an uninitiated person, these words may seem synonymous, but this is far from true.

Deodorants contain a special substance - triclosan, which has antibacterial properties, as well as glycerin and oil additives. These substances are intended to soothe the skin and relieve irritation.

It is best to choose a deodorant that does not contain alcohol, various fragrances and parabens. They can be solid, in the form of a spray, talc or powder.

What is better to choose: deodorant or antiperspirant?

Antiperspirants look like a container with liquid contents, which are applied to the armpit area with a special ball. The principle of operation of this product is that the liquid clogs the sweat glands and prevents sweat from being released. Because of this, many experts have different opinions about the advisability of using such cosmetics.

Today, in the manufacture of antiperspirants, salts based on aluminum or zinc are used. Their use leads to narrowing of skin pores and a decrease in the amount of sweat produced. These perfumes are best applied in the morning to clean, dry skin.

There are various means of combating sweat:

  • Sticks in special packaging.
  • Various alcohol-free sprays.
  • Crema. In addition to combating the smell of sweat, they also have medicinal properties.

Traditional methods for removing the smell of sweat

You can also normalize the functioning of the sweat glands using folk recipes.

  • Oak bark. You will need to purchase oak bark at the pharmacy, then pour five tablespoons of crushed bark into half a liter of boiling water and boil a little. After the broth has cooled, you can lubricate the axillary area three times a day. Oak bark has disinfectant properties and also dries the skin, reducing the amount of secretions.
  • Chamomile. You will need to brew two spoons of flowers with three glasses of hot water. After the broth has infused, add one teaspoon of soda. You can use the resulting solution twice a day.
  • Baking soda and essential oil. In one glass of boiling water you need to add a couple of drops of essential oil and a teaspoon of soda. Apply the resulting solution with a cotton swab twice a day. Baking soda has bactericidal properties, and oils will add a pleasant aroma.

How to remove the smell of sweat under the arms

If you listened to our advice and underwent an examination, which did not reveal any serious diseases, then you can use cosmetic products to remove the unpleasant odor.

Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle

Proper nutrition and exercise are the keys to good health!

If you begin to smell of sweat, the reasons may also be due to improper lifestyle choices. In your menu, you should limit the consumption of foods containing sugar, flour, reduce the consumption of oils, fried foods, and stop drinking tap water.

It is better to replace all of the above products with fruits, olive or flaxseed oil, natural dairy products, vegetables, legumes, olives, and drink only filtered water.

In addition, you must refuse:

  • Smoking
  • Sweet food
  • Smoked products
  • Fast food
  • Overload
  • Nocturnal lifestyle

If you follow all this, then after a couple of weeks you will notice positive dynamics in your fight against sweating.

How to remove foot sweat odor

A lot of people are concerned about this issue. The fact that your feet sweat in your shoes not only makes you feel some discomfort, but also those around you. What to do in this case? Why do my feet sweat?

There are two most common reasons. These include stress at work and at home, as well as poor-quality shoes. Dealing with stress is quite difficult. If you cannot calmly respond to external stimuli, then sedatives can come to the rescue.

But in the case of low-quality shoes, it is much simpler. Try buying more expensive shoes made from natural ingredients. Leather boots will keep your feet dry and comfortable, and you'll have less to worry about.

What to do if the smell of sweat remains on clothes

To prevent the smell of sweat from permeating all your clothes, you must adhere to the following rules:

If you want to get rid of the smell of sweat on your down jacket without washing, then try the following methods:

  • Dissolve one spoon of salt in a glass of water and apply to the stains. After this, you need to rinse the item.
  • A teaspoon of vinegar or citric acid diluted in a glass of water will help get rid of the unpleasant odor from fresh stains.
  • Old stains can be sprinkled with baking soda and left for thirty minutes. After this, rinse. You will not only get rid of the smell, but also whiten the material.
  • You can use laundry soap. It is enough to rub the problem area with it and rinse the clothes after ten minutes.

If these remedies do not help, then it is time to switch to commercially available chemicals.

So, now you have learned what determines sweat production and how to deal with excessive sweating. We also looked at what products will help you get rid of the smell of sweat not only in your armpits, but also on your legs and even clothes. We hope this article will help you with your problem.

The child is sweating a lot

Profuse sweating can occur not only in adults, but also in children. Already from the third week of life, the baby’s sweat glands begin to work, the discharge from which is odorless. Children usually sweat because they are overheated, but there may be other reasons.

For example, the sour smell of baby sweat indicates that the child may have:

Therefore, if you still feel that the smell of your child’s sweat has changed, then you should take him to a specialist. Perhaps this will help you identify the disease at an early stage.

Not the last place in controlling sweating in a child is proper nutrition. Do not forget that a growing body needs much more vitamins and minerals to function properly.

Therefore, the child’s diet should include:

  • Fish, particularly salmon, trout or herring.
  • Butter and eggs.
  • Dairy products such as cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, sour cream.
  • Lean meats (beef, chicken).
  • Liver.
  • Fruits, vegetables.

But spices, garlic and spicy foods should be excluded from your child’s menu.


I’ve been buying Dry Ru for a long time - it’s been personally tested by me and my husband, it turns off sweat and the smell of sweat for almost a week. It turns out super economical in addition)

They haven’t yet talked about special clothing that itself neutralizes the growth of bacteria. I personally use a Dryfort T-shirt to protect against sweat and odor and now I don’t wash things after one use.

From personal experience in dealing with hyperhidrosis, I can recommend an effective remedy for it - pharmaceutical formagel. It removes both unpleasant odor and excess sweating. I like that, unlike other products, you don’t need to leave it on the skin for a long time: leave it on for 20 minutes, wash it off, and then your armpits will be dry for 10-12 days.

In search of protection against sweat, I recently bought Dry Control - it’s terrible! A rash and itching appeared, and all this in the heat (I was wildly angry about this, because such nonsense costs a lot.

An excellent solution to the smell of sweat is perfumed deodorant sprays. The Ambre online store offers high-quality and inexpensive replicas of popular brands [link-1]

Armpits - together, "under the armpits" - written separately.

An Italian natural mitten with copper threads cleanses the skin well. Removes dead cells clogged with sweat, sebum, bacteria. Copper is a natural antiseptic that destroys pathogens. There is never any smell of sweat, the skin is always clean and smooth.

06/19/2017 10:14:41, Lada90

Comment on the article "How to get rid of armpit sweat odor"

Section: Body care (hyperhidrosis, how to save yourself). Excessive sweating - how do you save yourself? Virgos, it’s certainly inconvenient to raise such a topic, but I don’t have the strength anymore.

Does it remove hair from the armpits? Are you sure that she washes herself thoroughly in the morning before applying deodorant? To me my eldest at the beginning of adolescence...

How to get rid of armpit sweat odor. Excessive sweating and the smell of sweat in the armpits cause discomfort both to the person himself and to those around him. For my armpits I use burnt alum (this is a powder, sold in a pharmacy, apply in the morning to clean...

Armpits sweat. Parental experience. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and physical...

How to get rid of armpit sweat odor. Excessive sweating and the smell of sweat in the armpits cause discomfort both to the person himself and to sweaty armpits. What can you use at this age? How to get rid of armpit sweat odor.

Excessive sweating and the smell of sweat in the armpits also cause discomfort. What can be used at this age? How to get rid of armpit sweat odor.

axillary hyperhidrosis. Malaise. Medicine and health. Diseases, symptoms and their treatment: tests, diagnosis, doctor, medications, health.

How to get rid of armpit sweat odor. Excessive sweating and the smell of sweat in the armpits cause discomfort both to the person himself and to those around him. Virgos, I have a not entirely modest question, it’s even inconvenient, like, does anyone have a fetid odor of sweat during breastfeeding?

My daughter smells of sweat. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and Tell me what to do: my daughter is almost 6 years old, after she runs, she smells sweat from her armpits, like an adult lady: (Doctors...

How to get rid of armpit sweat odor. THE SMELL OF SWEAT. - gatherings. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills.

The smell of sweat tormented me:((How to get rid of the smell of sweat in the armpits. 9 years old. Then neither the physical training uniform nor the uniform after training smells. I haven’t smelled the smell from the child either.

How to get rid of armpit sweat odor. My daughter smells of sweat. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and What, children shouldn’t smell under their arms?

Hyperhidrosis. I think that's what it's called. Sweating underarms. Get instructions for American Maxim antiperspirant for hyperhidrosis.

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My 8.5 year old daughter’s armpits smell like sweat! It seemed to me that the smell of sweat appeared early, there seems to be no heredity for such early development.

Check out other discussions: How to get rid of armpit sweat odor. Why do my armpits smell bad? Sweat is produced by apocrine glands, which are located in the armpits.

My daughter smells of sweat. The smell of men's armpits is the key to medicine for women. How to get rid of armpit sweat odor.

Sweating. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Fashion and beauty. I’m very sweaty, all the antiperspirants I’ve tried don’t help, I sweat terribly in my armpits, because of this...

How to get rid of sweating? Antiperspirants help very little, and antibacterial soap too. I sweat with any excitement, even the slightest, to enter a room in...

How to get rid of armpit sweat odor. Excessive sweating and the smell of sweat in the armpits cause discomfort and the smell of sweat is tormenting: ((I have never had anything like this happen to me as this summer. I don’t have excess weight, I wash 3 times a day, I change clothes every day.

The thermoregulation function of the human body is carried out through sweating. Sweat itself has no odor; the specific aroma appears due to the accumulation of bacteria on the skin. In addition, the smell of sweating depends on a person’s habits, diet and health status. Often, a sharp change in the smell of sweat indicates various diseases and malfunctions of the internal organs and the entire body as a whole.

A sudden change in the smell of sweat does not always indicate the presence of any disease. Sweat can suddenly start to stink if a person overindulges in unhealthy and unbalanced foods such as fast food.

Why sweat smells depends on several factors. Sweat itself is practically odorless; it acquires a specific aroma due to bacteria accumulating on the skin.

The normal smell of sweat in women is slightly sour, associated with dampness. This is due to hormonal characteristics and the activity of the sebaceous glands. In men, sweat smells heavier, its odor is more noticeable and has a bitter taste. Male and female sweat differs in chemical composition, which is due to the characteristics of the body.

If the smell of sweat under the arms suddenly changes, the causes may be diseases of the internal organs:

  • liver diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • diphtheria;
  • tuberculosis.

Also among the reasons why sweat began to smell strongly are fungal infections, metabolic disorders, nervous exhaustion, and cancer.

If the smell of armpit sweat suddenly becomes sour with notes of acetone, the patient is advised to have his liver checked. Often this smell indicates liver pathologies.

With diabetes and diphtheria, the smell of sweat takes on a sweet note. The aroma of bleach and urine from the skin indicates obvious problems with the kidneys, and with tuberculosis, the smell of sweat resembles the smell of vinegar.

A sulfur smell may indicate a metabolic disorder. This aroma is often associated with rodents. The specific smell of mice can also be observed with various fungal infections of the epidermis.

With oncology, the patient's body acquires a putrid odor. It’s not for nothing that many people associate the damp smell of rotting leaves with illness – this is exactly what the sweat of cancer patients smells like.

Changes in the smell of sweat in the diseases listed above are characteristic of both men and women.

It is important to remember that if the smell suddenly becomes unpleasant, there is no need to self-medicate and try to get rid of it. The smell is only a consequence of some malfunction in the body, in order to get rid of it you need to visit the clinic and identify the cause of this phenomenon.

Reasons for changes in the composition of sweat in women

Unlike men, women sweat little. The norm is a subtle smell of dampness with a sour note. Since women accumulate less bacteria on their skin, the smell of sweat is very rare with regular hygiene. Thus, if the sweat smells strongly or the severity of its aroma suddenly changes, you need to carefully listen to your own body.

Smelly sweat in women may be due to hormonal changes. The sour smell of sweat in women has hormonal causes. If your sweat smells sour, it is recommended to check your hormonal levels and consult an endocrinologist.

The stinky fishy odor is directly related to the microflora of the vagina. If a girl’s skin smells like this, she needs to be checked by a gynecologist and undergo treatment, since in most cases the cause of this phenomenon is a microflora disorder or inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. A sweetish milky smell may indicate candidiasis.

A sudden increase in the activity of the sweat glands may be due to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. This is often observed with prolonged exposure to stress, with neuroses and nervous exhaustion. In this case, consulting a neurologist will help get rid of the problem.

How to get rid of an unpleasant odor depends on the cause of its appearance. It makes no sense to fight odor until the disease that causes changes in the functioning of the sweat glands and the composition of sweat is identified and cured.

Causes of strong sweat odor in men

The strong smell of sweat in men is due to the peculiarities of its chemical composition. Men sweat more due to frequent physical activity. If a representative of the stronger sex does not pay enough attention to personal hygiene, the sweat will smell strong and pungent.

Normal for men is a bitter, heavy and suffocating odor of sweat. If a sour smell of sweat suddenly appears in men, it is necessary to check the liver and kidneys. This problem can also be caused by poor diet and alcohol abuse.

Sweet, suffocating sweat indicates endocrine disorders in men. This is an alarming symptom indicating metabolic problems or the development of diabetes. If you notice such changes, you should consult an endocrinologist.

A pungent, unpleasant odor of sweat in the groin area may indicate inflammatory processes in the urinary system.

Increased sweating of the feet along with a heavy sulfur odor indicates foot fungus.

Why the sweat suddenly began to smell unpleasant and how to get rid of this problem - you need to consult a doctor about this. It is important to remember that in trying to get rid of the smell on their own, the patient only masks the problem, but does not cure it.

Methods of disposal

Getting rid of unpleasant armpit odor should be done in a comprehensive manner. Treatment includes:

  • change in diet;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • the use of special medicinal antiperspirants;
  • regular hygiene procedures.

First of all, you need to reconsider your own hygiene. The unpleasant odor of sweat may be due to the accumulation of various microorganisms on the body. It is necessary to use gentle skin cleansers daily. The armpits can be additionally treated with antibacterial soap, but no more than once every three days. Otherwise, the abuse of antibacterial agents in this delicate area can lead to disruption of the skin microflora.

The simplest and most effective way to get rid of unpleasant odor is deodorants and antiperspirants. Deodorants only mask the odor, while antiperspirants reduce sweating.

To prevent odor from accumulating, it is important to regularly wax your armpits. Otherwise, the smell of sweat is mixed with the special aroma of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which accumulates on the hair.

Changing your diet will help both get rid of the odor and reduce sweating. Any spices, too fatty foods, as well as caffeinated drinks should be removed from the menu.

Excessive sweating is often associated with stress. In this case, normalizing the activity of the nervous system helps reduce the intensity of sweating. To do this, you need to consult a neurologist about taking sedatives. Such medications will help overcome stress and improve the quality of sleep, which contributes to the speedy recovery of the patient’s nervous system.

For severe sweating, special medicinal antiperspirants or medicinal ointments, such as Teymurov's paste, can be used. Teymurov's paste has a drying effect and normalizes the activity of the sweat glands. The drug also contains antiseptic components that reduce the severity of sweat odor.

Medicinal antiperspirants reduce sweating. They are applied to the armpit area before bedtime. The duration of treatment is no more than one month. You can buy such drugs at the pharmacy.

If the problem of unpleasant odor is associated with malfunctions of the body, it is necessary to first cure the underlying disease. Otherwise, any methods of combating unpleasant body odor will only have a temporary effect.

Each person has their own special sweat.

This depends on the functioning of the sweat glands, the state of the body, the content of salts and various organic compounds dissolved in the sweat fluid.

In a healthy person who carefully monitors the cleanliness of the body and lives in normal environmental conditions, the smell of sweat is not pungent, rather neutral.

It may increase slightly or be intense; this is considered a normal reaction of the body.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I got rid of hyperhidrosis!

To: Site Administration


I have recovered from excessive sweating. I tried powders, Formagel, Teymurov ointment - nothing helped.

If the body emits a strong unpleasant odor, this may be the cause of various internal disorders. Sweat glands remove toxins that accumulate during... These substances by themselves or when oxidized in air can smell unpleasant.

Also, the reason why sweat has an unpleasant odor may be poor personal hygiene. Bacteria and fungi that live on the skin decompose the secretion of the sweat glands, turning it into foul-smelling compounds.

There is a whole list of foods that can cause a strong body odor. These include spicy dishes, hot sauces, onions, garlic, coffee, alcohol, and smoked foods.

The state of sexual arousal also affects the smell. secreted by the glands of the skin, enhance the natural aroma of the skin, which attracts a partner on a subconscious level.

The usual increase in sweat is not a sign of impaired functioning of the body. But if the body smells very unpleasant, there is a stench or a smell of dampness, rottenness, a strong putrefaction, this indicates the development of serious diseases.

Doctors distinguish the following odors - symptoms:

  • the mouse smell of sweat indicates phenylketonuria, a severe metabolic disease of hereditary nature;
  • the developing hypoglycemic coma “smells” like rotten apples, which often complicates things (causing emergency hospitalization);
  • in case of liver diseases, sweat has a sharp chlorine evaporation;
  • or “” odor is observed in cases of disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system;
  • if the sweat smells rotten, you should suspect oncology;
  • disturbances in hormonal status in, and sometimes in pregnant women, may be accompanied by characteristic body characteristics;
  • with dyspepsia, as a result of impaired functioning of the stomach and intestines, a fetid amber of rotten eggs appears;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa and diphtheria provoke sweating with an unpleasant sweetish-putrid odor;
  • the body smells like raw sheep wool in case of adrenal gland diseases;
  • stinking sweat that smells is a sign of the metabolic disease trimethylaminuria;
  • “unwashed socks” smells like a fungal infection of the skin and its appendages;
  • the cause of a sudden change in women may be mastopathy - the formation of cystic lumps in the breast;
  • with rickets in infants, sharp sour sweating increases;
  • The body smells due to an unbalanced diet with a lack of micro- and macroelements.


If an unpleasant, pungent odor of sweat appears, you should not delay contacting a doctor.

To determine the cause, a general blood and urine test is prescribed, biochemical indicators and hormonal status are checked, tests are done for tumor markers, a full examination of all body systems is carried out according to indications using ultrasound, CT, MRI, ECG, and examination by specialized doctors.

After a complete examination, appropriate treatment is prescribed. If smelly sweat is not the cause of disorders within the body, but is associated with the peculiarities of the skin microflora and the functioning of the sweat glands, then it is possible to eliminate the problem using various methods.

Elimination of profuse sweating

  • body hygiene – daily shower using caring detergents;
  • using antiperspirants designed for people who sweat heavily;
  • wearing clothes and underwear made of light cotton fabrics, shoes made of natural materials;
  • frequent change of clothes and timely washing of soiled items;
  • exclusion from the diet of foods that increase sweating and unpleasant aroma - onions, garlic, mustard, wasabi, spices, alcohol;
  • To eliminate dysbiosis and remove toxins and waste from the body, pre- and probiotic preparations are used, as well as foods high in fiber.

Various external preparations are used to control the functioning of the sweat glands and reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms on the skin:

  • Preparations based on zinc oxide -. This substance has a disinfectant effect, binds excess sebum, dries the skin and relieves inflammation. Apply to problem areas 2 times a day, duration of use is 14 days.
  • Products with formaldehyde (formalin ointment,). They block sweat secretion and destroy pathogenic microflora. Before use, you should consult your doctor, because... These drugs can provoke severe allergic reactions.
  • Some will help you cope with sweating and stench. Baths, lotions and compresses are used with agents that reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria - salt, medicinal herbs. Skin-drying substances are also used - starch, alum, rice grain powder.

The causes of unpleasant sweat odor can be eliminated by suppressing sweat secretion. They contain belladonna alkaloid compounds (belloid, bellataminal) or substances that block cholinergic and β-adrenergic receptors (glycopyrrolate or oxybutynin). They have many side effects, an overdose is deadly, so they are prescribed only by a doctor in urgent need.

Antibiotics and antifungal drugs eliminate pathogens that cause the strong odor of sweat.

Sedatives, herbal mixtures and tinctures of medicinal herbs can also be prescribed to reduce anxiety and anxiety, which affect profuse sweating.

  • with anticholinergics. This physiotherapeutic method ensures the effective supply of blocking substances to the receptors, as a result of which the work of the sweat glands decreases. It is based on the effect of weak current on the limbs. The disadvantage of the method is the duration of the course (2 weeks daily) and short-term effect (up to a month).
  • . Specially calculated doses of botulinum toxin are injected into problem areas (most often the armpits) to block the normal innervation of glandular tissue. The effect is long lasting, up to 8 months, discomfort and pain during the procedure are insignificant.

If other methods of dealing with foul-smelling sweat turned out to be not so effective, then surgical intervention remains the only measure to eliminate the problem:

  • Removal of subcutaneous glands. An axillary curettage operation is performed, during which the skin is detached with curettage and destruction of the nerve endings. It is carried out only under anesthesia; during the healing process, small scars are formed.
  • , innervating the sweat glands. Sweating in the operated area disappears forever. The method has many serious complications and is contraindicated in many chronic diseases.
  • Treatment .



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