Why teeth turn yellow and how to deal with unpleasant plaque. Why do adults’ teeth turn yellow and how to whiten them: the main reasons for changes in enamel color and cleaning methods Why do teeth turn yellow what to do

A snow-white smile is not dental health indicator. Just like the yellow color of the enamel, it does not necessarily indicate any disease. In what cases is yellow enamel a reason to visit a dentist, and why teeth turn yellow, this article will tell you.

Why are teeth yellow?

In fact, the natural color characteristic of dentin is yellow. The enamel covering it is transparent. If a person's teeth are very yellow, it means that the body is oversaturated with minerals. It is impossible to whiten such a smile without damage. But don’t despair, because such teeth are much stronger than white ones. Why do teeth turn yellow if they are not oversaturated with minerals?

What causes teeth to turn yellow?

What do healthy yellow teeth mean?

Yellowness may be natural by nature and observed from birth. As already written at the beginning, this means that the teeth are rich in minerals, so they are quite strong. But a smile that is too white with a matte effect indicates that the body does not have enough minerals.

One person's teeth can look different. For example, fangs are much yellower than other teeth. This is due to the structural features of each tooth. Fangs are stronger than the front teeth, as they contain a large amount of dentin, which has a yellow tint.

The yellow tint of enamel in children indicates that this is heredity. And also, yellow tooth enamel from birth indicates that the mother of the child suffered during pregnancy, infection, which gave such an effect. But don't be upset. In most cases, this factor affects only baby teeth; permanent teeth will most likely have a whiter color.

Myths about yellow tooth enamel

There are many superstitions and myths surrounding yellow teeth. Here are some of them:

Whitening methods

Before you go for whitening, you first need to find out the reason why your teeth turn yellow. If this is natural yellowness, due to the large amount of minerals located in dentin, then bleaching will not give the desired effect. If yellowness is a consequence of any disease, then without treatment, whitening will not last long. Only a specialist can determine the cause of yellow tooth enamel, as well as indications and contraindications for whitening. The dentist will also be able to recommend the type of whitening. Perhaps you have yellowness in the form of a light coating. Then it can be removed at home using special means.

There is a huge range on sale, whitening pastes, and special products for home whitening. And also, there are many folk recipes. But you shouldn’t get carried away with such means, especially without consulting a specialist. Otherwise, you can damage the enamel, and such bleaching will only cause harm.

Whitening methods

Traditional methods

It’s better not to get carried away with such methods, because you can not only whiten the enamel, but also destroy it!


In order not to look for methods of whitening, you should prevent the formation of yellowness in the tooth enamel.

If you take good care of your teeth and visit the dentist regularly, yellowing will not affect your tooth enamel. And if you have yellow teeth rich in minerals, then rejoice, because they are strong and will last a long time.

Every person would like to keep their teeth in perfect condition. But this is simply impossible to do, so you should at least think about how to reduce the damage you cause to them when you eat or drink. For example, as people age, their teeth become yellower. This is a completely normal process that naturally cannot be stopped. The enamel wears down and the shine of your teeth disappears, and they themselves acquire a yellowish tint. But the same can be achieved with a poor diet, so you need to know which foods cause yellowing of teeth and how to avoid it.

Red and white wine

If you are told that wine is harmful to the color of your teeth, then you will most likely think that we are talking about red wine. In fact, white wine is just as bad for your teeth.


It is unlikely that anyone had any doubts in principle about the effect of this drink on the color of teeth. It's simply impossible to come up with a darker drink than coffee - and every cup you drink leaves a mark on your teeth.


Please note that you cannot replace coffee with tea, because black tea does not have the best effect on your teeth. In this case, the only way out is tea of ​​a lighter shade, for example, green or herbal.

Balsamic vinegar

Again, if you use vinegar, it is better not to use balsamic because it is the darkest of all - replace it with other variations. However, if you want to use it as a salad dressing, then you can do so, as vegetables and greens help reduce the negative effects of vinegar on your teeth.


Curry has an incredible and delicious taste, but it also contains so many strong spices that it significantly increases the rate at which your teeth turn yellow. So, unfortunately, you will have to limit or completely eliminate this dish from your diet if you want to keep your teeth white.

Tomato sauce

Unfortunately, tomatoes can also be harmful to your teeth, especially if you eat them in concentrated varieties such as tomato sauce or tomato paste. However, there is a solution here too - a combination of tomatoes with fresh spinach can reduce the impact of tomatoes on your teeth.


Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries - all these berries are rich in vitamins and nutrients, incredibly tasty and everyone likes them. However, they can also speed up the yellowing of your teeth. Naturally, you shouldn’t refuse them in principle, but after eating it is recommended to rinse your mouth.

Cola and other drinks

You might already understand that in the case of drinks, the darker the color, the worse the effect on the teeth. The situation is exactly the same with various sodas. Cola yellowing accelerates the most, but do not think that it is the only harmful drink. Any other colored soda also negatively affects tooth enamel.

Soy sauce

Unfortunately, you will have to limit your soy sauce intake if you want to maintain the natural whiteness of your teeth. Nowadays, most people use it in almost all dishes, so you better stop for a second and try the same dish without additives - perhaps soy sauce is not needed at all?


Another product that contains a large amount of vitamins, but is also harmful to your teeth due to its bright color, is beets. And again, you don’t have to completely exclude it from your diet - you just need to take the necessary measures after eating, that is, brush your teeth or rinse your mouth.

How to solve a problem? Brush your teeth

Even before you notice that your teeth have begun to yellow, you can begin to prevent this process, and this can be done as simply as regular brushing. However, here you need to take into account the fact that after eating, tooth enamel becomes softer, and you should wait about half an hour so as not to harm your teeth.

Clean your tongue

Many people, when brushing their teeth, forget about the tongue, but it is the source of many oral bacteria that can ruin your enamel. Therefore, when you brush your teeth, don’t forget about your tongue - clean it thoroughly so that you don’t wonder why your teeth still turn yellow.

Use apple cider vinegar

It has already been said that vinegar as such does not have the best effect on your teeth. However, if you use apple cider vinegar and rinse your teeth with its solution before brushing them, the effect will be simply wonderful.

Apples, celery, cauliflower

If you like fruits and vegetables that are very brightly colored and therefore can be harmful to your teeth, then it is recommended that you finish your fruit or vegetable snack with an apple, celery or cauliflower. They are the ones who can neutralize all the negative effects of products harmful to your teeth.

Rinse your mouth

To brush your teeth after eating, you need to wait thirty minutes. But don't waste them - it's better to rinse your mouth to remove the biggest threat in the form of food debris. And then you can calmly brush your teeth and finish what you started.

Visit the dentist

Naturally, all these measures are useful in their own way and will help you overcome yellowing of your teeth. But in any case, you need to periodically visit your dentist so that he can give you professional advice on brushing your teeth and other types of care for them - it is better to learn from your doctor exactly how you should care for your teeth.

Yellow teeth are normal. Many people are embarrassed by their ivory shade, but few people know that a snow-white smile is found in only 20% of the population.

But if a light, not very conspicuous yellowness is considered the norm, then bright and unnatural is not. We need to fight it. And not only for aesthetic reasons. Yellow teeth usually indicate health problems. Which ones exactly? But this is worth talking about in more detail.

Reasons: habits and nutrition

Most often, the appearance of yellowness is provoked by the following factors:

  • Smoking cigarettes. Due to hot smoke, microcracks appear in fragile enamel. Subsequently, they are filled with tobacco tar and other excretory products. They are the ones who form yellowness, and later unpleasant brown spots. In such cases, it is very difficult to restore your teeth to their former attractiveness. Since they have to be cleaned from both tar and bacteria from tobacco smoke.
  • Products containing dyes. In particular, sweet carbonated drinks, wine, carrots and beets.
  • Sweets consumed in too large quantities. It is sugar that contributes to the creation of a harmful acidic environment for enamel in the oral cavity. As a result, bacteria form in microcracks. They are the cause of yellowness.

Residents of villages and polluted cities are at risk. There is no proper water control there. It is not properly cleaned of impurities, including iron. Metal particles settle on the enamel, and the result is yellowness. But in this case there is a way out - using filters.

Other factors

Often yellow teeth are the result of mechanical stress. Let's say a person was careless and accidentally hit his teeth on a cup while drinking tea. This will cause cracks in the enamel. They will later become filled with bacteria. The result is yellowness. Serious trauma can cause pulp damage. In especially severe cases, the tooth dies over time.

Age is another reason. With age, the enamel wears away. And if in young people it is restored naturally, then in older people it is not.

Also, yellow tooth enamel occurs due to wearing braces and dentures. This is because food gets into the places where these products (plates or devices) are attached. As a result, plaque forms and bacteria multiply. No matter how carefully a person brushes his teeth, he will not be able to completely get rid of them. The result is reflected on the enamel.

Natural yellowness

Often, the shade of teeth, perceived by many as a problem, is a sign of health. If a person has naturally yellow teeth, this indicates a high level of enamel mineralization. This allows you to effectively resist various microorganisms that provoke caries.

The enamel, rich in minerals, is strong, so it protects internal cavities perfectly. Snow-white matte teeth are not a reason for pride, but for concern. Most likely, the enamel is sorely lacking in minerals. As a rule, owners of a “Hollywood smile” suffer from either increased tooth sensitivity or caries.

Many people are still interested in the question of why the lateral molars grow yellow. Everything is explained by the individual structure of the teeth. Fangs are stronger, and they contain the most dentin - the hard tissue that determines the shade of the tooth.

Ultrasonic whitening

What to do with yellow teeth? Bleach them if this problem is very annoying. Fortunately, there are many ways. And ultrasonic whitening is one of the most effective and modern methods.

This is an abrasive treatment that has the same effect as daily brushing, only much stronger. Because ultrasound can penetrate even the farthest and deepest corners.

The result is visible after the first procedure. The effect is achieved due to high abrasiveness and due to the frequency of impact on the enamel. Needless to say, ultrasound can even remove old age spots. An important nuance: the surface of the tooth is not damaged. The procedure is absolutely harmless.

True, there are contraindications. These include caries, dangerous diseases (AIDS, tuberculosis, sarcoma), periodontitis and periodontal disease, oral infections and high enamel sensitivity. The simplest ultrasonic cleaning costs about 4,000 rubles.

Laser whitening

Many people say: “I brush my teeth regularly and thoroughly, but they are yellow!” What to do?" As an option, sign up for laser whitening.

The procedure will take approximately an hour. A special composition is applied to the patient’s teeth. To speed up the impact and be more effective, the teeth are exposed to a light beam.

The laser makes the procedure not only shorter, but also safe. Plus, UV radiation serves as a prevention of caries and other infections to which the oral cavity is susceptible.

This procedure can even make teeth that are naturally yellow more aesthetically pleasing. Lightening up to 12 tones in 40 minutes - isn't that amazing? True, such a procedure will not be cheap. The exact price depends on the means used and the modernity of the laser device. The cost varies from 8 to 30 thousand rubles.

Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Perhaps the most famous method by which you can make yellow teeth more aesthetically pleasing and whiter at home. As a matter of fact, hydrogen peroxide is the basis of many medical gels intended for this purpose.

There are two methods. The first is as simple as possible - you need to wet a cotton pad with peroxide and wipe your teeth with it several times, then rinse your mouth with clean water.

The second method is also not complicated. You need to mix a third of a glass of water with 25 drops of pharmaceutical 3 percent peroxide and thoroughly rinse your mouth with this solution. Use all. As soon as it runs out, rinse your mouth with clean water. This method is better than the first one, since the solution covers the entire oral cavity. Even the inside of the teeth.

Activated carbon

This substance, which everyone probably has at home, can also whiten yellow teeth. Activated carbon has a double effect:

  • Being an abrasive, it perfectly removes plaque from enamel.
  • As an absorbent, it neutralizes putrefactive bacteria and toxins accumulated under cracks.

You just need to take a few tablets and crush them well. You should get a powder. So fine that it looks more like dust. And with this composition you need to additionally brush your teeth every day for 2-3 minutes. You can immediately after using the paste. Although some people simply add it to it.

If you don’t want to bother making powder, you can take 2-3 whole tablets and chew them for the same time.

Baking soda

You can also try using it for whitening if your teeth have become yellow. Baking soda provokes abrasive abrasion of plaque and provides antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity. This method should not be used frequently, otherwise the enamel will become thin and sensitive. A person simply cannot eat sour, sugary, hot and cold things without pain.

So, you need to take a wet toothbrush, dip it in baking soda and brush your teeth thoroughly. No need to add more powder later! Due to an excess of baking soda, your gums may begin to bleed. There is also a high probability of allergic redness and swelling inside the oral cavity.

A gentle alternative is rinsing. You need to pour a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of warm water and stir until it dissolves. Such rinses will have the desired effect, but will not destroy the enamel.

They say that this method is the most effective if you want to whiten yellow teeth caused by smoking.

Tea tree oil

When talking about how to whiten yellow teeth, it is worth paying attention to this remedy. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic. It has a whitening effect of average effectiveness. Oil is not able to remove the top contaminated layer of enamel, but it has three other properties, namely:

  • Gradual improvement of the oral cavity.
  • Removing plaque.
  • Restoration of microflora.

You need to rinse your mouth with oil every day and do this for 3-4 weeks. After this time, the effect will be noticeable. If it suits the person, then you can continue. Plus, some of the oil somehow gets inside. And this is useful for many - it improves immunity, has an antiviral effect, normalizes digestion, strengthens the central nervous system, stimulates memory, etc.

Pastes and gels

If you don’t want to experiment with folk remedies, then you can go to the pharmacy for medical ones. Buy, for example, whitening toothpaste. It has the following actions:

  • Eliminates plaque by dissolving it. The enamel is not destroyed.
  • Suppresses the mineralization of old plaque and prevents the formation of new plaque.
  • Strengthens enamel due to the beneficial substances included in its composition.

You can also buy a special mouth guard that comes with it. You fill it with it and put it on your teeth before going to bed. Thanks to long-term exposure, the whitening effect becomes visible quickly in just 5-10 days.

However, mouthguards and pastes cannot be used every day all the time. You need to take breaks regularly. Daily exposure to bleaching agents can contribute to the destruction of enamel. Mouthguards, for example, can be worn 10 nights in a row, and then take a break for 20. Brush your teeth with a whitening paste every three days, and use regular toothpaste at other times.


So, above we talked about how to whiten yellow teeth. But the result of any procedure, even if it is the home use of soda or peroxide, must be maintained. To do this, the following measures must be observed:

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly at least morning and evening. Spend three minutes on the procedure.
  • Stop smoking and limit yourself to eating sweets.
  • Eliminate canned foods from your diet.
  • Avoid temperature changes (drink ice cream with hot coffee, etc.).
  • Contact a specialist for advice. Everyone needs professional advice on what hygiene products they should use.
  • Avoid coloring products.
  • Eat foods rich in microelements and calcium.
  • Filter the water.

And, of course, self-medication should be avoided. If you want to eliminate yellowness, you first need to see a dentist. He will determine the cause, make recommendations and prescribe competent treatment that will save the patient from complications.

Yellow teeth are a common phenomenon that confuses many people. However, in fact, snow-white enamel is found only in 20% of the population of our planet; for everyone else, the natural color is considered to be a yellowish tint of ivory. However, the yellowness may be too bright and this will no longer be the norm.

The teeth are covered with enamel. Unhealthy shades of yellow occur when the enamel is exposed to a variety of negative influences.

Smoking is the main cause of yellowed teeth. Due to exposure to hot smoke, microcracks form in the enamel, which are filled with tobacco tars and other waste products. They form yellow spots and, over time, brown spots. In this case, the cleaning process becomes more difficult, since the teeth must be cleaned not only of tar, but also of bacteria from tobacco smoke. It is worth noting that hookah affects the enamel more intensely than regular cigarettes.

Another common reason is excessive consumption of coffee and tea (both green and black). In addition to the fact that hot drinks cause some damage to the enamel, the coloring components give the teeth an unaesthetic yellow tint. It is very difficult to get rid of it, so you should limit your consumption of these drinks.

Foods containing dyes, especially carbonated sweet drinks, can worsen enamel. Even the natural substances found in beets and carrots can slightly change color, so it is not recommended to consume them raw. The enamel suffers the most from red wine.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Yellowed teeth often result from frequent consumption of sweet foods. Sugar is known to create an acidic environment in the oral cavity that is harmful to enamel. Bacteria accumulate in the formed microcracks, which cause yellowness.

A yellow spot on a tooth can occur due to mechanical stress. A strong blow can cause cracks in the enamel, which will fill with bacteria. Serious trauma can lead to damage to the pulp, and after some time, complete death of the tooth.

Failure to do so or complete absence often results in discoloration. If plaque is not removed in time, it will clog into microcracks, leading to yellowing. Therefore, it is necessary to brush your teeth at least once a day.

Even those who are not subject to bad habits and follow good hygiene can have yellow teeth. This is possible when weak enamel, due to its congenital characteristics, is susceptible to natural destructive processes. Often this problem is inherited.

They also turn yellow with age: in older people, the enamel is worn out and is no longer restored naturally.

Unaesthetic color appears from wearing braces and various dentures. This is due to the fact that bacteria, plaque and food debris get into the places to which devices (plates or devices) are attached, which negatively affects the enamel. It is impossible to remove such blockages using conventional means, so there are special brushes for removing plaque and irrigators that clean the mouth with antibacterial liquid. With their help, it is possible to maintain the correct acid balance, so this is a fairly effective remedy against yellow teeth for people with braces.

Drinking water with a high iron content gives teeth a yellow color because metal particles settle on the enamel. As a rule, the risk zone includes residents of cities and villages where proper water control is not observed. The problem can be prevented by using water filters.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Yellow spots on teeth can appear due to many diseases, such as Addison's disease, jaundice, gumboil and kidney failure. All these problems affect the enamel, leading to its weakening.

In the video, Elena Malysheva explains why teeth turn yellow:

How to remove yellow stains from teeth

There are two types of methods to clean teeth from yellow teeth: aggressive and gentle. Each of them provides certain conditions that are suitable for certain patients. Therefore, before getting rid of yellow teeth, you should be examined by a dentist. Many methods can only be performed at a doctor's appointment.

One of the most effective aggressive cleaning methods is the ultrasonic method, better known as Air flow. According to the principle of the procedure, yellowness is removed using air pressure, which is supplied along with water and a special fine powder. At the end of the procedure, the enamel is polished.

The manipulation is unpleasant, but not painful, but inexpensive and quick. The effect can be noticed immediately, as the enamel will become one or more lighter. This method is effective regardless of the reason why your teeth are dirty. However, it is contraindicated for those who have hypersensitive gums, hypertension and cardiac arrhythmia.

In the video, the dentist talks about whitening with the Air Flow device:

Another equally effective way to aggressively get rid of yellowness is laser cleaning. The principle is to use a laser beam to destroy plaque and tartar. In this case, the beam has no effect on the enamel.

Laser cleaning is safe for both the teeth and gums; the process will only make them healthier. The enamel will be several times lighter, and the effect lasts longer than from ultrasonic cleaning. The laser procedure is contraindicated for people suffering from heart disease, viral and infectious diseases, tuberculosis, asthma and herpes. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid this type of cleaning.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Gentle ways to get rid of yellow plaque on teeth involve longer procedures. Their effectiveness is somewhat lower compared to aggressive methods. But they have no contraindications and are suitable regardless of the presence of diseases.

You can separate them with special trays - these are plastic attachments for the teeth. These devices contain a gel inside that has a whitening effect. The mouthguard needs to be placed for several hours, so it is most convenient to use it at night. It does not cause any discomfort, and after a month the expected effect will appear.

The easiest way to restore your previous whiteness is to use gels. The whitening substance is applied to the tooth using a brush and allowed to harden for several minutes. This method is not the most effective, since the gel is quickly washed off, but it is accessible, simple and safe.

Adhesive tapes will help get rid of the yellowish tint. Their sticky side contains special bleaching agents that also help remove plaque. The method of application is simple: the tape must be glued to the teeth and removed after 15 seconds.

Whitening with folk remedies

How to remove yellow plaque on teeth was known long before the advent of professional products. Folk remedies have been tested for several generations, and some of them have even become the basis for modern treatment methods.

The best way to do this is with baking soda. To do this, you need to dip your toothbrush in a solution with soda and just brush your teeth. Sodium bicarbonate is included in almost all whitening toothpastes. This method cannot be used more than once a week. Otherwise, the enamel may be destroyed and the gums may be injured.

Yellow teeth can be whitened with hydrogen peroxide, which is also contained in many professional products. There are 2 ways to restore whiteness: rinse your mouth with peroxide after cleaning or wipe them with a cotton swab soaked in peroxide.

Preventive measures

Now you know how to get rid of yellow plaque on your teeth. But the easiest way is to prevent it from appearing. There is a clear list of actions that can and cannot be done to whiten them. These measures are elementary, but, unfortunately, they are often neglected. The oral cavity must be cleaned 2 times a day. Before eliminating yellow discoloration with improvised means, you should consult your dentist. He will tell you which brushes, pastes and compositions are suitable specifically for you.

You should not drink a lot of coffee and tea, 2 cups a day will be enough. Also, do not overuse red wine. And, of course, it is important to quit smoking.

If your teeth suddenly turn yellow, there is no reason to avoid people and learn to talk with your mouth half-closed. It is necessary to understand why tooth enamel changed color from white to yellow, and find a way to help whiten it.

Is it natural to have yellow tooth enamel?

Tooth enamel is naturally grayish-white or bluish-white. The natural shade of the dentin underneath is yellow, sometimes with splashes. The thinner the enamel, the brighter the dentin appears.

Also, yellow enamel indicates an increased level of mineralization and that teeth are able to resist various pathogenic microorganisms, which often cause caries. Too white tooth enamel often indicates an insufficient amount of minerals in the body, which should be accompanied by increased sensitivity and predisposition to caries.

Some people have such a naturally thin layer of dental enamel that they cannot whiten their yellow teeth, despite trying various whitening treatments and buying expensive toothpastes.

The color of tooth enamel is purely individual and is determined not only by any dental pathologies, but also by the physiological characteristics of the body. But gender is not important: the color of girls’ teeth is no lighter than that of boys.

Reasons why teeth turn yellow in adults and children

Before you lighten your teeth, you need to determine the cause of the yellowing of the enamel. You can start whitening yellow teeth only after finding out exactly why they became that way. If you eliminate only the symptom (color), without destroying the very cause of the pathology, after some time the smile will still lose its snow-whiteness.

There are many reasons why teeth become yellow. Below are just the main ones:

  • poor oral hygiene is a key cause of yellowing of tooth enamel in adults;
  • smoking cigarettes, hookah and alcohol abuse, especially red wine;
  • problems caused by hereditary factors, in which teeth still remain yellow even after whitening;
  • excessive consumption of certain foods: chocolate, coffee and black tea, beets and carrots, red berries, juices with artificial colors;
  • taking medications, especially antibiotics (tetracyclines);
  • insufficient intake of nutrients into the body as a result of diets, prolonged exhaustion or illness (prevention will help prevent the disorder);
  • age-related changes in tooth enamel: in older people, due to the rapid leaching of calcium, it becomes weak and porous;
  • damage to the pulpal area of ​​the tooth due to trauma: accidents, direct blows to the jaw or falls;
  • long-term wearing of braces;
  • vitamin deficiencies, which can be eliminated by taking vitamins;
  • rotting of the dental root;
  • some chronic diseases;
  • regularly drinking water with plenty of iron;
  • metal vapor poisoning, most often mercury from a broken thermometer;
  • regular whitening, which leads to demineralization of the enamel, the appearance of cracks and chips.

Do hookah make teeth yellow?

Teeth always turn yellow from hookah smoking. The poisons contained in hookah mixtures have a detrimental effect on tooth enamel, which simply cracks. In addition, hookah mixtures contain a lot of resin, which leads to yellowing of the teeth of girls and boys.

Photo of yellow teeth

The shade of teeth is largely due to the reason why the enamel has sharply yellowed. An experienced doctor is able to make medical conclusions only based on a visual examination of the oral cavity.

Photo of plaque typical of an adult smoker

Photo of “tetracycline” yellow stains on a girl’s teeth

Yellow plaque due to poor hygiene

Natural color of tooth enamel

Yellow teeth in children

If in adults most of the reasons why teeth suddenly turn yellow are associated with mechanical stress, age-related pathologies and poor hygiene, then in children everything is different. If the baby’s teeth have already erupted and are yellowed, this indicates:

  • Heredity.
  • Hidden systemic pathology. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis in order to remove the cause of the manifestation and subsequently get rid of it.
  • Poor nutrition. Young children are instructed to make separate dishes rather than offer them over-salted and peppered food from the common table.
  • Thinning enamel, which has formed due to insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals.
  • Treatment of the mother with antibiotics in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
You should teach your child not only to brush his teeth, but also to rinse his mouth with plain water after each meal. Such manipulations will be a good prevention for the yellowish tint of teeth.

What to do with yellow teeth: professional whitening in dentistry

Regardless of why teeth turn yellow, you can effectively whiten them using special chemicals or through hardware. There are various professional whitening techniques used not only in Moscow, but also in other large cities:

  • photobleaching;
  • professional cleaning;
  • use of chemical bleaches;
  • ultrasound technique;
  • laser method for lightening enamel.

Literally one or two procedures can make your smile snow-white. The exact duration of the course of treatment and the necessary preparatory actions depend on the severity of the pathology.

How to whiten yellow teeth at home

If the reason why your teeth have turned yellow is poor oral hygiene, then you can not only enhance the care of your gums and dental enamel, but also choose a good whitening toothpaste. It will remove plaque from teeth and lighten the enamel.

There are several high-quality whitening pastes:

  • White Wash Nano. Ideal for sensitive teeth.
  • Diamond Swiss Smile. Helps whiten enamel thanks to diamond particles.
  • Lacalut White and Paradontax. They return natural whiteness, that is, they are not suitable for people who have naturally yellow tooth enamel.
  • Natura House Extra.
  • Perfect White Black. Copes perfectly with the yellow stain of a smoker.
You can take any toothpaste, add a solution of hydrogen peroxide to it and brush your teeth with this solution once every 3-4 days, alternating with regular brushing. The desired effect will be achieved in a few weeks.

No toothpaste will help get rid of yellowing of enamel due to tetracycline. To lighten it, you will have to resort to hardware bleaching. Fighting tetracycline stains on enamel with simple means (rinses, pastes or homeopathic medicines) is pointless and even dangerous for the future health of teeth. It will not be possible to clean the deep layers of enamel in this way.

Homeopathy: treatment and prevention

If you know that the tooth enamel has turned yellow not due to any chronic diseases or dental pathologies, then you can try to whiten it with the help of homeopathic remedies. They place minimal stress on the body and are therefore suitable for most patients. The most well-known homeopathic remedies against yellow teeth include:

  • Silicea based on silicic acid.
  • Symphytum prepared from the root of comfrey.
  • Plantago-plus, which contains 4 single preparations: great plantain, larkspur, creosote, Mercurius solubis.
  • Homeopathic toothpaste Belka-O.

Adults usually do not believe in homeopathy, but sometimes it really helps in getting rid of yellow plaque.

Yellow teeth do not always indicate any pathology, but to make sure there are no dental or internal diseases, you should visit a dentist. Only a dentist will be able to accurately determine what exactly causes the change in the basic shade of tooth enamel, and say how to treat this pathology.



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