Why don't you want sex after giving birth? The main problems with sex after childbirth: what they don’t talk about

Often, with the birth of the baby, the wife loses interest in her husband, and for him, sexual starvation becomes a real problem...

According to the results of a study of the behavior of women after childbirth, 50% of respondents indicated problems in sexual relationships and about 20% of them did not feel the desire to have sex at all for three months after the birth of the baby, and another 21% of women completely lost interest in sex or even became experience an acute aversion to sexual activity.

By and large, dulling of sexual desire is a kind of natural given. After all, as long as the baby needs constant maternal care and care, the mother does not yet need the next child. Therefore, in the body of a woman who has recently given birth, the level of estrogen (the pleasure hormone) decreases, hence increased vaginal dryness even with fairly high sexual arousal. Psychologists believe that if the birth was difficult, then subconsciously the woman wants to take revenge on her partner for the suffering she endured.

It's time - isn't it time?

Doctors do not recommend that women return to a full-fledged intimate life earlier than 5-6 weeks after giving birth. During this period, the uterus gradually returns to its previous size, and the placenta insertion heals. After all, after the placenta separated from the wall of the uterus during childbirth, a continuous wound surface remained in its place. If an infection gets into an unhealed wound during sexual intercourse, it can result in endometritis (inflammation of the uterus). If the birth occurred by caesarean section, the scar on the uterus must heal, this also takes 4-6 weeks.

It is ideal to visit a gynecologist before resuming intimate relationships to make sure that your body has returned to normal, and with the help of a doctor, select the contraceptives that are most suitable for this period.

There is a widespread belief among people that while a woman is breastfeeding or until her menstrual cycle has returned, it is impossible to get pregnant. This is wrong! The impressive number of children of the same age suggests the opposite. Moreover, until the cycle has become regular, it is easy to not notice a new pregnancy.

The vagina should also return to its previous state - after all, after childbirth it is stretched. Most often, by the sixth week after birth, it gradually decreases in size. To speed up the process, gynecologists recommend performing Kegel exercises, which train the muscles of the perineum and vagina. In the middle of the last century, gynecologist Arnold Kegel invented them for women who, after childbirth, had problems with involuntary urination.

Subsequently, it turned out that these exercises also increase sexual tone, improve blood circulation and even allow you to control orgasm. In order to feel which muscles need to be trained, try to stop the stream while urinating. The muscles with which you did this are the muscles of the perineum. Now your task is to learn how to tense and relax them as much as possible, first at a slow and then at a fast pace. This can be done at any time - while walking, watching TV, lying in bed...

Men may also have decreased sexual sensitivity due to insufficient penile girth due to vaginal enlargement. If this is a problem for you, you can resort to surgical suturing of the vaginal dimensions - intimate plastic surgery.

If there were ruptures or cuts in the perineum during childbirth, then the period of abstinence from sexual activity can last up to 2-3 months until complete healing occurs.

When the pain comes

Painful sensations at the beginning of sexual intercourse can be explained by several reasons. Even the gentlest touch to the vaginal area causes severe pain, which can be caused by infection or irritation from soap.

Painful sensations can also be caused by vaginal dryness. Possible causes of dryness: insufficient natural hydration due to too short foreplay, hormonal changes, as well as psychological factors affecting sexual arousal.

If you experience pain during intercourse, be sure to consult a doctor.

It's all about nerves!

Psychological problems after childbirth also become a reason for refusing sex.


Fatigue, inability to relax, and everyday problems are the most common reasons for the lack of sex in families with an infant. The newborn absorbs all of the mother’s free time. Dad is concerned about earnings and increased material expenses. Both do not get enough sleep, in a word, they experience constant stress.

It is important to learn how to properly distribute tasks and time. To unwind, spend at least a couple of hours together, reminiscing about your romantic relationship.

Fear of pain

After experiencing pain during childbirth, some women transfer the resulting fear to sex. Many of them claim that making love for the first time after giving birth was like “the very first time.” This should be kept in mind by a spouse burning with passion. What is now required from him is maximum patience and tenderness in order to renew a love relationship.

Maternal instinct

He suppresses all other feelings, including sexual ones. A woman who has given birth feels so self-sufficient that all her needs are focused on the defenseless baby. And over these months, a man develops an inferiority complex, which can also affect sexual function.

Don’t forget about your husband, without him your baby would not have been born. Gratitude for this can develop into a woman’s natural sexual desire.

Complexes about a changed figure

Believe me, the male gaze is much less demanding than the female one. And the charming baby justifies any metamorphosis in appearance. In this situation, a lot depends on the man. He needs to make some effort to convince his beloved that she is more beautiful than all the mothers in the world. You, in turn, try to find time to visit a nutritionist, who will create an individual nutrition plan for you.

From the inside, the uterus is a huge wound, and it is most damaged in the area where the placenta was attached, which is where a large number of thrombosed vessels are located. In addition, on the inner surface of the uterus there are remnants of the fetal membrane and blood clots.

Normally, the uterine cavity should clear out within the first 3 days. In this process, a significant role is played by phagocytosis (phagocytes are leukocytes that are capable of dissolving bacteria) and extracellular proteolysis (dissolution of bacteria using proteolytic enzymes).

Thanks to these processes, wound secretion (lochia) is released from the uterus. In the first days, lochia is a bloody discharge, on the 3-4th day it becomes serous-sucrose with a high content of leukocytes, by the end of the third week, the uterine discharge should be liquid and light and disappear completely by the sixth week.

Moreover, if we say about the restoration of the epithelium of the uterine cavity(inner membrane), then it occurs after about 3 weeks, and the placenta is restored closer to the end of the postpartum period.

How long will it take?

Typically, uterine contraction takes on average from one and a half to two and a half months. In this case, the most active decrease in the volume of the uterus occurs in the first days after birth.

So, immediately after birth, the size of the uterine pharynx in diameter is about 12 cm and this allows, if necessary, to insert a hand into the uterus to remove the remnants of the placenta.

However, after the first day, the entrance to the cervical canal narrows to the point that only two fingers can enter it, and on the third day – one. The external uterine os will close completely around the third week.

Moreover, if immediately after birth, the weight of the uterus is 1 kg, That after 7 days it will be approximately 500 g, after 14 – 350 g and by the end of the postpartum period, i.e. after 2-3 months, the uterus will reach its prenatal size with a weight of approximately 50 g.

It is worth considering that the process of uterine contraction is accompanied by slight cramping pain in the lower abdomen, and they are most pronounced and intense after repeated births.

If these contractions are very painful, then after consulting a doctor, you can use certain painkillers or antispasmodics to reduce pain, but it is better to do without them.

However, it happens that in some women in labor the uterus does not contract after childbirth (atony) or it contracts, but extremely slowly (hypotonia).

Both options are dangerous for women's health, as they can cause a number of other complications.

The uterus does not contract: what is the reason?

Among the most common factors, affecting the slowdown of uterine contractions after the birth of a child, gynecologists identify:

  • the number of fetuses a woman bears;
  • location of the placenta;
  • difficulties encountered during pregnancy or childbirth;
  • heavy weight of the child;
  • woman's health status, etc.

So, for example, Uterine contractions occur more slowly in women whose pregnancy was:

  • or complicated (hypertension, nephropathy, etc.);
  • if there was low attachment of the placenta;
  • the fruit was quite large in size;
  • the mother's body was severely exhausted;
  • labor activity was weak;
  • After giving birth, the woman behaved very passively and practically did not move.

Don't shrink at all after childbirth, the uterus may:

  • its inflection;
  • injuries of the birth canal;
  • her underdevelopment;
  • inflammatory processes in the appendages and the uterus itself (including in the past);
  • fibroma (benign tumor);
  • bleeding disorders, etc.

If the uterus contracts slowly

Immediately after the baby is born A cold heating pad is applied to the new mother’s belly, this helps stop bleeding and speed up uterine contractions.

Over the course of several days that the woman in labor will be in the maternity hospital, doctors will constantly check the condition of the uterus and the level of its contraction.

Determine the low ability of the uterus to contract The gynecologist can, during a routine examination, check the condition of the fundus of the uterus (in this case it will be soft).

Moreover a woman should not be discharged from the maternity hospital until the doctor is sure that the uterus is contracting at a normal pace.

If the gynecologist sees that the uterus cannot contract on its own, he prescribes special drugs to the woman that enhance her contractile activity ( prostaglandins or oxytocin), as well as, if necessary, external massage of the uterine fundus, which is carried out through the anterior abdominal wall.

The main impulse to accelerate uterine contractions is breastfeeding, so we advise you to start breastfeeding your baby as soon as possible.

It is also recommended to move a lot (if possible) and lie on your stomach more often, or even better, sleep on it. The rules of personal hygiene should not be neglected, namely regularly washing, treating wounds, etc.

A significant influence on the level of uterine contraction has emptying your bladder regularly. Women often do not pay due attention to this fact, especially since if after childbirth they were given urination, because then urination brings a lot of painful sensations. However, despite the pain, you should try to go to the toilet as often as possible.

As a rule, after childbirth, the uterus actively contracts even in those women who did not avoid slight physical activity during pregnancy. Therefore, we advise you to walk in the fresh air as often as possible during pregnancy, do simple housework and do...

If all of the above methods did not have the desired effect and the uterus still does not contract, a solution may be. The fact is that lochia (postpartum discharge) or part of the placenta may remain in the uterine cavity, or the uterine os may be clogged with blood clots formed.

Without cleaning, all this will inevitably lead you to the development of an inflammatory process, perhaps not only in the uterus itself, but also outside it. If this does not help, unfortunately, the consequences for the woman become even more serious: she will have to undergo surgery or, in the worst case, even remove the uterus.

But, fortunately, healthy women who follow all the recommendations of doctors, as a rule, do not have serious problems with uterine contractions after childbirth. So take care of yourself and be healthy!

Expert commentary

The delay in contraction of the fetal receptacle organ is called subinvolution of the uterus. Usually the uterus contracts to its original level by the end of the sixth week postpartum period. In non-breastfeeding women - by the end of the eighth week.

The most rapid contraction of the organ occurs immediately after the birth of the child. The average length of the fruit is 40-50 centimeters. In utero, the child is in a folded state: the legs are pressed to the body. The length of the uterus before birth is 35-38 centimeters, and after childbirth it instantly shortens. Instead of two-thirds of the fetal growth, the size of the uterus becomes comparable to the head of a newborn.

A woman's hormonal background changes. The production of growth hormones stops. Instead, substances are synthesized aimed at restoring the body.

The human body is undoubtedly unique. But in relation to other mammals. The main processes are typical reactions, and the postpartum period is no exception.

Uterine contractions are an indicator of the course of the postpartum process. Only by the size of the uterus can one judge the general condition of the postpartum woman. When the uterus contracts normally, then everything goes as it should. If there is a delay in uterine contraction, you don’t need to do expensive tests to understand that the postpartum period is going through serious problems. Both immune and hormonal.

After delivery by Caesarean section the contractility of the uterus is significantly lower than after childbirth through the natural birth canal.

Therefore, recently, postpartum women who have undergone a Caesarean section have It is recommended to get out of bed as early as possible as soon as the side effects from anesthesia subside. Movement promotes contraction, while inaction leads to lethargy. Including the muscular layer of the uterus.

Dynamics of uterine contraction in the normal postpartum period

After the placenta has passed, the height of the uterine fundus is determined at the level of the navel. Each subsequent day of the postpartum period, the fundus of the uterus drops by 1.5-2 cm. By the time of discharge from the maternity ward - on the sixth day - the height of the uterine fundus should be no more than 4-5 cm from the womb.

A delay in uterine contraction for at least one day is considered a pathology.

Causes of uterine subinvolution

The reasons for delayed uterine contractions may be hormonal disorders, anatomical defects, and infectious agents.

Hormonal disorders

Prolactin deficiency– a hormone responsible for milk production. Even in postpartum women who are not breastfeeding, the initial levels of prolactin, the main parental hormone, remain at a fairly high level in the first day of the postpartum period.

The production of prolactin leads to an immediate release of oxytocin, a hormone that contracts the muscles of the uterus. Prolactin is produced reflexively when the nipples are irritated. Therefore, in nursing mothers, uterine contractions occur much faster.

Prolactin deficiency leads to a decrease in uterine contractility. Central regulation of the cerebral cortex is of great importance. When a child is desired, prolactin production is significantly higher.

Anatomical reasons

Remnants of the placenta attached to the wall of the uterus, prevent its reduction. Just as a person cannot move his arm in a cast, the uterus cannot contract completely, constrained by the attached lobule of the placenta.

Blockage of the external os of the cervix, flexion of the uterus and other wisdom relates more to theory. With normal contractility, these factors have no significance. A person exhales air with equal success, regardless of whether he has his own jaw or a false one. Likewise, the contents of the uterus freely leave its cavity when the muscles contract.


Postpartum infection is often a continuation of a process that began during pregnancy. Infection under sterile conditions is impossible.

Postpartum endometritis develops after suffering chorionitis - inflammation of the membranes. The inner surface of the uterus, affected by inflammation, does not respond to stimulation with oxytocin. The uterus becomes flabby, contractions become sluggish.

Causes of uterine subinvolution are identified in the maternity ward and treated in a hospital setting.

Almost every woman, after giving birth to a child, becomes cold towards her husband. For the first month, the mother devotes herself entirely to caring for the baby. But what to do if this is observed even after two or three months? A woman begins to fulfill her marital duty through “I don’t want.” This makes it unpleasant. The woman begins to fear that because of her coldness the man will move away from her. But there is no need to rush and sound the alarm. Experts assure that these are just tricks of nature. And today we will try to tell you why you don’t want sex after giving birth.

Believe me, every woman will eventually want it, and this process will be pleasant for both partners. But when will depend on the characteristics of the woman’s body.

Some women, three months after giving birth, begin to panic and consider this condition to be some kind of pathology. The human body is cunning. It rejects unnecessary processes. And it's all about hormones. After childbirth, the hormonal levels begin to change in the female body. And this process is uncontrollable. Childbirth is a lot of stress for the body. And he devotes all his strength to feeding and caring for the baby. This is an instinct that screams that first feed the baby, put him on his feet, and then you will do something else. As a result, you may not want sex even for a whole year, until the baby becomes strong. First of all, you need to think about procreation.

Other women may keep their husband away from their body because of their breasts. It stores milk and is food for the baby. And it must be sterile. What if the husband, while kissing, gets an infection.

But often the reason is more mundane - tears, seams. For them to heal, you need to wait six weeks before having sex. And the blood from the uterus, which flowed in large quantities during pregnancy and childbirth, must also leave. The wound on the uterus where the placenta was attached should also heal.

The hormone that is responsible for preventing a woman from wanting sex is estrogen. Its decrease leads to postpartum depression. This also leads to a lack of lubrication in the vagina. Therefore, seams, tears, and lack of lubrication lead to a decrease in sexual desire.

When will this interest return?

After a month and a half, doctors allow me to have sex. But a woman needs to wait until this “I don’t want” goes away.

It can happen anytime. And each one is different. But at first, everyone will not have such enchanting sex as before or during pregnancy. But after a while everything will return. In most cases it even gets worse. Psychologically, a woman can recover from several weeks to a year.

In order for the first sex after childbirth to be successful, you need to adhere to some rules:

First of all, wait until all wounds have healed. Otherwise, you can again cause injury and infection. After this you will not be able to have sex for a long time.

Don't have sex if your vagina lacks lubrication. It's better to use lubricant. Sex “dry” will not give you pleasure.

Very often, when stitches are applied, the vagina becomes narrower. Of course, your man will like it. But it may be painful and unpleasant for you. In this case, you need to spend more time on foreplay. This will allow the woman to relax her muscles and she will only feel pleasant.

Being parents is happiness. And for this reason, you can wait a couple of months to have sex.

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The first month after childbirth is often called the tenth month of pregnancy, thereby emphasizing its importance for the woman’s body. Strictly speaking, the first month after childbirth is only part of the postpartum period, the duration of which is the first 6-8 weeks after childbirth.

What happens in a woman’s body during the postpartum period?

1. In the postpartum period, the normal state of the cerebral cortex and subcortical centers is restored (recall that during pregnancy the cortex was somewhat depressed, and the subcortical structures - on the contrary, these changes were aimed at the successful course of pregnancy). Pregnancy hormones are removed from the body, and gradually the function of the endocrine system returns to normal. The heart takes its normal position, its work becomes easier.

2. Blood volume decreases.

3. During this period, the kidneys are actively working, so the amount of urine in the first days after childbirth is usually increased.

4. The uterus contracts and decreases in size every day. By the end of 6-8 weeks after birth, its size corresponds to the size of the non-pregnant uterus. The inner wall of the uterus after separation of the placenta is an extensive wound surface; there are remnants of glands on it, from which the epithelial cover of the uterus - the endometrium - is subsequently restored. During the healing process of the inner surface of the uterus, postpartum discharge appears - lochia, representing wound secretion.

Their character changes during the postpartum period: in the first days, lochia is bloody; from day 4 their color changes to reddish-brown; by day 10 they become light, liquid, without any admixture of blood. The total amount of lochia in the first 8 days of the postpartum period reaches 500-1400 g, from the 3rd week their number decreases significantly, and in the 5-6th week they stop altogether. Lochia has a peculiar musty odor, which gradually decreases. An ultrasound examination is performed to assess uterine contractions and discharge in the postpartum period.

In the first days after birth, the mobility of the uterus is increased, which is explained by stretching and insufficient tone of its ligamentous apparatus. The uterus easily moves to the sides, especially when the bladder and rectum are full. The ligamentous apparatus of the uterus acquires normal tone by the 4th week after birth.

5. The ovaries also undergo significant changes. The regression of the corpus luteum (the formation remaining in the place where the egg was previously, before pregnancy) ends and the maturation of new eggs begins. Most non-breastfeeding women experience menstruation at 6-8 weeks after childbirth; more often it comes without the release of an egg from the ovary. However, ovulation and pregnancy may occur during the first months after birth. In breastfeeding women, the onset of the first menstruation after childbirth can be delayed for many months if they feed on demand, breastfeeding is natural, but not mixed.

6. The tone of the pelvic floor muscles is gradually restored. The tone of the vaginal walls is restored, its volume is reduced, and swelling disappears. Abrasions, cracks, and tears that occurred during childbirth heal. The abdominal wall gradually strengthens, mainly due to muscle contraction.

7. Unlike most organs that undergo reverse development after childbirth, . Already during pregnancy, they begin to produce a thick yellowish fluid containing protein, fat, and epithelial cells from glandular vesicles and milk ducts. This colostrum, which the baby will eat for the first couple of days after birth. It is rich in proteins, vitamins, enzymes and protective antibodies, but has fewer carbohydrates than milk.

On the 2-3rd day after birth, the mammary glands become engorged, become painful, and secretion of transitional milk begins. The process of milk formation largely depends on the reflex effects associated with the act of sucking. From the 2-3rd week after birth, transitional milk turns into “mature” milk, which is an emulsion of tiny droplets of fat found in the whey. Its composition is as follows: water - 87%, protein - 1.5%, fat - 4%, carbohydrates (milk sugar) - about 7%, as well as salts, vitamins, enzymes and antibodies.

Woman after childbirth: new sensations

Immediately after childbirth, almost all new mothers report severe fatigue and drowsiness. But gradually the fatigue passes, and in general the woman feels good. Body temperature is usually normal. In the first days, pain in the area of ​​the external genitalia and perineum is possible, even in the absence of ruptures. This is due to the strong stretching of tissues during childbirth. Usually the pain is not very intense and goes away after a couple of days, and if there were ruptures or an incision in the perineum, after 7-10 days. If it was done, there will be pain in the area of ​​the postoperative sutures.

Uterine contractions occur periodically, feeling like weak contractions. After repeated births, the uterus contracts more painfully than after the first. Contractions intensify during breastfeeding, this is due to the fact that when the nipple is stimulated, the level of oxytocin in the blood increases, a substance that promotes uterine contractions.

On the first day after childbirth, a woman does not feel the urge to urinate. This is due to a decrease in the tone of the abdominal wall, swelling of the bladder neck as a result of its compression by the fetal head during childbirth. An unpleasant burning sensation when urine gets into the area of ​​ruptures and cracks plays a certain role. To stimulate the bladder, you need to move more, sometimes the sound of water flowing from a tap helps. It is necessary to empty the bladder every 2-3 hours, as a full bladder prevents normal contractions of the uterus. If there is no urination within 8 hours, it is necessary to empty the bladder using a catheter.

Stool should be present within the first three days after birth. In the first days after childbirth, a woman may experience constipation. Their cause is most often relaxation of the abdominal wall, limitation of physical activity, poor nutrition and fear of the sutures in the perineum coming apart. This fear is completely unfounded, but during defecation you can hold the suture area with a napkin, which will reduce tissue stretching and defecation will be less painful. You just need to move more and adjust your diet. Include prunes in your diet, drink a glass of mineral water without gas or kefir on an empty stomach. If there is no stool on the 4th day, then you need to use a laxative or give a cleansing enema.

From 2-3 days after birth, there is a sharp increase in the amount of milk in the breast. In this case, the mammary glands enlarge, harden, and become painful. Sometimes the pain radiates to the axillary region, where nodules are felt - swollen lobules of the mammary glands. To avoid severe engorgement, it is recommended to limit fluid intake to 800 ml from the 3rd day after birth. day and try to feed the baby more often. After just 1-2 days, when breastfeeding is established, on demand, and proper attachment (the baby grasps the nipple and the nipple pigmentation), engorgement gradually disappears.

Psychology of the postpartum period

Could anyone be happier than a woman who gives birth, feeds and kisses her baby? Why do we so often see tears of despair on the faces of young mothers who have been waiting for their baby for so long? During pregnancy, the level of female sex hormones reaches its maximum values ​​in a woman's entire life. Immediately after the birth of the placenta, the level of these substances decreases significantly. In this regard, some young mothers report irritability, devastation, anxiety for any reason, and sleep disorders. These phenomena occur on the 3-4th day after birth; more often they disappear without any medical intervention within two weeks. In 10% of women, these phenomena drag on and become painful, resulting in postpartum depression.

Most young mothers are worried about the problem of extra pounds. After all, it would seem that both pregnancy and the birth itself are left behind, but for some reason the excess weight does not go away. Numerous diets and sports exercises do not help achieve former physical shape. What is the reason for such injustice and how can you return to your previous harmony?

The period of pregnancy and the first few months of a child’s life is a time when a woman practically does not belong to herself. Endless worries about the child make the beauty of the hairstyle, manicure, and the condition of the figure recede into the second (or tenth) plan. But as soon as you wait for the restoration of hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle, thoughts about losing weight appear again. And here young mothers face a variety of difficulties.

1. Disturbed sleep patterns

After giving birth, young mothers very often experience lack of sleep, because only a few of them can note with satisfaction that their baby does not wake up at night. This can lead to a slower metabolism, constant feeling of hunger during the day and nightly raids on the refrigerator. Doctors notice that it is during sleep that our body gets rid of excess calories.

What to do?

To combat this problem, experts recommend falling asleep whenever possible. Very often, women are torn between the child, household chores and forget about themselves. After putting your baby to bed during the day, don’t rush to do a thorough cleaning or big laundry. Make sleep a top priority.

2. Low physical activity

Many women who took daily walks during pregnancy, after giving birth, begin to “walk” their babies on the balcony or on the playground, sitting on a bench. They are firmly convinced that they are already busy enough with housework, and walks in the fresh air are only for kids.

What to do?

Of course, regular exercise in the gym or yoga classes is often an unattainable dream for mothers with newborn children. And doctors are categorically against such stress. However, it is quite possible to purchase DVDs with various training systems for young mothers, buy a hula hoop, or purposefully do exercises ( By the way, look). No time for exercise? Put your baby in the stroller and go for a walk, just don’t sit on a bench with your friends, but try to walk several kilometers during the day. An active mother raises an active child!

3. Excess calories during breastfeeding

Young mothers, following various advice, begin to eat more during breastfeeding, increasing the calorie content of dishes or the size of portions. Of course, you shouldn’t go to the other extreme and search the Internet for “effective” diets, but not caring about the number of calories consumed often leads to extra pounds.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

What to do?

Of course, experts categorically do not accept strict diets during breastfeeding, but no one forbids a young mother to balance her own diet. Avoid fatty, sweet and fried foods, as they do not contain substances that are beneficial for your baby.

Also, according to doctors' calculations, breastfeeding women require 450 kilocalories more than before pregnancy. And this, for example, is twenty grapes in the morning, a quarter glass of nuts in the afternoon and a glass of milk in the evening. Such an addition to the previous diet will satisfy the additional calorie needs of a nursing mother.

4. Eating disorder

With the birth of a baby, women's diet is often disrupted. As soon as you sit down at the table, the baby starts crying. And you have to have a snack and run to him. Snacking during dinner is also dangerous. For example, you fed your child by hastily eating a couple of sandwiches. And after you put him to bed, you sit down to a full dinner. In this simple way, you consume 100 or more additional kilocalories every day.

What to do?

Try to adjust your diet to your child's sleep schedule. It is necessary to arrange full meals when he falls asleep. Chew your food very thoroughly when eating. The best option is to switch to eating small portions. This division involves three main meals and 2-3 additional ones. And, of course, a choice of products that are healthy for mother and her offspring.

5. Postpartum depression

Sleep disturbances, increased irritability, chronic fatigue, constant headaches, excessive emotionality and tearfulness are all symptoms of postpartum depression. Young mothers also experience mood changes, which doctors explain by an increase in the level of estrogen and progesterone in pregnant women, which are responsible for the optimal development of the fetus. In a woman who has given birth, the amount of these hormones decreases, and another hormone is produced - prolactin. It is because of this restructuring that mood swings appear and, as a result, depression, which women try to fight with food. Chocolate not only brings a feeling of joy, but also reflects on the scale. Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!



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