Why you shouldn't get up suddenly after sleep. Getting out of bed correctly

You can get up any way. Just like walking, sitting, bending... The question is that not all methods are equally useful, and some are even harmful. And for some reason, we often, without thinking, use exactly these methods. The result of this is: chronic muscle strain, injuries, and as a consequence - chronic and sharp pains in muscles, joints and spine. But learning to move correctly (that is, naturally and with with minimal effort) is not that difficult.

Main rules:

Minimize muscle tension;

Properly use the inertia of movement;

- “round” movements;

Avoid sudden movements.

As you know, you can win either in strength or in the length of the path. By standing up (and generally moving) incorrectly, we move our body with muscle effort, often overloading our joints and spine. Correct movement usually longer, but it does not require any noticeable effort or additional support on anything.

But first, let's lie on the floor. Of course, you can do this quickly by taking a prone position with a fall on your hands, and then lower yourself to the floor. But we will take a different path: longer, but much safer, natural and pleasant. For ease of learning, the movement is divided into phases, but of course in life it is performed together. I would like to note that this in itself (with repeated concentrated performance) is an excellent exercise for regaining the ability to move harmoniously and naturally.

So, to learn to get up, you must first lie down:

1. We get down on one knee (for example, the right one - you can start with the one that is more convenient for you personally).

2. We put right palm on the floor in front of you.

3. Place your left palm.

4. Leaning on your palms, lower your second knee to the floor.

5. Continuing to lean on our hands, we turn our pelvis to the left, lying on the floor with our right thigh.

6. Left palm on the floor, right hand stretches across the floor to the left - perpendicular to the body, lie down on the right side.

7. Smoothly roll onto your back. Let's relax.

Here we avoid bending and bending in the back, trying to lower ourselves by bending the knees and elbows, rounding the movements and rolling where possible. We will rise from the “lying on your back” position in the reverse order:

1. Bend your knees (feet on the floor), tilt your knees to the right. At the same time, the pelvis naturally turns.

2. Continuing to rotate the pelvis, we roll onto the right side and shoulder.

3. We continue to roll onto the chest, with the arms under the body (the right arm may “want” to stretch forward, do not interfere with it!). The rotation will facilitate slight stretching along the longitudinal axis of the body towards the head. Bent knees will prevent you from turning over, so they straighten as you move. We pull our hands to our shoulders - this will give us the opportunity to push off the floor.

4. Bringing the pelvis back, we come to our knees. We do not raise our head and torso, our back is inclined. Palms remain on the floor. You can push off with your hands, helping yourself to your knees.

5. Bring your buttocks to your heels, shift your body weight back, and smoothly sit on your knees.

6. Shift our body weight forward and rise to our knees.

7. Get down on one knee.

8. We rise to our feet.

We reached the “standing” position: smoothly, without unnecessary effort and pain without putting any strain on your back. Be sure to alternate performing the exercise on both sides, this is the key to the harmonious development of the body and brain. Understand the nuances and individual characteristics movement is possible at leisurely multiple repetitions. Try to move naturally, and not so much to think as to feel. The body itself will suggest a rational path, you just need to let it do it and listen to the prompts. Relax, alternate tucks and stretches as your body wants.

Morning. The alarm clock is ringing. Opening one eye, we feel it. We turn off the alarm clock completely or set it for another 10 minutes, and then another 10 minutes... Having reached the last minute, we jump out of bed and get ready for quick hands and we run headlong to work, scolding ourselves for not getting up at the first “call” of the alarm clock, promising ourselves to go to bed early today, and tomorrow to get out of bed after the first signal to get up. Common situation? If yes, then you should think about learning to wake up early.

What is the advantage of waking up early?


A person who gets up early, for example, at 7-8 in the morning, manages to do much more things in a day than someone who starts his day at 12.

  • Experts say that it is in the morning hours that the brain works most productively. If you get up early, this energy will be directed to useful things.
  • Getting up early is good for the body.
  • If you wake up early, you will be able to take your time and carefully get ready and not worry about being late for work.

How to learn to wake up early

  • Morning exercises. You can study on your own. But even better is to buy a membership to a fitness club. The money spent will serve as an additional incentive to get up earlier.
  • Don't eat at night. WITH full stomach I usually have trouble sleeping. The result is reduced sleep time.
  • Personal motivation. Set an energizing goal that will encourage you to get up early. Understand how you would benefit if your day was a few hours longer.
  • Build the habit gradually. For example, you are used to sleeping until 12. It is not recommended to suddenly “switch” to getting up at five in the morning. Little by little, move your alarm time earlier.
  • Go to bed earlier. It has been proven that the most healthy sleep between 23.00 and 04.00. Even if you like to go to bed late and wake up late, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to hold out for 21 days on the correct schedule. During this time, the habit of waking up early and going to bed early will be formed.

Alternative early rise options

If the previous tips did not help, then move on to the “heavy artillery”. Try motivating yourself in the morning with the possibility of a nap. If you can’t sleep during the day, you’ll have to get creative.

Available in stores great amount unusual alarm clocks. For example, with an imitation of the howl of a serena or a flying alarm clock. One of the most unusual is the financial alarm clock. Its principle is simple: in the evening ten dollars are placed in a special hole. In the morning you are given a couple of minutes to get up. If you don't take the money from the alarm clock, it will be turned into a mountain of small paper pieces.

How to wake up correctly: advice from a massage therapist


There are a huge number of ways to accustom yourself to waking up early. The main thing is your own desire.

How to sleep correctly and how to wake up correctly

If you have ever woken up for work, although the alarm clock was ringing... If you know the feeling when you just want to lie down on the floor, close your eyes for at least a minute... When it is impossible to sleep at night - you toss and turn, thoughts overcome you, and you have to get up early tomorrow... Many questions arise : “How to wake up quickly and easily?”, “How to get up in the morning?” If they also bother you, then this article with instructions for healthy sleep and a cheerful awakening just for you.

However, any person at least once in his life had a situation when he could not fall asleep, woke up or wanted to sleep during the day. Anything can happen, as they say. However, if you organize your routine correctly, take into account your characteristics, think through the system and use wise advice, then you can avoid such unpleasant situations. So, let's find out how to wake up easier in the morning?

“Owl” is a sentence?

At the end of the twentieth century, it was experimentally proven that, regardless of a person’s will, he belongs to one of the chronotypes (in relation to sleep). It has been established that people are divided into “night owls” and “larks”, whose peak activity occurs during different time. “Owls” become more energetic in the evening, they can easily work at night, but it is very difficult for them to wake up in the morning. The optimal time for them to rise is around noon. Accordingly, “larks” are cheerful in the morning, but already in the early evening their eyes begin to stick together. There is also such an intermediate chronotype as “dove”.

It is clear that modern life more designed for early risers. It is the night owls who have to remain in discomfort and resort to tonics. However, they are better able to adapt to changes, e.g. shift schedule, to time zone changes and even to stress.

You often hear a kind of excuse: “I’m a night owl.” Of course, you just need to take into account individual characteristics, but you can’t just give up. Everyone has an individuality, but it is important to control your qualities - to use them for good.

Night owls, pigeons, and even overtired early risers may have difficulty getting up early.

Optimal sleep time

How to wake up easier in the morning? First of all, you need to comply specific mode. It is also important to understand your characteristics. But if after a tense working week, active Friday evening, you slept for ten hours on Saturday, this does not mean, of course, that this is your norm. It can be understood, for example, on vacation, when the body has regained its strength, and you, waking up without an alarm clock, feel great.

There is a table of the value of sleep by hour. That is, it is believed that an hour of sleep before midnight is equal to three hours, and from five to six in the morning the same hour is equivalent in efficiency to... a minute!

Babies are known to sleep for almost 24 hours. Over time, the need for sleep decreases. The teenager also sleeps for a long time (eleven hours), because the body grows during sleep. In general, they say that optimal rest is six to eight hours for an adult. At the same time, men may sleep less, and women need more time to recover. After physical labor required more sleep than after mental. Some people really need ten hours of sleep, and some people really need five. By the way, there is a principle of eight: eight hours of sleep, the same amount of work, the same amount of rest.

Sleep systems

What can you do to wake up easily in the morning? You can try to develop your own system. For example, da Vinci slept fifteen minutes every four hours. Everyone should create their own system, at least not so radical. Someone, for example, can “get enough sleep” during the day, for others nap- nonsense.

The principle “more is better” does not apply to sleep. Often after a long sleep a person feels heaviness, headache, problems arise with blood pressure, with gusto. You can’t sleep more than your norm, but you can’t sleep less either. You also cannot get enough sleep “in advance”; the norm must be observed, if possible, every time. During sleep, all systems of the body are “rebooted,” relaxation occurs, and information received during the day is distributed. And it’s important to get enough sleep at least once a week: sleep a little longer, lie in bed, have a relaxed morning.

Bedroom preparation

How to learn to wake up easily in the morning? Many wise people They say that to do this, first of all you need to lie down correctly. First you need to prepare the bedroom and yourself for bed.Logically, the bedroom is for sleeping. In reality, there is often a TV, a computer, books, and many distracting things there. Of course, the atmosphere should be pleasant, the light dim, and sound insulation is desirable. The air should be fresh - do not forget to ventilate even in winter. In summer you can generally sleep with open window. In winter, you can use a humidifier. The aroma should be pleasant, you can use soothing essential oils: bergamot, jasmine. Good old pillows with herbs in bed (lavender, chamomile) - also great solution. The blanket should not be too warm (might give you nightmares), not too light ( restless sleep). Everything should be to your liking.

Preparing yourself

Collapse from fatigue - no the best option. You should prepare yourself for sleep in advance. You can drink light Herb tea(just avoid caffeine and alcohol) but don't overeat. Accept warm shower or a bubble bath. Sum up the day, calm down, turn on some nice music, read something light, watch a nice movie. You need to create your own ritual so that the body knows when the transition to sleep begins.
Also, in order not to run around in the morning looking for, for example, socks, it is better to prepare things for work in advance. In the evening, think about breakfast, promise yourself something pleasant. Replay your awakening in your head. Before going to bed, it’s good to meditate and give yourself a light massage.

Working with dreams

How to wake up easier in the morning? Let's try to work with our dreams.They can ruin your entire vacation, upset you, scare you, or, conversely, make it unforgettable - fill it with strength. There are no instructions for “dreaming”, but for pleasant dreams it is advised not to eat heavy food in the evening, do not watch scary movies (and the news) in bed, do not read scary books. Drive away dark thoughts from yourself, look for the good in the day. Sleep is a time for you, your rest and recovery.

If you still dreamed horrible dream, then it’s better to remember that these are just dreams. As children were advised, turn on the other side. Perhaps you should ventilate the bedroom and drink some water.


How to wake up easier in the morning?The main assistant here is the alarm clock. Now there are many options: backlit, “running”... There are special programs on the phone, calculating best moment for awakening. You need to choose the optimal alarm clock and change the melodies from time to time so as not to get used to it. She should be pleasant, cheerful and optimistic. If it’s really hard to wake up, you can ask a friend who is a “morning person” to call you.Some people prefer to wake up to the radio (TV) turning on at the right moment.

Pleasant morning

How to wake up easier in the morning? How to quickly and easily get out of bed?To avoid waking up abruptly, putting your body under stress, but also to avoid falling asleep again, follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Stretch in bed for a minute, then stand up.
  2. Do gymnastics.
  3. Take a cool (not freezing) shower.
  4. Drink a glass of water - cold in summer, but warm in winter. It will wake up your stomach.
  5. Have breakfast.

Breakfast should be at least light - you need to accustom yourself to eating. Porridge with fruit, muesli, omelette... But Orange juice and coffee on an empty stomach can be harmful to the stomach - it is better to put them aside for dessert or use them in aromatherapy - products with the smell of coffee and citrus fruits invigorate, but do not harm.

Easy to wake up your baby

How to teach a child to wake up easily in the morning?Children often have difficulty waking up, are capricious, and do not want, for example, to go to school. Adults need to remain calm: wake up gently, but persistently. Let in sunlight or first turn on the night light, cheerful music, call the child by name. Breakfast should be nutritious but light, and water treatments- not torment, but a game. You need to get used to exercise from childhood. It would be nice to make the child small a pleasant surprise, for example, a balloon. And the main thing is to inspire a child with your example.

In the end, everyone makes up their own system good night and awakening. However, advice can also be very useful.

How to learn to wake up easily in the morning? Follow a few non-standard but simple rules.

  • If you don’t want to sleep in the evening, then it’s better to lie down - just relax, read, and sleep will come.
  • If you want to sleep unexpectedly early, you need to forget about all the rituals and just go to bed.
  • If you want to finish watching a movie in the evening, finish reading a book, etc., and it’s already time to go to bed, then it’s better to postpone pleasant things until the morning.
  • If you wake up a little earlier than the alarm clock, get up. Don’t be greedy, just one more minute, because it won’t change anything, and the risk of falling asleep again and oversleeping is great.

The topic of sleep and awakening is especially relevant now. Now you know how easy it is to wake up in the morning without problems. Have a nice wake up and a good day!

Each of us should know how to wake up in the morning and what to do in the morning. The whole next day depends on how we start the morning.

I’ll tell you more, how a person lives the morning hours of his life largely determines his entire fate. Early morning- the most important time in life and it is necessary to follow certain rules in order to be able to make life happy and harmonious.

How to get out of bed correctly?

According to the laws of Ayurveda (Vedic medicine) you need to get up immediately and without thinking. If a person does not have some serious illness, he is not very old and not very young, then he can get up immediately, and not luxuriate in bed.

The fact is that every minute of “tenderness” in bed takes at least one hour active work. A person wants to lie in a half-asleep state for longer, because he does not see happiness in reality.

But if something very interesting or very tasty awaits a person in the morning, for example, a long-awaited pleasant event, then he jumps out of bed instantly.

And when a person has another dull day ahead, the same work, the same things and all this for no apparent reason, then he does not want to get up. This means that such a person does not know how to extract happiness from life, and he is trying to extract happiness from a dream.

Primary actions after getting up in the morning

  • Drink a glass of cool water

Immediately after getting up, you need to drink a glass of clean, cool water, which is better to put in a visible place in the evening, so as not to forget to drink it in the morning.

This is very good for health important habit. Thanks to her, the body is cleansed in a colossal way. All the benefits of drinking clean water are described in the article:

No need to drink hot water. This is explained as follows:

After the night, toxins accumulate on our tongue, and they are very heavy and dangerous. AND hot water dissolves them and washes them away, bringing them back into the body. As a result, the first morning intoxication occurs. This is why you should not drink hot drinks in the morning.

Cold water does not wash away these toxins and can and should be safely drunk immediately after waking up.

  • Brush your teeth
  • Clean your tongue

Based on the above, you should definitely clean your tongue in the morning. This is really important in the rules of how to wake up in the morning. Unfortunately, many people do not know about this.

Toothbrushes with special devices are not suitable for cleaning the tongue. Use special tongue cleaners. This is how a person gets rid of the most harmful toxins on the tongue, which the body eliminated all night.

  • Go to the toilet

Toxins and waste products also accumulate in the intestines and bladder. Therefore, a person needs to go to the toilet and get rid of them. If we meet the sunrise with these toxins, then they can penetrate the blood.

  • Take a shower

Toxins also accumulate on the surface of the skin. Therefore, after the morning toilet you need to take a shower. There are many subtleties to a morning shower.

There is one simple recipe that helps you avoid catching a cold by bathing in the most different conditions(for example, in the absence of hot water):

First pour water on your feet and legs, then pour water on your head. Thus, heat flows through the body first from bottom to top, then from top to bottom and then meets in the middle, and you do not catch a cold.

In general, if we talk about showering, then taking it once a day is a vital necessity for each person and is considered to maintain health in a minimal state. Chronic diseases In this case, you can at least somehow control it.

Taking a shower 2 times a day is considered a preventive measure, thanks to which illnesses gradually disappear from the gross physical body. 3 times a day - healing, thanks to which you can cleanse not only the physical, but also the subtle mental body.

How cleaner water, all the better. The most best water for ablution, one that is saturated with sunlight. In nature there is such a phenomenon as “blind rain”, which is very useful to be under.

Artificial blind rain can be made as follows:

Take a bucket of water (it’s better to collect it in a well or a pump) and place it in the open sun for the whole day. In the evening, pour this water over yourself.

This procedure can prevent many diseases.

In an apartment, it is better to take a shower rather than lie in the bathtub, since running water is better than standing water. Daily bathing increases life expectancy and strengthens the immune system.

When washing, it is better not to use soap or gels that contain animal products. This soap dries the skin very much, which leads to its aging. Therefore, it is better to use moisturizing soap.

You don't need to wash your hair with soap every day; it's enough to do it several times a week. But you need to wash your body (skin) with soap every day.

How to wake up correctly in the morning: conclusion

If you cleanse yourself in this way every morning, your life will become very easy and simple. Unfortunately, most people do not know this and live in constant toxicosis without even knowing it.

As a result of non-compliance with the above elementary rules hygiene, a person develops many diseases, which manifest themselves primarily on the subtle mental plane in the form of irritability, lethargy and apathy.

Also be sure to remember that these rules must be used in . In other words, you need to get up early in the morning and ideally at 4-6 am. In summer, this should be done before sunrise, and in winter period try to stick to summer mode day.

The first or main law of nature that has a serious impact on humans:

If a person gets up before the sun, then he rejoices and gets better all day. If a person gets up after the sun, he gradually becomes ill and feels weak and has a negative mood.

When a person does not follow these laws, then all other tips on how to wake up correctly in the morning will be much less effective.

Be healthy and be happy!

If you have any additional question, then be sure to write it in the comments below!

The alarm clock rang, the brain transmitted an impulse of panic to the whole body, “it’s time to get up!, urgently!, work!, things to do!” The adrenal glands, following the command, released an overdose of adrenaline. This stress hormone caused the blood vessels to contract and the heart to start working at maximum voltage, accelerating the blood. Sudden jump from bed - and the sleeping muscles are forced to shrink into a ball, and relaxed joints (including the spine!) - receive a traumatic axial blow. Some areas of the brain are still disoriented, but we continue, dropping toothbrush and spilling coffee, “waking up.”

The result is irritability, Bad mood, absent-mindedness, drowsiness that sets in after a few hours - after such stress, inhibition involuntarily comes.

And that's not the worst part. Pressure instability - up to hypertensive crises, dizziness, pain in the neck and lower back (sharp rise on a relaxed ligamentous apparatus leads to compression of the intervertebral discs, microtears and the formation of hernias), hemorrhages in the muscles - these are the fruits of improper morning awakening.

What to do?

Good morning!

Let's start with the fact that it is advisable to completely abandon the alarm clock services. Paradoxically, we can wake up on time simply by creating an intention, a mental attitude. If you think about it, you can probably remember cases when you managed to wake up on your own, simply because you “really had to.”

The human brain can regulate any physiological processes in our body, including the rhythms of wakefulness and sleep. If in the evening, while already lying in bed, you create a mindset for yourself (auto-training option) “I will wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning completely rested, cheerful, filled with strength, smiling” - so it will be. Your body will adjust your sleep phases so that you wake up at REM sleep- most favorable for awakening. A few minutes before waking up, you will already be preparing to get up - your muscles will begin to contract, your adrenal glands will release adrenaline - but in small, energizing, rather than stressful concentrations, your brain will tune in for a dynamic day. This ability to wake up at will is inherent in us by nature itself. Fighters special units actively use this method. And there is nothing complicated about it. Create a formula that is convenient for you and repeat it again, being in a state of complete relaxation on the border of sleep itself. If you want to be on the safe side, set your alarm clock for 7.15 and feel free to wake up at a different time. annoying sound, and by at will. If it doesn’t work, try again and again, in some cases it takes training, but the result will definitely come.

When you wake up, do not rush to get up. Let's spend 5 minutes in the morning to gain many hours of productivity in the day.

Let's begin the technique of activating different areas of the brain. This technique is based on awakening the areas of the brain responsible for the flow of perception, sensory systems, simply put, for our feelings.

Lying with eyes closed(but without falling asleep :)) we shift our attention to the perception of the body. We perceive areas of the body in volume, with all its components - this is how the internal proprioceptive, tendon-muscular sense is activated.

Let's start with the feet - just feel the feet and hold this feeling for a few seconds. There is no need to evaluate the information received, label it, mentalize it, something like “my feet lie this way and that way.” Just receive information, perceive it. We continue, “examining” with our inner gaze the legs, thighs, pelvis, abdomen chest, arms (first we lower ourselves from the shoulders to the hands, then we rise to the shoulders), head, face.

Having activated this sensory area of ​​the brain, we proceed to another. Tactile receptors – sensations from the skin. We begin to perceive how the body lies, how the sheet feels, the surface of the bed. Having received this information (we focus on different zones within a few seconds), we proceed to activate the following zones.

Smell. The perception of smell plays a large role in the formation of subconscious reactions; it is one of the most ancient senses in the animal world. We begin to slowly inhale the surrounding air through our nose and perceive the smells of the nearby space. No need to evaluate them! None – pleasant or unpleasant! Only sensory flow. Now we take in more intense air through our nose and perceive the smells of distant objects.

Let's start activating zones auditory analyzer. What do you hear next to you? Your breathing, the breathing of your loved ones, heartbeat, creaking of the sofa. Dwell on their perception. Now listen to the sounds outside the window, what is happening on the street. Perceive beeps, voices, wind sounds, sounds of laughter. Stay with each sound, taking it in as much as possible.

Now the eyes. Visual analyzer- one of the leading ones for a person. Let's open our eyes and just look in front of us with an absent-minded gaze for a few seconds, perceiving the picture. Let's close our eyes. Let's open them again - perceiving the picture of distant objects - let's run our eyes over them, capturing everything in the field of vision, lingering on each object, but without evaluating it. Fine!

The brain is awake, it is full of energy!

But we’ll lie down a little longer. Let's prepare for the events of the new day.

With pictures-images we begin to quickly imagine the sequence of our actions today. Here is brushing your teeth, here is breakfast, here is a garage, a car, a steering wheel, a trip to work, an office, colleagues, a computer, mail, meetings, negotiations, lunch, papers, the view from the window, a trip home, the smile of loved ones, dinner, sleep. Like that. We do not try to predict events, or make plans for what and how we will definitely do. No control - just readiness to face the New Day.

Now we begin to stretch slowly and smoothly. Inhale – feet towards you, exhale – away from you. We smile widely - stimulating the release of serotonin, the hormone of joy, into the blood and stretching the facial muscles. We bend our knees halfway, clasp the elbows of opposite hands with our palms and begin to sway, smoothly stretching diagonally with a slight twist, knees to the left, elbows to the right and vice versa (for more details, see the article initial appointment). We stretch out again. We turn over on our side or stomach and, using our hands as a “jack,” we stand up. Under no circumstances should we bend our lower back or stand up while contracting our back muscles! (Vertical folding lift - “like a panic from the grave” in the movie “Viy” - bad example for imitation!)

Having risen, we are in no hurry to do morning exercises. Let's give it another 10 minutes musculoskeletal system for full activation. Let's wash ourselves. Let's prepare breakfast. Now you can warm up.

I recommend doing a standard set of twist gymnastics in a standing position in the morning (see the article spiral gymnastics) or some similar soft set of sharp bends and turns. The entire complex repeated 4-8 times takes no more than 10 minutes. For the elderly, pregnant and lazy :) - it’s good to perform the stepless tai chi complex with a smile (see the article tai chi with a smile), which I also do.

P.S. Some su-jok morning recommendations.

If your lower back is bothering you, before standing up, take the middle and middle ring fingers(according to SuJok - correspond to the legs), smoothly pull along the axis, creating a stretch, opening in the area corresponding to the lower back, slowly rotate to the right and left side, restoring spinal mobility, blood flow and correct position joints. Follow therapeutic effect within 3-5 minutes. This will stretch your lower back and reduce nighttime swelling. Massage the painful point between the knuckles of the ring and middle fingers (sujok projection of the lower back) and the upper third of the auricle.

If your neck bothers you, stretch and rotate your thumb, earlobe, and knead the back surface thumb And lower third auricle.

If discomfort is present in the thoracic region, rotate and rub the bone below the thumb knuckle until it reaches the wrist joint ( thoracic region according to SuJok), rub the middle third of the ear.



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