Planets in the horoscope. Zodiac Signs, planet rulers of the Zodiac Signs, characteristics of the Zodiac Signs, what is a typical representative of the zodiac sign, what is the zodiac sign

Astrologers have long noticed a certain similarity in the characteristics of people born under the same zodiac signs.
Zodiac signs - what they are, where they come from, characteristics, dates, elements, crosses - see all this on this page.

Zodiac signs- constellations located in thirty-degree sectors of the celestial sphere through which the Sun passes in a year (see figure above). Hence (360/30) there are 12 zodiac signs, each of which is in its own sector: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. There is also a 13th sign of the zodiac - Ophiuchus (the story with him is not entirely clear), according to tradition, he is not included in the general group of signs.

The first sign of the zodiac is Aries - because the beginning of the movement of the Sun across the celestial sphere, in the main astrological traditions, is considered to be the “vernal equinox point” (rising exactly in the East, sunset exactly in the West), occurs on March 20th, and is currently located in the constellation Pisces. Why do they count from Aries? This is how it happened - in ancient times, the “vernal equinox point” was in the constellation Aries, but over the past millennium it has moved to the sign of Pisces.

Each of the signs has basic characteristics: the date of the zodiac sign - when the Sun is in this sign; the corresponding element is Fire, Earth, Air, Water; friendly planet - patron; more details in the table below.

Basic characteristics of zodiac signs, dates, elements

p/p Zodiac sign: Symbol: Date of: Element: Planet:
1. Aries from March 21 to April 20 Fire Mars, Pluto Aries horoscopes
2. Taurus from April 21 to May 21 Earth Venus Taurus horoscopes
3. Twins from May 22 to June 21 Air Mercury Gemini horoscopes
4. Cancer from June 22 to July 22 Water Moon horoscopes Cancer
5. a lion from July 23 to August 23 Fire Sun Leo horoscopes
6. Virgo from August 24 to September 23 Earth Mercury Virgo horoscopes
7. Scales from September 24 to October 23 Air Venus Libra horoscopes
8. Scorpion from October 24 to November 22 Water Mars, Pluto Scorpio horoscopes
9. Sagittarius from November 23 to December 21 Fire Jupiter Sagittarius horoscopes
10. Capricorn from December 22 to January 20 Earth Saturn horoscopes Capricorn
11. Aquarius from January 21 to February 19 Air Saturn, Uranus Aquarius horoscopes
12. Fish from February 20 to March 20 Water Jupiter, Neptune Pisces horoscopes

It is worth noting that the end dates of the “playing” zodiac signs sometimes shift by a day, who is affected - it would not hurt to check for a specific year.

Characteristics of the elements of the zodiac signs

Element of signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - Fire : hot, quick-tempered character, lively mind, quick wit. Impatience with little things, reluctance to give long explanations, ability to quickly grasp the main thing, impetuosity. They have hot blood, a hot head, and are very sexy. They have an explosive temperament. Their lively warmth and ardor attract people. As a rule, they are lucky, but if not, then failures come one after another (more details in your classic horoscope).

Element of the signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - Earth: an earthly, everyday person, without stunning plans and projects, practicality and reality. He calls things by their proper names and demands the same from others. They perceive only what they can see, hear and touch, what can be confirmed by material things, provable facts - and no fantasies. People turn to them for practical advice. They actually do things while others just talk about them.

Element of the signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - Air: intelligence, cheerful, lively character, talkativeness, sociability. They are a kind of family “translator”, interpreter, and do not like to give in to emotions. They prefer coldness. They are overwhelmed by plans. A few of them are always in your head. Features - logical, reasonable arguments, explanations. This is why air signs are associated with thinking and imagination. They live in a world of ideas, thoughts, they like to operate with logical arguments, they have clear, precise thinking.

Element of the signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - Water: inconstancy, emotionality, rather acute sensitivity. Association with feelings, an instinctive reaction to people, based on minor inferences, events, subconsciously recorded. They may think they are in a hopeless situation, but others see that they find their way through problems like water through obstacles. They are very sensitive to the moods of others. If someone throws a stone into their pool, it can ripple for days. They are easily susceptible to mood swings. They have a great sense of people, events, places. People even consider them abnormal or supernatural. Their premonitions, as a rule, come true.

Also, all zodiac signs are divided according to their characteristics into three fours (crosses):
1. Cardinal cross - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn: the dates fall at the beginning of one of the four seasons, when a new process is being born; in these signs their Elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) are maximally active.
2. Fixed, permanent cross - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius: the dates fall in the middle of one of the seasons when nature is in a stable state and the corresponding Elements are as stable as possible.
3. Mutable cross - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces: the dates fall at the end of one of the seasons when nature is unstable and changeable, the elements are in a state of average, moderate mobility.

> Planets in zodiac signs

Astrology and planets- these are components of one component, which, as a final result, influences a person and can have a direct effect on our actions and character. How and to what extent we are emotional, or vice versa, melancholic, to a greater extent, depends on what planet we were born under. A planet in astrology is often called “Home”, and this is true.

The planet’s responsibility is to give your character special, distinctive properties that are characteristic of a particular designation. Of course, like your Zodiac sign, the planets shape your main traits and have a fateful influence. This astral force is capable of radically changing the course of your life at the most crucial moment, and this will be prescribed even when you are born.

All planets can be roughly divided into three categories:

  • Higher - This includes, and;
  • Social - Refers to this group and;
  • Personal - This is the most numerous category with , , , , .

Influence of planets in zodiac signs

Today it is believed that the greatest influence on the fate of a person and on his formation as a person is the influence of 10 planets and 12 signs of the Zodiac. In order to find out what kind of person stands in front of you, what qualities he has, it is enough to know the year of birth, month, day and approximate time of birth. This is quite enough to create a psychological portrait of each person. Depending on which planet has a greater influence on you, you can establish many interesting points not only of character, but also of basic life values ​​and features of fate.

Planets are characterized by constant motion in a circle, along their own axis. And the signs of the Zodiac always stand in place. It is believed that which “window” the planet looks into will determine your position during life under such circumstances. Spiritual characteristics and personality traits depend on the location of planetary aspects. The planet has a great influence on the zodiac sign, and not vice versa. If it were the other way around, then the planet itself would seem to be depersonalized, which would be completely unacceptable from the point of view of astrology.

Basic relationships and synthesis of planets in zodiac signs

The qualities of the Zodiac sign will change, depending on the activated environment of the planet. Negative traits will appear provided the damage to the star is weakened. Thus, we can say that strong planets always predict a strong and strong-willed character for a person, but weak planets cannot cope with negative influences, and that is why the owner of such a planet will be a rather tough, repulsive person. Based on numerous observations, we can state unequivocally: a strong and strong-willed planet is the key to wisdom and courage.

At the same time, the extent to which negative qualities will prevail depends on which particular luminary is acting on the planet: positive or evil, perhaps neutral. For example, we can say that character traits such as aggression, rudeness or cruelty are caused by an excess of energy and function of the planet. But such features as laziness, cowardice and lack of determination are associated with a lack of energy and function. The most ideal option is a healthy measure in everything. There is no excess energy production, and at the same time, there is no shortage either. This is the best outcome of events: the person has common sense, and there are no significant flaws in his character.

> Planets of the zodiac signs

Usually the position of the representatives of the zodiac horoscope is determined by where the Sun is located. It is this that reveals the most obvious traits of appearance and character. It's like our ego. But it happens that these characteristics are not so noticeable or that others appear instead. What's the matter? The bottom line is that everyone also has a personal planet, the features of which may contradict the solar ones, which are noticeably diminishing.

Planets and their meaning for character

The zodiac horoscope is a constant that stands in one place. But life moves, and this activity is represented by the planets, which take turns visiting everyone. That's why it's so important to know what exist stewards(major planets) and what they mean.

There are 10 in total patrons influencing the formation of our destiny. The sun represents vital energy and rebirth. This is the ability to dominate oneself and others. The Moon is emotional and mental depth, knowledge of secret and intimate thoughts, the habit of withdrawing into oneself. Mars makes the zodiac warlike, courageous and courageous. Moreover, the gender of the carrier is unimportant, since the planet will declare itself in the heat of an argument or scandal. Mercury is calculating and thinks everything through in advance. Venus always brings love, a desire for beauty, creative impulse and art. Jupiter makes the sign fixate on inner spirituality as well as outward expansion. Uranus provokes change, revolution, and the collapse of stereotypes. Neptune encourages daydreaming and illusions. And Pluto is a dictator, stimulating the zodiac to strive for power and suppression.

Power of planets in zodiac signs

The strength of celestial bodies directly depends on their position. The zodiac itself is inert and releases its properties only when a planet stops in it. At the moment of communication, their characteristics coincide. The ruler will receive maximum power, because he is in his home territory. In addition, its power and influence also depends on its position in the hierarchy. For example, Neptune will be able to perform better in Pisces, but its potential will increase if it moves to Sagittarius.

Strengths Weaknesses





Gemini, Virgo

Sagittarius, Pisces

Taurus, Libra

Scorpio, Aries

Aries, Scorpio

Libra, Taurus

Sagittarius, Pisces

Gemini, Virgo

Aquarius, Capricorn


Pisces, Sagittarius

Virgo, Gemini

Scorpio, Aries

Taurus, Libra

But the planet may weaken, and then the sign will take control into its own hands. This happens during a period of exaltation. The weakest position is “exile.” This happens when a sign resists the influence of a celestial body. This refers to the lowest position in the hierarchy. Then she is pushed into a hostile zone, where she is not allowed to express herself. There is also a “fall” when she feels discomfort when opening. But to understand yourself, you need to understand how to identify a planet.

How to recognize a planet in a zodiac sign

There is no need to invent a wheel and turn to astrologers, since each sign is connected to celestial bodies, and there is a special table, which demonstrates your situation in detail. In it you will find your zodiac, as well as planetary influence and their position (strong or weak). In accordance with this, you can understand how this will affect your behavior in a given period and what character traits are inherent to you.

The location of the planets in the zodiac signs

You can also check the clear arrangement in the houses of Natal, provided by the natal chart. These are 12 sectors corresponding to the zodiacs. It is important to know what planets located in specific houses. The point is that managers objects, as well as any combination, affect various life circumstances and the degree of our self-realization. This is an individual destiny card that can be created for everyone. To do this, you just need to know the date, time and place of birth. The table calculates everything itself and shows not only what is inherent in you, but can also predict the entire subsequent path.

Zodiac signs - 12 sectors of 30 degrees of the ecliptic into which the zodiac belt is divided in the European astrological tradition. The point of the vernal equinox along the path of the Sun is the beginning of the sign of Aries and the entire circle of zodiac signs. The Sun, in its annual movement, stays in each sign of the Zodiac for about a month.

The astrological name of the signs of the Zodiac is derived from the corresponding zodiac constellations in which the Sun is alternately located throughout the year. There is also a version according to which the names of the signs are based on the myth “The 12 Labors of Hercules”.

Zodiac signs by month.

Aries (21.03 - 20.04) - the first sign of the Zodiac

Taurus (21.04 - 21.05) - second sign of the Zodiac

Gemini (22.05 - 21.06) - third sign of the Zodiac

Cancer (22.06 - 23.07) - the fourth sign of the Zodiac

Leo (24.07 - 23.08) - the fifth sign of the Zodiac

Virgo (24.08 - 23.09) - sixth sign of the Zodiac

Libra (24.09 - 23.10) - the seventh sign of the Zodiac

Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11) - the eighth sign of the Zodiac

Sagittarius (11.23 - 12.21) - the ninth sign of the Zodiac

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) - the tenth sign of the Zodiac

Aquarius (21.01 - 19.02) - the eleventh sign of the Zodiac

Pisces (20.02 - 20.03) - the twelfth sign of the Zodiac

Zodiac signs by elements.

Each zodiac sign belongs to one of four elements:

Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;

Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces;

Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn;

Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Patron planets and constellations of the Zodiac signs.

Astrologers believe that each sign of the Zodiac is ruled by its own planet; this sign is also called the “abode”; the sign opposite to it is called the sign of exile of the planet.

Mars is the patron planet of the sign Aries

Venus is the patron planet of the sign Taurus and Libra

Mercury is the patron planet of the sign Gemini and Virgo

The Moon is the patron planet of the sign Cancer

The Sun is the patron planet of the sign Leo

Pluto is the patron planet of the sign Scorpio

Jupiter is the patron planet of the sign Sagittarius

Saturn is the patron planet of the sign Capricorn

Uranus is the patron planet of the sign Aquarius

Neptune is the patron planet of the sign Pisces

Key words: spirit, creativity, self-expression, domination, reputation, leadership, glory, egoism, centralization, energy, restorability, light.

Socially, the Sun symbolizes father, husband and man in general. It is also associated with rulers, illustrious people, nobles and people for whom we have respect. Professions of the Sun: president, public figure, civil servant, dignitary, priest, philosopher, sculptor, artist and other creative professions, hunter, biologist, work related to gold. Parts of the body ruled by the Sun: heart, upper back, spleen, sperm, spinal cord, anterior pituitary gland, right eye in men and left eye in women.


Manages sign of Cancer and astrologically represents the principles of response, adaptation, life maintenance, the unconscious, the soul, the feminine, memory, intuition. The moon dominates the world of human feelings. Associated with it is the general background of the subconscious, behavioral and response programs that ensure life in the biological and social environment. Together with the Sun, the Moon rules overall health.

Key words: mood, changeability, plasticity, ability to take any form, impressionability, sensitivity, receptivity, attachment to mother, motherhood, love of home, fertility, birth, menstruation.

Socially, the Moon symbolizes mother, wife, small children, family, nation, hereditary traits in general. Tramps, travelers, sailors, sleepwalkers, and people with changeable lives are also associated with the Moon. Moon's professions: riverman, gardener, servant, actor, fisherman, seafarer, hunter, waiter, fishmonger, peddler, forwarder, brewer, hotel owner, middleman, reseller. The Moon is often associated with low-ranking professions. Parts of the body ruled by the Moon: body fluids, blood plasma, lymph, sperm; lungs; right hemisphere of the brain, cerebellum, left eye in men, right eye in women, stomach, mammary glands, uterus, reproductive organs, mucous membrane of any organs, sympathetic nervous system.


Represents the principles of rational thinking, speech, communication, contact, interaction, mediation, learning, exchange. In an individual horoscope, Mercury symbolizes a person’s type of thinking, his consciousness, curiosity, intellectual aspirations, ability to communicate and learn, liveliness, and dexterity.

Key words: communications, mail, news, dating, curiosity, reflection, openness, spontaneity, eclecticism in choice, dispersal, youth, short-distance travel, brothers and sisters, relatives, transport, primary education, voice, oratory, writing, gossip, rumors, diplomatic art, technology, tests, data processing, employees, skill, dexterity, criticism, lies, deception.

Mercury rules signs of Virgo and Gemini related to communications, transportation, automobiles, computers, illness, and work requiring attention to detail. Socially, Mercury symbolizes the teenager, the young person (both male and female); younger brother or sister, neighbors; pickpocket, swindler, cheater; businessmen and sellers; scientists and teachers. Mercury professions: trade, publishing, mediation, librarianship, journalism and literary work, secretarial work, accounting, communications, technology, computer programming, invention, excursion business, professions requiring dexterity and skill (for example, circus: balancing act, juggling), intellectual professions. Parts of the body ruled by Mercury: nervous system (motor nerves), vision and sense organs in general, mouth, tongue and speech organs, larynx, trachea, shoulders, arms, palms and fingers, navel, solar plexus, ligaments and tendons, thin intestine.


In astrology, it represents the principles of emotional love, affection, personal relationships, pleasure, beauty, appreciation, choice, desire, aesthetic features of perception of the world, the principle of perception at the social level, life values. Venus presides over luxury, public affairs and the arts, and is associated with music, cosmetics, compliments, jewelry, and marriage. she drives signs of Taurus and Libra, which are related to valuables, money, property, contracts, agreements, agreements, partnerships, relationships, reconciliations, legal disputes and justice.

Key words: sensuality, artistry, abundance, happiness, bliss, relaxation, beauty, creativity, charm, physical attractiveness, tenderness, softness, sweetness, a sense of harmony, a positive outlook on the world. Negatively: sexual deviations, excessive sentimentality, capriciousness, the desire to try everything, recklessness, depravity. Socially, Venus symbolizes woman; in the male horoscope - wife, lover or mistress. Venus often denotes a young girl or an unmarried woman. Venus also symbolizes people associated with the arts or entertainment industry.

Professions of Venus. : artist, decorator, florist, dancer, singer, musician, entertainer, fashion designer, perfumer, confectioner, jeweler, cook, financier, banker, tenant. Anatomical correspondences: palate, throat, chin, cheeks, saliva, glandular products (kidneys, veins), ovaries, ureters and bladder, internal genital organs, skin receptors, adipose tissue.


Astrologically, it represents the principles of activity, action, manifested energy, initiative, impulsive involvement in activities, enthusiasm, standing up for one’s rights, and fulfilling one’s desires. It represents the aggressive and sensual-sexual side of human nature. Mars rules the signs of Aries and Scorpio, associated with the head, genitals, leadership, self-affirmation, initiation of action, impulses, internal drives, sex, death, penetration, transformation and joint finances.

Key words: activity, initiative, strength, creation and destruction, confrontation, confrontation, competition, sport, courage, assertiveness, excitement, irritability, rashness, indignation, anger, violence, disobedience, sexuality, fights, accidents, injuries, burns, fires, inflammation, operations.

Socially, Mars symbolizes man; in the male horoscope it is, depending on the aspects, a friend, enemy or rival; in the female horoscope it is an admirer, lover or offender. Professions of Mars: warrior, athlete, surgeon, doctor, chemist, pharmacist, engineer, naval officer, butcher, mechanic, technician, metal worker, blacksmith, mechanic, hairdresser, cook, iron and weapons dealer, electrician, railway worker, driver, gunsmith, physicist . All specialties that require physical dexterity, related to fire and iron. Parts of the body ruled by Mars: bile and gall bladder, veins, muscles, external genitalia, nose, forehead, left ear, right hand, blood, anus, back.


Manages Sagittarius and Pisces and astrologically represents the principles of expansion, abundance, integration. In the individual horoscope, Jupiter symbolizes optimism, generosity, the desire for possession and expansion, moral and religious aspirations, and the ability to embrace the whole. Jupiter controls the process of a person’s inclusion in a new sphere, be it a social group or a hobby (person, science or art). This is a planet of new horizons and opportunities.

Key words: abundance, integration, success, luck, benefit, surplus, development, growth, increase, optimism, mercy, patronage, patronage, sponsorship, support, expansion, generosity, faith, religion, church, philosophy, higher education, science, laws, jurisprudence, bankers, publishing houses, foreign countries.

The following concepts are associated with Jupiter: Socially, Jupiter symbolizes officials, civil servants, judges and lawyers in general, clergy, representatives of banks, rich people, people associated with morality and religion, adventurers, gamblers, foreigners. Professions of Jupiter: priest, banker, lawyer, notary, scientist, university teacher, wholesale trader, publisher, high-ranking functionary, industrialist, musician, office worker. Body parts ruled by Jupiter: olfactory organs, liver, hips, buttocks, coordination of movements, arterial blood, bile. Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius and represents the principle of inhibition, concentration, individuation, withdrawal and internal elaboration. In an individual horoscope


Symbolizes perseverance, seriousness, the ability to learn from experience, economy, melancholy, secrecy and silence, distrust, and poor ability to adapt.

Key words: structure, formalization, materialization, crystallization, rigor, brevity, specificity, logic, discipline, methodicality, honesty, wisdom, reliability, duty, devotion, dryness, cold, inhibition, delays, abbreviations, simplicity, form, time, gravity , stability, order, state, conservatism, boundaries, restrictions, abstinence, caution, asceticism, inflexibility, patience, deprivation, preservation, weight, test, break. Socially, Saturn symbolizes a worker, a slow or sad person, a bankrupt, fired from work, a father, and generally older people.

Saturn's professions: archaeologist, historian, mathematician, dentist, administrator, monk, ascetic, farmer, miner, mason, day laborer, gravedigger, river worker, shoemaker, law enforcement officer, border guard. Parts of the body ruled by Saturn: bones, joints, teeth, spinal cord and related hematopoiesis, hearing organs. Chiron is a small planet (only 255 km in diameter), discovered only in 1977. But astrologers attach great importance to it. It moves between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus, as if connecting the everyday world, described by visible planets known since ancient times (from the Sun to Saturn) and the higher, transcendental world, described in astrology by planets not visible to the naked eye (starting from Uranus).


A planet that allows you to see the deep in the ordinary, to go beyond the limits of ordinary reality unnoticed, to find an original way out of the dead end through the expansion of consciousness. When Chiron is manifested in a horoscope, it takes a person beyond the boundaries of ordinary everyday perception, shows what is almost implausible from a person’s point of view, but is still perceived as really existing. In external life, Chiron provides such a confluence of circumstances and solutions to issues and problems that seem incredible before they occur, but are later interpreted as possible and real.

Keywords for Chiron: key, opening doors, originality, knowledge of the hidden capabilities of man, paradoxical thinking, change of interest, change in consciousness, unusual point of view, bridge between established paths and evolutionary changes, alternatives, balance, harmony, ecology, reunification of disparate parts souls.

Chiron symbolizes a jester or a strange, incomprehensible event, an absurd joke (a person or fate) with a hidden meaning. In medical terms, Chiron governs unconventional methods of treatment that cannot be explained by orthodox medicine: acupuncture, extrasensory perception, holistic healing, spiritual healing.


Ruled by Aquarius and astrologically represents the principles of freedom, surprise, revolutionary change, connection with the higher mind. In an individual horoscope, Uranus symbolizes originality, independence, detachment, rebellion, interest in everything new, slight excitability, nervousness, intuition combined with objectivity of judgment, changeable character.

Key words: higher information, discovery, innovation, new technologies, electricity, technology, aviation, astronautics, reforms, revolution, anarchy, anomaly, insight, clairvoyance, strangeness, nervousness, independence, irreverence, optionality, divorce, break; hurricane, earthquake, explosion.

Uranus symbolizes reformers, inventors, engineers, rebels and revolutionaries, freed from captivity or prison, clairvoyants, and friends in general. Uranus professions: electrician, technician, pilot, astronaut, astronomer, astrologer, chemist, physicist, doctor, transport worker, radio worker, computer specialist, stage magician, science fiction writer, all original and unusual professions. Parts of the body ruled by Uranus: rhythmic systems (pulse, breathing, peristalsis), nervous system, meninges, pituitary gland and spinal cord. Neptune astrologically represents the principles of synthesis, uncertainty, dissolution, lack of structure, receptivity, spirituality, mystery. In an individual horoscope


Symbolizes refined sensitivity, the ability to comprehend the sublime and spiritual. This planet corresponds to mental states in which mental control and readiness for action are disabled.

Key words: highest values, faith, fantasy, imagination, dreams, vagueness, uncertainty, illusions, cinema and television, secrets, deception, espionage, illegal activities, counterfeiting, confusion, compassion, altruism, mystical tendencies, spirituality, religiosity, idealism , ecstasy, drug addiction, alcoholism, chemical industry, gases, liquids, meditation, inspiration, sophistication, sacrifice, helplessness, negligence, guilt, suffering, susceptibility to influence, blurring of boundaries, diffusion, entropy, chaos.

Neptune symbolizes a person who is easily influenced by other people, a drug addict, an alcoholic, a medium, a psychic, an orphan, a person of dubious character, an embezzler, a deceiver, a blackmailer, an assassin, a suicide, a prisoner, a prisoner of war, a member of the clergy, a representative of a religious sect, a member of a charitable society . Neptune's professions: illusionist, psychic, chemist, pharmacist, anesthesiologist, photographer, professions related to cinema and television, poet, musician, dancer, psychiatrist, oil worker. Body parts ruled by Neptune: pineal gland, solar plexus; humoral system; organs of extrasensory perception.


Rules by Scorpio and astrologically represents the principles of providence (“God’s will”), invisible power, transformation, transfiguration. In an individual horoscope, Pluto symbolizes will, thirst for power, manifestation of unconscious forces, insight, suspicion, the desire to influence the masses, merciless use of force, fanaticism.

Key words: qualitative change, transformation, regeneration, death, rebirth, purification, rebirth, insight, deep analysis, ruthlessness, fanaticism, suspicion, threat, violence, extremes, manipulation, control, retribution, intensity, mass, the use of power to control others , dictatorship, crowd psychology, mass power, secret organizations, crime, mafia, terrorism, disasters, cataclysms, destruction, waste, pollution.

Socially, Pluto symbolizes dictators, bankers, criminologists, criminals, rebels, conspirators, terrorists, atomic energy specialists, crematorium workers, entomologists, psychologists and psychotherapists, and dying people. Parts of the body ruled by Pluto: endocrine glands (prostate, pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland), metabolic processes in the body, processes of reading hereditary information.

Pluto controls the synthesis of nucleic acids, affects the release of corticosteroids and the function of the parathyroid gland and pineal gland (pineal, pineal gland). If you carefully read the description of the planets, you will undoubtedly notice that many phenomena in our lives are described by several planets. Say, abortion surgery is associated with both Mars and Pluto, cars are ruled by Mercury and Mars, and religion is associated with both Jupiter and Neptune. Therefore, when choosing a favorable time for certain activities, it is advisable to pay attention to the manifestation of all relevant planets. So, if you are sending your car in for repairs, then it is best if neither Mercury nor Mars are negatively manifested on this day.



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