Switching from dry food to natural food. Video - Transferring the dog to a new dry food

With the advent of ready-made dry dog ​​food on the market, almost every owner of a four-legged pet thought about replacing natural food for their pet with crispy, aromatic granules. Of course, it makes life much easier for owners and saves time, but is this food healthy for dogs? And how to properly switch a dog from natural food to ready-made dog food without causing harm to his digestive system?

Pros and cons of ready-made dry food

Before finally making a choice in favor of dry food, the owner should study all the advantages and disadvantages of such nutrition and only then decide whether it is worth doing. Indeed, in comparison with natural food, dry granules have both a number of positive qualities and several negative properties.

What are the advantages of ready-made food:

  • Dry granules do not require additional preparation. To feed your pet you should just pour the food from the bag into the dog's bowl and the animal does not have to wait until the boiled meat or porridge cools down.
  • On quality feed packages the norms and volume of nutrition are indicated for dogs of different sizes, so the owner does not need to calculate how much food the pet needs for one meal.
  • The owner has the opportunity to choose the right food for a sterile pet or for an elderly dog. In addition, there are special dry food for dogs suffering from a particular product.
  • Regular consumption of dry granules cleans the animal’s teeth, thereby prevent the formation of tartar and plaque.
  • Manufacturers of premium and holistic class ready-made feeds add all essential vitamins and minerals for the health and full development of the dog. Therefore, the owner does not need to buy additional vitamins and mix them into food.
  • You can stock up on bags of dry food for future use, as the crispy granules do not spoil and can be stored for a long time in a cool, dark place.
  • In some cases, even veterinarians prescribe dry dog ​​food if animals require a special diet for the treatment of certain diseases or during the rehabilitation period.

The advantage of dry food is that it does not need to be prepared.

What are the disadvantages of ready-made food:

  • The owner does not know exactly what ingredients were used in the preparation of such food and how much they were high quality and fresh. And when feeding a dog natural food, the owner is always confident in the quality of the products.
  • Often added to dry granules components harmful to animal health, this is especially true for cheap feed.
  • High class and quality food are quite expensive, so not every owner can afford such food for their beloved friend.
  • Dry food causes addiction and dependence in dogs and often animals after such a diet turn their nose up at natural and once beloved food.
  • Dry kibble is very salty and spicy and the owner must take care that the dog I could always drink clean, fresh water after eating.

It is not difficult to switch a pet from natural food to dry food; it is much more difficult to do the opposite, because often after eating crunchy granules, dogs outright refuse to eat meat and vegetable dishes. Therefore, when giving preference to ready-made food, the owner must remember that it will be almost impossible to retrain the dog back to natural food.

If the owner has firmly decided to transfer his four-legged pet to dry food, then he should adhere to several rules so as not to harm the health of the animal.

There are four rules for transferring a dog to dry food.

Rule one: gradual translation

For the first three days, the dog should be given natural food.

Some owners are greatly mistaken in believing that dogs have a very strong digestive system and are able to digest any food. In fact, even changing your usual diet can lead to To. There are frequent cases after a new dish is introduced into a dog’s menu.

In order for a dog’s body to adapt normally to a new type of nutrition, it is necessary to retrain it from natural to dry food in several stages. In the first two to three days, the dog is fed food that is familiar to it, replacing 10–15% of natural food with dry granules. After some time, part of the dry food should already make up 25–30% of the dog’s daily menu. If the pet’s digestive system reacts normally to the new menu, and there is no vomiting or diarrhea, then on the fifth day you can replace half of the animal’s diet with dry food.

On the tenth to twelfth day natural food is already completely replaced with dry granules.

Rule two: use probiotics

If you feed a dog the same food for a long time, then special beneficial bacteria are produced in his stomach that help to poison this food.

It is advisable to give probiotics to prevent digestive problems.

When transferring your pet to a new diet, the owner must understand that this process is a real test for the animal's digestive system and the body may react negatively to this. To ensure that your pet does not have digestive problems and does not experience constipation, it is advisable to give him probiotics, which will help populate the dog’s gastrointestinal tract with new beneficial bacteria.

Rule three: only 100% quality

Dog food must be of high quality.

When deciding to switch a pet to dry food, the owner should remember that saving is inappropriate here and cheap food will only harm the pet’s health.

You need to choose only high-quality food from trusted manufacturers for your four-legged friend. If the owner is not sure about the correctness of his choice, you can consult a veterinarian about this. A specialist will always tell you which food will be most optimal for the animal, taking into account its breed, size and health condition.

Rule four: 24/7 access to water

Natural food (porridge, vegetables, meat, dairy products) contains a considerable amount of water, so a dog with such a diet does not feel particularly thirsty, receiving the necessary moisture from food.

The situation is completely different with ready-made food. There is no liquid at all in dry crispy granules, in addition, they are quite salty, so during the transition to a new food, the dog will be thirsty all the time.

Place a bowl of water next to the dry food.

In order for your pet to satisfy its thirst, there should always be a plate of clean boiled water near the bowl of food.

In some cases, the animal may be individually intolerant to certain components that are necessarily present in dry food. If the owner notices that the dog has become apathetic and lethargic, his hair has begun to fall out, or he is suffering from an eating disorder, feeding such food should be stopped immediately.

Features and general rules for transferring a dog to dry food

It is much easier to switch small puppies to dry food, since their bodies are not yet fully accustomed to natural food.

But adults should be carefully accustomed to a new type of food, making sure that the dog feels good after eating.

It is not advisable to switch dogs over seven years old to dry food. For the body of adult pets, changing their usual food to strange dry granules can become a real stress, both psychologically and physically.

Most dogs are happy to eat dry flavored kibble as soon as the owner fills a bowl with them, so they do not experience any discomfort about the new food. But some animals flatly refuse to eat dry food and can go on a real hunger strike for their owner. What to do in such a situation?

Cunning will help to cope with such a problem, but not coercion or physical punishment. You can offer your picky pet food of several brands and with different tastes, so that he can choose the food that he likes.

If your dog refuses to eat, you can offer him several brands of food.

Instead of your favorite treat, you can reward your dog for successfully completing a command with a handful of dry granules.

In any case, the owner should be patient and not force the pet to eat dry food. If the dog still refuses ready-made food, he should return to his previous natural diet.

At the first stages of transferring a dog to dry food, some owners mix dry granules with porridge or meat, believing that the pet will get used to the new diet faster. Experts do not recommend doing this, because mixed types of feed can create additional stress for the animal’s digestive system.


With the right diet, your dog will be healthy and active.

A proper diet is the key to a healthy and active dog. Therefore, it is so important to choose food for your pet that will satisfy all its needs. You should be especially careful when choosing dry food and feed your beloved four-legged friend only the highest quality and balanced food, and then the dog will delight its owner with good health and irrepressible energy for many years.

Video about switching a dog to dry food

Dry food is a simple and convenient way of feeding; moreover, it represents a balanced diet, which is especially important during the period of active growth of the animal. However, when transferring a puppy to dry food, it is important to follow several rules so as not to harm the baby. We have collected some useful tips for owners on how to properly transfer a puppy to dry food.

Gradual introduction of new food

The first and main principle is to take your time. It is easiest for a puppy to switch to dry food, just like for an adult dog, gradually. To have the opportunity to get used to new unfamiliar food. Start with a small amount of kibble and add it to his regular food bowl. Gradually increase the amount of dry food, proportionally reducing the amount of the previous diet. The transfer period depends on how the puppy accepts dry food, on average from one week to two.

Add water to dry food

Many owners find it easier to switch puppies to dry food by moisturizing it. If your baby is wary of dry kibble, try soaking it with a little warm water (do not use other liquids!). Wet food has a more pronounced aroma, and its consistency is more familiar to a puppy who has previously eaten “natural” or wet food.

Maintain drinking regime and daily food intake

Do not forget that, unlike wet food, dry food contains virtually no moisture, so the puppy must have access to fresh drinking water around the clock. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake of dry food indicated on the back of the package - excess calories and nutrients can cause your puppy to gain excess weight.

When switching a puppy to dry food, watch him

Pay attention to the condition of the coat and skin, especially on the belly and inside the ears - if redness, flaking or itching occurs, consult a veterinarian.

Keep an eye on the puppy's stool - switching to dry food may cause a slight digestive upset, and this is normal, but if the discomfort persists for more than a week, this is a reason to contact a veterinary clinic.

In this article we will tell you how to properly switch your dog from one food to another.

Just because your dog eats well doesn’t mean you can relax and never change your diet again. An allergy can occur to food that the dog has enjoyed eating for many years. Sometimes the diet needs to be changed on the recommendation of a doctor or due to a developing disease. In any case, you can’t just change the food in the dog’s bowl; you need to gradually switch the dog to another food.

In this article we will tell you how to painlessly switch your dog from one food to another.

Why switch your dog to another food?

There are several situations when you need to change your dog's diet. Here are the main reasons:

  1. Vomiting and diarrhea. Disorders are the main sign that something is wrong with the dog’s diet. Or the dog may eat grass frequently.
  2. Frequent scratching. If your dog itches and has flaky skin, this is a common sign of an allergy. Allergies can be to anything, but the first thing to consider is food allergies.
  3. Abnormal weight. Most often, the dog gains excess weight, but the opposite situation also occurs when the dog cannot gain literally a single gram and begins to lose weight. But always take into account the dog’s mobility and activity. If the dog just lies on the sofa, the cause of obesity is definitely not in the food.
  4. Lethargy. It happens that due to improper nutrition, a dog does not have enough energy for normal cheerfulness. But first of all, you need to rule out other health problems, to do this, go to.
  5. Dull fur. Appearance is one of the key indicators of health. If your dog doesn't get the right amount of nutrients from his diet, his coat color may fade.

Even if everything is fine with the dog, the food must be changed periodically. The fact is that allergies can “accumulate”. Today the dog happily eats “chicken with rice”, but in a year it will start to itch from it, and it will no longer be possible to return to this diet.

What food to switch your dog to - natural, dry or canned?

There is no single correct answer to this question. Choose yourself, focusing on your pet’s well-being, personal time and budget. Each type of food has its pros and cons:

  • Natural food. Confidence of safety for the dog; food rich in various elements. However, you will have to spend time preparing and cutting food every day. You will have to seriously study the issue in order to create a diet that meets all the needs of the dog - it will not be possible to keep it on meat alone.
  • Dry food. Easy to store and give out. You can buy in bulk because this food can be stored for a long time, even when opened. An unfinished bowl can be left in place so that the pet returns to it. The food contains all the necessary elements for a specific breed and takes into account age characteristics.
  • Canned food. Heavy, especially if in the form of canned food, with a not very pleasant smell. The uneaten portion must be covered to prevent it from winding and rotting. The food contains all the necessary elements for a specific breed and takes into account age characteristics.

Feeding a large dog dry food will be cheaper, and it will be much easier to transport and store. But it’s quite possible to keep a small toy terrier on canned food when going to the store after work.

The main thing you need to know is that you cannot mix dry and wet food. You also cannot combine them.

How to choose dog food

  1. Don't save money. Good food contains natural ingredients, so it cannot be very cheap.
  2. Choose food for a specific breed. It is always written on the packaging what breeds this food is suitable for.
  3. Follow the instructions on the package. Each food has its own nutritional value, so the volume will be individual.
  4. Natural food is not homemade table food. Dogs have different needs than humans.
  5. If your dog has allergies, you will have to switch to hypoallergenic food. It can be purchased at.

How to switch your dog to dry food

Let's say your dog eats canned food and you decide to switch it to dry food. This should not be done abruptly, otherwise the stomach may react incorrectly: constipation or diarrhea will begin. The fact is that a special microflora is created in the stomach, which helps process exactly the diet that you give the dog. If the diet is changed too sharply, the microflora will not cope.

It is necessary to gradually transfer the dog to dry food correctly. This will give the dog’s body time to get used to the new diet.

Add a small portion of dry food to your dog's current diet. For example, one quarter of the daily portion. This part should be given separately so as not to mix dry food and previous food. You can feed him natural food in the morning, about three-quarters of the daily portion, and in the evening give him the rest in the form of dry food. Over the course of several days, this part must be gradually increased to 100%. Increase it only if the dog does not have a negative reaction.

Make sure your dog always has drinking water. When switching to drying, she will most likely start drinking more, this is normal. If the dog refuses to eat dry food, you can mix it with natural food during the transfer.

In the same way, you can switch your dog to another dry food. For example, you fed your dog food with chicken for a long time, and suddenly an allergy began to appear. If you simply change the brand and feed the same chicken, the allergic reaction will not go away. The basis of the feed must completely change. Introduce a new food gradually to see how your dog reacts to it.

How to switch your dog to natural food

Converting a dog to natural breeding is not at all easy. The main danger is insufficient or unbalanced nutrition. Ready-made food takes into account the dog’s needs for all microelements, but it will be difficult to do this on your own. An approximate diet for a dog might look like this: 40-50% meat, 30% fermented milk products and the rest is fiber. For example, it could be cottage cheese and kefir with bran in the morning and meat in the evening. Periodically treat with vegetables and fruits. It is also necessary to gradually transfer the dog to the natural diet, monitoring the dog’s well-being.

How to tell if your dog is responding well to a new food

In most cases, this is visible to the eye:

  1. Normal stool. The stomach reacts first, and if everything is fine with it, then the dog will be able to eat the new diet without harm to health.
  2. The dog is feeling well. The pet does not complain about anything and behaves as usual.
  3. Normal weight. If everything was fine with the weight, it should not change with the new food.
  4. Healthy looking. The dog does not itch, the coat has retained its color and shine.
  5. Good mood and well-being of the dog after switching to a new diet. The dog retained its former cheerfulness and activity.

Feeding dry food has a number of advantages, but is not welcomed by all dog breeders. In some cases, dog breeders are faced with the question “How to switch a dog to dry food?”, for example, in the case when you need to accustom a puppy or an adult dog to ready-made food, on the recommendation of a veterinarian or in order to simplify feeding.

After all, ready-made food does not require time for its preparation, selection of products and preparation of a balanced diet.

Rules for transferring a dog to dry food

The main rule is gradual translation. A sudden change in diet leads to a lot of health problems, including diarrhea, constipation, upset stomach, and vomiting. Therefore, you need to switch your dog to dry food within 7-10 days.

The second rule is feeding premium and super-premium dry food. Changing the diet is stressful for the pet’s body, and if you also use low-quality dry food, then more problems will arise. Dry food should be selected taking into account the age and breed of the dog; it is best to seek help from a veterinarian.

It is impossible to recommend this or that food with confidence, because... it is selected individually, experimentally. Often dogs of the same breed and the same age react differently to the same food. Some people notice improvements in the quality of their coat, others develop allergies, some eat willingly, while others don’t even go near the bowl.

The third rule is the mandatory presence of a bowl of water. Access to water should be unlimited, but it should be taken into account that the dog will not be used to drinking a lot, therefore, it will need more frequent walks. Some people face a similar problem; even with frequent walks (4-5 times a day), the animal can urinate in the house.

Puppies are switched to dry food from the age of 3, when they already show interest in adult food. It is not recommended to switch older dogs that have been eating natural foods their entire lives to other foods, because... It will be difficult for them to readjust.

Scheme for transferring a dog to dry food

The finished food is soaked in warm water (about 1 part dry food and 2 parts water) and added in small portions to the dog’s usual food, gradually increasing the amount of dry food. At the same time, it is important to monitor the reaction of the dog’s body, namely the condition of the coat, skin, and stool.

Note: % of total food per day.

After complete transfer, dry food continues to be given in a soaked form for a month. In this case, the first two weeks of food are given at the rate of 100 grams. feed for 10 kg. dog's weight. The portion is divided into 3 parts - 3 feedings per day. Gradually the daily volume is increased by 50 grams.

If the animal does not eat well or refuses to eat, then there is no need to insist. At first, it is permissible to add natural products to dry food, for example pieces of meat, cheese, but their share should not exceed 10% of the total food volume. Another option is to leave a bowl with one serving of dry food (not soaked in water) all day.

A common problem that arises when switching to dry food is that the dog refuses to eat. In such cases, owners are forced to return to natural feeding. However, some owners, not ready to give up, continue to accustom their pet to “drying”, even though he has been starving for several days. This is, of course, everyone’s business, but there are dogs that get used to new food without any problems, and there are those that are so accustomed to natural food that it makes no sense to torture them and force them to eat something they don’t want, unless there is an urgent need .

Many owners whose pets refuse to consume dry food are thinking about switching their dog to natural food. This process will take some time. It is believed that switching a dog to natural food after dry food is more difficult than vice versa. When animals eat finished products, the activity of the pancreas decreases, since the food already contains a component that promotes rapid digestion.


Natural food is the safest food for a dog. However, after switching to it, the pet’s body needs time for all the functions of the pancreas to acquire natural properties. The animal must be absolutely healthy. It is recommended to first contact a veterinary hospital and get tested. The process must be carried out gradually so as not to harm the dog.

There is no clear diagram of the correct transition. Each pet must be approached individually. There are basic rules that must be followed:

  • The transfer is carried out within 2 weeks.
  • Natural food is given separately from dry food - at different meals.
  • Products are prepared in small portions, increasing their volume.
  • Be sure to monitor the condition of the dog and its stool.

It is better to start feeding your pet with boiled meat, fish, rice, buckwheat, vegetables, and cottage cheese. For the first week, this food is given for breakfast. In the dog’s diet during this period, natural products should occupy no more than 30% of the total amount of food. Approximate weekly meal plan (breakfast):

  1. 1. Monday - beef porridge, rice.
  2. 2. Tuesday – beef porridge, buckwheat.
  3. 3. Wednesday - chicken porridge and rice.
  4. 4. Thursday – porridge made from chicken, buckwheat and fresh.
  5. 5. Friday – low-fat fish, rice and fresh.
  6. 6. Saturday – fish, boiled buckwheat.
  7. 7. Sunday - porridge from beef and chicken, rice, buckwheat.

Carrots and sunflower oil should be added to your pet’s meals every day. When switching a dog to natural food, you must carefully monitor how the animal will react to the food. If any of them causes an allergy or is poorly digested, then it is excluded from the pet’s diet.

From the 8th to the 10th day, the amount of natural food should be increased to half of the total diet. It is necessary to include fermented milk products and vegetables. However, it should be borne in mind that an excess of fermented milk products may cause an upset stomach in an animal. From the 10th to the 14th day, the volume of regular food should be 70% of the total diet, and dry food - 30%.


After trying natural food, your pet may categorically refuse to eat dry food. In such cases, you can switch your dog to a new diet in just 4 days.

Sometimes the process of switching to natural food is carried out by adding a small proportion of regular food to dry food. In this case, it is necessary to observe the following ratio of products:

  • Days 1-3 – 75% dry and 25% natural food.
  • 4-6 days – 50% to 50%.
  • Days 7-10 – 25% to 75%.
  • Days 10-14 – 100% regular feed.

If you carefully monitor your pet during the transfer period, the process will go without complications.

It is not recommended to switch old dogs to natural food. Before changing the diet of young animals, you should take the advice of a veterinarian regarding the use of additional products. There are special supplements that will help your puppy switch to a new type of food.

With regular food, more moisture enters the dog’s body, so its need for water is reduced. Due to this feature, you should not worry if the animal begins to drink less. However, this does not mean that drinking should be completely eliminated. Water should be near the bowl at all times, regardless of the dog's diet.



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