Memo about nutrition. Memo for the patient

How to eat to be healthy so that your children are smart and successful!

Changes in nutritional structure, insufficient consumption of fish, dairy products, vegetable oils, vegetables and fruits led to disturbances in the consumption of a number of nutrients, deficiency of vitamins and microelements, excessive consumption of salt, spices and sugar, high consumption fatty foods, which contains large number food additives, flavorings, preservatives and colorings.




How to eat to be healthy so that your children are smart and successful!

Changes in the nutritional structure, insufficient consumption of fish, dairy products, vegetable oils, vegetables and fruits have led to disturbances in the consumption of a number of nutrients, deficiency of vitamins and microelements, excessive consumption of salt, spices and sugar, high consumption of fatty foods, which contain large amounts of food additives, flavorings, preservatives and colorings.

Changes in dietary patterns, widespread and long-term use“fast” food causes a monotonous and unbalanced diet.

The Tyumen region is characterized by diseases associated with a lack of microelements and vitamins (iodine, iron, vitamins A, C, group B).

Iodine – vital important trace element, concentrating in thyroid gland and blood, necessary for the formation of hormones thyroid gland. The range of iodine deficiency conditions is extremely wide; its manifestations include impaired development of intelligence and various deviations in the health of children; in adults it is a prerequisite for the formation various pathologies, including endemic goiter and reproductive disorders.

Iron – reason widespread hidden and deficient forms of anemia, undoubtedly associated with insufficient consumption of foods containing iron, as well as with a low supply of vitamins, primarily vitamins C and group B, necessary for the absorption of iron in the body and its inclusion in hemoglobin. Children under 3 years of age, adolescents and pregnant women are especially sensitive to iron deficiency. Prevalence of anemia among various groups population ranges from 25% to 55%.

Some rules of healthy eating for children and adolescents, as well as their parents.

1. Food should be as varied as possible.

2. You should eat 4-5 times during the day, preferably at the same time.

3. At every meal you should eat foods containing fiber, such as bread, cereals and pasta, rice, potatoes, vegetables, and fruits.

4. Bread and bakery products must be made from flour coarse and flour enriched with micronutrients.

5. Your daily diet should include milk and lactic acid products, preference should be given to products with the presence of additives, such as bifidobacteria (bifidokefir, bio-yogurt, etc.), vitamins and microelements. Minimum 2 Once a week you need to eat natural cottage cheese.

7. Every day you need to eat a large amount of vegetables, fruits, juices, preferably 3-5 different colors. Each color corresponds to a specific set of useful components.

9. Eliminate hot and hot spices, vinegar, mayonnaise, and ketchup from your diet.

10. Limit the consumption of sugar, confectionery, sweets, especially carbonated drinks.

11. Preference should be given to steamed, boiled and baked culinary products.

12. Do not drink natural coffee, energy drinks, beer and alcoholic beverages.

13. A properly balanced diet does not have to consist of expensive foods. Nutritious food maybe from the usual ones, inexpensive products, but varied, correctly selected and prepared.

Why do children need healthy nutrition? Your child is the best! He deserves to be healthy, cheerful and successful. If you want your children to grow up strong, active and get straight A's, pay more attention to what they eat. After all, food is the only source of nutrients and energy that ensures the continuous growth and development of a young body. The foundations of health are laid during school years. Proper nutrition of the child during this period is the key to his good physical and mental health for life. Self-confidence, academic success, concentration and memory are directly dependent on diet.

“He must jump and jump, grab everyone, kick his legs...”
In terms of energy consumption, a school day can be compared to a long hours sports competition. The rhythm of a schoolchild's life is very dynamic: he crams poetry, extracts the root of a number, writes a dictation, and the next moment he is already running cross-country skiing. And so on all week. It is very important that healthy diet nutrition every day completely restored the child’s strength and energy. The schoolchild experiences a huge need for nutrients, vitamins and minerals, especially protein, iron, calcium, and iodine.


1. Bread, cereals and pasta
2. Vegetables, fruits, berries
3. Meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs and nuts
4. Dairy products, cheeses
5. Fats, oils, sweets.
IN daily menu children and adolescents should include foods from all 5 main groups. Only then will the schoolchild’s growing body receive a complete set of necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities.
Make up balanced menu for every day. Include foods rich in essential nutrients every day. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet should be 1:1:4
Meat, fish, eggs, dairy and fermented milk products(kefir, cottage cheese, cheeses), cereals.
Meat and dairy products.
Sunflower, corn, nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, pine, etc.), sunflower seeds.
Fresh fruits(fruits) and berries, dairy products.
Fruits, berries and vegetables, legumes (beans, soybeans, lentils), cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, etc.) and products based on them (bread, cereal flakes, pasta, etc.)
The schoolchildren's menu should be varied. If you want your child to eat with appetite, don’t get carried away with “soups for the week”
At breakfast, the child should receive at least 25% of daily value calories (with four meals a day).
Breakfast should consist of:
- snacks: sandwiches with cheese and butter, salads
- hot dish: cottage cheese, egg or porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, barley, pearl barley, rice)
- hot drink: tea (can be with milk), coffee drink, hot fortified jelly, milk, cocoa with milk or rosehip drink.
Not having breakfast affects a child's academic performance and learning ability.
At lunch, the child should receive at least 35% of the daily calorie intake.
Lunch should consist of:
- snacks: salads from fresh, boiled vegetables, herbs;
- hot first course: soup
- second course: meat or fish with a side dish (cereals, vegetables or combination).
- drink: juice, jelly, fresh or dried fruit compote.
For an afternoon snack, the child should receive 15% of the daily calorie intake.
The afternoon snack should consist of:
drinks (milk, fermented milk products, jelly, juices) with bakery or flour products
confectionery products(crackers, crackers, low-fat cookies) or from fruits
For dinner, the child should receive up to 25% of the daily calorie intake
Dinner should consist of:
hot dish (vegetables, mixed cereals - vegetables, fish dishes)
and drink (tea, juice, jelly)
Dear parents!
We hope that our recommendations will help you organize proper nutrition for your children. Balanced diet nutrition rich in all necessary substances, will certainly provide a boost of energy and good health. At proper nutrition You will very soon notice that your child begins to please you more often. good mood, healthy complexion and success at school.

good health– indicator of quality of life modern man. The nature of nutrition is the most important factor, which determines human health.
Having access to different foods, students are free to choose the assortment of food that is available to them for economic reasons, preferable based on taste habits and traditions.

What are the rules to follow when choosing healthy food?
General recommendations:

1. Eat a variety of foods from all food groups every day.

2. Remember! No food is completely “good” or completely “bad.”

3. Balance the consumption of dishes and products from different groups.

4. Maintain a healthy body weight by adjusting your food intake and physical activity.

5. Eat food in small portions.

6. Eat regularly without long breaks.

7. Consume more products rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits, bread and other grain products, cereals).

8. Limit your fat intake. Choose products from low content fat

9. Try to cook foods without fat or with as little fat as possible.

10. Limit your intake pure sugar.

11. Limit your intake table salt.

12. Avoid alcohol consumption.

A little more about the rules.
Rule one: Eat a variety of foods from all food groups every day.
Modern science About nutrition, 45 essential nutrients are known, which are contained in different quantities in food products. Each group food products separately contains its own set of essential nutrients and a certain amount of energy.
The combination of products provides a complete set of essential nutrients.

Rule two: No food is absolutely “bad” or absolutely “good”.
The set of products and methods of preparing them that a person chooses and consumes can be good or bad. Only by consuming food products from all groups every day is it possible to obtain from food all the necessary nutrients and sufficient quantity energy.

Rule three: Balance and moderation.
It is advisable to consume different types of foods in moderation, which are equal to certain portions. After you eat a portion of one type of food, be sure to leave room for portions of other types of food.
Implementing the principles of balance and moderation is not possible without following a diet. The most physiologically justified should be considered at least 4 meals a day. Be sure to have breakfast. Remember! Not having breakfast affects your learning ability.

Rule number four: Eat more fiber-rich foods (vegetables, fruits, bread and other grain products, cereals).
Consumption plant food provides the body complex carbohydrates And dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals. You should only limit the addition of oil and pure sugar to prepared foods. plant products dishes (salads, cereals, sandwiches).

Rule five: Limit your fat intake.
Choose foods that are low in fat. Consume low-fat varieties meat and poultry (beef, veal, skinless chicken, turkey, rabbit, elk), fish (pollock, flounder, cod, pike perch, hake, pike, pink salmon), low-fat milk and dairy products (fat content 2.5%, 3 .2%).

Rule six: Limit your salt intake.
Consumption of salty foods increases blood pressure. Therefore, reducing salt intake to 5 g per day may be one of the ways to prevent hypertension, which occurs already in adolescence. It's easy to do:

  • salt food moderately when preparing it;
  • do not add salt to the food on the table while eating;
  • Limit your consumption of salted vegetables or other canned foods.

These recommendations are useful for all people, not just those suffering from hypertension. When choosing salt, give preference iodized salt. The use of iodized salt in the diet is the main way to prevent iodine deficiency.

Rule seven: Limit your consumption of pure sugar.
Excess consumption of pure sugar contributes to excess energy consumption and overeating, as well as the development of tooth decay. The main sources of sugar in the diet are pure table sugar, carbonated drinks, candy and confectionery.

The recommendations do not contain categorical calls to stop consuming certain types of food or nutrients, or, on the contrary, they offer only one type of food. The essence of the recommendations is a balanced limitation of one type of food or an increase in the consumption of another.

According to experts, the basis of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced, varied and moderate nutrition. At the same time, food should not be too high in calories. The following tips will help you guide healthy image life based on dietary nutrition.

  1. Eat a variety of foods. Your body needs a variety of nutrients Oh. There is not a single food product that could provide the body with all the necessary substances. You should eat grain bread, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, poultry, fish and legumes daily. The amount of food you consume depends on how many calories you need.
  2. Eat grains, fruits and vegetables. If you eat bread, rice, porridge or pasta almost every day, then 1-2 meals should consist of whole grains. You should also eat 2-4 servings of fruits and 2-3 servings of vegetables. To diversify your menu with these products, consult cookbooks.
  3. Maintain a healthy weight. Your weight depends on many factors, including gender, height, age and genetics. Overweight increases the risk of increased blood pressure, heart disease, heart attacks, diabetes, some types of cancer and other diseases. Being too light increases your risk of osteoporosis and other health problems. If you are losing weight quickly and then gaining it back quickly, you may need to see a dietitian who can help you develop a weight management program. Optimal weight help maintain regular exercise.
  4. Portions should be moderate. By eating small portions of food, it is much easier to maintain a normal weight and stay healthy. The recommended serving of cooked meat is 85 g. A small piece of fruit is one serving, a plate of pasta is two servings, and 0.5 liters of ice cream is four servings.
  5. Eat regularly. If you skip meals, this can lead to severe hunger, which in turn can lead to overeating. When you are very hungry, it is easy to forget about proper nutrition. Snacks between meals help combat hunger, but don't eat too much so that it's not an extra meal.
  6. Reduce your intake, but don't give up any foods completely. We eat not only for nutrition, but also for pleasure. If your favorite foods contain large amounts of fat, salt or sugar, then the main rule is to limit the amount and frequency of intake. Make appropriate changes to your diet. Consuming low-fat milk and dairy products and lean meat can significantly reduce your fat intake. If you love fried chicken and if you don’t want to give up this dish, try to eat it less often or reduce the portion.
  7. Monitor the balance of your diet. There is no single “ideal” food product. If you eat a lot of foods that contain a lot of fat, salt or sugar, try switching to other foods. If you do not eat any food group during the day, replenish your diet over the next few days.
  8. Find out what your actual diet is. In order to change your food preferences, you first need to know what they are. Write down everything you consume for three days. Then check your list against these tips. You eat a lot butter, sauces or salad dressings? Before giving up these dishes, simply reduce your portions. Are you eating enough fruits and vegetables? If not, your body may be lacking important nutrients.
  9. Make dietary changes gradually. Since there are no “one-size-fits-all” foods and no one-size-fits-all answers to nutritional issues, don’t expect your eating habits to change overnight. Too much rapid change food preferences can harm the body. Any food excess or deficiency can be corrected through gradual changes to help you develop positive eating habits for life.
  10. Remember, food cannot be good or bad. Choose foods based on general dietary preferences, not because you like or dislike a particular food. If you like cake, chips, candy or ice cream, eat them in moderation, but also eat other foods to provide balance and variety in your diet.

Eating healthy on a regular basis is much smarter than going on diets that give short-term results. A balanced diet will not only help you gradually get rid of excess weight, but also feel better. But giving up fats or carbohydrates, which many diets call for, can cause health problems. After all, with food the body must receive every day everything necessary for normal life macro- and microelements.

1. Use only fresh natural products. Semi-finished products, products in packaging with many preservatives, dyes, and flavor enhancers do not fit into a healthy nutrition system. After all, such food enormously increases the load on the body, contributes to slagging of the intestines, slows down metabolism and interferes with the removal of toxins. So any piece of meat baked in the oven is healthier than store-bought sausage, even the best-made one.

2. Limit refined foods. Purified foods do not have this important component, like fiber, which is necessary for work digestive organs, nutrition of lacto- and bifidumbacteria inhabiting the intestinal walls.

In practice, this means that instead of a white loaf, it is more correct to eat whole grain bread, and instead white rice- brown. Regular refined sugar can be replaced with honey, agave syrup, Jerusalem artichoke or other natural sugars.

3. Fruits and vegetables every day. Try to eat at least 300 g every day fresh vegetables and 300 g of fresh fruit. With these foods you get soluble and insoluble fiber and essential vitamins.

The easiest way is to take an apple or pear cut into slices, carrot or celery sticks with you to work. So you won't even notice how you eat required quantity vegetables and fruits, simultaneously satisfying the feeling of hunger.

4. Eat protein foods. Firstly, it gives you a long feeling of fullness. Secondly, it is rich in essential amino acids. Such products include different types meat, rabbit, guinea fowl, quail, fish and seafood, cod, perch, shrimp, squid, scallops etc.

5. Use a variety of vegetable oils. This best source irreplaceable fatty acids(for example, linoleic). It’s good if you have 4-5 bottles of various oils in your kitchen - linseed, grape seeds, sesame, olive, walnut.

6. Stick to a routine. Eating too infrequently is just as harmful as constantly snacking. Try to eat 3-4 meals a day, as an interval of more than 5 hours slows down the metabolism and sets the body to use energy sparingly. The consequence is the accumulation of fatty deposits.

You shouldn't chew constantly either. Avoid snacking at work, while watching TV or reading social networks. So you don’t control the process of food consumption, you don’t feel full and you can’t stop in time. You end up eating more than you need.

7. Limit fast carbohydrates. Sugar from sweets and bakery products is quickly absorbed into the blood and instantly raises glucose levels. This is followed by an equally rapid decline, and you again experience a feeling of hunger. In addition, such sharp fluctuations in sugar negatively affect the functioning of the body.

8. Be careful with salt. It is better to replace regular table salt with sea or Himalayan salt. Table salt contains only two microelements - sodium and chlorine, while sea salt contains up to 90. And of course, you should try to gradually reduce your salt intake. There is no need to give up completely. However, excess salt causes fluid retention in the body, leading to swelling and high blood pressure.

9. Drink water. You need to drink at least 30-35 ml of liquid per kilogram of your weight. Remember that coffee and juices are not a substitute for water. By the way, it is better to avoid juices and sweet carbonated drinks altogether - they contain too much sugar.

10. Prepare food properly. Minimum heat treatment- guarantee of preservation integral structure products. For example, cereals or pasta can be cooked for just a few minutes. They turn out a little tough (al dente) and retain healthy starch. For meat and fish products the most by appropriate means boiling, steaming, baking in the oven and (for variety!) grilling are considered.

And don’t forget that sometimes allowing yourself a sausage sandwich or cake is not a crime. The main thing is that such a menu does not become a daily diet.

About the author

Doctor sports medicine and sports nutrition, expert nutritionist of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit.



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