Description and use of the herb stevia. Contraindications and harm of stevia

is a tropical plant with wide range applications, which is popularly called “honey grass”. One gram of stevia leaves is equivalent to 30 g of sugar, i.e. stevia leaf 30 times sweeter than sugar.

The pleasant sweetish taste is due to a complex molecule - stevioside, which is natural source glucose, sophorose and sucrose. Exactly like this complex structure and a number of other related substances are responsible for the amazing sweetness of the plant.

The high benefits of stevia have been proven by various international studies. This plant is medicinal and can be used as natural sweetener.

C sweetener based on stevia (stevioside)

Stevioside is the only natural plant sweetener. It contains virtually no calories, while being many times sweeter than regular sugar.

There are also free-flowing white powders like sugar and fructose on sale. Its only difference from other “sweet without sugar” is that it is more complex process dissolution in water. So tea with the addition of stevioside will have to be stirred considerably.

Liquid stevioside is added to homemade baked goods, jams, desserts, jelly, drinks.

Typically, the manufacturer writes on the packaging the ratio of their product “to a spoonful of sugar” and, depending on this, you have to determine how much stevioside to use in your dishes.

With the high sweetness factor of stevia, the calorie content of stevioside is negligible.

Uses of stevia leaves

Stevia leaves are used in the form of extracts, decoctions or herbal tea. They combine well with other herbs, so very often the collections are a mixture of several useful plants.

Fresh stevia leaves can be used to sweeten any drinks: tea, compote, herbal infusions.

If dried leaves Grind in a mortar or coffee grinder - you get green stevia powder, which is about 10 times sweeter than sugar. 2 tablespoons of dry leaf powder replace 1 cup of regular sugar.

Stevia tea

Brew a bag of crushed leaves (2 grams) with one liter of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Tea has a specific, pleasant sweet taste and smell. The color of the infusion is initially light brown, but after several hours it changes to dark green.

Stevia decoction

Brew 1 teaspoon of leaf with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes. Add the decoction to all dishes where sugar is used; it can be stored in the refrigerator for two days.

Stevia infusion

20 gr. pour a glass of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 12 hours, pour the resulting infusion into a sterilized jar, pour the leaves again into 0.5 cups of boiling water in a thermos. Leave for 8 hours, then strain. Combine both infusions.

Useful properties of stevia

  • The benefits of stevia are high in terms of normalizing blood pressure, lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels, improving the functioning of the digestive system and cleansing the body.
  • Stevia tincture can be used as a mouth rinse for inflammatory processes and as a natural toothpaste that improves the condition of teeth and gums.
  • Drinks based on this plant improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promote food digestion and improve intestinal functions.
  • Thanks to antibacterial properties plants are prevented skin diseases and dysfunction of the cardiovascular system vascular system.
  • Stevia helps disinfect wounds and has anti-inflammatory effects.
  • In addition, the plant is widely known as a good tonic. Herbal tea prepared on its basis quickly and effectively restores strength after nervous and physical exhaustion.

Contraindications to the use of stevia

If you read the research of scientists, it becomes clear that stevia tea is a huge drink healing power. Only a list of problems in the body for which stevia gives healing effect, will make you realize that this plant is a true gift of nature.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

Kaa-ehe is the name given to stevia in its homeland, South America. Translated, this means “honey, sweet.” And the plant fully justifies its name: stevia has a very high coefficient sweets. One gram of honey grass leaves is equivalent to 25 grams of regular sugar, that is, 25 times sweeter. Naturally, the main area of ​​application of stevia is as a natural sugar substitute. But it is famous not only for its sweetness. The use of this amazing plant is so widespread that it deserves more detailed description.

Stevia. Indications for use

Stevia was used as a tonic tea in ancient times in its homeland. The Indians valued its ability to relieve fatigue and restore strength. Later, scientists proved the effectiveness of such a drink in increasing the bioenergetic potential of the body.

Diterpene glycosides, which are responsible for the sweetness of stevia, are non-carbohydrate in nature, and the body does not need insulin for their absorption. Therefore, as a unique sweetener, it is used primarily for diabetes. It has been proven that long-term use This sweetener reduces blood glucose levels.

But stevia has more than just hypoglycemic properties. Amino acids, flavonoids, vitamins, which honey grass is so rich in, help strengthen the walls blood vessels, help resolve blood clots. Therefore, stevia is also recommended for cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension. Unique plant improves performance endocrine system body, reduces cholesterol levels, has immunomodulatory properties.

And the zero calorie value of the stevia plant, its use for weight loss makes it simply irreplaceable: after all, you can lose extra pounds and put your body in order without giving up your usual eating style. Moreover, it normalizes metabolic processes, activates the work of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fats, helps the work gastrointestinal tract and reduces appetite.

Stevia leaf is also used externally: the herb has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Therefore, infusions from it are very effective for burns, cuts, and skin diseases. Besides, it's wonderful cosmetic product: an infusion of leaves makes the skin elastic and smoothes out wrinkles.

In dentistry, stevia is used as a rinse: its bactericidal and tanning properties prevent the growth of bacteria, improve the condition of teeth and gums and prevent caries.

Widespread use of this wonderful plant in lately finds in food industry: after all, sweeteners based on it are significantly superior to sugar in sweetness, they are not high in calories and are not dangerous heat treatment.

Stevia. Contraindications

Next point, after considering the unique properties medicinal plant Stevia and its use are contraindications. Compared to the beneficial properties of honey herb, they are extremely insignificant. IN in rare cases, stevia, like any plant, can cause an allergic reaction. Diabetics and hypertensive patients should not forget that excessive consumption of honey grass can greatly reduce sugar levels and blood pressure. No other contraindications have been identified for stevia. You can visit our website or go to the section where to buy stevia to find out where to buy our sweeteners in a place convenient for you.

Enjoy low-calorie and healthy sweets and stay healthy!

Latest reviews

  • Stevia liquid Natural flavor (glass)

    It’s a cool thing, the main thing is that it doesn’t taste bitter. I used to take the powder, it had a bitterness, but this is a completely different matter. And it’s convenient, it’s always with me. When I run out, I’ll probably order more, especially since the order was placed quickly, Tamara called and everything was decided with delivery. Thank you for your efficiency and politeness.

    on Andrey
  • Rebaudioside A 97 20 gr. Replaces 7.2 kg. Sahara

    Very good quality, the taste of stevia is almost not felt!!! The manager responds promptly and calls back. Sent quickly. Thanks Tamara for the sample. I will definitely order from you!

    for Rebaudioside A97 20 g. (7.2 kg sugar)
  • Stevia cubes on Alexander

Stevia herb and its uses for feeling great and maintaining health is increasingly loved by people who seek to understand their body and use its potential.

“Ka-he-he” - this is what the inhabitants of Brazil call the heat-loving shrub, which means “sweet grass” - it is easy and easy to use at home.


Medicinal plant (Stevia rebaudiana, bifoil) contains unique substances– rebaudioside and stevioside. These glycosides are completely harmless to humans, have no calorie content and are three hundred times sweeter than beet (cane) sugar, which is familiar to all of us.

Two leaf contains significant amount antioxidants, including rutin, quercetin, vitamins C, A, E, B. The leaves are rich in mineral components - chromium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, copper.

Honey grass gives health

The medicinal properties and contraindications of the sweetest greens depend on general condition body. It helps both adults and children get rid of many common ailments:

  • atherosclerosis,
  • hypertension,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • diseases of the circulatory system,
  • obesity,
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Honey grass stevia prevents oncological diseases and disturbances in the functioning of the vascular system, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. It has antifungal and antiseptic properties. With its help, diseases of the gallbladder and liver are cured much faster.

Stevia leaves contain antioxidants that prevent the occurrence and reproduction of cancer cells. Free radicals are effectively destroyed under the influence of quercetin, kaempferol, and glycosidic compounds. Nature's green gift prevents premature aging young cells, as well as degeneration healthy cells in cancerous formations.

In food, the medicinal herb is a natural low-calorie sugar substitute. At present, scientists cannot come to a consensus: artificial Many of them are a panacea for diabetes and obesity, but can provoke serious illnesses, including cancer.

Scientific studies of the medicinal plant have found that it can be used in food long time. Medicinal bifoil is the most harmless natural sweetener; it only brings benefits to all systems of the body. It tolerates heat well, so it can be safely used for hot dishes.

What are its beneficial properties? So, the healing product:

  • saturates the body with a rich complex of vitamins and microelements;
  • stabilizes sugar levels in the circulatory system;
  • improves liver function;
  • strengthens tooth enamel;
  • is an obstacle to the growth of bacteria.

Good to know: 0.1 kg of “magic” leaves contains only 18 kcal, one tablespoon – 4 kcal, one teaspoon – 1 kcal.

Products for slimness and beauty

Stevia extract - stevioside - allows you to enjoy the sweetest taste with minimal calories. People who do not want to gain extra pounds can safely consume sweets prepared using natural extract.

It is well known to us from the fairly common additive E 960, which is present in the compositions of various confectionery, yoghurts, curds and fermented milk products, juices and soft drinks, mayonnaise and ketchup, canned fruit, sports nutrition.

Also, a natural sweetener can be found in tooth powders and pastes, and mouth rinses. The benefits of using such hygiene products great because oral cavity a significant number of bacteria are suppressed, creating reliable protection from periodontal disease and gingivitis.

The benefits of this amazing plant are undeniable for the health and beauty of the skin, since pathogens are effectively destroyed skin infections. For psoriasis, eczema, shingles, it is necessary to combine medical supplies with a medicinal plant.

How to use it correctly and where to buy stevia?

  1. Liquid concentrates contain alcohol and glycerin, which allows the use of a sweetener in drinks. The norm per day is 4 drops.
  2. It is convenient to use powders for baking. One teaspoon of crumbly product is equivalent to one tablespoon of sugar. Daily norm makes 40 grams of powder (about 2 tablespoons).
  3. Coffee and tea lovers will appreciate the tablets, which are produced in convenient packaging. Depending on the manufacturer, you can take 3-8 tablets per day.
  4. Most useful dried herb. Before use, place 1 sachet (2 teaspoons) in a thermos and add 200 ml of boiling water. After 12 hours, strain the infusion and drink within 2-3 days.
  5. You can grow medicinal plants in your own kitchen. You will always have a natural sweetener at hand, and a beautiful bush will decorate the window and fit perfectly into the interior. For a cup aromatic tea It is enough to use one leaf, which should be added to the drink during the brewing process.

It is easy to buy a sugar substitute not only online, in pharmacies, but also in supermarkets, network companies who are engaged in the sale of herbs and ready-made herbal infusions. An excellent option is to purchase medicinal honey herbs from trusted herbalists on the market.

Use in diabetes

Tender herb is extremely effective for diabetes, since it is not only an excellent natural sweetener, but also capable of:

  • reduce blood sugar;
  • normalize carbohydrate metabolism;
  • improve the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • energize;
  • increase immunity;
  • reduce appetite.

For many non-insulin-dependent patients, the prescription necessarily includes the use of medicinal leaves and extract. Stevioside prevents the occurrence of hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic conditions, helps reduce required dose insulin.

The use of a natural sweetener should take place simultaneously with certain physical activity, preventive measures.

Advice: If you have diabetes, strictly adhere to the consumption of vegetable sweeteners. Too large a dose can cause increased blood pressure, skin rashes, and slow heartbeat.

When we are responsible for a new life

Many expectant mothers scrupulously monitor their diet, caring for the health of the child they are pregnant with. little treasure, are wondering whether it is possible to use stevia rebaudiana during pregnancy.

Manufacturers of honey grass claim that it is harmless both during fetal development in the womb and during lactation. In addition, products containing this wonderful plant can improve mood during pregnancy and give a sweetish taste to breast milk during pregnancy. breastfeeding.

We recommend that pregnant women and nursing mothers consult with their doctor before using a sweetener. Each organism is individual, so you should consider what effect the use of the product may cause in the future.

Recipes for using nature's sweet gift

The herb stevia and its use is rapidly increasing throughout the world both in medicine, dietetics, and cosmetology. It is very easy to use medicinal two-leaf leaves at home.

  • For burns, boils, ulcers.

Apply a compress of fresh, washed leaves to the injured area, after rubbing them a little in your hands. Damaged skin can be washed with a decoction or infusion from the plant.

  • We are preparing a decoction.

Tie two heaping tablespoons of fresh or dried raw materials into a gauze napkin. Place in a saucepan, add a cup of boiling water and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Pour the broth into a sterilized jar (bottle). Pour half a cup of boiling water over the napkin with the potion again, and after half an hour pour the liquid into the decoction in the jar. Leaves from the napkin can be put into drinks instead of sugar, and the cooled broth can be stored in the refrigerator for 5-6 days.

  • Making an extract.

Measure out 20 g of dry leaves, pour in 200 ml of high-quality alcohol, leave for 24 hours in a warm place. Strain.

  • Let's enjoy tea.

Two full tablespoons of dry leaves should be poured with a cup of boiling water, covered with a saucer, and left for 30 minutes. The fragrant tea not only tastes extremely pleasant, but also has pronounced healing properties. Your face will acquire a healthy shade if you lubricate it daily with aromatic tea. Using tea as a rinse will give your hair shine and elasticity.

Harm and side effects

Unfortunately, even this useful plant Sometimes it can cause harm to the body. Let us immediately make a reservation that adverse effects can only occur when excessive consumption greenery

The fact is that contained in “ honey leaves» Glycosides are not always completely broken down in the body. In some cases, the element steviol can be quite harmful, negatively affecting hormonal levels and reducing sexual activity. Sometimes after using the plant, muscle pain, abdominal pain, and dizziness occur. Such symptoms are associated with individual intolerance to the product.

Use the unique properties of honey greens for youth, beauty and good mood!


Dear readers, today I want to talk in detail about the healthy sweetener- stevia. Of all the natural sweeteners, it is the stevia herb that holds the palm. What's so special about it?

The history of the spread of stevia dates back to ancient times, when there was no trace of sugar. The South American Indians were the first to use this sweet herb long before Columbus discovered America. It was they who discovered that any drink becomes sweet if you put a few leaves of this herb in a cup.

The Indians kept this secret for a long time, but still information about sweet grass penetrated beyond South America and today sweet grass can be bought at any pharmacy. Scientific name herbs - stevia rebaudiana or simply stevia, the benefits and harms of which we will consider in this article.

The Indians called stevia the honey herb, and indeed, its leaves are 10 to 15 times sweeter than regular sugar. When the world learned that stevia is a sugar substitute, it gradually began to be grown in many countries in the South - East Asia, then in Europe, including our country. Today we, dear readers, will talk about the benefits of stevia and its use for health.

Stevia herb. The secret of her sweetness

They have a very sweet taste fresh leaves stevia, as well as powder from dry leaves. What is the secret of such sweetness? The fact is that this plant accumulates a complex glycoside called stevioside, which contains sucrose, glucose, steviol and other compounds.

Pure stevioside is obtained industrially; as a result of the extraction of this substance, we have the sweetener stevia, which is 200 or even 300 times sweeter than sugar. This is just a godsend for people for whom sugar is contraindicated for one reason or another.

Stevia. Benefits and harms

Diabetes mellitus, caries, obesity, hypertension, vascular problems - these are only some of the problems that excess sugar consumption creates for us. Read more about the effects of sugar on our body in the article.

But we cannot exist without sweets, since its lack sharply reduces resistance to stress, which leads to diseases nervous system. Artificial sugar substitutes are not so harmless and today there are enough proven arguments against them long-term use. You can read about this in the article.

Stevia is the best substitute sugar for both diabetics and healthy people, adhering to proper nutrition. This is the most sweet product, which can only be found. The benefit of stevia is that, unlike sugar, it contains a minimum of calories and does not increase blood glucose levels.

In addition to stevioside, vitamins were found in the leaves, mineral salts, tannins, essential oils, amino acids, antioxidants. Therefore, the benefits of stevia are not limited to sweetness; this herb has many other advantages that allow many people to use it to improve their health.

Medicinal properties of stevia

Let's consider medicinal properties stevia and for what medical purposes can it be used?

  • It is low in calories and does not increase blood glucose levels;
  • The benefits of stevia are its hypoglycemic effect;
  • Stevia strengthens immune system human, due to the presence of antioxidants, helps slow down the aging process of the body;
  • Has an antitumor effect;
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of stevia allow it to be used to treat the stomach and duodenum;
  • Used for dysbiosis, as it helps normalize intestinal flora;
  • Strengthens blood vessels;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, improves the removal of metabolic products from the body;
  • Improves blood fluidity;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the liver and gall bladder;
  • Good for the pancreas;
  • Used when inflammatory diseases oral cavity;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body, improves metabolism, therefore it is recommended for weight loss;
  • Due to the presence of vitamins and minerals, it is used for the prevention of seasonal vitamin deficiencies;
  • Protects tooth enamel from destruction;
  • Reduces cravings for nicotine and alcohol;
  • Possesses mild expectorant effect;
  • When applied externally, it improves the condition of the skin, is used for oily seborrhea, dermatitis, and eczema;
  • At simultaneous use reduces the risk of bleeding from exposure acetylsalicylic acid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

As you can see, the list useful properties This herb is quite large, it can be recommended for those suffering from obesity, pancreatitis, and atherosclerosis. Stevia is useful for type 2 diabetes, for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases

To summarize: the herb stevia is ideal for diabetics, people suffering from metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, obesity and those who monitor their health. Stevia is also ideal for preventing obesity, diabetes, heart disease, healthy gums and teeth, and improving sleep. In my opinion, the list is impressive.

I invite you to watch a video about the benefits of stevia. What do doctors say about this?

Stevia and honey. Which is better and healthier?

Let's compare stevia and honey. Which is healthier? Is stevia really outperforming our most important natural sweetener, honey? In fact, stevia beats even honey for several reasons. Honey is a very strong allergen for many. Honey has a fairly high calorie content. And many people simply don't like the taste of honey.

Stevia. Photo

And one more reason why you need to pay attention to stevia - it can grow perfectly in a flower pot in the kitchen. Many people, when simply brewing tea, tear off a leaf and put it in the tea. And the tea will be sweet.

See what stevia looks like in photos, you might want to grow this herb to have a healthy sugar substitute on hand.

Advice from me: if you are in Crimea, be sure to buy stevia; I have never seen anything better than Crimean stevia.

Stevia herb. Health Applications

The benefits of stevia manifest themselves no matter in what form you use it. Stevia is sold in tablets, easy to use and liquid extract stevia. As a sugar substitute, it is convenient to use an industrial preparation called “stevioside”. This biological additive to food in the form of a soluble powder, which is an extract of stevia leaves. For a cup of tea or coffee, 1/4 coffee spoon is enough to give the drink a sweet taste. The drug must be accompanied by instructions, and in order not to harm your health, it is best to follow its instructions.

In pharmacies you can buy ready-made stevia herbal tea in filter bags; this form is also very convenient to use. But if you grow this plant on your plot or windowsill, its leaves will always be at hand to prepare an infusion or healing decoction. You should not overuse stevia; just add one leaf to your drink several times a day to improve the taste and health benefits.

Stevia contains aromatic substances similar in characteristics to cinnamon; it can be brewed independently and taken to improve well-being, or it can be added to coffee or tea. The taste of the grass does not spoil the taste of these drinks, but even gives them a piquant note.

Stevia infusion

How to prepare stevia infusion? Healing infusion The easiest way to prepare it is in a thermos; to prepare it you need a glass of boiling water and 2 - 3 stevia leaves. It is convenient to prepare the infusion in the evening, and in the morning, strain and drink three times a day before meals. This infusion is useful for improving metabolism, relieving stomach pain, and lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

Stevia decoction

The decoction turns out even sweeter, for preparing it in a glass hot water add a spoonful of stevia leaves and bring to a boil. You need to boil the contents for just a couple of minutes and pour it hot into a thermos, leave it to infuse overnight, and strain in the morning. This decoction perfectly replaces sugar; it is added to drinks, baked goods, and porridges. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Stevia extract

Useful properties of stevia, in to the greatest extent appear in extracts. Stevia extract can be bought at the pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. It is prepared in two ways, it can be a water extract or an alcohol extract.

  • To prepare an alcoholic extract, whole leaves or powder are poured with vodka and left in a dark place for a day. The leaves should only be covered. Then it is filtered, and the resulting extract is slowly heated for 30 minutes, without bringing to a boil. It is best to do this in a water bath. When heated, some of the alcohol evaporates and its concentration decreases. This extract is suitable for preparing various dishes. A glass of sugar replaces only 1/4 teaspoon of alcohol extract.
  • Aqueous extract It turns out not so concentrated, since the sweet glycosides in the water are not completely extracted. The aqueous extract is prepared similarly to the alcoholic one.

Stevia extracts can be evaporated by heating for a longer period, then a syrup of a rather thick consistency is obtained; it is added to dishes instead of sugar, receiving undoubted benefits for your health along with the sweet taste.

Stevia powder

For long-term storage, a powder is prepared from dried stevia leaves. Leaves are dried in the usual way, then they are thoroughly ground to obtain a powder, which is well stored in a glass container. 1.5 tablespoons of this powder replace a glass of regular sugar.

Stevia in cooking

What is stevia in cooking, how to use it? There is another very important property of stevia - it does not lose its properties when heated, as happens with honey, so it can and should be used in cooking at home. In all dishes where you add regular sugar, add decoctions, infusions, stevia extracts, you can add powder to baked goods.

Growing stevia at home from seeds

Stevia is a southern plant, and in warm regions with mild winter climates it is grown as a perennial that grows well in light, sandy, non-acidic soils. Stevia reaches 60 centimeters in height; it is a branched bush with small white flowers. The highest concentration of sweet glycosides in the leaves of the plant is achieved during flowering. Stevia is propagated by seeds, dividing the bush or cuttings. From one square meter you can harvest stevia leaves, which can replace 7 kilograms of sugar.

IN middle lane In Russia and the north-west of the country, stevia does not overwinter, and since in the first year the plant develops poorly and does not produce an abundant harvest of leaves, it is better to grow it at home on a windowsill or on a glazed loggia from seeds. Growing it is not particularly difficult, but it makes it possible all year round use it.

I offer a very useful video on how to grow stevia at home on a windowsill, as well as its benefits and contraindications.

Harm of stevia and contraindications

As you can see, the benefits of stevia leave no doubt, but are there any contraindications to its use? After extensive research, stevia is accepted throughout the world as a harmless sweetener with no side effects. It can only cause harm if individual intolerance.

There are also certain restrictions that must be taken into account when consuming this weed.

  • Stevia belongs to the Asteraceae family, and if a person is allergic to the pollen of dandelions, chamomile, yarrow, or calendula, then there is a high probability that flowering stevia can cause allergies.
  • Abuse stevia like anyone else medicinal herb, it is impossible, its excessive consumption in rare cases can lead to intestinal upset.
  • Sweet stevia leaves are contraindicated for breastfeeding and pregnant women, as well as children under 12 years of age.

IN large doses Stevia preparations can lower blood pressure, so people suffering from hypotension are recommended to use stevia under blood pressure control. Patients with diabetes who take stevia preparations need to regularly monitor their blood sugar levels to prevent a sharp drop.

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And for the soul we will listen today OMAR AKRAM - Dancing with the wind Mint tea. Pure Joy

The problem of dealing with overweight worries many people around the world and goes beyond aesthetic defect to a serious illness requiring medical intervention. One of the means to combat those unfortunate kilograms is to use the drug "Stevia" instead of regular sugar.

Why is sugar harmful and how can it be replaced?

Scientists agree that sugar can destroy the human body and causes many dangerous diseases, including diabetes, metabolic disorders and, as a consequence, obesity. The average daily intake of sugar per person is no more than 50 grams, taking into account all sources - tea, juices, sweets, baked goods, chocolate and the like. Unfortunately, people are so addicted to sweets that they violate this norm several times. In Russia, the average consumption of this product per person exceeds 90 grams, and in the USA - over 150 grams. As a result of exposure to sugar, the functions of the insular apparatus of the pancreas are disrupted. In addition, sucrose destroys connective tissues, bones, teeth, blood vessels in the human body, which leads to the appearance of diseases such as caries, heart attack, hypertension, stroke, hyperglycemia. Since this substance is a carbohydrate, when broken down it turns into fat, and when it is in excess, subcutaneous deposits are formed. The peculiarity of this product is that it becomes a kind of drug for people, since when it is consumed, joy hormones are produced - endorphins, and they want sweets again and again. That is why people began to look for a way out of the situation and develop substances that would replace this product. A sweetener based on stevia was also developed.

What is Stevia?

Stevia (a sweetener) is a natural sweetener that is extracted from the honey herb. This plant was originally discovered in Paraguay, but today it is grown in many countries around the world. Stevia is much sweeter than regular sugar, but has virtually zero calories, so it is actively used as a means to combat excess weight. The advantage of this product is that it tastes very pleasant, unlike other sweeteners. Today "Stevia" has already become constituent element diet for diabetics, as it allows you to normalize body weight and promotes the production of insulin. This sweetener is considered one of the best in the whole world, as it is healthy and is made only from natural natural ingredients. Thanks to the widespread distribution of this product, no one has a question about where to buy Stevia sweetener, since it is available for sale in almost any retail store.

Composition of the drug

"Stevia" (a sweetener) is made from a perennial herbaceous plant, which has been known for more than 1.5 thousand years. Honey grass grows in bushes, from each of which up to 1200 leaves are collected. It is the leaves that represent special value. Stevia grows naturally in the northeastern part of Paraguay, but after the discovery of its unique properties, it began to be grown on an industrial scale in many countries around the world with favorable climate(China, Korea, Japan, USA, Ukraine, Taiwan, Malaysia, Israel) on special plantations. The largest exporter of this herb is China. Stevia is 10-15 times sweeter than sucrose. This is explained by its unusual composition, which includes diterpene glycosides, including stevioside and rebuadiosides. These substances have a persistent sweet taste that lasts much longer than sucrose. Moreover, they have antibacterial effect. The sweetener is extracted from the leaves of the honey herb by extraction, resulting in Stevia (a sweetener) suitable for use in the form of powder. The photos allow you to see what the plant looks like before and after processing.

Therapeutic effect

"Stevia" (a sweetener) contains saponins, which cause a slight foaming effect and have increased surface activity, therefore it is widely used as an expectorant for the treatment of diseases of the lungs and bronchi. This drug improves digestion as it enhances the secretion of glands. It is used as a diuretic. Stevia improves the condition of the skin surface, increasing its elasticity, therefore it is widely used to treat skin diseases. The product helps relieve swelling, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and improves the process of absorption of substances in the body. Thanks to the flavonoids contained in honey grass, which are strong antioxidants, the immune system is activated. In addition, Stevia strengthens the walls of blood vessels, capillaries, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, breaks down fatty plaques and blood clots. The drug contains more than 53 different essential oils that suppress viruses, pathogens, have an anti-inflammatory effect, tone the gallbladder, stomach, liver, and intestines.

Useful properties

"Stevia" (a sweetener) has the following unique properties, which secrete this drug from total mass other sweeteners:

  • 150-300 times sweeter than regular sugar;
  • has zero calories;
  • is not a favorable environment (unlike traditional sugar) for the development of bacteria, but, on the contrary, causes an antibacterial effect;
  • normalizes blood glucose levels;
  • dissolves well in water;
  • a small dosage is necessary due to the high level of sweetness;
  • widely used in cooking, as it is not exposed to high temperatures, acids and alkalis;
  • The sweetener is safe for human health. This fact was tested by the Guarani tribe over a 1000 year history of using the plant;
  • is an exclusively natural product.


  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • people suffering from overweight and obesity;
  • people with high blood sugar levels;
  • for the treatment of dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, including ulcers, gastritis, decreased levels of enzyme production;
  • for the treatment of viral and infectious diseases;
  • at high level cholesterol in the blood;
  • to activate the body's immune forces;
  • at allergic reactions, dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  • for diseases of the kidneys, thyroid and pancreas.

For those who are wondering where to buy the sweetener Stevia, it is important to know that the drug can be found in many places today. Yes, it is sold in retail stores, pharmacies, retail chains of health products, dietary supplements, vitamins.

Sweetener "Stevia": contraindications

"Stevia", like any other sweetener, has a number of contraindications. Therefore, you should keep the following information in mind:

  • Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor about the presence of individual intolerance to its individual components;
  • Since Stevia lowers blood pressure, with excessive doses strong jumps can be observed. Therefore, it is better for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and blood pressure problems to avoid using sweetener;
  • at reduced content blood glucose at excessive consumption Stevia may cause a hypoglycemic state.

To avoid harm to health, it is important to adhere to a strict dosage.

Stevia for weight loss

Millions of people around the world suffer from excess weight, the cause of which is improper and unhealthy nutrition - the abuse of too sweet, fatty and heavy foods. That's why this problem takes on a global scale. The sweetener "Stevia" in tablets is used by those people who thus seek to give up consuming sugar, which leads to the accumulation of fatty deposits. When using sweeteners, people do not feel deprived of sweets, but the calorie content of dishes is significantly reduced, since Stevia contains almost 0 kcal. The peculiarity of the product is that the substances contained in its composition are much sweeter than sugar, so a small dosage is necessary, moreover, they are not absorbed in the intestines, which only benefits the figure. However, it is worth noting that the side effects of Stevia have not yet been fully studied, so you should not get too carried away with the use and exceed the dosage in order to avoid unforeseen consequences. The sweetener can not only be added to tea or coffee, but also used in cooking.

Use for diabetics

According to the results of a study by a Moscow laboratory, the natural sweetener Stevia, with constant use, reduces the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. In addition, this product improves the functioning of the liver, pancreas and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. The drug can be used in the treatment of joint diseases that require avoiding the consumption of sugar. Honey grass serves as a means of preventing the development of hypoglycemic conditions that occur with diabetes mellitus. It can be used for heart diseases, skin, teeth, for malfunctions digestive tract, atherosclerosis. The sweetener stimulates the adrenal medulla and, with regular use, increases the quality and standard of life. According to research results, Paraguayans who consumed stevia instead of sugar do not have diseases such as overweight And diabetes mellitus. According to statistics, each Paraguayan eats about ten kilograms of honey grass per year.

How to take Stevia and what is the dosage?

Sweetener with stevia is sold in various types- dry leaves, tablets, liquid, tea bags. Dry leaves are brewed into tea. The dosage is 0.5 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight. 0.015 grams of liquid stevia replaces one cube of sugar. When using stevia in tablet form, it is enough to dissolve one piece in 1 glass of drink.

Side effects

The conducted studies made it possible to establish that when taking the natural sweetener “Stevia” there are no side effects and negative impact on the human body, provided the dosage is observed even with prolonged use, unlike synthetic sweeteners. If the dosage is violated, rapid heartbeat may also occur. It is not recommended for diabetics to use the sweetener together with additional medications to reduce sugar levels.

Sweetener "Stevia": harm or benefit?

There is a lot of debate in the world community about replacing regular sweets with stevia. Opponents of Stevia argue that the human body does not have the enzymes to break down the sugar substitute stevioside, so it removes the substance unchanged. In the intestines, this element breaks down into steviol and glucose. It is believed that steviol is similar in properties to and therefore may cause problems hormonal levels, reduce sexual activity. However, studies conducted on chickens that were given a stevia solution with a concentration of 5 grams per 100 milliliters instead of water showed that the sweetener does not cause reproductive dysfunction. And those consumers who have already tried the sweetener Stevia also agree with this. Reviews about it confirm that there are no violations in the sexual sphere.

Buyers' opinion

Those who have already used the sweetener are unclear. Thus, some buyers note that the drug has pleasant taste. Others say it can be slightly bitter, which is not what you'd expect after eating regular sugar. Consumers use Stevia not only as an additive in drinks, but also in homemade preparations for the winter, in baked goods, and in making jam. However, difficulties arise with correct dosage, you have to use a table for a more accurate calculation.



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