Herbal massage. Thai massage with herbal bags with herbal compositions with video

Everyone is well aware of how beneficial massage is for health. Exists huge amount various techniques its implementation - from the very ancient to the most modern. Special attention deserves a unique technique that came from antiquity, combining elements of aromatherapy, yoga, acupressure and warming up bioactive areas of the skin - this is the Thai Tai-Ji massage, performed using bags of herbs.

At its core, Tai Ji is a well-known acupressure, but it is carried out not with the fingers or wrists, but with special linen bags (made of linen or cotton) filled with aromatic herbs and preheated.

Indications for use of massage

Massage with herbal bags is recommended primarily for various stress and neurological diseases, muscle spasms And pain syndrome. A relaxing massage is ideal for people for whom contact with biologically active areas of the skin causes significant discomfort. The massage master softens the muscles with the movements of his hands, and the heated plants release essential oils, which have a relaxing and antispasmodic effect.

Thai Tai-Ji massage helps reduce the likelihood of infectious diseases and general strengthening immunity, and also accelerates metabolism and activates the process of resorption of subcutaneous fat.

Herbs improve the condition skin and promote the removal of toxins, toxic substances and excess liquid from the body, remove the remains of dead cells from the skin surface and improve blood microcirculation.

Massage with healing bags is especially useful as a complement to the main therapy for back and joint pain, as well as for obesity and non-obesity. serious illnesses cardiovascular system.

Massage with bags medicinal herbs can be performed as an independent procedure or in combination with other Thai health-improving techniques(peeling, warming up in a cedar sauna, etc.).

Massage technique

Tai-Ji massage is carried out in a specialized center, where half an hour before it begins, herbal nodules are steamed and the lamp is turned on aromatic oils. The bags are heated in a double boiler for 30 minutes. To enhance their aroma, you can add a few drops of pine oil to the water.

Before the massage begins, a relaxing full body massage is performed using herbal bags according to ancient Thai techniques, and only after the body has completely rested, the massage bags are used.

First, the arms and legs are massaged, thereby removing muscle tension and fatigue that still remained in the muscles, and then the back is carefully treated. After this, the client lies on his back, and the massage therapist carefully works all areas of the skin of the abdomen and chest. At the same time, the pleasant aroma of heated plants enhances feelings of peace and relaxation.

The procedure lasts 70-90 minutes, after which the client needs to rest for 5-10 minutes and take a shower. Next, he is offered to sit in a comfortable chair and drink aromatic herbal tea.

In order for a massage with herbal bags to give maximum effect, it is necessary to undergo at least three procedures.

Features of herb bags

Typically, the bags are used no more than once, because after the session, particles of skin and sweat and fat secretions from the client’s body remain on them.

At first glance, it may seem that all massage bags are the same, but this is not so: they come in different sizes. different sizes depending on which zones are intended to be affected.

When selecting the most optimal mixture of herbs for bags, the characteristics of the client’s body are taken into account, in particular, the presence of certain diseases. Yes, ginger has wide range applications and is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases respiratory tract, improve blood circulation and digestion, eliminate pain in the back and joints, normalize skin condition, as well as increase emotional tone and neutralize negative consequences stress.

Massage bags with patchouli effectively help in the treatment of infections and diseases gastrointestinal tract, eliminating headaches, swelling, various rashes, peeling, dryness and skin, as well as allergic dermatitis.

Turmeric, which is strong antioxidant, is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerating and antispasmodic agent.

Camphor is used to treat colds, muscle strains, respiratory tract and joint diseases. Subject to availability skin inflammation, spasms and high blood pressure Kaffir lime is used. It is also effective as a stabilizing agent. psycho emotional state and skin rejuvenation.

Others are also actively used in massage bags medicinal plants– lemon, aloe, lavender, orange, sesame seeds, sage, rosemary, etc.

Contraindications to massage procedures

Massage, like any other therapeutic manipulation, has its contraindications.

For cancer, skin and venereal diseases, as well as in the presence of osteoporosis, varicose veins veins, hypertension, serious violations cardiac activity and mental disorders prior consultation with a doctor is required. Herbal massage in these cases is permissible only with his permission.

Tai Ji massage should be treated with caution if you have diabetes, as well as prostheses and implants, in particular artificial pacemakers. Massage with bags of herbs is not recommended during pregnancy and exacerbation of infectious diseases.

It is also necessary to remember that on the day of the procedure you need to refrain from drinking alcohol, and eat food no later than 1-2 hours before the start of the session.

Special herbal bags with long handles are usually supplied to Russia and Ukraine directly from Thailand. Actually, the shape of the “bag” is more like a tightly stuffed one herbal composition a knot with a handle so that the master performing the session does not experience discomfort or get burned when coming into contact with a hot surface. You can probably make it yourself. A thick fabric that is tied into a ball is suitable for this, after which the end is tied to the holder (handle). Before tying the ball, a herbal tea.

It is worth noting that the herbal collection consists of traditional Thai plants, as well as ginger, lime, sea ​​salt. They are different, male, female, relaxing, tonic and so on. As a rule, specialists who want to learn how to knit bags and correctly approach the preparation of herbal compositions go directly to Thailand, where they undergo a special training course.

If you still decide to make knots for massage yourself, watch this video, which shows the process of collecting balls.

Description of massage techniques with herbal bags, features

There are several types of massage. It can be performed on the naked body or in clothes, with hot or warm balls, using two or one knot, quickly, slowly. In addition, they not only massage the back, but also separately the abdomen, lower back, face, and feet. Traditionally, butter may or may not be used. There are other differences as well. This variety of massage is characterized primarily by the result that the patient expects. One is the treatment of osteochondrosis, the other is prevention, the third is relaxation.

Features of the “kizhi” include the mandatory disposal of the balls with which the procedure was carried out. It is believed that they absorb toxins from the patient's body and can no longer be used in the future. However, in practice, in Russia and Ukraine the same knot can be used several times, which is explained by the high cost of their delivery from Thailand.

The technique of massaging the face with herbal bags, as well as other parts of the body, will be most understandable when watching the videos below. They give a great idea of ​​the movements being performed.

Pleasant, useful, original. Probably, these three words are the best suited to the ancient Thai technology of influencing the body with the help of nodules in which entire compositions of herbs and plants that have a beneficial effect on humans are placed.

Thai herbal bags are used for Thai herbal massage. The bags are made of natural linen. The bags are filled with special healing mixture Thai herbs. The results of this massage are world famous. A special mixture of Thai herbs has a wonderful relaxing, tonic and rejuvenating effect. The bags are also used as a compress for pain, sprains and skin problems.

Material: 100% linen
Compound: natural mixture of Thai herbs.

In the set: 2 bags

Set price: 450 UAH.

5 sets - 410 UAH. per set
10 sets - 380 UAH. per set.

Availability:✔ in stock.

* When ordering via e-mail: info@site, please indicate your first name, last name, city and contact phone number in the message.


The bags are handmade in Thailand from a mixture of medicinal local herbs and natural fabrics (linen or cotton). The compress contains from 10-40 types medicinal herbs. To save everyone beneficial properties herbs, bags are packed in separate bags. They are intended for therapeutic massage both in salons and at home.

What it gives and when to use:

- opens pores, due to stimulation of metabolic processes, skin condition improves,
- blood circulation improves, excess fluid drains out, stimulates metabolic processes
- for arthritis and radiculitis, rheumatism and edema
- for colds and feeling unwell
- relieves muscle tension, joint pain
- removes toxins from the body
- restores emotional state, gives a boost of energy, helps get rid of insomnia, chronic fatigue, depression.


1. Massage with herbal bags and hot compresses:
Add some salt to the water. If you are using a compress of dry herbs, then immerse the bag in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Then steam the bag for 10 minutes. The massage uses 2 bags (while you work with one, the second one is heated in a steam bath). After the massage, the used bag can be dried and placed in a bag or plastic box and stored in the freezer (until next time). BAGS MUST BE INDIVIDUAL! One set of bags can be used 3-8 times. If you see that during a massage the bag does not turn yellow or the smell has become unpleasant, its expiration date has expired and its further use will not have a therapeutic effect.

2. Cold compresses:
— For bruises, bruises, hematomas, sprains, bumps or cuts, for eye fatigue. Helps reduce swelling, relieve tension and reduce pain.
— A bag pre-cooled in the freezer is applied to the site of damage.

Composition of the herbal bag:

purple ginger(used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joint pain, sprains and tendons, rheumatism, relieves tension and muscle pain. It is distinguished from the usual ginger by its stronger penetrating ability);
camphor(as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, improves blood circulation, helps with muscle pain, arthritis. Camphor, thanks to its strong odor, deodorizes the skin);
patchouli(has a general strengthening effect, helps get rid of headaches);
turmeric root(as a general strengthening, antispasmodic and healing agent for skin diseases and as a wound healing agent for arthritis and rheumatism. For massage it is good to use a mixture of turmeric and sesame oil– has a wound-healing and warming effect);
kaffir lime(normalizes blood pressure, promotes rejuvenation and cleansing of the body, lifts your spirits, protects against radiation, eliminates rashes during oily skin, gives the skin a healthy color);
lemongrass(will help get rid of unpleasant odor);
acacia leaves(will help with skin diseases, muscle pain);
tamarind leaves(helps with rashes, gives skin shine);
lemongrass(refreshes, tones, eliminates fatigue, has bactericidal and carminative effect. Helps against cellulite, used to detoxify organs);
galangal(Siamese ginger) – has anti-inflammatory properties, used in the treatment rheumatoid arthritis, to improve blood circulation;
lime(for headaches and nausea);
soap tree leaves(to increase energy and emotional state);
- as auxiliary herbs can be used: cinnamon, curry, chrysanthemum flowers, hibiscus, citronella, anise seeds, mint, pomegranate, jasmine, basil, eucalyptus, bail.

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Massage with herbal bags is one of the types of Thai massage. This is true unique technique massage, which includes aromatherapy, acupuncture, heating biologically active points and even yoga.

You can call this type of massage. But it is not performed with fingers and a brush, but with special bags filled with medicinal herbal mixture, preheated to a certain temperature.

Massage with hot herbal bags

Herbal massage bags - what are they?

As a rule, herbal bags are used once, because after a massage fat, epidermal particles, dust, and dirt remain on the bags. The size of the bags varies. The difference in size is explained by the fact that a bag of a certain size is used to influence a certain area of ​​the body.

The selection of herbs for filling takes place in a special way. Depending on what therapeutic result needs to be achieved, medicinal herbs are also selected. For example, to improve digestion, work circulatory system, to treat respiratory tract and back pain, mountain ginger is added to the medicinal mixture. This plant has a positive effect on nervous system, has an anti-inflammatory effect, shrinks pores and gives skin elasticity.

In order to cure colds, relieve headaches, abdominal pain, and reduce swelling, patchouli is added to the herbal mixture. Directly affecting the skin, patchouli eliminates dryness, flaking, and gives the skin a healthy, cheerful appearance.

Herbal massage bags with turmeric root have an excellent pain-relieving effect. Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant, antiseptic, which also promotes wound healing. Massage using this herb is used as a choleretic agent.

For treatment colds, respiratory tract diseases, for sprains and muscle pain, use herbal bags with camphor. This herbal mixture rejuvenates the body, brings it back to normal emotional background, stabilizes blood pressure, relieves spasms and treats inflammation.

Along with the above herbs, the following components are often used:

  • orange
  • lavender
  • rosemary
  • lemon

Herbal bags for massage

Massage technique with herbal bags

This procedure is carried out in salons, where masters, before performing such a procedure, closely study the body according to the Thai method.

  1. Before you begin the main massage technique, you need to prepare your body: it should be completely relaxed and rested. In some cases, techniques are performed. Then the herbal bags, heated to a certain temperature, come into play.
  2. First of all, the limbs are treated, the remaining fatigue and tension in the muscles disappears.
  3. Next, the bags are moved to the back, where every centimeter of the body is treated.
  4. The patient is then asked to lie on his back. The masseur proceeds to the breasts. Every part of the body, every centimeter is carefully worked out. The aroma that comes from the herbs is calming and creates a feeling of relaxation.

After the procedure, the patient should rest. They offer him a soft sofa and aromatic tea. While resting, you will feel how your body is filled life-giving forces and pleasant thoughts.

Benefits of massage with herbal bags

In general, massage has a beneficial effect on any person. First of all, this massage technique is relevant for those who have nervous disorders, stress, breakdowns. Indicated for those who have a biological touch active points causes a feeling of pain and discomfort.

During the procedure, hot herbs release essential oils, which, when absorbed into the skin, create a feeling of relaxation and comfort. Massage techniques stretch and relax muscles.

A positive impact was also noted on immune system: the risk of colds is reduced, metabolism and blood circulation are improved.

The condition of the skin also improves. Herbs improve the skin, remove waste and toxins, eliminate swelling and excess fluid. The skin is cleansed of dead cells.

Also useful this massage in the treatment of pain in joints and muscles, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and obesity. Before performing a massage to treat these diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


  • skin diseases
  • oncological diseases
  • high blood pressure
  • varicose veins
  • cardiovascular failure
  • mental disorders

Surely you have already heard about massage using herbal bags. This is a type of Thai massage that has been used in medicine since ancient times. It differs from ordinary Thai, which is famous for its strong pain. Massage with herbal bags will help you improve your health and also relieve all accumulated fatigue. It’s not for nothing that the Thai sages put into it all the mystery of Eastern philosophy.

The effect of massage with herbal bags

  • Normalization and acceleration of metabolism.
  • Toning and calming the body.
  • Relaxation of muscle tissue.
  • Release from toxins and harmful substances.
  • Increased energy balance.
  • Oxygen saturation.
  • Calming effect.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Relieving tension and stress.
  • Improved skin condition.
  • Restoring mental harmony.
Overall, you will feel a surge of strength and energy to tackle further daily tasks. It is noteworthy that initially massage with herbal bags was used only by Tibetan monks, who kept it a secret. And all because by acting with heated linen bags based on herbs on points throughout the body that are responsible for vital important organs, you will save all your life healthy body and spirit.

Why are herbal bags used for massage?

Herbal bags are used if finger pressure causes unpleasant painful sensation. In the old days, patients were tied to chairs so that they would escape during the massage, since it was quite painful procedure. As an alternative, they came up with a massage with herbal bags, which brings no less healing effect. They help warm up muscle tissue, which brings comprehensive relaxation for the whole body. After warming up, collecting herbs in bags does the main job of healing in parallel with with professional hands masters

The composition of herbal bags allows you to achieve maximum effect. It includes turmeric, cryptolepsis buhanai, patchouli, camphor, ginger, kaffir lime, lemongrass and others.

By the way, if you wish, you can make miraculous bags yourself. To do this, you will need cotton fabric (in this case it is better to use linen), which should be cut in height and width by 25 and 20 cm, respectively. Then simply sew the seams. After this, do not forget to step back about five centimeters from the top edge in order to sew on the rope with which you will tie the bag of herbs.

Basic rules for massage with herbal bags

  • Massage movements occur from the outside to inner surface body (along the “sen” lines).
  • Dualism - complex manipulations on the left side of the body are then repeated on the right.
  • The massage is based on respiratory cycle The massage therapist performs general stretching on the patient while exhaling.
  • It is worth adhering to the correct direction - from the feet to the head.
  • For females, the massage begins on the left side, then on the right, for males - vice versa.
  • It is necessary to strictly adhere to the order of massage. First, the body is kneaded, then warmed up, then stretched and finally twisted.

What to do before a massage

Thai massage with herbal bags is a special procedure for which you need to carefully prepare. Follow these instructions if you are performing a massage at home, or make sure that everything in the salon is in accordance with the rules:

  • First, fill the steamer with water.
  • You need to knead the herbal bag in cool water.
  • Place the bag in the steamer (lower only the bottom quarter).
  • Cover with a lid.
  • When the water boils, take out the bag.
  • We prepare the table for massage.
  • Don't forget to heat the oil before the procedure.
The main thing is to perceive this procedure not as an ordinary massage, but as a kind of ritual that will allow you to discover new sensations in yourself. You need to remain silent and enjoy peace and quiet during the massage. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a certain ambient atmosphere in which complete silence will be maintained.

Contraindications to massage with bags

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • You should not massage immediately after eating.
  • Diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels.
  • State of alcoholic intoxication.
  • Children under fourteen years of age.
  • Unhealed wounds and other skin damage.
  • Viral and infectious diseases.
  • Individual intolerance to herbs in the pouches.
Thai massages have long been valued and famous for their medicinal properties, so people always endured the pain they felt during the procedure. But on at the moment you can easily surrender to the calm atmosphere and enjoy the mystery of the procedure.



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