Treatment of hair loss: effective remedies and masks for hair loss at home. How to cure dry hair ends at home

Under the influence of the environment, as well as from frequent washing, blow-drying, and styling, hair loses its vitality. Hair can become oily or, conversely, dry, split and brittle, and begin to fall out rapidly. To restore health and beauty to your hair, you must follow the basic rules for hair care, as well as methods of treating them.


Oily hair can cause a lot of trouble for its owner. They require more and more frequent washing and look ugly when styled. But frequent washing harms oily strands even more; they become dirty faster and faster.

The main method of getting rid of excess fat is the use of masks. As a result of regular use of masks for oily hair, sebum is secreted in less volume.

The most popular mask for treating oily hair is a yeast mask. For preparation you will need 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon of yeast, 1 teaspoon of warm water. Mix all ingredients together until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

The mask is applied to the scalp and the head is covered with polyethylene. Leave until the mask dries. After a certain time, the composition is washed off with water and shampoo.

Fruit and vegetable acids are ideal for oily strands. Therefore, it is very useful to rub natural juices into the scalp. Especially lemon juice or sour apple. Aloe juice also reduces oily hair.

Video on how to treat oily hair:

Burnt after lightening, highlighting

Dramatic changes in hair color entail inevitable damage. Lightening or highlighting has a particularly negative effect. The strands become thinner, their ends split and break. In addition, burnt hair looks like tow.

To cure burned strands, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • During the recovery period, you should avoid using thermal styling (hair drying with a hairdryer, straightening with an iron, curling with a curling iron).
  • do not re-dye - this may cause even more damage to the hair
  • do not use styling products.
  • It is necessary to cut off the damaged ends of the hair.
  • try not to use elastic bands or bobby pins for curls.

The most effective remedy for treating damaged hair is burdock oil.

Based on it, you can prepare nourishing masks:

  • nourishing mask with grape seed oil and burdock oil. The mixture is applied to the hair, starting from the roots to the very ends. You need to wrap your head for better results. Leave on hair for at least half an hour. Wash off with water and mild shampoo.
  • You can prepare a mask from egg yolk, burdock oil and honey. This mixture is applied to the scalp and not washed off for half an hour.
  • Another way you can prepare a mask. You will need aloe juice, burdock and castor oil. Mix everything and apply to hair along the entire length. Wrap your head for better penetration of nutrients. Leave for half an hour, rinse with water and shampoo.

Treatment for severely damaged hair is long-term. Masks should be repeated weekly until complete recovery.

How to treat hair loss in women

There are many reasons for hair loss in women. It happens that the hair comes out in clumps. It could be stress, overwork, or some chronic disease. To minimize hair loss, it is necessary to undergo an examination to identify the factors that led to this situation.

On video how to treat hair loss at home:

  • stop being nervous - for this you can take herbal sedative infusions
  • replenish the supply of microelements in the body. For this purpose, vitamin complexes are taken. There are even special preparations for women that guarantee strong hair.
  • apply masks against hair loss
  • rinse your hair with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Decoctions of nettle, oak bark, burdock, and chamomile strengthen hair follicles especially well.

What is the best shampoo for oily hair is described in this article:

For those who want to know why, you should follow the link and read the contents of the article.

What firming masks are suitable?

Hair loss in men

To treat baldness in men, active massage of the scalp is used. Use your fingertips to thoroughly massage the skin while washing. This promotes blood flow and stimulates hair growth.

Nettle lotion is also effective. It can be prepared quite simply. You will need fresh nettle, which needs to be finely chopped. Then add water and wine vinegar. The composition is brought to a boil over low heat, cooled, and filtered. The mixture is applied to the hair roots 2-3 times a week before bedtime.

What hair masks with mumiyo against hair loss exist and how to use them correctly. described in detail in this

But what medications against hair loss in women exist and how to use them, information from this will help you understand

It will also be interesting to learn about how it is used correctly and what exists

How to treat split ends, brittle and thin hair?

Panthenol is used to treat brittle hair. - This is a very effective remedy. Thanks to it, hair growth accelerates, the roots and ends of the hair are strengthened, their structure is restored, the scalp is moisturized, and dandruff disappears. Panthenol contains vitamin B5 and panthenolic acid.

You can purchase a special spray with panthenol in the pharmacy chain. It is applied along the entire length of the hair and left for 1 hour. Then the hair should be rinsed thoroughly.

Video on how to treat hair loss at home:

There is also a cream with panthenol on sale. It is ideal for those suffering from hair loss. It is applied over the entire head in a course of 1 month.

You can also take capsules that also contain panthenol. From the inside, its effect on the hair intensifies.

Which doctor should I contact?

Hair treatment is performed by a trichologist. You can contact him for any questions related to hair. He will prescribe a comprehensive examination to identify the causes that led to hair problems. If this is an internal chronic disease, then a visit to other specialists will be required. The trichologist will recommend measures for effective hair treatment and prescribe medications if necessary.

Therefore, if traditional methods of hair restoration do not help, the situation continues to worsen, you should not self-medicate, but consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If your hair begins to fall out, you should not immediately look for the most expensive salon in the city and sign up for unknown procedures. First you can try different ones.

Traditional recipes against hair loss - oils and herbs

Traditional methods successfully help eliminate hair loss, strengthen and restore health and beauty. Treatment should be started as early as possible. If a large amount of hair appears on your comb, you need to sound the alarm.

Important! The fight against hair loss must go in two directions. Together with your doctor, you need to establish the cause of the disease (stress, hormonal disorders, lack of vitamins). Then medical measures are taken to eliminate the pathological condition.

At home, using traditional methods, you can act directly on the bulbs, strengthening and stimulating their growth. They are particularly effective; read the article on how to make them at home.

Castor or burdock oil

If you contact a specialist with this problem, many will recommend the use of castor or burdock oil. Such oils are sold in pharmacies at a low price, but their effectiveness has been proven for more than one generation. You need to rub the product into the scalp (read more in our article). Castor and burdock oil can be used if hair loss in men, and other treatments do not help.

You can also add them to other hair care products - herbal infusions, honey or alcohol tinctures. It is important that these vegetable oils contain many acids that help strengthen hair.

Important! easy to prepare and use, read about them in our article.

Options for using oils:

  1. You need to mix two large spoons of castor or burdock oil. Add one egg (it is best to use homemade eggs) and a small spoon of glycerin. The result is a mask that is rubbed into the scalp with massage movements. Hold for no more than 10 minutes, wrapping your head in a towel. This mask is great if your hair has become thin and is falling out.
  2. You can mix calendula tincture and one of the listed types of oil in a ten to one ratio. Rub into head several times a month. The product will help if hair falls out with the bulb.
  3. You can also use olive oil to strengthen your hair. It contains even more unsaturated fatty acids. But its cost is higher.

What infusions and decoctions will help?

To strengthen hair and prevent hair loss, traditional medicine - herbs - is used. You can also use it, which not only adds shine, but also strengthens the hair follicle. is also very popular due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

nettle leaves

If your scalp itches and hair falls out, you will need nettle. This product perfectly relieves itching, strengthens the hair follicle and prevents hair loss. Preparing a decoction for rinsing is simple and quick. Take a liter of water for a large spoon of dried nettle leaves. You need to pour boiling water over the plant and leave for several hours. The decoction should be used to wash your hair regularly, weekly.

It is not for nothing that burdock oil is used to strengthen hair, especially with severe hair loss. This plant perfectly stimulates the growth of hair follicles. You can use not only oil, but also burdock roots. They should be boiled and then ground to a pulp. It is recommended to rub into the scalp several times a week, then rinse with warm running water.

If hair falls out, treatment at home should be carried out regularly. This is especially true for hair loss after coloring. (you can find out more in our article). Rubbing even the most expensive olive oil once will not have any effect. Only after a few months of regular care will the hair condition noticeably improve.

Important! You can do it at home, read our article.

You should also remember that hair follicles need constant care. You can make special ones. Hair should be combed several times a day with a massage brush, which stimulates blood flow to the scalp, especially with increased greasiness and hair loss. It is advisable to use various hair styling and straightening devices less often. It is recommended to wash your hair as it gets dirty to reduce damage to the hair.

Hair indicates the general condition of the human body. If they are brittle, fall out and do not please you with beauty and health, you need to look for the cause of this phenomenon. By identifying and eliminating it, you can get rid of the problem and again enjoy beautiful hair in any conditions.

Healthy and beautiful hair gives every woman a unique image and self-confidence. However, there are many problems that the fair sex may encounter when caring for their hair. One of the most difficult of these is hair loss. The causes of this disease can be varied:

  • improper care;
  • previous diseases of the body;
  • postpartum period in women and lactation period;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • consequences of poor-quality staining;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics for hair;
  • stress and diseases of the nervous system.

Whatever the reasons, it is necessary to combat hair loss immediately after the first signs appear. If your hair is falling out more than usual, you should take immediate action. Problems associated with diseases of the scalp, hair follicles, and the hair itself are dealt with by trichologists and, in some cases, cosmetologists. They perform a comprehensive examination and then prescribe hair loss treatment using a range of methods.

However, when looking for a way to get rid of hair loss, women do not always have the opportunity to see a doctor due to lack of time and money; in addition, not every locality can find a doctor who specializes in problems related to hair loss. In such cases, there are ways to cure hair loss at home. These include:

Treatment of hair loss with folk remedies

For treatment at home, folk remedies for hair loss are used. Recipes can be varied, but they are all based on the preparation and decoctions of natural ingredients. Let's consider the most effective means.

Recipe No. 1

You need to mix 1 large spoon of burdock oil, cognac and linden honey. Mix the resulting mass until smooth, and then add 1 raw egg to it. Distribute the resulting mixture evenly over your hair, paying special attention to the roots. After application, apply the mask using rubbing movements. Next, you need to wrap your hair in a towel for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. If hair falls out from the roots, this mask should be done every other day for 2 weeks.

Recipe No. 2

3 large tablespoons of castor oil should be mixed with 1 chicken egg until smooth. To make the composition soft, add 1 small spoon of glycerin and half a small spoon of table vinegar to the resulting mixture. The mixture, mixed until smooth, should be applied to the hair once a week for 3 months. This also has a nutritional effect that promotes the rapid growth of new curls.

Recipe No. 3

If your hair is falling out as a result of weakened immunity in the body, a decoction of medicinal herbs will help. To prepare it you will need 30 grams of burdock roots, 5 grams of dry calendula inflorescences and 20 grams of dry hop cones. Dry herbs in the indicated proportions should be poured into 1 liter of boiling water in a glass container and left for 2 hours. The resulting broth should be filtered and cooled to room temperature. It is used for rinsing hair after shampooing. This is also the best product that helps hair recover faster after coloring. This recipe for hair loss is suitable for any hair type, including combination hair.

Recipe No. 4

An excellent way to combat hair loss quickly at home is. To do this, one onion should be finely grated, the released onion juice should be rubbed into the scalp for 10 minutes, 3-4 times a week for 3 weeks. If hair grows abundantly, then this procedure can be done every other day. After applying onion juice, the hair should be thoroughly washed with hair shampoo.

Cosmetics against hair loss

If hair falls out for a long period, then, in addition to folk remedies, complex therapy should be supported by the use of high-quality hair cosmetics. When selecting it, you must be guided by a number of factors. Taking them into account, you can both prevent hair loss and treat an existing problem.

Firstly, you should not allow yourself to become addicted to one type of shampoo, conditioner and conditioner. Cosmetologists recommend alternating different lines, since using identical products for a long time can lead to addiction. The reasons for addiction are the oversaturation of hairs with the same components included in the products. As a result, the hair structure can be significantly damaged, leading to hair loss. Also, using different shampoos alternately helps you choose the best cosmetic product that is effective for specific characteristics of your hair.

Secondly, it is recommended to use it as a remedy for hair loss. The most effective of them are: burdock, burdock, nettle and ginseng. Such shampoos can even be purchased in pharmacies, as they have a medicinal effect. The recipes underlying their preparation are used among women of many generations. However, treatment for hair loss using shampoos should be carried out carefully, avoiding allergic reactions to the components in their composition. Shampoos and hair balms based on natural herbs are especially recommended for those women who feel heaviness in their hair after coloring. Because heaviness is the first sign of subsequent possible loss.

Thirdly, it is not recommended to overuse large amounts of hair cosmetics. The best prevention on how to save hair from loss is to limit the hair styling and fixation products used. Cosmetics should be used mainly during hygiene procedures. Thus, many women who use mousses, hairsprays and styling gels every day later wonder why their hair is falling out. When soaked in the components that make up cosmetics, they become brittle, weak, and subsequently fall out. As a result, you have to use hair loss products. Thus, the hair experiences excessive stress.

Vitamins and nutritional supplements for hair loss

To prevent women's hair from falling out, they need a comprehensive diet enriched with vitamins and beneficial microelements. In addition to meat, vegetables and fruits, it is necessary to consume fermented milk products, as well as nuts, raisins, milk and other foods fortified with calcium and iron. Often the diet is inadequate and, when treating hair loss, it is necessary to take additional food supplements.

Trichologists recommend taking a course of dietary supplements, including brewer's and amber yeast, once every six months. They will help both save hair from loss and complement treatment for hair loss with internal methods. The most important thing is to choose the right dose of the supplement and reinforce its use necessary to maintain immunity. Vitamins for women wondering how to get rid of hair loss must contain calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium and potassium.

When looking for an answer to the question of how much hair should fall out per day, it is difficult to find a definite answer. It all depends on the structure of the strands and their number initially. If the curls are thin and sparse, then a cause for concern for such women should be clearly visible hairs that fall out and crumble with each comb. Or, for example, if after dyeing a woman’s hair has become noticeably thinner than before, then you should start choosing hair loss recipes for yourself. In all cases, the most effective remedy is timely prevention of hair loss, which will keep your hair healthy and beautiful for a long time.

Many women, and men too, dream of having beautiful and healthy hair. But in our age of environmental disasters, it is almost impossible to achieve this without additional support and nutrition. Even naturally healthy and beautiful hair begins to fall out over time, its ends split, its volume decreases, it becomes dull and depleted. To properly restore hair and its natural strength, you need to know the causes of diseases, methods and treatments.

Causes of split ends and hair loss

Experts name a number of main reasons for split ends and hair loss:

But a dermatologist can identify the cause of chronic hair loss and split ends. If you are seriously concerned about this problem, you should seek advice from a highly qualified specialist who will prescribe a comprehensive course of treatment.

Hair treatment methods for split ends and hair loss

There are several effective methods that can be used to cure hair from split ends and hair loss:

  1. Medication – involves the use of medications prescribed by a dermatologist immediately after the examination (tablets, ointments, vitamin complexes).
  2. Physiotherapy is also prescribed by a doctor and carried out under the supervision of a specialist (electrophoresis and darsonvalization of the scalp, UHF, light therapy and heat therapy).
  3. Massage of the head and neck area.
  4. Traditional medicine - can be used at home, but also after the recommendation of a qualified dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Hair treatment products at home

There is an opinion that split ends and hair loss can be cured at home using traditional medicine. Yes, it's possible. But you need to know what means to use for this:

  • mask (cosmetic) - a skin care product of a certain thickness (the consistency of sour cream), applied directly to the skin or hair itself (can consist of one or several components);
  • lotion - a means of ablution, based on a water-alcohol solution with the addition of decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs;
  • shampoo - used for washing hair, has the effect of soap, comes in liquid, solid and dry form;
  • balm - a product used after washing your hair and hair, allows you to give them additional nutrition;
  • A compress is one of the types of masks, but it is prepared on an oil basis and is used only when warm.

These products, if prepared correctly, can restore damaged hair, stop hair loss and speed up the growth process.

We treat hair from split ends and hair loss using folk remedies: basic recipes

The most common remedy used at home to treat split ends and hair loss is a mask. It is prepared on the basis of a base component (for example, onion juice) with the addition of essential oils, vitamins in ampoules, and medicinal herbs. A recipe for a mask made from onions, raw eggs and honey has proven itself very well. To prepare it, you need to chop a medium-sized raw onion using a blender, add one raw chicken egg, one teaspoon of liquid honey, mix everything until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture to the scalp, leave for 30-40 minutes and rinse with neutral shampoo. Use 1-2 times a week.

One type of mask is considered a compress. To prepare it, you can use any vegetable oil. Basic recipe: heat 5 tablespoons of olive oil in a water bath, add the juice of half a lemon, mix and apply to hair. Unlike a mask, the compress should be left on the head at least overnight. It can also be washed off with neutral shampoo.

Shampoo for washing hair can also be prepared at home: take one raw chicken egg and mix it with 4 tablespoons of rum (or cognac) until white foam appears. This shampoo is rubbed into the roots of the hair for a couple of minutes and distributed over its entire length. Rinse with warm water.

A root strengthening lotion can also be prepared using rum or cognac. To do this, add finely chopped onions to the alcoholic drink (never mush!). The composition should be infused in a dark, cool place for 7 days, so it is best to store it in a glass jar with a screw-on lid. To prevent the product from souring, you need to shake it daily (do not stir with a spoon!). After preparation, strain and massage into the hair roots before each wash.

Hair loss balm can be made based on gelatin. Method of preparation: dissolve a tablespoon of dry gelatin in warm water (1 glass), strain the resulting mixture and add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to it. This balm should be applied before washing your hair.

Any product, even a store-bought one, can be enriched with vitamins from ampoules or essential oils - 10 drops per 10 ml of the finished composition.

Experts warn

If, while using any hair treatment product prepared at home, you feel discomfort, burning or itching, you should immediately rinse the composition off your head with warm water and abandon this recipe.

When choosing a folk cosmetic product, be sure to take into account the type of hair and scalp (if the scalp is already dry, and you also apply a mask with a drying effect on it, peeling is guaranteed).

There is no need to thoughtlessly apply all the products in a row at one time (for example, apply a mask, rinse it with shampoo and fix the effect with a warm compress), such an action is unlikely to be beneficial, and you can definitely harm the scalp with thoughtless actions.

Alopecia is the process of hair loss. The cause of hair loss can be a variety of diseases, nervous shock, or simply improper hair care. The process itself can be focal or complete, with severe thinning.

Main reasons

Alopecia can be congenital, in which case it is a genetic disease; it is not possible to cure such a disease today. If you have just started to experience alopecia, the cause may be a disorder of the immune system, viruses or connective tissue disease. In some cases, the disease is characterized by “nests of alopecia” - focal and local baldness. As you can see, the causes of sudden hair loss are quite difficult to determine.

Symptoms of hair loss, baldness

To begin with, we list some of the main diseases that can cause hair loss:

  • silverorrhea
  • infectious skin diseases
  • decreased immunity
  • stress
  • chronic fatigue
  • oncology
  • endocrine system diseases
  • lack of vitamins

Despite diseases, hair loss can be caused by skin problems and improper hair care:

  • dry scalp
  • frequent hair overheating
  • hormonal disorders
  • postpartum condition
  • severe stress loads

Medical treatment

Medical treatment for hair loss involves treating the disease that led to the alopecia. In case of stress, a course of sedatives is prescribed, and in severe cases, hormonal drugs. Local application of various creams and massage using liquid nitrogen and ultraviolet irradiation are possible.
After successful treatment of the disease, the patient is prescribed a course of vitamins, and if the symptoms do not disappear, a hair transplant is possible.

Traditional medicine

The use of traditional medicine is aimed at strengthening, improving blood circulation and stimulating hair growth. Typically, various tinctures and ointments are used, which are rubbed into the head and hair.

Products for improving blood circulation in hair

  1. Rub aloe juice, birch juice, garlic, chicken egg yolk or honey into your head. You can mix all the ingredients in equal proportions. After you do this procedure, wait about an hour and then wash off the mixture.
  2. Mix 80 grams of onion juice, 20 grams of cognac and 100 grams of boiled burdock root. This mixture should be rubbed into the head daily and washed off after 2 hours.
  3. Mix two large spoons of castor oil, one small spoon of vinegar, one small spoon of glycerin and an egg. Whisk the entire mixture and rub into your hair, wrap your head with a warm towel.
  4. Heat castor oil and smear it on your head, wrap it with a towel. Keep the towel on your head for 5 hours, then wash off the castor oil. This procedure should be done within a couple of months.
  5. Take 0.1 liters of 40% alcohol and 4 grams of pure propolis. Shake everything and rub the solution into the roots of your hair.
  6. Wash your hair (without soap or shampoo), then start rubbing table salt into it. Do the procedure for 15 minutes, wash your hair. Do about 6 such procedures.
  7. Within a couple of months. Before washing your hair, rub a mixture of castor oil and alcohol into it.
  8. Make a mixture of one egg yolk, the juice of one onion and the same amount of castor oil. Rub this mixture in an hour before washing your hair.
  9. Boil a liter of water, cool it to 40 degrees and add about 2 large spoons of honey. Rub this water in several times a week to help hair growth.
  10. Squeeze one large spoonful of juice from the onions and mix it with 2 large spoons of vodka. Rub the mixture before showering for 2-3 months.
  11. Mix flowers, seeds or leaves of nasturtium and nettle leaves in equal proportions. Pour the mixture with 0.5 liters of alcohol and leave for 2 weeks. Rub the mixture into your head before showering.
  12. Take three servings of mustard and two servings of sage leaves. For 0.5 liters of alcohol, 2 large spoons of herbal mixture will be enough for you. Apply compresses soaked in the tincture to your head.
  13. Infuse St. John's wort in vodka for 6-7 days (a large spoon of St. John's wort is enough for half a liter of vodka). Rub the mixture into your scalp.
  14. Take three large spoons of calamus root and boil it in vinegar for 15 minutes. Use this decoction for rinsing.
  15. Pour the calendula collection with alcohol in a ratio of 10 to 1. Before rinsing your hair, dilute the tincture with water - one large spoon per ½ glass of water.

Herbal decoctions

  1. Take 100 grams of hop cones and pour hot water in an enamel bowl. Heat the mixture, then cool and strain.
  2. Mix 20 grams of calendula flowers, 30 grams of hop cones and 40 grams of burdock. Pour boiling water (about a liter) over the collection and boil the mixture for 15 minutes, then strain. Heat the broth and wash your hair several times a week.
  3. Take and mix burdock roots, nettles and hop cones in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over the herbal mixture, heat and strain. Wash your hair with decoctions several times a week.
  4. Pour burdock and burdock roots into a pan and fill them with water. Place over medium heat and simmer until the herb roots soften. Strain the broth and soak your hair in it daily.
  5. Take calamus and burdock roots in equal proportions, add a liter of water and boil for 10 or 15 minutes. Rub the decoction 2 times a week.
  6. Take 40 grams of burdock roots and pour 2 cups of boiling water over them. Cook the mixture until only half the volume of liquid remains. Mix the remainder with the interior oil and drain into a separate bowl. Heat the bowl in the oven, and after a couple of hours, drain the remaining liquid from the bowl. Apply the resulting ointment to your scalp.
  7. Make a decoction in the following proportion: 10 grams of calendula flowers, 20 grams of burdock root per liter of water. Wash your hair with the decoction twice a week
  8. Mix the herbs in the following proportions: 2 parts burdock root, the same amount of calamus root and 4 parts hop cones. Pour boiling water (about 3 liters) over the herbal mixture and boil for half an hour. Cool and strain the broth, wash your hair with it a couple of times a week.
  9. Mix willow bark and burdock root in equal proportions. Make a decoction and wash your hair with it three times a week. This remedy will help against hair loss.
  10. Brew a decoction of freshly cut nettles and use it to wash your hair. A decoction of a mixture of nettle and coltsfoot will also help. Such decoctions will help with dandruff and hair loss.
  11. Mix chamomile flowers, plantain leaves, nettle and oregano in equal proportions. Pour the mixture with hot water (a glass of water on a large spoon of the mixture) and leave it for an hour. Strain the broth and add the bread pulp to it, mix everything into a mushy mixture. This product is rubbed into the scalp and a scarf is put on top. Keep this compress for about 2 hours.

Hair masks

Masks for hair loss, unlike herbal decoctions, require longer use. Appropriate products should be used for each hair type.

Masks for different hair types

  1. Take and mix 100 grams of water, the same amount of cognac and two egg yolks. Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair, and rinse off after half an hour. In case of dry hair, you do not need to use shampoo.
  2. Take one packet of henna, one egg and mix everything. Apply the mixture to your hair, and after 15 minutes, rinse.
  3. Mix one large spoon of oil (vegetable) with the yolk and rub the scalp. After an hour, wash off the mixture. Do this procedure at least once every 7 days.
  4. Mix three large spoons of fruit pulp, one large spoon of vegetable oil and one large spoon of glycerin (if you have dry hair, use honey instead of glycerin). Apply the mixture to your hair and wash it off after half an hour.

Masks for normal hair type

  1. Mix about 100 grams of pear pulp, a few drops of lemon juice, burdock oil and one egg. Rub the mixture into your skin, massaging your scalp as you go. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask.
  2. Rub two large spoons of mayonnaise and one clove of garlic into your head. After 2 hours, wash off the mask.

Mask for oily hair type

  1. Take a couple of onions, a few heads of garlic, chop them and apply to the skin. After 2 hours, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse your hair.
  2. Take 100 grams of bread, a decoction of herbs, egg white. Grind everything and start rubbing the mixture into the roots of your hair. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse off.

Mask for dry hair type

  1. Mix aloe juice, cabbage juice, castor oil and honey in equal proportions. Rub the mixture into your hair and rinse it off after 10 minutes.
  2. Squeeze out one large spoon of garlic juice and mix with 2 large spoons of lard. Rub the mixture into your scalp and wash it off after 2 hours.
  3. Take two large spoons of nettle leaves or roots, one large spoon of vinegar (apple), the same amount of sea buckthorn oil. Pour hot water over the nettles, cook the decoction for 30 minutes and then add vinegar and oil. Before going to bed, make a mask from the mixture.
  4. Mix one tablespoon of honey, two small spoons of camphor oil and one small spoon of lemon juice. Rub this mixture into your head before shower. Do this procedure several times a week.

Diet for hair loss

To avoid hair loss, you need to ensure that your diet contains food rich in B vitamins, silicon, selenium, and calcium. Fatty or overcooked foods should be avoided. Add more vegetables and fruits to your diet; cucumbers, asparagus, parsley, hazelnuts, milk, honey, strawberries are perfect.



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