Laser vision correction - YES or NO? Personal experience. For example, if you didn’t bury them, would they still be there? What happens on the operating table


Are there any injections to help you relax?

No injections or pricks during surgery. During the examination, the doctor talks with the patient, he tells him about all stages of the operation in order to psychologically prepare the patient. Therefore, patients are already fully aware of what will happen and how. They are already calm and confident that there will be no painful sensations there won’t be any, there won’t be any injections, nothing terrible will happen.

Will it be hot or cold?

It won't be hot or cold. We do not influence cold or hot objects. The patient lies down on the operating table, we treat the eye, create a flap, either using a microkeratome or using a femtosecond laser.

We treat the eye - is it just disinfecting the surrounding area? Or are you taking pain relief?

We disinfect, rinse, pain relief initially occurs, we instill anesthetic drops, the patient does not feel any discomfort.

For example, if you didn’t bury them, would they still be there?

If they are not instilled, even the operating table will not save you, because the patient will run away. There is a lot in the cornea nerve fibers, it is very well innervated. Even when a speck gets into our eye, it hurts quite a lot. Not to mention any manipulation.

What about lidocaine drops? Or some such substance?

No, there is another substance, a special anesthetic.


Ophthalmological, which allows the patient to comfortably endure all stages of the operation and not experience any problems.

Do your eyes move at the same time?

The eyes do not move.

So they freeze, or do you have to control it yourself?

There is no eye movement because we ask you to look at certain objects that are specifically included in the laser. That is, the patient looks at certain points. It's quite easy because you only need to look at them for a short time. The entire operation takes approximately 10 minutes per eye. That is, the patient operates on 2 eyes on average for 20-30 minutes.

Look at one point for 10 minutes!

No, the time when you need to look at 1 point comes down to seconds. That is, it is up to 30-40 seconds. The rest of the time he just looks in that direction. Even if he slightly averts his eyes, it’s okay, because at this time we are performing those manipulations that do not affect accuracy or quality. The patient should not be afraid of this. Everything is quite easy to carry. Children whom we operate according to indications also tolerate this operation calmly. They don't need general anesthesia because it's real painless procedure, which does not give any acute undesirable moments. So, we put the patient on the table, treated the eyes, installed a blepharostat - this is the thing that keeps the eyes open so that he cannot blink for centuries. Eyelid speculum. We rinse the eye, add additional anesthetics, then create a flap using either a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser, then blot the eye to remove tears.

Purpose laser correction is an improvement in vision various violations. The operation helps to see well without glasses and contact lenses, which improves a person’s quality of life. Laser correction does not cure age-related disorders vision, including glaucoma and cataracts. Surgical treatment of these diseases after laser vision improvement remains possible. What restrictions exist after laser vision correction and how to get around them, read this article.

Returning home after laser correction

After laser surgery before your eyes, it is advisable to stay in the clinic for several hours. During this time, visual perception becomes sharp and clear, although some instability of vision is possible. It must be remembered that the strength of vision may change more than once in the first time after surgery, but such fluctuations are usually insignificant.

After laser correction, you should not leave the clinic unaccompanied, since your vision is unstable at first. It is advisable to come to the operation with a relative or friend. Also, before the procedure, you should inform your doctor about planning long independent trips in the first month after surgery.

Laser correction does not impose a ban on flights, but it is better not to use it immediately after surgery by air. This is due hypersensitivity eyes towards light and blurred vision, which persist for some time after laser correction.

When to visit an ophthalmologist

Immediately after the operation, the doctor must confirm the results, and only after his approval can you go home. It is advisable to visit a doctor on days 7, 30 and 60 after correction. The clinic will help you remove bandage lenses.

The final analysis of visual function is carried out after 3 months. It is noteworthy that examinations on days 7 and 30 can be carried out by an ophthalmologist at your place of residence. However, the results must be transferred to the clinic where the operation was performed.

Recovery and return to work

After surgery, vision is restored within a day on average. It is recommended to postpone work for the day, including the day of the procedure. After a complex intervention, recovery occurs in 3-5 days, and it is better to take a vacation for 7-10 days.

The issue of ability to work is very individual. Many patients return to work within a few days; others take longer to recover. You need to listen to the body and navigate by sensations.

The time to return to work also depends on the patient's type of activity. It is advisable to ask your doctor for recommendations for a specific case. It must be remembered that the recovery process proceeds differently for many patients. Typically, it takes 1-3 months for vision to stabilize. Only after this time can the results be assessed.

Eye care after laser correction

Since laser correction involves intervention in the structures of the eye, discomfort after surgery is normal. Possible symptoms include: excessive lacrimation, sensitivity to light, inflammation, dilated pupils, sensation foreign body, swelling of the eyelids. Spots or spots may appear before the eyes. These are temporary consequences of the operation, which, in the absence of visual stress, disappear very quickly.

If there is a need to clean your eyes, you should use gauze soaked in boiled water room temperature. It is advisable not to touch the mucous membrane. You should not use special eye liquids, as they increase redness, itching and swelling. At severe dryness, discomfort and feeling of tightness, the doctor may prescribe tear substitutes without preservatives. If there is excessive tearing, you need to use a sterile wipe, gently wiping away the tears under the eyes.

Regular use is required after laser correction. eye drops. Moisturizers and sometimes even antibiotics are prescribed for 10 days. It is recommended to use a moisturizing gel for a month. If healing is normal, the doctor changes the drops, but moisturizers should continue to be used.

After laser correction it is difficult to find lenses that will accept the required form, so the choice should be entrusted to a professional. The result of the correction largely depends on the correct selection of contact lenses. After correction, it is necessary to gradually increase the adequate load on the visual system.

Protective contact lenses prevent epithelial irritation and reduce discomfort. After putting on the lenses, pain may occur, which will disappear after 6-20 hours. After 3-4 days you need to return to the clinic to have them removed.

If bandage lenses are intolerable, they are removed earlier. This need is evidenced by significant discomfort and pain during their use. To enhance the effect, you need to rest and take analgesics. Do not exceed the dosage of medications and do not remove bandage lenses yourself. Discomfort may increase if the lens falls out of the eye. There is no need to try to insert it back, you should consult a doctor.

On the first day after correction, you should not rub your eyes or close your eyes too tightly. You need to try to relax, rest and avoid activities that require visual concentration (reading, watching TV, using a laptop or computer). If there are children in the house, you need to ask relatives for additional help.

Eye protection after correction

The first few weeks after laser correction you need to wear sunglasses while walking. Glasses help reduce light sensitivity and irritation. Must be used in spring and summer quality glasses highly reflective ultraviolet radiation. Glasses should be worn even in cloudy weather, because clouds only increase the impact of ultraviolet rays.

In dusty rooms and in the wind, you need to protect your eyes from dirt with glasses. It is advisable to use special glasses that have protection on the sides. You need to use glasses for at least a month after laser correction.

During the week after the intervention, you should avoid smoky rooms and active smoking. In the first days, it is better not to play with children and animals, as this increases the risk of injury to the operated eyes.

Permissible eye strain

It is important to dose visual load. You should not overwork yourself with reading, rub your eyes, put pressure on them or squint too much. Depending on the extent of laser correction, the patient may have difficulty reading small print. This phenomenon should not be a cause for concern as it will disappear within a few weeks.

Patients over 45 years of age may need glasses for presbyopia. Additional correction for age-related changes in vision is needed only for certain types activities. Typically these are activities that require good vision close up.

You can watch TV on the first day, but it’s better to focus on your feelings. For complete comfort, you can close your eyes. When using technology with displays, you should take breaks every 45 minutes. After surgery, prolonged concentration of vision greatly tires the eyes for the first 3 weeks, which can cause various disorders.

Nutrition rules

There are no special restrictions on food products after laser correction. It is important to follow a diet that prevents constipation. It is advisable to give up alcohol for 10-20 days to reduce the burden while taking medications.

Drinking alcohol in the first 3 days is prohibited. Alcohol will blunt the effects of antibiotics, and intoxication increases the risk of eye injury. Alcohol can increase the load on the liver when combined with medicines, and also cause dry eyes.

Sleep position

Even the most insignificant mechanical impact on healing eyes can lead to complications. At first it is better to sleep on your back, but strict restrictions on body position during sleep apply only to the first night after surgery. In the following days, you can sleep in any position, just do not bury your face in the pillow.

Hygiene procedures

It is important to prevent water from getting into your eyes for the first week. In the shower, you should turn your back to the pressure and stand one step further than usual. In this position you need to lean back, and then less water gets on your face, and the shampoo will flow past your eyes. If shampoo or other hygiene product got on the mucous membrane, do not rub your eyes. For rinsing, you need to use refreshing drops to relieve the burning sensation and prevent burns.

Avoid contact with eyes tap water, which can cause inflammation and affect the results of the operation. Water from swimming pools and natural bodies of water is also dangerous.

Makeup after laser vision correction

Limit use decorative cosmetics needed 2 days before surgery and 30 days after the procedure. For two weeks, you should not apply makeup to the area around the eyes and eyelashes, or it is better to avoid makeup altogether. Creams, moisturizers and corrective products should not be applied close to the eyes.

Since waterproof mascara is more difficult to remove from eyelashes, you can use this product only a month after correction. During the week, you should not use eye shadow, eye cream, mascara, eyeliner, or makeup remover. Also, do not spray aerosols, hairsprays or makeup fixing products.

Use any cosmetics you need to be careful to prevent them from getting into your eyes. Otherwise, it is necessary to wash the irritant with refreshing drops without rubbing the eyelids.

Limitations on physical activity

Laser vision correction is a reason to refuse intensive physical activity for the period full recovery visual system. As a rule, this process takes a month, but it is better to consult a doctor on this issue. During the rehabilitation period you cannot go to gym, for dancing, yoga, fitness, Pilates and jogging. To be completely safe, it is best to give up football, tennis, boxing, wrestling, scuba diving, diving and team sports for a year.

Restrictions on different types activities:

  1. Running – 2 weeks.
  2. Aerobics – 1 week.
  3. Yoga and Pilates – 1 week.
  4. Strength exercises – 2 weeks.
  5. Swimming – 1 month.
  6. Football – 1 month.
  7. Contactless martial arts– 1 month.
  8. Sauna, steam room – 1 month.
  9. Snowboarding and skiing – 1 month.
  10. Squash, cricket, tennis – 1 month.
  11. Rugby, contact martial arts – 1.5-3 months.
  12. Scuba diving – 3 months.

When playing sports, you need to protect your eyes from sweat. To do this, you should wear a bandage. After laser correction, it is not recommended to throw back your head, bend over sharply, or lift heavy objects.

It is better to plan a pregnancy six months after laser correction. Violation hormonal balance and subsequent births may affect the results of vision correction.

Driving after laser vision restoration

After laser correction, you should not drive until your doctor gives permission. In order not to create a danger on the road, a person must clearly see at a distance of 20 m. Driving should be avoided until vision stabilizes. You need to wait for the blurred vision to disappear, even if it appears sporadically. After restoration of visual function, you should stop driving for long periods of time and driving in the dark.

Features of active recreation

After surgery, you should avoid straight lines. sun rays. For 3-6 months it is prohibited to visit the solarium and relax by the sea. To avoid retinal burns, it is important to wear high-quality glasses with UV protection (not all sunglasses have this). It is advisable to choose glasses with durable lenses and glasses of a brown tint.

In the first week after the intervention, it is better not to plan long trips in order to be able to visit the doctor on time. When visiting countries with hot climates, you need to wear high-quality sunglasses with special UV protection. Glasses should hold back ultraviolet rays spectrum A and B.

Sunbathing is prohibited for a month after laser correction. The beach is dangerous due to water and sand getting into your eyes, as well as increased influence ultraviolet. Winter views sports require use safety glasses"mask" type with full protection from ultraviolet radiation, which severely damages the eyes in the mountains.

Complications of laser correction

Local anesthesia helps make laser correction painless, but discomfort occurs after its effect wears off. The sensation of a foreign body in the eye persists for 24-38 hours. Depending on the surgical technique, discomfort may be milder or stronger, so this should be discussed with your doctor before the procedure. Medicines and special contact lenses can help ensure comfort after surgery. If even after a day the feeling persists severe pain, you need to contact the clinic where the operation was performed. Emergency doctors are unlikely to be able to carry out adequate therapy complications of laser correction.

During the recovery process, there may be slight clouding of the cornea, which will disappear a month after the operation. This reaction is normal and often mild, so most patients do not notice it. IN in rare cases the cloudiness persists for six months or even a year.

The risk of corneal clouding may increase with drug overdose. If necessary, you should consult your doctor. Severe forms opacities require complementary therapy(eg steroid drops).

After surgery there may be residual disorders, which are usually mild. When driving or operating dangerous equipment in conditions poor lighting Some patients are advised to continue to use additional correction, but most often after laser correction the need for glasses and contacts disappears completely.

If you neglect the recommendations of specialists, you can provoke tearing of the corneal flap and superficial keratitis. Therefore, you should not overstrain the visual system ahead of time, even if there is no discomfort. It is better to wait a few days and rest before returning to active life.

Good day everyone!

Today, almost 2 months after laser vision correction (LVC), I want to describe my story, results, my sensations and feelings that I experienced after the operation. I hope that for those who are about to make a decision to do or not to do LKZ, my long and detailed review will be useful.


To be honest, I didn’t even think about doing laser vision correction. The mere thought that they would interfere with my eyes and do something there terrified me. In addition, the unknown consequences that could occur after the operation were frightening.

One of my close friends had such an operation and strongly recommended that I take the plunge, but I long and stubbornly rejected this idea until... day, somewhere on the Internet, I read an article about LKZ and found out that after 40-45 years it is no longer done, due to age-related changes eye. And then something clicked inside me! I'm already 38! Another couple of years and I'll never be able to see well their eyes! And here I had a HUGE desire to make LKZ!

My vision at that time was -4.75 and -4.5 plus astigmatism. With such vision, I always wore glasses, but in them I saw only 80 percent, it annoyed me, astigmatism did not allow me to correct my vision to the proper level. And the special glasses were expensive and the optician never recommended them to me. I tried wearing contact lenses, but I felt uncomfortable wearing them, so I preferred glasses.

On the recommendation of my friend, I decided to have surgery in Interregional Laser Center (ILC) Tolyatti. I chose Togliatti because, firstly, it is the closest city to the village where I live, and secondly, there are reviews from real people I personally know who had vision correction done there and were satisfied with the result.

The center has its own official website. , where you can find all the information you are interested in.

I carefully studied all the necessary information, read all the reviews about this operation on Airek and other sites, and after hesitating for a while, weighing all the PROS and CONS, I decided!

First, it was necessary to undergo diagnostics costing 2000 rubles. At that time, the ILC had a promotion: if you have surgery within a month after the diagnosis, the money for the diagnosis will be returned.


It is needed to determine the condition of the eyes, whether it is possible to have surgery at all, and to choose the method of the operation to be performed. The method is determined by the doctor.

My eyes were checked using various machines and devices, my visual acuity, corneal thickness, retinal condition and a bunch of other indicators were measured.

The doctor said that there were no contraindications to the operation, only the retina needed to be strengthened in the right eye. I was prescribed laser coagulation of the retina. Without this procedure, LKZ surgery cannot be performed.

After diagnosis, the doctor prescribed surgery using the MAGEK method.

MAGEK (contact lens protected superficial keratectomy using mitomycin) is a modification of superficial techniques using a special drug "Mitomycin-S".

MAGEK is an improved knifeless laser correction technique. MAGEK is technically no different from PRK (photorefractive keratectomy), but there is a significant difference in the drugs used. After laser exposure, as a result of which parts of the collagen layer of the cornea evaporate, the cells begin to regenerate, which may manifest itself in the form of a slight regression (deterioration of the initial result) of your vision after surgery. With MAGEK, before applying a protective contact lens to the eye, the perimeter of the laser exposure is processed with a special drug Metomycin-C, which stops the regenerative processes of corneal cells, and thereby eliminates visual regression after surgery. Vision remains stable forever.

The main difference between MAGEK. from the LASIK method is that the rehabilitation process after surgery takes longer.

Cost 40,000 rub. on both eyes.

The diagnosing doctor immediately warned me that vision in the right eye would be restored by 100%, in the left - 90%. Those. I will be able to see the last 10 and 9 rows on the check table respectively. (By the way, without glasses, I didn’t even see the largest line with letters Sh And B) They promised to remove the astigmatism completely. The effect of the operation should last a lifetime.


Before the operation, all patients are given such a leaflet, which describes in detail what and how to do, what are the requirements before and restrictions after the operation.

Before surgery:

  • the patient must be completely healthy (no runny nose, cough, fever, herpes on the lips). If rescheduled colds- after full recovery 14 days must pass so that there are no residual effects at the time of surgery.
  • do not wear lenses 2 weeks before surgery
  • take a shower beforehand, wash your hair
  • on the day of surgery, do not use deodorant, eau de toilette,
  • do not drink alcohol 48 hours before surgery
  • 3 days before surgery do not use eye cosmetics
  • wear non-woolen clothes (preferably cotton)
  • take sunglasses with you


Was I scared? Of course YES! I was tormented by “vague doubts” whether it was in vain that I agreed to all this. Vision is no joke.

While waiting for the preparatory events, I was sitting in the corridor and saw a guest book on the table. I managed to read it all, there were quite a lot of reviews. After reading it, I felt much calmer: I received so much positive emotions from these reviews! So many happy people described their delight at what they had purchased excellent vision that my last doubts disappeared and I became more confident in the correctness of my decision.

There were 6 of us (patients). We were previously examined by a doctor; on the day of the operation everyone should be healthy, without residual signs of illness, so as not to cough or sneeze during the operation.)))

After the examination, everyone was taken to the preoperative ward. They gave us a set of disposable clothing: a robe, shoe covers, and a cap. They told us to turn off our phones because... they may adversely affect laser performance.


My vision began to deteriorate while still at school and I was prescribed glasses.

But I felt very uncomfortable wearing glasses, so I rarely wore them, for example, when watching TV.

In 10th grade I started wearing contact lenses. I saw everything perfectly in them and, what is very important, the lenses did not cause me any discomfort.

I got so used to them that I could no longer imagine my life without lenses. So, I wore contact lenses for almost 10 years.

But still, despite the fact that I was used to lenses, I really wanted to do laser correction. After all, lenses and solutions for them were not cheap at all.

I even specifically calculated how much money I spent during the entire time I wore the lenses. It turned out to be about 70 thousand rubles. And this despite the fact that the lenses and solutions I bought were far from the most expensive.

And so, in 2013, I finally decided to make a correction!

Before this, I spent quite a long time monitoring reviews and prices for correction in different clinics in my city ( Nizhny Novgorod) and stopped at ophthalmology clinic"Epiphany".

The determining factor when choosing a clinic was the cost of the operation. At that time, “Ozrenie” had a good action for correction.

First, I underwent diagnostics, according to the results of which I was told that correction could be done. However, the diagnosis showed minor problems with the retina of the left eye.

2 weeks after strengthening the retina, I was scheduled for the correction itself.

Before correction, my vision was as follows: -7 in the right eye and -8 in the left.

This is high myopia.

I chose correction using the Lasik method, because... it was much cheaper than Superlasik. The doctor predicted an improvement in vision after correction using the Lasik method to 0.8.

This result suited me quite well.

But the unpleasant news for me was that you cannot wear contact lenses for 10 days before the correction, because... they change the shape of the cornea.

Therefore, I had to specially buy glasses for 10 days, which I didn’t have at all at that time, because... I wore only contact lenses.

My feelings during the operation

There was discomfort at the very beginning, when special spacers were inserted into my eyes so that I could not accidentally close my eyes. I did not feel any pain during the operation.

I remember bad smell burnt hair (laser work).

All I had to do was look at the red dot and it was not at all difficult and even interesting) I was so carried away by looking at this red dot that I was very surprised when the doctor said: “Well, that’s all.”

The entire operation on both eyes took about 10 minutes.

Feelings after surgery

After the correction, I was taken to a room where the lights were dimmed, and I put on dark glasses. I must say that in the very first minutes I already saw better than before the correction, but everything was in some kind of fog.

Next, I just sat for about an hour, then went to the doctor for the first examination after the correction. Also, the doctor gave me eye drops, wrote how to use them and gave me painkillers in case of severe discomfort in my eyes.

I put everything in my purse and went to the locker room to get some outerwear.

My husband, as luck would have it, got stuck in a traffic jam and I had to wait another half hour.

And here I began to experience the same discomfort that the doctor warned about. I really regretted that I didn’t take the painkiller right away.

It felt as if sand had been poured into my eyes and this caused tears to flow, so much so that I couldn’t see anything because of them!

I had a whole pack of paper tissues and I used them all in literally 15 minutes.

By the way, after the operation you are strictly forbidden to touch your eyes with your hands, much less rub them, so I simply wiped the tears from my cheeks with handkerchiefs.

Finally, my husband arrived and we went home.

I remember it was a frosty and very sunny day, and even in dark glasses, any light delivered such severe discomfort that I wanted to hide in the darkest corner. I drove all the way home, covering my face with my hands - my eyes were so irritated from sunlight even with dark glasses.

At home, I finally took a painkiller and, on the doctor’s advice, went to bed.

sleep in sunglasses it was not very comfortable, but it was not recommended to take them off, because... In a dream, you can accidentally touch your eyes.

I slept for about 2 hours and when I woke up, I noticed that the discomfort in my eyes had already passed and I could already see everything!

In the evening I was already watching TV. The doctor said so, you can watch TV, if it’s not very close, but you also need to look into the distance as much as possible, for example, from a window.

However, I noticed that everything on the computer and phone is still blurry. The doctor also warned about this.

My vision after correction

The next day At the doctor’s appointment, my vision was 0.6 in both eyes, and I could already see everything well, both near and far.

In a month vision was: right eye 0.8 and left eye 0.9.

After 3 months after correction, I had a 1 in both eyes (and the forecast was 0.8!)

But I myself still note the fact that the left eye, for which, by the way, I had the retina strengthened before the correction, sees more clearly than the right.

5 years after correction

As before, my vision is one in both eyes.

After the correction, I gave birth to two daughters (in 2014 and 2016), both times there were natural childbirth without any complications. Neither during pregnancy, nor after childbirth, I did not complain about my eyesight and do not complain)

And my only regret is that I didn’t do it earlier.

It’s such a joy to see everything perfectly, morning, noon and night! And don’t bother with lenses and solutions!

Yes, of course, I read it and negative reviews about correction, but there are very few of them, especially against the background large quantity positive.

I believe that, unfortunately, no one is immune from a bad result.

But he who doesn’t take risks, as they say, doesn’t drink champagne)

Thanks to technical specifications laser installation TENEO 317™, it is possible to correct myopia up to - 15.0 diopters, farsightedness up to +6.0 and astigmatism up to 6.0 diopters!

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Cost of consultation with an ophthalmologist

- the most popular operation for , and . At the Eye Laser Microsurgery Clinic, correction is carried out using unique system, which gives even more exact result and makes the procedure accessible to a wider range of patients. Like other types of refractive surgery, Lasik reshapes the cornea so that the beam is focused clearly on the retina. So, to correct myopia and improve distance vision, the laser makes the cornea flatter. As a result, the patient receives clear vision within 10 minutes.

What happens on the operating table?

Using a mechanical instrument - a microkeratome - the surgeon makes a circular incision on the cornea, separating it top layer. This is how the doctor gains access to internal structure cornea - stroma, which is “redrawn” by the laser. Each laser movement is calculated by a computer system based on diagnostic data. The newest one analyzes all parameters of the patient’s visual system and issues a laser correction program. There can be no mistake.

After the laser corrects the shape of the cornea and polishes its surface, the surgeon returns the upper corneal layer, which heals within a few days.

How does the patient feel?

We use local anesthetic drops so discomfort during are minimal. Sometimes the patient is given a mild relaxant to help him relax and feel calm. To keep the eye open during surgery, the eyelids are fixed using a special holder. While the surgeon is performing the 1st stage of the operation, the eye itself is also fixed using a ring. In total, this manipulation takes 20 seconds.

Then the laser comes into play, painlessly rebuilding the structure of the eye. The patient only feels a slight pressure and hears a clicking sound. Immediately after surgery, you may experience a slight burning sensation, tingling of the eyes and watery eyes, which usually disappear the same day. In most patients, vision improves immediately, and after 2 days you can start working.



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