Bleeding into the internal organs of the cavity and tissue. Blood from the anus in men: causes and treatment prescribed after examination

This condition can be a sign of serious and dangerous intestinal diseases, so every case of bleeding should alert both the patient and the doctor. Even if the bleeding stops after some time, this does not mean that the disease has disappeared. After some time, similar symptoms recur again, only the disease manages to move into an advanced stage.

How to determine the cause of bleeding by the color of blood? Bleeding can occur from any part of the digestive tract, and the higher the organ is located (esophagus, stomach), the darker the color of the blood. When the source of bleeding is in the lower gastrointestinal tract (rectum, sigmoid colon), then the discharge from the anus is red.

Blood turns black or brown as a result of the action of digestive enzymes, but with diarrhea this rule is violated. When the intestines work faster, the blood does not have time to turn dark. In this case, even gastritis or a stomach ulcer can be the cause of such a symptom as blood from the anus.

It is necessary to identify the main causes of bleeding


The development of pathology is based on varicose veins of the rectum. Bleeding occurs most often after bowel movements in the form of a few drops of scarlet, bright blood on toilet paper, in stool, underwear, or in the toilet. Somewhat less often, blood from the anus is released very abundantly, sometimes the entire toilet is filled with it. This happens when a node ruptures.

The causes of bleeding in hemorrhoids are damage to the hemorrhoidal cones by stool during constipation; the release of drops of blood also occurs when the patient strains or during diarrhea. Although blood from the anus during hemorrhoids can frighten the patient, such phenomena are usually not accompanied by pain. Pain occurs in cases where the disease is complicated by anal fissure or paraproctitis. Small but chronic bleeding, however, can lead to the development of anemia in the patient.

In advanced forms of the disease, hemorrhoidal cones become large and easily injured, and concomitant inflammation develops. As a result, patients are increasingly noticing its appearance on toilet paper. If you have hemorrhoids, we recommend that you carry out treatment in a timely manner.

Rectal fissures

A defect in the mucous membrane of the lower part of the intestine occurs from excessive stretching of its walls with dense feces. Scarlet blood is released during defecation or immediately after it; it is found on toilet paper, on top of feces and on underwear, while the patient feels severe pain in the anus. Often, drops of blood appear when performing heavy physical work or when straining during constipation. A fissure can be suspected when there is pain and bleeding, but no hemorrhoidal lumps.

Bleeding from hemorrhoids and fissures, as a rule, is not mixed with feces. Mucus is either absent or found in small quantities. In the event that bloody discharge is mixed with feces that contain a sufficient amount of mucus, intestinal tumor diseases can be assumed. They can be benign (polyps) or malignant (bowel cancer).

Intestinal polyps

These are benign neoplasms that grow on a stalk or are located on a broad base. For a long time, the polyps do not manifest themselves in any way; less often, patients experience constipation or diarrhea associated with impaired intestinal motility.

The danger of the disease lies in the fact that polyps often degenerate into a cancerous tumor. The surface of polyps can bleed, and the larger the size of the formation, the more easily its surface is damaged.

Colon cancer

Already in the early stages of the disease, patients feel discomfort in the intestines, an increased urge to defecate, and mucus and blood appear from the anus. Most often, discharge occurs in small portions. When the disease progresses, heavy, profuse bleeding may occur, the patient is bothered by chronic constipation, pain in the coccyx and sacrum.

A tumor can be suspected if the discharge is brown, mixed with stool, and contains streaks of blood and clots.


In this condition, protrusions, or pouches, appear on the intestinal walls. It is believed that the development of pathology is associated with weakness of the intestinal wall, and the disease also arises with increased pressure in the lumen of the digestive tract. Diverticula may not cause any symptoms in the patient until they become inflamed. Unfortunately, this often leads to rupture of the pouch, which is manifested by severe pain, fever, and muscle tension in the lower abdomen.

If the changes affect the vessels of the mucous membrane of the diverticulum, blood flows from the anus. If inflammation of the diverticulum occurs in the sigmoid colon, the blood from the anus will be scarlet in color. When bleeding from the right parts of the large intestine, you can observe the release of dark or even black blood. The condition is very dangerous and requires immediate surgical attention.


Impaired growth and increased fragility of blood vessels appear as a person ages. At the same time, dilated and enlarged blood vessels located in the form of clusters are found in the thickness of the mucosa. Blood from the anus appears bright red, and there is usually no pain. However, such bleeding can be quite prolonged.

Intestinal infection

The following symptoms help distinguish this condition: frequent loose stools mixed with blood and mucus, fever, weakness, nausea, vomiting. The causes may be infectious diseases: salmonellosis, dysentery, amoebiasis.

Other conditions that may cause bleeding

  • Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Both of these processes are associated with a disorder in the human immune system. In this case, ulceration of the mucous membrane occurs, patients are concerned about the discharge of blood from the anus, severe abdominal pain, and fever. Both blood clots and black stools or bloody diarrhea may be detected;
  • colitis resulting from radiation therapy;
  • thrombosis of mesenteric vessels;
  • ischemic colitis, the disease appears as a result of impaired blood supply to the intestinal wall.
  • In women, blood is released from the anus during menstruation due to intestinal endometriosis.
  • for some types of helminthic infestation.

It is quite difficult to determine on your own the reason why there is bleeding from the anus. After all, this symptom can indicate both conditions that are not life-threatening for the patient, such as hemorrhoids, fissure, and a serious and dangerous pathology (cancer, diverticulosis). In addition, the same patient may have several intestinal diseases, for example, polyps and hemorrhoids.

Some patients consider the appearance of blood only a sign of hemorrhoids and postpone a visit to the proctologist, meanwhile, it should be remembered that hemorrhoids, polyps and other intestinal diseases can degenerate into a cancerous tumor. It is better to undergo an examination in time and make sure that you do not have a serious pathology.

A very small number of people, when blood appears on toilet paper, go to the doctor, believing that the symptom does not pose any danger - several thin vessels burst with a characteristic force, and it will heal on its own. Meanwhile, bleeding from the anus may indicate life-threatening diseases.

Types of bleeding

Blood from the anus may slightly stain toilet paper after each bowel movement, or may not stop for a long time, forcing you to use pads. It can be bright or dark, its discharge may be accompanied by painful sensations, but bleeding can also be painless.

The causes of blood from the anus during bowel movements must always be clarified and efforts must be made to eradicate this phenomenon. It can be a sign of dangerous conditions in the body and the beginning of many diseases.

To know how to treat a disease in which blood comes from the anus, you must first determine what this phenomenon is associated with.

You can guess from which part of the intestine it is released by the color of the blood, its type and intensity of bleeding.

The most common causes of bleeding are as follows:

  • Anal fissure. Bleeding begins with bowel movements and may leave marks on toilet paper or be quite severe. It is usually accompanied by painful sensations in the anus, and no sagging hemorrhoids are identified. The blood is bright, which indicates its vascular origin;
  • With hemorrhoids, the blood is also bright, but often scanty. It can be seen on toilet paper, on linen, clots stick to formed feces. When a hemorrhoid ruptures, the bleeding is profuse and difficult to stop. It is released not only after defecation, but also during increased physical activity;
  • Scarlet clots stick to the stool when bleeding from diverticula. The bleeding itself quickly stops, but the disease is accompanied by abdominal pain and fever. Occurs more often in men over 50 years of age;
  • If blood from the anus periodically flows painlessly, in a thin stream, this may indicate polyps - a precancerous condition of the rectum. If such phenomena recur - even if rarely - you definitely need to contact a proctologist. Removal of the polyp can stop the degeneration of rectal cells into malignant ones;
  • Rectal cancer may not show itself for a long time except for severe bleeding. Their character can be abundant or meager. It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately, since other symptoms: weight loss, low-grade fever, pain, often occur at the stage of metastasis;
  • Periodic appearance of bloody diarrhea with clots, which is accompanied by abdominal pain, localized more on the right, may be a symptom of Crohn's disease. The blood may be scarlet or dark, and the temperature rises after bloody diarrhea. This disease requires specific treatment;
  • Sudden bloody diarrhea with high fever, when stool is excreted with pus, mucus and streaks of blood, and the temperature rises to 38-40ºC - a common symptom of infectious diseases - dysentery, salmonellosis, amoebiasis. Additional symptoms are fever, nausea, vomiting, increased sweating with cold sweat;
  • Scanty bleeding accompanied by pus, not associated with defecation, itching in the anus, redness of the surrounding area with rashes of various types may be signs of a sexually transmitted infection that develops in the rectum. This is how gonorrhea and trichomoniasis manifest themselves;
  • Helminthic infestations also occur with itching and hyperemia of the outer area of ​​the anus, but the bleeding during them is drip, scanty, and the blood is dark.

You should always find out exactly why there is bleeding from the lower rectum. It not only indicates pathological processes occurring in the body, but also causes anemia. This condition in children negatively affects physical development.

Bleeding in special conditions

If a small child has bleeding from the anus, and it is visible in the stool in the form of streaks, and the baby is not gaining weight well, then this may be an allergy to complementary foods or lactose intolerance. In these conditions, the stool is greenish, foamy and liquid, and the baby does not gain weight well.

Intestinal volvulus in a child is accompanied by stool in the form of raspberry jelly - the stool is interspersed with fibrin clots - this condition is more common in artificially-bred children. After such emptying, gas formation stops.

The first signs of disturbances occurring in a child’s body are changes in behavior: moodiness, seemingly causeless crying. You always need to pay attention when children demonstrate uncharacteristic behavior - otherwise they will not be able to complain to adults about their poor health.

Bleeding from the anus of a different nature in older children has the same causes as similar conditions in adults.

Women often experience bleeding during pregnancy. In most cases, bleeding from the anus during pregnancy causes hemorrhoids. Its formation causes increased stress and frequent constipation.

It is necessary to regulate the condition by changing the diet - introduce more cereals, fruits, vegetables - foods containing fiber, laxative foods, drink more fluids. If hemorrhoids have formed, you should notify your doctor before giving birth. If the hemorrhoid bursts, it will cause additional blood loss.

All other reasons for bleeding from the anus in women do not differ from the reasons that occur in men.

In patients with HIV, the symptoms of bleeding from the anus are in most cases the same as in people without this diagnosis. But they must remember that in this state the development of the disease can be lightning fast. In addition, bleeding may indicate a sharp decrease in coagulability and increased fragility of blood vessels, which should be reported to the attending physician.

In older people, rectal bleeding and abdominal pain may indicate ischemic colitis.

Diagnosis of diseases

In order to properly treat the disease, it is necessary to determine the diagnosis. To install it, the doctor:

  • conducts a visual inspection;
  • prescribes tests.

In the case of blood excreted with liquid feces, hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital may be indicated.

Many women who are about to have their “first time” worry about possible bleeding after losing their virginity. Will there be a lot of blood? Where will the blood go? How painful will it be? How long will bleeding after losing virginity last? Below are answers to the questions that concern young women most often.

Why does bleeding occur after losing virginity?

You experience bleeding after your first sexual experience due to a ruptured hymen. The hymen is a very thin membrane that partially covers the vagina. Almost every woman is born with a hymen. The hymen is relatively thick at first, but thins over time due to the use of tampons, exercise, and so on. But even when a woman does not lose her virginity until she is very young, a ruptured hymen can still lead to bleeding after the first sexual intercourse.

How heavy will the bleeding be after losing virginity?

When a woman loses her virginity, she may notice that she is not bleeding at all or that the bleeding is not very heavy. Most women will only experience a few light spots of blood within a few hours of having sex for the first time.

It is important to remember that bleeding during sex, or lack thereof, is not an indicator of a woman's health or unhealthiness. This is simply a natural reaction to the amount and elasticity of the hymen, as well as the extent of its damage.

There are some women who do not bleed at all after their first sexual experience. Most often this happens to those who are accustomed to masturbation, play sports, go through intense physical activity, and lead an active lifestyle. Lack of bleeding the first time you have sex means that the hymen was torn or stretched at an earlier time.

Blood during loss of virginity and blood during menstruation

Many women expect about the same amount of blood when they lose their virginity as they do during their period. This rarely happens. Typically, bleeding during menstruation is heavier, lasts much longer and is more severe: sometimes menstrual bleeding is accompanied by cramps, mood swings and other symptoms characteristic of the menstrual cycle. Bleeding after loss of virginity does not have any such symptom.

How long will bleeding last after losing virginity?

The good news is that bleeding after losing your virginity only lasts a few hours at most. Some people have very little blood, others a little more. Again, this depends on how thick the hymen is when you have sex for the first time.

If the bleeding is very heavy or does not stop for several days or causes you severe pain, you should consult a doctor. Such symptoms are extremely rare, but they are often a signal that there is an underlying problem.

How painful is it to lose your virginity?

Some women say that losing their virginity is painful. How painful it will be depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Some people experience a one-time sharp pain, then it disappears, for others the pain lasts for some time, and some women do not experience the slightest painful sensation at all during the process of losing their virginity.

How to ease the pain of losing your virginity

There are ways to ease the pain you may feel during first intimacy. The most important point is foreplay. The longer foreplay lasts, the better the vagina is lubricated, which will facilitate penetration, which will be less painful. Foreplay will also help you get used to your partner's body and touch.

Relaxing can also help reduce pain. On the one hand, the advice may seem illogical: how can you relax if all your attention is focused on what is happening now?! Think about it: when you're afraid of what's going to happen, your body tenses up, which means penetration is harder. The more relaxed you are, the better. Try it, but if you get scared, it’s better to stop and do everything next time.

Author of the article : Margarita Degtyareva, "Moscow Medicine"©
Denial of responsibility : The information provided in this article about bleeding after virginity loss is for informational purposes only. However, it cannot be a substitute for consultation with a professional physician.

ANSWERED: 02/01/2012

Hello, Diana! The hymen can be very elastic and does not always break during the first sexual intercourse. Cases of hymen rupture in women during childbirth have been described.

Clarification question

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 07.06.2012 Lena, Kazakhstan

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 18.12.2012 jazz, Uralsk

Why didn’t I bleed during the first sexual intercourse, even after numerous attempts, because of this, my boyfriend didn’t believe me and we broke up, what should I do? This is fine

ANSWERED: 01/06/2013

Blood may not always be released during the first sexual intercourse. The hymen may not have many blood vessels and if it ruptures there may be very little bleeding. This is just a feature of your body, and a young man might not be so categorical.

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 04/28/2014

Hello Diana! For some girls, the hymen is very elastic and does not always break during the first sexual intercourse. Explain this to your boyfriend, or go together to a consultation with a gynecologist.

Clarification question

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 03.04.2015 Romanova Ira, Tyumen

Hello, I had sexual intercourse for the first time, but there was no blood, the pain was just a little bit, then I had sexual intercourse several more times, there was no blood either, tell me, am I still a virgin?

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 04.04.2015 Romanova Ira, Tyumen

So I could remain a virgin?

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 05.01.2016 Avazzhan, Samara

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 05.01.2016 Avazzhan, Samara

I've been married to my husband for half a year, but I can't get pregnant as a virgin.

ANSWERED: 01/26/2016

It is likely that the hymen is preserved. But you can definitely tell at an appointment with a gynecologist.

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 01/28/2016

Hello, Lena! In some girls, the hymen may not rupture during the first sexual intercourse. This probably happened to you on the 3rd time. If the guy doesn’t believe it, let the gynecologist confirm this information. Go to the doctor together.

Clarification question


I am a Muslim, during the first sexual relationship with my wife, she was very afraid and was under stress, we had sex for 5 hours and could only do it once, she had not had sex before that time. There was 1 2 drops of blood, there was very little and tipper I have doubts, was she really a virgin or not? How much shelter should there be for the answer, thanks in advance

ANSWERED: 03/29/2016

Hello,! Bleeding when the hymen ruptures may be slight or absent altogether if the hymen is not torn.

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 03/31/2016

Hello, this happens when the hymen has good elasticity. Unfortunately, the doctor cannot influence your boyfriend’s way of thinking if he is not satisfied with this answer.

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 04/01/2016 Aizikovich Boris Leonidovich Moscow 0.0 head pediatric department

Hello, when the hymen ruptures, bleeding does not occur normally since the vascular growth of the hymen is insignificant. As a result, there can be anything from just a pink spot when blotting to a maximum level of 3 - 5 ml of blood. If you don’t believe in your wife’s purity now, then answer the question: will you trust later? How honest are you with a woman that you don’t believe her? Is she your first?

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 04/01/2016 Aizikovich Boris Leonidovich Moscow 0.0 head pediatric department

Hello Lena! Firstly, not everyone experiences the loss of the hymen from the first sexual intercourse for various reasons, the pressure of the man and your patience and the peculiarities of the blood supply to the hymen and its elasticity play a role here. And the fact that your young man does not trust is bad and a question arises, and more than one. The main one is, do you need a man who initially, instead of proposing, puts you into bed and “puffs out his cheeks” why there is no blood, maybe you are not a virgin. Think about it, do you need him like this? This is not jealousy or mistrust, but rather cynicism. I’m so white and fluffy and you’re not a virgin!

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 04/02/2016

Hello! The hymen comes in different structures. In some cases, it remains intact even after repeated sexual intercourse. In this case, the gynecologist can conclude that you are a virgin.

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 04/02/2016

I cannot say for sure, but you may still have signs of virginity. You can easily check this if you undergo a gynecological examination and ask the doctor about the condition of the hymen.

Clarification question

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 15.06.2016 Elena, Kuibyshev

ANSWERED: 06/15/2016

Hello, it can be elastic and stretch. The blood supply there is always good. It often happens that she is cut off during childbirth

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 06/15/2016

Hello, there is no point in convincing him. If he doesn’t believe you, drive him away, he’s not yours and isn’t worth your attention.

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 06/15/2016

Hello, virginity, the concept is more moral than physical. It's just as you please

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 06/15/2016

Hello, having an elastic hymen may not cause it to rupture. And he doesn’t need to explain anything, he won’t understand

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 06/15/2016

Hello, virginity is more of a spiritual concept than a physical one. If it's convenient for you, please stay.

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 06/16/2016

Hello, your young man has read science fiction or listened to stories of his own kind. It is possible to “feel” anything with a very dense hymen with a small “pocket”

Help please, I'm very confused! I’m a virgin, one day a guy started pestering me and with his fingers he slightly touched the beginning of my labia and parted them a little, but he didn’t put his fingers anywhere. I immediately stopped him. Then I was very worried and the next morning I started bleeding brown, but my period was 7 days away. It felt almost like menstruation only without abdominal pain and lasted 3-4 days like menstruation usually. Help me determine if he damaged the hymen?



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