Cryosauna: principle of operation and purpose of the cosmetic procedure. How are procedures carried out in a cryosauna cabin?

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 8 minutes


Cryosauna is a unique cosmetic procedure aimed at stimulating and training the body’s thermoregulation system. You will be able to get an anti-stress effect, as the body begins to release endorphins in large quantities. Positive emotions The results obtained after this procedure make many girls return to the salon again and again.

The benefits of cryosauna for weight loss and health – what are the benefits of cryo sauna procedures?

Many people think that a cryosauna is something like a regular sauna. However this procedure has not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic effect. So what are the benefits of a cryosauna?

  • Blood supply improves and tissue nutrition occurs much faster.

  • Muscle tone increases, which benefits girls who want to have a toned figure.
  • Immunity is strengthened.
  • Powerful stimulation nervous system.
  • Cells in the body renew themselves much faster, which helps cure many diseases.
  • Noted healing effect for diseases such as bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, psoriasis, eczema and even neurodermatitis.
  • The emotional state improves.

Indications and contraindications for cryosauna – who are not allowed to have cryosauna sessions?

Like any cosmetic procedure, cryosauna has indications and contraindications.


  • Joint diseases (arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, etc.).
  • Respiratory problems (pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis).
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, gastritis, etc.).
  • Dermatological problems (psoriasis, eczema, acne, seborrhea, dermatitis, etc.).
  • Treatment of cellulite.
  • Nervous system disorders (insomnia, stress, fatigue, nervous tension, syndrome chronic fatigue).


  • Hypertension.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • High body temperature.
  • Inflammatory processes of internal organs.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Claustrophobia.
  • Tendency to thrombosis.
  • Acute infectious and colds.

How does a cryosauna session go - stages, sensations, effect.

Cryosauna is a place for cryotherapy. From the outside, the cryosauna cabin looks like a vertical solarium. How is the cryotherapy procedure performed and what effect does it give?

  • The cryosauna cabin uses refrigerated gas (most often liquid nitrogen, cooled to -130 degrees Celsius).
  • Exposure to low temperatures top layer skin, and internal organs remain intact, so there is no risk of getting sick during a cryosauna, unless, of course, you go to the salon with ARVI. The head is not exposed to cold during the procedure.
  • The procedure is very simple: the client climbs into a cryo-cabin, where chilled gas is pumped within 15 seconds, fixed at minus 130 degrees. This cosmetic procedure lasts from one to three minutes.

  • In order to achieve lasting weight loss results, ten to fifteen procedures are required. After the third procedure, the result will already be visible - appearance and their health improves, they leave pain syndromes, depression goes away, sleep problems are eliminated.
  • Cryosauna is a cosmetic procedure that brings pleasant sensations and good mood.
  • If the procedure was carried out correctly, then after the cryosauna the skin should acquire a red tint, and a light blush will appear on the face. After about 10 minutes of leaving the booth, a pleasant warmth spreads throughout your body. If these sensations do not appear, then you will not receive any benefit from subsequent procedures, since there are defects in the operation of the cryosauna cabin.

Cryosauna price – how much does a cryosauna session cost in Russian salons?

Prices for one cryotherapy session in Russian salons vary from 400 to 800 rubles. Some salons issue a subscription for 10 procedures, which costs less than paying for each session separately.

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Cryosauna – new way rejuvenate and improve your health, a device in which the body is exposed to temperatures below zero Fahrenheit for a couple of minutes. In 1978, Japan developed aerocryotherapy, but it was later improved in Europe. Cryotherapy has a beneficial effect on the body, restores natural balance, increases immune system. According to reviews, the course of treatment is short, but the result will not be long in coming. The cryosauna lasts from 10 seconds to 6 minutes, the most optimal time 3 minutes are considered, all in order not to get frostbite. To undergo the procedure, a person puts on socks or shoe covers and non-synthetic underwear, then sends it into a cryo sauna capsule, where cryogenic gas with a temperature of -25 to -150 degrees is supplied. Quantity general therapies cryosaunas from 15 to 20 and each time the temperature drops. The cost of a cryosauna in Russia is as follows: one session – from 500 rubles, 10 sessions – from 5000 rubles. (prices are average).

Cryosauna procedure

When exposed to cold, the body is in a state of stress, this increases metabolism to produce heat. The body is in this state after a cryosauna and lasts about an hour, while about 500 calories are burned. The skin becomes smoother and more elastic, giving it more healthy looking. This sauna is also recommended for weight loss, in postoperative period for recovery, and also for joint pain. The benefits of the cryosauna procedure, as well as the benefits of the bath, have been noted in people who are in constant stress and depression, after the procedure sleep and appetite will improve, the body will be awake because the body produces endorphins. The goal of a cryosauna is to reduce cell metabolism, increase cell survival, and reduce inflammation.

Cryosauna for weight loss

For people with increased weight, the procedure lasts 3 minutes, for greater effect the procedure must be repeated 15-20 times, and 3 such courses should be done, with a break of a month, visible results occur after 5 hours, due to accelerated fat burning. Passive weight loss occurs due to rapid metabolism and improved blood circulation. On average, after completing 10-20 sessions, you can lose from 3 to 10 kg, in other cases, it is possible that the result will be only after repeat course. For best results, combine cryosauna for weight loss with physical activity,

Cryotherapy is a unique medical and cosmetic procedure that is characterized by exposure to extreme cold in order to improve health, rejuvenate, and get rid of various ailments and diseases.

In addition to the therapeutic effect, cryosauna also has a pronounced psychological effect, because low temperatures provoke the release of endorphin, the hormone of happiness, and immediately after the session the patient feels a surge of strength and energy, peace of mind and positive emotions.

Cryotherapy - what is it?

A cryosauna is a facility filled with nitrogen, which is cooled to -140 degrees Celsius. A person enters this capsule and stays there for literally 3 minutes. In this case, the head remains outside so that the patient can calmly breathe normal air at room temperature, and gloves and socks are put on his hands and feet.

These 3 minutes are the entire cryotherapy procedure. The body is exposed to extreme cold for a short time, so it has time to activate all its internal resources and does not have time to freeze. This is high-tech hardening.

Only this is not just hardening, the body is subjected to shock, as with contrasting soul or swimming in an ice hole, the vessels first narrow, then expand, blood circulation intensifies, so he tries with all his might to survive in such an environment.

Thus, during and even after a cryosauna, the body intensively works on itself, activates all its resources, strengthens endurance, immunity, rejuvenates, and accelerates metabolism.

Cryosauna is one of the fastest and most enjoyable cosmetic procedures, while remaining one of the most effective. In the salons of our country, cryotherapy is gaining more and more popularity.

Effects of cryosauna on the body:

  • Increased performance
  • Feeling better and feeling more energy
  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Is a good prevention of colds
  • Organism is being tempered.

How much does a cryosauna session cost? In cryoclinics and spa salons in Russia, the price of one cryotherapy procedure costs from 400 to 800 rubles, sometimes even higher than the luxury salon category. Many clinics sell subscriptions that offer a discount when purchased.

The benefits of cryosauna for beauty and weight loss

  • Blood circulation improves and, as a result, the skin primarily receives nutrition. Thus, it becomes more elastic and beautiful; after a whole course, many note a decrease in the visibility of wrinkles, improvement and evenness of complexion, the appearance of a healthy blush, the skin looks renewed and rejuvenated.
  • The tone of the whole body increases, muscles and blood vessels are strengthened.

  • Cryotherapy burns about 100 calories, so the benefits of a cryosauna for weight loss are a bit exaggerated, but this treatment works on a different level. It speeds up metabolism, so together with proper nutrition and playing sports, you will be able to lose weight much faster, and the result will last a long time, because the body as a whole is healthier.
  • After 3 minutes spent in this cold, the cells in the body begin to regenerate faster, thus, as if trying to adapt and become stronger. As a result, we receive improved well-being, strengthened immunity, and rejuvenation of not only the skin, but the entire body.
  • Cryotherapy accelerates the production of melanin in the skin, so if you go to the solarium immediately after this procedure, the tan will turn out to be extremely beautiful and even.

Treatment with cryotherapy. Indications for use of cryosauna

What concerns therapeutic effects, there are no less of them at the cryosauna. Modern medicine has long begun to use the positive effects of cold to treat many diseases.

  • Psoriasis
  • Dermatitis
  • Various allergies
  • Insomnia
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Arthrosis and arthritis
  • Radiculitis
  • Depression
  • Diseases of the reproductive system
  • Infertility
  • Obesity
  • Rheumatism
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

This is not the entire list, however, it is worth remembering that cryosauna alone will not cure the disease; it brings good results only in conjunction with the main therapy.


Like everything good and useful, cryosauna should not be abused. Due to frequent and intense production of hormones, the adrenal glands can become exhausted.

Without a doctor’s examination, it is not recommended to get carried away with cryotherapy procedures, and although this is beneficial for the body as a whole, you can independently cure the disease or solve the problem this method It can’t, it’s just a good addition to the main treatment.

In addition, cryosauna is contraindicated for those people who suffer from the following diseases:

  • Various forms of cancer, tumors,
  • Hypertension,
  • Mental illness
  • Inflammatory processes
  • Blood diseases

Subject to availability chronic diseases, V mandatory You should consult your doctor before deciding to undergo cryotherapy.

Look interesting video about the cryotherapy procedure:

Just like the ancient Russian custom of swimming in an ice hole to harden the body, a cryosauna increases its resistance, invigorates and adds strength. Those who have already tried this type of healing remain satisfied and enthusiastically talk about such an unusual experiment. If you have already tried cryosauna, share your experience by writing a comment on this material.

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A cryosauna is a piece of equipment that exposes the skin to temperatures below zero degrees Fahrenheit for three minutes or less to provide health benefits to the entire body. Aerocryotherapy was developed in Japan in 1978, and later came to Europe, where it was improved.

Cryosauna corrects physiological processes, restores natural balance, stimulates the body's metabolism and immune system. Treatment courses in a cryosauna, according to reviews, are short, but provoke a quick positive reaction. The results of cryotherapy can be seen 5-10 minutes after treatment and last for at least 6 hours.

The cryotherapy procedure lasts from 60 seconds to 3 minutes and is carried out in a closed cryosauna, where cryogenic gas is supplied with a temperature decrease from -25 to -150 ° C for 30 seconds. General course averages 15-20 procedures, during which the duration of the procedure itself gradually increases. For the procedure, patients wear non-synthetic underwear and shoe covers or socks on their feet.

Benefits of cryotherapy

Exposure to cold causes the body to increase its metabolic rate to produce heat. This effect lasts an hour after the procedure, causing the body to burn about 500 calories. After multiple treatments, the increase in metabolic rate tends to last longer between sessions.

Cold air activates an increase in collagen production in the deep layers of the skin, resulting in smoother skin, restored elasticity and significantly improved general condition skin.

According to reviews, cryosauna is effective procedure in the fight against skin aging, cellulite and overweight, at the same time, the procedure helps speed up post-operative recovery and relieve pain from conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia.

The positive effects of cryosauna are increased energy and improved sleep. With each session, the body releases endorphins, which create a euphoric effect, which helps in the treatment of depression and other mental illness. The purpose of the procedure is to reduce cellular metabolism, increase cell survival, reduce inflammation, pain and spasms, it promotes vasoconstriction, and when extreme temperatures are used, it destroys cells by crystallizing the cytosol.

Cryosauna for weight loss

At overweight The cryosauna procedure for weight loss lasts 3 minutes, over the course of a course consisting of 25-30 procedures. Usually to achieve best result It is necessary to conduct 2-3 courses with a break between them of one month.

Weight loss occurs after the procedure for 4-5 hours, due to the accelerated burning of carbohydrates and the breakdown of fats. In addition, cryosauna accelerates metabolism, improves blood circulation, increases muscle tone, which leads to passive weight loss. On average, after one course of 10 to 20 sessions, weight loss ranges from 3 to 10 kilograms, but cryosauna for weight loss sometimes helps only in the second or third repeated course.

Cryosauna is not only a powerful accelerator metabolic processes, but also has a strong influence on the normalization hormonal balance and burns fat. It is better to combine cryosauna procedures with strict diet And physical exercise such as swimming, fitness, shaping, Pilates, aerobics or dancing.

Indications for cryosauna

Indications for cryosauna include chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, depression and arthrosis. After undergoing a course of cryotherapy, patients usually completely stop taking medications and get rid of their ailments. Also indications for cryosauna are:

  • Insomnia;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Allergies;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Metabolism problems;
  • Impotence;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Ovarian dysfunction;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Obesity;
  • Diabetes mellitus.


Contraindications to cryosauna are:

  • Heart pathologies;
  • Hypertension;
  • Increased temperature and heat;
  • Heart failure;
  • Brain stroke;
  • Myocardial infarction.

Also contraindications to cryosauna are general serious condition patient, thrombophlebitis, hypertension II degree, malignant tumors, pulmonary tuberculosis, individual intolerance cold and hysterical neurosis.

Medicine does not stand still, science is constantly developing, studying new ways to treat people from various ailments. As a result of many years of experience, a physiotherapeutic procedure was created - cryotherapy. During cold physiotherapy, the body is exposed to low temperatures using special equipment - a cryosauna. Currently it is one of the most effective ways rejuvenation and healing of the whole body. This article will talk about the benefits of the procedure, how the session goes, what indications and contraindications exist for physiotherapy. The article will tell you about the benefits of using an air cryosauna as a type of cryotherapy.

Cryotherapy is a procedure in the field medical cosmetology, it is aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, rejuvenating and ridding the body of many diseases through the action of extreme cold.

Cryosauna is a place for cryotherapy. The cryosauna cabin is visually similar to the solarium cabin; here the procedure is also performed while standing. Inside the cryo-cabin, a person is exposed to over low temperatures, namely cooled gas. The gas used is usually pure liquid nitrogen at a temperature of 130 to 140 degrees below zero, or nitrogen in combination with oxygen. The dry mixture is sent in streams. Cold affects the surface layers of the epidermis, cooling the entire area of ​​the body below the shoulders, while the internal organs are not affected. negative impact. The time a person spends in the booth is minimal; there is no need to worry about freezing.

Existing types of cryosaunas:

  • Cabin large area for group sessions;
  • Individual cabin;
  • Cryopool.

What benefits does cold bring?

Under the influence of temperatures such low level the body is actively mobilized, fighting against emerging extreme conditions. Due to the short-term effect of a cryosauna within 2-3 minutes, additional resources of the body are released, which subsequently help fight existing ailments. Cold therapy brings great benefit for the entire body as a whole, corrects the processes occurring inside the body, normalizes balance. Positive effect becomes noticeable no earlier than after three visits. Benefits of cryotherapy:

  • A surge of strength and a feeling of euphoria. At the time of the procedure, the neuroendocrine system produces a pleasure hormone in large quantities;
  • For some time, previously existing painful sensations different localization;
  • Immunity increases, others are activated protective properties body;
  • Leaves nervous tension, rises general tone muscles;
  • Activation of metabolism;
  • The procedure helps fight cellulite;
  • The condition of the skin improves, elasticity returns, fine wrinkles disappear.

Loss noted excess weight after completing a course of therapy. Studies have shown that after 15 sessions of cryotherapy you can reduce weight by 3 – 10 kg. Visiting a cabin with liquid nitrogen will provide the patient powerful charge energy and a surge of strength for a long time.

The fat burning effect improves with a combined visit to the cryosauna and exercise. Greatest efficiency will be achieved if physiotherapy is carried out shortly before training. Thus, the body's energy expenditure during training will increase significantly.

Before attending your first physical therapy session, you should consult with a general practitioner. The doctor will assess your health condition and prescribe necessary tests, will conduct research and then admit the patient to therapy, setting the number of sessions and the duration of each visit.

A cryotherapy session is quite simple. The patient enters the cryogenic cabin; women must wear swimsuits and men must wear swimming trunks. It is recommended to use socks and mittens made of natural wool to avoid overcooling your toes and hands. Cooled gas is supplied inside the cabin, reaching the required temperature in 15 seconds. The achieved temperature mark is maintained throughout the entire further procedure.

Video about using the cryosauna procedure

It's important to know that ice water and cooled gas are not equivalent concepts, the effect of the dry air mixture on the human body is absolutely gentle, it does not bring a feeling of discomfort. The duration of the first visit depends on the patient’s health and feelings. However, the first procedure should not last more than 120 seconds. Throughout the entire session, the patient is provided with continuous attention from staff to monitor his condition and stop the operation of the cabin if necessary.

During the session you will not feel cold, but a tingling sensation may appear. If well tolerated, with the permission of a specialist, the duration of the procedure can be increased. If the physiotherapy carried out is effective, the skin will acquire a red tint, a blush will appear on the cheeks, and warmth will be felt throughout the body. In order for the procedures to produce the desired result, they must be carried out correctly, following all the recommendations of specialists.

The course of treatment lasts from 10 to 20 sessions, depending on the purpose of the visit and the doctor’s prescriptions. It is recommended to visit the sauna regularly or at intervals of one day. You are allowed to visit the booth up to 4 times a day, but only if absolutely necessary and recommended.

Indications for the procedure

  • Dermatological diseases: psoriasis, oily seborrhea, eczema, and other problems in;
  • Joints and spine: arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, herniated discs;
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract: colitis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis;
  • Diseases respiratory system: pneumonia, bronchial asthma;
  • Failures and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system: insomnia, overwork, stress;
  • Liver and kidney diseases.

The list of diseases for which therapeutic cryotherapy is prescribed is wide. However, this method is not the only way treatment, physiotherapy in a cryosauna is used as an element of complex medical treatment.

Who is contraindicated for liquid nitrogen?

Except big list indications and undeniable benefits for health and beauty, treatment with low temperatures is prohibited in a number of cases. List of contraindications for liquid nitrogen therapy:

  • Body temperature is higher than normal;
  • Inflammatory diseases;
  • Blood disease;
  • Colds viral and infectious diseases;
  • Predisposition to thrombosis;
  • Malignant tumors;
  • Hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases;
  • Psychoneurological disorders;
  • Claustrophobia;
  • Chronic infectious diseases of various localizations;
  • Allergic reaction to cold.

Air cryosauna – German know-how

The air cryosauna was created in Germany. This know-how works a little differently than a regular cryotherapy booth. The German development is aimed not only at the upper layers of the skin, the air flow affects the entire body. The temperature in the cabin reaches 85 degrees. The temperature, in combination with dry air, drops to the required level as a result of the operation of a special refrigeration unit. Another significant difference of this air therapy is the complete immersion of a person in a cryosauna, including the head. The session lasts 3 minutes. After therapy, it is recommended to lie in a horizontal, relaxed position for 20 minutes.

To immerse yourself in an air sauna, it is not necessary to visit special medical and cosmetology centers; due to its safety and ease of use, this type of cryotherapy can be performed at home. Before carrying out the procedures, it is recommended to consult a specialist.



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